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Home Explore ARE 4600 Best Spring 2020

ARE 4600 Best Spring 2020

Published by Prof. Denzer, 2021-01-22 18:05:13

Description: ARE 4600 Best Spring 2020


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Ione Chandler Spring 2020 ARE 4600 Prof. Denzer Aerial View (Left) Region Map Lobby Rendering (Below) DeepMind Head-quarters: London Google’s DeepMind Project will be housed in an innovative and modern new building at the King’s Cross development site in London. Featuring retail and cafés on the ground floor, open plan office spaces, a rooftop restaurant and garden spaces, the new Deep- Mind headquarters will benefit more than just the employees. The open plan office spaces and surplus of comfortable collaboration spaces encourage creative designs and effective problem solving. The new office space is to be designed on the corner of York and Goods Way in Lon- don. The building is to be around 450,000 Square feet and of mixed-use design, fea- turing public spaces on the street level. King’s Cross is one of the largest and most exciting redevelopments in London. The 67-acre site has a rich history and a unique setting. What was an underused industrial wasteland is being transformed into a new part of the city with homes, shops, offices, galleries, bars, restaurants, schools, and even a university. North Elevation East Elevation South Elevation West Elevation

Ione Chandler Spring 2020 ARE 4600 Prof. Denzer Site Plan Ground Floor Plan Office Floor Plan Street Level Outdoor Space Detail Floor-to-Floor Section East/West Section North/South Section

Structural Features Carbon Footprint (Beacon) The program Beacon was used to esti- mate the carbon footprint of the Skeleton Steel Framing System chosen structural material and other alternatives. The embodied carbon of the steel structure with concrete cores was found to be 13,994,178 kg of CO2. This value increased dramati- cally when replaced with an entirely concrete structure, and decreased with a timber structure. This is due to the embodied energy (EE) of each ma- terial, the EE of concrete, which is the highest, is 12.5MJ/kg EE, steel is 10.5MJ/kg EE and the lowest is wood with 2.00MJ/kg EE. We can see that steel is not the most sustainable con- struction material, but for the purpose of this project, it was deemed to be the most efficient and effective structural material. The DeepMind building will be constructed of a skeleton steel Structural Plan Precedent/Inspiration framing system. All gravity loads in skeleton frame structures are supported by beams and columns. The distance between Sustainability Features Prior to this project, I researched the Brunel columns can be established according to the functions and re- Building in London, designed by Fletcher Priest quirements of the structure. Therefore, there are no Architects in collaboration with Arup. I was in- restrictions that limit the area of the floor and the roof of the spired by the highly flexible floor plans. The ar- building. It was for this reason that this framing system was rangement of the spaces can be configured chosen for this large scale project. differently on each floor to suit the needs of the company and the employees. I would like to insti- Skeleton Steel Framing System tute similar strategies in my design. For a compa- ny specializing in AI, I believe a highly flexible workspace will inspire collaboration and innova- tive thinking. Precedent– Brunel Building The DeepMind building will accom- Concept Sketch modate a variety of sustainable ar- chitectural strategies to offset the large carbon footprint. This project implements passive sustainable de- sign, including smart daylighting and shading techniques. The panel- ing on the façade doubles as vertical shading devices to prevent unwant- ed solar heat gain. Additional strate- gies include the implementation of high-efficiency electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems. We are also committed to purchasing the steel, concrete, and finishing materials from companies that use environ- mentally responsible manufacturing techniques or recycled materials. Precedent/ Concept

DeepMind Headquarters Ground Floor Plan 6th Floor Office Plan Kings Cross, London N Peyton Smith Denzer ARE 4600 Midterm Floor Schedule DeepMind, an artificial intelligence company who has recently partnered with Google, has chosen the corner of York Way and Good Way in Kings Cross, London to place their headquarters. The 17 story, 446,000 sq. ft. building is made of steel and wrapped in curtain wall systems. The main cladding material is a dark grey stone paired with wood panels. The South building features cut outs with small atriums. The low- est cutout oversees one of the two lobbies in DeepMind headquarters. The top most cutout features a spacious luxury community kitchen for the DeepMind employees. Connecting the two sections of the DeepMind Headquarters is a walking bridge and a bump out space for col- laborative design. The bump out space on the North side overlooks the second lobby. The second lobby features a cozy cafe for the Deep- Mind Employees and London pedestrians. The ground floor also features plenty of room for retail and a restaurant. Taking the express ele- vator in the North building, guests and employees can enjoy the rooftop restaurant with great views of the city. Choose between indoor and outdoor seating along with a patio featuring plenty of comfortable seating, firepits, and a shaded area for games such as cornhole. The South building features a rooftop garden with walkways and outdoor work spaces. Precedents Concept Sketch The Max Thyssenkrupp Headquarters An apartment complex in New Company headquarters located York City 44 stories tall over- in Berlin, Germany. The big cut- looking the Manhattan Water- outs in the building stood out front. I got inspiration from the to me most. I felt they gave the building’s facade and block-y building some dimension. Tak- shape. The facade was very eye ing inspiration from this, I add- catching and I like the straight ed cutouts to my building on edge appeal. I liked the hint at a the corners to give the building pattern without there actually some physical dimension. being an official pattern to the way the windows are placed.

Elevations Site Plan Pedestrian View North East South West Sections North Building Section South Building Section Full Building Section Floor to Floor Section Full Building East Face Rendering North Building Lobby South Building Lobby

Kings Cross Site Information Kings Cross Station St Pancras International Station Coal Drops Yard Kings Cross is a major railway interchange in central Lon- don home to major train stations Kings Cross Station, St Pancras International, and Euston Station. In the start of the 21st century the area began to be regenerated using funds from the King's Cross Partnership. After the installment of High Speed 1, a railway linking London and the Channel Tunnel, big businesses, groups, and organizations began moving to the area. These include the Gagosian Gallery, the London Sinfonietta, the Orchestra of the Age of Enlighten- ment, The Guardian and The Observer newspapers, and Uni- versity of the Arts London. Other attractions in the town in- clude The London Canal Museum, the British Library, and Coal Drops Yard shopping complex. A number of now public parks and squares have popped up since as well, including Granary Square, Lewis Cubitt Park and Square, and Gashold- er Park. University of the Arts and Granary Square Gasholder Park The British Library Second Floor Structural Plan Beacon Results for Steel Structure Sustainability The carbon footprint of a building represents the amount of energy, greenhouse gases, and waste that is generated during the construction process. While it is difficult to estimate factors such as machine emissions, transportation emissions, etc. By using a program called Beacon I was able to estimate the amount of embodied carbon the building design would output depending on the materials used. I have chosen to design the building out of steel with a concrete core due to the light appearance steel allows the building to have. I have also chosen steel because of the curtain wall system and amount of glass the building will have. Using a steel frame will pair best with the amount of glass in my opinion. From the Beacon results, the building will output 19,899,978 kg of CO2 total. Knowing that this value is quite high, I will implement other carbon saving designs to reduce the impact of the building’s carbon footprint. These designs include installing high performance windows, using good insulation/sealing to cut down on heating and cooling costs, installing automatic dimming lights based on natural light in room (can be controlled manu- ally), using LED lighting, and installing Smart CO2 sensing controls that allow air to be distributed according to the number of people in a space. About the Structure Integrated ceiling panels combine heating, cooling, lighting Rainwater from the roof, and grey water sources, like basins and show- and acoustic functions in an innovative petal-leaf design. ers, is captured, treated and recycled to serve vacuum flush toilets. The DeepMind Headquarters building will be made out of steel framing with 12” thick con- crete wall cores. The flooring will be 3” LW Concrete on a 2” metal deck. The steel girders and -From Bloomberg Headquarters -From Bloomberg Headquarters joists are W 18 X 76’s and W 24 x 104’s. The columns are W 14 x 107’s all throughout the building. The cores are cast in place concrete reinforced with rebar. The columns are spaced 30’ to 45’ apart. The longest span for the W 24 x 104 girder is 52’. 3D structural system High performance commercial windows diagram Demand Controlled Ventilation system diagram.

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