“Everyone said it was impossible, until TOTALLUXstopped by. They didn’t know the word impossible.”
TOTALLUX B.V. is a Dutch company established in 2003. We develop and supplycustom made and standard LED lighting solutions. Our experienced and devotedteam is wel able to listen and to guide our customers ideas and wishes into reality.We've designed a plug & play solution for the veranda/wintergarden industry thatis quick, flexible and easy to install. Our spots are designed to fit seamlessly intothe aluminum roof system, creating a functional and beautiful lighting solution. Oursystem is very flexible and allows you to create your own custom and ready-madeset with spots and drivers. Just plug and play! TOTALLUX B.V.Antennestraat 76 • 1322 AS Almere • The Netherlands TEL +31 (0)36 529 1756 • FAX +31 (0)36 529 1757 info@totallux.nl • www.totallux.nlINDEX Pages 04—09 Pages 10—11LEDspots Pages 12—15Wall-LED Pages 16—25Cable System Pages 26—31Receivers & Remotes Pages 32—35Drivers Pages 36—37TOTALLUX solutions for Somfy Pages 38—39LEDstrips Accessories WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 3
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 LEDSPOTSLEDspots 700mA 19mmFunkyArt: 50.04.5400TLX LEDspot Ø 25mmFixedCREE XTE 3 watt/700mA2800K20cm cable includedMini Opera 28mmArt: 50.04.0031 30mmTLX LEDspot Ø 35mm 30mmFixedCREE XTE 3 watt/700mA2800K20cm cable includedOperaArt: 50.04.5010TLX LEDspot Ø 35mmFixedCREE XTE 3 watt/700mA2800K20cm cable includedConcertoArt: 50.04.5011TLX LEDspot Ø 42mmFixedCREE XTE 3 watt/700mA2800K20cm cable included WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 5
LEDSPOTS LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 45mm 45mm LEDspots 700mA 45mm 45mm Classic Art: 50.04.5100 TLX LEDspot Ø 50mm Adjustable CREE XTE 3 watt/700mA 2800K 20cm cable included Classic Recessed Art: 50.04.0480 TLX LEDspot Ø 50mm Adjustable CREE XTE 3 watt/700mA 2800K 20cm cable included Jazz Art: 50.04.5200 TLX LEDspot Ø 50mm Adjustable CREE XTE 3 watt/700mA 2800K 20cm cable included Rock Art: 50.04.5301 TLX LEDspot Ø 50mm Adjustable CREE XTE 3 watt/700mA 2800K 20cm cable included6 WWW.TOTALLUX.NL
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 LEDSPOTSLEDspots 700mAMegaflat 42mmArt: 50.04.6200TLX LEDspot Ø 55mmFixedCREE XTE 3 watt/700mA2800K20cm cable includedCinema 27,2mmArt: 50.04.8011TLX LEDspot Ø 40mm 16mmSurface mounted, Fixed 30mmCREE XTE 3 watt/700mA2800K20cm cable includedSwivelArt: 50.04.0076TLX LEDspot Ø 20mmFixedCREE XTE 3 watt/700mA2800K20cm cable includedTheaterArt: 50.04.8001TLX LEDspot Ø 30mmSurface Mounted, ScrewableCREE XTE 3 watt/700mA2800K20cm cable included WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 7
LEDSPOTS LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 45mm 45mm LEDspots 350mA 30mm 56mm Bach Art: 50.04.4400 TLX LEDspot Ø 62mm Adjustable COB COB Sharp 3,5 watt/350mA 2800K Warm White 20cm cable included Pop Art: 50.04.6100 TLX LEDspot Ø 50mm Adjustable COB COB Sharp 3,5 watt/350mA 2800K Warm White 20cm cable included Blues Art: 50.04.6000 TLX LEDspot Ø 42mm Fixed COB COB Sharp 3,5 watt/350mA 2800K WW 20cm cable included Rap Art: 50.04.0070 TLX LEDspot Ø 65mm Fixed COB COB Sharp 3,5 watt/350mA 3000K Warm White 20cm cable included8 WWW.TOTALLUX.NL
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 LEDSPOTS WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 9
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 WALL-LEDTLX Wall-LED, Set of 2 64Art: 50.07.0045Ø 35mm x 61mm 49Square downSurface mounted 35*351x 3 Watt/700mAIP54, 2800K2x 9m cable includedTLX Wall-LED, Set of 2Art: 50.07.0020Ø 35mm x 85mmRound up and downSurface mounted2x 3 Watt/700mAIP54, 2800K2x 9m cable includedTLX Wall-LED, Set of 2Art: 50.07.006035mm x 85mmSquare up and downSurface mounted2x 3 Watt/700mAIP54, 2800K2x 9m cable includedTLX Wall-LEDArt: 50.07.0100125mm x 65mm x 38mmDeco downSurface mounted3x 1 Watt/350mAIP54, 2800K WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 11
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 CABLE SYSTEMLED Extension CablesTLX LED Extension CableArt: 50.16.0256 — 1 meterArt: 50.16.0250 — 2 meterArt: 50.16.0251 — 3 meterArt: 50.16.0252 — 5 meterArt: 50.16.0253 — 7 meterArt: 50.16.0257 — 9 meterArt: 50.16.0254 — 10 meterLED DistributorsTLX LED 2-way DistributorArt: 50.26.0090 — 2 meter cable (stripped) and 1 jumper includedArt: 50.26.0095 — 2 meter cable and 1 jumper includedTLX LED 3-way DistributorArt: 50.26.0100 — 20 cm cableArt: 50.26.0101 — 20 cm cable (stripped)Art: 50.26.0110 — 2 meter cableTLX LED 4-way DistributorArt: 50.26.0150 — 2 meter cable (stripped) and 2 jumpers includedTLX LED 6-way DistributorArt: 50.26.0200 — 20 cm cableArt: 50.26.0201 — 20 cm cable (stripped)Art: 50.26.0210 — 2 meter cableArt: 50.26.0230 — 4 meter cableJumpersJumperArt: 50.26.0300 WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 13
CABLE SYSTEM LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 Male Female Male Female MaleEndcap Connector Connector Connector Connector New IP65 Cable System On request available to replace the classic cables. Our new cable system is classified IP65, making it perfect for outdoor applications. Moreover, because of the screw connectors, the cables will never unintentionally disconnect again.14 WWW.TOTALLUX.NL
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 CABLE SYSTEM WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 15
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 RECEIVERS & REMOTESDimsets, 5 ChannelLED RF Dim Set 5 Channel Each set includes:230V/ 700mA 1x Art: 50.15.0250Each outlet max 6 spots LED RF Remote 5-Channel 1x Art: 50.15.0260On request available for max 8 spots LED Receiver 700maSelect your combination below:Art: 50.15.0282 1x Art: 50.14.004630W Snappy 24V 30W1-10 LEDspots 2x Art: 50.26.0101 3-way Distributor with 20cm cableArt: 50.15.0298 1x Art: 50.14.004240W Snappy 24V 40W1-13 LEDspots 2x Art: 50.26.0101 3-way Distributor with 20cm cableArt: 50.15.0291 1x Art: 50.14.004150W Snappy 24V 50W1-16 LEDspots 4x Art: 50.26.0101 3-way Distributor with 20cm cableArt: 50.15.0297 1x Art: 50.14.004760W Snappy 24V 60W1-20 LEDspots 4x Art: 50.26.0101 3-way Distributor with 20cm cableArt: 50.15.0292 1x Art: 50.14.004375W Snappy 24V 75W1-24 LEDspots 4x Art: 50.26.0201 6-way Distributor with 20cm cable 4x Art: 50.26.0300 JumperArt: 50.15.0293 1x Art: 50.14.2030100W Meanwell 36V 100W1-32 LEDspots 4x Art: 50.26.0201 6-way Distributor with 20cm cable 4x Art: 50.26.0300 Jumper WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 17
RECEIVERS & REMOTES LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 Dimsets, 1 Channel LED RF Dim Set 1 Channel Each set includes: 230V/ 700mA 1x Art: 50.15.0252 Each outlet max 6 spots LED RF Remote 1-Channel 1x Art: 50.15.0260 Select your combination below: LED Receiver 700ma Art: 50.15.0355 1x Art: 50.14.0046 30W Snappy 24V 30W 1-10 LEDspots 2x Art: 50.26.0101 Art: 50.15.0360 3-way Distributor with 20cm cable 40W 1-13 LEDspots 1x Art: 50.14.0042 Snappy 24V 40W Art: 50.15.0365 50W 2x Art: 50.26.0101 1-16 LEDspots 3-way Distributor with 20cm cable Art: 50.15.0375 1x Art: 50.14.0041 60W Snappy 24V 50W 1-20 LEDspots 4x Art: 50.26.0101 Art: 50.15.0380 3-way Distributor with 20cm cable 75W 1-24 LEDspots 1x Art: 50.14.0047 Snappy 24V 60W 4x Art: 50.26.0101 3-way Distributor with 20cm cable 1x Art: 50.14.0043 Snappy 24V 75W 4x Art: 50.26.0201 6-way Distributor with 20cm cable 4x Art: 50.26.0300 Jumper Art: 50.15.0385 1x Art: 50.14.2030 100W Meanwell 36V 100W 1-32 LEDspots 4x Art: 50.26.0201 6-way Distributor with 20cm cable 4x Art: 50.26.0300 Jumper18 WWW.TOTALLUX.NL
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 RECEIVERS & REMOTESIP56 Dimsets Included: 1x Art: 50.15.0250IP56 Dimset, 5 Channel LED RF Remote 5-ChannelArt: 50.15.0287 1x Art: 50.15.026030W LED Receiver 700ma1-10 LEDspots 1x Art: 50.14.0046230V/ 700mA Snappy 24V 30W 2x Art: 50.26.0101 3-way Distributor with 20cm cable IP56 Box + Cable Glands, 200x155x80mmIP56 Dimset, 1 Channel Included:Art: 50.15.0356 1x Art: 50.15.025230W LED RF Remote 1-Channel1-10 LEDspots 1x Art: 50.15.0260230V/ 700mA LED Receiver 700ma 1x Art: 50.14.0046 Snappy 24V 30W 2x Art: 50.26.0101 3-way Distributor with 20cm cable IP56 Box + Cable Glands, 200x155x80mmOther IP56 Dimsets available on request. WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 19
RECEIVERS & REMOTES LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 Receivers LED RF Receiver Suitable for: Art: 50.15.0260 700mA LEDspots. Input: 12V-36V See pages 5-7 Output: 4x 700mA Each outlet max 6 spots On request available for max 8 spots per outlet. Choose the correct driver Size: 178x46x18mm 20 meter distance LED RF Receiver Suitable for: Art: 50.15.0265 350mA LEDspots. Input: 12V-36V See page 8 Output: 4x 350mA Each outlet max 2 spots On request available for max 3 spots per outlet. Choose the correct driver Size: 178x46x18mm 20 meter distance LED RF Receiver Suitable for: 24V LEDstrips Art: 50.15.0266 See page 37 Input: 12V-36V Output: 4x 24V Max 4x 5A Choose the correct driver Size: 178x46x18mm 20 meter distance20 WWW.TOTALLUX.NL
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 RECEIVERS & REMOTESPhase Cut-off Suitable for: - Dimmable LED lamps,Triac Wall Dimmer - Primary Dimmable LED drivers,Art: 50.15.0268 - Low voltage Halogen lamps withInput: 100-240V AC dimmable electronic transformersOutput: 1x 400WSize: 45x45x20,3mm max 200W - 230V Halogen Lamps RF and wired Push Switch max 400W RecessedWall SwitchArt: 50.15.0267Input: 100-240V ACOutput: 1x 400WSize: 45x45x20,3mm RF and wired Push Switch Recessed WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 21
RECEIVERS & REMOTES LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 Remotes LED RF Remote, 1 channel Art: 50.15.0252 1 channel Single color LED RF Remote, 5 channels Art: 50.15.0250 5 channels Single color LED RF Glass Remote Art: 50.15.0246 Dimmer 1 channel LED RF Table Remote Art: 50.15.0258 Dimmer 1 channel Single color22 WWW.TOTALLUX.NL
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 RECEIVERS & REMOTESLED RF Mini RemoteArt: 50.15.0263Button roundDimmer On/OffSize: Ø 32mmLED RF Mini RemoteArt: 50.15.0264Button squareDimmer On/OffSize: 32x32mmBattery for Lighting RemoteArt: 04.01.0001CR 20253V Lithium-cell WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 23
RECEIVERS & REMOTES LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 Wired Pulse Switch Black Art: 35.06.0030 Recessed Dimmer On/Off Size: Ø 21mm Pulse Switch White Art: 35.06.0020 Surface Mounted Dimmer On/Off Size: 60x60x40mm Dimmer 1-10V Art: 50.15.0247 Input: 200mA Output: 4x (1-10V) Single Color Power: 230V DC Size: 86x86x416mm N.B.: IP2024 WWW.TOTALLUX.NL
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 RECEIVERS & REMOTES WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 25
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 DRIVERSPulse/1-10V DimmableLED Driver For dimmer 1-10VDimmable: 0/1-10V Art: 50.15.0247Input: 100-265V see page 24Output: 700mASize: 262x29x20mmN.B.: IP67Art: 50.14.8520Output: 17,5W 15-25VN.B.: 4-6 spotsArt: 50.14.8511Output: 31,5W 27-45VN.B.: 8-12 spotsArt: 50.14.8515Output: 38,5W 33-55VN.B.: 9-14 spotsFulham LED Driver L05011l2Art: 50.14.6000Input: 180-240VOutput: 1-20W 6-42V DC 150mA-1200mA CCDimmable: 1-10V /PulseSize: 110x50x24mmN.B.: Min 2 spots, Enec CertificateFulham LED Driver L05031Art: 50.14.6004Input: 180-240VOutput: 1-30W 6-42V DC 100mA-1400mA CCDimmable: 1-10V /PulseSize: 110x52x23,5mmN.B.: Min 2 spots WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 27
DRIVERS LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 TCI LED Driver Jolly US PLV Art: 50.14.6240 Input: 110-240V Output: 1-32W 6-42V 350mA-900mA Dimmable: 1-10V /Pulse Size: 103x67x21mm N.B.: 1-12 spots For 1-10V, remove internal bridge TCI LED Driver Maxi Jolly US PLV Art: 50.14.6270 Input: 110-240V Output: 1-50W 250-700mA Max 90V Dimmable: 1-10V /Pulse Size: 124x78x23,5mm N.B.: 1-18 spots For 1-10V, remove internal bridge LED Synchronization Cable Art: 50.16.0000 50cm cable for Jolly US PLV 50.14.6240 Art: 50.16.0005 150cm cable for Jolly US PLV 50.14.624028 WWW.TOTALLUX.NL
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 DRIVERSPrimair DimmableSnappy LED DriverArt: 50.14.0180Input: 220-240VOutput: 12-24W 17-34V DC 700mA CCDimmable: Trailing EdgeSize: 157x35x23,5mmN.B.: 6-9 spotsSnappy LED DriverArt: 50.14.0185Input: 220-240VOutput: 18-36W 42,5-85,5V DC 700mA CCDimmable: Trailing EdgeSize: 167x41x29mmN.B.: 8-10 spotsFulham LED Driver L05021Art: 50.14.6002Input: 230-240VOutput: 12W Max 32V DC 350mA / 700mA CCDimmable: Trailing EdgeSize: 99x39x23mmN.B.: 1-4 spots, Enec CertificateQLT LED Driver PLKE3030BArt: 50.14.6500Input: 230VOutput: 3-9W Max 12V DC 700mA CCDimmable: Trailing EdgeSize: 120x31x19mmN.B.: 1-3 spotsTCI LED Driver Jolly MDArt: 50.14.6200Input: 220-240VOutput: 32W Max 55V DC 350-700mA CCDimmable: Trailing or Leading EdgeSize: 166x47x35mmN.B.: Enec Certificate WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 29
DRIVERS LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 Non-Dimmable LED Driver 700mA Non-Dimmable Art: 50.14.0048 Input: 220-240V Output: 10-20W Max 29V DC 700mA CC Size: 154x50x14mm N.B.: 4-7 spots Art: 50.14.0049 Input: 220-240V Output: 30W 21,3-42,8V DC 700mA CC Size: 154x57,8x18mm N.B.: 6-10 spots LED Driver 24V Non-Dimmable Art: 50.14.0046 Input: 220-240V Output: 30W-24V CV Size: 160x58x18mm Art: 50.14.0042 Input: 220-240V Output: 40W-24V CV Size: 160x58x18mm Art: 50.14.0041 Input: 220-240V Output: 50W-24V CV Size: 185x64x22mm Art: 50.14.0047 Input: 220-240V Output: 60W-24V CV Size: 185x64x22mm Art: 50.14.0043 Input: 220-240V Output: 75W-24V CV Size: 170x44x28mm Art: 50.14.0053 Input: 220-240V Output: 100W-24V CV Size: 321x28x19mm30 WWW.TOTALLUX.NL
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 DRIVERSBluetoothLED Bluetooth SetArt: 50.15.0245Input: 220-240V HCOutput: 42W 700mASize: 103x67x30mmN.B.: mA adjustable with dipswitches WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 31
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 SOMFY SOLUTIONS700mA Drivers For dimmer 1-10V Art: 50.15.0247LED Driver see page 24Dimmable: 0/1-10VInput: 100-265VOutput: 700mASize: 262x29x20mmN.B.: IP67Art: 50.14.8520Output: 17,5W 15-25VN.B.: 4-6 spotsArt: 50.14.8511Output: 31,5W 27-45VN.B.: 8-12 spotsArt: 50.14.8515Output: 38,5W 33-55VN.B.: 9-14 spots WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 33
SOMFY SOLUTIONS LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 24V Drivers LED Driver IO Dimmable 0-100% Input: AC 100-265V Dimmable: 0/1-10V N.B.: IP66 Art: 50.14.0700 Output: 30W 24V CV Size: 257x29x20mm Art: 50.14.0703 Output: 60W 24V CV Size: 200x68x45mm Art: 50.14.0705 Output: 100W 24V CV Size: 230x68x45mm Art: 50.14.0707 Output: 150W 24V CV Size: 256x78x46mm Art: 50.14.0708 Output: 200W 24V CV Size: 256x78x46mm Art: 50.14.0709 Output: 300W 24V CV Size: 276x78x47mm34 WWW.TOTALLUX.NL
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 SOMFY SOLUTIONSReceivers & RemotesSomfy IO LED Dimset Included:Art: 50.15.0271 TCI Driver Jolly US PLV - Art: 50.14.6240700mA1-10 spots Somfy Light Dimmer - Art: 50.15.0272IP56 IP56 Box + Cable Glands, 110x150x70mm 1x Art: 50.13.2200Somfy Lighting Dimmer ReceiverArt: 50.15.0272IO 18224211-10V DimmerSize: 90x40x30mmSomfy Lighting RemoteArt: 50.15.0278Situo 1 IO Pure1 ChannelSize: 36x145x15mmDistance: 15 meterSomfy Lighting RemoteArt: 50.15.0279Situo 5 IO Pure5 ChannelsSize: 36x145x15mmDistance: 15 meterSomfy RTS LED Dimset Included:Art: 50.15.0276 TCI Driver BULL 24V 8W - Art: 50.14.6250700mA1-12 spots TCI Driver Jolly US PLV - Art: 50.14.6240IP56 Somfy RTS Receiver - Art: 50.15.0277 IP56 Box + Cable Glands, 110x150x70mm Art: 50.13.2200Somfy Lighting Remote RTSArt: 50.15.02745 ChannelsSize: 41x134 WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 35
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 LEDSTRIPSLEDstrip 2835LEDs per meter: 120Width: 10mmLength: 5 meters per rollCutting length: 50mmPower: 24V DCColor Temperature: 2800KCRI: CRI80IP Rating: IP65Art. 50.02.2000 7 WattArt. 50.02.2050 14 WattLED ProfilesOn request available, aluminium profiles with PMMA covers in the colorsTransparent, Frosted and Opal. The selected models shown below areespecially suited for the LEDstrips above. WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 37
ACCESSORIES Euro Cable, 2 meter Art: 15.02.2003 White Art: 15.02.2005 Black Motion Sensor Klemko Art: 35.06.0040 Input: 220-240V, 50Hz Electric Load: 2000W Ohms 1000W Halogen Detection Angle: 240° Detection Range: 6-16m Duty Cycle: 10sec-10min Luminance: 2-2000lux Sensitivity: Adjustable Rotation of Lens: ± 60° N.B.: IP45 Cable Connector For cable 2.5mm2 Max 6,5-12mm Size: 75x26mm IP68 Art: 50.13.5001 2 pole connector Art: 50.13.5000 3 pole connector Customized Boxes and Sets Assortment Box Art: 04.02.0001 With a selection made to your specifications and/or needs.38 WWW.TOTALLUX.NL
LED Veranda/Wintergarden 2018-2019 ACCESSORIES Customized LED set Create a combination that best suits your company. WWW.TOTALLUX.NL 39
TOTALLUX B.V. was established in 2003 and is specialized inlighting solutions and LED lighting. TOTALLUX offers the \"total\"solution for your lighting \"lux\" ideas - ranging from standardsparts to specials for the industry. The TOTALLUX lightingsupplies program includes standard lighting components -from the plug up to the light source - LED lights, completeprojects, and special prelude fixtures. TOTALLUX is capableof converting your drawing or model to the compontents andfixtures needed for your desired endproduct. This allows you to create your own exclusive look. Antennestraat 76 • 1322 AS Almere • The Netherlands TEL +31 (0)36 529 1756 • FAX +31 (0)36 529 1757 info@totallux.nl • www.totallux.nl
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