PRODUCTv INDOOR & OUTDOOR PLANTS & SUCCULENTS CERAMIC & RESIN POTS INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Growing plants for over 18 years and a passion for decor, design and green spaces
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consHeocrtiLtCeooutrtueurrme waaidps laispuunimcshecddianos aglon reextsleiintts,ioansmoef dehetr,passion, not only for plants but do eailusosdcméoconor.sdBeascetedteimnttuhperoKawrad-iZinuplucisNicdatiainldMguidnelanltidts,, Csoeletdte has been growing plants ut lafboroovdreeor 18eeyietuarsds.moloodretemmpaogrniancaidli-idunt quenimuat dlabmoirneimet vdeonloiaremm, qauginsa ali- nostrudqueexneirmciatadtimoniniumllavmenciaom, quis laborisnnoisstiruudt aelxiqerucii.tation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliqui. CConotenntetsnt 05 ContentPCUOTLOYOURUSR TITLE HERE SERVICES 01 PUPBTUATYROCYUEORLUOTRINTTALIETHLEERHEERE AMAZON 06 PUPCTUATYIROYOUORUTRITTLIETHLEERHEERE WOODEN STANDS 01 0057 PUPATUUTYROOYUORRAUTRITTLIETHLEERHEERE 08 RIO PUPVTUICTYTOYOUORRUITARITTLIETHLEERHEERE 05 0079 PUPETUVETYORYUEOSRUTTRITTLIETHLEERHEERE 10 SAHARA 07 0192 PUPATUNTYGOEYUOLRUTRITTLIETHLEERHEERE 14 09 1315 SYDNEY PUDTEYCOOURRATTIITVLEE PHOERTES 13 16 CONTACT 15 18 15 1178 19 17 20 22
Even after having spent so many years in my gardens, whether it is at dusk or at dawn, in sunlight and twilight, I still find myself wandering among their beauty, lost in reverie.
horti couture
Spring Colour Collection 2022 YOUR GREAT TITLE Lor e m ip s um dol or si t am e t , c on s e c te t ur ad ip - i s c i n g e l i t , s e d do e i us m o d te m p or i n c i d i d un t l abore et dolore magna aliqu am, at que send dol or i t veni m us . Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusm Four Newtempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad mini veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea modo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusm Colours this S pringtempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad mini veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea modo consequat.
SERVICES Our Services Installation: Our own range of planters, or Once the design aspects are solidified, our bespoke custom planters. expert installation team will set everything in motion for you and then confirm a date to Consultation and design of your complete the installation. space. Maintenance Options: Expert advice on planters and plants to suit the light and The care we take with your space extends environment longevity and ease past installation; we also offer on-going of maintenance. plant maintenance. Adding plants to achieve the We don’t want any plants dying on you, so scientifically proven results of therefore are offer both residential and improved are quality. commercial clients maintenance. Ensuring optimum levels of watering. Monitoring and providing for the plants nutritional needs. Insect and fungus control. Pruning, trimming and cleaning foli- age. Re-potting and topping up of soil when needed.
CERAMIC POTS Barcelona Perfect for tabletops, counters, reception and office desks. SIZES & COSTS • Medium (27cm Open At Top) - R698.00 • Large (33cm Open At Top) - R825.00 Prices incl. VAT. Excludes delivery
AMAZON Our Textured Range adds a little something extra. Combined with one of our wooden stands to create height and structure. SIZES & COSTS • 33cm Wide x 36cm High - R885.00 (Excluding stands) Prices incl. VAT. Excludes delivery PROJECT NAME Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. By Name Surname 2013 - 2016
PROJECT NAME CAIRO Lorem ipsum dolor This versatile planter with its smooth finish sit amet, consectetur on a stand or even on a big surface area for a adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidi- bold statement. dunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. SIZES & COSTS By 22cm Wide x 24cm High - R475.00• Name Surname 27cm Wide x 30cm High - R650.00 • 2017 - 2019 (Excluding stands) Prices incl. VAT. Excludes delivery
Wooden Stands for Ceramic Pots Our solid wooden stands are locally made and well suited to the South African climate.
SIZES & COSTS • 22cm - R352.00 • 27cm Short - R352.00 • 27cm Tall - R412.50 • 33cm Short - R412.50 • 33cm Tall - R522.50 Prices incl. VAT. Excludes delivery Kiaat Oak Honey Coat Light Saligna
FIBRE GLASS POTS AURORA TTioiorree, ,nnoossssimimaaioionnsseennddeenneessssuunn-- ddeemmqquuaammimimaaggnnititaaeecceerreemmddeel-l- lolorrmmaaggnnisisddoolulu.. OOmmnnimimoossaauutetesstti innisisininccttoorruumm, ,ididuucciaiass sseeqquuisissseennddiciciaiaeeccoorreennttaacceeppttioioccuumm fufuggiaiaeepprrootetemmffuuggiaiasseexxeettqquuooeexxeerruumm aappidideelllalannaatetemmqquuaammeerreemmininttvveerruummeett, , qquui iddeebbitiataqquuiiccuummeessimimoolulutteemmrreennoonn ppeel leettooddititioiorrioioDDiiooffficiciuiurraattrreessaaccuuss,,aaccii aaccccaabboorreessttmmooddqquuooddititaattvvoolelesseerrssppieienn-- ddicicieiennttipipssaaee. .
Our Aurora range of proudly • 33cm Wide x 16.5cm Deep - R682.00 • 40cm Wide x 20cm Deep - R792.00 TITLE WRITESouth African hanging pots• Line Art Design - Extra - R180.000 • Includes an inner watering system as are the perfect match for your home or patio. IN HERE well as stainless steel cables and hook. Prices incl. VAT. Excludes delivery SIZES & COSTS
RIO The Rio fibreglass pots are designed to add style and structure to any indoor plant display at home or at the office. SIZES & COSTS • 33cm Wide x 34cm High - R1095.00 • Line Art Design - Extra - R220.00 • Includes Styler-liner watering system Prices incl. VAT. Excludes delivery
VICTORIA The Crown Jewel of our fibreglass pots, SIZES & COSTS The Victoria! This pot will make a Royal statement in your home or office. • 36cm Wide x 51cm High - R1260.00 • Line Art Design - Extra - R220.00 • 43cm Wide x 51cm High - R1775.00 • Line Art Design - Extra - R315.00 • Includes Styler-liner watering system Prices incl. VAT. Excludes delivery
EBEVSTETIRTLEEST The Everest Pots are the largest in our fibreglass range. These giants create the perfect first iLmopreremssiiopnsuamt andyoslopracsiotuasmeent,racnocnesoercftoeyteurr. adip- iscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt Suiztelas b&oCroesetst: dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim •a7d2cmmiWniimde vxe6n0ciammH,igqhu-isR3n2o4s6t.r5u0d exercitation ••u7Lli2lnacemmAcWrtoiDdleeasbxigo7n5ric-smEnxHtirsiagi -huRt-3Ra935l6i.q010u0.i0p0ex ea commodo •cInocnlusedeqsuSatyt.ler-liner watering system Prices incl. VAT. Excludes delivery
PROJECT NAME PROJECT NAME Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed Ldooreemiuipssmumoddolor sit tempor incaimdiedt,usnedt udto eiusmod labore et dteomloproer mincaidgindaunt ut aliqua. labore et dolore magna aliqua. By By Name SurnNaammeeSurname 2013 - 20162013 - 2016 PROJECTPRNOAJMECET NAME Lorem ipsuLmoredmoilposrumsitdolor sit amet, sed admoeet,isuesdmdoodeiusmod tempor incteidmidpournitncuidtidunt ut labore et dlaobloorreeemt daoglonrea magna aliqua. aliqua. By By Name Surname Name Sur2n0a13m-e2016 2013 - 2016
Sahara Made from lightweight fibreglass icnocaluteddinmgPeatRnalOos psJttaiEonnCdosT.f thNreAe MpoEwder SIZES & CLOoSreTSm ipsum dolor sit 38.5cm WWiiddeeaxxm6550eccmmt,HHsiiggehhd-- RR11d54o8500..00e00iusmod 38.5cm 38.5cm Widetex 8m0cpmoHrighin- Rc1i6d25i.d00unt ut • Includes powder coated metals stands • AInvcaluiladbelseSintlyagleob-Lldion, werrhewiteaetaetnridndgbolsayclsokterme. • magna aliqua.(Including Stands) Prices incl. VAT. Excludes delivery By Name Surname 2013 - 2016 PROJECT NAME ANGEL Lorem ipsum dolor sit Our rounded version of the Sahara amet, sed do eiusmod Range, also made from lightweight tempor incididunt ut fibreglass and a range of different stand labore et dolore magna options. aliqua. SIZES & COSTS By Name Surname 2013 - 2016 38.5cm Wide x 50cm High - R1480.00 38.5cm Wide x 65cm High - R1550.00 38.5cm Wide x 80cm High - R1625.00 • Includes powder coated metals stands • Available in gold, white and black • Includes Style-Liner watering system. (Including Stands) Prices incl. VAT. Excludes delivery
SYDNEY Our Sydney Range takes inspiration from the bottoPmRA, OnitgiJselaEplsCootT,mbauNdt ewAfirMtohmEa dligeheptweer ihgahrtdfeibr rceugrlvaesds and a range of different stand options. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed do eiusmod SIZES & COSTS tempor incididu4422nccmmt utWide x 42cm High - R1480.00 Wide x 57cm High - R1550.00 42cm Wide x 72cm High - R1625.00 labore et dolIoncrluedems paowgdneracoated metals stands • Available in gold, white and black • aliqua. Includes Style-Liner watering system • (Including Stands) Prices incl. VAT. Excludes delivery By Name Surname 2013 - 2016 PROJECT NAME Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. By Name Surname 2013 - 2016
RESIN POTS DECORATIVE Pots Decorative resin pots covers are available in four gorgeous designs and colours. Perfect for standard 15cm pot plants.
SIZES & COSTS • R165.00 Prices incl. VAT. Excludes delivery
Get in touch Horti Couture . Landscape Company · Architectural Designer · Interior Design Studio · Available In Multiple Locations Across Durban 072 356 7903 [email protected] [email protected] HortiCoutureZA Horti_Couture_SA
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