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Home Explore Autoland Gives Back

Autoland Gives Back

Published by edehart, 2018-10-08 15:02:48

Description: Fall 2018


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Children's ¥SpecializedHospital FoundationImproving lives. Changing futures. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Montenero Autoland of New Jersey, Inc. 170 Route 22 Springfield, NJ 07081-3123 Dear Mark and Arlene, Thank you for your recent donation of $500.00 in support of our 30th Annual Umbrella Gala to be held on Friday, October 27, 2017 at WTC860, 4 World Trade Center NYC, to benefit Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation. This year we are pleased to honor Nick and Fran Boccella, Distinuighed Individual Honorees and Corporate Leadership Honoree Eric Jensen of Michael Riesz and Co. Funding from the gala will help to support Children's Specialized Hospital's access intatives, allowing us to expand our presence to treat more children.Children's Specialized Hospital is leading the way into a brighter future for children andadolescents facing special health challenges - from chronic illnesses and complex physicaldisabilities like brain and spinal cord injuries, to developmental and behavioral issues likeautism and mental health. Working with parents and families, our award-winning doctors,researchers and pediatric specialists depend on the generosity of donors to discover new andinnovative ways to help more children overcome their health challenges. If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact the Foundation at (908)301-5479.Sincerely,��1W,{Zf,,Director of Special Events NO GOODS OR SERVICES WERE PROVIDED IN EXCHANGE OF THIS GIFT. For your records, Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation's Tax ID number is 13-6844298. 1-888-CHILDREN (244-5373) www.childrens-specialized.orgChildren's Specialized Hospital Foundation is a proud member of Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.

Mr. Mark MonteneroAutoland170 US Highway 22Springfield, NJ 07081On behalf of the Springfield First Aid Squad, thank you for your check contribution of$250.00 towards our Spring Fund Drive.The Springfield First Aid Squad acknowledges your donation was given in the pure spirit ofgiving and no goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution. However,your gift will allow us to continue to purchase needed supplies & equipment, to train ourpersonnel and to be ready in the event you, your family or your friends need emergencymedical services in Springfield.Please keep this letter for your tax records. The Springfield First Aid Squad, Inc. is a charitable organization exemptji-om taxationunder section 501(c)(3) ofthe Internal Revenue Code and a non-profit charitable organization under the laws ofthe State ofNewjerseyand, as such, we are required to include certain disclosure language on all printed solicitations, confirmations & receipts. Informationfiled with the Attorney General concerning this charitable solicitation and the percentage ofcontributions received by the charity duringthe last reporting period that were dedicated to the charitable purpose may be obtainedji-om the Attorney General ofthe State ofNewjersey by calling (973) 504-6215 and is available on the Internet at http://www.state. nj.usl/pslcalcharji-m.htm. Registration with theAttorney General does not imply endorsement.For more information about the Springfield First Aid Squad, including how you can gettrained and become a volunteer, please visit our website at, thank you. We wish you & yours a safe summer.-�t���I\"\"\"'\-� A�P/Fund Drive Chairth J. F · en, Pr s1 entThe Springfield First Aid Squad is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing emergency medical treatment & ambulance transportationto those that live, work or just pass through our town. New volunteers are always in need; no prior experience is required as the Squadwill provide the training. Donations are equally welcome as, without the community's support, the Squad would not be able to operate.In an emergency, always Call 9-1-1 Non-emergency: 973-908-SEMS or

A Special Thank You to All the 2018Valor Award Winners and Their Families. InRHoobneorrtanJd. MVeenmtourryaof Jackson Township Police Department EOW 03-18-2001Toyota • Chrysler • Jeep • Dodge www.1800Autoland.comMark Montenero Experience The Difference! President

. . . • ·.i .: ' .: .. . . .··..: \ l·,t:.:..:. '.·'· : · '! ... · ' : .= .• � .I ; . Mr. Mark Montenero, President Autoland 170 Rt 22 Springfield, NJ 07081 Dear Mr. Montenero, I would like to thank you for your generous sponsorship of our ih Annual Firefighter Cookoff. We areproud of our relationship with the St. Barnabas Burn Center and through this Fund Raiser we are able tomake a substantial donation to the Foundation in the amount of $30,000. We also have proceeds in theamount of $30,000 entered into our Foundation where the money is distributed to the Connecticut BurnCamp for Children, our Rebuilding Warriors One Dog at a Time, individual veterans with special needsand various other charities.I hope you enjoyed the evening and judging. The firefighters do put on quite a show with their food andpresentations. I am sure that you enjoyed their food as well as the restaurants and our beverage tables. Ionly got to taste three of them but they were all fantastic; amazing flavors and textures. If you would likewe can have one of our teams come to your house to cook a three course meal for up to 10 people withwine pairings as a token of appreciation for your ongoing support. Please just let me know and we willmake it happen.Thank you again, and if there is anything the NJ FMBA can ever do for you please do not hesitate to call.Sincerely yours,I�Bob HillCo-Chairmanll C SAINT 13.ARNAJHS ,.I 1-1: • I 'r .,·: ,. ·•' ;,-,•. :, f • ···-··. \"! • \ fi!I 1mA:i:1 JI CAJm .W�TR\1 ', ,, t ·'.:·\"!I·:-.:'·.·•. 1 ·.· ·: · ,',tit�! Jla1·11a.bch llunt F',,r111t.',ui,m

tSAhSPCuuerHtpooPpuOlaodEOrnlCtydsLKCelebrating 125 years of Peck pride.EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE! Mark Montenero 170 Route 22 East Springfield, NJ President

1800AUTOLAND.COMATHUE TOFOFICLIAALNAUDTO:DEALER OF MONTCLAIRMOUNTIES FOOTBALLJoseph M. Maffucci Experience the Difference!May 17, 1925 – October 5, 2011 A true Mountie forever! • Mark Montenero President170 Route 22 East Springfield, NJWeloveyouandwemissyou.

Jesus Lows Me Holy c;?Cross · Chris.tian Nursery SchoolMr. Mark MonteneroAutoland170 US Route 22 EastSpringfield,NJ 07081Dear Mr. Mark Montenero, We would like to thank you and your company for the generous donation toour basket auction fund raiser. Your support has helped us run our annual eventand raise funds for our small nursery school. With your help,we are able toprovide scholarships to those in need and develop programs for families in ourcommunity. Most importantly,we can continue to provide a safe and nurturingenvironment for the children in our area. Thank you on behalf of Holy CrossNursery School.Respectfully,Director

IUPAT DISTRICT COUNCIL 711Re: District Council 711 Benevolent Scholarship Fund 2017 Golf Outing 26 East Fleming Pike Hammonton, N.J. 08037THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Because of your support, the District Council 711 Benevolent Scholarship Fund - Golf Outing was a huge success. WE COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOU! We look forward to seeing you at next year's event! Joseph Barry Chairman

Autoland Toyota Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram, located in Springfield New Jersey, is fulfilling the American Dream daily. With a fullline of new cars, trucks, and SUVs, the 27+ acre compound houses thousands of new and pre-owned vehicles, offers outstandingservice, and employs a staff of over 200 hard working individuals.Their mission is simple:• To establish a bond of trust, integrity, and respect in all that they do.• To create and sustain a workplace that supports and encourages advocacy between employees, customers, and the community.• To achieve and sustain the highest level of employee and customer satisfaction of any company in the automotive industry.President and Owner, Mark Montenero has been an integral part of Autoland throughout the last decade, and has dedicatedhimself to maintaining the rich company culture that has been developing for over half a century.The robust history of Autoland began in the mid-1940’s when a young Donald Toresco first ventured into the automotive industry.In 1964, after years of dedication Toresco opened his first dealership in North Plainfield, NJ. Somerset Motors grew quickly to bea very well-known and respected dealership. In 1968, Mr. Toresco expanded his dealership and opened North Plainfield Dodge,offering both new and used vehicles. By 1975, the store had been reborn as Dodgeland and was the largest Chrysler Corporationdealership in the country. A true entrepreneur, Toresco set his sights even higher and in the early 1980’s he began constructionof the world’s first auto mall. The goal was met when the first inventory arrived and customers could choose between Toyota,Chrysler, Dodge, and Jeep products.Autoland realizes that advocacy between the employer, employee, consumer, and community is vital. Their goal is to providea quality product while maintaining customer and employee satisfaction. In doing so, Autoland has achieved numerous awardsand honors from manufacturers and vendors. They were one of the first car dealers in NJ to implement an employee assistanceprogram. The extensive program is managed by a certified therapist and counselor, and realizes that the wellbeing of theiremployees has a direct impact on the customer experience.According to Mr. Montenero, “Employee satisfaction begets customer satisfaction.” as there is a close correlation between the two.Mr. Montenero, serves on various automotive boards and is highly regarded within the automotive industry. He is a firm believer ingiving back and continues to carry the torch for philanthropy, education, and civic support that Mr. Toresco held dear.Autoland prides itself on providing a different kind of experience. It is important for them to contribute to the greater cause. That’swhy they go beyond providing customers with great vehicles at excellent prices. They like to give back by creating advocacywithin the dealership, within the community, and beyond.Over the years, Autoland has been active in assisting many local and national causes and charity organizations, including theValerie Fund, Children’s Specialized Hospital of Mountainside, Union County College, Toys for Tots, the DARE program, andDeborah Hospital. Autoland also has a very long standing commitment to the 200 Club of Union County - for families of policeand firefighters, and Good News Home for Women - A non-profit organization which supports women that have become victimsof substance abuse. They also contribute to the American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen Foundation, and the EpilepsyFoundation of New Jersey.Autoland is a pioneering force in the automobile industry with over 60 years of experience. They hold their employees andcommunity in the highest regard and are constantly searching for ways to improve the automobile purchasing experience.In addition to being a leader in automotive sales, their state of the art service department is open seven-days a week. Comeexperience the difference at Autoland today.

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