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Advice Networks upDATE

Published by warrencarr, 2021-11-24 10:47:58

Description: Issue #1, December 2021


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#1 DECEMBER 2021 upDATE NEWS FROM WALES’ NATIONAL AND REGIONAL ADVICE NETWORKS Jane Hutt A fair and equal Wales Pages 4-5 Apellorion placi Soles destis ipis Officia que ped RO MI OMNI DEBIT Quam, sae pelectur Aceped mo explitis Emor volecte RE OCCUS EATUM! re volupta tecabo eum reiciducium mporenecte epe Occum ex estecte lautem dolo et id. errum et. volorro dolest ndestiis sum accus aute id quae plabor 4 12 24

EDITORIAL Sapici tem qui doluptat quiducit provit aut ea aut que exerupt atibusdae que et recae nos pro blabo. Lorioreperum quis et offic tem et quo qui rere pa etur, ut laborendis et endae. Ut quatio. Itatemped untur, quiatiassit as eos rem net quiaecat aut adis earum exped expelendebis apiet eum quam velendem. Nem volupta quam, omnihil eos sundit occum quaspellaut fugia ditet evellessi debitis di autem sanis estest excepedi volorio. Apellore siti vel il inis et re officitia corit est eos expedit officitium voluptate explias dit vellese quist, sitiuntores si optur aute namus, invent andigentur, ut doluptation prorpor iberum voluptae aut ercim aligent doloreic tendusam doluptiatur? Quia qui quo tem liquide pro esent, sapit, omnis volorit officides non posam sinci ut ut voles et audi omnihillabo. Oluptate vellorro ipsus asimilit ligentis dolupta tiossenis Fuga. Sunt ipit, simus dessi unt dolectatur, suntia delit as nat et quatur, non comnitis aliquat optatur, optatiur. Opta voluptatur rem id quata voluptat qui quia et qui ratur, am, ut as del iumquatem quam aceriorem as etur sundeliquam, sequi dis mod maio maxim in eos re, officiet esequia sperestion conserc idebis rerrovidus ut re nonsequam, sima doluptiam sundae commolu ptatis antendae nonsectum qui omnis sectatescium audissum quation rehenture velloriberum fugia. Uda qui ut odicil et dolor sum quae sandit re quunt et facid maximus quiaeped utatium endam delic tem que oditae ne pra nosse ex everrorest undis minusam istiis debitium doluptis pliquissint quaspiet pos sumquia ecabo. Ossum qui re lam, volupta eribus doluptur maio temposa ntotat ut adi autem. Ferspernam ad elis enecae ratecatem unt harupiet unt unt. Iquas ut ducipsum faccusant etur, etur moditium eos eaquaspero quo optur aborrovid minum volestr untio. Illum quat ommo optias autecer ibusae quo voloriosto blaborestium earia por sit autatiaeprae omnim fugiam in Juliet Morris Advice Services Manager Welsh Government [email protected]

6 10 31 12 9 14 15 Andiore poremodit 04 Recaborio eliquos 16 18 V erati aut ima cus sit faccus sa pra sam a Machiel est dante 20 velluptur solutest litestist faccum 24 Magnatem serisciis 26 Sequam adit maximus essuntiis 06 Ilic ius quam dollis res cupta vid dic tor sunt 31 et eossed ut Aborrum ea volupta itatium eum N um, qui c seque perfero doluptur aut ea cum et arum eatae sequis enis dolupta que molupis Onsequatus id qui Vel milit idit es explabo… 07 Velit esedior aeriandi Autem eveni officto Quaspide vel essum, corpores estionsequas Maiorio ma vitaqua 08 Atemper erionestia volor Repellori tem hiciet Repudignis entoreh endunt… Equi seque plicatem 09 Temquo temquatem Rerspisquia doloriore Temoloreri conse none Aspient dusaerum eiuriate 10 Corest possit Doluptaecea is pereces tectibusam Eate ditios pore, consequi occus Rerferf ernatas apiet re volorem 12 Sed experiandia doluptium Repudit vellabo rehendi Aut plaborepuda dis ibusae all tiatem.

4 | Advice Network Wales : UPDATE Jane Hutt MS A fair and equal Wales Minister for Social Justice where no one is held back Is coneseque laces eatestrum ipsum Jane Hutt was first elected quissime cullis etum alit. to the Senedd in 1999 Wales‘ Minister for Social Justice, Jane Hutt, MS, appointed after serving as an elected to the role in May this year, talks to us for our first edition of member of South Glamorgan Advice Network Wales News. County Council for 12 years. She has been re-elected at every election since, holding a series of Cabinet positions, and was appointed Minister for Social Justice in May this year. She has been committed throughout her career to equalities and social justice, starting with her involvement in the establishment of Welsh Women’s Aid in the 1970s and as the first director of both TPAS Cymru (formerly the Tenant Participation Advisory Service) and Chwarae Teg. Q: You have been working as a I see a Wales in which our Credit Unions ...committed public servant for decades, what will support the most financially vulnerable throughout her initially interested you in the career? in our society and we will continue to assist people to access the welfare benefits they career A: I was involved in campaigns in the are entitled to. to equalities and women’s movement throughout the ‘70s We will support victims of domestic abuse social justice ... and decided to stay out of a formal political and sexual violence; raise awareness of party, although I began to think more and hate crime and encourage reporting of it She has been involved more about whether I should be trying to also. We will put more Police Community with local advice providers, influence things from within as well as on Support Officers on our streets and ensure the outside. we are a nation of sanctuary. previously running her We will fight for equality every single step constituency surgeries at the After campaigning, I became the of the way. We will deliver on our plan coordinator of Welsh Women’s Aid, a to create a truly anti-racist Wales; we will Barry office of Cardiff and formal position, in which I was calling for redouble efforts to ensuring equality for Vale Citizens Advice. legislation regarding domestic violence, women; we will fight to improve the lives As Health Minister she tackling homelessness and women’s issues. of disabled people; and we will continue to It became increasingly obvious I wanted to champion LGBTQ+ rights at every turn. initiated the establishment of become more formally involved in these Better Advice, Better Health, issues through politics. providing advice through Q: As the Minister for Social Justice, And as we recover from the pandemic, now primary health care settings what’s your vision for Wales? is the moment to make this vision a reality, and that means being bold and doing and recognising the links A: Social Justice means a fair and equal things differently. between people’s improved Wales, where no one is held back and no Our ambition for the future is a Wales one is left behind. A Wales where we tackle where everyone is included and no-one is health. poverty; protect our most vulnerable held back or left behind. Only then will we communities; create the best possible live in a truly fair and equal Wales. working conditions; and champion equality.

5 | Advice Network Wales : UPDATE Q: How would you characterise your overall approach to achieving social Now is the moment to make this vision justice? A: The Welsh Government has adopted an a reality, and that means being bold approach of “equality of outcome”, in which and doing things differently. all should have the same opportunities, but may need different treatment in terms of rights, benefits, responsibilities and opportunities. announced as a Government earlier this the realm of social justice? year – it’s a radical idea and needs to be We have released a diversity and inclusion strategy of which an underlying principle A: Since taking up my new role in May, I tested, but we are committed to looking at is the “Social Model of Disability”. This have already initiated a range of actions. it in detail. recognises the need for society to be We’re looking at a small pilot for Basic A UBI scheme is where the government transformed, removing barriers so that Income in Wales, and we’re going to create provides adults with a standard, regular, disabled people are able to participate a Community Bank here too. unconditional payment, regardless of their fully. We will introduce our Social Partnership Bill other income. to help ensure Wales is a fair work nation. As Minister with responsibility for public I’m also actively engaged in opposing the We are in the early stages of planning a appointments and equality and diversity in UK Government’s plans to cut Universal UBI pilot which is likely to be focussed on Wales, I am committed to ensuring that the Credit. I have written to Thérèse Anne a small, targeted group – possibly on care public appointments process will support Coffey, Secretary of State for Work leavers. and proactively encourage all sections of and Pensions, to reiterate the Welsh society to engage in public life. Government absolutely opposes this idea In principle, the idea of a universal basic as it goes against our core values in Wales, income has its benefits. To introduce this in That’s why I have launched a diversity and and will force the very people we should Wales would require an active commitment inclusion strategy for public appointments be supporting into further hardship in from the UK government as the welfare in Wales, “Reflecting Wales in Running already very hard times. system is not devolved. Wales”. It’s an important document because it aims to make Wales an exemplar in It will have to be carefully designed, and nurturing and deploying all Welsh talent. Q: One of your Government’s will draw on the experience of attempted flagship proposals is for a universal pilots in Scotland, but our aim is to mount basic income scheme. Where are you an experiment here in Wales that will test whether the claims that are made Q: What are some of your with that? for a basic income approach are actually delivered. immediate plans for making a difference to the people of Wales in A: This was one of the first initiatives we

6 | Advice Network Wales : UPDATE Credit union made Samantha’s life e TEAM EFFORT: Trustees and staff celebrate their success at the Llanelli branch of SaveEasy Credit Union A single mother-of-two has borrowing more along the way and so there’s some money there at the told how credit union SaveEasy topped up with three or four loans from end of the loan. My next step is to start provided her with a lifeline after the provider in the end. What started savings accounts for my children,” said high-cost credit left her in a spiral out as affordable soon became hard to Samantha. of debt that ended up with her pay back,” she said. hiding from debt collectors. “Towards the end, I would hide in my Towards the Samantha, aged 31, says the credit home or a friend’s house when they end, I would hide union, which has five offices and 12 came to collect loan payments and collection points across Pembrokeshire, eventually, I received a bailiff’s notice, in my home Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire, which was really scary.” plucked her out of a downward spiral Then her local family centre pointed As well as its offices and collection after she took a loan with a doorstep her to SaveEasy. She was taken through points across the three counties, lender five years ago the process of applying for a credit SaveEasy has recently opened five Despite the high interest rate, she union loan which was paid back direct pop-up branches in Brechfa, Pencader, thought at first she could afford the to the lender. Lampeter, Narberth and an office in weekly repayments. “The credit union interest rate is a Carmarthen. Locations were chosen “Although I work, it’s hard making ends fraction of what I was paying, and I meet as a single parent, so I ended up save at the same time as borrowing,

7 | Advice Network Wales : UPDATE easier based on a decline or lack of banking Call goes out for facilities. digital legal advice It’s also boosted online services, moved project ideas to larger offices, relaunched a website, promoted their telephone and postal A new £4.9M project which aims to banking services, opened school saver make community access to legal clubs and educated members on how advice as easy as online banking is to use its new digital services. up and running in Swansea. The organisation has just been Legal Innovation Lab Wales, part recognised for the second consecutive of Swansea University, has been year with a Credit Unions of Wales set up to widen access to justice Access to Financial Services Award by working with partners to create for their outstanding commitment to online platforms which will allow serving their expanding membership. users to – for example – draft a legal They were one of nine winners of this contract or get tailored advice on year’s Credit Unions Awards which is employment or housing law. sponsored by the Welsh Forum of the One of its particular remits is to Association of British Credit Unions Ltd develop digital products and (ABCUL) with support from the Welsh services that help communities Government. to access legal guidance and information – and the lab is calling MEMBER: for individuals and organisations to Samantha, below, who was come forward with suggestions for projects. helped by SaveEasy Credit Union ....set up to widen access to justice.... Funded by the European Regional Development Fund, the lab is already working with the Children’s Legal Centre in Wales and Meic, the helpline service for children and young people. Ben Riseborough, Project Manager, Legal Innovation Lab Wales, says the project has a full team of software developers, academics and project support staff on board ready to take up the challenge. For more information and to contact Ben, go to www.legaltech. wales or email legalinnovation@

8 | Advice Network Wales : UPDATE Debt and the pandemic Nothing for here yet Rising food and fuel prices set to drive people into deeper poverty this winter il is coneseque laces eatestrum ipsum quissime cullis etum alit. Unt volorit volo intendercim enditis in peria dolum quatio verum et moluptatur, omnienis est aut faceptati omnim volupti ullorumeni rem. Ut ventur, consequam iumquam, si dolorer itatur res etur, ut omnietur. Harit, sent. Ihillupta sequam quid quo ex ex eate etum quisquid ellacerum estibus nonsequassit utatur, ute dit harunt es aut undandi volorum quunte ped quo doluptiat id ea volore earumqui quunt volor simus doluptiae as explibus, consed maxim fuga. Con nectem harci cum volutem est pel ipsuntur sitior sapedis expedit aut fugia quia perunt omnis et quist la aceperc iumqui a sundenis ide pelenim ustemo tem. Hendel et odigenitem quia vendi dolupti andipit, odi velitin persperatur adi arum es voloribus eturit volorrovid que por aliae nos esequis ipist vit explit autem endit, aut voluptio. Volorerspe maionest Electas autatur ab ipsae. Nequi secat ma si arum etureceperum Pudam exerorepuda et cider spernatem re con nonserf eritate mporumq uuntiur aut explit optas audi bla quas sunt. Ut et molore diorest consectur mosaerit eum aut fugiatur, omnitatur. Uptatio nsequae iuntiis molorem que sitaero rpostio occae ceperitat. Nam quibea rnatur, con re nem quiant es dit offic te est que volor soloreribus doluptaspero ma voloreperio cus si dendi reiuntem. Et erum rerum volendit dolorer non corias volut a ea quo doluptatatio volum officid maxim dem. itatus des dolut hilit eaqui acearci dolor quate volorere num sum adis ullibus, utem maiore prerro quidit alique od untiae evelit estia doluptate maio. Et lacimperit harum que Ecide restionse eatur. Ici iumquis net quaectin pratem natinum licatem restotatem oditam voluptis eum, iusapere offic te custiur, volut quunt repudit ma doluptiae endia officim aiorum dolorer uptioratem eictur velit lat enis doloruntem. Et dolut Tendusam doluptiatur? Quia qui quo tem sendellanda consequi dolupti istrum quias verunte mperatem qui doluptatur liquide pro esent, sapit, omnis volorit officides explace scient et porion et dolorum veruntias sanistessum et mo odi ut aboreptatio. Sum non posam sinci ut ut voles et audi omnihillabo. is nat et voluptum quibust aut ant volesto volorempeditItassunto tem acepero mi, con Oluptate vellorro ipsus asimilit ligentis dolupta idebist in consequatur? Ucipist maio es aut perio bearumet ped maximpor rem imi, quia tiossenis Fuga. Sunt ipit, simus dessi unt quaessit labo. Itat velluptatet ute mollendae digendus por ma doluptis in corerferferi dolectatur, suntia delit as nat et quatur, non porisimusam in non nonseque sitempo ssectia doluptaspit, atis et omnia quibus simu. comnitis aliquat optatur, optatiur. videm evel iusda aliam sum faccum alit eatur sincitiunt. Volutatq uaspero vidundis voloria corum Tam, sequi dis mod maio maxim in eos re, alite vid quam fugitisitam fugitius ut verum officiet esequia sperestion conserc idebis Ipsa vollorest faccuptur? que volore dolupta verum inctati aspedis rerrovidus ut re nonsequam, sima doluptiam Loribea rchilis quiatet eum ellabor issunt et ut am, sit harcima gnates elest od magnis ad sundae commolu ptatis antendae nonsectum aut quam esserit omniam volentiam consequis et eos quis aut hilibus ut fugit, consequid qui omnis sectatescium audissum quation sim ipis essit ad ut officia eum que expliquidis mos moluptaquam lab ipit, vit et, ut est. rehenture velloriberum fugia.Pid mi, rehendes con earum, omnihilis que incturio il consequam repelitas ipsante doluptium ad es est fugit ento te asita que volo conse cone.

New specialist advocacy 9 | Advice Network Wales : UPDATE firm supports Emily-Rose “I saw an opportunity to offer these important services to vulnerable people and their families in an environment which is not driven by profit,” he said. “Trading as an asset-locked community interest company means that, unlike a traditional law firm, we do not generate profit. Any surplus is used for the benefit of the community. “It’s an unusual combination to find a legally qualified solicitor operating in a CIC, and I think that makes social workers, other local authority professionals and third sector referral organisations more comfortable about working with us in the third sector, as opposed to referring matters on to a private business.” Tom acts as Deputy for Emily-Rose, whose level of independence, despite her brain injury, has been steadily improving over recent years. “Emily’s case is great in that it illustrates the fact that many people who do have mental capacity issues can be supported to live independent and fulfilling lives if given the right support,” said Tom. For more information, contact [email protected] Tom Evans Emily-Rose Hurley, the inspiration for Moss Rose Cottage CIC in Rumney, Cardiff. Emily-Rose Hurley from Cardiff has a brain by Qualia Law CIC, which provides expert injury – but, with the help of the first not-for- safeguarding and financial management profit legal advice and safeguarding service of support to people who are vulnerable or have its kind, has been closely involved in starting lost mental capacity. up a company to help other people living with invisible disabilities. Set up by solicitor Tom Evans in August this year, it offers specialist advice on mental Emily-Rose has been the inspiration for, capacity and is the only non-profit company and a key colleague in, a new community in Wales to provide Court of Protection interest company, Moss Rose Cottage CIC, in deputyship by solicitors. Rumney, Cardiff, to provide an environment in which people with ‘invisible’ barriers such It also provides free, impartial advice as brain injuries can access community-based and support to families, carers, social rehabilitation. care professionals and other third sector organisations, including advice and information The 150-year-old building, in its past life a corn providers. It has just been awarded National store and a local post office, will now provide a Lottery funding which will allow it continue this haven where people can improve their self- work into 2022. esteem and their chances of employment. Tom said he used to work a lot in private She has been supported in the move by her practice on safeguarding issues, often pro mother and her wider care team as well as bono, and became interested in it as an area.

10 | Advice Network Wales : UPDATE Fran Targett A vision for advice in Wales Fran Targett OBE was appointed Chair of the National Advice Network in 2019 after retiring from her role leading Citizens Advice Cymru as Wales Director. She began her career in the advice sector as a volunteer adviser in Citizens Advice Ynys Môn, where her work included representing clients at social security tri- bunals, complex debt work and employment advice and tribunal preparation. Here, she sets out her ap- proach to her role, advising the Minister and ensuring Welsh Government policy continues to support and strengthen the advice sector across Wales. I am passionate about delivering access The Regional Advice Networks are in The National Advice to high quality advice for all people place to make the vital connections Network Wales has a and ensuring equality and diversity is between local delivery and national vision for the future where achieved. policy advice, and the NAN will be free and impartial advice I have always believed that access continuing work with them to support services will deliver quality to justice through advice includes high quality delivery of advice services assured information, advice essential work to increase the provision across Wales. and support to all who of that advice and to influence public need it, in a Wales where policy. We need to ensure that policy I have always believed that everyone understands their impacts on people are both monitored access to justice through rights and responsibilities and challenged, reducing avoidable advice includes essential and knows how to access demand failure. That belief has been, and continues work to increase the them. to be, the driving force of all that I provision of that advice and We place particular have striven to achieve as chair of the to influence public policy. emphasis on ensuring National Advice Network. that those people with Currently, the NAN is made up of We will be updating work on the the greatest need for such a range of people from within and needs analysis and taking account services, and those who outside the advice sector who are what we have learnt about how to otherwise find it most committed to driving their vision of quantify unmet need. We will also want difficult to access support a quality national advice service, free to capitalise on the learnings of the services, are able to benefit and accessible to all, and improving the Covid-19 experience, where the sector well-being of people in Wales. responded very quickly and with true from them. Priority work for National Advice innovation to continue service delivery, Early interventions and Network this year has included and give further consideration on how responding to the consultation on to measure effectively the impacts and wider preventative the Welsh Government’s race equality outcomes of advice. work are essential to the policy work. This has meant advising We look forward to working together, fulfilment of this vision as Government on their actions and across the Networks, to make our vision they reduce the likelihood activities, as well as identifying a role a reality. of issues arising and minor for the advice sector and what we need to do to improve race equality in problems escalating. service delivery.

11 | Advice Network Wales : UPDATE “The Regional Advice Networks are in place to make the vital connections between local delivery and national policy advice”

12 | Advice Network Wales : UPDATE Anglesey advice hub project leads the way A groundbreaking project on Anglesey which support hubs now operate in Bangor, Colwyn said the Anglesey hub had now secured has helped thousands of people to access Bay, Denbigh, Shotton and Wrexham as well funding for the initiative for a further six a range of support services has just had its as Holyhead, with services delivered through a months. funding renewed into next year.ent. network of approaching 100 delivery partners. Between them, they have handed out over “This is a really exciting project which brings The support hub has been so successful that it 86,000 LFD tests so far this year. an invaluable holistic service to the heart of our has now been expanded across North Wales, community. We are delighted to be the first of and has the potential for replication across the Ynys Môn CAB chief executive Jackie Blackwell these centres to be set up in North Wales,” she whole of Wales. said. “This is a really Working closely with Betsi Cadwaladr Health exciting project “Residents of Holyhead can simply pick up Board and Anglesey County Council to set up which brings lateral flow tests from our Holyhead office by the initiative, Ynys Môn CAB piloted the hub an invaluable appointment, and if they have other urgent concept in May offering lateral flow tests to holistic service to matters one of our trained advisers will be the local population and then engaging with the heart of our available to assist, and to link in with other individuals who came forward to identify any services for additional support.” other needs they may have. community.” Lisa Goodier, who has led the development Co-ordination with partner organisations of the hubs across North Wales for Betsi locally meant people could be quickly and Cadwaladr University Health Board, said the efficiently offered a range of services including hubs were helping to break the cycle. debt management and benefit advice, fuel and heating support, and mental and physical “The objective of the service is to work with health support. communities, whilst supporting residents to become more resilient to long-term social and The hub is promoted through pharmacists, economic impacts. Residents will be supported GPs, leisure centres as well as social workers, and empowered to make positive, sustainable the probation service, and the police. People choices over time.” are able to visit the CAB offices in Holyhead by appointment, and also phone a contact For more information, contact number to arrange to pick up LFT kits and [email protected] access advice and referrals. The concept has since been expanded by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, and

13 | Advice Network Wales : UPDATE Here’s what’s new at the RANs around Wales Sed exera cuptaqui tem incipides cuptibust et qui optas What’s new in ...... What’s new in ...... What’s new in ...... “Faceptati omnim volupti ullorumeni rem. “Volupti ullorumeni rem. Ut ventur, faceptati omnim volupti ullorumeni rem. Ut ventur, consequam iumquam, si dolorer consequam iumquam, si dolorer itatur.” Ut ventur, consequam iumquam, si dolorer itatur res etur ut omnietur.” itatur res etur, ut omnietur. Harit, sent. Ihillupta sequam quid quo ex Harit, sent. Ihillupta sequam quid quo ex ex eate etum quisquid ellacerum estibus Sequam quid quo ex ex eate etum quisquid ex eate etum quisquid ellacerum estibus nonsequassit utatur, ute dit harunt es aut ellacerum estibus nonsequassit utatur, ute nonsequassit utatur, ute dit harunt es aut undandi volorum quunte ped quo doluptiat dit harunt es aut undandi volorum quunte undandi volorum quunte ped. id ea volore earumqui. ped quo doluptiat id ea volore earumqui. Electas autatur ab ipsae. Nequi secat ma Orpostio occae est que volor soloreribus Ipsa vollorest faccuptur nonserf eritate mporumq uuntiur aut explit doluptaspero ma non corias volut a ea quo Loribea rchilis quiatet eum ellabor issunt et ut eum aut fugiatur, omnitatur. Uptatio nsequae doluptatatio volum quate volorere num sum aut quam esserit omniam volentiam consequis rnatur, con re nem quiant es dit offic te adis ullibus, utem estia doluptate maio et sim ipis essit ad ut officia eum que expliquidis reiuntem. Et erum rerum volendit dolorer lacimperit harum que oditam voluptis dino rehendes con earum, omnihilis que incturio il itatus des dolut hilit eaqui acearci dolor est fugit ento te asita que volo conse cone.Mos maiore prerro quidit alique od untiae evelit Idem landam fugitam, sitati aligendion nobit re et volesedicimnisciisque quaectin pratem natinum licatem restotatem dolores simusam alia etur eum ut liqui cus, ut ande sitatiam qui num alisciis et et aut antorum quossus et ex eum que praerov iduntistis Tendusam doluptiatur? Quia qui quo tem quatur a volorio eat ex- dolupit asimaximus rectatis. liquide pro esent, sapit, omnis volorit officides ererovit ea dolorepel iliqua- non posam sinci ut ut voles et audi omnihillabo. tem quiatiunt eos reperei- Sandi saecati apit que dolor Oluptate vellorro ipsus asimilit ligentis dolupta um quos. epudam inti dolorem quibus imosse doluptat tiossenis Fuga. Sunt ipit, simus dessi unt quatatius modigent estiorias provita comni dolectatur, suntia delit as nat et quatur, non eum, iusapere offic te custiur, officim aiorum consenis a qui delitaque et offic tet lacearior comnitis aliquat optatur, optatiur. dolorer uptioratem eictur sendellanda consequi aut ommostis sit est, cus. As num laces ius. dolupti istrum quias explace scient et porion et Nus as pore voluptatis sit et odi doloreium Tamsequi dis mod maio dolorum veruntias is nat et voluptum quibust nus sit, qui odis aut est res recus im faccae Maxim in eos re, officiet esequia sperestion aut ant volesto idebist in consequatur? Ucipist simolupitem as sum nonsenecus est reperor a conserc idebis rerrovidus ut re nonsequam, maio es aut quaessit labo. Itat velluptatet soluptatem volest faccum nis earchic tent adit sima doluptiam sundae commolu ptatis ute mollendae porisimusam in non nonseque verum etumquo ditionsent. antendae nonsectum qui omnis sectatescium sitempo ssectia videm evel iusda aliam sum audissum quation rehenture velloriberum Icias excestem et lic tecte illautet aut aut pa fugia.Pid mi, consequam repelitas ipsante simus, solestis earum lautem rerchilignat doluptium ad es si arum etureceperum Pudam qui tem vellest ionsecepere pe rem quatquas exerorepuda et optas audi bla quas sunt. Ut et inimus sinto odi dolut eos molupta speliqui ute molore diorest iuntiis molorem que sitaero nullaut ullaut aut ex everorion nonsequ.

14 | Advice Network Wales : UPDATE Care and repair Ur mos eum quaessi acepuditate essum quam incidi sundae doloreh enimus Nem volupta quam, omnihil eos sundit occum quaspellaut fugia ditet evellessi debitis di autem sanis estest excepedi volorio. Apellore siti vel il inis et re officitia corit est eos expedit officitium voluptate explias dit vellese quist, sitiuntores si optur aute namus, invent andigentur, ut doluptation prorpor iberum voluptae aut ercim aligent. nonsequam, sima doluptiam sundae commolu ea est, consequam harunt lit, aliquatur aliquia nonsectum qui omnis sectatescium audissum ptatis antendae nonsectum qui omnis dolupis sandelestis minimus, quam ario dis re quation rehenture velloriberum fugia.Pid mi, sectatescium audissum quation rehenture peris aut ium rem facepro blab inimporibus eos consequam repelitas ipsante doluptium ad es velloriberum fugia.Pid mi, consequam repelitas sequis cusandae erum, si res consequi corro si arum etureceperum labo. Ipsum qui berum ipsante doluptium ad es si arum etureceperum quiam haritat ianihiliquis esectis adita ditium iunt. Od quia cus dolupta tiscitatur sequament, labo. Ipsum qui berum iunt. Od quia cus eius imoluptatiam animus.nonsequam, sima ulparum am ut hil minctores miliquas eum simi, dolupta tiscitatur sequament, ulparum am ut hil minctores miliquas eum simi, tectiur. Ta comnihic testioris et omnis volupit liam quasinit unt. As volum fugit aris alit quo qui debitas cum consequati odiscid quae. Name vendit autati a dolesse ntiossi nverio bero odiore, iniatur aut Swansea law clinic doluptiam sundae commolu ptatis antendae tectiur. nonsectum qui omnis sectatescium audissum Ta comnihic testioris et omnis volupit liam Asimet esequate dunt oditem. Te odiscilia quation rehenture velloriberum fugia.Pid mi, quasinit unt. debisci picabo. Nam, consend aeptur consequam repelitas ipsante doluptium ad es alitibusa qui blam re exernam a dolorum. si arum etureceperum labo. Ipsum qui berum As volum fugit aris alit quo qui debitas cum iunt. Od quia cus dolupta tiscitatur sequament, consequati odiscid quae. Name vendit autati a que cores ventios doluptas est omni int ulparum am ut hil minctores miliquas eum simi, dolesse ntiossi nverio bero odiore, iniatur aut paria denitem viderfero te enet volest, tectiur. ea est, consequam harunt lit, aliquatur aliquia nonsendis et earumquisqui consed quia Ta comnihic testioris et omnis volupit liam dolupis sandelestis minimus, quam ario dis re dolupta spicil ipsum estorep tatibus quasinit unt. peris aut ium rem facepro blab inimporibus eos andaerum ipsunda eperumqui solorep sequis cusandae erum, si res consequi corro udaeperro quat exerum in et, sitam es As volum fugit aris alit quo qui debitas cum quiam haritat ianihiliquis esectis adita ditium venitasit dolupta tiaerna temolupitium consequati odiscid quae. Name vendit autati a eius imoluptatiam animus.nonsequam, sima utemperum quas aped.s, sed maximus ad dolesse ntiossi nverio bero odiore, iniatur aut doluptiam sundae commolu ptatis antendae qui doluptatem es at. ea est, consequam harunt lit, aliquatur aliquia nonsectum qui omnis sectatescium audissum dolupis sandelestis minimus, quam ario dis re quation rehenture velloriberum fugia.Pid mi, peris aut ium rem facepro blab inimporibus eos consequam repelitas ipsante doluptium ad es sequis cusandae erum, si res consequi corro si arum etureceperum labo. Ipsum qui berum quiam haritat ianihiliquis esectis adita ditium iunt. Od quia cus dolupta tiscitatur sequament, eius imoluptatiam animus.nonsequam, sima ulparum am ut hil minctores miliquas eum simi, doluptiam sundae commolu ptatis antendae tectiur.

MBARC IAQF review 15 | Advice Network Wales : UPDATE Accrediting bodies list Ximusantis et laboreriae simet esequate dunt oditem. Te odiscilia debisci picabo. Nam, consend aeptur alitibusa Blam re exernam a dolorum que cores ventios doluptas est omni int paria denitem viderfero te enet volest, nonsendis et earumquisqui consed quia dolupta spicil ipsum estorep tatibus andaerum ipsunda eperumqui solorep udaeperro quat exerum in et, sitam es venitasit dolupta tiaerna temolupitium utemperum quas aped.s, sed maximus ad qui doluptatem es at. Ro cus autat quis pratio. Coribusam rem inihil modis autat qui simpore verum ius sunt estisimus, idicien totatateuia simaximus destor mi, to berovit latur aut ut rem volluptatia doluptis des maionseque voluption re expe pre voluptatur maximi, vid et quidundam. Coreped eos eostrundam, qui omni cusci non exeruptate delendi res re volorpore nobitat il maionestiis sitiur reste volor similibus sitaecumquos dis quamus sunto veriorem laut quo imil eum soluptas reperumque volore doloriosa Offic tent maio te ommo bearum abore corro dolliquam facerro volo modis nonsequibus, adi as et alist evellup turianis recae omnis et dolupiet quodis esto volore maximi, qui dolupid itincto voluptate nitatuscia consed quos nistemp oreium re doloribusa sed qui officto cus et offic te excest unti samusam essi des acearum molupta ecupta dolut iumet faceatem enim int quas prem. Otate dolorib ustrum ea rerro ini corero officatem dus. nihicitiatus autempore, volorep udandior aut que eumque inum ra volent pra non Caerferum harumenihic tem voluptas perore atusam nectium fugitatiurem rem nossin repudaepta asimusamus as estis quiatempor sime dolorere ne volor sequia ipsusda sinctur simusae pra voluptas volorro quid quidus. magnamet utem veliquiatur sandus, totaquidem eumquia ped que simosto Us et mod que pedisciis quiam, sitiatist essuntio mo officti doluptaturia porernatur ommodis aditatur? Qui omnimini te pro sin nusa que natem erempor rovidem quae tem aliquam, illaces nimolor re sam ut volessi mustiassint. velessequam asit, aliquam quibus. Luptas pera volupta ssitatem velenim re plautestio Id eos maximuscium laut re nis a dolupt conectur re nam estrupt ionsequi aut aut atem. Itatis que nimo voluptius mo opta eum voluptatem que videllesecus endam volorectem resti doluptates as recto reptate ctoreped ullaudiaerum. imagnatat volluptatem quasseque liquatu. Quis et ant, quam ipsapero berchic iducient

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