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Home Explore The Inn Welcome Guide

The Inn Welcome Guide

Published by heatherwootton, 2020-10-06 12:04:15

Description: The Inn Welcome Guide


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Welcome! The Board, Staff and Residents all join in welcoming you to the Inn. We hope that this resident manual will be a convenient source of information to you as you prepare to move to The Inn and throughout your residency.

MOVING IN The Inn will strive to make your moving day go a smoothly as possible. The following information will be helpful to you as you look forward to that day. Each apartment is equipped with neutral carpeting, draperies and sheer curtains. The apartment’s independent heating/air conditioning unit, as well as separate bathroom heater and exhaust fan will be demonstrated to you when you move in. Emergency equipment includes a smoke alarm, call-for-aid cord in bedroom and bath areas and grab-bars in the bathroom. There is a small refrigerator, basic cable TV package with add-on channels available, free wi-fi and many electrical outlets for lighting convenience. The large closets provide excellent storage space. Telephone: Arrangements for the installation of your telephone may be made with Frontier Communications prior to moving day. Porting an existing telephone number is possible. Moving Day Notification: Please contact the Inn Business Office at least one week in advance to arrange a convenient moving date. Moving Arrangements: You are asked to make your own moving arrangements as the Inn does not have staff to assist with moving. Keys: Upon your arrival, you will receive a front door key, a room key and a mailbox key. There is a charge to replace lost keys. TV Hook-Up/Wall Hangings: You may arrange with the maintenance staff to connect your TV and to hang any pictures, clocks, etc. on the walls. Additional work may be subject to a fee. Storage Area: An individual storage area, approximately 5’ x 5’ is available in the common storage room. Please provide a lock for your storage area. Parking: A limited outdoor parking area is available. If you have a car, please notify the Resident Services Associate of your license plate number, make and color of car. The Inn is not responsible for any damage to residents’ cars. At times, you may be asked to refrain from parking in certain areas, e.g. to facilitate snow plowing. Parking is not allowed in the front circle, as this is a fire lane. 2 | MOVING IN

Insurance: As the Inn is not responsible for personal property, we require you to carry Tenant’s Liability Insurance. Right of Entry: The Inn respects the privacy of each resident’s apartment. However, Inn staff may enter the apartment at times of emergency or for regular housekeeping or maintenance service. DELUXE STUDIO 324 sq ft - Living Room - - Bathroom - - Alcove - MOVING IN | 3

FOOD SERVICE The Inn has a full-service dining room, serving three meals a day. The menus offer a choice of nutritious selections and can accommodate a diet that is low in salt, sugar and fats. Second helpings are always avail- able. For housekeeping and sanitary reasons, only fruit may be taken from the dining room. For safety reasons, residents are not permitted in the kitchen. Hours: Dining Room hours are as follows: Breakfast: 8-9:30am Lunch: 12-1pm Dinner: 6-7pm Please respect these hours. Seating: There is open seating in the dining room and you may sit where you choose. Dinner Selection: Daily menus are posted on the Bulletin Board each evening. Trays: Tray service to rooms is available at a small charge. Trays should be ordered as far in advance as possible and no later than half and hour before the meal. Breakfast is available in the morning. Regular meal selections are available at lunch and dinner. Bag Lunches: A bag lunch, consisting of a sandwich, fruit and juice may be ordered when you will be away from the Inn for lunch or dinner. Orders are to be placed with the Resident Services Associate as far in advance as possible and no later than one hour in advance. Holidays/Sundays: Occasionally on holidays and Sundays, when the main meal is served at noon, a bag supper is provided for the evening meal. You may pick this up from the Resident Service Associate after 4 pm. Wine: Occasionally the Inn will serve wine as part of the meal. You may bring a bottle of wine to the table if you wish to do so at other times. 4 | FOOD SERVICE

Guests: Your guests are always welcome for meals. Please notify the Resident Services Associate of the number of guests, preferably 24 hours in advance and no later than the meal preceding the meal for which the reservation is being made. If the guest’s meal preference is known, this should also be given to the Resident Services Associate. A specific table may be reserved at that time. There is a nominal charge for most guest meals (see page 15). Charges may be paid monthly or at the time the reservation is made. Residents may have guests without charge for 24 meals a year—12 luncheons and 12 dinners. Missed Meals: There is no provision for reimbursement of missed meals. Liquor: You may keep liquor in your room or in the bar area where a cocktail hour is held from 5-6pm. Bottles kept in the bar area should be marked with your name. Other Food: Stores are convenient to the Inn where you may purchase milk, fruit juices or other items of food, if you desire between-meal snacks. Your apartment has a small refrigerator where these items may be kept. FOOD SERVICE | 5

HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE The housekeeping staff works Monday through Friday. Once a week each apartment is vacuumed and dusted, and the bathrooms are cleaned. Linens and toilet paper are distributed at that time. The refrigerator is defrosted and cleaned monthly; windows are washed semi-annually; carpets, draperies and curtains are cleaned periodically. Linens: The Inn provide a bed and bath linens which are changed weekly. If you prefer to use your own linens, you are responsible for the laundering. Laundry Rooms: Each resident wing has a washer and dryer that may be used for personal laundry. If you are unfamiliar with the use of the equipment, please ask the Resident Services Associate to arrange to have someone instruct you in its operation. Trash: Large trash containers are in each of the laundry rooms. Please place your trash in the receptacle which is emptied daily. Recycling: Designated blue containers are in each of the laundry rooms. Please place your newspapers, bottles and cans in the appropriate receptacles. Ironing Facilities: If you do not have your own ironing board, there is one available for use in the west ground level laundry room. An iron may also be signed out from the office. Lighting: The Inn furnishes light bulbs for the bathroom and closet fixtures. Requests for these bulb replacements should be make to the Resident Services Associate. You are asked to provide bulbs for your personal lamps and lighting fixtures. Pests: The Inn maintains a contract for regular preventative maintenance spraying. Please notify a Resident Service Associate if you find evidence of unwanted pests. Window Washing: Is done semi-annually on all exterior windows. “Spring Cleaning”: A “spring cleaning” of a resident room may be arranged for a fee. 6 | HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE

MAINTENANCE & DECOR The Inn has a part time maintenance staff person who is responsible for overall maintenance of the Inn and its equipment. He is not responsible for maintenance or repair of residents’ personal furnishings or equipment. Requests for Service: All requests for maintenance service on any of the Inn-provided equipment or systems should be given to the Resident Services Associate who will write up a work-order for the appropriate repair. Emergencies will be handled promptly. Apartments/Alterations: If you wish to make any changes in your apartment’s decor or equipment, please make this request to the Executive Director. A committee of the Board of Directors determines all policy relating to any such changes and approves any requests. MAINTENANCE & DECOR | 7

RECEPTION AREA The Receptionist and Resident Service Associates are on duty from 8:00am to 10:00pm. They are the key staff persons in the Inn’s communications, emergency and security systems. All of the following services are handled by the Resident Service Associate: Emergency Response: All fire emergency alarms and call-for-aid buttons sound on the panels in the reception area. The Resident Services Associate, or the security staff at night, respond immediately to all emergencies. Request for Service: All requests for service of any type, eg maintenance, tray service, guest reservations, etc. may be made to the Resident Services Associate. General Information: Information on town services, eg taxis, laundry and dry cleaning establishments, is available from the Resident Services Associate. Bill Payment: Bills are sent for monthly rent. Rents are due by the first of the month and are overdue after the 10th. Monthly bills will be prepared for any charges for guest meals, trays, etc. Payments may be made to the Resident Services Associate between 8:00am and 4:30pm Monday through Friday. Further details relating to bill payments are found in your Residence Agreement. 8 | RECEPTION AREA

SAFETY & SECURITY A variety of procedures has been established to ensure your safety as a resident of the Inn. These include the following: Daily Check: If you have not come for breakfast in the dining room, please call the front desk (203-594-5450) before 10:00am to check in. If the Residence Services Associate has not heard from you by 10:00am, he/ she will call or check to assure that you are alright. Notification Upon Leaving The Inn: Please notify the Resident Services Associate when leaving the Inn for overnight and when returning to the Inn. A phone and address where you may be reached in emergencies should be left with the Resident Services Associate when you plan to be away for an overnight or longer. Inn Door Locking: For security purposes, the following schedule of locking and unlocking the Inn’s doors has been developed. Front Door: unlocked at 6:00am locked at 8:00pm Each resident has a key to the front door which is to be used “after hours”. In emergencies, the intercom to the left of the door may be used. Dining Room Patio, Living Room Patio: in spring, summer and fall, these doors are unlocked at 8:00am and locked at 8:00pm. All other doors are emergency exit doors and are to be kept shut and locked at all times. Apartment Doors: It is recommended that you lock your door upon leaving your apartment. SAFETY & SECURITY | 9

EMERGENCIES The Inn provides 24-hour staffing. A Resident Services Associate is on duty from 8:00am to 10:00 pm. The staff that resides in the security apartment on the main corridor responds to emergencies from 10:00pm to 8:00am. Medical Emergency a. Call-for-aid button: Pull cords are in the bedroom and bathroom areas of each apartment. These are to be pulled at times of emergency only. Staff will respond immediately and if necessary, contact your physician and/or the Emergency Medical Services. Inn staff do not provide medical service. Care necessary is determined by the EMS staff. In addition, a resident may acquire a Cordmate. This is a device worn around one’s neck to provide emergency support when it activates the pull cord on the wall. b. Vial of Life: Your basic medical information is kept at the front desk. This is given to the attending physician or ambulance attendant to expedite your care in an emergency. Please notify the Resident Services Director of any change in the information, eg new medication. Fire Emergency a. System: There are smoke alarms in each resident’s apartment. Additional smoke and heat sensors are located throughout the building. Fire alarm pull-boxes are situated conveniently in corridors and common areas. Fire drills are held quarterly and fire alarms are tested monthly. A sprinkler system for the attic and stairwells is activated by the Fire Department if an emergency occurs. b. Procedure: Upon hearing the fire alarm; go immediately to the corridor and exit by the assigned exit door. Go to the front of the building where attendance will be taken to assure that all residents have left the building. Do not reenter the building until the Fire Department gives permission. If it is not possible to reenter the building, arrangements will be made to transport you to St. Mark’s parish where families may be contacted. 10 | EMERGENCIES

Should the corridor be too filled with smoke for you to exit, close your door, and place a wet towel along the bottom of the door. Pull your emergency cord to indicate to the firemen that you are in your room and awaiting assistance. Then go to your window and open it for fresh air. The elevator is not to be used during a fire. Other Fire-Related Concerns a. Portable Heaters: Residents may not have portable heaters in their rooms except those provided by the Inn on a temporary basis. b. Fireplace: During winter there are fires in the living room fireplace. The Inn staff is responsible for lighting and tending the fires. For safety reasons, residents may not tend them. Other Emergency Concerns a. Power Outage: In the event of a power outage, the Inn is equipped with a full building generator and staff works diligently to accommodate resident safety and needs. EMERGENCIES | 11

GENERAL INFORMATION Activities: The Resident Services Director plans with residents a wide variety of activities that are open to all. There are musical recitals, current events discussion groups, exercise classes, bingo, bridge, special holiday activities including cook-outs and trips of various types. Residents are encouraged to share their talents and expertise with the Inn as well. Monthly blood pressure checks are done by a nurse from Waveny Home Care. Birthdays: The Inn likes to recognize resident’s birthdays appropriately. Upon moving to the Inn, you will be asked if you would like your birthday recognized. If you do not, your wishes will be respected. Bulletin Board: Items of interest to residents are posted on the bulletin board in the hall. Please speak to the Assistant Resident Services Director, who is responsible for the bulletin board, if you would like anything placed on the board or removed from it. Common Areas: The Inn’s common areas include the living room with its piano, fireplace, bar and library, and the downstairs activity room with television set. The library is equipped with a public access system to assist those with hearing problems. The common areas may be reserved for guest parties or meetings. Copy Machine: A copy machine is available in the lobby reception area. Deliveries: Deliveries may be left with the Resident Services Associate who will notify you for pickup. Elevator: There is an elevator that services all floors. It is not to be used if there is a fire. Guests: This is your home and your guests are welcome here. You may entertain guests in your room or in the common areas. They may be invited for meals (see procedure under dining room). Arrangements may also be made to have them stay overnight for up to one week. A roll-away bed is available and may be reserved for a modest fee. Illness: The Inn does not provide medical services. For short-term illnesses, you may arrange with Waveny Home Healthcare to provide care. For more serious and long-term conditions, Stamford and Norwalk Hospitals are convenient. Waveny LifeCare Network provides for both short-term 12 | GENERAL INFORMATION

recuperative care and therapy, as well as long-term nursing care. Library: Resident volunteers take care of the library. Books may be taken out at any time. A special shelf is marked “Book Return” where you may leave books when finished. Lost and Found: Lost and found items may be registered or claimed at the Resident Services Associate desk. Items will be disposed of if not claimed within three (3) months. Mail: Your mailbox number corresponds to your room number. A basket for outgoing mail is on the reception counter. A scale for weighing mail is available in the lobby reception area. Newspapers: The Inn provides a daily subscription to the New York Times and the Stamford Advocate that are available to residents in the library. These copies and all their sections are to be read in the library area. If you wish to have your own newspaper subscriptions, you may make arrangements directly with a new service. Copies of the weekly New Canaan Advertiser are available for purchase in the front lobby. No Smoking: The Inn is a smoke free environment. Resident Meetings: Meetings are held on a regular basis to exchange information and discuss items of common concern with the residents. Please see the TV bulletin board in the lobby or your monthly calendar for dates and times. Room Changes: Requests to move from one apartment to another will be considered in view of availability and wait-list requests already in process. Written requests for such changes should be files with the Executive Director. If granted, there is a fee. Special Adaptive Equipment: The Inn has wheelchairs, walkers, shower seats, Cordmates and other assorted equipment available for loan. Consult with the Resident Services Director if needed. Volunteerism: The Inn encourages residents’ involvement in the community. In addition, there are volunteer opportunities within the Inn including gardening, program resources, mailings, etc. GENERAL INFORMATION | 13

EMPLOYEES Private Work: Employees may not do private work for residents on Inn time. Arrangements for an employee to do private work must be scheduled outside of the employee’s working hours at the Inn. Driving: Employees may not transport residents for personal business or emergency purposes during working hours. Tipping: Tipping is not allowed. An opportunity for expressing appreciation for employees services is given at the Holiday party. It has been traditional for those residents who wish to do so to contribute to a holiday gift which is equitably distributed to all staff. Donations to Employees: Any item donated to an employee should be left for the employee to pick up at the Business Office. The article must be marked with the employee’s name. The Inn Staff: Resident Community Manager Assistant Resident Services Director Resident Service Associates Food Services and Facilities Director Chefs Waiters and Waitresses Dishwashers Housekeepers Maintenance Security Apartment Residents 14 | EMPLOYEES

GUEST FEES AND OTHER CHARGES Meals (children under 12 are half price) Breakfast $3.00 Lunch $9.00 Dinner $12.00 Sunday Brunch $12.00 Holiday $12.00 Sunday Supper $12.00 Tray Service $3.00 Guest Bag Lunch $4.00 Roll-Away Bed per night $8.00 Key Replacement $15.00 Fees are subject to change GUEST FEES & CHARGES | 15

FREQUENTLY CALLED NUMBERS Inn Reception Desk 203-594-5450 New Canaan Emergency Numbers Ambulance 911 Fire 911 Police 911 New Canaan Post Office 203-966-1659 New Canaan Library 203-594-5000 New Canaan Pharmacies New Canaan Pharmacy 203-966-4575 CVS 203-966-4928 Grieb’s (Darien) 203-655-1000 Walgreen’s 203-801-0121 Laundry/Dry Cleaning New Canaan Cleaners 203-966-9616 Village Cleaners 203-966-8192 Newspaper Delivery Stamford Advocate 203-327-9794 Wall Street Journal 1-800-568-7625 New Canaan Transportation New Canaan Taxi 203-966-6866 “Get-About” Van (for elderly and handicapped) 203-972-7433 Red Cross (for out of town medical only) 203-966-1633 16 | FREQUENTLY CALLED NUMBERS

My apartment telephone number is: 203-594-5450 The Inn reception desk number is: My physician’s number is: Numbers I call regularly: Person Telephone Notes: FREQUENTLY CALLED NUMBERS | 17

INDEX A 9 F Absence from Inn Fire emergency 10, 11 Activities 12 Fireplace 11 Adaptive equipment 13 Food service/meals 4, 5, 15 Apartment alterations 7 Frequently called numbers 16 Apartment doors 9 Apartment equipment 2 G General information 8, 12,1 3 B 8 General fees/charges 15 Guests 5, 8, 12 Bill payment Birthdays 12 Bulletin Board 12 H 11 Heaters (portable) C Housekeeping service 6 Cable TV 2 Call-for-aid 10 I Illness 12 Charges 15 Insurance 3 Common areas 12 Iron/ironing board 6 Copy machine 12 Cordmate 10, 13 J D Daily check 9 K Deliveries 12 Keys 2, 15 Donations to employees 14 Door locking 9 L Dry cleaning 16 Laundry 6, 16 Library 13, 16 E Lighting 6 Elevator 11, 12 Linens 6 Emergencies 10, 11 Liquor 5 Emergency numbers 16 Lost & found 13 Emergency response 8 Employee driving 14 Employees 14 18 | INDEX

M S Mail 13 Safety/security 9 Maintenance/decor 7 Smoke alarms 10 Maintenance requests 7 Smoking 5, 13 Medical emergency 10 Staff 14 Moving arrangements 2, 3 Storage area 3 Moving date 2 T Telephone 2 N 13, 16 Tipping/Holiday gifts 14 Newspapers Transportation 16 O Trash/recycling 6 Office hours 8 U P Parking 3 V Vial-of-life 10 Pests 6 Visitors 5, 8, 12 Pharmacies 16 Volunteerism 13 Phone numbers 16 Portable heaters 11 Private work 14 W Wall hangings 3 Q Washer/dryer 6 Wine 5 R 8 X 7, 8 Reception area 9 Y Requests for service 13 Residence absence 3 Z Resident meetings 12, 15 Right of entry 13 Roll-away beds Room changes INDEX | 19

The Inn 73 Oenoke Ridge New Canaan, CT 06840 Entrance to The Inn

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