CETLF A L L 2 0 1 6 - S P R I N G 2 0 1 7The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning FACULTY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Developing Educators For Student Success
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CONTENTS18 Town Hall MeetingsThe Wonder of Comingof Age Novels 3 Director's Note 4 CETL Services 9 Actively Engaging Students Dr. Claire Major 10 Team Based Learning Dr. Lane Brunner 11 Undergraduate Research: Encouraging Collaboration & Mentoring Dr. Christina Graves 12 Millennial Students & Digital Distractions Laurie Green, MEdWorkshop Series Contents 13 Continue on Pg. 2 Academic Integrity Dr. Teresa Fishman CETL 1
CONTENTSWorkshop Series 15 20 Educational Robotics Makerspace The Inclusive Classroom: Implementing Universal Design Playground For Learning In The College Dr. Julie Delello Classroom. 16 Dr. Frank Dykes, Dr. Jessica Reuter Re-Visioning Research's Think-Aloud Protocol: Providing Your Students A & Dr. Staci ZoloskiWindow To Witness (And Contemplate) 21 Your Expert Disciplinary Practices Digital Storytelling Apertures: Dr. Annamary Consalvo Mobile Green Screens And 17 Beyond The UT Tyler Research Exchange: Dr. Julie Delello Conversations With Friends Dr. Yanira Oliveras-Ortiz 22 Changing The Culture: Teaching 18 Raising Students’ Metacognitive Students How To Brand TheirAwareness of Reading Strategies Helps Skills And AbilitiesImprove Their Reading Comprehension Gail Johnson, MBA Performance 23 Dr. Kouider Mokhtari & Enhancing Student Motivation Dr. Gina Doepker Dr. Karlyn Adams-Wiggins 19 24 Subscription, Interlibrary Loan, Or Building A Better SyllabusNothing: How To Ensure Global Access Dr. Colleen Swain To Your Scholarly Works Terra Gullings, MLIS, CA CETL 2
A NOTE FROM THE DIRECTOR Welcome! The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) welcomes you. We are pleased to offer a rich collection of resources, information, and expertise to support the mission of the advancement of teaching and learning at The University of Texas at Tyler. The CETL partners with The Academy of Distinguished Teachers, The Faculty Fellows, The Faculty Senate, and The Office of Digital Learning.To help instructors improve their practice, The CETL provides several professionaldevelopment opportunities throughout the year including workshops, conferences,seminars, and new faculty induction programs featuring keynote speakers andexemplary instructors. In addition, The CETL provides instructors with customizedsupport including mentoring, classroom observations, and confidential oneononeconsultations. Please come by as we are here to help you!This year, our events and initiatives center on YOU as part of a “Celebration ofTeaching.” We want to promote a climate of collegiality and we hope that you will joinwith us as we discuss the future of teaching and learning here at The University ofTexas at Tyler.For inquiries, information, and suggestions, please email us at: [email protected],lf marathon race is 13.1 Wearing the right running shoes If you're running 30 minutes or is the key to comfort and injury less, you don't need to drink miles. Other races are also prevention, get fitted. water during a run.Julie Dnealemlelod ,b yDthireeircdtiostrances. CETL 3
The University of Texas at Tyler Center for Excellence in Teaching and LearningAbout the CenterThe Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning is dedicated to the advancementof best practices in teaching and learning at the University of Texas at Tyler.The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning supports the mission of TheUniversity of Texas at Tyler to enhance lifelong learning and provide high qualityprofessional development to promote the development of new skills and disciplineknowledge in order to enhance the academic success of our students.Center Services Professional Mentoring and Undergraduate Development Consultations ResearchProviding highquality Mentoring and confidential Providing resources and guidance toprofessional development which consultations about teaching and/or foster the development ofreflects best practices in course design. undergraduate research .teaching and learning,Service Teaching New FacultyLearning Resources InductionProviding resources and Offering a widerange of Featuring important information,guidance to foster the teaching resources including resources and support for newdevelopment of service learning. articles, journals, books, videos faculty throughout the year. and other materials.The Center is available to all instructional staff and faculty for networking with colleagues inorder to share innovative ideas which enhance teaching and learning. The Center has afaculty commons area and conference rooms with large screen monitors that facilitatewebinars, zoom conferences, and online meetings. Feel free to contact us for assistance. Wewelcome your ideas and suggestions. CETL 4
Thursday, April 13, 2017 8am - 5pm Location UC BallroomThe Lyceum Student Research Showcase The Lyceum Conference, sponsored by the CETL and the Honors College, is a celebration of research at the University of Texas at Tyler.Undergraduate and graduate students will showcase their original research projects through posters and presentations. CETL 5
SAVE THE DATE Thursday, April 27, 2017 1pm - 3pm Location UC 3422 Celebration Of Service-LearningThe Celebration of Service Learning event, sponsored by theCETL and The Department of Student Life and Leadership,recognizes the outstanding work of our students, faculty,and community partners.Students and faculty will showcase their service learningprojects through posters and presentations. CETL 6
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAMThe punch card is one of the many initiatives at the CETL.It provides faculty with an additional incentive for takingadvantage of training and professional developmentopportunities.Receive your punch card at the first CETL sponsored CETL 7professional development meeting you attend.
TEACHING Town HallsWho Dares To Teach Must Never Cease To Learn John Cotton Dana CETL 8
ACTIVELY ENGAGING STUDENTSDR. CLAIRE MAJORClaire Major is a Professor of Higher Education and Research tells us most students learnDepartment Chair of Educational Leadership, best when they are actively engagedTechnology, and Policy Studies at The University of in the classroom. This panelAlabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. She teaches presentation is intended to highlight acourses on college teaching, technology in higher variety of instructional strategieseducation, and reading research in the field of higher faculty members use to promoteeducation. Her research interests are in the areas of student engagement and learning infaculty work, pedagogical approaches, technology different environments such as largefor teaching, and online learning. Major is currently classes, online classes, and withworking on her latest book on active learning diverse student populations.strategies for faculty. CETL 9She also publishes her work in leading educationjournals and presents at both national andinternational conferences. Major holds a Ph.D. inHigher Education from The University of Georgia,a M.A. in English from The University of Alabama atBirmingham, and a B.A. from University of SouthAlabama. ADM 301 11/28/16 3-4:30 PM
TEAM Based LearningDR. LANE BRUNNERDr. Lane Brunner is the Dean of Pharmacy at TheUniversity of Texas at Tyler and holds the Sam A.Lindsey Professorship. Brunner previously served aschair of the Department of Pharmaceutical andBiomedical Sciences at California NorthstateUniversity College of Pharmacy. He also served asfounding dean at the Regis University School ofPharmacy in Denver. Earlier in his career, he was atenured professor of pharmacy at The University ofTexas at Austin.The UT Tyler Ben and Maytee Fisch College of Team-based learning (TBL) is aPharmacy is one of only four pharmacy colleges teaching strategy used to promotenationwide to offer a doctor of pharmacy program active and collaborative learningcentered exclusively on team-based learning — an within groups. This panel presentationactive-learning method proven to engage students in is intended to show how the elementslearning more effectively than traditional classroom of engagement, critical thinking,instruction via lecture. collaboration, reflective thinking, and authentic problem solving can be WTB 234 incorporated into the classroom experience. 1/27/17 10-11:30 AM CETL 10
UNDREERSGERAARDCHUA: TEEncouraging Collaboration & MentoringDR. CHRISTINA GRAVESDr. Christina Graves has been a member of the Learn how the University encouragesmath faculty at UT Tyler for the past 8 years and the direct involvement ofcurrently holds the title of Associate Professor. undergraduate students in thePrior to coming to UT Tyler, Christy received a scholarly efforts of faculty. This panelBachelor’s degree in both math and computer presentation will summarize thescience from Eastern Illinois University and her aspects of undergraduate researchMaster’s degree and PhD from Syracuse University. including the benefits andAs a member of the UT Tyler math department, challenges of incorporating researchChristy has won numerous teaching awards into the classroom as well asincluding the UT Regents’ Outstanding Teaching effective mentoring techniques.Award, the White Fellowship for TeachingExcellence, and the Center for Teaching Excellence CETL 11and Innovation’s Level I and Level II Certificate. Sheis also a Founding Fellow for the UT Tyler Academyof Distinguished Teachers. Besides teaching,Christy is also heavily involved in undergraduateresearch and was awarded the UT Faculty Fellow forundergraduate research. 2 23ADM 301 / 1-2:30 PM
MILLENNIAL STUDENTSand Digital DISTRACTIONSLAURIE GREEN, MEd According to a recent survey (McCoy, 2016), students are more distracted thanLaurie Green has been working in technology ever before due to their digital devices.and education for over 20 years. Her expertise In fact, students admitted that theyas a Technology Integration Specialist was spend about 20 percent of their time inrecently recognized by Squirrels® and was class using devices for activitiesaccepted into their Alpha Squirrel class. She unrelated to class such as textis also a Certified LEGO Robotics Instructor, messaging, emailing, and checkingand is Quality Matters Certified. When not social media sites.consulting Laurie works for Western Reserve Should faculty limit the use of suchEducational Services PBS where she keeps devices, create social media policies, orher finger on the pulse of emergent ban technology all together? What aretechnologies and the role they play in the benefits and challenges to such use?education. She holds a Master’s Degree from Find out what the students and facultyCleveland State University in Curriculum and at UT Tyler think about this issuCeE. T L 1 2Foundations with a focus on TechnologyEducation, and a Bachelors in Business fromThe Ohio State University. ADM 301 3/30/17 1-2:30 PM
AINCTAEDGERMITIYCDR. TERESA FISHMAN BRB 1055Dr. Teresa Fishman is the Director of the International Center 4/21/17for Academic Integrity, an Academic Center housed within 10-11:30 AMthe Rutland Institute for Ethics at Clemson University. Heracademic work is interdisciplinary and addresses topics that CETL 13include the rhetoric of police writing, identity in onlineenvironments and the teaching of multi-media literacy aswell as topics related to practical ethics and academicintegrity. Long before completing her PhD at PurdueUniversity in Rhetoric and Composition and working as afaculty member in English and Communication, she workedas a police officer and deputy sheriff.Academic Integrity is a fundamental value of teaching, learning,and scholarship. Yet, there is growing evidence that studentscheat and plagiarize” (Center for Academic Integrity, 2016). Thispanel presentation will briefly review our policies and proceduresin regards to student cheating. In addition, we will discuss culturaldifferences in academic integrity—do international students have adifferent set of rules? We will have an open dialogue to share issuesand best practices in order to improve the culture of integrity onour campus.
Workshop SeriesThe art of teaching is the art ofassisting discovery. Mark Van Doren CETL 14
EDUMCakAeTrIsOpaNcAe LPlaRyOgrBoOunTdICSDR. JULIE DELELLO FAC 2009Mark Your Calendars… 12/9/16Creativity and Learning!! 10-11:30 AMThe purpose of this educational To describe them simply,makerspaces is to provide a hands-on, makerspaces are communitycreative space where users can practice centers with tools. Makerspacesand play with some of the newest combine manufacturingeducational robotics used in classrooms equipment, community, andfrom kindergarten to college. Play with education for the purposes ofthe tools, apps, and basic coding enabling community members toprograms to make these robots work as design, prototype and createyou move from station to station. manufactured works thatMakerspaces are not an “alternative” wouldn’t be possible to createway to learn, but what modern learning with the resources available toshould really look like (Stager, 2014) individuals working alone. CETL 15
RE-VISIONING RESEARCH’S THINK-ALOUD PROTOCOL:Providing Your Students A Window To Witness(And Contemplate) Your Expert Disciplinary Practices.DR. ANNAMARY CONSALVO FAC 2009Do your students struggle to 2/7/17efficaciously navigate texts in yourcourses? Do you wonder if it is ability 10-11:30 AMor motivation? Do you think that theyreally ought to know how by now, as Participants in this workshop willcollege students? The answer may be have the opportunity toa qualified “yes” to one or more of understand what a think aloudthese questions. The think aloud is a is, through demonstration,protocol that can unveil to students discussion, and examination ofyour practices as a disciplinary expert research literature. Participantsand better prepare them to take on will draft, develop, and practicethe challenges of particular problems. conducting a think aloud forEach academic discipline approaches fellow participants who will offerits tasks and challenges in unique, and structured and supportiveeven cultural ways, and often those feedback.approaches are invisible to novices. CETL 16
THE UT TYLER RESEARCH EXCHANGE: CONVERSATIONS WITH FRIENDSTHE UT TYLER RESEARCH EXCHANGE: CONVERSATIONS WITH FRIENDSDR. YANIRA OLIVERAS-ORTIZThe Research Exchange provides Presenters will be asked tofaculty members with an opportunity provide a synopsis of their studyto share their current research in a prior to the exchange, which willcollegial environment. The discourse be provided to all attendingfollowing each presentation will help faculty to read beforehand.the faculty members strengthen their Faculty members may choose tostudies. Participants are asked to pose participate by presenting and/orquestions and provide feedback attending to provide feedback toaimed at helping their colleagues their colleagues.reflect on their research plans.Faculty members interested in FAC 2009participating will have 10-12 minutesfor an oral presentation followed by 5 2/14/17minutes for questions and dialogue. 10 AM - 12 PM CETL 17
DR. KOUIDER MOKHTARI DR. GINA DOEPKERFAC 2009 RAISING STUDENTS’ METACOGNITIVE AWARENESS OF READING STRATEGIES HELPS2 28 17/ / IMPROVE THEIR READING 2-3:30 PM COMPREHENSION PERFORMANCEYour students can read their textbooks. But do they understand what theyread? Research indicates that significant numbers of college students are often“unskilled and unaware.” The good news is that faculty can more easily helptheir students to become more effective readers and comprehenders oncethey understand the metacognitive skills and strategies involved in the processof reading comprehension. In this workshop, you will have an opportunity toa( ) try a tool for assessing your students’ metacognitive awareness of readingstrategies, and b( ) use insights gained to help them improve their readingcomprehension performance. CETL 18
FAC 2009 TERRA GULLINGS, MLIS, CA3/3/17 10-11:30 AMSUBSCRIPTION, INTERLIBRARY LOAN,OR NOTHING: HOW TO ENSURE GLOBAL ACCESS TO YOUR SCHOLARLY WORKSPublishing through traditional journals often limits access to yourscholarship—researchers can only read your works through a journalsubscription, via available library databases, inter-library loan, or pay thepublisher for access. This workshop will show how faculty can use ScholarWorks at UT Tyler to store, preserve, and provide worldwide access to theirscholarly output.A discussion about open access, including: copyright agreements, authorrights, avoiding predatory journals, and benefits of adding content toScholar Works at UT Tyler. Bring your CV and we can review specificcopyright policies of your published works! CETL 19
The Inclusive Classroom: Implementing Universal Design For Learning in the College ClassroomDRS. FRANK DYKES, JESSICA REUTER, AND STACI ZOLKOSKIStudents are entering higher FAC 2009education classrooms today witha variety of differences related to 3/22/17their learning, culture, 10-11:30 AMbackground, and language. Adiversified classroom brings it The goal of UDL is to use a varietyown unique challenges. How can of teaching methods to removea professor effectively meet the any barriers to learning and giveunique learning needs of all students equal opportunitiesstudents in the classroom? This to succeed. UDL doesn’tworkshop focuses on the concept specifically target kids withof Universal Design for Learning learning and attention issues. It’s(UDL). Come and learn new about building in flexibility thatstrategies and methods to meet can be adjusted for everythe needs of all learners in your student’s strengths and needs.classroom. CETL 20
Digital Storytelling Apertures: Mobile Green Screens and BeyondDR. JULIE DELELLO FAC 2009Have you ever wished you could create 3/28/17something highly engaging for your students? Do 1-2:30 PMyou want to use storytelling tools to encouragestudents to communicate and collaborate withone another?Bring your iPad to this session to learn how to use two inexpensive appsin order to easily create and edit green screen videos on your ownmobile device! In addition, participants will learn how to use a Padcastersystem to create interesting stories that can be shared with studentsand others all over the world. You will learn to transform your iPad into amobile production studio to create content that inspires. No moreboring lectures! CETL 21
CHANGING THE CULTURETeaching Students How to Brand Their Skills and Abilities GAIL JOHNSON, MBA There is power in branding your classroom and getting students to talk about their major in a way that makes business sense. For example, do your students understand how a classical languages, history, or art degree might translate into the very job skills that employers need? And, why are so many women giving up on physics and math before completing advanced degrees? Do we do enough to empower women and minorities? Do we teach students those authentic leadership skills? In this workshop you will learn how to empower your students while creating a culture of caring. Learn how to teach your students to use social media to brand their thinking and how to help students communicate their own unique values as an expert in their fields. FAC 2009 4/6/17 1-2:30 PM CETL 22
ENHANCING STUDENT MOTIVATIONDR. KARLYN ADAMS-WIGGINSIt can be difficult to understand the reasons why students aresucceeding or failing in our classes. One often misunderstoodexplanation is students' motivation. In this workshop you willlearn key ideas in modern academic achievement motivationtheory, with special attention to effectively using group work tosupport motivation for adult learners and supporting UT Tyler'slarge first- generation and transfer student population.Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to collaborativelydevelop solutions for motivation challenges you've observed inyour classrooms.. FAC 2009 4/19/17 CETL 23 1-2:30 PM
BuildingA Better SyllabusDR. COLLEEN SWAIN FAC 2009We’ve all seen the T-shirt “It’s in the syllabus” but 4/20/17how do we craft a syllabus that meets all the 2-3:30 PMrequirements yet provides meaningful and evenengaging information for students?In this hands-on workshop, we will discuss the basic syllabusrequirements and policies identified by the university. In addition,you will learn to write effective learning outcome statements,identify higher order thinking activities, and discuss strategies forgetting students to read the syllabus. Participants should bringtwo copies of a current syllabus for discussion. CETL 24
Teaching & Learning Workshops Call For Fall 2017 Proposals Do you have a great idea for a professional development workshop?Don’t miss your chance to contribute to the CETL fall professional development program as we continue to discuss best practices in teaching and learning.Email [email protected] to submit a workshop proposal for the fall of 2017. We welcome individual, interdisciplinary, and co-facilitated proposals. Proposals need to be submitted by July 1, 2017 for full consideration. An email receipt will acknowledge each proposal and letters of invitation to present the workshop will be emailed to the lead facilitator.The CETL will work with you to determine dates, times, and rooms. CETL 25
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