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Home Explore 2020 Year in Review

2020 Year in Review

Published by CSS-MarketingandCommunications, 2021-01-07 22:32:07

Description: FINAL - 2020 Year in Review


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ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW CONTENT Mission, Vision, & Values ...................................................................................................................... 2 Recognition, 2020 Awards ................................................................................................................. 3 Organizational Chart .......................................................................................................................... 4 Executive Services ............................................................................................................................... 5 Customer Support Services ................................................................................................................ 12 Operations .............................................................................................................................................. 20 Program Support Services ................................................................................................................. 30

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW ABOUT CSS MISSION,VISION & VALUES MEET OUR EXECUTIVES VISION To be a trusted partner of parents in securing financial stability for Orange County’s children. STEVEN ELDRED MISSION Director To facilitate the financial support of children by engaging parents and providing professional child STRENGTHS ● Strategic Thinking support services. ● Learner ● Achiever VALUES ● Futuristic ● Influencing Commitment to children Dedicated customer service MARIA ARZOLA Compassion and encouragement Chief Deputy Director Integrity and respect Operations Growth and learning Teamwork and collaboration STRENGTHS ● Achiever ● Analytical ● Learner ● Deliberative ● Significance PAGE 2

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW RECOGNITION 2020 AWARDS SAFE ACCESS TO CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES Achievement Program Innovation in the Award Engagement Child Support Program This initiative addresses victims’ apprehensions in opening and actively participating in their child support cases by providing child support professionals with increased awareness of the impacts of domestic violence, improved questionnaires, tools and training in identifying customers who experienced harm, how to effectively inform and educate customers about appropriate resources through partnerships with local domestic violence organizations, and establishing policies and procedures that promote self-reporting and safe access. By making access to child support services safer and providing links to resources, CSS contributes to the financial independence of customers, a critical component to victims leaving abusive relationships. PREVIOUS AWARDS 2019 NACo AchievementAward - PredictiveAnalytics NCSEA ProgramAwareness - MarketingCampaign 2018 WICSEC ProgramEngagementAward - MarketingCampaign 2015 OCBC IncorporatingInnovativeTechnologyAward - PredictiveAnalytics 2014 NACo AchievementAward - LeadershipDevelopmentProgram 2013 CSAC ChallengeAward - ChallengeAward 2012 NCSEA ExcellenceAwardforProgramAwareness - CommunityEducationInitiative 2011 OCBC IncorporatingInnovativeTechnologyAward - PredictiveAnalytics 2009 NACo Achievement Award - Collaboration w/Superior Court, FLF & Self Help Center 2006 NACo Achievement Award - Community Education Initiative 2003 NACo Achievement Award - CSS Leadership Development Program NACo Achievement Award - Family Centered Services Community Resource Initiative NACo Achievement Award - Setting Appropriate Orders: Best Practice Program NACo Achievement Award - S.E.L.F. Program NACo Achievement Award - Solutions for Parents CSDA OutstandingIndividualAchievementAward - Research & Data Analysis NACo Achievement Award - Child Support Gateway Program WICSEC Outstanding Program Award - Best in Child Support Enforcement NCSEA Most Improved Program PAGE 3


ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW EXECUTIVE SERVICES MEET THE LEADERS LEADERSHIP STRENGTHS LEGAL SERVICES ATTORNEYS OMBUDSMAN & EXECUTING ● RELATIONSHIP BUILDING COMPLAINT RESOLUTION, Achiever ● Connectedness ● ROBERT SECH PIO & CIVIL RIGHTS OFFICER Belief Developer ●● Consistency ● ● Supervising KEITH MCHORNEY Attorney Admin CARLOTA SERNA Manager I Supervising Responsibility ● Empathy ●● Attorney Harmony INFLUENCING STRATEGIC THINKING●● ●● Context ●● Maximizer Input Intellection ●● Learner ●● JULIA MONTGOMERY STAFF COUNTS Supervising Attorney HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES Administrative Manager I 5 Administrative Manager II 3 DIANE GREEK Attorney III 13 Executive Secretary 1 Admin Manager II Office Assistant 1 Office Specialist 2 NANCY CAMPOY Paralegal 4 Secretary III 1 Admin Manager I 2 Senior Child Support Specialist 2 SILVIA NIKNAMI Staff Specialist 3 Supervising Attorney Admin Manager I STAFF STRENGTH SNAPSHOT 32% RELATIONSHIP BUILDING 35% EXECUTING 13% INFLUENCING 20% STRATEGIC THINKING PAGE 5

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW LEGAL SERVICES ATTORNEYS Partnering with parents, the courts, and CSS personnel to achieve appropriate orders which EXECUTIVE SERVICES foster the support of the children of Orange County. About Us The primary focus of the Attorney Team is to provide legal support to the Orange County Department of Child Support Services by way of court hearings, first floor Stipulation Team/Customer Service support, and general legal counsel for the various teams within the agency. Our team is dedicated to the mission and vision of the agency. We are aligned with the overarching goal of the IV-D Program in ensuring that children receive the financial support that they need to thrive through the establishment, modification and enforcement of child support and medical support orders. In mid-March 2020, the Attorney Team exemplified resilience as it pivoted from in-person hearings to remote hearings as a result of the pandemic. From March 2020 until the end of 2020, all our child support hearings were conducted remotely. Meet the Team Key Accomplishments for 2020  Worked collaboratively with the Orange County Superior Court and other stakeholders to implement a new way of conducting hearings in a remote/ virtual setting  Participated in presentations at OC DCSS, San Bernardino County DCSS, and CSDA Legal College  Legal support in agency-wide workgroups: Award-winning Safe Access Initiative; Teen Parent Program; Genetic Testing Workgroup; Foster Care Workgroup  Dedicated two attorneys to the settlement project from August 2020 to present  Preparation of comprehensive legal memoranda on a variety of legal issues that impact the office-wide operations of the Department PAGE 6

LEGAL SERVICES ATTORNEYS ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW Goals For 2021  Continue to maximize the efficient use of court slots. So long as we remain in a remote/virtual setting, we will continue to work with the court to increase the number of daily remote court hearings. Once court has returned to in- person hearings, we will work collaboratively with the court to maximize court slots while ensuring the safety of all courtroom participants.  Continue to use our legal knowledge and skills to increase child support collections in innovative ways, i.e., through the effective use of QDRO’s, civil liens, workers’ compensation liens, CIIP, probate actions, and any other legal means.  Continue to provide legal counsel to various areas of the agency by assignment of attorneys with the various units, such as CERT and PPM, among others.  Continue to build productive professional relationships with our community partners to increase the visibility of our agency and to provide essential services. PAGE 7

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW HUMAN RESOURCES The mission of Human Resources Services is to SERVICES attract, retain, and develop a highly skilled and competent workforce so that the County agencies/ Executive Services departments can provide outstanding services to their customers. About Us Meet the Team Human Resources Services supports its partner departments and agencies by providing all human resources functions and services, from recruiting, return to work, records, training, performance management, employee relations, retirement and everything in between. We commit to creating a positive, service-oriented culture which:  Attracts and retains the best and the brightest  Fosters a spirit of collaboration and partnership internally and externally, supports creativity, innovation, and responsiveness  Demonstrates a “can-do” attitude in accomplishing timely results  Creates a fun, fulfilling and rewarding working environment  Models the following core values in everything we do: Respect, Integrity, Caring, Trust, Excellence Key Accomplishments for 2020 OVER 680  Implementation of the enacted Federal Families First RECORD TRANSACTIONS Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)  Primary resource for COVID-19 questions Goals For 2021  Implementation of the new County wide absence management software system  Provide CSS leaders with internal HR support to meet their needs, from training, coaching and counseling to development of workflow processes  Complete a refresh of the HRS portion of the CSS intranet PAGE 8

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW OMBUDSMAN & COMPLAINT RESOLUTION To be a trusted, empathetic and knowledgeable PUBLIC INFORMATION & resource for customers. CIVIL RIGHTS OFFICER Executive Services About Us Meet the Team The Ombudsman Team helps customers get child support services; inform RESPONDED TO customers of their rights and responsibilities; helps resolve case issues; and assists with the complaint resolution process. The Ombudsman Team also 1,483 manages the ‘Confidential Caseload’, processes Mistaken Identity claims, and represents CSS at EDD/UIB hearings. If still not satisfied after working CUSTOMER with the Ombudsman Team, either the CP of NCP can file a complaint CONCERNS/ through the Complaint Resolution Program and may request an ISSUES administrative state hearing if they disagree with CSS’ written response/ findings. received via hotline, e-mail, fax and USPS mail The Public Information Officer is responsible for interactions with the media, serves as the CSS spokesperson, and is a key point of contact for CA DCSS and the County Executive Office. The Civil Rights Officer is responsible for investigating customer claims of discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, marital status or age. Key Accomplishments for 2020 PROCESSED  4 of 4 State Hearing Decision & Orders were in favor of the LCSA  98% of inquiries resolved without need for the formal Complaint 120 Resolution Program CLAIMS OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY  New (retiree replacement) Sr. Child Support Specialist gained for 82% OF Ombudsman Team FORMAL Goals For 2021 COMPLAINTS  Resolve 90% (or more) Ombudsman inquiries without need for formal RESOLVED complaint resolution referral. without request for state hearing  Maintain outstanding customer service being provided by Ombudsman CIVIL RIGHTS Team. COMPLAINTS RECEIVED  Resolve 90% (or more) complaints without request for state hearing.  Maintain 100% favorable state hearing Decision and Orders. PAGE 9

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT Provide support to the agency’s mission statement utilizing technology and strengths while providing EXECUTIVE SERVICES excellent service to staff. About Us Executive Management Support provides administrative and logistic support for child support programs and operations, and coordinates employee engagement activities as well. It is responsible for facilitating town halls, employee recognition and suggestion programs, supporting department-wide initiatives and projects in the various areas of CSS, and department and county-wide fundraisers. Meet the Team Event Images Key Accomplishments for 2020  Launched initial CSS Year-In-Review publication in February 2020.  Conducted virtual Staff Appreciation Day in August 2020.  Submitted five award nominations for 2020.  Provided support in tracking agency’s occupancy rate in 2020.  Facilitated distribution of teleworking equipment. Goals For 2021  Continue to acquire more skills and knowledge of new technology that supports the agency in the current pandemic environment.  Transition management of the Fitness Center to Executive Management Support. PAGE 10


ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW CUSTOMER SUPPORT SERVICES Flexibility and Commitment. These are the two watchwords that guided our efforts to deliver vital public services in 2020. Amidst pandemic curveballs and budget cut impacts, we did not waver in our commitment to our customers or to our mission of providing financial stability to children. Despite all the uncertainty that 2020 brought us, we saw the opportunity to provide calm guidance and reassurance to our customers, and also to evolve in HOW we serve them. We worked closely with our program support teams to re-engineer our customer lobbies and workspaces for enhanced safety, to redesign our call center, and to upgrade our public-facing website for greater mobile-friendly features. We also significantly ramped up our use of digital marketing techniques to create new channels of communication with our current and potential customers. As we tried out new ideas, we learned, we gathered and analyzed data and formed insights, and then we refined. In this sense, CSS was well-prepared to meet the challenges of 2020, as these processes of continuous improvement and effective change management are cornerstones of our culture. It’s safe to say that not everything turned out as we planned in 2020, and the pace of change was intense to say the least. Yet, I find myself inspired by all of the big and small accomplishments made by our teams in Customer Service and throughout the Department this year. Thank you all for digging deep, finding your resilience and pushing forward to meet the needs of the families we serve! PAGE 12

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW MEET THE LEADERS LEADERSHIP STRENGTHS IAN RUDGE EXECUTING RELATIONSHIP BUILDING ● Customer Support Services Achiever ●●● Harmony ●● Deputy Director ●● Arranger Positivity ●● JILL HOWERY Relator Customer Service Operations Administrative Manager II INFLUENCING ● STRATEGIC THINKING DIANA QUIANE Activator Analytical ● Communication ● Community Resource Center Futuristic ● & External Marketing ● Admin Manager I Ideation Intellection ● JOLIE SHEPPICK ● Learner ●●● Research Team Admin Manager I Strategic STAFF COUNTS 2 1 Accountant-Auditor I & II 3 Accounting Office Supervisor II 3 Accounting Specialist 1 Administrative Manager I 19 Information Processing Specialist 4 Office Assistant 1 Office Specialist 1 Office Supervisor B 1 Procurement Buyer 1 Procurement Contract Specialist 2 Senior Accounting Assistant 4 Staff Assistant 12 Staff Development Specialist 3 Staff Specialist Warehouse Worker II STAFF STRENGTH SNAPSHOT 34% EXECUTING 34% RELATIONSHIP BUILDING 23% STRATEGIC THINKING 9% INFLUENCING PAGE 13

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER DIANE QUIANE & EXTERNAL MARKETING Admin Manager I Meet the Team CUSTOMER SUPPORT SERVICES Key Accomplishments for 2020 76 OUTREACH EVENTS in 2020 throughout Orange  Established a new partnership with County Community County (Jan-March) Resource Center and provided on-site child support 91 PARTNERSHIP services. REFERRALS  Successful execution of Child Support Awareness Month. Processed April-Nov.  COVID-19 response to customers and internal +177 CUSTOMER CONTACT stakeholders. RESULTING FROM DIGITAL  Completion of case opening social media campaign under MARKETING EFFORTS the digital marketing grant. calls and e-mail inquiries from April-October Goals For 2021 46 SPECIAL PROJECTS Completed by the  Engage with community partners through virtual External Marketing Team meetings and partnership referrals for customer assistance.  Completion of a two- year marketing plan informed by the results of the digital marketing grant.  Integration of partnership and marketing strategies. PAGE 14

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW RESEARCH TEAM JOLIE SHEPPICK CUSTOMER SUPPORT SERVICES Admin Manager I Meet the Team Key Accomplishments for 2020 122 AD-HOC  Converted all monthly production reporting into SAS VA REPORTS PUBLISHED  Completed a statewide analysis of GLC data (approx. 850 hours)  Published statewide poverty analysis along with mapped Completed visuals 50 CUSTOMER  Collaborated with OCIT to refine the web CMT CONSULTATIONS  Converted daily CS Solution, Frontpage and Texting + 668 platforms into SAS VA reports TRAINING HOURS COMPLETED  Presented at NCSEA Annual Conference and the OPRE RECS (in addition to County Bi-Annual Conference offered/mandated training)  Issued 18 Surveys PARTICIPATED IN  Participated in the Annual Conditions of Children Report 11 WORKING Committee and supplied report data SESSIONS  Validated data on behalf of the State DCSS with State DCSS RADAR Council  Provided data to the State’s Legislative Analysts Office for PAGE 15 proposed bills  Completed a special studies on behalf of State DCSS (Applicant Role and Arrears Analysis)

RESEARCH TEAM ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW  Completed the following Special Studies/Projects: • Unsuccessful Service Study • Defaulter Profile • Arrears Payment Study • Digital Marketing Grant Evaluation Study • Top Stats Webpage • Staffing Reporting in SAS VA • Geospatial analysis of the caseload • FPM3 by Open Date Study • SLMS Evaluation • Created PI2 Data reporting in SAS VA • Created a new court hearings report in SAS VA • OSAT to call center metrics correlation analysis Goals For 2021  Expand the use of SAS VA to meet customer needs  Continue consulting and collaborating with operational units  Refine publication techniques for easier and public consumption  Continue to seek ways to increase efficiency and automation in collaboration with OCIT PAGE 16

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW CUSTOMER SERVICE OPERATIONS JILL HOWERY Vision Customer Service Operations To provide the highest quality customer Administrative Manager II service possible by ensuring customer satisfaction, timeliness, accurate information UNIT LEADERS and easy access to services throughout public contact areas. Customer Service Operations KEVIN LENERTZ focuses on building and maintaining effective partnerships with parents and other Customer Service Operations operational units; evaluating business Admin Manager I processes, resources and training opportunities to ensure team members have MARCELA MANDAGIE the tools to perform their tasks. Staff use their strengths and diverse knowledge for Call Center opportunities to increase service levels in Admin Manager I their interaction with customers, and while focusing on customer care, strengthening of relationships, building trust, personal customer service, and educating parents. Mission Customer Service Operations support CSS’ mission and vision by providing quality service to our customers when they call the Call Center or come into Child Support Services for an interview. The teams provide an excellent customer experience and perform follow up case management activities. The teams are comprised of child support experts directly assisting customers in collaboration with other CSS operational areas. The unit is comprised of Call Center and Customer Service Contact teams PAGE 17

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTACT KEVIN LENERTZ CUSTOMER SERVICE Admin Manager I OPERATIONS Key Accomplishments for 2020 Meet the Team  Established and maintained an open line of communication with customers amid the pandemic related closure via a Customer Service Hotline where we responded to 793 customer calls during the closure  Once the lobby was reopened, we quickly reestablished platinum level wait times (under 9 minutes)  Introduced virtual interviews to provide our customers more flexibility in communicating with us  Launched a self-scheduling tool for customers to use to set appointments with Customer Service and Order Setting teams. Goals For 2021 10,686  Identify methods to improve the customer experience: CUSTOMERS SERVED communication tools, processing within the Customer Service Lobby, and customer interactions virtually, telephonically and by Customer Service personally Contact and Support  Continue to refine the appointment self-scheduling tools Sustained approx. 8-MINUTE  Explore processes to improve the staff experience within the WAIT TIMES Customer Service area post-closure  More fully integrate FIDM/SLMS and Customer Service teams 561 HOTLINE CALLS PAGE 18

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW CALL CENTER MARCELA MANDAGIE CUSTOMER SERVICE OPERATIONS Admin Manager I Meet the Team Key Accomplishments for 2020 154,881  Established a 45-second wait time.  Achieved 8 minute talk time, spent more time on the phone with CALLS ANSWERED customers to educate parents about child support processes. in FFY 2020  Implemented use of wrap-up questions to provide call closure. Maintained 76% SERVICE LEVELS Goals For 2021  Implement strategies to build customer rapport, trust and set 46-SECOND the tone for a positive call. WAIT TIME  Ensure a meaningful training experience for Call Center staff to COLLECTED enhance their job knowledge and gain useful information about $3.6 MILLION child support processes to provide quality customer service. 2% increase over the previous FFY  Continue to offer tailored responses for each individual PAGE 19 circumstance to meet our customers multiple needs and provide them with the best service possible.

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW CASE OPERATIONS In 2020, Case Operations continued to deliver child support services through the commitment, passion and dedication of each case manager, despite unprecedented events and challenges. Case Operations staff were there for families every step of the way from case opening to collection of child support and everything in between. Case Operations staff made navigating child support processes as simple, easy, safe and convenient as possible for each customer. Order Setting Teams is comprised of Case Opening/Establishment, Legal Services Support and Court Operations. Each unit displayed their commitment to customer service, setting appropriate court orders and supporting customers who participate in the agreement and court processes. A significant accomplishment this year was the transition of court services from in-person hearings to remote hearings held through a virtual conferencing platform. In addition, Order Setting Teams reorganized to streamline processes, improve service levels, build stronger customer relationships and implement convenient and safe virtual services. Case Management Operations is comprised of Collections, Performance & Reports, Enforcement and Special Collections. Each unit demonstrated dedicated customer service while achieving performance objectives. Staff contributed to exceeding performance goals in in several metrics including distributed collections of $199 million dollars, Percent of Cases with an Arrears Payment of 77.3% an Percent of Cases with a Support Order Established of 93.8%. Through customer relationships, proactive case management, quality assurance and Customer partnerships with employers, Case Management units effectively collected and Relationships distributed child support to over 60,000 families. The accomplishments of the Department in Case Operations were only possible through strong leadership coupled with dedicated and engaged staff. On behalf of the families we serve, my appreciation, gratitude and congratulations go out to each member of Case Operations who contributed to a successful year. Your flexibility, resilience and commitment to the families we served was inspiring. Streamlining Processes PAGE 20

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW MEET THE LEADERS LEADERSHIP STRENGTHS VERONICA MCNAMARA Operations Deputy Director EXECUTING RELATIONSHIP BUILDING Adaptability ● Arranger ● Connectedness ● DAVID RUVALCABA Deliberative ● Individualization ● ● ●● Case Management Operations Responsibility ● Relator Administrative Manager II Restorative MONIQUE JOHNSON INFLUENCING STRATEGIC THINKING ● Order Setting Teams Communication ● Analytical ● Admin Manager II Top Priorities Maximizer ● Futuristic ● Intellection ● Strategic STAFF COUNTS Staff and Performance Administrative Manager I 6 Customer Objectives Administrative Manager II 1 Attorney Clerk II 14 Safety Cashier 1 Child Support Specialist 61 Law Office Supervisor 2 Office Assistant 13 Office Specialist 5 Senior Child Support Specialist 61 Supervising Child Support Specialist 17 Building Internal Functional Quality Leadership & STAFF STRENGTH SNAPSHOT Alignment Assurance Professional & Management Development 32% EXECUTING 38% RELATIONSHIP BUILDING 22% STRATEGIC THINKING 8% INFLUENCING PAGE 21

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW CASE MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS DAVID RUVALCABA Vision Case Management Operations To ensure case management activities are Administrative Manager II completed in a timely and efficient manner with focus on building and maintaining effective partnerships with internal and external customers. Mission To provide holistic services and excellent customer service that meets the multiple needs of internal and external customers. UNIT LEADERS RAMIRO ESPINOZA Collections & Performance Reports Admin Manager I CINDY TRAN-CHANG Enforcement Admin Manager I LYNETTE FAVORS Special Collections Admin Manager I PAGE 22

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW COLLECTIONS & PERFORMANCE REPORTS RAMIRO ESPINOZA Case Management Ops Admin Manager I Meet the Team CASE OPERATIONS Key Accomplishments for 2020 COMPLETED  Redefined area mission and priorities 31,000  Completed assessment and prioritization of CMT Reports  Supported CSS PMP Tactical Workgroups by providing CMT and CASE REVIEWS staff resources to accomplish strategies through processing of  Supported CSS Projects including Safe Access Reviews, CMT Reports Suspended Payments Reviews and AB610 Sunset case reviews REVIEWED 3,000 Goals For 2021 CREDIT INQUIRIES  Complete area effectiveness assessment in partnership with via e-Oscar Research Team ASSISTED 191  Refine and continue support of PMP Tactical Workgroups  Lead CSS efforts to implement changes to COAP and Credit CUSTOMERS WITH COAP AGREEMENTS Reporting Changes COLLECTED  Continue supporting CSS projects and initiatives $1,197,310 IN CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS PROCESSED 2,207 DEMAND/TITLE INQUIRIES PAGE 23

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW ENFORCEMENT CINDY TRAN-CHANG Case Management Ops Admin Manager I CASE OPERATIONS Meet the Team 563 COLLECTIONS IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $508,106 Key Accomplishments for 2020 4,161 EARLY  Incorporated entire enforcement workforce in early intervention INTERVENTION efforts for department wide current support collections PMP Metric. LETTERS SENT This was part of a two-prong approach in capturing the front end as well as long term existing arrears cases to increase payments on and calls made to customers current support cases. resulted in …. 9 CREDIT CARD  Ongoing assessment of resources and recalibration of caseload to maximize impact and promote personal and professional workforce PAYMENTS growth. collected totaling  Successful transition of workforce into telework mode while $4,923 providing ongoing delivery of enforcement functions. 2,151 DIRECT Goals For 2021  Complete department wide Suppressions analysis to identify PHONE CALLS* business workflow, follow up actions and provide recommendations *data compiled as of April 2020 to improve uniformity, best practices and consistency. 7,608  Complete analysis of foster care phase 2 which includes establishing E-MAIL workgroup consisting of Enforcement Operations, Policy & Process RESPONSES Management and attorneys with dependency court experience. This workgroup is responsible for analyzing 20 existing foster care cases to 108,588 determine the next course of action, impact to business processes and make recommendations for remaining 1,564 existing foster care cases. CSE TASKS COMPLETED PAGE 24

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LYNETTE FAVORS Case Management Ops Admin Manager I CASE OPERATIONS Meet the Team Key Accomplishments for 2020 12.19% CUSTOMERS  Post Order Teams: Conducted workflow process analysis resulting OPTED TO RECEIVE in an improved and equitable workload distribution ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS  Employer Express Team: Hosted virtual Employer Forum for 148 registered employers via educational Paper Check project in September Goals For 2021  Continued focus on reducing the number of suspended collections 42% INCREASE and distribution IN DAILY IWOS PROCESSED  Continued focus on transitioning to a ‘proactive ‘approach in how by the Employer Express team we work task to minimalize backlogs (Audits, task, and processing monies) 40% REDUCTION 50% REDUCTION OF $1,672,657.49 IN DOLLARS THE NUMBER OF COLLECTED IN SUSPENDED PAYMENTS ON in cashier booths DISBURSEMENT HOLD SINCE RE-OPENING PAYMENTS TO THE PUBLIC IN JUNE 2020 At the end of the FFY 2020 PAGE 25

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW ORDER SETTING TEAMS MONIQUE JOHNSON Vision Order Setting Teams To ensure Order Setting Team activities are completed Admin Manager II timely, accurately and with the highest quality of customer service. This includes efficiently processing cases, educating participants on child support processes and building and maintaining effective collaboration with parents and CSS staff. Mission Order Setting Teams (OST) are comprised of Case Initiation, Establishment, CERT, Court Operations and Legal Services Support. The goal of OST is to provide quality service in the establishment and modification of child support orders, guidance and support in the court process and information sharing once an order has been obtained. UNIT LEADERS ANA GARCIA Legal Services Support Admin Manager I ITZEL PARRA Court Operations Admin Manager I STEPHANIE RAMIREZ Case Initiation & Establishment Admin Manager I PAGE 26

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW LEGAL SERVICES SUPPORT ANA GARCIA Order Setting Teams Admin Manager I CASE OPERATIONS Meet the Team Key Accomplishments for 2020 5,175 General Calendar  Coordinated and implemented new business processes to CASES CALENDARED support remote court hearings, including use of WebEx for invites and court hearing attendance. with 3,187  Partnered with the court to address multiple re-calendaring ORDERS OBTAINED efforts in response to COVID-19. Due to the court closure 2,874 cases were either cancelled or continued. 3,746 MFJ/R&A  Transitioned Service Support duties and statistical tracking to REFERRALS PROCESSED Legal Services. 3,274 SERVICE  Transitioned new tasks to Legal Services Specialized, i.e., Legal Services Hotline and I&E processing for the court. REQUESTS SUBMITTED Goals For 2021 to Team Legal for SCPJs  Successful transition to e-Filing. 3,639 SERVICE RESULTS  Conduct business process analysis for streamlining Legal Service PROCESSED by Service Support staff Support duties.  Conduct OA Assessment for Legal Services Support. PAGE 27

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW COURT OPERATIONS ITZEL PARRA Order Setting Teams Admin Manager I CASE OPERATIONS Meet the Team Key Accomplishments for 2020 6,300  Piloted text messaging in court for customers checking-in for their COURT WORKUPS Meet & Confer interviews and implemented text messaging at Court CONDUCTED Workup and in CERT for R&A reviews and the Settlement Conference Project. 7,500  Lead efforts to advance previously set in-person court hearings to MEET & CONFERS remote hearings by reaching out to over 600 case participants. CONDUCTED  Enhanced quality of Court Workups by collaborating with Legal 196 Services Sr.CSS and Attorney Team. CASES REVIEWED  Collaborated with Marketing to update Court hearing flyers, created FOR SETTLEMENT a WebEx Step-by-Step and WebEx Tutorial Video. CONFERENCE  Onboarded CERT Team and assumed responsibility of all CERT 6,257 walk-ins. CERT REVIEWS  Lead efforts for the Settlement Conference project by reviewing 196 PROCESSED cases for possible child support agreements. Goals For 2021  Ongoing assessment of core duties to increase efficiencies and streamline processes  Enhance quality of Court Workups by collaborating with Legal Services Sr.CSS and DDC Teams.  Streamline and increase customer service experience in the R&A and Meet & Confer process PAGE 28

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW CASE INITIATION & ESTABLISHMENT STEPHANIE RAMIREZ Order Setting Teams Admin Manager I Meet the Team CASE OPERATIONS CASES OPENED WITHIN 1-2 BUSINESS DAYS Key Accomplishments for 2020 19% NON-WELFARE decline  Successfully planned and reopened the lobby to support walk-in Case Openings customers and appointments during COVID. 24% decline WELFARE  Responded to customer inquiries and conducted customer consultations for new case openings in support of a Case Opening Case Openings Campaign. 124 DAYS FROM  Piloted in-state mail service efforts and maintained out of state CASE OPEN TO mail service. COURT ORDER  Foster Care Phase I planning and implementation, including for this FFY tracking and ongoing communication with SSA. NEW ORDERS Goals For 2021 • Stipulations 640  Build customer service expertise in Establishment and 436 focus on obtaining Stipulations throughout the •Court 324 establishment process. •Defaults  Assess CI resources as new case openings continue to Note: CSS Lobby closure and LJC closure had decrease. a direct impact on these numbers.  Assess Self-Scheduling efforts to promote customer Customers Assisted: 2,014 WALK-INS ● participation and engagement. 481 APPOINTMENTS ● Case Opening 942 Pre-Service 554 449 After Service 518 21 PAGE 29

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW PROGRAM SUPPORT SERVICES This was the year of many unique challenges and opportunities. We welcomed new leadership in many of our core service areas and our staff was resilient with embracing new technology and redefining connectedness in the workplace. Through it all, our commitment to our customers both external and internal did not change. Program Support Services values the importance of timely and courteous service. Key contributors include collaboration with our partners and vendors, conducting quality control reviews, proactive communication and education and meeting target dates to better serve the department. Top Priorities Safety and Telecommuting Resource planning Improved budget Emergency Response guidelines and and cross training spending/forecasting support models Aligning core duties Virtual platform Leadership/ with our service services Professional levels development PAGE 30

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW MEET THE LEADERS LEADERSHIP STRENGTHS RACHAEL VARGAS Program Support Services Deputy Director EXECUTING RELATIONSHIP BUILDING Connectedness ● Achiever ● ●● Arranger ●●● Harmony ● Belief ● Consistency ● Relator Discipline ● JUANA LARIOS Responsibility ● STRATEGIC THINKING● Restorative ●● Analytical Administrative Services ● ● Administrative Manager II INFLUENCING ● Ideation ● TYLER PIPER Maximizer Input ● Significance Information Technology Services Strategic Administrative Manager II STAFF COUNTS 2 NANCY BURGOS-JOHNSON 1 Accountant-Auditor I & II 3 Policy & Process Management Accounting Office Supervisor II 3 Admin Manager I Accounting Specialist 1 Administrative Manager I 19 CASEY AGUILAR Information Processing Specialist 4 Office Assistant 1 Training /Internal Communication Office Specialist 1 Admin Manager I Office Supervisor B 1 Procurement Buyer 1 Procurement Contract Specialist 2 Senior Accounting Assistant 4 Staff Assistant 12 Staff Development Specialist 3 Staff Specialist Warehouse Worker II STAFF STRENGTH SNAPSHOT 34% EXECUTING 35% RELATIONSHIP BUILDING 23% STRATEGIC THINKING 8% INFLUENCING PAGE 31

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW POLICY & PROCESS MANAGEMENT NANCY BURGOS-JOHNSON PROGRAM SUPPORT Admin Manager I SERVICES About Us Policy & Process Management (PPM) is responsible for policy analysis, development and maintenance of on-line operational policies for the on-line Learning Resource Center, workflow analysis, and quality assurance, compliance, DRA, business continuity and information security. Meet the Team Key Accomplishments for 2020 Received & RESPONDED TO 2500+  98% accuracy average in Compliance and DRR Audits  Received and responded to over 2500 PPM Mailbox inquires PPM MAILBOX INQUIRIES from staff; average of 5 days or less  LRC Conversion from SharePoint to O365 SharePoint from CSS staff.  Completed the CSS Documentary  Implemented DCSS DocuSign for Stipulations AVERAGE OF  Completed the Foster Care Assessment and supported the 5 DAYS implementation of Phase I  Successful implementation of Emergency Rule 12 OR LESS Goals For 2021  Successful implementation of E-filing for all available legal forms  Develop a revised Resource Plan  Increased communication and collaboration with Operational Units/Teams PAGE 32

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW TRAINING & CAREER DEVELOPMENT CASEY AGUILAR PROGRAM SUPPORT Admin Manager I SERVICES About Us Training and Career Development (TCD) promotes the effective, efficient and professional development of leaders and staff within the Orange County Department of Child Support Services by providing relevant, timely, and comprehensive training that is aligned with the highest standards of the training profession. Meet the Team Key Accomplishments for 2020 OVER 215  Successful delivery of IGP Top 25 LEARNING  Converted training delivery method from Instructor Led OPPORTUNITIES Training (ILT) to Virtual Instructor Led (VILT) OFFERED in 2020!  Development and implementation of the new Training STAFF EARNED Dashboard  Facilitated the first ever Virtual Supervisor Offsite OVER 10,470  Provided job aids and technical support to teleworking staff  Successfully implemented DCSS’ new Learning Management TRAINING HOURS System, Blackboard PAGE 33 Goals For 2021  Rollout of new Analytical Skills Training track for leaders  Collaborate with unit partners to develop 2021 learning calendar

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS CASEY AGUIILAR PROGRAM SUPPORT Admin Manager I SERVICES About Us Meet the Team The CSS Internal Communications Team is responsible for Internal Marketing supporting the department’s overall message by collaborating COMPLETED 52 with CSS stakeholders to communicate information using a variety of methods including articles and videos. SPECIAL PROJECTS Key Accomplishments for 2020  Development and installation of new Mission, Vision and Values acrylic signs  Development and installation of new, refreshed Mission, Vision and Values lobby sign  Successful filming and editing of (3) virtual Town Halls  Successful publishing of (4) CSS Support Report Newsletters  Designed backdrop for virtual court hearings  Development and printing of online materials in support of Performance Initiatives & Tactics and CSS outreach  Prepared COVID-19 crisis communications, sent email blasts, updated CSS Internet landing page  Supported deployment of technical equipment during COVID Goal For 2021  Further refine key services in support of department’s overall initiatives.  Refine the CSS Intranet layout to improve user experience PAGE 34

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY To provide innovative, reliable, and secure technology solutions that support CSS in the PROGRAM SUPPORT delivery of quality public services. Our customers' SERVICES success is our top priority. About Us Information Technology at CSS is provided by Orange County Information Technology (OCIT) and the County’s “shared services” model. The onsite team is comprised of Applications Developers, Business Analysts, Network, and Desktop technicians. The team works closely with all areas of OC CSS business operations to ensure that network, voice, desktop computer, and application needs are met. Meet the Team 10,209 INCIDENT TICKETS PROCESSED By the onsite IT Team OVER 58% INCREASE from 2019 Key Accomplishments for 2020  Supported CSS with the hardware, software, and network infrastructure necessary for staff to work remotely due to C-19. This included the configuration and deployment of RDS and VPN dashboards, pre- existing hardware, 230 new laptops, VOIP phones/iPhones, virtual meeting/collaboration software, and more.  Supported CSS with the technology behind virtualized Legal Hearing Rooms and Customer Service areas.  Empowered remote CSS staff with self-service functionality including password management, access identity management, and many security tools.  Enhanced CSS Research capabilities via partnership on SAS upgrades and system stability concerns. Goals For 2021  Coordinate with DCSS to enhance and streamline the annual security training.  Build a new Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plan with the lessons learned from 2020.  Partner with CSS to review and implemental new digital modalities to better reach customers.  Enhance and simplify the portal for CSS staff to contact IT. PAGE 35

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES JUANA LARIOS Administrative Services is comprised of Financial and Purchasing Services, Facilities Administrative Services Management, Mail Services and Safety and Administrative Manager II Emergency Management. Our goal is to provide excellent customer service and support to the internal customers by providing financial information to support critical business decisions to the department, ensuring a safe and healthy facility, and providing support to the operational areas. UNIT LEADERS PAUL CHANG Facilities, Safety and Emergency Management, & Mail Services Admin Manager I AMY HERNANDEZ Purchasing Services Admin Manager I JACKIE LY Financial Services Admin Manager I PAGE 36

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW FACILITIES,SAFETY AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PAUL CHANG & MAIL SERVICES Admin Manager I Meet the Teams ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FACILITIES RESOLVED 2,610 Key Accomplishments for 2020 CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUESTS  Implemented COVID-19 safety protocols for CSS employees and customers (i.e. social distancing markers, Goals For 2021 sanitizer dispensers, acrylic barrier partitions, pull- down paper towel dispensers, sanitizing stations,  Maintain our service level to provide a touchless features in kitchenettes and restrooms, daily cleaning protocols). safe and comfortable environment for both staff and customers.  Call Center Redesign project  Reduce operational and equipment  Updated Elevator Lobby Wallpaper downtime. MAIL SERVICES Goals For 2021 Key Accomplishments for 2020  Cross-train staff within Team A and B to  Improved business practices by further maintain business efficiencies and operations consolidating Office Assistant duties  Increase E-Service delivery of documents to  Mail Services – Assisted other areas of the Department with OA tasks decrease physical paper handling Mail Services: Mail Services: Mail Services: RECEIVED 2,646 PROCESSED PROCESSED CHILD SUPPORT 574,300 MAILED 32,800 PAYMENTS DOCUMENTS CSE TASKS PAGE 37

FACILITIES ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW SAFETY & EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Key Accomplishments for 2020  Provided COVID-19 guidance and communication for safe return to office (i.e. occupancy signage, social distancing tips and reminders, health and safety), as well monitor and maintain the use of Personal Protective Equipment inventory Conducted  Provided support to Orange County Sheriff’s Department Emergency Operation 110 DAILY SAFETY Center with the County COVID-19 response INSPECTIONS  Implemented Daily Safety Inspections to address safety concerns, building maintenance issues and to ensure building supplies were stocked resulting in 330 Goals For 2021  Support the Department in providing a safe work environment WORK  Maintain adequate supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ORDER REQUESTS PAGE 38

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW PURCHASING SERVICES AMY HERNANDEZ ADMINISTRATIVE Admin Manager I SERVICES Key Accomplishments for 2020 Meet the Team  10% increase in the use of cooperative contracts reducing the administrative time and expense in the formal solicitation process  80% of signature required contracts were executed using DocuSign  2020 County Procurement Office Compliance Review resulted in minor findings Goals For 2021  Implement Contract Administration Initiative to educate end users on procurement processes including defining roles and responsibilities ultimately improving the customer experience.  Deliver a department wide training on procurement processes and policies. 90 UTILIZED 80% of CSS REOCCURRING 32 CONTRACTS REQUIRE ACTIVE CONTRACTS DOCUSIGN SIGNATURE COOPERATIVE CONTRACTS (estimate) PAGE 39

ORANGE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES | 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW FINANCIAL SERVICES JACKIE LY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Admin Manager I Meet the Team 10,488 TIMECARDS VERIFIED Key Accomplishments for 2020 20,231  Met zero-dollar Net County Cost Limit PAY CODES  Developed detailed services and supplies Spending Plan to track and REVIEWED monitor the department’s expenditures in a more detail level to ensure 3,788 maintain expenditure control as a result of budget allocation reduction.  Processed 93% of invoices received within five business days INQUIRIES  Generated in VTI nine new pay codes for COVID-19 pandemic related ANSWERED activities  Increased paperwork processed for separations and retires, included 23 5,706 Voluntary Incentives Program separations by 29%  Increased payroll inquires answered by 32% INVOICES  Increased payroll codes reviewed by 70% PROCESSED Goals For 2021  Manage and coordinate the County and State annual budget and County 5-Year Strategic Financial Plan development process including as needed cost, benefit analysis and projection to assist the Executive Team decision making.  Manage budget to meet the zero-dollar Net County Cost Limit without or minimal use of reserve.  Streamline OC Expediter requisitions budget report and review process to be more cost effective  Streamline the invoice process for Legal Process Services  Process account payable invoices, travel request, tuition claims, and timecards timely and accurately  Provide quality customer services to staff, vendors, and County partners by responding quickly. PAGE 40