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Home Explore Centre for Contemporary Arts Booklet

Centre for Contemporary Arts Booklet

Published by corinna.knox, 2016-03-16 07:44:07

Description: City College Southampton's Centre for Contemporary Arts Booklet

Keywords: performing arts,dance,theatre,production arts,technical theatre,stage management,acting


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centre forcontemporary artsPerforming Arts, Contemporary Acting & DanceTechnical Theatre & Stage Management

bring thestage to lifeIf you were born to perform and love acting and dancing, or ifyou are fascinated by the world of theatre or stage production,we have the full time courses to prepare you for these excitingcareers.At City College we have a track record of producing successfulstudents who progress to prestigious performing arts schools oremployment in the industry as actors, dancers, voice-over artistsor working behind the scenes as technicians or stage/productionmanagers.Our courses are delivered by expert tutors with establishedindustry experience in our state-of-the-art facilities including ourprofessional theatre.

the very besttraining facilitiesThe hub theatre at City College is a 240-seat professionaltheatre with the latest equipment to rival mid-scale repertorytheatres.Equipped with over £1m worth of industry-standard equipment,including professional theatre lighting, digital sound,multi-media projection and a fly system, it provides studentswith the very best training facilities in the region for technicaltheatre, stage management, contemporary acting, dance andperforming arts.other facilities include:• Set and prop construction workshop• Fully equipped sound and lighting studio• Fly tower with counterweight & motored bars• Recording studio• Television studio• Dressing rooms• A variety of staging units• A box office with computerised ticketing• Links with local theatres

PERFORMING ARTS,contemporary ACTING & danceFor those looking for a career in Performing Arts, ContemporaryActing or Dance, City College have a range of courses deliveredby tutors who are experienced actors and dancers with industryexperience. You will learn practical aspects of performancetechniques and methods for contemporary theatre. You will alsoconsider theories and principles of the performing arts and thechallenges of devising and organising an event or performance.Our courses will enable you to develop your career in theindustry by developing your existing skills and providing youwith new skills, in-depth knowledge of the industry and contextof the performing arts. These highly practical courses provideyou with a range of performance approaches and opportunitiesto produce and take part in performance projects and events.Example productions are A Midsummer Night’s Dream,Macbeth, Stags and Hens, Ubu Rex, Snow White Pantomimeand The Three Lives of Lucie Cabrol.

What Will you learn?• Acting skills and techniques Molly Gill• Developing voice for the actor• Contemporary dance Completed the Level• Contemporary theatre 3 Extended Diploma• Classical theatre with a Distinction and• Voice-over skills is now training on the• Devising on-stage performances Professional Actors• Rehearsing for performance Training Programme at• Performing to an audience Kingston University.• Live performances in the hub theatrecase studies Chantal Appleton Completed the Level 3 Extended Diploma with a Distinction and is now training as a professional actor at the International School of Screen Acting in London.Tutor profileIan RowsellIan trained in film and television atthe TVI Actors Studio in Los Angeles,returning to the UK to train in ClassicalTheatre at the London Academy ofMusic and Dramatic Art. He is alsotrained in stage combat. Over the yearsIan has worked with many productioncompanies and has taken on roles inShakespeare, open-air theatre and hasexperience in voice over work. He stillacts alongside his full time teachingpost.

TECHNICAL THEATRE &STAGE MANAGEMENTFor those seeking a career in technical theatre or theproduction management side of the entertainment industry,City College has a unique range of full time courses taughtby industry experts using industry standard facilities andequipment.As well as our 240-seat professional theatre, you will haveaccess to a large set construction workshop, as well as a fullyequipped sound and lighting studio.By working in collaboration with the performance students,you’ll be designing, making, organising and creating liveproductions from the very first year you start, giving youexceptional hands-on experience.

WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?• Lighting skills – rigging and operation• Sound skills – operation and EQ• Creative projection mapping• Stage management• Set construction• Scenic painting• Prop making• Roles within a production team• Health and safety within the events industry• Legal aspects of public performancecase studies Shaun Hobbs Ashton Partridge Completed Technical Completed Technical Theatre & Event Theatre & Event Management and Management and is now a Theatre is now a Theatre Technician at The Point Technician at The Point in Eastleigh. in Eastleigh.tutor profile Marc Fairclough Marc has been a production manager for the past 14 years and has worked in theatre for the last 30. He has undertaken roles including Set Builder, Sound and Lighting Designer, Event Manager and Freelance Theatre Consultant. Marc is an award winning director for shows across the South directing plays and musical theatre.


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