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Home Explore Jamaica’s New Area Code and 10-Digit Dialling What does this mean for you and your Business?

Jamaica’s New Area Code and 10-Digit Dialling What does this mean for you and your Business?

Published by THE FSC, 2020-01-12 14:59:32

Description: Jamaica’s New Area Code and 10-Digit Dialling What does this mean for you and your Business?


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Jamaica’s successful Implementation of 10-Digit dialling for Local Calls The OUR’s experience Elizabeth Bennett Marsh Public Education Specialist Office of Utilities Regulation Office of Utilities Regulation 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

 Jamaica and other Caribbean countries, and Bermuda, joined the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) in 1958 and shared Area Code ‘809’. Background  In 1996, Jamaica obtained its own area code ‘876’.  New technologies, and increased consumer demand have resulted in an overwhelming demand for phone numbers. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

Where we are FROM 1958 coming from 3….. 4….. 5….. 7-Digit …. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

DATE ACTIVITY 2009  Request to NANPA for the reservation of a new area code for Jamaica. 2010 August  Industry Notification of the 31 pending exhaustion of area code TIMELINES 876. 2013 July 2  OUR published Consultation Document, “NPA Relief Plan Development and Implementation” 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

DATE ACTIVITY 2014  Office Determinations on Area Code November 7 Relief including- • The NPA Code Relief method. • The Relief activities to be carried out through separate and joint industry TIMELINES efforts. • Stakeholder responsibilities. 2016 January  Start of network preparation and 16 consumer awareness activities 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

DATE ACTIVITY 2017 August 15  Assignment of area code, 658, by NANPA. 2018 May 30  Implementation of new area code and permissive 10-digit dialling for all TIMELINES local calls. 2018 October  Permissive 10-digit dialling period 30 extended by five months. 2019 March 31  Mandatory 10-digit dialling takes effect. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

The Determination Notice decisions:  Establishment of a Relief Planning Committee (RPC) to coordinate the NPA Planning and Implementation.  The Relief Method will be an all services overlay of NPA the NPA 876. DETERMINATION NOTICE  The Relief Date shall be recommended by the RPC for Office approval. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

 Revision of printed materials.  Adjustments to signage, billboards etc. STAKEHOLDER  Changes in advertising IMPACT  Reprogramming/updating of equipment, devices that store and analyse telephone numbers.  Updating of directory listings. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

 Consumer Awareness Task Force (CATF) to oversee the development and implementation of the Consumer Awareness Programme.  Network Implementation Taskforce (NITF) to COMMITTEES oversee the Network Implementation Plan.  Chaired by OUR and included reps from the major telecoms companies, and consumer advocacy groups. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

 Develop and agree on a CAP and a schedule for its implementation;  Implement the CAP in accordance with the agreed schedule; CATF  Identify and address new CAP issues; MANDATE  Act as a single point of contact on CAP issues;  Identify any consumer concerns or issues and advise the RPC or the Office; and  Submit progress reports to the RPC. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

 Government Relations  Media Relations  Website Messages  Customer Bill Inserts COMMUNICATIONS TACTICS  Advertising Campaign  Targeted Customer Communications 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

 Overlay method. The 658 area code will co-exist within the same geographic region as area code 876.  There will be no change to customers’ existing 876 telephone numbers. KEY PUBLIC  10 digit dialling will now to be used for local calls MESSAGES Jamaica. The “1” prefix will no longer be required.  Call prices will not change.  Emergency calls, directory assistance and other such special services will continue to be dialled using 3 digits. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

 Regular meetings of the RPC, CATF and NITF.  CATF and NITF sub-committees submitted ACTIONS BY monthly updates to the RPC. THE OUR  Engaged Directory company, Yello, to insert the current ‘876’ area code before all 7-digit Pre- and numbers in the next edition. during  Published articles in the print media. Permissive  Reviewed monthly readiness reports by Public Dialling Period Telecommunication Carriers & Service Providers.  Assignment of test numbers for NPA relief inter-carrier tests. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

CATF monitored the implementation of the consumer awareness activities by service providers. ACTIONS BY THE OUR Pre- and during Permissive Dialling Period 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

Developed main information (FAQ) ACTIONS BY brochure to ensure THE OUR uniformity in public messaging Pre- and during Permissive Dialling Period 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

 Hosted meetings with government ministries and ACTIONS BY agencies, private THE OUR sector interests and other interest groups. Pre- and during  Outreach activities – community, Permissive workplace, expos etc Dialling Period  Persons with Disabilities 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

 Spearheaded the crafting and eventual implementation of recorded of standard message on ACTIONS BY networks: THE OUR Pre- and during “Ten digit dialling is now in effect for all local Permissive calls. Please remember to dial the area code ‘876’ before the seven-digit number you are Dialling Period calling. Your call will now be connected. This is a message from FLOW/Digicel.” 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

 Monitored networks and receive updates ACTIONS BY regarding ability to make calls using 10-digits THE OUR  Contacted large businesses on state of Pre- and Post readiness of their systems (POS, PBX, alarms Mandatory 10- etc.) Digit Dialling period  Monitored and received updates on telecoms companies public education activities. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

ACTIONS BY THE OUR  Multi-media campaign Pre- and Post Mandatory 10-  Media interviews Digit Dialling period 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

ACTIONS BY THE OUR Pre- and Post Mandatory 10-  Public Notice issued in the print and Digit Dialling social media on 2019 March 31 as formal notification to the public that period Mandatory 10-digit dialling was now in effect. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

ACTIONS BY THE OUR  Consumer Fact Sheet Pre- and Post Mandatory 10- Digit Dialling period 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

 Spearheaded the crafting and eventual ACTIONS BY implementation of a standard recorded message played on networks. THE OUR Pre- and “Mandatory ten-digit dialling is now in effect during for all local calls. Please hang up and redial Permissive using the area code plus the seven-digit Dialling Period number. This is a message from FLOW/Digicel/etc.” 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

Behaviour Change Getting telecoms customers to adapt to the practice of dialling using 10-digits. OBSTACLES ONLINE POLL QUESTION: Are you having any difficulties in adjusting to the new 10-digit dialling format? AND REMEDIES #1 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

Behaviour Change Getting telecoms customers to adapt to the practice of dialling using 10-digits. OBSTACLES • Public Education strategies. AND • Recorded messages as a constant REMEDIES #1 reminder. • Constant reminders on social media and mainstream media by OUR, and telecoms companies. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

Technical challenges Some phones were not able to make calls using 10- digits OBSTACLES • Telecoms companies to ensure their systems AND were configured to accept 10-digit dialling. REMEDIES #2 • Mandate telecoms companies to communicate directly with business clients about configuring their PBX systems • OUR to communicate directly with some companies 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

Conversion of numbers in phones OBSTACLES QUESTION: Have you added the '876' area code to numbers AND in your phone? REMEDIES #3 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

Conversion of numbers in phones REMEDY • Telecoms OBSTACLES companies AND include app info in REMEDIES #2 PE messages • Customer reps assist persons convert numbers. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

Conversion of numbers in phones OBSTACLES REMEDY • Jamaican AND developed an REMEDIES #2 area code app! 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

Unpreparedness of some Businesses Requests for extension of permissive dialing period OBSTACLES The permissive dialing period was AND extended by five months, to 2019 March REMEDIES #4 30. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

Awareness of 10-digit dialing ONLINE POLL QUESTION: Are you aware MEASUREMENT that Jamaica introduced 10-digit dialling on May 31, 2018? OF SUCCESS 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

Awareness of 10-digit dialing OUR’s Customer Satisfaction survey conducted in 2019 March. MEASUREMENT OF SUCCESS 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

Effectiveness of P.E. campaign by OUR and Telecoms companies ONLINE POLL QUESTION: How did you learn about 10-digit dialling? MEASUREMENT OF SUCCESS 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

Compliance by Telecoms companies to configure their networks  Regular Updates to the NITF. MEASUREMENT  Feedback from their customers are also OF SUCCESS discussed and actions agreed on.  Ahead of introduction of mandatory 10-digit dialing, all telecoms reported that their systems were now configured to place calls using 10-digits and that their business clients were also prepared. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

No Disruption to customers  The OUR and the Ministry (MSET) asked the telecoms companies re-double their efforts to MEASUREMENT ensure that companies were compliant. OF SUCCESS  The OUR conducted direct visits to some companies.  The OUR requested updates from companies seeking updates on the state of readiness. Companies responded stating their readiness. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

 Implementation of mandatory 10-digit dialing for all local calls in Jamaica was a success.  Next phase – public education campaign directed at businesses to add the current ‘876’ area code to all signage, promotional and collateral materials, letterheads etc. in preparation for when numbers CONCLUSION under the 658 area code are rolled out.  The OUR will not make any assignment from NPA 658 unless and until we are unable to satisfy demand for the resource with existing service allocations from NPA 876. 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

We want to Hear from You!!  Email: [email protected]  Phone: 876-968-6053 Let’s keep in  Social Media: Touch  officeofutilitiesregulation  @theOURja 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

Thank you for taking the time to listen! QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? 2019-11-12 OOCUR Presentation - Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, OUR

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