Executive Summary The recent global COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve rapidly, with the number of countries affected in the WHO African region growing exponentially. In Nigeria, all the 36 states are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic including FCT. The number of cases in Yobe State continued to increase and geographically spread despite concerted effort by the government and the support of development partners to contain the Pandemic since 30th April 2020, when the index case was reported from Damaturu LGA. The State has reported Two hundred and seven (207) confirmed cases across the Sixteen out of seventeen LGAs. Some of the challenges includes but are not limited to: Non-adherance to COVID-19 preventive measures, low levels of community awareness, inadequate knowledge on COVID-19 case management on the part of front-line health care workers, poor knowledge on effective medical waste management, inadequate knowledge of proper standards and guidelines on safe handling, collection and testing of COVID-19 laboratory samples. The training was conducted in Yobe state to strengthen the capacity for for Health Care Workers (HCWs) to improve their knowledge on COVID-19 case management, Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), Watse Management, sample collection, handling and analysis. The training was conducted for Health Care Workers (HCWs) from 17 LGAs. The training was conducted from 7-15th January, 2021, where 3 batches of 170 Laboratory Scientist/Technicians, Doctors, Nurses, Pharmasist, EHOs, Hospital Assistance/Attendance, Morticians and Cleaners. Method employed during the training include powerpoing presentations, questions and answers, group works, practical sessions and field visits to the state Molecular laboratory. Strict COVID-19 preventive measures were adhered to Overall knowledge test shows an increase in knowledge gain in all cadre of participants training The training was hugely successful as the training objectives were fully achieved. Contents Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................... 2
Yobe State COVID-19 situational analysis................................................................................................. 4 Aim ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 Objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Preliminary Activity....................................................................................................................................... 6 Meetings and Training preparation .......................................................................................................... 6 Schedule of Activities................................................................................................................................ 7 Training Invitation..................................................................................................................................... 7 Workshop commencement .......................................................................................................................... 8 1. Training on sample collection and analysis for laboratory scientist and technicians....................... 9 A. Overview of COVID-19 .................................................................................................................... 12 C. COVID-19 Sample Collection and Analysis...................................................................................... 12 C. Personal Protective clothing (PPE................................................................................................... 14 D. Infection Prevention and Control ................................................................................................... 14 2. Training for environmental Health officers on waste management .............................................. 15 A. Waste management:....................................................................................................................... 17 B. Environmental cleaning and disinfection........................................................................................ 18 C. Risk Communication ....................................................................................................................... 19 3. Training on Infection Prevension and Control (IPC) for Doctors, Nurses/Midwives, Pharmacist and Senior Hospital Assistant ........................................................................................................................ 20 Pre and Post Test .................................................................................................................................... 25 Performance outcome ................................................................................................................................ 25 Milestone .................................................................................................................................................... 26 Conclusion................................................................................................................................................... 27 Annexes....................................................................................................................................................... 28 Intoduction
Since 2009, the North East (NE) has been affected by Boko Haram (BH) conflict and the resulting military operations, impacting on the lives of over 15 million people. The conflict has caused the loss of at least 20,000 lives and displacement of around 2.5 million people internally and across international border. The BH conflict has triggered an acute humanitarian and force displacement crises, with devastating social and economic impacts on the population, further deepening poverty and fragility in the NE region. In the most directly and heavily affected states of Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe (BAY States), hundreds of thousands of households are living without access to basic infrastructure and social services. Yobe State COVID-19 situational analysis The recent global COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve rapidly, with the number of countries affected in the WHO African region growing exponentially. In Nigeria, all the 36 states are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic including FCT. The number of cases in Yobe State continued to increase and geographically spread despite concerted effort by the government and the support of development partners to contain the Pandemic since 30th April 2020, when the index case was reported from Damaturu LGA. The State has reported Two hundred and seven (207) confirmed cases across the Sixteen out of seventeen LGAs: Fifty (50) cases from Damaturu, forty-six (46) cases from Nguru, twenty-nine (29) cases from Fika, twenty-four (24) cases from Bade, twenty (20) cases from Potiskum, fourteen (14) cases from Nangere, four (4) cases each from Karasuwa, and Tarmuwa, three (3) cases each from Gulani, Jakusko, and Bursari, Fune, and Yusufari have two (2) cases each, and three (3) other LGAs (Geidam, Gujba, and Machina) have one (1) case each.The total confirmed cases of COVID-19 amongst Health Care Workers (HCWs) is sixteen (16). These include six (6) doctors, seven (7) nurses, one (1) physiotherapist, and two (2) laboratory scientist. The total number of deaths from COVID-19 in the state is eight (8) . The total number of deaths from COVID-19 in the state is eight (8). The total number of patients who recovered from COVID-19 is one hundred and seventy-two (172)
Some of the challenges includes but are not limited to: Non-adherance to COVID-19 preventive measures, low levels of community awareness, inadequate knowledge on COVID-19 case management on the part of front-line health care workers, poor knowledge on effective medical waste management, inadequate knowledge of proper standards and guidelines on safe handling, collection and testing of COVID-19 laboratory samples. Capacity development of front-line health workers is essential if the State is to contain the spread of the virus. Aim The main objective of the intervention is to leverage on existing structures to increase KAP of frontline health workers on COVID-19 infection prevention and control (IPC) measures: Objectives • To increase health workers capacity on IPC, to promptly detect cases and follow-up all suspected cases and contacts • To increase environmental Health workers capacity on safe and effective practices on waste facility-based management • To increase knowledge and practice of IPC measures of COVID-19 among general public as part of curtailing community transmission of COVID-19. Expected results • The participants will be oriented on health care waste management • The participants will be oriented on infection, prevention and control • The participants will be oriented on COVID-19 sample analysis • Strategies for strengthening IPC measures in health facility and community • Strategies on case detection and reporting of suspected COVID-19 cases • To scale-up samples collection across the state.
Preliminary Activity In achieving the training objectives, series of planning meetings with relevant experts and stake holders were held coupled with the in-depth materials and other logistics preparations were carried out. Meetings and Training preparation Several meetings were held to strategize on how best to reach out the expected participants and subsequent collations of the participants details from all the LGAs involved in Yobe State. It is important to note that the participants were drawn from the primary, secondary, and tertiary health facilities across 17 LGAs of the State. Complete details of the participants list is attached to this progress report in the appendix. Similarly, a robust and self-explanatory WHO and NCDC training manuals and guidelines were developed. Agenda was developed, Presentations were distributed to facilitators and Pre and Post-test developed . Figure 1: Cross section of stakeholders during the planning meeting, January 2020
Schedule of Activities Schedule of activietes was developed to guide the implementation of the training as shown in the figure below SN Deliverables 1-Jan-21 2-Jan-21 3-Jan-21 4-Jan-21 5-Jan-21 6-Jan-21 7-Jan-21 8-Jan-21 9-Jan-21 10-Jan-21 11-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 14-Jan-21 15-Jan-21 16-Jan-21 17-Jan-21 18-Jan-21 19-Jan-21 Planning meeting 1 andsubmissionof Finilise partipantlist and dispatch of 2 invitation 3 ArrivalofParticipants Training on COVID-19 Sample collection 4 andAnalysis Training on COVID-19 5 Watse Management Training on COVID-19 Infection, Prevention 6 andControl 7 Departure Submission of draft 8 reports Preparation and submission of final 9 reports Training Invitation Invitation letters was sent out to all participants by the state Miniztry of Health and human Services. Sample is shown below INVITATION LETTER FOR FIRST BATCH PARTICIPANTS Dear Sir/Ma, You are cordially invited to 2 days capacity building on COVID-19 Sample collection and Analysis organized by MCRP, schedule to take place as follows: Date: 7th – 8th January, 2021
Venue: MHWUN conference Hall, Opposite Yobe State University Teaching Hospital (YSUTH) Damaturu Time: 9:00am prompt INVITATION LETTER FOR SECOND BATCH PARTICIPANTS Dear Sir/Ma, You are cordially invited to 2 days capacity building on COVID-19 waste management organized by MCRP, schedule to take place as follows: Date: 11th – 12th January, 2021 Venue: NOUN conference Hall, Don Etibet Housing Estate Damaturu Time: 9:00am prompt INVITATION LETTER FOR THIRD BATCH PARTICIPANTS Dear Sir/Ma, You are cordially invited to 2 days capacity building on COVID-19 Infection, Prevension and Control (IPC) organized by MCRP, schedule to take place as follows: Date: 13th – 14th January, 2021 Venue: NOUN conference Hall, Don Etibet Housing Estate Damaturu Time: 9:00am prompt Workshop commencement The training workshop started on 7th January 2021 where participants started registration by 09:00 am at the Medical and Health Workers Union of Nigeria (MHWUN) conference hall Damaturu. The Honourable Commissioner, State Ministry of Health declared the program open. The training was for three cadres of health workers as shown below.
1. Training on sample collection and analysis for laboratory scientist and technicians Participants for this training were drawn for Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary health facilities across the 17 LGAs of the state. The methodology employed during the training are: Power points presentation, open discussions and active participation, Practice/Group works/exercises and experience sharing, Video clips show, Questions and Answers sessions and field visit to the State Molecular Laboratory for Practical session. Below is a copy of the training agenda: MULTI-SECTORAL CRISIS RECOVERY PROJECT, YOBE STATE PROJECT COORDINATION UNIT TRAINING ON COVID-19 SAMPLE ANALYSIS FOR LABORATORY SCIENTIST AND TECHNICIANS Venue- MHWUN Conference Hall Damaturu Date- 7th January, 2021 Day 1 Time Activity Person Responsible Duration 09.00- 09:30 AM Registration of Participants Secretariat 30 Minutes 09.30-09:35 AM Opening Prayer Volunteer 5 Minutes 09:35-09;50 AM Opening remarks/Welcome address HCH-YSMOH 15 Minutes 09:50-10;10 AM Objectives of the training Abdullahi Danchuwa 20 Minutes 10.10-10:50 AM Tea Break All 40 Minutes 10.50-11:10 AM Pre-test Secretariat 20 minutes 11.10-11:40 AM Overview on COVID-19 Dr Isyaka 30 Minutes 11:40–12:10 PM Yobe State COVID-19 Situation update Dr Moisule 30 Minutes 12;10-12:30 PM Discussion All 20 minutes 12;30-01:00 PM Presentation on Covid-19 Sample Abdullahi Ago 30 Minutes collection, packaging and transportation 01:00–01:30 PM Practical demonstration of on Covid-19 Abdullahi Ago 30 Minutes Sample collection, packaging and
01:30–01:50 PM transportation All 20 minutes 01;50-02:20 PM Discussion 02;.20-02.50 PM Lunch / Prayers All 30 Minutes 02;.50-03.10 PM Infection prevention and control - IPC 03;.10-03.30 PM PPE Dr Ba’abba 30 Minutes Practical on Donning/Doffing of PPE Abdullahi Danchua 20 minutes Abdullahi Danchua/Dr 20 minutes Ba’aba 03;.30-03.50 PM Tea break / Prayer All 20 minutes 03;50-05:00 PM Group work and presentation 05:00-05:20 PM Wrap up / Closing prayers Drs Ishaka/ Moisule 50 Minutes All 20 Minutes Day 2 Activity Person Responsible Duration Time 20 Minutes 05 Minutes 08.00-08:20 AM Registration of Participants Secretariat 10 Minutes 15 Minutes 08.20-08:25 Opening Prayer Volunteer 120 Minutes AM 20 Minutes 20 Minutes 08.25-08:35 Recap of Day 1 Activity Rapporteurs AM 08.35-09:00 Break fast All AM 9:00-11;00 Practical on COVID-19 Sample analysis at All Facilitators AM Yobe State Specialist Molecular Laboratory 11.00-11:20 Presentation of certificate State Lead - MCRP AM 11:20–11:40 Group Picture All PM
11:00- Post test Secretariat 20 Minutes 12:00PM All 40 Minutes 12:00-12:40PM Lunch / Prayers State Lead - MCRP 15 Minutes Volunteer 5 Minutes 12;40-12:55PM Closing remarks 12:55-01:00PM Closing prayers The training was declared open by The Honourable Commissioner, Yobe State Ministry of Health who welcome participants and urges participants to pay attention because they are expected to cascade the training to their colleagues that were not opportune to attend the training. He thanks North East Multi-Sectoral Crises and Recovery Project (MCRP) for organizing this important training, the training is going to go a long way in improving sample collecting and testing, Infection, Prevention, and Control in Health facilities and communities. He further called on the participants to make good use of the knowledge that will be transmitted in the cause of this training. He also pledged continues support and collaboration with MCRP for a better healthier Yobe. Among the dignitaries that graced this grant occasion include the following: • State Coordinator MCRP • State COVID-19 Rapid Response Teams • Developmental Partners • State Epidemiologist • Principal Consultant and Resources persons Figure 2a : Banner for the training The Resource persons, discussed with the participants on the objective of the training for Health Care Workers, to make good use of the knowledge that will be transmitted in the cause of this training. The training adopts latest strategies adopted from the NCDC and WHO Training guidelines. The methodology use includes the following: • Power points presentation, open discussions and active participation
• Practice/Group works/exercises and experience sharing • Video clips show • Questions and Answers sessions A. Overview of COVID-19 The topic was presented by the State Epidemiologist, He gave an overview on COVID-19, he also stress on the need for all health care workers to be on alert because we are now facing second wave of COVIC-19 Pandemic. Training participants were effectively introduced on COVID-19 case definitions, how to identify and where to report cases of COVID-19. B. Yobe State COVID-19 situation, The topic was presented by Dr Moisule Hussaini; He gave current situation of COVID-19 in Yobe State at the time of training.The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases is two hundred and one (201). Forty-seven (47) cases from Damaturu, forty-six (46) cases from Nguru, twenty-nine (29) cases from Fika, twenty-four (24) cases from Bade, twenty (20) cases from Potiskum, fourteen (14) cases from Nangere, four (4) cases each from Karasuwa, and Tarmuwa, three (3) cases each from Gulani, and Bursari, Fune, and Yusufari have two (2) cases each, and three (3) other LGAs (Geidam, Gujba, and Machina) have one (1) case each.The total number of active confirmed cases in the state is fifty-six (56). The total confirmed cases of COVID-19 amongst Health Care Workers (HCWs) are sixteen (16). These include six (6) doctors, seven (7) nurses, one (1) physiotherapist, and two (2) laboratory scientists.The total number of deaths from COVID-19 in the state is eight (8); the total number of patients who recovered from COVID-19 is one hundred and thirty-seven (137). The total number of contacts who completed 14 days of monitoring without symptoms is one thousand, one hundred, and sixty-seven (1,167). The total number of samples collected is four thousand, eight hundred, and forty-two (4,842). Two hundred and one (201) results are positive, four thousand, four hundred and seventy-nine (4,479) are negative, forty-two (42) for a repeat test and one hundred and twenty (120) remaining sample results are pending. C. COVID-19 Sample Collection and Analysis The topic was presented by Abdullahi Ago, the Yobe State Laboratory focal person for COVID-19 State Specialist Hospital (SSH) molecular diagnostics laboratory. A practical demonstration was conducted on
how to collect COVID-19 Samples, participants were taken to SSH molecular laboratory for a practical demonstration on COVID-19 testing Figure 2b and 2c: Practical demostration of COVID-19 Sample collection Figure 2d: Practical demostration of COVID-19 Sample collection by participant and figure 2e demostration of COVID-19 sample Analysis Figure 2f and 2g: COVID-19 testing Machine (PCR Machine) and practical demonstration for the participants
Figure 2g :COVID-19 Collection Kit Figure 2h : COVID-19 transport carrier C. Personal Protective clothing (PPE) The session was purely practical aimed at intimating participants on what to wear, how to wear and when to wear personal protective clothings. The participants were also taught Donning and Doffing of PPEs. Figure 2i : Practical demonstration on Donning and Doffing of PPE D. Infection Prevention and Control The sessions emphasize on: • Avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory
• Infections & unprotected contact with those with fever – keep 2 meters distance • Frequent hand hygiene, especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment • People with symptoms of acute respiratory infection should be taught to practice respiratory etiquette • When ill, visit a health facility; avoid home treatment and visiting PMV. Avoid unprotected contact with farm or wild animals, their blood and body fluids, eat well cooked animal foods Figure 2j : Group Work Figure 2k : Group Picture 2. Training for environmental Health officers on waste management Participants for this training were drawn for Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary health facilities across the 17 LGAs of the state. The method employed during the are training are PowerPoint Presentation, Group work, question and answers, and practical demonstration on the production of disinfection solution and disinfection procedure Below is the agenda: YOBE STATE MINISTRY OF HEALTH IN COLLABORATION WITH YOBE STATE MULTISECTORAL CRISIS RECOVERY PROJECT (MCRP) TRAINING ON COVID-19 WATSE MANAGEMENT FOR EHOs, HOSPITAL ASSISTANCE / ATTENDANCE, MORTICIANS AND CLEANERS Venue- NOUN Conference Hall Damaturu Date- 11th January, 2021 Day 1 Time Activity Person Responsible Duration 09.00- 09:30 AM Registration of Participants Secretariat 30 Minutes
09.30-09:35 AM Opening Prayer Volunteer 5 Minutes 09:35-09;40 AM Opening remarks/Welcome address HCH-YSMOH 15 Minutes 09.45-10:10 AM Pre-test Secretariat 25 minutes 10.10-10:40 AM Break fast All 30 Minutes 10.40-11:10 AM Overview on COVID-19 Dr Isyaka 30 Minutes 11:10–11:40 Yobe State COVID-19 Situation update Dr Moisule 30 Minutes PM 11;40-12:00 PM Discussion All 20 minutes 12;00-12:40 PM Waste Management Dr Ba’abba 40 Minutes 12:40–01:10 PM Presentation on how to constitute solution Bomoi 30 Minutes for cleaning of Environmental surfaces 01:10–01:20 PM Discussion All 20 minutes 01;20-02:00 PM Lunch / Prayers All 40 Minutes 02;.00-02.30 PM Practical demonstration on how to Bomoi 30 Minutes constitute solution for cleaning of Environmental surfaces 02;.30-02.55 PM Presentation on Environmental cleaning and Abdullahi Danchua 25 minutes disinfection 02;.55-03.35 PM Practical demonstration on how to clean Bomoi 40 minutes Environmental surfaces 03;.35-04.00 PM Tea break / Prayer All 25 minutes 04;00-05:00 PM Group work and presentation Drs Ba’abba/ Dr Moisule 60 Minutes 05:00-05:20 PM Wrap up / Closing prayers All 20 Minutes Day 2 Time Activity Person Responsible Duration Secretariat 20 Minutes 08.00-08:20 AM Registration of Participants Volunteer 05 Minutes 08.20-08:25 AM Opening Prayer
08.25-08:50 AM Break fast All 25 Minutes Rapporteurs 10 Minutes 08.50-09:00 AM Recap of Day 1 Activity Abdullahi Danchua 30 Minutes Musa Bura 30 Minutes 09:00-09;30 AM Infection Prevention and Control - IPC Dr Ishaka 30 Minutes State Lead - MCRP 30 Minutes 09:30-10;00 AM COVID-19 Risk Communication All 20 Minutes 10:00-10;30 AM Community Based Surveillance Secretariat 20 Minutes 10.30-11:00 Presentation of certificate All 60 Minutes AM State Lead - MCRP 15 Minutes Volunteer 5 Minutes 11:00–11:20 Group Picture PM 11:20-11:40PM Post test 11:40-12:40PM Lunch / Prayers 12;40-12:55PM Closing remarks 12:55-01:00PM Closing prayers A. Waste management: This sessions dwell on: • Definition of healthcare waste • Definition of Waste management • Classify the types of healthcare waste; • Discuss the risks and hazards of healthcare wastes • Discuss the key steps in healthcare waste management • Waste segregation • Healthcare waste transportation • Healthcare waste storage • Disposal /treatment methods of healthcare waste • Practical demonstration of various waste containers and the color coding
Figure 3a :Facilitator Presenting on Waste mgt. Figure 3b :Participant presenting group work Figure 3c : Cross section of participants at the training B. Environmental cleaning and disinfection • Understand the guidelines in the proper cleaning and disinfection of the patient environment. • Appreciate the importance of a clean environment in the prevention and control of infection. • Undertake proper supervision of environmental cleaning in their facilities/areas of duties • Dilute correctly Sodium Hypochlorite solution for cleaning and disinfection • Practical demonstration on how to constitute solution for cleaning of Environmental surfaces • Practical demonstration on how to clean Environmental surfaces
Figure 3d: Facilitator demonstrating how to measure chlorine for the production of disinfection reagent Figure 3e : Facilitator demonstrating how to prepare disinfection reagent Figure 3f : Facilitator demonstrating how to determine the Figure 3g : Participant demonstrating how to disinfect surface quality of water C. Risk Communication • Improve participants general knowledge of risk communication
• Acquaint participants with the various models that explains how risk perceptions are formed, how risk information are processed and what determines reaction to risk information • Introduce participants to risk communication planning • Improve participant’s knowledge on the role of interpersonal approach in risk communication • Improve participant’s knowledge on the role of the community in risk communication 3. Training on Infection Prevension and Control (IPC) for Doctors, Nurses/Midwives, Pharmacist and Senior Hospital Assistant Participants for this training were drawn from Secondary, and Tertiary health facilities across the 17 LGAs of the state, they includes; Doctors, Nurses/Midwives, Pharmacist and Senior Hospital Assistant. The methodoloqy employed during the are training are PowerPoint Presentation, Group work, question and answers, Vedio clip show and practical demonstration on COVID-19 infection, Prevention and Control (IPC). Below is the agenda: YOBE STATE MINISTRY OF HEALTH IN COLLABORATION WITH YOBE STATE MULTISECTORAL CRISIS RECOVERY PROJECT (MCRP) CLINICIAN SENSITIZATION TRAINING ON COVID-19 INFECTION, PREVENTION AND CONTROL FOR DOCTORS, NURSES/MIDWIVES, PHARMACIST AND SENIOR HOSPITAL ASSISTANCE Venue- NOUN Conference Hall Damaturu Date- 13th January 2021 Day 1 Time Activity Person Responsible Duration 09.00- 09:30 AM Registration of Participants Secretariat 30 Minutes 09.30-09:35 AM Opening Prayer Volunteer 5 Minutes 09:35-09;40 AM Opening remarks/Welcome address HCH-YSMOH 15 Minutes
09.45-10:10 AM Pre-test Secretariat 25 minutes 10.10-10:40 AM Break fast All 30 Minutes 10.40-11:10 Overview on COVID-19 Dr Isyaka 30 Minutes AM 11:10–11:40 Yobe State COVID-19 Situation update Dr Moisule 30 Minutes PM 11;40-12:00 Discussion All 20 minutes PM 12;00-12:40 Presentation on COVID-19 Sample collection Abdullahi Ago 40 Minutes PM 12:40–01:10 Practical demonstration on COVID-19 Sample Abdullahi Ago 30 Minutes PM collection 01:10–01:20 Discussion All 20 minutes PM 01;20-02:00 Lunch / Prayers All 40 Minutes PM 02;.00-02.30 COVID-19 Case Management Dr Ishaka 30 Minutes PM 02;.30-02.55 PPE Abdullahi Danchua 25 minutes PM 02;.55-03.35 Practical demonstration on Donning and Doffing Abdullahi Danchua 40 minutes PM of PPE 03;.35-04.00 PM Tea break / Prayer All 25 minutes 04;00-05:00 Group work and presentation Drs Ba’abba/ Dr 60 Minutes PM Moisule 05:00-05:20 Wrap up / Closing prayers All 20 Minutes PM Date- 14th January 2021 Day 2 Time Activity Person Responsible Duration
08.00-08:20 AM Registration of Participants Secretariat 20 Minutes Volunteer 05 Minutes 08.20-08:25 AM Opening Prayer All 25 Minutes Rapporteurs 10 Minutes 08.25-08:50 AM Break fast Dr Ba’abba 40 Minutes Musa Bura/Abubakar Babayo 40 Minutes 08.50-09:00 AM Recap of Day 1 Activity State Lead - MCRP 30 Minutes 09:00-09;40 AM Infection Prevention and Control - IPC 09:40-10;20 AM COVID-19 Risk Communication 10.20-10:50 Presentation of certificate AM 10:50–11:10 Group Picture All 20 Minutes PM 11:10-11:30PM Post test Secretariat 20 Minutes All 60 Minutes 11:30-12:30PM Lunch / Prayers State Lead - MCRP 15 Minutes All 15 Minutes 12;30-12:45PM Closing remarks 12:45-01:00PM Wrap-up/Closing prayers A. Infection Prevention and Control The Session dwell on General WHO advice for COVID-19 Infection; • Avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections & unprotected contact with those with fever – keep 2 meters distance • Frequent hand hygiene, especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment • People with symptoms of acute respiratory infection should be taught to practice respiratory etiquette • When ill, visit a health facility; avoid home treatment and visiting Patent Medicine Vendor (PMV) • Avoid unprotected contact with farm or wild animals, their blood and body fluids, eat well cooked animal foods
B. The participants were also taught on practical demonstration of Hand Hygeine as shown below: Figure 4a: Presentation of Group Work by Group 1 Figure 4b: Presentation of Group Work by Group 3
Figure 4d: Participants demonstrating hand washing Figure 4c :Practical demonstration of COVID-19 sample collection Figure 4e: Group Work Figure 4f: Vedio clip show of Donning and Doffing of PPE
Pre and Post Test Pre and Post test was gigen to participants to test there knowledge before and after the training. Overall knowledge test shows an increase in knowledge gain in all cadre of participants training as shown in the table below Pre and Post test score (in Percentage) and the Proportion of knowledge gain after the training Pre Test Post Test Percentage of knowledge gain S/No Health Workers Min Max Min Max Min Max Average 1 Laboratory Scientist/Technicians 16% 84% 45% 95% 1.86% 19.72% 11.62% 2 Environmental health Worker 25% 75% 50% 100% 6% 24.75% 12.50% Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, Senior 3 Hosptal Assistants 16% 90% 50% 100% 1.82% 21.62% 11.66% Performance outcome After successful mobilization of both resources and personnel, brainstorming, intense training for a period of nine (9) days to the benefits of the various selected Health Care Workers (HCWs) in Yobe State, the following were the outcome of the training: • Strengthened the capacity of Health Care Workers (HCWs) on infection, prevention and control • Strengthened capacity of Health Care Workers (HCWs) on COVID-19 sample collection, testing and analysis • Stengthened Strategies for IPC measures in health facility and community • Improved capacity of Health Care Workers on case detection and reporting of suspected COVID-19 cases • Improved sample collection across the State. • Strengthened the capacity of Health Care Workers (HCWs) on COVID-19 outbreak response • Distributed WHO and NCDC COVID-19 Case management and IPC guidelines • Improve COVID-19 response across the State
Milestone Table 5 presents the milestone acheive in the training of Health Care Workers (HCWs) on COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), Watse Mangement, Sample collection and Analysis . The training project is 100% complete. S/no. Description Percentage (%) 1. Planning, meeting, and proposal 100 submission 2. Inception report 100 3. Participants invitation and 100 Training materials preparations 4 Resource person and participants 100 arrival and hospitality 5. Training on COVID-19 Sample 100 collection and Analysis 6 Training on COVID-19 Waste 100 Management 7 Training on COVID-19 Infection 100 Prevention and Control 8 Departure 100 9 Progress report submission 100 10 Final report submission 100 Overall Progress 100%
Conclusion The training workshop had fully enlightened the participants on on COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), Watse Mangement, Sample collection and Analysis. The training has achieved its noble objectives and the participants were full of praises for the organizers because the training was apt and timely considering the facts that we are facing second wave of COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, there is call to sustain such training because the training will go a long way in reducing infection among health care worker and community, is also going to improve COVID-19 response in the State.The training will also help in adressing major challenges the State government is facing with respect to COVID-19 response.
Annexes Screening of Participants before commencement of the traing (Adherance to COVID-19 Protocol)
Group Picture of Participants for Sample collection and Analysis training
Group Picture of Participants for IPC training Group picture of Participants for Watse Management training
State Epidemiologist making presentation
Additional materials
Participants Results Sheet S/N Name LGA/Health Facility Designation Pre Test Marks Post Test Marks 91 93 1 Fatsuma Nuhu Fune D/Kuka OIC 31 74 72 86 2 Lami Saleh Umar Yunusari Phcc PNO 68 84 85 87 3 Maryam Busari CHC Machina ACNO 81 100 67 76 4 Bulama Muktar Gen.Hosp. Dapchi BursNar.iO 59 90 38 74 5 Hassana Inuwa Dabra Phcc Nangere N.O 59 63 45 50 6 Hauwa Muhammad Gwio Phcc Jakusko N.O 56 81 7 Aisha Ibrahim Maigari Gen.Hosp.Gashua, BadeS.N.O 74 89 75 85 8 Sadiya Usman Gen.Hosp.Gashua, BadeP.N.O 66 87 72 100 9 Maryam Tijjani Yerima Gen.Hosp. Buni Gujba P.N.O 33 82 71 76 10 Zainab Abdullahi Umar N/W Phcc Midwife 66 72 90 100 11 Suwaiba Adamu AbdulrahmaNnangere Hospital Assistant 70 98 Midwife 74 69 12 Falilat Muh’d Sunusi DTR N/W Phcc 56 84 68 80 13 Khadija Bukar Ibrahim NGR Tikau Phcc Midwife 14 Hauwa Abdullahi DTR Phcc Gwange Midwife 15 Aisha Kyari Bukar TMW Jumbam CHEW 16 Hadiza Maaji TMW B/Gida Phcc CHEW 17 Zara Bukar Kyari Dapchi/IG Phcc EVT 18 Nannatu Francis Bade/Phcc Sugum CHEW 19 Haruna Ahmad M. GH Geidam Pharmacist 20 Lamidi Olabode .J. Jakusko/Phcc Medical Officer 21 Abdul Umaru Bara GH Dapchi C.N.O 22 Nasihat Abdullahi Karasuwa/Phcc Hospital Assistant 23 Hadiza Adamu Garba Fune/Phcc CHEW 24 Fatima Jibrin Moh’d Fika/Phcc Parmacist
Participants Results Sheet 25 Hassana Musa Gujba/Phcc Nurse 85 91 74 90 26 Aisha Bunu Zanna Gulani/Phcc Midwife 74 81 27 Za’uma Bello Adamu WCH Damaturu Nurse/midwife 88 97 28 Dr Julius Junior Phcc Bubari, Nguru Medical Officer 79 84 79 92 29 Usman Modu Phcc Geidam Nurse 81 84 57 63 30 Adamu Baba Musa Phcc Gwange Nurse 77 92 59 72 31 Ahmad Abdullahi Ali Phcc Bara Gulani Nurse 68 99 32 Ibrahim Moh’d Bulama Kolere Phcc Fune Nurse 49 87 56 91 33 Fatima Isa Goni Fika Gen.Hosp Nurse/midwife 53 92 34 Yahai Sa’idu Baba TMW B/Gida Phc CHEW 91 96 71 76 35 Hafsat Adamu Garuba Yusufari/Phc Yusufari Nurse 78 86 71 81 36 Ali Mamman GH Jakusko Nurse 35 62 43 75 37 Rabila Mamman Gujba GH Buni Yadi ACNO 16 54 62 84 38 Hauwa Hassan GH Jakusko P.N.O 46 93 66 88 39 Dr Zainab Moh’d Abubakar Geidam Phcc Geidam Regisrar 40 Zainab Ibrahim Phcc Jajimaji KarasuwaC.N.O 41 Gambo Bala Dagona Phcc Yusufari C.N.O 42 Dr Musa Ibrahim Phcc Yusufari Medical Officer 43 Asma’u Bello M.Baba Phcc Nguru CHEW 44 Hafsat Yerima Duchi Phcc Katuzu Bade Chew 45 Maigana Mustapha CHC Machina CHEW 46 Shatuwa Adamu GH Fika CHEW 47 Moh’d Sani Idriss Gen.Hosp. Potiskum Nurse 48 Halima Waziri Jakusko/Phc CEHO
Participants Results Sheet 49 Hadiza Hassan Aliyu Phcc Mal. Baba Ngu R/N 68 70 50 Suleiman Mohammed 38 89 PHCC Bumsa CHEW
Participants Results Sheet S/N Name LGA/Health Facility Designation Pre Test Marks Post Test Marks 1 Yusuf Baba Mustaspha Gwange Phcc Dtr Lab Scientist 74 95 2 Lawan Magaji Machina Chc AMLB 58 92 3 Musa Shariff Dalah Karasuwa AMLB 16 68 4 Sa'adu Suleman Adaya YSSH Dtr C.M, Lab Scientist 77 89 5 Abdullahi Ayuba Bulama YSUTH Dtr S.M Lab Scientist 83 93 6 Yusuf Baba Toro Bade/G/lamido Phcc OIC 69 81 7 Ester Musa Bassi Yusufari Phcc IIC 57 71 8 Ajiya Musa Gashua Phcc L/ Musa OIC 19 45 9 Abdullahi Buba Phc YSUTH Dtr PMLS 84 90 10 Haladu Abubakar Fika G/Hospital MLT 18 55 11 Inusa Adamu PKM D/Zare Phcc MLT 69 80 12 Tijjani Adamu PKM T/Wada Phcc MLT 53 66 13 Adamu Baba Musa MCRP Damaturu Lab Scientist 58 80 14 Isa Mohammed Nangere/G.Hospital MLT 76 84 15 Abdulmumin Bukar Gaji Nguru/Bubari Phcc MLT 40 81 16 Baffa Dishi Baba Gulani/Bara Phcc MLT 60 78 17 Ruth Daniel Jakusko/GH MLT 28 84 18 Hafsat Mohammed WakilDtr Specialist Hosp MLT 66 84 19 Modu Aji Gujba/Mch B/yadi MLT 60 85 20 Yusuf Adamu Damagun MLT 62 74 21 Dugu Maidami CHST Nguru MLT 51 63 22 Ibrahim Umar Sanda Bursari/GH Dph MLT 74 95 23 Mustapha Usman Tmw B/GidaPhcc MLT 83 92
Participants Results Sheet S/N Name LGA/Health Facility Designation Pre Test Marks Post Test Marks EVT 50 61 1 Fatima Idriss Tikau Phc Gadaka Fika EHO 45 80 EHO 45 75 2 Mohammed Isyaku Bade Phc Gashua EHA 45 80 EVT 45 75 3 Abdulmumin Sani Bulakos Fika Phc Fika EHO 60 85 AEHO 60 65 4 Kaumi Mustapha KachallamiPhcc Yunusari EHO 50 85 EVT 60 75 5 Usman Ahmed Yusuf Phcc B/gari Gujba EHO 45 85 EHO 55 65 6 Mellah Bukar Phcc Yusufari EHO 45 65 EHO 40 55 7 Garba Adamu Phc Yusufari EHO EHO 35 60 8 Adamu A Audu Phc Tarmuwa EVT EHO 55 80 9 Fanna Modu Phcc Yusufari EVT EVT 25 60 10 Hauwa Abdullahi G/hosp Pkm EVT 35 85 EVT 35 55 11 Hadiza Abdulllahi Muh’d Phc Dapchi Asst M &E 60 70 Phc officer 65 75 12 Mariya Danyaro Nguru Phc 30 62 13 Ukasha Abubakar Sultan Phc Kukuri Nangere 30 60 50 70 14 Mustapha Goni Musa Vet Clinic Dtr 15 Moh’d Moh’d Bulama Phc Bursari 16 Hauwa Bukar Dinga Phcc Fune 17 Fatima Bamai Phcc Gujba 18 Audu Kafayo Phcc Jakusko 19 Sani Mohammed Phc Lailai Pkm 20 Umar Musa Usman Phc T/Wada Pkm 21 Binta Adamu Phc Geidam 22 Iliya Sama’ila Maje Nangere Phc 23 Umar Abdullahi Umar Damaturu
Participants Results Sheet 24 Mustapha Umar Tarmawa Phc officer 35 65 25 Musa Barkindo 75 80 26 Fatsuma Lawan Tikau Geidam EHO 50 60 27 Hadiza Adam Abdullahi 70 90 28 Maryam Ibrahim Turaka Nangere EHT 60 85 29 Hadiza Abdulsalam 50 90 30 Fatsuma Ibrahim Karasuwa EHO 30 65 31 Hajja Bintu Musa 50 75 32 Hadiza Saleh Fune Phc EHO 55 75 33 Liman Goje A 75 95 34 Fatima Aisami Nguru Phc EHO 55 90 35 Abubakar Bunu 45 85 36 Dibbo Garba Jakusko Phc EHO 85 90 37 Muhammed Mallam Bukar 35 70 38 Hassan Ali Karasuwa Phc EHO 30 61 39 Ibrahim Mohammed Aliyu 40 50 40 Abatcha Bafu Phc Potiskum EVT 50 80 41 Ibrahim Sani 45 80 42 Usman Mohammed Jakusko Phcc EHO 65 75 43 Isa Ubali 60 75 44 Mustapha A Abba G/hosp Gashua Hospital Assistant 30 85 45 Alkalli Ibrahim Alkali 50 70 46 Abbas Muhammad Gulani Phc EHO 55 100 47 Moh’d Modu Kachallah 50 90 Tarmuwa Phc EVT Phcc Machina EHO Phcc Katarko Gujba EHO Phcc DTR CHO Phcc Kalgi CHEW Phcc DTR Health Assistant Phc Fika Sanitation officer Phc Bade EHO Phc Machina EHO Phc Geidam EHO Phcc Baimari/Bursari EHO Jajimaji Phc Karasuwa EHO
Participants Results Sheet 48 Baba Gana Mustapha Nguru/Sanitation EHO 70 90 49 Adamu Baba Musa Phc Damaturu EHO 55 80 50 Fatima Bukar Phc Bara EHO 60 85 51
Participants Results Sheet 24 Sheidu Mohammed JamiuNguru/Fmc MLT 78 92 MLT 53 81 25 Tujja Ali Mai Gen Hosp Geidam MLT 62 65 26 Alhaji Goni Barma Yunusari Phc 27 28 29 30
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