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2011 Annual Report

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2011 Annual Report

Intellectual and material gifts bring the privilege and responsibility of sharing with others less fortunate. —Marian Wright Edelman

2011 offered the Community Foundationof East Central Illinois a number of opportunities.Early in the year, we conducted a survey of nonprofit agencies in east central Illinois andfound that cash flow was their most urgent need. The lag in state funding puts considerablepressure on nonprofit agencies as they manage their budgets and try to prevent further cuts inprograms or staff.The general economy and the state of Illinois continue to present challenges for our nonprofitorganizations. While some have been able to adjust to significantly delayed payments, manyare now facing another round of funding cuts that will impact them as organizations anddirectly affect the people they employ and serve.To effectively respond to this need, the Community Foundation established a “Program-Related Investment Fund” with a $100,000 contribution from the Marajen Stevick Foundation,a supporting organization of the Community Foundation. The fund provides loans of up to$15,000 to agencies to bridge the gap between state funding and organizational expenses orto help them in other emergency situations. Qualifying nonprofit organizations can secure atwelve-month loan at a very low interest rate, in a short period of time.In early August, the Foundation moved to a new location—307 W. University Ave. inChampaign. This was significant because, in our 40 years of existence, this is the first time wetruly have our own home. The space is working very well for us and we are able to let othernonprofit organizations use our large conference room.As we reflect on the growth and work of the Community Foundation over the last 40 years, itis impressive to recognize how the Foundation, on behalf of the donors, has been instrumentalin providing about $11,000,000 in funding to enhance the lives of our neighbors and ourarea through the arts, education, community development, health and human services, theenvironment and people with disabilities. In addition, our commitment to working withnonprofit boards on board development, strategic planning and “best practices” helps makethem stronger organizations.We look forward to building on the vision of our founders and, with the help of our partnersin the private and nonprofit sectors, to serve the needs of east central Illinois.Tony Ackerman Joan DixonChair, Board of Trustees President & CEO

2011 – 2012 Our Vision BOARD OF TRUSTEES To raise the quality of life throughout east central Illinois. Tony Ackerman our Mission CHAIR OF THEBOARD OF TRUSTEES To be a leader and major catalyst for long-term philanthropic assistance to the residents of east central Illinois. Brenda Timmons VICE-CHAIR our Values: Philanthropy Maureen Banks We are a leader in promoting philanthropy in an impartial, SECRETARY unbiased, ethical way, with commitment to inclusiveness. We bring together people and resources to identify and address David Parkhill present and emerging community needs. TREASURER Anna Merritt PAST CHAIR Robert C. Aldridge Roaa Al-Heeti Jeff Davis Stephen J. DeBruyn Wade Hampton Charles Hundley Bonnie Kemper Alan Nudo Steve Whitsitt Joan M. Dixon PRESIDENT & CEO Helen Levin Arthur J. SkeltonHONORARY TRUSTEES2 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois

2011 AchievementsEstablished a nonprofit safety net to provide low interest emergency loansof up to $15,000 to nonprofit agencies to help bridge the gap between state funding andagency expenses. The revolving loan fund is made possible by a grant from the MarajenStevick Foundation.Partnered with the Lumpkin Family Foundation to administer a micro-grant program that provides funding to area nonprofits for training and professionaldevelopment. 2011 grants were awarded to Cunningham Children’s Home, Eastern IllinoisFoodbank, University of Illinois YMCA and Crisis Nursery.Moved the Community Foundation office to a new location at 307 W.University Avenue in Champaign to support a key strategic planning goal: “to improvevisibility and name recognition and to allow for growth.”Provided board training, strategic planning assistance andcommunity education presentations to nonprofit and service organizationsthrough the Foundation’s Center for Nonprofit Excellence, to promote “Best Practices”throughout our area.Provided a total of $93,537 in grant funding to 28 nonprofitorganizations in east central Illinois, funded by proceeds from our unrestrictedendowment. The Foundation’s grant committee reviewed 51 applications requesting$215,000 and made personal visits to meet with each nonprofit organization.Increased grant funding by 30% over last year, a valuable achievement in ayear that presented a most challenging economic environment.Provided a total of $715,733 in charitable distributions to improvethe quality of life for residents in east central Illinois by investing inyouth, education, health and human services, community development, the environment,and, as the only local funder, in the arts.2011 Charitable DistributionsArts 33.0%Health & Human Services 11.6%Youth 14.2%Education 20.3%Community Development 9.3%Environment 6.6%Other 4.9% 2011 Annual Report • 3

CFECI Donors Susan and Pat Fitzgerald Rudolf and Lucille FrascaThe 825 Charitable Fund Rochelle FunderburgDavid Downey Teresa GabelJane Hays Joe Giblin Helen GrandoneArt in the Park Fund Jane Eisner GreenElizabeth Hendrick-Barstead C. Kristina Gunsalus and Michael WalkerNoel Foundation Roger and Fran HaugheyCarl Webber John and Barbara Hecker Morris HeckerBottenfield PTA Fund Jerry and Helen JahnBottenfield PTA Ron and Sue Kiddoo Brenda KnappCommunity Foundation of Martin and Doris KoeckEast Central Illinois Barb and Dave KuhlPhil and Pat Abruzzi Helen Levin and Emily LevinHarold and Prudence Adams Mark LiptonRoaa Al-Heeti Stuart MamerSteven Amjad Kim and Denise MartinDon and Suzi Armstrong Timothy MastMark Ballard Kimberly MatthisMaureen and Sam Banks Richard McMurrayWilliam and Marla Becker Meyer Capel, P.C.Karen Bilbo Carl and Wava MeyerTodd and Sara Black Diane and Bill MichaelsMary Blair Scott Miller and Brooks Bennett-MillerArlene Blank Bill and Marsha MuirheidJohn and Denise Breen Jim Mullady and Robin DouglasGerald and Lois Brighton Dennis and Barbara MuncyBarry and Elsie Brindley Joseph MurphyDonald and Jean Burkholder Richard and Rosann NoelAnne and Derek Bushman Alan and Kassandra NudoLouise and Bob Cochran Tracy and Claudia NugentNeal Cohen and Maureen Tlumacki-Cohen Gary and Michele OlsenKathleen Collins and Mark Nelson Charles and Roberta PalmerEvan and Karen Coobs Jenny and Peter ParkJeffrey and Jodi Davis John PetryM. T. and Marlene Davisson John and Kimberly PowersSteve and Jayne DeBruyn Lance and Jana RaverMatt and Katherine Deering Max RedmondChristy and Mike Devocelle Samuel and Dena SchneiderRobert and Jamie Driver David and Anita SeilerBrenda Eheart Ken and Joan SensenbrennerAnn Einhorn David SholemJohn and Lois ElderKeith and Mary Emmons4 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois

Myron and Sonya Sholem New Covenant FellowshipJon and Kendy Stewart Donna NicholsGene and Hester Suggs Michael PierceMarilyn and Richard Thies Kim and Melody ProemmelBrenda Timmons Rademacher Building Center, Inc.Roy Van Buskirk Marshall and Beverly SmithDonald and Wanda Whitsitt Dr. and Mrs. Robert SostheimStephen and Ruby Whitsitt Daniel SpitzRuth Worner St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church Catie StandleyChampaign Center Stone Creek ChurchPartnership Fund David Whippo and Christina Catanzaro WhippoJon Sokolski and Marci Dodds Marjorie Whitfield Dana Williams and Joel RennichCU at Home Julie Yoder Booth and Larry BoothAnonymousJennifer Barnhart Joan M. Dixon EndowmentNancy and Bruce Bellmore Joan DixonEthan Brown Hope Global Consulting, IncDaniel CeduskySteven and Kathie Cole Fire and Police Memorial FundA. Belden Fields and Jane Mohraz Allen A. Rivers Sr. Memorial FundAllan and Kim File Jeremy AllenKarissa Flynn Todd AndersonDwight and Sheryl Franzen David and Janet AshbySarah Hall Bags and BaublesJeffrey and Catherine Hallett Brian and Heather BallAmy Hassinger Emily and Camden BayerCharles and Katie Henry Michael and Jill BaylessChristine Hurt Scott and Stacy BennettElizabeth and Henry Jackson Black & White ConfectionsJeffrey and Elizabeth Johnson Bonham Construction & Maintenance Services, Inc.Christopher Jones Brad and Linda BowenJohn and Miriam Kauffman Brandon W. PhelpsDebra and Darrold Kennedy Kevin Brazell and Lucia CisnerosAlicia Kessel Daniel BrownMichael Kessel Charles and Cheryl BucknerChris and Lori Lancaster Darrell and Martha CarlsonLinda and Greg Lawhead Champaign Firefighters Local 1260Doris Lorden James ClarkPhilip and Patricia McGarvey Nancy ClintonWilliam and Susan McLane Beth and Calvin ColclasureE. L. Metz Country Bunny Bath and BodyCarol Ann Nelson Robert and Micky DeckerJohn and Carol Ann Nelson Ronald and Patty Duzan 2011 Annual Report • 5

CFECI DonorsFire and Police Memorial Fund cont. Holly NearingStanley Earle Michael Novak and Lee Ann RotzRay Elliott and Vanessa Faurie Janet OrrEMC Photography Marc PalmerDenise Esworthy Dominic and Stephanie PasquiniPaul Faraci Paul E. Lewis & AssociatesRobert and Connie Finney Policemen’s Benevolent & Protective AssociationKaren Foster Terry PrinceDeborah Frank-Feinen David QuallsFriends of Don Gerard Megan QuallsSenator Michael Frerichs Andrew and Erin QuarnstromJoseph and Sherry Garrison Robert Quinlan and Karen LavazzaDavid Griffet Jamie Rayburn Pruitt and R. Andrew PruittKenneth and Lea Ann Griffin Tamara RooseveltJoshua and Patricia Gulley Gerald and Mary SchweighartErica and Christopher Hanson Donald ShepardCurtis and Paula Hays Steve and Janice ShipleyStephen and Melanie Hertel Christy SimonJames and Karen Hipskind Kimberly SimpsonHolly Birch Photography Sports Masters LLCWayne and Wendy Huckstadt Gene StephensJoshua and Amy Jessup William and Jeanne StierwaltChristine Johnson Gregory StockJeff and Michelle Jolley Danny and Carolyn StrandBradley and Julie La Payne Lona StuckeyBecky Leibach Charles and Leslie SullivanJames and Elizabeth Lievano Steven TuckerTracy Lillard Tereasa and Rick WarrenMarquette Associates, Inc. Charles and Lucile Jane WeberCathy and Jason McArthur BG and Peggy YohnkaMarguerite and James McGuireMark and Debra Medlyn Kenneth Freeland MemorialMetro Building, Inc. Scholarship FundAlan and Marcia Meyer James and Janice CoartneyMichelle’s Bridal Shoppe, Inc. Rusty and Jill FreelandMichael and Mary MiddletonJohn and Beth Mills Cynthia Geerdes andEric Mitchell Todd Martinez FundScott Moe Cynthea Geerdes and Todd MartinezCourtney MoravekMary Mullen Jane A. Hays FamilyTony and Jane Mullvain Charitable Fund Jane Hays6 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois

Charles and Barbara Hundley Fund Monticello Railroad Museum FundCharles and Barbara Hundley David MarshallMary E. Jones Fund Stephen and Esther Portnoy FundSusan Hinesly Stephen and Esther PortnoyMary Jones The Public Art LeagueMahomet Public Library Fund Barham Benefit GroupFisher National Bank Jon Sokolski and Marci DoddsJohn and June Holmes The Noel FoundationJudith and Rudiger Laufhutte Petry-Kuhne CompanyMahomet Public Library Foundation Jerry RagleRonald and Cynthia Placek Kyle and Phyllis RobesonMary Watson Melvyn Skvarla William YoungermanMayors’ 150th Celebration FundChristopher Bezrucki Rosmarino FundRalph Caldwell Mary Vita RosmarinoTrisha CrowleyDorothy Ann David Sunday ActionRobert and Connie Finney Jeffrey and Catherine HallettDouglas and Mary Su Forsman Jon Sokolski and Marci DoddsMarsha Grove David KeelingFrederick Halenar Alberto MunozKevin JacksonBruce and Mary Knight United Way Endowment FundTeri Legner United Way of Champaign CountyLeslie Lundy and William TiberendCraig and Gail Rost United Way - Tammy LemkeRichard and Susan Schnuer EndowmentFred Stavins Tammy and Eric LemkeSterling Management LLCJoan Walls WGRC - Champaign Rotary Champaign RotaryAnna J. Merritt Endowment William StallmanAnna J. MerrittKathy Murphy Scholarship FundFirst Federal Savings Bank of C-UTodd Salen 2011 Annual Report • 7

Statement of Financial PositionFor the Year Ended December 31, 2011 2011 2010Assets Current Assets: $ 496,720 $ 458,517 Cash and Cash Equivalents Investments 10,374,663 10,924,129Program Related Investment Receivable 15,000 -Accounts Receivable 26,745 -Payroll Tax Receivable - -Cash Value of Life Insurance Policy 11,024 9,803Total Current Assets $ 10,924,152 $ 11,392,449Property, Plant, and Equipment:Office Furniture and Fixtures $ 13,384 $ 13,384 (13,384)Accumulated Depreciation (13,384) -Total Property, Plant, and Equipment $ - $ Other Assets:Condominium $ 58,000 $ 74,000 500,000Farm Property 610,000 Total Other Assets $ 668,000 $ 574,000Total Assets $ 11,592,152 $ 11,966,449Liabilities and Net Assets Net Assets:Unrestricted $ 251,739 $ 312,067Temporarily Restricted 1,415,099 1,541,845Permanently Restricted 9,925,314 10,112,537Total Net Assets $ 11,592,152 $ 11,966,449Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 11,592,152 $ 11,966,4498 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois

Statement of Activities For the Year Ended December 31, 2011 Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted TOTALRevenue and Support: Gifts, Grants, and Contributions $ 20,514 $ 338,644 $ 53,282 $ 512,440Life Insurance Value Increase - - 1,221 1,221Peer Farm Income - 11,844 - 11,844Peer Farm Market Value Increase - - 110,000 110,000Condo Rental - 7,800 - 7,800Condo Value Decrease - - (16,000) (16,000)Interest and Dividends 5,698 34,184 244,988 284,870Realized Gains (Losses) 6,089 36,528 261,787 304,404CFECI Administrative Fee 118,178 - - 118,178Net Unrealized Income (Loss) (92,629) (60,218) (516,039) (668,886)Other 26,909 17,864 - 44,773Total Revenue and Support $ 84,759 $ 386,646 $ 239,239 $ 710,644Expenses:Program Services $ 121,873 $ 513,392 $ 396,347 $ 1,031,612Management and General 11,607 - 30,115 41,722Fundraising 11,607 - - 11,607Total Expenses $ 145,087 $ 513,392 $ 426,462 $ 1,084,941Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ (60,328) $ (126,746) $ (187,223) $ (374,297)Net Assets, Beginning of Year $ 312,067 $ 1,541,845 $ 10,112,537 $ 11,966,449Net Assets, End of Year $ 251,739 $1 ,415,099 $ 9,925,314 $ 11,592,152 2011 Annual Report • 9

2011 Charitable Distributions Designated Grant Distributions DistributionsBeneficiaries $ 85,000 $-Art in the Park - John David Mooney 688 -AUL - Parkhill Fund - 4,260Bridgewater-Sullivan Community Life Center - 3,566Campus Middle School for Girls 994 -Canaan Baptist Church Safe House Catholic Charities - 1,000Center for Women in Transition 1,494 1,600Centrec Consulting - Center for Community Adaptation 18,669 Champaign County CASA -Champaign County Forest Preserve District 500 -Champaign County Nursing Home 25,000 1,500Champaign County Humane Society 1,646 -Champaign County YMCA 1,500Champaign Park District - Prairie Farms - -Champaign Park District - Virginia Theatre 1,212 -Champaign Public Library Foundation 1,144 -Champaign-Urbana Special Recreation 4,581 -Champaign Urbana Symphony 1,400Champaign Urbana Symphony - Youth Music 500 -Champaign Urbana Theatre Company - -City of Arcola 800City of Champaign - Mayors’ 150th Celebration 7,454 1,000Community Elements 379 -Community Foundation of East Central Illinois - 10,000Community Service Center of Northern Champaign County - -CU at Home 1,500CU Mentoring 67,474 -Cunningham Children’s Home - - -Daily Bread Soup Kitchen 2,000 Decatur County Family YMCA, Inc. - Developmental Services Center Dewitt-Piatt Community Health Partnership 2,850 Don Moyer Boys & Girls Club 250 500 East Central Illinois Volunteerism Eastern Illinois Foodbank - 2,000Education for Employment 200 -empty tomb 21,868 4,608 - 5,000 5,593 - 2,787 - 22,500 - 10,000 - - 1,244 10 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois

Designated Grant Distributions DistributionsBeneficiaries $ 8,118 $ 2,000Family Service of Champaign County 9,833 -Fire & Police Memorial 833 -First Methodist Church of Rantoul - First Presbyterian Church of Tolono 1,994 10,000Frances Nelson Community Health Center 7,462Girl Scouts of Central Illinois 2,679 2,250Greater Champaign County AMBUCS - 5,000Holy Cross School 328 -Homestead Corporation of Champaign-Urbana - 5,000Hoopeston Multi-Agency Service Center - 4,918Illini Media - Champaign Center Partnership 776 -Illinois Radio Reader - 2,800Jewish Federation 3,000 -Joplin Family YMCA 600 -Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation 10,500 -Lions of Illinois Foundation 4,200 -Little Theatre on the Square 1,500Loyola University - Christine & Lucien Nesbitt Scholarship - - 280 Mahomet Area Youth Club Mahomet Boy Scout Troup 25 10,000 3,000Mahomet-Seymour Foundation for Education 1,272 -Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Fund 8,906 -Meyer Capel - Champaign Center Partnership -Millikin University - Kathy Murphy Scholarship 994 -Monticello Railway Museum 333 -Monticello Rotary Club 281 -Museum of the Grand Prairie 3,761 1,500The News-Gazette - Champaign Center Partnership - - 1,272 One Main - Center for Community Adaptation Orange Duffel Bag Foundation 672 -Orpheum Children’s Science Museum 30,332 -Parkland College - Charlie Due Scholarship 20,000 -Parkland College - Horizon Scholarship 4,970Parkland College - Rep. Naomi Jakobsson Scholarship - Peace Meal Senior Nutrition Program Planned Parenthood - Champaign 1,000 -Prairieland Council, Boy Scouts of America 1,500 -Public Art League - 500 1,381 - - - 994 - 1,212 12,100 2011 Annual Report • 11

2011 Charitable Distributions (continued) Designated Grant Distributions DistributionsBeneficiaries $ - $ 320Rantoul Clothing Center 833 -Rantoul Public Library 281 -Rhodes College - Kathy Murphy Scholarship 387 -San Diego State University - Pearl B. Sisk Scholarship 1,950 -Senior Task Force 4,045Smile Healthy - -Southeastern Indiana YMCA 200 -Southern Illinois University - James L. Sisk Scholarship 382 -Sunday Action 19,953 Three Hierarchs Greek Orthodox Church 7,937 -United Way - Don Moyer Boys & Girls Club 6,000 -United Methodist Church of Champaign 331 -U of I Foundation - Applied Health Sciences -U of I Foundation - Department of Intercollegiate Athletics 19,969 -U of I Foundation - English Department 42,000 -U of I Foundation - Friends of the Library 19,969 -U of I Foundation - School of Music 19,969 -U of I Foundation - WILL AM-FM-TV 2,386 -University of Illinois - Horizon Scholarship 19,969 -University of Illinois - Rep. Naomi Jakobsson Scholarship 3,000 -University of Illinois - Christine & Lucien Nesbitt Scholarship -University of Illinois - James L. Sisk Scholarship 500 -University of Illinois YMCA 280 -Urbana Pops Orchestra 382 4,850 165 WDWS/WHMS/WUIL - Champaign Center Partnership Wesley United Methodist Church Food Pantry - WPGU-FM - Champaign Center Partnership 340 -YMCA of Clay County - 2,600Total Charitable Distributions 224 - 200 - $602,403 $113,33012 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois

Funds of the Community Foundation of East Central Illinois (As Of June 1, 2012)ENDOWMENTS Organizational endowments DONOR ADVISED FUNDS2076 Fund A Woman’s Fund 825 Charitable FundAccess To Recreation Fund Bottenfield Endowment Access to Recreation FundWilda Adams Fund Champaign Park District Art in the Park FundW. Barclay & Frederick C. Brasch Champaign-Urbana Special Recreation Fund Clif Rocks Fund Endowment Family Service Endowment Downey Family Charitable FundH.R. Bresee Fund Generations of Hope Endowment Jean Driscoll Wheelchair Racing FundMichael J. Carragher Endowment United Way Endowment Cynthea Geerdes-Todd Martinez FundChampaign County Casa United Way Endowed Funds Green Meadows Donor Advised FundChampaign-Urbana Symphony Fund Wade Hampton & Andrea Reno FundDavid & Faye Cole Fund Early Childhood Circle Jane A. Hays Family Charitable FundCommunityworks Tammy Lemke The Horizon FundPatrick Thomas Costello Fund Carol A. Scharlau Charles & Barbara Hundley FundJoan M. Dixon Endowment Edwin A. & Carol A. Scharlau Bill J. & Karen L. Hunsinger FundDon Moyer Boys & Girls Club Volunteerism Circle Alice & Gene Lamb FundEcirmac – Joy Fund Youth Circle David George Miller FundAlbert Eisner Fund Curtis Nash Children’s Creativity FundMary Alice English Fund Scholarship funds Open Road Paving FundJoyce Ettensohn Endowment Academy Memorial Scholarship Steve & Esther Portnoy FundGeorgia May Fisher Fund Dana Buerkett Endowed Scholarship Barry & Linda Weiner FundFranklin Prairie Farm Fund Charlie Due Baseball ScholarshipMargaret O. Franklin Fund Kenneth Freeland Endowed Scholarship Fiscal agency fundsFranklin Youth Fund Rep. Naomi Jakobsson Scholarship Fund Center for Community AdaptationHolly Williams Gallivan Fund Kathy Murphy Endowed Scholarship Fund Champaign Center PartnershipH.I. & Mabery Gelvin Fund Lucien & Christine Nesbitt Scholarship Cu at HomeGreen Meadows Endowment James L. Sisk Scholarship Fund Cu Mtd Bus Passes Ida Haack Fund Pearl B. Sisk Scholarship Fund East Central Illinois VolunteerismHansen-Peer Endowment Fire & Police MemorialMary E. Jones Fund Prosperity GardensRobert D. Jones Fund Public Art LeagueFrances R. Kesler Memorial Fund Sunday ActionMorris Kessler Fund Wesley Evening Food PantryLw’s PlaceMahomet Public Library Endowment Thank YOu to ourStephanie Manuel Fund investment partnersAnna J. Merritt Endowment BankChampaignAugust Meyer Fund Busey Wealth ManagementMonticello Railway Museum Cozad Asset Managment Edward Jones - Lance Raver Endowment FLP Wealth AdvisorsAlbert D. Mulliken Fund Morgan StanleyMarthena Nonneman Fund for ChildrenDorothy Ozier FundDavid & Katherine Parkhill EndowmentHobart L. & Mary K. Peer FundMary K. Peer Administrative FundMary Vita Rosmarino EndowmentJustus Seaman EndowmentMarajen Stevick EndowmentSustaining EndowmentJohn P. Trebellas FundYouth Music Appreciation FundWgrc – Champaign Rotary 2011 Annual Report • 13

Community Foundation of East Central Illinois 307 W. University Avenue Champaign, Illinois 61820 217-359-0125 • cf TM