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Gallery Booklet

Published by art district, 2023-06-17 17:58:48

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Our GALLERY Our mission is to showcase the most exciting and innovative artworks from both established and emerging artist, and to foster a dynamic dialogue between art, culture, and society. Art District SG is a contemporary art gallery located in the heart of Singapore. With a stunning exhibition space, state of the art facilities, and a diverse and engaging program of exhibitions and events, we aim to become a vital hub for the local and international art community

Our ARTISTS Huang Zhi Yu Huang Zhiyu, a trendy artist, was born in Puning, Guangdong Province in 1996. In 2011, due to his love for painting, he went to Shenzhen to study painting under a master. In 2017, he entered the deep mountains of Hunan to study still life painting. He currently lives and works in Puning, Guangdong. His solid foundation in painting and relaxed and interesting artistic style define his artistic style. Through simple creations, he allows viewers to experience the sophistication of life. Despite losing his hearing at a young age, he has not lost faith in the world. Instead, it has made him more resilient in the process of growth, leading to the creation of many classic character works. 黄智宇 黄智宇,潮流艺术家,1996年生于在广东省普宁,2011年因热爱绘画到深圳拜师学画,2017 进入湖南深山学习静物绘画,现生活工作于广东普宁. 扎实的绘画功底与惬意有趣的画风是他的艺术风格,通过朴实的创作让观画者们感受到生活 的高级,虽从小失去听觉的他并未对世界失去信心,反而让他在成长的过程愈坚韧,从而铸 成了许多经典形象作品 .

Exhibition Experience 兔2023: \"LUCKY YOU\" - New Year's Trend Art Group Exhibition, Shanyu Half Coffee, Xiamen 2023: \"2023 Andersen International Art Exhibition\" - Copenhagen City Hall, Denmark 2023: \"Dafen Trend Theme Exhibition\" - MixC World, Shenzhen 2023: \"New Continent - Symbiosis\" - SFM Art Center, Suzhou 2023: \"No Meaning\" - Contemporary Art Exhibition, Boiler Room Art Center, Dongguan 2023: \"Pointing in the Direction of the Sea\" - Trend Art Exhibition, Shouzhu Vanke Plaza, Dongguan 2023: \"Search\" - Trend Art Exhibition, Yantai Mountain, Fuzhou 2023: \"Traveler's Plan\" - Xusheng Art Museum, Shenzhen 2022: \"Five Senses Joint Art Exhibition\" - Ju Contemporary Art Center, Tianjin 2022: \"Art Beyond Boundaries Art Exhibition\" - MKL Lifestyle Aesthetic Center, Chengdu 2022: \"2022 Andersen and China - Andersen Themed Exhibition\" - Yuanhetang Art Museum, Suzhou 2022: \"One Person's Art Exhibition\" - Yishu Shenghuo Hall, Tianjin

Our ARTISTS Yang Yuan Yuan Yang Yuan Yuan graduated from the Art Department of Henan University in 1997. She also attended the assistant Class of the Mural Department in the Central Academy of Fine Arts between 1997 and 1999. She mentions in her artist statement that “through the depiction of little lambs in my artworks, I express the psychological journey of growth and the current social relationships. I remain steadfast in my belief in a better future. Despite the challenges of life, I have gained insight into the world and still possess a warm and clear heart. I hope to quietly shine my light with my humble efforts.” 杨媛媛 杨媛媛1997年毕业于河南大学艺术系,1997年至1999年在中央美术学院壁画 系助教班学习。 她在艺术家自述中提到:对美好的未来坚定不移,历经过生活,洞悉世事,依 旧拥有一颗温暖清澈的心,愿微薄之力默默发光。

Exhibition Experience 2023: \"Warm Spring\" - Solo Exhibition at Guangzhou September Art 2022: \"Another Me\" - Guangzhou September Art Solo Exhibition 2022: \"Dream·Paradise\" - Theme Art Exhibition at New World Kaiyue Bay 2022: \"Blind.Sight\" - Solo Exhibition at Beijing Guomao Goude Art 2022: \"International Contemporary Art Collection Exchange Exhibition\" - TNT Contemporary Art Space, Shenzhen 2021: \"World\" - Beijing Guomao Goude Art Solo Exhibition 2020: \"Clear Skies and Light Rain\" - Xiamen Timespace Print Dual Exhibition 2020: \"Yuan Yuan's Gift\" - Zhengzhou Qimu Art Print Solo Exhibition 2020: \"Will the World Be Better?\" - Guangzhou Tianhuan September Art Solo Exhibition 2019: \"Sheep·Sheep·Yang\" - Guangzhou September Art Solo Exhibition 2019: \"Warm·Stories\" - Shenzhen September Art Solo Exhibition 2019: \"Encounter\" - Beijing Goude Art Solo Exhibition 2019: Guangzhou Design Exhibition - Group Exhibition 2018: \"I Am a Little Lamb\" - Huikong Art Space Artist Brand Exhibition 2017: Korean Gallery Expo 2017: \"Guess Who's Coming to Dinner\" - Xiamen Timespace Print Exhibition 2016: Russafa International Art Festival in Spain 2015: \"Yang Yuanyuan Solo Exhibition\" at 798·Yue·Art Center 京华2012: E PART Yachang Artists Joint Exhibition

Our ARTISTS Dai Yi Shu Dai Yishu, born in 1990, has previously taught at a university for ten years and now resides in various locations. He is the founder of the \"Blind Stab Tribe\" and an independent artist, with most of his works being collected by institutions and private collectors both domestically and abroad. In his works, Yishu incorporates many elements of science, technology, and human existence. He tries to explore the upcoming crisis between artificial intelligence and primitive human nature, and he tries to convey such philosophical contemplation in his artworks. Yishu believes that in modern day society, we have become less driven by our emotions and spirits, but rather, more machine-like: mindless with an endless abyss of emptiness. 戴一树 戴一树,1990年出生,曾在大学任教十年,现居于各地。 “盲刺部落”创始人,独立艺术 家,作品多被国内外机构和私人收藏家收藏。 一树在他的作品中融入了许多科学、技术和人类生存的元素。他试图探索人工智能与原始 人性之间即将到来的危机,并试图在他的作品中传达这样的哲学思考。一树认为,在现代 社会,我们不再受情绪和精神的驱使,而是更像机器:没有头脑,陷入无尽的空虚深渊。

Recent Exhibition Activities: 2023: \"Dream of the Desert\" Dai Yishu's Outdoor Art Exhibition on the Wandering Earth - Tengger Desert, Alxa Left Banner 2022: \"Rift Flow\" Blind Stab Tribe's First Exhibition - Daguan Art Space, Yueyang 2022: \"Dream of the Sea\" Dai Yishu's Outdoor Art Exhibition on the Wandering Earth - Dongshan Island, Zhangzhou 2021: \"Journey\" Contemporary Chinese Painting Exhibition - Milan International Art Center, Italy 2021: \"Launch\" Support Art Museum Opening Exhibition - Support Art Museum, Guangzhou 2021: \"World\" Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition - Chinese Fine Arts Yearbook, Russia Moscow Artists International Art Foundation 2021: \"Self-portrait\" Earth SHOW - ARTBANK • 2020 \"Pulse\" Chinese Contemporary Painting Exhibition - Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Japan 2020: \"Establishing an Image to Convey Ideas\" Exhibition of Excellent Works of Chinese and Foreign Art - Kunshan Art Palace, Suzhou 2020: \"Pointing\" Qu Zhiheng's Creation and Collection Exhibition - Dongze Culture, Guangzhou 2019: \"It Is Not Human\" Contemporary Art Exhibition - Baijia Lake One Space, Nanjing 2019: \"Three People Walking\" Oil Painting Art Joint Exhibition - Yumo Art Space, Yueyang 2019: \"Seeing\" Dai Yishu's Solo Micro Exhibition - ARTAND 2019: \"Value\" Six-person Art Joint Exhibition - 798 Jing Dian Gallery, Beijing Publications: \"Contemporary Oil Painting · Expressive Oil Painting Album\" - Heilongjiang Fine Arts Publishing House \"World · Collection of Works by Chinese Contemporary Artists\" - Russia's Ypolitofov Publishing House

Our ARTISTS Kim Sun Hee Kim Sun-Hee graduated from Tsinghua University in China, with a masters degree in arts. Her main work series “GLOW-KEY” is a verbal pronunciation play on the word “groggy”. As she mentions, within her work, the “glow key” is a “secret key” which allows one to open and look within their inner consciousness. She means to convey the message of which the inner consciousness of people in society nowadays tends to be, more often than not: lonely, impoverished, and groggy. 金善喜 金善喜毕业于中国清华大学,获得文学硕士学位。 她的主要作品系列“GLOW-KEY”是对“昏昏沉沉”一词的口头发音游戏。正如她所说,在她的作品 中,“发光钥匙”是一把“秘密钥匙”,可以让人们打开并审视自己的内心意识。她想表达的是当今社会 人们的内心意识往往是:孤独、贫困、昏昏沉沉。 Kim Sun-Hee 중국 칭화대학교에서 예술학 석사학위를 받았다. 그녀의 주요 작업 시리즈 \"GLOW-KEY\"는 단어 \"groggy\"에 대한 구두 발음 유희입니다. 그녀의 말처럼 작품 에서 '빛열쇠'는 내면의 의식을 열어 들여다볼 수 있게 해주는 '비밀열쇠'다. 그녀는 요즘 사회 사람들의 내면 의식이 종종 외롭고 가난하고 비틀거리는 경향이 있는 메시지를 전달하고자 합니다.

Exhibition Experience: 华人当代美术馆 中国)2023: 18VOLUME - Library ( 2023: 青年视界 - 深圳青年美术大展 (中国) 2023: 第三 届深圳大芬国际油画双年展(中国) 2022:《第十五集》各境与相望 - 国际当代艺术交流展(北上北艺术)(中国) 2022: 韩中健交30周年纪念交流展览 (韩国文化馆)(中国) 2013: AHAF 青年艺术家展 (昆山画廊)(韩国)入选艺术家 2013: 亚洲酒店艺术博览会 (首尔康拉德酒店)(韩国) 2012: 新思维集团展览(三清画廊)(韩国) 2011: 九边集团展览(画廊空间DA)(中国北京) 2011: 金兆禧展览(加比画廊)(韩国) 2011: 健身房与怪物东方集团展览(G.Y.M project 顶目画廊)(韩国) 2011: 蓝知更鸟太阳展(皇家美术馆)(韩国) 2010: 第四届Insa艺术节(艺术空间)(韩国) 2010: MAPING tast-1展览(李画廊)(韩国) Solo Exhibition: 2012: 金牛善熙个展(G.Y.M project顶目画廊)(韩国) Collections: 歌剧画廊OPERA Gallery (韩国) 深圳大芬美术馆(中国)

Our ARTISTS Choi Seung Yoon Choi Seung Yoon was born in 1984 and studied in Seoul national university of science and technology, as well as fine art. Seung Yoon had started drawing from a young age, this left him little thought regarding other paths or careers to follow through. Through his paintings, he tries to express his view on the fundamental power of this world. Seung Yoon likes to explore opposing forces such as expiration and inspiration, men and women, contraction and dilation of the heart, and more. Choi Seung Yoon 出生于1984年,曾就读于首尔国立科技大学美术系。 Seung-Yoon 从小就开始画画,这让他几乎没有考虑过其他的道路或职业。通过他的绘画,他试图表达他 对这个世界的基本力量的看法。 他喜欢探索呼气和吸气、男人和女人、心脏收缩和扩张等相反的力量。 Choi Seung-Yoon은 1984년생으로 서울과학기술대학교에서 미술을 전공했다. Seung-Yoon 은 어렸을 때부터 그림을 그리기 시작했고, 그로 인해 다른 길이나 직업에 대해 거의 생각하지 않 았습니다. 그의 그림을 통해 그는 이 세상의 근본적인 힘에 대한 자신의 견해를 표현하려고 합니다. 승윤은 날 숨과 들숨, 남자와 여자, 심장의 수축과 팽창 등과 같은 반대되는 힘을 탐구하는 것을 좋아합니다.

Solo Exhibition: 2019: DRAW / L-gallery(Seoul, SEouth Korea) 2019: 3 / Artspace H(Seoul, South Korea) 2019: Dream of the man / Jongro-tower lobby(with Publc gallery, Seoul,South Korea) 2019: Our Boundaries / Gallery Jeeum(Seoul, South Korea) 2018: 101 Individualities / Sono art(Seoul, South Korea) 2018: Diving over the water / Gallery white birch(Seoul, South Korea) 2018: Width of line / Art space H(Seoul, South Korea) 2018: I wanna live / JY art gallery(Seoul, South Korea) 2017: Cross-section of the Luxury / Karas Gallery (Seoul, South Korea) 2017: Cross-section of the deep / Gallery White Birch(Seoul, South Korea) 2017: Cross-section of the blue / gallery sagye(Daegu, South Korea) 2017: Cross-section of the moment / resh art hall(Bundang, South Korea) 2016: The flow of the moment / gallery sagye(Daegu, South Korea) 2016: You looks like me / Port 1902(Busan, South Korea) 2016: Move / micafeto(Seoul, South Korea) 2016: Nonchalantly / Artspace H(Seoul, South Korea) 2016: The sadness is beautiful / Artion(Seoul, South Korea) 2016: Beginning of the stop / serene gallery(Busan, South Korea) 2016: The Universe / Gallery tom(Seoul, South Korea) 2016: Temperature of the Blue / Gallery Daon(Seoul, South Korea) 2015: Risingfall / Artspace J cube_1(Bundang, South Korea) 2015: Beginning of the stop / GS gallery(Seoul, South Korea) 2015: Trintas / bangbae church(Seoul, South Korea) 2015: Firewater / gallery Tom(Seoul, South Korea) 2014: 3-Party encounter / Feeling store(Seoul, South Korea) 2014: Beginning of the stop / Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art(Gwangju, Gyonggido, South Korea) 2013: Perfect flat / Leeha gallery(Daejeon, South Korea) 2013: It’s real / cafe theatre(Gwangju, Gyonggido, South Korea) 2012: ‘Completion of departure’ / NH gallery(Goyang, South Korea) 2011: 'Choi Seung-yoon solo exhibition' / Song's gallery(Seoul, South Korea) Others: Residency: 2019: SAMSUNG QLED TV rug 2016: Gold line residence 2018: “IQOS” Philip Moris Korea 2013~2014: youongeun residence 2017: Samsung TV 'The Frame' collaboration 2017: Merk 2017 Callender 2017: Hyundai vip card 2016: Saatchi art collection

Our ARTISTS Kang Min Seok Kang Min-Seok acquired a bachelors in fine arts in 2007 at Dong-A University in Busan, South Korea; followed by a masters in 2010. He states: \"I am on a journey of deep self-exploration through art. I delve into the complex layers of my inner being, earnestly seeking to understand myself. At the core of this exploration lies the symbolic theme of a running car, encapsulating our ever- evolving thoughts and perspectives along the passage of time. Through various experiments and creations, I strive to capture the dynamic form and explosive speed of a running car, unveiling the hidden stories within.\" Kang Min-Seok 于 2007 年在韩国釜山的东亚大学获得美术学士学位;随后在 2010 年获得硕士学位。 Min-Seok 说:“我正在通过艺术进行深度自我探索的旅程。我深入内心深处的复 杂层面,认真地寻求了解自己。这一探索的核心是一辆正在行驶的汽车的象征性主 题,它包含了我们随着时间的推移不断发展的思想和观点。通过各种实验和创作, 我力求捕捉行驶中汽车的动态形态和爆发式速度,揭开其中隐藏的故事。” Kang Min-Seok 은 2007년 한국 부산의 동아대학교에서 미술 학 사 학위를 취득했습니다. 이어 2010년 마스터스. 그는 말한다: \"나는 예술을 통해 깊은 자아 탐색의 여정에 있습니 다. 나는 내 안의 복잡한 내면을 파고들며 진정으로 나 자신을 알아 가고자 합니다. 이 탐색의 핵심에는 시간의 흐름에 따라 변화하는 우리의 생각과 시각을 담은 달리는 자동차라는 상징적인 주제가 있 습니다. 다양한 실험과 창작을 통해 나는 달리는 자동차의 동적인 형태와 폭발적인 속도의 힘을 포착하고, 그 안에 숨겨진 이야기를 드러내려 노력하고 있습니다.\"

Group Exhibition: 2015 “Contemporary Nomadic Artists”14people, Crude Creatures Contemporary Art Gallery, Chicago 2015 “Zambia African children donated free rides around” 3 artists, YEDONG Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2015 “Flaky May” 3artists, Gallery Mare, Busan, South Korea 2014 “Ideally reality” 4artists, Namu Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2013 “Young Artist Contest” AHAF Seoul 2013 Estimation, Geumsan gallery, Seoul, South Korea 2012 Group \"Sang\" Exhibition, Jungjunho Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2012 Group \"ON\" Exhibition, Picasso Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2011 38th DongMac exhibition, BS Busan Bank Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2011 Dong-A stepping stone painting exhibition, Catholic Center, Busan 2011 Dong modern printmaker Association, Harbor Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2011 Group \"ON\" Exhibition, Fine Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2011 ₩100.000 happy picture showing, MAC Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2011 Exhibition of Contemporary Art 100 South Korea and Japan, Ginza Gallery \"ARTIST SPACE\", Japan 2011 Busan printmaking \"Fresh & Wide\", Busan City Hall, Busan, South Korea 2011 \"Trojan Horse\" exhibition, Banana Long Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2011 Artist Project8, Pukyong National University and Busan Cultural Foundation, Deokcheon station, Yearsan Station, Busan, South Korea 2010 Group \"ON\" Exhibition, Picasso Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2010 South Korea China Japan International Artists exhibition, Hukooka Prefectural Art Museum 1st Floor, Japan 2010 Movie Art Shop, Banana Long Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2010 Bujang Market Market Integration - Biennale cafe project, Bujang Market Cafe, Busan 2010 100 Korea Japan Contemporary Art Exhibition <reason to must change>, Ginza Gallery \"ARTIST SPACE\", Japan 2010 2010 Korea Japan Contemporary Art Exchange Exhibition, BumiART Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2010 Ets Heim 2.0, Medison center, Seoul, South Korea 2010 EXIT, Doosan We`ve The Zenith Gallery, Busan, South Korea 休展2010 ‘Relax ( )’, Banana Long Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2010 Young Artist 2010, Priden Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2010 life & survival images, KUMHO Gallery 3, Gwangju, South Korea Ⅱ2009 33 young Artists, Design center Busan Exhibition , Busan(BSCF), South Korea 2009 Situation direction 09, Art Spectrum Curator Invitation, Harbour Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2009 Contemporary Art & Vintage Art No.2, Gallery young, Seoul, South Koreaa 2009 Coordinates of oblivion 2 person, samcheong Gallery, Seoul, South Korea 2009 Asian Students and Young Artists Art Festival, Kyongbok Palace, Seoul, South Korea 2009 Group star (Open Memorial, Jungwoo Gallery), Jungwoo Gallery, Seoul, South Korea 2009 7th BIEAF, BEXCO, Busan, South Korea 2009 CO-CORE Internation Art & Desing Critiques, TOKYO, Japan 2009 SOAF EMERGING ARTIST CONTEST, COEX, Seoul, South Korea 2008 South Korea China Japan gurup 3rd international artists Exhibition, Narana Gallery, China

Solo Exhibition: 2017 The 7th Solo Exhibition “Invisible force”, Art Space-Alliance Francaise Busan, Busan, South Korea 2016 The 6th Solo Exhibition “A source of strength Vol.2”,ULJU Art Center, Ulsan, South Korea 2015 The 5th Solo Exhibition \"Long journey\" YEDONG Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2014 The 4th Solo Exhibition “A source of strength”, Art Space-Alliance Francaise Busan, Busan, South Korea 2012 The 3rd Solo Exhibition, WOO Gallery, Busan, South Korea 2011 The 2nd Solo Exhibition, SeoulAuction(Busan), Busan, South Korea 2011 The 1st Solo Exhibition, MAC Gallery, Busan, South Korea Seoul Auction: 2011 SeoulAuction e-art shopping 6th participation, SeoulAuction Online, Seoul, South Korea 2011 SeoulAuction Cutting Edge, SeoulAuction, Seoul, South Korea

ART DISTRICT SG contemporary art gallery let's get in touch 333A, Orchard Road, #03-21 238897 Singapore [email protected] Instagram: @artdistrictsg Phone: +65 88649431

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