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Home Explore THE QUILL September 2021 Vol.2

THE QUILL September 2021 Vol.2

Published by sridevi, 2021-11-11 10:50:46

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ArticlesThe QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2

The lockdown demands us to maintain 2 meters distancebetween each other. During the lockdown, we always haveto sit at home and stare at the computer for a long period oftime. I am stressed, and fed up with it. When we used to goto school, I did not want to go. But now I want to go toschool, I want to go to school, and I am extremely stressedbecause of this lockdown. Go covid 19! Come normal life!- Aadhya Kaussal Priyanka4-AThe QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2LOCKDOWNREALISATIONSDuring the lockdown, Ilearnt…Cycling and swimmingI fed my chicken, cow andgoatHelped my mom in cleaningthe househow agriculture is donePlanted vegetables, andmaintained them.Took safety precautionslike wearing a mask,sanitizing our hands withsanitizer, andmaintaining distance.J.K.PragalyaaClass- 1C

Hello everyone! I am D. B. Srilekha, from 3A. Cycling is oneof my favorite things. When I was a child, cycling seemedvery difficult. However, I still remember the unforgettableexperience of training to ride the cycle with the help of myparents. It is the most memorable moment for me, in recenttimes I was so happy to get the cycle in my favorite colour,rose. It was very difficult to ride at first, but then I was happyto ride. The support of my parents helped me learn to rideand fulfill my desireOn my seventh birthday, to my surprise, my father bought mea bicycle. It was red and blue in colour and looked pretty. Itwas a balanced bicycle, so I was able to ride it easily. I wasso excited and rode it happily for the first time. And thisadded happiness to my birthday. Even today, when I recallthat day I feel very happy. Tons of thanks to my parents forthat wonderful experience! By, S. Avantika of III-BThe QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2MY FIRST CYCLINGEXPERIENCEAs the days went by I learned to ride bymyself and it gave me so much confidence.The day I learned to ride it myself, was aglorious day for me. Cycling is a veryuseful activity to maintain good fitness andkeep us stress free the whole day. I reallylove it and enjoy it!

The QuillMY FAVORITEANIMALMy favourite animal is the cat. My cat is so cute. My cat’s name is Caty.Caty will play with me when he is notsleepy. When Caty is hungry, he will crywith a ‘meow’. He walks around my legsuntil I give him food. He raises his tail whileeating food. He will help us catch rats andlizards. When I touch my Caty, he feels softlike a pillow. When I throw a ball he will playwith it, and that is so funny. I like my Caty.~Pranav RII – CI have a cat in my house. Her name is Meenu.Every morning I feed her with milk. Shealways plays with me. One day Meenu gavebirth to three baby cats. My dadtold me that they were called kittens. I call thethree kittens Manu, Micku, and Mike. I feelhappy to play with my cat and her kittens. Rishmitha Sri.K.KGrade-1CT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2

My pet animal is a dog. Dogs are very honest animals. Iplay with my dog and feed him regularly. My dog’s nameis Johnny, and he makes my day joyful. Johnny takescare of my house at night. He comes along with uswherever we go. I take good care of him and give him abath regularly. I decorate my dog with sindoor. I miss ourdog sometimes when we have to go out to places, andcan’t take him along. I love my dog, Johnny.By, R.Dhrishnu BalajiClass- 1 AThe QuillMY FAVORITEANIMALT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2

The lion is a wild animal. It lives in the forest. the lion isthe king of the jungle. It belongs to the cat family. It hassharp teeth and claws. Some lions sleep during the dayand hunt at night. They have long hair around their neckscalled 'mane'. Lions can run fast. A group of lions arecalled pride. A lion’s roar is very famous. Its lifespan is 10-14 years. All the animals, even humans, are scared oflions. Everyone must be brave and strong like lions. Thatis why I call the LION is my favourite animal!Name: Sujeeth.PClass- 2CThe QuillMY FAVORITEANIMALT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2My favourite animal is the giraffe. Giraffes are the tallest animals onearth. They love to live in dryclimates. Giraffes spend almost alltheir lives in the standing position.They sleep only for 5 to 30 minutes aday. When they are born they have theability to stand up within an hour.They have a long neck and love to eatleaves and herbsBY, S.ASHWINCLASS- 1A

My best friend’s name is Sahharra. She is my cousin and mybest friend. She is caring and always helps me a lot. Weboth are friends since childhood She is a true friend andshares toys and anything else that I need. Whenever wemeet, we play a lot of games and do fun stuff together. Welearnt so many things during this lockdown. We learnt tosweep the floor and help our moms in the kitchen. We alsolearnt how to plant seeds, and water them. During thislockdown, I talk to her through video calls to share thingsabout our studies, and a lot more. I love her a lot! Thanksfor being my best friend!The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2MY BEST FRIENDBY:A.Sai DhanviClass- 2CMY BEST FRIEND IS MY DAD! I like my dad very much. Ishare everything with him. I feel like a rainbow when I amwith him. He teaches me good things. He is like a library,full of knowledge. He is a very playful friend to me. Myfriend has a special place in my heart. He respects myfeelings. He is my real hero. He is my role model. I want tostay with him always.By, S.K. Prajin Class- 1B

My birthday is on June 6th. My birthplace is Lalgudi, Trichy. I celebratedmy 6th in Coimbatore. My mothermade a mango cake for thecelebration. My father bought me aTom and Jerry cake. I was presenteda pattu pavadai on the occasion ofmy birthday. The colour of my dresswas orange and maroon. That’s how Ispent my 6th birthday, and I enjoyeda lot!Name- JashviOn my birthday, my friends,relatives, and neighbours come tomy house. My parents bought me acake and a lot of gifts. My friends,too, bring exciting gifts. I loved thepart when I cut my cake. I felt veryhappy and enjoyed the day a lot.By, K. Shivani, Class- 1 CThe QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2MY BIRTHDAY

BY, S. SARAVANA AVANEESHCLASS- 4CI like my father so much, and my fatheralso likes me very much. He gives a lotof advice to me. My father playsfootball, cricket, chess and many othergames with me. When I studied in LKG,I bought a T-shirt with a set of beautifulwords that said- “I got the best dad in the world!!”I liked that dress a lot. So, I wear itoften. But now, I outgrew it, so I havekept it safely, as a remembrance. Myfather is always my Hero!The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2MY FATHER ISMY HERO!I love my father very much.He is my most favoriteperson in the world!By: P.J.AtharshGrade- 3A

The QuillMY FATHER ISMY HERO!My favourite superheroes are Spiderman, Captain America,and Hulk. But my first favourite hero is my father. He is mysuperhero, my best friend, and my role model. He wakes meup by singing songs. He makes me laugh and plays gameswith me. Sometimes he supports me when my mom saysthings like, “Do your homework” on a Saturday or a Sunday,and he will let me play for some more time. He will also askme to study well and be a good student. He buys all my favourite food and takes me to Fun City.When I told him that I like boxing, he let me join a boxingclass and he always encourages me to do well. He takescare of my grandmother, my mom, and me very nicely. Heworks very hard, sometimes even on Saturdays and Sundays. Even after a tiresome day, he spends time with meand my mom. He is funny, helpful and his friends and officefriends like him a lot. He teaches me so many cool thingslike dog breeds, bikes, and cars. He likes to exercise and Ilearnt push-ups from him. I like him so much, and I want to be like him someday. I amgoing to study well, become a great boxer and make himproud one day. I thank God for giving me, my dad and mymomT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2KAVISH. MIII – B

The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2My father is my hero because he is the backbone of my family,and he struggles a lot to give us all the best of life. My fatherloves a simple and peaceful life and he doesn’t compel us todo anything. He is the one who teaches me all the goodmanners to lead a happy and peaceful life. My father answersall my questions and explains things in an easy way. He buysme things, even when I don’t ask for them. My father is my bestfriend and I share everything with him.My father is the best, I LOVE YOU APPA!LAKSHANA.DIII BMY FATHER ISMY HERO!''Of all the gifts that life has to offer, A Father is thegreatest of them all.\"A hero is someone who has sacrificedhis/her life to protect us. A hero is admired for his courage,outstanding achievements, and noble qualities. Every singlehuman in this world is inspired by their heroes. A hero issomebody who voluntarily walks into the unknown. Yes, insuch a case my “DAD” is my hero.

The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2My hero is my father. His name is GopinathChandran. My father is an ideal person in my life.He is a successful businessman. He is my realsuperhero and my best friend. He is the real reasonfor my happiness and joy. He's the bravest guy I'veever met. He's the boss of our family. I stillremember the day I started walking, I had thesupport of my father's finger that day, and that waswhat led me to who I am today. He is reallyoverprotective when it comes to protecting ourfamily. His strength is incomparable to any other superhero. He is a real finegentleman with a great sense of humour. He is like a machine thatnever stops working for his loved ones. He is extremely polite, loving,caring, and as intelligent as a lion. He is a dutiful person as he tries tocomplete all his duties just for the well-being of his family. He is themost fearless man I've ever known. He is kind-hearted too. And that’swhy, my dad is my hero!NIDARSHANA GGRADE 3 A

My LockdownBest FriendOne fine day, I was watching the news on TV and thenewsreader said that a virus was spreading throughout theworld and causing destruction to the people at an alarmingrate. The people were dying, and the newsreader warned usnot to go out, and to be careful. I discussed this news withmy parents and we were all afraid about it. In a few days,we got to know that the name of the virus was ‘Corona’. In a few days, the government announced a lockdown, andpeople were not supposed to go outside. Then my parentsstayed at home and continued their work. This gave mesome space to spend time with them. I had breakfast, lunch,and dinner with them. I played and danced with them, andthey became my best friends. I also started planting trees,and I watered them daily. They gave me flowers and fruitsafter six months. I also started to feed birds and everydaythey called out to me with sounds like ‘coo-coo, ‘kaa-kaa’.So during this lockdown, my parents, plants and birdsbecame my best friends. I am so happy with them!The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2M.K. HAJANTHIKAACLASS- 4-B

I also spent time on my hobbies like cycling, painting, andplaying my favourite building blocks game. One thing I willalways remember is the time I spent gardening with myparents at the little garden space at our house. It is joyfulto water the plants daily and see them grow. It’s amazingto know how plants play an important role in our life. It is agreat opportunity for me to understand, appreciate and bethankful for the environment. It is our duty to look after theenvironment. I am happy to share this important learning with my friends.Let us all plant more, and save our environment andplanet. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!Tharun Krishna.N Class- 1BThe QuillOne new thing that Ilearnt during the lockdownT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2During the lockdown, I learnt manynew things like always stayinghealthy, keeping myself and mysurroundings clean, and theimportance of spending more timewith our family.

We have many festivals like Diwali, Pongal, Holi, Bakrid, etc.We celebrate these festivals and eat many sweets likeLaddu, Jilabi, Gulab Jamun, etc.Diwali is my favorite festival because we burst crackers andplay with the sticks. Due to pollution, we have not burstcrackers for the past four years.Another favorite festival of mine is Holi because we play withwatercolors. But still, we have to be careful, becausesometimes people may mix chemicals in them. Pongal is also an important festival because it's a festival forthanking the farmers for giving us grains, fruits, vegetables,etc. During that time, we eat sweet Pongal, spicy Pongal, andsweets like Mysore Pak and Gulab Jamun.Raksha Bandhan is a festival for brothers and sisters.Sisters tie Rakhi on their brother's wrists.Ganesh Chaturthi is the festival that we celebrate for LordGanesh on his birthday. We pray to him with sweet kolukattaiand spicy kolukattai. We put up a Ganesh deity at home for afew days, for our prayers, and then dissolve the deity inwater.The QuillOur FestivalsT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2

We celebrate Vijayadasami & Aayutha Pooja inthe month of October. The Aayutha puja iscelebrated to show our gratitude for all the thingsthat we use/possess in our life. Vijayadashami iscelebrated for Goddess Saraswathi. Young kidsstart their schooling on this Vijayadasami day.Festivals bring happiness to allRoshni.Mclass-4COur Festivals The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2SHORT STORYI would like to share a short story.Once upon a time, there was a squirrel enjoying himself on a tree. Ariver ran below. Suddenly the squirrel fell on a chameleon and thechameleon became very angry. The squirrel was frightened. He said “Iwon’t be enough to satisfy your hunger, so please let me go”. And thechameleon said “I will ask you one question, you must answer it, andthen I’ll let you go”. The squirrel said that he would answer it only fromthe tree. The chameleon accepted this, and the squirrel happilyjumped onto the tree, and asked the chameleon to ask his question.The chameleon began, “ How are you always happy? Look at us, wealways have an angry face”.The squirrel replied “Well, you see, wedon’t trouble anyone for anything, and we just do our duties, withouttroubling anyone.” The chameleon understood his mistakes.MORAL: WE SHOULD NOT TROUBLE OTHERSVishnu Hari.BClass- 3-A

One day there was a man searching for a pot because hisfamily had asked him for a pot to store water. There was a potthat was hiding, itself. It was hungry and it was in search offood. After a few minutes, the pot saw a beautiful pond. Thepot went near the pond and took some water, which was itsfood. It saw a swarm of bees buzzing around the flowers nearthe pond. The pot asked the bees for help, that is to sting theman who was searching for the pot. ‘I will sit under a treewhere I am visible to the man and when he comes near me, allof you will sting him’, said the pot to the bees. When the mansaw the pot and came near it all the bees started stinging himand he ran away from the place. -A Neka,3 'C'The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The Clever Pot The Best Thing I LearnedDuring LockdownDuring the lockdown, I have learnt many new things, likealways staying healthy, keeping myself clean. I have alsolearnt that family bonding is very important. I have learntgardening, painting, and dancing also. Now I spend a lot of time with my family. Before thepandemic my parents used to be busy with their own work,but now they are always with me. This lockdown has allowedmy family and me to spend more time together.I also started doing yoga with my dad in the morning to boostmy energy

Our teachers are now teaching lessons from their houses.During this lockdown, we can’t go outside to school, parks orrestaurants. But we can study online and convert a portion ofour home into a play area and make different types of food athome. For all the celebrations in the family, we make differentvarieties of food and cake at home now. The lockdown hastaught me that we can change our ways and still achieve ourtarget.The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2By: M.G. Varuna SaiClass- 1B The Best Thing I LearnedDuring Lockdown

Diary Entry26th July 2021Monday8:30 pmDear Diary,Last night at about 11 PM, I was alone at home, becausemy parents were at a function. I was reading a book in myroom when suddenly the lights went off. As I searched for acandle, water started flooding inside the house. It was verydark outside and the only sound was the loud BOOM ofthunder. I had found the candle, but I was not able to lightit because it was wet.So, I found a torch but Alas! The charge was low, and sowithout any source of light, I started pushing the water outwith a mop. The whole night I was pushing the water out.However, I enjoyed playing in the water and felt like a herobecause I was trying to protect my house from the water. Thank God! The sky is very clear this morning. My parentshave come home and they appreciated me. We all had acup of tea and started cleaning our house. Last night wasan incredible night for me.CheersA JyoshiniGrade 8The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2

‘The Covid-19 pandemic has taken over the world for thepast one and a half years. The whole world is stuckindoors. People are masked up, making it difficult for eachone to recognize the other. Millions of people are affectedand thousands of people die each day. No one wants tosocialize even if they were their closest friends. Negativityis all over the place. 'The world is sad.’ This is whatpeople will say if you ask them about the pandemic.Maybe, I would have said the same thing a couple of daysago. Let’s recall the positive things we had been missing outon before the pandemic. People, now, spend a lot moretime with their families. The rate of road accidents havenotably decreased. Reading habits have developed inpeople, surprisingly the one who never touched a bookhave been enjoying reading in the pandemic. Even kidshave begun to attend online school happily. A lot of thingshave changed since the pandemic has begun. How can wenot accept the pandemic as a boon after all this? Think ofeverything in a positive way. You will find happiness inthese darkest times too.Stay home. Stay safe!Nakshatra V.S.VIII-AThe QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The Pandemic: A Blessingin Disguise

is the next GodT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2Google is a company that is growing enormously every day.In the last few years, Google has grown so fast that most ofour gadgets are from Google. Google Home is a voice-controlled speaker with an AI called Google Assistant in it.Even on our mobile phones, we use a lot of Google apps likeyoutube, chrome, etc. Even Google apps like Docs, Sheets,and Slides are used by many people in the world. They justdon't know how to use Microsoft Word since it's verycomplicated to use and the Google apps listed above are theother way round. In the last decade, Google has got so powerful that itlaunched its own Phone line! It is called the Google Pixel,with the 6th edition of the phone due by the 30th of thismonth. It has been given very good ratings by reviewers andcritics. Google has its own phone, has its own AI, has itsown browser and they’ve all got the best responses. So it'ssafe to say Google is the next God since it gives all youneed. If they created a laptop, or a smart fridge, or a smarttv, Google could literally take care of all our needs. So Ithink in the near future Google is going to become anindispensable part of our house.Adithyan.TVIII A The Quill

The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The pandemic A blessing in disguiseThe pandemic has become a nightmare for everyonearound the world. Though there is a belief that whateverhappens will surely have a bad as well as a good side!Surprisingly the pandemic has been a wonderful blessingfor me. Now, I am good at a lot of stuff. I have recognizedmy hidden talents, a few of them are Art and Craft. For the past two years we've been diving deep into thedigital world, so, eventually, now I am more aware of theupdated and new technologies around the world moreoverI have built a stronger relationship with my parents thanever before and I feel that’s very important in my life. Thepandemic has also built a practice of eating healthy foods.It also helped me learn more about myself and be happy athome. It encouraged me to be a part of everything. Lastly,it made me realize that being bored is always bad! S. Amoha VII-B

T H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2LeadershipToday a READER tomorrow a LEADER. Let me begin my CHRONICLE by quoting names of a fewfamous leaders of history like Mahatma Gandhi, SubhashChandra Bose, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, and thislist is truly endless….This generation has only read aboutthese great leaders. But instead of worrying about nothaving met them, I yearn to aspire and commence beingemulated by few present leaders namely Mr. Narendra Modi,Ms. Kiran Bedi, Mr. Silendra Babu, Mr.Kailash Satyarthi andthis list unequivocally encompasses my own DAD. He possesses a company, he’s an entrepreneur, and byseeing his dedication and good traits, I commenced thinkingbeyond one’s wildest dreams. “A leader is the one who knows the path, shows the path,and walks on the path.” It’s very true. A person who justguides or escorts you and designates the path is not aleader but a “BOSS”. But the person, who is equipped tostep on the risky and perilous path with you by clenchingyour hands in a very positive vibe, is known as a true leader.I’m travelling along and being nurtured by his leadershipqualities and characteristics from a juvenile age. I learnt that men will surely have many ups and downs intheir life and as I'm thriving-up in life, I am also capable ofacclimatizing and attuning to any circumstance and I amproficient in the goal of anger managementThe Quill

A great leader is one who motivates you to achieve yourgoals. He is an influencer and does not force people tofollow him. But due to his good deeds and traits, peoplefollow him on their own. And I am doing so….You all might think that if a leader is so important, then whatabout LEADERSHIP?? Well, it is proportionally vital. Forinstance, when we do some work as a flock, there is alwaysa person who dispenses the work and always scrutinizesprogress. He also makes sure that there are no loopholesand attempts to finish everything early. “A leader’s voicemust not be his own voice but the Team’s voice must be theLeader’s voice”. If you are a leader, attempt to gratifyeveryone’s responsibilities, desires and ethically be proud ofyourself.Harshitha VIIi AThe QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2Leadership

The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The Pandemic SituationI clearly remember the day when the school announced thepostponement of our final exams. I was overwhelmed withjoy and I remember closing my books immediately and doinga hip-hop dance.When we were promoted from 3rd to 4th grade withoutexams, I was surprised. The concept of online classesstarted in our life. I was very excited because officially I wasallowed to use the computer. A virtual class…. the very ideaitself fascinated me. At this point , the covid started playing in my life, rather inall my friends' lives too. I was wonderstruck to do all theschool activities at home. It started having a different effecton me.Here the story starts, my mother was promoted as myteacher. The relationship between my mother and me took anew turn. Even though I was taught and learnt to handle 8different subject teachers, I found it difficult to handle mymother as my only teacher. Even though the online classes finished in the afternoon, myclasses continued with my mother throughout the day. \"Have you finished your class work?\", \"Why are you writinglike this? “Write neatly\", “Why are you not listening properlyin the class?\", \"Sit properly\"... Orders... Questions...Instructions.... “Look! What has covid made in my life?”. I sometimeswonder who is exactly doing the 5th grade. I think my motheris just anxious and wants to do her best to help me in mystudies.I have to tell you about our online class sessions.First, it started in a weird way.

T H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2 Since we were so naïve, the teachers had to continuouslyremind us how to switch between classes, how to turn in ourassignments, fill out Google forms etc. But this was the storylast year. Now we all have become tech experts and havethe same excuses to tell all the time.\"Why are you late?\"… Network problem mam,\"Answer my question?\"….I can't hear you mam, networkproblem mam,\"Turn on your video\"... Video is not working, networkproblem mam.Ha..Ha. But I miss my teachers so much and the classenvironment too. Hats off to our teachers... On such a smallscreen, they are continuously monitoring us and making usunderstand and learn.I have to add another important thing also... Our frequent visit to the principal mam’s room... Yes mam,we miss you.But we will be back soon.I miss my friends so much, but it's ok that I get to see themonce in a while on our zoom meets.Look Corona, what have you done? Please give us back ourlife. We promise you that we will follow all the safetymeasures.I am longing for the day to return to school. I miss you NGP!P.Athirai, VThe QuillThe Pandemic Situation

The PandemicA blessing in disguiseThis pandemic has been harsh on all of us. We have learnt tonever underestimate Mother Nature. We all can't visit placesduring our summer break or winter break and we can't go to ourfavourite book stores or toy stores. It has been hard for ourparents and our teachers too. Teachers are working hard to teachus through Google meet and the classroom. Our parents areworking from home. The doctors of our country have been workingtirelessly to help India get rid of corona and they have come upwith vaccines to help us. But below all this darkness, there isalways light at the end of the tunnel. You all might have heard thatDelhi was too dangerous because of the air pollution. But now thepollution level has come down considerably because of lock downrestrictions.We all used to throw plastic in water bodies. And factories used tolet synthetic dyes into the rivers. Just because we are not goingout there is no water pollution! There is something more that hasbeen achieved in this lockdown. What is it? When we were goingto school and our parents going to work we would not have qualityfamily time so now because of this pandemic we all have qualityfamily time. Some of us might agree that this pandemic is really ablessing in disguise. But I am waiting for the day when we throwour masks away and live without the fear of covid -19!Malavika Nair,VII A The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2

Karthik, Vinith, and Sharath were good friends, living inthe same apartment. Every day they used to go to schooltogether and play together in the evening. Everything wasgoing well. Now, because of covid 19, they all have onlyonline classes. Sitting alone inside the room and attendingonline classes made them unhappy. They did not like tospend the whole day inside the home. Life became veryboring for them. They meet rarely even though they were inthe same place. They were unable to share their feelingswith others. In this situation, they were introduced to a new friendcalled “Mobile Phone”. It gave a new twist to their life.Nowadays they spend more time with their mobiles byplaying games and watching videos. Life became moreexciting. It made them stay away from their parents, eventhough they were in the same house. Their parents’ adviceirritated them. They did not want to spend their time withtheir parents.The over usage of gadgets made them irregular to classes.The parents got furious when the children did not obey orlisten to their words. The bond between the parents andchildren was strained.One day all the three friends met accidently. They talkedwith each other and found that all of them have the samefeelings. They planned to teach a lesson to theirparents.They went to their parents and told them that theywant to stay alone without any disturbance.The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2True Emotions

The parents agreed and moved out. Each one, Karthik, Vinith,and Sharath sensed that they got freedom. They wanted to beas they wished. They felt very happy. They all met at Vinith’shome. They had their favourite food in the kitchen, they watched TVshows and played video games whenever they liked. But asthe time passed, slowly they thought that something wasmissing in their home. Even though they had everything, theyfelt unhappy.It was the care given by their parents. The children realized that gadgets alone won’t providehappiness and are just devices through which our emotionscannot be shared. They understood the importance of parentsand decided to obey their parents. Nobody can replaceparents. UNDERSTAND AND RESPECT THE EMOTIONS OF OTHERSTEJAS N VI - CThe QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2True Emotions

Parents are always the well-wishers of their children. They want theirchildren to have the best and to be the best. And for this, they try togive every possible facility to them. Not only facilities, in fact, they try tofulfill each and every desire of their kids whether it's in their budget ornot. They feel happy when their children put new desires in front ofthem and feel even happier when they fulfill them. Giving pocket moneyfor children to save and use is a good way to prevent unhealthy habits.Learn to make a budget: When a fixed amount of pocket money isgiven to a child and he is told to manage all her expenses within thatgiven sum of money the child learns how to make a budget and useshis money in a better manner. When a child learns to make his budget he decides what is useful andwhat is not. In this way, he divides all his expenses into three parts-useful, less useful, and useless. He straight away discards the uselessexpenses and deals with useful first and then less useful. He learns tosave money.Spending money judiciously improves character and performance. Learning to manage money is an essential life skill. By giving a childpocket money, also gives them financial independence. He/she is nowable to buy necessary things, such as notebooks, materials for projectsand also to spend, occasionally on other things like ice creams orchocolates. The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2Pocket money boonor a bane KS Vishvavahini7B

What's that one habit that's easy to cultivate anddifficult to get rid of? Yes, that definitely has to be anact of procrastination! I am sure everyone must haveexperienced it, at least at some point in their life. Weset huge goals, do lots of planning, take new yearresolutions, and what not! But what happens after that?We tend to lose enthusiasm, we procrastinate, andsomehow it all goes in vain. Same with even smallthings like a 10-minute homework, or a 15-minute read,or even some workout. It could be anything! We usuallyignore doing it, thinking: “Come on, I can do this eventhe next day” or “I have many more days to submit mywork, so why today?” . If not all, it’s at least me whothinks like that. But remember, it enters like a needle(procrastination) and comes out like a plough. In thebeginning, it all looks very small, but then, it ends upbeing a huge burden on us! So here are a few things we can try following to stopprocrastinating: 1. Changing your mindset - This is the basicfoundational thing to do or achieve anything in life. Wehave to set our minds on what we want to do becausewhat we think and decide is what we finally execute.T H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The QuillProcrastination!

2. Reward yourself - Celebrate the little achievementsyou've done by giving a treat to your own self. Theserewards boost you to complete your tasks faster, ratherthan procrastinating.3. Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on theground - this means dream big but be realistic! Don'tthink of doing too many things in one shot, rather breakthem into smaller chunks, and do them consistently. Thishelps in not overburdening yourself, and also makes iteasier to reach your goal.4. Eliminate distractions - In a place with manydistractions, it is easier to procrastinate. So try to makesure you are away from distractions and temptations tostay more focused.I am pretty sure that this is one of the toughest habitsthat need to be battled with. But it’s all worth spendingyour time and energy in completing those tasks. Theprocess could be as bitter as you might expect but theend result of being anxiety-free and joyful can be like acherry on a cake. Thanvi Bhanu VGrade 9 ‘A’T H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The QuillProcrastination!

T H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2Honestly, when I was in lower grades, I used towonder why people sent positive quotes and goodmorning messages with some thoughts to each other.I asked myself if it would make any difference. Andnow I know the answer. It gives us an invisible powerto encounter or face anything for the rest of the day oreven the rest of our lives. So here are a fewindispensable words that helped me thrive in this newnormal.Love yourself!No matter what other people think of you and nomatter what you are not capable of, just love yourself.Loving yourself gives you more self-confidence.Failure is the first step to success…!We may have come across these words often.Seriously, I found 9th grade difficult initially and myscores didn’t turn out as I expected them to be. Butthen I came to know that many great personalitieshave faced failures before they tasted success. Then Iunderstood that without encountering failures, yoursuccess has no meaning.The Quill The Power of Positivity

When you are determined, you are halfway there!Determination is something that needs great courageby itself. But when you are determined and put yourhard work into the journey, you reach your ultimatesuccess! So friends, wake up with determination andgo to bed with satisfaction!Happy reading! The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2 The Power of PositivityShahrin Jahana J SIX- ‘A’

All of us are experiencing the pandemic now, andencountering things that we’ve never experiencedbefore. Imagine sneezing in the middle of a crowd, Ibet you! It’s going to freak everyone out, and you willbe sent immediately in an ambulance (Disclaimer:Please don’t try such dangerous breathtaking stunts!).Such is the situation right now.Corona has brought many changes into our lives. All ofus are really working hard to cope with the refashionedlifestyle and I would actually say that we’re getting thehang of things and things are slowly coming undercontrol. Yet, deep inside we all miss certain things likegoing out and casually meeting or dropping intopeople’s houses. One such thing that I really miss is school and allthose joyful memories that we made together everyday and I guess I am talking for everyone when I saythat. The most fun and fruitful part that I miss now is,of course, our PT classes. Remember that momentwhen your class gets an extra PT class, and the othersection doesn’t? Oh my god, you’ve got to see thesorrowful expression on their faces!.T H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The QuillI Miss PT Periods

PT classes were those most cheerful hours of school,where we spent joyous moments with our friends,laughing and talking, not worrying about anything else.The way we used to coax our teachers for extra hoursof play (I am not sure if it was a coax or a nag, butstill…), was like one of those only times our classsomehow had this feeling of unity, and we all foughtfor a collective cause (might sound silly, but yeah...).Those crazy fights we have on deciding which game toplay and on separating teams(once we spent 25minutes on deciding teams), that little enjoyment wegot out of the victory after a class match, and ofcourse those times when you throw the ball out of theschool’s fence and the teacher makes you go out andget it, forgetting the work done register on purposeand using that as a reason to get out of class and goget it, and convincing our teacher that it’s fine tocontinue the game during rain (the aim, of course, wasnot to end the match, but was to wet ourselves andenjoy the shower together) are all priceless memoriesthat will last forever! T H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The QuillI Miss PT Periods

T H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The QuillI Miss PT PeriodsPT classes are hands down the best part of the school.Whether it adds to your physique or not, it definitely givesa person delight and mental relaxation. We’ve alreadylost a lot of precious days of our lives, so hopefully, wedon’t miss more! Hope we pacify the ever-growing rage of thepandemic, and soon get out onto the ground andspend at least the rest of our school days withreal people, and not just end it with gadgets. Smriti.T,Grade 10

For nearly five years I walked past the same street to myschool stop twice a day, morning and evening, passing thesame houses, the same piles of trash, the same parkedcars. Every day the same thing. Nothing new to see.Sometimes, days could go by like that–everything the same. One good day walking those same streets, I would look upfor a change and notice the vibrant new spring leaves orcross the street to see that same stretch from anothervantage point or take a different, longer route altogether.Those tiny explorations could make an otherwise mundanewalk exciting.During the pandemic and locking ourselves to our four walls,the thing we most lack is “Creativity”.How does one learn to be creative; develop the ability toproduce lots of new ideas to respond to problems easily andenergetically?The answer to this is “Go outside. Look around. Walk.Notice. Exploration encourages creativity and invention”. Here are five ways to explore the landscape around you andto spark your creative mind:1. FEED YOUR CURIOSITY.Noticing new details is a perpetuating cycle. The more wepay attention to details around us, the more we discover andwant to pay attention.T H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The QuillHow to be Creative?

After a weekend or so of exploring, the explorer grasps themagic that is peculiar to riding with eyes and mind open.2. LEARN TO MANAGE RISKS AND FIND A BALANCE.Letting yourself step away from your work to take a walkshouldn’t be an activity reserved for only sunny beautifulafternoons. “Direct contact, with warm breezes and freezingrain, sometimes vulnerable, the explorer learns to weigh risk,to balance exertion and danger, discovery and relaxation,”says Stilgoe. 3. START TO UN-PROGRAM YOUR THINKING.We tend to follow a regimented schedule, even when we aretaking time away from school to exercise. Yoga at six. Thetreadmill for half an hour. Drawing every Tuesday night.What if, on occasion, you allowed that time of exercise to beunregimented? Unprogrammed exercise and a rediscovery ofwhat schools and media suffocate blend into some largerwhole that reorients the mind, that offers a reward greaterthan any posted by pure physical exercise.4. MAKE CREATIVE EXPLORATION Make a habit of noticing the details around you, of going outof your way to make small new discoveries. It’s a subtleshift. Exploration is second nature, easy enough to recoverany weekday evening, any Sunday morning.T H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The QuillHow to be Creative

5. SCRUTINIZE THE UNFAMILIAR.We tend to let our eyes graze over the things we don’t knowanswers to when we’re out and about. But you can walkdown a path to find out where it leads or pick up a scrap ofpaper on the ground to discover what’s written on it. Allowing yourself to get out into nature in particular, canhelp reawaken your curiosity. Experts have alreadyexplained, a thoughtful person looks around carefully for afew minutes, scrutinizes things about which he or she knowsnothing, in particular, begins to be aware, to notice, toexplore. The explorer owns all the insights, all the magic thatcomes from looking.Prithika NarayananXII DT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The QuillHow to be Creative

T H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The QuillWe Got Caught!It was a beautiful Sunday summer morning around half pastthree or so. Cool winds, moist air, and dark cloudseverywhere. The streets were wet and due to the rain lastnight, as usual, my neighbours who were more like myfriends packed water bottles, some chips, their phones andcameras without which this was all meaningless. We were agroup of six, all of us were teens and had most of our latenights and early mornings together. We geared up ourcycles, carefully tiptoed out of our community gate, andstarted riding on! We raced each other, had long drives,and sometimes we would race for 13 Km! It might beexaggerating but we do have proof of this, our phoneswould track our ride all the time. When the sun reached the brink of the horizon all of uswould line up with our cams and start shooting the sun, itwas so beautiful that we were never bored to record itevery Sunday and graze it all weekdays, eagerly waiting forthe next opportunity to capture the sun in a differentsetting.Once we happened to cross a police officer who probablywas on his way back home, he was puzzled seeing a gangof six riding towards him and shouted in order to warn usthat he was the police and was armed, we were scared toobut didn’t run back. Instead, we stopped our rides andpaved the way for the officer, the officer slowly maneuveredtowards us and looked at us stunned, he asked us what wewere up to, we explained everything, our hands and lipstrembled as we spoke to him.

He left us after collecting all our parents' numbers andordered us to ride slowly and on the side of the road and notto be careless. We agreed with him and rushed back homestill scared and feared that our parents would know aboutthis five-month-old routine. We went home later than usual hence we were caught. “Agroup of six teenagers were caught red-handed in front ofthe community gate early this morning” This would be theheadline of our community newspaper... if we had one. Butby God's grace, we weren’t severely punished. Instead, wewere told to inform one of our parents when we leave foranother such trip, that's when we were outside, the momentwe were indoors, I am pretty sure you might have guessedwhat might have happened next. So that's what happenedwhen we were caught!-Paarth.U.VakhariaGrade 11 BT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The Quill

Korean:Korean is an East Asian language spoken by about 77 millionpeople, mainly the Korean population, as of 2010. It is the officialand national language of both North Korea and South Korea,with different standardized official forms used in each country.Korean is maybe one of the most difficult languages for anEnglish-speaking foreigner to learn, the first hurdle is the Korean/ ‘Hangul’ alphabet which is completely different from English.However, it may at first look like a load of strange alien lines andcircles, to begin with, but in reality, it’s quite (not very) simple tolearn.My experience:I have been learning Korean since 2020, and I can read,write and understand various words and paragraphs. I use thisas my hobby and I've learnt so much about the people, culture,language, music industry, the entertainment industry, and theplaces. I find it fascinating to learn more about it and would liketo visit South Korea one day. It all started with my interest in themusic of different bands and their industry, which was veryunique and diverse. When I researched about it, my interestgrew even more and I started learning the language.T H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The QuillLearn a new language!Korean and Japanese

T H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2Japanese: Japanese is an East-Asian language spoken by 128million people including foreigners. It is a member of thejaponic or (japanese-ryukyuan ) language family, and itsultimate derivation and relation to other languages are stillunclear. Japanese is an agglutinative, mora-timed language withrelatively simple phonotactics, a pure vowel system, aphonemic vowel, and consonant length. Japanese has noclear genealogical relationship with Chinese, though itswritten form makes prevalent use of Chinese Characters,known as Kanji.My experience : I heard my first Japanese Words through Anime in 2016.(“Shinjiru”- ‘Believe’)[信 じ る]. I started to learn basic andintermediate Japanese in an online forum in 2019.Now Ican read, understand, Write Japanese Calligraphy, andspeak moderate formal Japanese. An Anime is a handmade novel or computer animationoriginating from Japan. Nowadays it is very popularworldwide as a stress-buster for all age groups from theirhectic lives. Anime could also be a Great way to learninformal Japanese in an instant. I would recommend theseanime for learning Japanese easily:-The QuillLearn a new language!Korean and Japanese

AOT ( Namely, Attack on Titan. A great anime,bothin understanding Japanese and in it’s storyline.)Haikyuu (a really great anime for all Sportenthusiasts.)Hai.- yes. [は い]Iie.- No. [ い い え]Arigatou.- Thank you. [あ り が と う 。]Sumimasen.- Excuse me. [す み ま せ ん]Gomenasai.- I am sorry. [ご め ん な さ い]Ohaiyo-Gozaimasu.- Good morning. [お は よ う ご ざ いま す]Hiragana. ( main and the basic type. Easy to learn)Katakana. ( the secondary and for novices.)Kanji. ( the hardest type, used for japanesecalligraphy)And many more!Japanese music ( namely J-pop) also helped me learnJapanese without being in a pinch.Basic Japanese words and phrases Anyone can learn! :Japanese has three main types..T H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The QuillLearn a new language!Korean and Japanese

The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2Try learning with hiragana basics!:- Adhitya A(Grade 10) Shravya P (Grade 11 B) Learn a new language!Korean and Japanese

What defines a person?Family Friends Passions What is something that made you the person that is today?Now, you find yourself scrambling through a bunch of eventsthat happened in your life. You realize that there were somany things that changed you, even the smallest things thatyou never thought of. What is the biggest story that reallymade you the person that you are now? That's the thing,there are several stories to describe who you are. I can say to myself that family is a big part of my life.Sometimes, I don't realize how much of an impact they haveon me. As we grow up, we tend to start distancing ourselvesfrom our family, but at the same time, we hold them close toour hearts. We distance ourselves to grow and becomeindependent, but at the end of the day, we know that we arehere because of them. We've all heard of the line, ‘Friends Come and Go’. Iprobably cannot count the number of friends who left my life.You will find yourself meeting new people every day. Everyperson who walks into your life, whether they are different orsimilar to you, shows you a different perspective of life.Regardless, we all have stories of friends who have shapedour lives for the good or bad. It would be nice if we could just do the things that wewanted to do without struggling. But that's where passioncomes in. Passion is what drives us to continue.The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2

T H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2Opportunities We find obstacles in front of us that stop us from pursuingwhat we want to do. These \"falls\" are something that happensto us. Without them, we would not know how good it felt whenwe finally see something great in front of us that we workedhard for. We can strive for the best in the things that we want to do. Ifwe do not take the opportunities to do so, it would nothappen. We are given countless amount of opportunities infront of us. These changes that we take and turn down is whatshapes us to be the person that we are. We will always thinkback to the things that we had the chance to do and try, but atthe same time, we will always think back to the \"What ifs\" inour lives. It is this, that keeps us going and directs us to bethe person that we are now. Finally, I conclude with ‘No matter how rich you are and howmany cars you have, you will always walk to your bed -becontent. No matter how beautiful or handsome you are, justremember baboons and gorillas also attract - stop boasting.No matter how light-skinned you are, you will need light in thedarkness - be cautioned. No matter how tall you are, you cannever see tomorrow - be patient. No matter how big or strongyou are, you can never carry yourself to your grave - behumble. Take life easy, life is short so set your mind on thatarea above these’.The QuillWhat defines a person?Prithika NarayananXII - D

In a busy life, with not a moment to think,Hustle and bustle, with ain't a purpose in life.Then creeped in a teeny tiny virus,Invisible to the naked eye, yet makes a big fat show!Plans failed, trips canceled, Economy plunged and jobs lost!It entered in with a gush of emotions,But nobody to share our sorrowful cries!Initially having great hopes, Spent hours of free time exploring the floor!Little did we know, that things wouldn't fall in placeWith the new normal of masks, gloves and sanitize!Things didn't stop there, rather went a notch higher,Seeing our loved ones suffer to death…Things couldn't be digested, and very hard to accept!Yet people kept saying “THIS IS THE NEW NORMAL!”As everything has a good side, this has too...Having delicious hot food, with our family to love!The buzzed bees had now time to contemplate,To acknowledge their fortune, with an attitude of gratitudeI would still say this is a memory to cherish,For loads of things I learned,From making round chapatis to sketching things I dream!Couldn't thank enough for all that I received!Lockd wn The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2Thanvi Bhanu VGrade IX - A

Why keep reckoning of a life Full of sorrows,When you can anticipate an entityFilled with merriment?Poems, songs, articles, videos,Podcasts, all stating ‘The Despair’;Instead of a positive delight later!Why don’t we reflect on the aftermath?Which will be a paradise of joys!Let’s anchor the bright sideWhere finally, the doors will be open and contentment will fillthe air!The happy faces be seen, No sadness to wear!C’mon friends, it’s high time to think Of the bliss that is waiting ahead of us.Get your high spirits and jump into euphoria! Shahrin Jahana J SGrade 9 'A'The QuillT H E N G P S C H O O L | S E P T E M B E R E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 - 2 2The Bliss After Despair

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