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Home Explore Company Profile Building Boys

Company Profile Building Boys

Published by Beverley Venter, 2021-06-06 15:32:00

Description: Company Profile Building Boys


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Company Profile Where strong structures are based on strong foundaƟons.

7 Our Values The quality of the products and the services we provide is of utmost importance to us. We will use our knowledge and experience to provide our clients with the best advise and guidance possible. Our goal is to build a good relaƟonship and provide a high quality aŌer sale service for the future.

13 Swimming Pool & Decking We specialise in swimming pool construcƟon, design and all aspects of swimming pool renovaƟon which includes resurfacing your pool with marbelite, new customized mosaic border Ɵles applied, as well as reinforced concrete repairs to ensure structural integrity for years to come. DecoraƟve CoaƟngs CreaƟng beauty and elegance is our passion as we keep up with the latest trends. We offer a range of cement-based finishes for walls, floors, ceilings, countertops and pools.

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