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Home Explore PrescribeWellness and Good Neighbor Pharmacy

PrescribeWellness and Good Neighbor Pharmacy

Published by tstevens, 2016-12-01 17:25:01

Description: PrescribeWellness and Good Neighbor Pharmacy


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Expanded Patient Care for a Healthier CommunityWe help local pharmacists provide best-in-class care for communities around the country. Try our proprietary cloud-based technology andmarketing kits to reach more patients, improve adherence and loyalty, and streamline operations. [email protected] Twitter: @PrescribeWell

Dear Name,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in imperdiet patrioque vix, vide omnesque probatus eu vim, sit putent bonorum gubergren ut. Dico expetendis vixad. Paulo semper has ea, luptatum iracundia ad vim. Omnium incorrupte adversarium duo ex. Stet oportere vix te, ad vel elitr verterem, est nealiquid dissentias.Sed facete everti minimum ei, oratio tempor definitiones pro ei. Qui homero verear nostrum in, at quo dico gloriatur, brute incorrupte mei te. Idvitae tractatos constituam eos, ea sed zril utinam appetere. Tantas senserit cu has, no sint posidonium sed. Mei veniam voluptaria definiebas ei.Ex nec labores epicuri imperdiet, ea meis alterum eos, eum utamur labores mentitum no. An nemore scripta eum, te pro homero splendide effi-ciendi, te mei illud delicata. Mea id dicat timeam praesent, ei has sale aliquam referrentur. Mea ei repudiare intellegebat. Ocurreret constituamin cum, ei dicat ignota possim nec. Ea cum eius liberavisse voluptatibus, vix docendi nominati delicata no.Possim scaevola vivendum cu sea, viderer scripserit pri ad, pri eripuit detracto maiestatis at. Nec lucilius consectetuer ad. Sed intellegat neg-legentur in, usu regione recteque erroribus te. Tacimates adversarium ne per, ut sea aperiam electram. No ponderum theophrastus vel, meinominati sensibus ea.Partem suavitate quo id, per tempor luptatum an. Ex viris expetenda necessitatibus has, nec ad ocurreret intellegebat, et inermis moderatiusincorrupte per. Id invenire appellantur sed, mel ei summo admodum. Te usu quot primis suscipiantur, putent fabellas adolescens te ius. Sea atquas mazim delicatissimi, at ius summo cetero. Saperet inermis ne has, no oporteat recteque appellantur nec, falli cetero ne ius.Sincerely,Al BabbingtonPresident & CEO, PrescribeWellness

Proud Partner of Good Neighbor Pharmacy and Elevate Provider Network Thank you for your continued support as we work to inspire collaboration for better health across America!

Patient Engagement Deepen patient relationships with the industry’s most effective targeted communications and loyalty tools

Patient Engagement CenterSee your patientsin a new light Get high-level and granular views of your patient data and pharmacy performance stats. See where your business can grow. Patient Engagement Center is a pharmacy dashboard and intelligence tool that centralizes and visualizes actionable data about your patients and your pharmacy’s performance. Build in-depth patient profiles, zero in on underperforming patients, and see opportunities for better service, increased adherence, and revenue growth. Smartly manage with the Patient Engagement Center: –– See your pharmacy transactions, performance statistics, Star Ratings, and more in one dashboard –– Identify underperforming patients and reach out to help improve adherence –– Slice data by insurance plan, payer, physician, and physician group –– Capture richer patient details, like biometrics history, vaccine history, language preference, nursing home info, adherence stats, and more –– See opportunities to offer vaccines, Medicare plan reviews, and other support to specific patients

PharmacyNowView opportunities andgrow your business PharmacyNow is a to-do list in your pharamcy workflow that uses Pharmacy Management System data to predic which customers will come in and highlight the additional care they need For example, you can see that an incoming customer is eligible for Med Sync enrollment or due for an MTM appointment and schedule them immediately. Get notified when patients are eligible for a plan review, and have a message automatically sent to them in the pharmacist’s voice when they are turning 65. You can also print educational materials based on a patient’s disease state with the PrescribeWellness pharmacy-sponsored education program. PharmacyNow’s task-based workflow helps staff stay on top of fill orders, anticipate demand, and complete tasks. Mirixa cases are integrated so you can easily call a prospect and recruit them.

Pharmacy GrowthReach outat the right time Schedule timely communications to your patients via text messages, emails, and phone calls in the your voice. PharmacyGrowth is the industry’s most effective tool to increase adherence, loyalty, and Star Ratings through timely, relevant communication with patients. Pharmacies that utilize PharmacyGrowth increase script volume by 3 times the national average of annual growth for community pharmacies. The tool is integrated into your Patient Engagement Center so you can see call results and script fills in one place. Engage patients with PharmacyGrowth: –– Record all calls in your voice, the voice of the trusted pharmacist –– Send clinical refill reminders to improve medication adherence Promote wellness services like nutrition counseling, seasonal flu shots, and more –– Invite patients in for a medication review or Medicare plan review –– Remind patients to pick up their medications from will call bins (lower return to stock by 30%) –– Leave a birthday message for a special touch Video: Pharmacy Growth Testimonials

Adherence & Star RatingsSynchronize medication pickups and perform efficient CMRs and Medicare plan reviews to increase adherence, improve Star Ratings, and lower DIR fees.

StarWellnessRaise yourStar Ratings Manage more patients, improve adherence, and lower direct and indirect remuneration (DIR) fees by letting them pick up multiple ongoing prescriptions on a convenient, pre-scheduled day each month. Medication pickup appointments make it easy for a patient to stay on top of their refills, while streamlining your pharmacy workflow. 98% of patients enrolled in a Med Sync program are adherent. This keeps them healthy, improves your Star Ratings, and lowers your variable DIR fees. It also grows your revenue: the average Med Sync patient fills 11 out of 12 refills, generating an additional 3.6 scripts per medication per patient. Improve adherence with StarWellness: –– Avoid manic Mondays and last-minute refill requests before holidays –– Automatically schedule multiple patients for pickup on the same day, with pickup reminder messages –– Experience an easier pharmacy workflow throughout the week –– Use pre-scheduled pickups as opportunities for 1-on-1 time with patients via comprehensive medication reviews, counseling, and more –– Increase predictable revenue by increasing the number of patients you can support Video: StarWellness Testimonials

PrescribeMedicareHelp find the rightMedicare plan Medicare plan reviews with a pharmacist make patients four times more likely to stay loyal to a pharmacy after one year. Help your Medicare-eligible patients find the best plan for their prescriptions and financial priorities. PrescribeMedicare automatically uploads the patient’s current prescriptions and walks you and your patient through a plan review for Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage plans, comparing quality, out-of-pocket-costs, and other valuable data points. You can easily identify patients that would benefit from a Medicare plan review. Plus, you can automatically contact all Medicare-eligible patients during Open Enrollment and before their 65th birthdays about how you can help them select the best plan. Compare plans based on: –– Monthly premium –– Annual deductible –– Patient’s average drug cost –– Star Ratings –– Plan Ratings –– Insurance networks –– Drug coverage –– Medicaid and Social Security support

Population HealthBe the first to identify gaps in patient care. Support healthy behaviors and disease prevention with regular check-ins, events, counseling and more.

VaccineCompleteGrow yourvaccination business Launch and maintain a year-round vaccination offering to turn your pharmacy into a healthcare destination for a wider patient base. Most pharmacies miss over 70% of immunization opportunities. VaccineComplete lets you see a patient’s missing vaccinations so you can offer them during a pickup visit, or proactively invite a list of eligible patients with a pre-recorded message. Offer vaccines for MMR, TDAP, HPV, shingles, pneumonia, and seasonal flu, as well as CDC-recommended travel vaccines. A comprehensive vaccination program grows your pharmacy revenue, with an average of $23 per vaccination. Get up and running with VaccineComplete: –– Identify and contact patients and patient groups that are eligible for certain vaccines –– Keep your patient data in one place with automatic state reporting and end-to-end data tracking –– Follow a reliable, state-compliant process to screen and educate patients as well as administer, store, and dispose of vaccines –– Expand your vaccine presence with PrescribeWellness marketing support to connect with local employers and doctors –– Register as a Mass Immunizer Provider with our step-by-step instructions to collect reimbursements from Medicare, Medicaid, and third party networks

Chronic Care Management Offer in-person meetings and digital support for patients with chronic diseases. Partner with hospitals to ensure a safe transition home for discharged patients.

Chronic CareObesity Support Help patients reach their goal BMI as well as healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels through nutrition and weight loss support. Offer targeted weight loss plans with one-on-one counseling to help them cultivate healthy diet habits, exercise, and maintain a lasting healthy lifestyle. The nutrition counseling program offers educational materials for community families to shop for and cook with vegetables, fruits, and healthy grains. We help you recruit patients and raise awareness (through campaigns like National Nutrition Month) with a Marketing Kit, which includes pharmacy signs, point-of-sale handouts, recruitment messaging for patient calls, and sample posts for social media.

Chronic CareDiabetes Maintenacne Help patients manage their diabetes and provide counseling in partnership with your patient’s physician. Diabetic testing materials and how-to guides help you test and monitor blood glucose and A1c measurements so you can provide appropriate counseling with structured sessions and Q&A. Provide educational materials on nutrition facts, meal recipes, and exercise tips, recommend appropriate vaccinations, and routinely evaluate patient adherence to oral medications and insulin therapy. The included Marketing Kit helps you promote your diabetes services with point-of-sale handouts, promotional messaging for social media, and direct recruitment messaging for patients.

Chronic CareCOPD Management Help patients manage their Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in conjunction with smoking cessation counseling with support from PrescribeWellness. The COPD Guidebook gives you step-by-step guidance and educational materials so you can demonstrate proper inhaler usage, share breathing techniques, recommend appropriate vaccinations, routinely evaluate patient adherence to maintenance and rescue inhalers, and collaborate with physicians on drug therapy issues. We help you promote COPD services to your patients with a Marketing Kit, which includes pharmacy signs, point-of-sale handouts, promotional messaging for patient calls, and sample posts for social media.

Chronic CareHeart Disease Support Help patients manage their heart disease with support from PrescribeWellness. The Heart Disease Guidebook gives you step-by-step guidance and educational materials to put patients in control of their cardiovascular health and manage medications correctly. The included Marketing Kit helps you promote your heart disease services with point-of- sale handouts, promotional messaging for social media, and direct recruitment messaging for patients to join the program.

Chronic CareTransitional Care A patient’s transition home from the hospital is a critical opportunity to prevent rehospitalizations. Receive discharged patients from local hospitals, review their medications to make sure they have a seamless transition home, and follow up with reminders to place refills and meet with care providers. 67% of avoidable hospital readmissions are due to adverse drug effects. Your medication review will prevent rehospitalizations, increase patient care and satisfaction, and help your partner hospitals avoid financial penalties from Medicare. Use the Transitional Care tool to: –– Highlight harmful interactions and polypharmacy risk –– Educate patients on proper dosage and schedule –– Enroll patients in a disease-specific digital support plan for 30-90 days post discharge –– Resolve drug therapy problems on an ongoing, longitudinal basis –– Drive HEDIS measures and Part C measures for Medicare patients –– Tag patients by rehospitalization risk level

PrescribeGNP Proposal

ObjectivesAdd patients Expand services Increase enthusiasm Sort by Google Rating and then by distance from center of zip code

1 Digital Report Card2 Conquest Marketing3 Multi-tiered Campaign Builder4 Social Media Presence5 Reputation Management

Digital Report Card Google Places FacebookWe measure digital listing optimization. This includes how well Twittera community pharmacy is doing in search, brand, and social SEOproof. Local ListingsThe pharmacy can use keyword mentions to ensure that they Website Responsiveappear at the top of the search results for Google, Yahoo, etc. Email Counts Sample Pharmacy Reviews

Conquest MarketingUsing a best customer profile, we identify like customers and useFacebook to market to those customers.To do this, we append customer emails, identify best customers,and have Facebook match best customers to advertise to thatgroup. best customer like customer

Multi-tiered Campaign BuilderWe integrate the PrescribeWellness and Good Neighbor Pharmacylibrary of voice, SMS, email, and social campaigns.A campaign can be scheduled by PrescribeWellness, Good NeighborPharmacy, or the community pharmacy.These campaigns incorporate a significant pharmacy-to-patientemail strategy.

Multi-tiered Campaign BuilderReporting is available to view the results of completed voice, SMS,email, and social media campaigns.

Social Media PresenceBased on role, you can view a social calendar within your PatientEngagement Center.By incorporating Facebook and Twitter APIs,we can push content directly onto the pharmacy’s social mediaplatforms.Educational opportunity: Pharmacies can participate in a SocialMedia Certification Program that guides them through the first sixweeks of getting started with the calendar.

Reputation ManagementPrescribeGNP emails feedback requests to targeted patients andprompts satisfied consumers to leave an online review.Are you completely satisfied? Yes NoWould you like to leave a review?Yelp Google Place

Reputation ManagementPrescribeGNP monitors all online reviews and keyword mentions.Educational opportunity: we provide step-by-step guidance forhandling negative reviews.Google Yahoo TwitterAlerts Alerts Search Social GoogleMention Places Yelp

PrescribeWellnessUniversity PrescribeWellness University is an online training portal that combines clinical expertise with adult learning theories. Pharmacy staff can access videos, interactive scenarios, and reference guides to incorporate PrescribeWellness solutions into their pharmacy. PrescribeWellness University also provides a library of campaign messages and Marketing Event Kits on initiatives from health fairs to flu vaccines. PrescribeWellness offers workshops on a variety of pharmacy industry topics, including Star Ratings, revenue opportunities, and the Appointment-Based Model. Guest speakers include industry experts and many PrescribeWellness thought leaders. PrescribeWellness also offers several small-group, open-discussion workshops each week to coach pharmacies on influencing patient behavior and driving adherence. This includes enrolling and sustaining patients in Medication Synchronization and adding services via the Appointment-Based Model. Click here to log-in to University

[email protected] Twitter: @PrescribeWell

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