Dreams Come True EXCLUSIVE SERVICED RESIDENCES AT WEST JAKARTA www.citragardenpuri.com serviced RESIDENCES
IOLA CLUBHOUSE D LB: 92 m2 33 2 EXTENSION LB: 98 m2 43 2 LT: 105 m2 LT: 105 m2 SAR www.citragaLrAdNTeAnI ApTuASri.com dDeISvCeLloApIeMrEaRndWiLhtsiAleageNevenTrtycAraenIansDootnAabbelSeheAcladrRerehsapsobneseibnletafkoernainnypirneapcacruartiaocnieosf. tAhlilseLblerAomcehNnutrTseaAarnedIbiAneflioeTrvmeAdatSitoonbdeoccourmreecntt, Ra Pen but are not regarded as statement or representation of fact. Rendering and illustration are artist impressions for presentation purpose only, cannot be regarded as representation of fact. Kusen Jend Daun P Daun Pintu K Akse C C Plafo La Lantai/Dinding Ka Insta In Instala I
Permukiman Eksisting DM 5xVar CLUBHOUSE DL 5x12 5xVar DK 55xx1212 Irr DJ 55xx1152 DN DI 55xx1165 DH DO66xx1165 DD66xx1123.5.5 DE DC 56xx1112.5 DP 66xx1165 5x15var DA 66xx1123.5.5 5x15.5DG 5x18var ROW 7 Club ng RayaDF House 56xDx112B2.5.5 359 m2 Irr ROW 7 S www.citragardenpuri.com DISCLAIMER While every reasonable care has been taken in preparation of this brochure and information document, developer and its agent cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. All elements are believed to be correct but are not regarded as statement or representation of fact. Rendering and illustration are artist impressions for presentation purpose only, cannot be regarded as representation of fact. Permukiman
55xxVVaarr Jl. H. Aseni Raya CG 8 AF S I T6x23 E P L A N 8 3,5 3,5 56xx1122..55 CI 3,5 AG 5 5 3 8 ROW 7 3,5 3 5 5 3 553xx1122..55 3,5 3,5 3,5 CF CF CH 3,5 AE 6x15 3 5 6x15 3 5 ROW 6 3,5 3,5 35 5x13 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 CC 5 5 CE 55xx1122..55 5 CJ 6x12.5 3,53,5 3,5 AD 6x15 5 5 5 5x12.5 3,5 6x15 4 3 3,5 3,5 3 *Updated on 28 Nov 2 3,5 4 CLUBHOUSE 5x10.6 5 CD 65xx1122..55 5 CK 65xx1122..55 5 AC 76xx1155 44 7xVar 5 4 7 x 23 N AI 5 A CL 7x815x23 7,5 4 7x15 L5 5 AB 7x15.5 AK 3 3 3,5 CB 5x71x215 4 4 3 7,5 6x12,5 7x15 3 8x72x315 ECOCLUB 34 7x71x523 7,5 BA 8x18.5 CA AH 4 7x72x315BF 7x61x514 AA 3 Giardino BB COMMUNITY TO MAIN GATE 7,5 ECOPARK BE BG BC 6x51x412.5 L5 | Albero | 5 x Var 5x12.5 L7 | Viola | 75x1x2.5 23 L7 | VioBDla | 7 x 15 Fiore Kavling MTSN 40 Jakarta tra Flora DISCLAIMER While every reasonable care has been taken in preparation of this brochure and information document, Jl. H. emanan developer and its agent cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. All elements are believed to be correct n Air but are not regarded as statement or representation of fact. Rendering and illustration are artist impressions for www.citragardenpuri.com presentation purpose only, cannot be regarded as representation of fact.
CF DM 5xVar 4 4 SITEPLAN 44 Ke Jl. SemDaLna5xn12 Raya4 4 4 Jl. H. Aseni Raya 4 4 5xVar DK 55xx1212 4 4 4 *Updated on 28 Nov 2019 94 4 CLUBHOUSE DJ 55xx1152 4 DN 44 Irr 4 DH 4 4 7x15 Saluran air 4 DI 55xx1165 4 8x15 5 4 DO66xx1165 4 bero | 5 x 15Var 5 3,5 3,5 5 3,5 3,5 5 4 4 5x15.5 4 DDEE 5 5 DP 66xx1165 03 4 5x9.65Vxa1r5var 5 COMMUNITY 02 DG 5x18var 5 5 CLUB 01B 4 5 4 5 Clu0b1A 3,5 4 5x12.5 House 3,5 DD66xx1123.5.5 3,53,5 359 m2 IDr4r F 3,5 DA 66xx1123.5.5 5 3,5 3,5 3 3 Jl. Semanan Pintu Air 3,5 3,5 3,5 ROW 7 3,5 3,5 DC 56xx1112.5 3,5 3,5 3 3,5 DB56xx1122.5.53,5 3,5 Ke Saluran Mookervaart N 3,5 ROW 73,5 Sentra Flora Semanan Albero L5 | Neo Albero Ext. | 5 x var Albero Irr. L6 | Fiore | 6 x var Jl. H. Bidong Raya fa Permukiman L6 | Giardino | 6 x var Eksisting www.citragardenpuri.com DISCLAIMER While every reasonable care has been taken in preparation of this brochure and information document, developer and its agent cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. All elements are believed to be correct but are not regarded as statement or representation of fact. Rendering and illustration are artist impressions for presentation purpose only, cannot be regarded as representation of fact.
55xx1122..55 CH AE 6x15 6x15 CE 55xx1122..55 CJ 56xx1122..55 AD 6x15 6x15 CD 65xx1122..555x10.6 CK 56xx1122..55 AC 76xx1155 7xVar CC 8x18.5CL 7x815x23 AI CB 5x71x215 AB 7x15 AJ 7x15 7x71x523 7x15.5 8x15 CA CLUBHOUSE 7x72x315BF 8x72x315 AH AK BG AA 8x22.5 BA BE 7x61x514 BB BC 6x51x412.5 5x12.5 SITEPLAN BD MTSN 40 5x12.5 Jakarta L7 | Watsonia | 7 x 15 Jl. H. Mustafa L8 | Zinnia | 8 x 15 Saluran Air www.citragardenpuri.com DISCLAIMER While every reasonable care has been taken in preparation of this brochure and information document, developer and its agent cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. All elements are believed to be correct but are not regarded as statement or representation of fact. Rendering and illustration are artist impressions for presentation purpose only, cannot be regarded as representation of fact.
Ke Jl. Semanan Raya Jl. H. Aseni Raya L5 ALBERO NEO ALBERO EXT. Saluran air Jl. Semanan Pintu Air Ke Saluran Mookervaart www.citragardenpuri.com
DENAH LANTAI STANDAR ALBERO LANTAI DASAR LANTAI ATAS VAR DISCLAIMER While every reasonable care has been taken in preparation of this brochure and information document, developer and its agent cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. All elements are believed to be correct but are not regarded as statement or representation of fact. Rendering and illustration are artist impressions for presentation purpose only, cannot be regarded as representation of fact.
L6 I FIORE DENAH LANTAI STANDAR NEO ALBERO EXT. S TA N DA R D LB: 69 m2 22 1 LT: 84 m2 LANTAI DASAR LANTAI ATAS 58 DISCLAIMER While every reasonable care has been taken in preparation of this brochure and information document, VAR developer and its agent cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. All elements are believed to be correct but are not regarded as statement or representation of fact. Rendering and illustration are artist impressions for LANTAI DASAR presentation purpose only, cannot be regarded as representation of fact. LANTAI ATAS
L6 FIORE GIARDINO www.citragardenpuri.com
DENAH LANTAI STANDAR FIORE LANTAI DASAR LANTAI ATAS : 69 DISCLAIMER While every reasonable care has been taken in preparation of this brochure and information document, : VAR developer and its agent cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. All elements are believed to be correct but are not regarded as statement or representation of fact. Rendering and illustration are artist impressions for presentation purpose only, cannot be regarded as representation of fact.
L6 I FIORE DENAH LANTAI STANDAR GIARDINO S TA N DA R D LB: 69 m2 22 1 LT: 84 m2 LANTAI DASAR LANTAI ATAS : 79 DISCLAIMER While every reasonable care has been taken in preparation of this brochure and information document, : VARLANTAI DASAR developer and its agent cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. All elements are believed to be correct LANTAI A T A Spburetsaernetantoiot nrepguarrpdoesdeaosnslyta, tceamnneontt or representation of fact. Rendering and illustration are artist impressions for be regarded as representation of fact.
L 7LI6VI I OF ILOAR E S TA N DA R D LB: 92 m2 S T3A N D3A R D LB: 69 m2 E X T E 2N S I O2N LB: 98 m2 43 2 LT: 105 m2 L2T: 84 m2 LT: 1015 m2 Lan LANTAI DASAR LA wwNLTAANITAATI ADSASAR w.citragardeLLnAANpNTTuAAIIrDAiA.TcSAASoRm LANTAI ATAS
L7 I VIOLA DENAH LANTAI STANDAR BUILDING SPECIFICATION S TA N D A R DPo LB: 92 m2 : Pondasi T3apak Se3tempat 2 EXTENSION LB: 98 m2 43 2 nLdTa: s10i 5 m2 LT: 105 m2 : Beton Bertulang Struktur Rangka Atap : Baja Ringan Penutup Atap : Genteng Beton Ex Cisangkan/Setara Dinding : Batu Bata/Bata Ringan Kusen Jendela & Pintu : Aluminium Powder Coating Ex. Fility YKK/Setara Daun Pintu Utama : Engineering Door Honeycomb Finishing PVC Sheet aun Pintu Kamar Tidur : Engineering Door Honeycomb Finishing PVC Sheet Aksesoris Pintu : Ex. Dekkson/Setara (Pintu Utama Digital Lock Door) Cat Exterior : Ex. Propan Weathershield/Setara Cat Interior : Ex. Propan/Setara Plafon Exterior : Gypsum WR/GRC/Setara Plafon : Gypsum Board Dicat Lantai Utama : Homogeneous Tile 60x60 Ex. Sandimas/Setara Teras : Granite Tile 30x60 Ex. Roman/Setara /Dinding Kamar Mandi :LKAeraNmTik A30Ix3D0/A30Sx6A0 REx. Roman/Setara LANTAI ATAS Lan Carport : Beton Cetak 40x40 Ex. Cisangkan/Setara Sanitair : Ex. Toto/Setara Instalasi Listrik : 2.200 watt / PLN Instalasi Air : Air Bersih Standard PAM + Instalasi Water Heater (1 titik) Instalasi Telepon : 1 Line Telepon DISCLAIMER While every reasonable care has been taken in preparation of this brochure and information document, LANTIAnI sDtAaSlaAsRi AC : Jalur P: ipVaLAATRNaTnApI aATUAnSit AC (Kamar Tidur) developer and its agent cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. All elements are believed to be correct L A N T A I D A S AbRut are not regarded as statement or reLpAresNenTtaAtioIn Aof TfacAt.SRendering and illustration are artist impressions for presentation purpose only, cannot be regarded as representation of fact.
L6 I FIORE BUILDING SPECIFICATION Pondasi : PondasSi TTaApaNk DSeAtemRpDat LB: 69 m2 22 1 Struktur LT: 84 m2 Rangka Atap Penutup Atap : Beton Bertulang Dinding Kusen Jendela & Pintu : Baja Ringan Daun Pintu Utama aun Pintu Kamar Tidur : Genteng Beton Ex Cisangkan/Setara Aksesoris Pintu Cat Exterior : Batu Bata/Bata Ringan Cat Interior Plafon Exterior : Aluminium Powder Coating Ex. Fility YKK/Setara Plafon : Engineering Door Honeycomb Finishing PVC Sheet Lantai Utama : Engineering Door Honeycomb Finishing PVC Sheet Teras /Dinding Kamar Mandi : Ex. Dekkson/Setara (Pintu Utama Digital Lock Door) Carport : Ex. Propan Weathershield/Setara Sanitair Instalasi Listrik : Ex. Propan/Setara Instalasi Air Instalasi Telepon : Gypsum WR/GRC/Setara Instalasi AC : Gypsum Board Dicat : Homogeneous Tile 60x60 Ex. Sandimas/Setara : Granite Tile 30x60 Ex. Roman/Setara : Keramik 30x30/30x60 Ex. Roman/Setara : Beton Cetak 40x40 Ex. Cisangkan/Setara : Ex. Toto/Setara : 2.200 watt / PLN : Air Bersih Standard PAM + Instalasi Water Heater (1 titik) : 1 Line Telepon : Jalur Pipa TLaAnNpTaAIUDnAiwtSAAwRCw(K.acmitarr aTigduarr) deLnApNTuArI Ai.TcASom
L7 I VIOLA DENAH LANTAI STANDAR S TA N DA R D LB: 92 m2 33 2 EXTENSION LB: 98 m2 43 2 LT: 105 m2 LT: 105 m2 LANTAI DASAR LANTAI ATAS Lan LANTAI DASAR : VLAARNTAI ATAS DISCLAIMER While every reasonable care has been taken in preparation of this brochure and information document, developer and its agent cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. All elements are believed to be correct L A N T A I D A S AbuRt are not regarded as statement or reLprAeseNntTatAionI oAf fTacAt. RSendering and illustration are artist impressions for presentation purpose only, cannot be regarded as representation of fact.
L6 I FIORE BUILDING SPECIFICATION ROW 10 KEYP ROW 6 Pondasi : PondasSi TTaApaNk DSeAtemRpDat LB: 69 m2 22 1 NTS Struktur LT: 84 m2 Rangka Atap Clu Penutup Atap : Beton Bertulang Blo Dinding No Kusen Jendela & Pintu : Baja Ringan Lua Daun Pintu Utama aun Pintu Kamar Tidur : Genteng Beton Ex Cisangkan/Setara Aksesoris Pintu Cat Exterior : Batu Bata/Bata Ringan Cat Interior Plafon Exterior : Aluminium Powder Coating Ex. Fility YKK/Setara Plafon : Engineering Door Honeycomb Finishing PVC Sheet Lantai Utama : Engineering Door Honeycomb Finishing PVC Sheet Teras /Dinding Kamar Mandi : Ex. Dekkson/Setara (Pintu Utama Digital Lock Door) Carport : Ex. Propan Weathershield/Setara Sanitair Instalasi Listrik : Ex. Propan/Setara Instalasi Air Instalasi Telepon : Gypsum WR/GRC/Setara Instalasi AC : Gypsum Board Dicat : Homogeneous Tile 60x60 Ex. Sandimas/Setara : Granite Tile 30x60 Ex. Roman/Setara : Keramik 30x30/30x60 Ex. Roman/Setara : Beton Cetak 40x40 Ex. Cisangkan/Setara : Ex. Toto/Setara : 2.200 watt / PLN : Air Bersih Standard PAM + Instalasi Water Heater (1 titik) : 1 Line Telepon : Jalur Pipa TLaAnNpTaAIUDnAiwtSAAwRCw(K.acmitarr aTigduarr)deLnApNTuArI iA.TcAoS m
CD 56xx1122..555x10.6 CK 5x12.5 ROW 7 6x12.5 L 7 CICV I O L A AC 67xx1155 DENAHROLWA8 NTAI STANDAR ROW 1 ROW 7 ROW 8 ROW 8 7x815x2C3 L ROW 15 7x15 5x127x15 AB CB 7x15.5 ROW 7 7x15 CA 7x71x523 LAN Citra Garden Boulevard BA *Updated on 28 Nov 20 8x72x315 AA ROW 18 Puri 7x15 ROW 7 Jl. ROW 8 BB 6x14 BUILD S TA N DA R D LB: 92 m2 33 2 EXTENSION LB: 98 m2 43 2 : Pondasi T LT: 105 m2 LT: 105 m2 : Beton Be ster : Casco : Baja Ring : Genteng : Batu Bata8 : Aluminium k : Blok CF : Engineeri : Engineeri : Ex. Dekks mor Kavling : No. 07A, 07B, 07C : Ex. Propa : Ex. Propa : Gypsum W : Gypsum B s Tanah : 151 m²LANTAI DASAR LANTAI ATAS : Homogen : Granite T : KeramLika3n : Beton Ce : Ex. Toto/ : 2.200 wa : Air Bersih : 1 Line TelDISCLAIMER While every reasonable care has been taken in preparation of this brochure and information document, LANTAI DASAR : VALARNTAI ATAS : Jalur Pipadeveloper and its agent cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. All elements are believed to be correct L A N T A I D A S A R but are not regarded as statement LorAreNprTesAentIatAionToAf fSact. Rendering and illustration are artist impressions for presentation purpose only, cannot be regarded as representation of fact. Jl. H. Mu
L6 I FIORE BUILDING SPECIFICATION Ke Jl. Semanan Raya Pondasi : Pondasi Tapak Setempat SRtarnugkktuarAtaJlp. H. Aseni Raya : Beton Bertulang : Baja Ringan Penutup Atap : Genteng Beton Ex Cisangkan/Setara 9 Dinding : Batu Bata/Bata Merah CLUBHOUSE Kusen Jendela & Pintu : Aluminium Powder Coating Ex. Fility YKK/Setara Daun Pintu Utama : Engineering Door Honeycomb Finishing PVC Sheet Daun Pintu Kamar Tidur : Engineering Door Honeycomb Finishing PVC Sheet Aksesoris Pintu : Ex. Dekkson/Setara (Pintu Utama Digital Lock Door) Cat Exterior : Ex. Propan Weathershield/Setara Saluran air 15 Cat Interior : Ex. Propan/Setara 15 G S P E CPI FlaIfCoAnTEIxOtNeriBorU I L D I N G S P: EGCypI FsIuCmAWT IRO/NGRC/Setara ak SetempatPlaPfoondnasi : PondasSi TTaApaNk DSeAte:mRGpDaytpLLTsB::u86m49 mmB22 oard D2icat 2 1 ang LaSnttruakituUr tama: Beton Bertulang : Homogeneous Tile 60x60 Ex. Valentino/Sandimas/Setara on Ex CisPaRneTagnnukegatrunkapa/SsAAettaappra : Baja Ringan : Granite Tile 30x60 Ex. Roman/Setara : Genteng Beton Ex Cisangkan/Setara ata Ringan LanDtiandi/inDginding: BKataumBaatra/MBaatnadRiin:gaKneramik 30x30/30x60 Ex. Roman/Setara oKwudseenr CJeonadtiCenlgaa Er&px.PoFinirltituty YKK/:SAeltuamrainium Powder :CBoaetitnognExC. FeiltitaykYK4K0/Sxe4ta0ra Ex. Cisangkan/Setara DDauoonoorrPDHHianooutnnnueePKyySccianoomatmmuanbbrUiTttFFaaiiidnnmiuiirssarhhiinnggJl. Semanan Pintu AirPV: CEnSghineeet ringDoorHH:ooEnneexyy.ccooTmmobbtoFFii/nnSiissehhiitnnaggrPPaVVCCSheet PV: CEnSghineeet ring Door Sheet Setara A(PkisnetIsunoUsrittsaamPliaantsDuiigLitaisl tL:roEicxkk. D(PoeokLkrN)so)n/Setara: (2P.in2t0u 0Utawmaa tDtig(iBtalloLkocAk ,DBo,orC) , D), 3500 (Blok E) WeathershieClIdan/tSsEetxtataerlaraiosri TAKeierle:::SpEEGaxxyol..punPPsrrruaoomnppaaWnnM/RoWS/oeGektaRaetrChra/evS::raseA1hatairLierrtlaidBn/eSerestTiaheraSletpanodnard PAM + Instalasi Pipa Water Heater (1 titik KM Utama) /eGtRarCa/SePtlarfCaoInantsEItnxatteelrraiioosrri rd Dicat InstPalalafosni AC : Gypsum Board Dica:tJalur Pipa Tanpa Unit AC (Kamar Tidur) us Tile 60xL6a0ntEaxi .UStaanmdaimas/Se: tHaoramogeneous Tile 60x60 Ex. Sandimas/Setara 30x60 Ex. Roman/TSeertaasra : Granite Tile 30x60 Ex. Roman/Setara 3/0D/in3d0ixn6g0KEaxm. RaromMand/Si etara : Keramik 30x30/30x60 Ex. Roman/Setara 40x40 Ex. CisaCnagrkpaonr/tSetara : Beton Cetak 40x40 Ex. Cisangkan/Setara ara Sanitair : Ex. Toto/Setara PLN Instalasi Listrik : 2.200 watt / PLN andard PAMIn+stIanlsatasliaAsiiWr ater H:eAatier rB(e1 rtsitiihk)Standard PAM + Instalasi Water Heater (1 titik) n Instalasi Telepon : 1 Line Telepon www.citragardenpuri.comnpa Unit ACIns(KtaalmasairATCidur) : Jalur Pipa Tanpa Unit AC (Kamar Tidur)LANTAI D ADdSeISvACeLloRApIeMrEaRndWihtsileageevenrtycraenansootnabbelehecladrerehsapsobneseLibnAletafNkoernTainnAypIirneaApcacTruartAiaocnSieosf. this brochure and information document, All elements are believed to be correct but are not regarded as statement or representation of fact. Rendering and illustration are artist impressions for presentation purpose only, cannot be regarded as representation of fact.
VI I FOILOAR E L7 ARD LB: 92 m2 S T3A N D3A R D LB: 69 m2 E X T E2N S I O2N LB: 98 m2 43 2 S TA N LT: 105 m2 L2T: 84 m2 LT: 1015 m2 Kusen J Da AI DASAR LANLATANITATI ADSASAR LANTAI DAATASAS R LANTAI ATAS Daun Pin A Lantai/Dindin In L citragardenpuri www.citragardenpuri.com
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