Fighting SocialInjustice The Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County 2016 Annual Report
Fighting Social InjusticeOur 2016 Clients by the NumbersIn 2016, Legal Aid opened more than 2,000 cases, helping over 6,200 people, includingchildren and seniors, to prevent illegal evictions; to secure restraining orders againstabusive spouses; to help seniors protect themselves from fraud and exploitation; toensure that children, families and veterans have the food and medical care they need.The median household income of our clients was $18,788 — just one-fifth of the $91,421average of all San Mateo County households.Fewer than 60% of our clients identified English as their primary language.More than a third of our client households included an adult or child with a disability.Half are families with children.More than a quarter of our clients are age 60 or older.Problem Areas Ethnicity Housing 46% Hispanic 48% Health Income 23% White 21% Family 12% Asian 13% Education 7%Immigration 4% Other 10% 4% Consumer 3% African American 6% Other 3% Not Stated 3% Pacific Islander 2% Native American 1%
Dear Friends of Legal Aid,Your commitment to creating the community we all want to see has never been moreeffective than this past year. Together we fought social injustice, using the law toimprove the living conditions of families, children and seniors living in poverty and toensure their safety.One of the most notable fights involved preventing homelessness in our county. Nearly50% of the people who sought legal assistance last year had housing-related issues.In 2015, the average rental price for all units in San Mateo County rose 9.5% or $268from the year before to $2817 per month. At the same time the median income of ourclients only increased $117 from the year before to $18,788. Living in our county on sucha limited income has become harder than ever. Your staff at Legal Aid representedretirees on fixed incomes, school bus drivers, day care workers and store cashiers. Theyadvised grateful clients on their rights, prepared legal documents, negotiated settlementagreements and provided representation in court.Through your support, we continued our fight for women and teens who were violentlyattacked or sexually abused, and provided them with critical legal representation thatstopped violence and brought stability to their lives. Their stories and more are found inthis report.Thank you for your vision. We cannot fight social injustice without you, our donors. Asyou will see from the financial metrics individual and law firm contributions matterdeeply to our mission. To help us continue our critical work, we respectfully ask you tomake your contribution of any size today. Whether it’s your first time donating, or youare a continuing donor, we thank you in advance. Please visit our website or use the enclosed envelope.Together, we can create the community to which we all aspire.Sincerely,Mary Lin M. Stacey HawverPresident, Board of Directors Executive Director
Legal Aid Helps Restore Benefits for Thousands Photo credit: Paul Chinn / San Francisco Chronicle / PolarisAfter a lifetime of hard work as a janitor, bricklayer, and builder, Kevin Hart was injured in a traffic accident thatshattered one leg completely and left him unable to work. He was relying on disability payments to survive. Kevinsuffered further injuries in an assault, including kidney damage. After the Social Security Administration initiated areview of his benefits, Kevin was devastated to receive notice from them that he was no longer considered disabled,despite his inability to even walk unaided. Inquiring further, he found, to his disbelief, that he had been disqualifiedbased on an \"examination\" from a doctor who had hardly seen Kevin at all.\"He didn't know me, he barely looked at me,\" said Kevin. The examination took less than ten minutes, and was soincompetent that the doctor even managed to overlook the fact that his patient required a cane to walk. Worse yet wasthe discovery that his case was no anomaly: the Social Security Administration had, for years, routinely accepted thisdoctor's shoddy and incomplete diagnoses to deny Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental SecurityIncome benefits to thousands of Californians, even after the doctor had been disqualified for failure to comply withnotices of corrective action.\"Social Security is responsible for administering disability benefits; it should have stopped relying on this doctor'sreports as soon as he was disqualified,\" says attorney Trinh Phan, who first represented Kevin during her tenureat Legal Aid, and has continued with the case in her new role at Justice in Aging. Since then, these agencies havesuccessfully expanded Kevin's case into a class action, which was recently settled; once approved, it will allow thosedenied benefits based on the discredited doctor's submissions to have their cases re-evaluated.Thanks to the work of Legal Aid, and our partners from Morrison & Foerster LLP and Justice in Aging, the harm thatdoctor caused to individuals needing disability benefits is being redressed. And for Kevin Hart, what he describes as \"acomplete nightmare\" will finally be over. Photo credit: Paul Chinn / San Francisco Chronicle / Polaris
New Confidence with Help from Legal AidTanya, a low income college student on a scholarship, was eighteen when a twenty-year old fellow student she barelyknew raped her in her dorm room after a party. Although a college counselor took her to the hospital and called thepolice, her attacker, a star athlete, was not arrested.On her own, Tanya filed for a restraining order, receiving a temporary one, but her attacker was able to afford anattorney who opposed her application for a permanent restraining order, and advised Tanya he was going to file an exparte motion to dissolve the temporary order.Afraid to attend classes, and devastated that no one seemed to believe her, Tanya came to Legal Aid for help. The team atLegal Aid was able to help Tanya successfully oppose her attacker's ex parte motion, as well as a subsequent motion todismiss, and then represented her at a trial on her request for a three-year restraining order.Tanya, already distraught at the District Attorney's refusal to file criminal charges against her assailant for lackof evidence, came to the trial feeling overwhelmed and depressed, but this time, she wasn't alone: studies havedemonstrated that having formal legal representation, such as Legal Aid was able to provide, is often the key element ina successful outcome.After she and two close friends testified, the judge granted Tanya's request for a full three year restraining order againsther attacker and, almost more importantly for Tanya, looked straight at her from the bench and said \"I believe you.\"The effect of those words on Tanya was immediate and obvious. She returned to school feeling safer with theprotection of the restraining order, but also feeling, finally, that someone in power had heard her and believed her. Withher new strength and confidence, Tanya has begun working with a group whose mission is to increase awareness ofdate rape on college campuses. Client names and other details have been changed for reasons of privacy.
Health Consumer Center Restores MobilityFreedom is often taken for granted, in its many forms, but no freedom is more basic than that of mobility: being ableto decide where we want to be, from one minute to the next. And thanks to the efforts of Legal Aid's Health ConsumerCenter, one young man will now be able to retain that freedomMr. and Mrs. Long came to the Health Consumer Center seeking help for their son, Eric, a young man paralyzed fromadvanced Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.Despite his debilitating physical condition, Eric has an active mind and a questing spirit. Able to operate his powerwheelchair with his chin, and use a specialized computer, he spent his days connecting with the outside world viaradio, TV, and the Internet.But time and use took their toll on that wheelchair: worn and damaged, it needed to be replaced. However, Eric'shealth plan refused to replace it, incredibly arguing that he was too disabled to benefit from it, despite the level offreedom it allowed him. Without that wheelchair, Eric would lose much of the of independence that he had — theability to reposition himself on his own, to move into another room, to look out a window or watch television withoutasking an attendant for help. The specter of this loss was causing him anxiety and depression.Legal Aid's staff worked assiduously to gather the additional medical evidence needed to demonstrate that the powerwheelchair was medically necessary for the young man's health and well-being. With this documentation in hand,Legal Aid persuaded his health plan to re-evaluate their denial, and, ultimately, to reverse their decision.Eric's father later wrote Legal Aid a letter explaining how lucky he and his wife felt that we were there for their son:\"You fought for us. You fought for our son. You gave him back the best part of his life.\" Client names and other details have been changed for reasons of privacy.
Legal Aid Faces Down Predatory CollectionMr. Ang came to Legal Aid facing a $20,000 court judgment after borrowing $5,ooo from a high-interest paydaylender. In financial difficulty, and on temporary disability from his job at a car wash, he had applied for a $5,000 loanover the phone, and agreed to have the lender take out $250 a month from his bank account to repay it.He didn't realize that the lender was charging him an exorbitant 59.95% interest on the loan, but assumed that hemust have finished repaying it, once they stopped taking money out of his account after a few years.Little did he know that the lender had sold his debt to a debt buyer company, which turned around and sued Mr.Ang. He only learned about the lawsuit after the company got a default judgment from the court and started togarnish his wages. The company claimed that they had given Mr. Ang notice of the lawsuit when it was filed, butthey then waited three years to get the judgment, allowing the debt buyer to claim 60% interest on the original$5,000 debt for a total of almost $20,000.Legal Aid attorney Scott Maurer realized that the strength of Mr. Ang's case lay in the questionable businesspractices of the debt buyer company, which has faced complaints in the past about the way it handled legal notices;here, they claimed to have tried to serve Mr. Ang at the car wash, but it was actually after business hours. When thecompany failed to respond to Scott's letter complaining about lack of notice, Legal Aid filed an action to set asidethe default judgment. The judge agreed to set aside the judgment and dismissed the case, which stopped the wagegarnishment and saved Mr. Ang $20,000.The final judgment faulted the debt buyer for abusing the system by delaying three years while allowing theinterest to accrue. Mr. Ang, now back at work, is relieved to not have the stress of this unfair debt hanging over himand his family. Client names and other details have been changed for reasons of privacy.
Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County Financial Metrics 2016 Revenues 21%34% Government Grants and Contracts 45% Private Foundations and Institutions Expenses Individual and Firm Contributions 2%13% Salaries Fringe Benefits19% Core Mission Support 61% Space
Fighting Social Injustice Honoring Our Staff and VolunteersIn April 2016, at the 19th annual And Justice For All Awards Luncheon, Legal Aid honoredthese worthy staff and volunteer award recipients for their commitment to justice for all thechildren, families, and seniors in our community.In her speech accepting the George R. Corey-Linda M. Gemello Award, Legal Aid DirectingAttorney Tricia Vinson stressed the continuing importance of Legal Aid's work: \"With the advent of the Affordable Care Act, I am often asked if, now that everyone should have access to affordable health insurance, there is still a need for Legal Aid to help clients obtain health coverage and health care. I want to tell them that this work is more important now than ever. While this change brought immediate relief to many who had struggled for too long to obtain the health insurance and health care they desperately needed, it has not been without major challenges. With the new coverage came new programs and new rules. New computer systems to implement these rules. New public-private partnerships were created, along with new bureaucracies to oversee them. And when these systems aren't working for our low-incomeclients, we can and do bring the issues to the attention of those creating and implementing thosesystems, educating them about the problems and barriers and working in partnership with them toimprove the processes.For our clients, the result has often been an opaque and incomprehensible maze that they struggleto understand and navigate. Because of your support, Legal Aid's health care team is there for them,providing them the guidance, support and representation they need to make the system work.\"Dorothy M. Wolfe Guardian of Justice Natalie Lanam Award Award Award Tom Feledy The firm of Sherri Sager and Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLPLaura Furniss
\"Legal Aid's staff Pro Bono at Legal Aidworked tirelessly with me\" Engaging with our large and complex legal system can be a huge challenge for those —Gilead Sciences attorney and Legal Aid pro who lack experience with it, and the cost bono Joel Silver, honored with the State Bar of of obtaining private legal services is out of California's President's Pro Bono Service Award reach for too many. Legal Aid is proud to count so many pro bono attorneys, legal professionals, paralegals and law students among those giving every day of their time, expertise, and passion to help ensure equal access to justice for our clients. Partnering with Legal Aid provides pro bonos with in-depth training and mentoring that allows attorneys and legal professionals to make a difference to the neediest members of our community.On the pages that follow, we are proud to recognize the 553 Pro Bono attorneys andlegal workers who volunteered more than 13,000 hours to the clients of the LegalAid Society of San Mateo County during 2016. The market value of these donatedservices was over 4.3 million dollars.LEGAL AID'S PRO BONO ADVISORY COMMITTEELarry Bennett I IntelAnne Cappella I Weil, Gotshal & MangesRenee Chantler I Chantler Law OfficesMirissa McMurray I Montalvo Family LawElizabeth Peterson I Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & RosatiRene Kathawala I Orrick, Herrington & SutcliffeGregory Schopf I Nixon Peabody LLPMonique Sherman I Cooley LLPRachel Williams I Morrison & Foerster
Our Pro Bono partnersAaron, Riechert, Carpol & Lori R. Mason Andrew Yaphe Dubrovsky LawRiffle, APC Rose A. McKinley Felicia Yu Gary DubrovskyKathleen Durrans Lara E. MouritsenJoseph Gruber Alyson O'Desky Dechert LLP Fenwick & West LLPKevin B. Jackson Christopher Pasich Justin Boyce * Hilarie AtkissonAlexandra Ruth Martin Allison Peth Christine Chua Karthik BalasundaramCharles Riffle Stuyvie Pyne Philip C. Ducker Amanda E. BaratzJessica Rowe Jennifer Marie Raab Jeffrey T. Fisher Harsh BarbhaiyaLeticia G. Toledo Geoffrey William Rapoport Carl Gismervig Justin Baumli Marina Remennik * Heidi Guetschow Jonathan ChaiADZ Law LLP Jessica Valenzuela Utsav Gupta Christine ChenJessica Dayton Santamaria Mary M. Hausler Kunyu ChingLauren Zorfas Monique Sherman Roy K. Hom Chris Corbet Michelle T. Ton James Hovard Michelle FangAlston & Bird LLP Brett D. White Adrian Kwan Jill FeinbergClaudia Golden Jonathan David Loeb David HeBrianna Kadjo (Ford) * Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy David R. Lund Andrew HilgerBrenda Yamaski LLP Nisha N. Patel Mitch HinrichsEmily Wu Jovi Bondoc * S. Michael Song Gregory Allen Hopewell Maybelle Dominguez Jeremy Sperlazza David HuangArnold & Porter LLP Kim Harding Vandya Lalitha Swaminathan Sophia HuangJames A. DiBoise Stewart Pollock * Da Zhuang Zhuo HuangMelissa Gibbs Austin Raines Alexander IpAdam Kretz DLA Piper US LLP Vikram IyengarJohn Muse-Fisher Covington & Burling LLP Krista Anne Celentano * Nam Sook KimLara Palanjian * Tammy Albarran Renee Glover Chantler Jorge A. Kina Emily Doan Henry Cheng Christopher P. KingAT&T Patrick N. Flynn * Eric Chow Goutham KondapalliNiki Okcu Marina Hunt Christine K. Corbett Lu Li Wallace J. Lee Jennifer Gallo Debbie LiBaker Botts LLP Emily Irene Leonard Janice Y. Kim Helen LiAmy Liang * Sarah R MacDonald * Erin M. McLaughlin Irene Lopez Thomas Martecchini Elena Nrtina Sapna MehtaBechtel Corporation Devon Mobley-Ritter Eric Donovan Ryan Krishna MehtaDavid Duff Beach * Michelle L. Morin Gerald T. Sekimura Jonathan Stephen Millard Alexandra Scott Lauren Tsuji * Akshay PanchavatiCooley LLP Stanley Young Stephanie X. Wang Rajendra PanwarSelin Akkan Robert Zhou Daniel H. Wang Julie ParkMaureen Alger Yana Zucarena Edgar PerezCarly Lee Bittman Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP Nicholas Plassaras *Darelene Bong Kelley Harrington Duane Morris LLP Patrick PremoJohn E. Butsch Samantha Harper Knox * Terrance J. Evans Annasara PurcellReuben Chen Jayeeta Kundu Seth K. Kugler * Nikki QiKyle Dakai Chen Judy Lai Daniel McCloskey * Ana RazmazmaStephanie Choo Randy Li Constantine Robert Travis RobertsonBrett H. De Jarnette Igor Piryazev * Mittendorf * Emily RossMatt Ezer * Neal A. Potischman Anjali Moorthy Albert B. RyuShauna France * Brooke Pyo * Manita Rawat Kristen SchunterWilliam N. Grosswendt Joanne Scala Brendan Ruddy * Antonia L. SequeiraThomas Hadid * Amy Tu Ronald Ruma Hailey C. TetonTracy Huang Harrison Anna Tumanova * Max H. SternRena KaminskyLauren KricklHelen LuuReflects pro bono work for 9/1/15 - 8/31/16
Pro Bono partners (continued)Karen Webb Gigamon Inc. Marguerite Jones Ashley J. HodgeFrank Bou-Kain Yang Dante Corricello Stephen Christophe Samuel R. JonesGuang Y. Zhang Amanda Hix Kyriacou Jeff KangLingling Zhao Jennifer Miller Wenna Li Saad Khanani Tina Nasseri Wendy Hwee Ling Lim Alex LiFish & Richardson PC Elizabeth Toepfer James Lin Benjamin Liss *Bryan K. Basso Susan Liu Gil OfirJun Ha Gilead Sciences Inc. Kristin R. McNulty Katherine J. PageIrina Lyapis Joel Benjamin Silver * Iris Mok Natasa PajicTucker Mottl Rebecca F. Napolitano Benjamin Charles PulliamJohn Polansky Goodwin Procter LLP Vivek Raghunathan James I. RobinsonZach Rhines John Maselli Elena D. Ramirez Matt Van LeeuwenNoorossadat (Noori) Torabi David L. Simson Greg Y. Sato Marjan VaseghiCong Yao John Robert Schiffhauer Jie Wang Gunderson Dettmer, LLP Jonathan WilsonFlicker, Kerin, Kruger, & Catherine Kwon K&L Gates LLP Nikolaus AndrewBissada, LLP Matthew Ball WoloszczukErin McCormick Hanson Bridgett LLP Arman Zahoory Tomek J. Koszylko Kaye Scholer LLPFragomen Worldwide Kyle A. Mabe Michael J. Isaacs Law Office of Lisa M.Andrea Rush James Anthony Napoli Assad Rajani Dugoni, APCSara Tulane Russ C. Petersen Lisa M. Dugoni Jillian Monet Somers* King & Spalding LLPFurniss Family Law Group Shayna Mittler Van Hoften Laura I. Bushnell Law Office of Stephen J.Laura Furniss * Rachel Zuraw Matthew H. Dawson Montalvo Sam Diamant Mirissa Rose McMurray *Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher Harvard Law School Thomas J. GrayLLP Katherine Leung Michael F. Heafey Lowenstein Sandler LLPOmeed Anvar George R. Morris Bill JacobsJoseph Barbeau Haynes and Boone LLP Jullia Park Joan O. Arbolante *Paul Collins * Ran Duan Daniel Ray Natasha AroraChristina Greenberg Christopher Ryan Lubeck * Julie Stockton * Carol HannaErnest Hsin Robert Mazzola Joshua C. Toll Valeska P. HintzRyan K. Iwahashi Jim Rally * Andrew Tran Christopher E. KokoskaSteven James Johnson Michael Shenker * Garrett MiedemaJillian Katterhagen Henry Welch Kiski Law, P.C. Timmoney NgChristina Chandler Kogan * Winnie Wong Chelsea M. Bonini Paul-David ShraderMia Lee * Steven TamQuincy Lu HP Enterprise Kramer Levin Naftalis & Catherine WeissDaniel Mandel * Sally Chau Frankel LLPAlexander T. Murchison Grace San-Chi Chen Yuridia Caire McDermott, Will & EmeryDaniel Nowicki Leanne Clement Hannah Y. Lee Jodi BenassiNathan Powell Linda LeungArjun Rangarajan Nora Magno Latham & Watkins LLP Morgan LewisJames Jing Ren Ruth Selon Richard C. Andrews Kevin BenedictoStuart M. Rosenberg Donna White Katherine R. Bielik Michelle Park ChiuWesley Sze Michael Zaliznyar Rachel Burns Catherine ChouMark Tomaier Jennifer N. Cadet Julie Lynn DaviesCollin Vierra Intel Corp. Eugene Chiu Theodore E. Dayno *Alison Roberta Watkins Evangelina Maria Charles E. Crain Lesley Chang DobbinsZachary J. Wood * Almirantearena Lilly Fang Steven Erkel *Zelin Yang Larry A. Bennett Rick Frenkel Elizabeth A. Erskine Juliana Lara Calil Nicole Fritz Andrea Fitanides Sonoo Ching Lauren M. Gollaher Ehsun Forghany Sarah G. Goyette
Pro Bono partners (continued)Eric Foster Anita Choi Amy Dalton Robin Ferguson & KemptonAngela Gandhi* Minsu Chung René Kathawala LLPAlbert Gilbert James Allan Dee Ajay Koduri Robert CashenChristina M. Gonzaga Nicole Elemen Lillian MaoAndrew Jackson Gray IV Alicea Grace Denise Mingrone Ropes & Gray LLPVictor Guerrero Alex Hadduck Libby Moulton James R. BatchelderTera Marie Heintz Maya Ingram Andrew S. Ong Marta Belcher *Ahren Hsu Hoffman * Antonio L. Ingram Shawn Pierce Danielle BogaardsCorey Houmand Joseph Kevin Kanada Matt H. Poppe Rebecca Carrizosa *Tiffany Hsu Aria Kashefi Cathy Ching Shyong * Keyna Chow *Charles Huse Angela E. Kleine Diana Stern James S. DeGrawVictor E. Johnson Susanne N. Petersen * Robert Uriarte * Jennifer Zoe EhrlichRahul Kapoor Robert Pegraglia Danielle Van Wert Richard GallagherElizabeth Margaret Kennedy Yan Qi Amy K. Van Zant * Blair GreenTae-Wong Koo Mary Race Barbara Whiteley Drago GregovMark L. Krotoski Madhuri Roy Matthew HautRoland C. Lechner Linda M. Sim Paul Hastings LLP Gabrielle HigginsAndrew H. Leung Mariam Subjally Nicholas David Deangelis Phillip Kurs *Ying Li Bill Tian Bryan James Nina NgoVictor Lim Connie C. Tong David R. Kocan David PartidaMichael Lyons Rachel Williams Breanna Piper Alexandria M. PerrinTrish Majidian Bryan Joseph Wilson Bruce S. Yen Andrew Radsch *Jacob Joseph Orion Minne Daniel J. Wilson Howard J. Yuan Claire Lucy Readhead *Minna Naranjo Jae In Yoo Carolyn ReddingThomas Marvin Peterson Pepper Hamilton LLP Daniel RichardsZaitun Poonja Nixon Peabody LLP Gregory S. Bishop Andrew SuttonTania Prado Jennifer Hayes Karen Bliss McManus Andrew N. ThomasesMelinda S. Riechert Fredric C. Nelson Thomas F. Fitzpatrick Matthew A. TolveBrian C. Rocca Gregory Schopf Charles F. Koch Nicholas Wallace *John G. Ryan Matthew Struhar Ana Morjig Peter WangDavid Sanker Maria S. Swiatek Joey Palmiery David Wurzburg *Michael Schlemmer David Villanueva Hayan Yoon *Robert Joseph Sherry O'Melveny & Myers LLPJennifer P. Svanfeldt Jay Choi Perkins Coie LLP Santa Clara UniversityRita Tautkus Jonathan Crawford Samya Abdela David SesiScott Tester Virginia Harris Christopher Paulsen Berka Shearman & Sterling LLPJennifer Tomlin Tadahiro Kaburaki Kathryn Bilder Alan J. DrosdickNancy Villarreal * Jocelyn Ma James GatelyMatthew M. Walker Eric Ormsby Adriene P. Hale Sidley Austin LLPJianbai Wang A. J. Talt Andrew N. Klein Nathan A. GreenblattSusan Jennifer Welch Paul Tisher Elizabeth OmidianPhillip Jared Wiese Susan G. van Keulen James Otake Simpson Thacher & Bartlett Carolyn White Nick Palatucci LLPMorrison & Foerster LLP Snehal D. Desai Geoffrey L. Robinson * Brandon MartinElizabeth Balassone Hayley Reynolds John S. Rossiter *Max R. Banko Donna Strain *Joel Brand Orrick Herrington & Mary ThurstonRobert Keith Cerpa Sutcliffe LLP My-Linh TranGurdeep K. Chawla Evan Brewer * Jacqueline Young *Tiffany Cheung * Thomas Camilleri Frances S. Cheever Pierce & Shearer LLP Kyounghwa “Khloe” Lee
Pro Bono partners (continued)Stanford Law School Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & RosatiAnya Havriliak Luci Barry Shaherzad Rain Azim *Cari Jeffries Cristiana Blauth Oliveira Nathan Cao *Hope Lancero Amanda K. Branch Eunice E.P. ChoiLloyd Marshall Annemargaret Connolly Natasha ChuKatherine Moy Joe Ferrari German ContrerasCamille Peeples Michele A. Gauger Thomas D. Earnest *Jon Saltz Irina Zyubina Khait Michael J. FrankAndhari Zairina Grace Ly Christina J. Lee Shawn McNulty Drew S. LimingSymantec Corporation Nathaniel Moore Kei NishimuraCarrie K. Flynn Stephanie Onyekwere Elizabeth PetersonMary Elizabeth Milionis Cristina Passoni Celine Purcell *Vibeke Simonsen Christopher Pistritto Melissa C. Smit David Ramraj Singh Margaret C. TheringTurner Boyd LLP Kymberly Thoumaked Stephanie Van HornRobert John Kent Christopher VargasJulie Turner Rebecca E. WolitzKeeley Irene Vega Philip C. WongLouis Wai * Jamie YooJacob Zweig *UC Santa CruzCrystal CanelaVinson & Elkins LLPColin McDonellIndividual Attorneys, Law Students & Legal ProfessionalsMartin Brandfon Nishant Jaiswal Sangeetha RaoChristopher Cerpa Greg Johnson * Greg RodgersMarco D. Chavez Lauren Li Christian RuanoJason Wade Croft Nikki Li Wendy H. Segal *Michael Duignan Yan Emily Lin Monica A. SpitzerSari J. Ellovich Patrick Colin Malloy Russell StarbirdThomas P. Feledy * Sarabeth A. Marinelli Donna Vincent *Natalie Gore * Blaise B. Menez Kanita ViranondWilliam Guardado Linda Murphy * Joanna M. WaldJulia Howard Masood Nusratty Becky Wildman-TobrinerVictor Hwang Courtney Erin Pasion Andrew Yazhe Anant Pradhan* = Reflects recipient of the Wiley M. Manuel Certificate for Pro Bono Legal Services, awarded to those who havedonated 50 hours or more through a legal services program. The Wiley M. Manuel Award was created in 1989 by theState Bar of California to recognize the contributions of the many lawyers, law students, paralegals and secretaries inCalifornia who volunteer their time and expertise on behalf of low-income clients.
Your Support of Legal AidOn the pages that follow, Legal Aid thanks the many individuals, firms,corporations, foundations, and agencies whose support allows us to make apositive impact on the lives of the low-income families, seniors, and childrenin our community.Every donation, regardless of size, provides vital legal assistance for our clients:$100 advises seniors about fraud and scams.$250 educates immigrants about their legal rights.$500 teaches parents to advocate for their children with disabilities.$1,000 helps families avoid homelessness.$2,500 provides domestic violence survivors with representation. Did you know... Each dollar given to Legal Aid provides the community with the equivalent of five dollars of legal services?
Annual Campaign DonorsVisionaries - Michèle Bissada ^ & Scott Spivak Lori & Ara Jabagchourian ^$25,000 & above Dechert LLP Jorgenson, Siegel, McClure & Flegel, Beverly & Ron Garrity LLPBaker & McKenzie LLP Hemming Morse LLP Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLPCooley LLP Hogan Lovells US LLP Lakin Spears, LLPGilead Sciences, Inc. Jones Day Donna & Joe LanamLatham & Watkins LLP King & Spalding LLP Renee LanamOrrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP McDermott Will & Emery Lisa Langer & Dan K. Siegel #Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP Leonidou & Rosin ProfessionalWilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Sullivan & Cromwell LLP CorporationFoundation Janice S. Tam ^ Mary ^ & Richard C. Lin Janet Weiss & David C. Wilson ^ Littler Mendelson P.C.Trailblazers - WilmerHale Suzan Miller$17,000 - $25,000 Dr. Bettina McAdoo, M.D. & Gordon Influencers - RussellJessica Arner ^# & Eli Abbe Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLPCotchett, Pitre & McCarthy, LLP $1,000 - $4,999 Valerie J. MulhollenFacebook, Inc. William L. Nagle, Esq. Aaron, Riechert, Carpol & Riffle, APC Hope Nakamura & Glen SatoInnovators - Alston & Bird LLP Paul Hastings LLP$10,000 - $16,999 Jane & Aaron Armstrong ^ Elizabeth Peterson ^ Anonymous Honorable Rosemary PfeifferGeorge R. Corey Arnold & Porter LLP Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLPCorey, Luzaich, de Ghetaldi, Nastari & Bay Wealth Legal Group, LLP Greg Regan, C.P.A. ^Riddle LLP Berra Stross & Wallacker Amanda L. RiddleDavis Polk Honorable Gerald J. Buchwald Ropers, Majeski, Kohn & Bentley PCDLA Piper US LLP Laura I. Bushnell ^ Ropes & Gray LLPLynne Esselstein #† & Jonathan Joseph Carr McClellan P.C. RR DonnelleyFenwick & West LLP Covington & Burling LLP Timothy T. ScottGenentech, Inc. Duane Morris LLP Sidley Austin LLPIntel Corporation Kathleen Durrans Simpson, Garrity, Innes & Jacuzzi, PCStacey Keare ^# John C. Dwyer Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & FlomKirkland & Ellis Foundation Fish & Richardson P.C. LLPMcDermott Will & Emery Flicker, Kerin, Kruger & Bissada LLP Sarah & Matt SlayenMorrison & Foerster LLP Fox Shjeflo Hartley & Babu LLP James SturdevantThe Morrison & Foerster Foundation Honorable Beth Labson Freeman & Ann M. Thai ^ William Freeman The Benevity Community Impact FundChangemakers - Honorable Linda Marino Gemello, Ret. Leticia G. Toledo ^# & Albert P. David$7,500 - $9,999 & John Gemello Julie S. Turner Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP Susan A. UccelliLowenstein Sandler PC Cindy & Evan Goldberg Tricia & Michael VinsonPepper Hamilton LLP Isaac Deleon Goodman Visa GivingStationViola Law Firm Hanson Bridgett LLP Laurence A. ^ & Susan J. Weiss Hanson Crawford Crum Family Law Seth WeissmanMobilizers - Group LLP Alison R. Watkins ^$5,000 - $7,499 M. Stacey Hawver Karen & Rand White ^ Hewlett Packard EnterpriseAnderson Yazdi Hwang Minton + Horn LLP Albert J. Horn #Reflects gifts received 8/1/15 - 7/31/16 DONATE ONLINE: Change lives with a single click! Visit
Annual Campaign Donors (continued)Catalysts - Peggy Schmidt & Joseph J. Tabacco Susan & Michael W. Lanam$500 - $999 Antonia Sequeira Kelly Lo Shearman & Sterling LLP Courtney & Steve LoveEvangelina Almirantearena Michael Shpizner Mary & James MadisonMaya Altman Eli Silver Scott MaurerPhyllis Annett Frank A. Small David J. MicleanVidhya Babu Allan Steyer Karisa MinerLucy & Robert Berman Ellen Sueda & Mark Leach Honorable Carol L. Mittlesteadt, Ret.Richard C. Berra Hans R. & Sibyl E. Troesch Vincent A. MuzziKaren & Jon Ballack Dr. Dana Weintraub & Michael Richard NelsonJuliet Brodie & Jane Schacter Callahan Anita N. Nichols & Honorable Leslie C.Jeff Brown Rachel Williams & Richard Edwards Nichols, Ret.Helen & Marion Brown Jody Winzelberg Anna NordbergSuzanne & Tony Callahan Women Lawyers' Section of the San Judy & Brad O'BrienChurch of the Holy Cross Mateo County Bar Association David R. PackardEstate Planning/Probate Section of the Professor Eric W. Wright Caroline Wu PadreSan Mateo County Bar Association Timothy C. Wright David J.N. PasternakLaurie & Dario de Ghetaldi Ian R. Yourtz Anne & Rodney PearlmanMark Doiron Mary PeartJeannette & Jim Drake Contributors - Emilie PetirsSharon R. Flanagan Cathy RinconCarmen Flores & Frank Fernandez $250 - $499 Michael RoblesJoseph Galligan, CPA Herbert M. RosenthalMoon & Matthew Gemello Anonymous Pamela & Eric D. RyanGary Gerstman Susan Austin & Michael Charlson Kathryn Schmidt & Miro CizinGabriel S. Gross Bruce E. Beekley Wendy & Jonathan SegalClaudia Haslam Jeffery Boyarsky Thomas SepezEric S. Haueter Honorable Patricia Bresee, Ret. Shivadev ShastriDavid W. Herbst Joan L. Cassman Ina StewartRobert Hortop Yar Chaikovsky Marcie & Artie StorchGail M. Huston & Ralph M. Pais Anne & Guy Chambers Jeff L. StrobelMarisa A. Jennings Linda & Daniel Cooperman Wendy Tice-WallnerAugustin Joo Kristi Cotton Spence # & Robert L. Antonia P. TuBarbara Kiem & Larry Eiselstein Spence Golnar YazdiJennifer & Brian Levey ^ Curley Hurtgen & Johnsrud LLP Stanley YoungLucile Packard Children's Hospital Peter J. Dehlinger Daniel A. ZionyTrinidad Madrigal Mary L. DelehantyKrista Mencarelli Gary V. Dubrovsky Supporters -Laurel Miranda Patricia Georges & Robert FucillaNVI Rani, Inc. Rita Giles & John Hughes $100 - $249Niki B. Okcu Thomas J. GrayLynn H. Pasahow Diane S. Greenberg AnonymousHoward Pollack Marina C. Gruber & Clayton M. Nall Lage AndersenMilan M. Radojevich William F. Gutierrez Debbie AppelLilli Rey Jeffrey Hallam Victoria S. BahnasyCharles H. Rible Michael Heafey Jonathan BakerNancy L. & Charles M. Riffle # Elaine Horsley & Honorable Don David \"Duff\" BeachLisa Roberts & Patrick King Horsley Larry A. BennettSherri R. Sager Steven Katz Joyce & Sid Berenstein Kevin G. Kelly Eric S. Blum Robert A. Koenig Julie & Jim Borden Sarah E. KurtzDONATE ONLINE: Change lives with a single click! Visit
Annual Campaign Donors (continued)Robert J. Brady Steven R. Mashin Cheryl & Clark WestmontBetty & Robert Brown Sara Matlin & Jay Laefer Paul WiitaElizabeth Buenger Hughes Valerie McConnell Jamie WongFeb Roman Cabrasawan Grace & Edward McMahon Pamela J. ZangerThomas J. Cahill Mirissa McMurray & Honorable Don R. Gerald J. ZanzingerJuliana L. Calil Franchi Bonnie ZuccaDianne & Mauro Calvi Mario Moya Barry ZwarensteinAngela & David Carducci Brian W. NewcombRenée & Derek Chantler Elaine Yee Ling Ng Friends -Elizabeth & James Cody Family Fund Nolan Barton Bradford & Olmos LLPAnne & Bernard Cotter Megan Olesek up to $99Mary DeVoy Outten & Golden LLPJames DiBoise Mary S. Panton AmazonSmileTony & Suzanne Callahan Rita A. Patterson AnonymousTom Duley James G. Rodriguez Joan ArbolanteDennis J. Durkin Kara W. Perez Susan J. BardetSamuel Dworkin Stephen Peters, Esq. Luci BarryGeoffrey M. Ezgar Tanya Prioste & Mark Figueiredo Allyn BeltranDonald F. Farbstein, Esq. Julia Rabinovich Kay BenzRandee & Thomas Fenner Lesley & Irv Rappaport Valerie & Jon DiamondCharles Finney Kathi A. Rawnsley Nicholas DraperHal E. Forbes, Esq. Courtney Regan Shelley & Michael EggerRosemary Fordwood Peter H. Reid Kate ElsleyLaura M. Furniss Paul G. Resnick Honorable Susan Irene EtezadiGaline, Frye & Fitting Diana E. Richmond Carrie K. FlynnMichele Gauger Carole & Andy Robin Christopher Daniel FurnissMaud Gleason & Dr. Frederick Holley Dr. Beth B. Rosenthal, Ph.D. Honorable Carole GroomRichard B. Golden Michael Rosoff Evelyne GuillouetGoogle Inc. Amy Ross Sallie & Hubert T. KimPenelope & Scott Greenberg Caryl & Bill Russell Ivette KincaidChrysanthe Gussis Cathy K. Saunders Cary KletterIsabel A. Haas Janet & Victor Schachter John KloostermanDoriane & Walter Heyman Hasma Serverian & Honorable Aram Allen LamJessica E. Intrator Serverian James V. LeeDave Iverson Marcia Settel & David Gilson Wendy LimChristopher Jaap Eric D. Siegel Rosa U. MackKatherine Jacomb Mary E. Silver Ryan F. McCaffreyCarol S. Himeres Brenda L. Simon Mary Rita & Thomas McKayPamela S. Kaufmann Laurie A. Soman Mary E. MilionisHonorable Margaret J. Kemp, Ret. Alan Stern Tam NgClaudia Kent Dickman Lee Stettner Jullia ParkRichard Keyes Mr. & Mrs. Steven Stokdyk Virginia H. PerkinsMary & Thomas Kmak Edward W. Suman Sheila PurcellJudy C. Kwee Alexandra P. Summer Elvira M. RiosLindsay & Robert Lanam Kevin A. Taheny Iliana M. RodriguezWilliam C. Last Jr. Quynh T. Tran San Mateo Labor CouncilPhillip M. Lev Kevin Tsuchida Vibeke SimonsenConstance Liu Marian G. Van Orsdol Tracie SoutherlandLori Lutzker Amy Van Zant Margaret StevensonManos & Curl LLP Ginny & George Wailes Nanette Stringer Christopher TresterDONATE ONLINE: Change lives with a single click! Visit
Annual Campaign Donors (continued)Dr. Marc Tunzi In Memory of Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital atSalvador Valgas Jacqueline Anderson StanfordJoseph A. Villanueva Mills-Peninsula Health ServicesJay C. White Adrian King Palo Alto Community FundJonathan L. Wolff Palo Alto Foundation Medical GroupMichelle Wong In Memory of Community Health Care EndowmentAlexandra Wood Laura Innes FundArman Zahoory Philanthropic Ventures Foundation Beverly & Ron Garrity San Mateo County Health Care forGifts in Loving Memory theHomeless/Farmworker Health Program of the San Mateo MedicalIn Memory of In Memory of CenterColleen McAvoy SanDisk Corporation Fund, a Marvin S. Siegel corporate advised fund of the SiliconDiane Aaron Valley Community FoundationAnderson Yazdi Hwang Minton + Horn Penny & Greg Gallo Sand Hill FoundationLLP The San Francisco FoundationClyde Beffa, Jr. Corporate, Foundation, Silicon Valley Community FoundationHelen & Marion Brown and Government Sobrato Family FoundationJames Buatti, Sr. Stanford Emergency MedicineNancy A. Cronin AT&T DepartmentIris H. Dragan Alzheimer's Association State Bar of California Legal ServicesHonorable John \"Jack\" L. Grandsaert American Academy of Matrimonial Trust Fund ProgramBrian Kersten Lawyers Sunlight GivingCynthia Lemus Atkinson FoundationLinda Merino Blue Shield of California ^ = Member of Legal AidPeninsula Estate Planning Council California Department of Managed Board of DirectorsDaniel Peterson Health CareJulie Rothstein The California Endowment # = Past President of Legal AidVictoria Tran Sood City of Burlingame Board of DirectorsPeter Stern City of Daly CityMarian C. Taylor City of Menlo Park † = Member of Legal AidKristen & Edward Willig City of Redwood City City of San Mateo Advisory CommitteeIn Memory of City of South San FranciscoBen La Mar County of San Mateo Aging & Adult ServicesBohannon Foundation County of San Mateo Department ofSusanne & Ted La Mar HousingDiane Sheardown County of San Mateo Health System/ Health Coverage UnitIn Memory of County of San Mateo Measure ABrandon Horpel FundsChernick Covered California First 5 San Mateo CountyClifford Chernick Flora Family Foundation Genentech FoundationIn Memory of The Grove FoundationCarl L. McConnell Health Plan of San Mateo The Hurlbut-Johnson Fund, anCheryl & Jeffrey Selman advised fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation John & Marcia Goldman FoundationDONATE ONLINE: Change lives with a single click! Visit
Fighting Social Injustice Legal Aid's Community AdvisorsHEALTH CONSUMER CENTER OF SAN MATEO COUNTYCOMMUNITY ADVISORS 2016Elaine Azzopardi I San Mateo County Human Services - Benefits Eligibility Services Tele-Center (BEST)Cathy Baird I San Mateo County Aging and Adult ServicesGabriela Behn I San Mateo County Health SystemMarmi Bermudez I San Mateo County Health SystemTeri Chin I Fair Oaks Community CenterChristina Kahn I Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy ProgramRayna Lehman I San Mateo County Central Labor CouncilClaudia Lopez I San Mateo County Human Services AgencyStefan Luesse I Behavioral Health and Recovery ServicesSrija Srinivasan I San Mateo County Health SystemCarolyn Thon I Health Plan of San MateoPENINSULA FAMILY ADVOCACY PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEEBaraka Floyd I Medical Director FAP, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital StanfordCheryl Goldfarb-Greenwood, RN, CNS I Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital StanfordTeresa Jurado I Patient Mentor, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital StanfordJennifer Newberry, MD, JD I Medical Director FAP, Stanford University Department of Emergency MedicineSherri Sager I Chief Government and Community Relations Officer, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital StanfordLee Sanders, MD, MPH I Chief, Division of General Pediatrics, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital StanfordEd Schor I Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's HealthEwen Wang, MD I Stanford Department of Emergency MedicineKaren Wayman I Director, Family Centered Care, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital StanfordDana Weintraub, MD I Medical Director FAP, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital StanfordJody Winzelberg I Administrative Director, Patient and Family Services, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital StanfordLIBRE STEERING COMMITTEEAndres Connell I Nuestra CasaLorena Gonzalez / Navjeet Singh I San Mateo County Human Services AgencyGloria Hernandez-Goff I Ravenswood City School District SuperintendentJana Kiser I Redwood City 2020Emily Melahn I Legal Aid Society of San Mateo CountyHope Nakamura I Legal Aid Society of San Mateo CountySandra Portasio I Redwood City School DistrictFatima Soares I Coastside Hope
Fighting Social Injustice Legal Aid's Board of DirectorsOFFICERSMary H. Lin I President I Bay Wealth Legal Group, LLPAra Jabagchourian I Vice President I Law Office of Ara JabagchourianJanice S. Tam I Secretary I Anderson Yazdi Hwang Minton + Horn LLPGreg Regan, C.P.A. I Treasurer I Hemming Morse, LLPDIRECTORSAaron M. Armstrong I Visa Inc.Jessica Arner I Lakin Spears, LLPMichèle Bissada I Flicker, Kerin, Kruger & Bissada, LLPLaura Bushnell I King & Spalding LLPKaren Greenwood I SilversheetStacey KeareBrian Levey I Upwork.comElizabeth Peterson I Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & RosatiAnn M. ThaiLeticia G. Toledo I Aaron, Riechert, Carpol & Riffle, APCAlison T. Watkins I Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLPLaurence A. Weiss I Michelman & Robinson LLPRand N. White I Dyer & White LLPDavid C. Wilson I VenEarth Group, LLCAdam J. Zapala I Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy LLPADVISORY COMMITTEEMaureen P. Alger I Cooley LLPLynne Esselstein I Anderson Yazdi Hwang Minton + Horn LLPJanette Leonidou I Leonidou & Rosin Professional CorporationCharles M. Riffle I Aaron, Riechert, Carpol & Riffle, APCDan K. Siegel I Jorgensen, Siegel, McClure & Flegel, LLPKristi Cotton Spence I Law Office of Kristi Cotton SpenceTimothy C. WrightGolnar Yazdi I Anderson Yazdi Hwang Minton + Horn LLP
Fighting Social Injustice Legal Aid's VolunteersAND JUSTICE FOR ALL AWARDS LUNCHEON COMMITTEEKaren N. Ballack I Co-Chair I Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLPMichèle M. Bissada I Co-Chair I Flicker, Kerin, Kruger & Bissada, LLPGeorge R. Corey I Chair Emeritus I Corey, Luzaich, de Ghetaldi, Nastari & Riddle LLPTom Fitzpatrick I Pepper Hamilton LLPKirsten Keith I Council Member of Menlo Park, Attorney at LawDonna LanamBrian Levey I Upwork.comCraig McCullohAmanda Riddle I Corey, Luzaich, de Ghetaldi, Nastari & Riddle LLPSarah SlayenSusan Uccelli I Uccelli & Associates, Certified Shorthand ReportersGeorge Wailes I Aaron, Riechert, Carpol & Riffle, APCAlison Watkins I Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLPTimothy C. WrightMatthew D. Zumstein I Ropers Majeski Kohn & BentleyLEGAL AID GOLF CLASSIC COMMITTEERonald F. Garrity I Co-Chair I Simpson, Garrity, Innes & Jacuzzi P.C.Howard Pollack I Co-Chair I Fish & Richardson P.CRich Berra I Chair Emeritus I Berra Stross & WallackerMichelle Barnett I Aaron, Riechert, Carpol & Riffle, APCMichèle M. Bissada I Flicker, Kerin, Kruger & Bissada LLPYar Chaikovsky I Paul Hastings LLPCraig Crawford I Carr McClellan P.C.Mark Doiron I Wells Fargo BankMarina Gruber I Morgan LewisBill Gutierrez I Gutierrez Marca LLPTommie Knight I Aaron, Riechert, Carpol & Riffle, APCCharles Rible I Fimmel, Justman & RibleWalt Shjeflo I Fox, Shjeflo, Hartley & Babu LLPSusan Uccelli I Uccelli & Associates, Certified Shorthand ReportersCOMMUNITY VOLUNTEERSCassandra Calderon Carol S. KarwattCrystal S. Canela Emely SequeiraEmma Glickman
Fighting Social Injustice Legal Aid's StaffSENIOR MANAGEMENTM. Stacey Hawver I Executive Director I Stanford Law School, 1987Shirley Gibson I Directing Attorney I New College of California School of Public Interest Law, 1999Judith Goldstein I Office Manager I Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1976Hope Nakamura I Directing Attorney I UCLA School of Law, 1986Marcie Storch I Director of Development I University of Connecticut School of Law, 1981Tricia Berke Vinson I Directing Attorney I Stanford Law School, 1976ATTORNEYSDavid Carducci I Director of Litigation I University of San Diego School of Law, 1991Michelle de Blank I Staff Attorney I Hastings College of the Law, 1997Joshua Grossman-Swenson I Staff Attorney I University of Oregon School of Law, 2014Brooke Heymach I Supervising Attorney I Hastings College of the Law, 2003Jenny Horne I Staff Attorney I Stanford Law School, 1993Sasha Martinez I Staff Attorney I University of San Francisco School of Law, 2015Maria Vazquez Mata I Staff Attorney I Hastings College of the Law, 2013Scott Maurer I Consulting Attorney I Santa Clara University School of Law, 1995Emily Melahn I Staff Attorney I Washington University School of Law, 2010Danilyn Nguyen I Supervising Attorney I Santa Clara University School of Law, 2009Janet B. Seldon I Director of Pro Bono I New College of California School of Public Interest Law, 1984STAFFLacei Amodei I Project Coordinator I San Francisco State UniversityBrian Burns I Communications and Events Manager I UCLAMaria Chatterjee I Project Coordinator I University of Valencia, SpainFrancisca Guzman I Project Coordinator I University of California, BerkeleyVanessa Hearne I Project Coordinator I Cañada CollegeAdreina Leon I Project Coordinator I California State University Channel IslandsLorelei Lopez I Project CoordinatorAllison Marseille I Director of Grants & Contracts I Emporia State UniversityLarisa Mialik I Development Assistant I Chabot CollegeLiliya Mukha I Bookkeeper I Gomel Cooperative InstituteMarisol Pimentel I Project Coordinator I California State University San FranciscoRuby Romero I Project Coordinator I Cañada CollegeElsie Sanchez I ReceptionistSusan Stortini I Accountant I University of Manila Philippines
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