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Published by นามเท่ สวัสดี, 2019-09-04 08:36:27

Description: CPR


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Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Edited by: Asst.Prof.Napaporn Kwangtong Dr.Nuttapol Yuwanich Mr.Thanet Sinchaothong

Preface This book is about CPR based on the AHA official guidelines 2019 of CPR, We’ve decided to focus on adult CPR,CPR is considered as first aid, a set of critical skills needed to respond and manage an emergency until medical assistance is accessed, the main significant goal of CPR is to keep oxygen flowing in and out of the lungs to keep oxygenated blood flowing through the body, this delays/prevent tissue damage We hope that everyone who access this E- book will be able to read and understand the content and also obtain the critical skills and knowledge We would like to Thank Kaitsara Sen-ngam for providing us with this opportunity to explore and share our skills and knowledge about CPR.

Content Topic Page 1. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 4 2. Signs and symptoms 5 3. Basic CPR steps 6 4. How CPR Is Performed? 13 5. High-quality CPR should be performed 14 6. Terminology 16

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR –Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation – is an emergency lifesaving procedure performed when the heart stops beating. Immediate CPR can double or triple chances of survival after cardiac arrest. A cardiac arrest is when your heart suddenly stops pumping blood to your body commonly because of a problem with electrical signals in your heart. When the heart stops pumping blood, the brain is starved of oxygen. This causes you to fall unconscious and stop breathing, which is called Respiratory arrest.

Signs and symptoms Sudden cardiac arrest: Sudden collapse , no pulse, no breathing and loss of consciousness Before sudden cardiac arrest: history has shown that an individual in or nearing cardiac arrest may gasp or exhibit significantly abnormal breathing, chest discomfort, Weakness and Palpitations

Basic CPR steps 1. Recognize the emergency (tap and shout) ● Is the environment safe for the person? ● Is the person conscious or unconscious? Check for absent or abnormal breathing by watching the chest for movements for 5 to 10 seconds. Simultaneously check the carotid pulse for a minimum of 5 seconds, but not more than 10 seconds, to determine if pulse is present. ● If the person appears unconscious, tap the victim shoulder and ask loudly \"Are you OK?\"

2. Activate EMS If possible, send someone to activate the Emergency Response System, and begin CPR immediately. If you’re not with someone activate EMS by yourself before you start CPR, by calling 1669 and explain the problem to the dispatcher. Explain what you’ve found in your assessment and what you are doing to help the patient. Call

3. Check for breathing -To check if a person is still breathing: see if their chest is moving up and down, listen over his/her mouth and nose for breathing sounds. Feel their breath towards your cheek for 10 seconds.

4. Compressions: Provide 30 compressions place 2 fingers at the tip of the breast the heel of the other hand above your fingers and the other hand right above the first one with fingers intertwined.Use your upper body weight (not just your arms). As you push straight down on the chest at least two inches deep. Release the chest and allow it to recoil completely. Each compression should be at least 2 inch deep and delivered at a rate of 100 to 120 per minute. Compression

5. Airway: Open the victim’s airway Tilt the victim’s head by gently pushing the forehead back and lifting the chin up to open the airway. tell-if-an-unconscious-person-is-breathing

6. Breathing: After opening the airway, give 2 breaths by pinching the victim’s nostrils with the forefinger and thumb. Each breath given to the victim should be a normal breath for the rescuer and delivered over 1 second each breath while looking for the rise of the victim’s chest. Use a cpr mask when providing breath, if the mask is not available compress only. if the mask is not available compress only.

7. Continue till help arrives Provide continuous high quality compressions until EMS arrives. 2 rescuers should switch places every 5 cycles of CPR ( 1 cycle is 30 compressions followed by 2 ventilations ) or every 2 minutes. Compression EMS

How CPR Is Performed?

High-quality CPR should be performed There are five critical components: • Minimize any interruptions during delivering chest compressions • Provide compressions of adequate rate and depth • Avoid leaning on the victim between compressions • Ensure proper hand placement • Avoid excessive ventilation

Why do we do CPR? The main reason to provide CPR is to restore the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain of a victim who has suffered sudden cardiac arrest. After sudden cardiac arrest, the victim is not breathing or breathing inadequately and the heart is not pumping oxygenated blood to the brain and vital organs. Clinically the victim is dead. Biologically though, the victim still has a chance of survival. After 4-6 minutes without oxygen, permanent brain damage will occur. After 10 minutes without oxygen, the brain is dead, and biological death occurs, which is irreversible. Therefore, CPR is very essential and critical in everybody who has cardiac arrest.

Terminology A Activate = to cause something to start. (p,8) Airway = the passage through the mouth and throat that carries air to the lungs. (p,11) B Breathing = the act or process of taking air into your lungs and releasing it.(p,12)

C Cardiac arrest = sudden loss of blood flow resulting from the failure of the heart to effectively pump.(p,5) Cardiopulmonary = relating to the heart and lungs.(p,5) Chest compression = is the act of applying pressure to someone's chest in order to help blood flow through the heart in an emergency situation.(p,14) Consciousness =the state of being awake, thinking, and knowing what is happening around you.(p,6)

D Dispatcher = a person who is responsible for sending out people or vehicles to where they are needed, especially emergency vehicles.(p,8) E Emergency Medical Service (EMS) = are emergency services which treat illnesses and injuries that require an urgent medical response, providing out-of-hospital treatment and transport to definitive care.(p,8) G Gasp = to take a short, quick breath through the mouth, especially because of surprise, pain, or shock.(p,6)

I Intertwined = twisted together or closely connected so as to be difficult to separate.(p,10) S Simultaneously = happening or being done at exactly the same time.(p,7) T Tap = to hit something gently, and often repeatedly, especially making short, sharp noises.(p,7)

R Respiratory arrest = they are not getting oxygen to their vital organs and may suffer brain damage.(p,5) Resuscitation = the act of bringing someone or something back to life or waking them.(p,5) P Palpitations = the feeling that your heart is beating too quickly or not regularly.(p,6)

Reference Amanda Barrel. (2019). CPR steps : A visual guide. Retrieved August 14,2019, from Gerhard Whitworth, RN. Website : 324712.php Cambridge Dictionary. (1995). Dan Taylor. (Jan 2014). AHA official guidelines for CPR. Retrieved August 20, 2019. From CPR Certification online HQ. Website : a-cpr-guidelines-latest-jan-2014/Linda Hepler, RN. (2018). Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Retrieved August 3,2018, from Gerhard Whitworth, RN. Website : aid/cprOxford English Dictionary. (1884).

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