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Published by Anderson Ramirez, 2016-06-05 17:30:53

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The number-one magazine for learning and teaching English! WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/LEARNHOTENGLISH WWW.TWITTER.COM/LEARNHOTENGLISH No.169 www.learnhotenglish.comTRAIN ROBBERS! SILLYCONFUSING SPELLING! WORDS 8 THE KOOKS PULP ONE DIRECTION OASIS Brit pop COLDPLAY THE KAISER CHIEFSRADIOHEAD POP songs to BRRIETACNOD HOGWNTOISE help IT! you BLUR8USEFUL Learn some English from theseSLANG fantastic songs!TERMS!PLUS…I S S N 1 5 7 7 7 8 9 8 00169 phrasal verbs, grammar, idioms, vocabulary, useful expressions… and much, much more.9 771577 789001

TRACK 01 CD track 3 US manREADING II Have you ever experienced extreme anger PRE INTERMEDIATE READING II whilst driving? If you have, you’ve probablyRoad been a victim of“road rage”. This form ofRage anger, and, in some cases, violent behaviour, is usually caused by stress. However, Vanity plate viciousness according to a recent survey, some people are more prone to road rage than others. Psychologists found that people who use vanity plates (licence plates with phrases or names on them) sufer more from road rage than any others.“These drivers are territorial, and are more likely to get angry easily,”says Jacob B enield, who led the study.“Plates with aggressive phrases such as‘I’ll sue you’ deinitely say a lot more about a driver than you think. Anything you do to make your car feel like your territory will make you more upset when someone steals your parking space or cuts you of on the road.” Road rage is a big problem in America. Every year, it is responsible for over 20,000 injuries and 370 deaths. Not all of these drivers have vanity plates, but many do. And now, states such as North Dakota are trying to make vanity plates illegal. The state has a large problem with angry drivers, and authorities agree that vanity plates are connected with road rage. “License plates are causing us a lot of trouble, and they’re deinitely connected with road rage,” says the director of the Department of Motor Vehicles. Tell that to the 9.3 million American car owners with vanity plates. That’s a lot of road rage!1 Discussion ANSWERS ON PAGE 561. What do you think road rage means? Phrasal verb alert2. Have you ever experienced extreme anger Look at the three examples of the use of“to cut of”. What’s the diference?whilst driving? Have you ever seen an incident a. to cut someone of on a road b. to be cut of whilst talking on theof road rage? What happened? GLOSSARY phone3. What are the causes and efects of road rage? c. to cut someone of in a conversation road rage n extreme anger experienced whilst4. What do you understand by the term “vanity Grammar spot driving To get angry a survey nplates”? a questionnaire to ind out about These drivers are territorial, and more likely to get people’s opinions2 Pre reading angry easily. prone to exp We can use “get” with lots more adjectives if you are “prone to” do something,Look at the following adjectives from the article. to talk about the process of becoming you have a natural inclinationHow do they relate to road rage? Give examples: something. For example: to get tired = towards doing that thinga. violent I get tired when I work long hours. a vanity plate nb. aggressive a customised series of numbers /c. territorial letters on your licence plate a licence plate n3 Reading I an object with letters and numbers on the back of your car – used forNow read and check your answers. identiication territorial adj4 Reading II concerned or obsessed with an area of land / your property / yourWhat does the article say about the following? home1. vanity plates to sue someone exp2. America in general to begin a legal case against3. North Dakota, in particular someone in order to get compensation a parking space n a place to park a car to cut someone of exp to drive in front of another car – taking their place on the road FREE subscription if you recommend Hot English Language Services to your company. E-mail [email protected] / / 5

TRACK 02 STORY TIMEStory TimeJOKES, ANECDOTES AND STORIES AS TOLD BY NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKERS. Complaints earning plenty of money. But eventually, the crowds become bored of the ape and switch Boss: I’ve had their attention to the lion beside the ape’s cage. complaints about The man doesn’t like this, so, one day, he climbs you, Johnny, from all on top of the lion’s cage and makes fun of the your line managers. lion. The lion gets very angry and the crowds What have you been love it. But all of a sudden, the man slips and doing? falls into the lion’s cage. He’s terriied and starts Johnny: Nothing. Boss: Exactly. running around the cage screaming, “Help me,Hidden Money help me!”The lion eventually catchesThere was once a man who loved money. When him and lies on tophe got it, he wouldn’t spend it. Instead, he took of him and saysit to the bank and put it in a savings account. to the mime, “ShutIn fact, he was so tight-isted that once he up, you idiot, orsaid to his wife, “When I die, I want you we’ll bothto bury my money with me”. So when get thehe died, his wife did just that. sack!”On the day of the funeral, shewas sitting beside her sister with GLOSSARYher husband lying in the coinin front of them. When the a complaint nundertakers had closed the if you make a “complaint”, you tellcoin, her sister said, “Did someone that you are unhappyyou really bury all that with somethingmoney with Fred? You a line manager nmust be crazy!” And the the person in charge of a speciicwoman replied, “Yes, of department or division at workcourse, I did. I always tight-isted adj informkeep my promises. used to describe a person whoSo, after he died, I went does not like to spend moneyto the bank, put the to bury vbmoney in my account to put a something in a hole in theand then wrote him a groundcheque. He’s got it with him a coin nright now.” a thick box in which to put a dead personThe Zoo an undertaker n a person who prepares the bodiesA mime artist is performing outside of dead people and makes funerala zoo one day when a zookeeper arrangementsinvites him into his oice. The to keep a promise expzookeeper tells the man that the to do what you say you will domain attraction, a gorilla, has died a mime artist nrecently and he needs to replace it. a person who entertains peopleSo the zoo keeper ofers the mime a by using body movements but nojob. Basically, the guy has to put on wordsa gorilla costume and pretend he’s a zookeeper nthe gorilla. a person who feeds the animals atThe mime thinks about it for a bit, the zoobut then accepts the job. Amazingly, to replace vbnone of the visitors notice the if you replace A with B, you put Adiference. The gorilla is as instead of Bpopular as ever and the man is a costume n clothes that are used to make you look like someone – a gorilla in this case to earn vb to make money from working an ape n a member of the family of mammals that includes chimpanzees and gorillas to switch vb to change to make fun of someone exp to mock another person; to laugh at another person to slip vb to lose your balance to get the sack vb exp to lose your job For great private language classes, e-mail [email protected] / / 11

FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE TRACK 03 Useful language for successful communication. FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE Inviting someone to do something Can I get you a Would you like to Would you like to I’m having a party coffee? have lunch with us? go to the cinema? later. Would you like to come? How about coming to my I’ll get this one. house for dinner on Friday? invitations Reacting to an invitation This one’s on me. Lunch is on me. I’d like to invite I’ll get this one. You you for lunch. get the next one. Would you like to come up for Reacting to an OK. a coffee? invitation I’d love to. No, let me get this one. That sounds like a good But you paid last time. idea. I’m sorry, but I really don’t That would be fantastic. have the time. Yes, OK. I’m afraid I’m a bit busy at OK. I’ll get the next one. the moment. That’s a good idea. I’m sorry but I’m not going to be able to make it. 12 / / Want to do an internship with Hot English? For more information, e-mail [email protected]

TRACK 04 TRACK 05DR FINGERS’ Sunken PRE INTERMEDIATE CONVERSATION TreasureERROR CORRECTION CLINIC 500 year old treasure found.IN THIS SECTION DR FINGERS IDENTIFIESAND CORRECTS TYPICAL ERRORS.1 ActivityRead the sentences, ind the errors and correct the sentences. Then listen tothe CD to check your answers. Good luck! Afterwards, you can read the erroranalysis section. ANSWERS ON PAGE 561. What time are you wake up? What time do you wake up?2. She like the ilm?3. I drink normally cofee in the morning. 1 Discussion ANSWERS ON PAGE 564. She does often not go home by bus. 1. Have they found any treasure in your country recently?5. He reads the newspaper never. 2. What stories of treasure have you heard about or read about?6. How long does take you to get home? 3. What ilms about treasure have you seen?Travel English 2 Pre listening Learn over 500 What types of things would you expect to hear on a programme such as History today? useful words and expressions for 3 Listening I travelling abroad. Listen once and check your answers. Did you guess correctly? 40 topic areas covering a wide range 4 Listening II Phrasal of typical situations. verb alert Choose the correct answers. Over 400 images 1. A shipwreck was found of the The phrasal verb to help you learn “to go down” the words and coast of… has a number expressions. a. Thailand. b. Namibia. of different 2. They were searching for… meanings. More than 30 dialogues so you can hear a. gold. b. diamonds. the language in action. 3. The shop was carrying treasure of Can you think of any gold coins, copper, ivory and… For more information, visit: a. cannons. b. guns. meanings related to   4. The ship dates back to the… a. 14th century. b. 15th century. the following things? 5. The area is described as rocky and… a. foggy. b. dirty. a. a ship 6. The captain could have been a… b. prices in shops a. prince. b. pirate. c. a sports team d. a computer Grammar spot There are a number of examples of the past passive in the conversation.What is the difference between these two sentences? a. A shipwreck was found. b. The shipwreck was found by diamond miners.LOTS OF FREE CONTENT WHEN YOU FOLLOW US ON TWITTER! FREE subscription if you recommend Hot English Language Services to your company. E-mail [email protected] / / 13

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