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Home Explore computer project 1-converted (1)

computer project 1-converted (1)

Published by Aarav Agarwal, 2021-05-30 05:59:35

Description: computer project 1-converted (1)


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Computer project 1 By Aarav M Agarwal

GPU Graphics processing units, or GPUs, were originally designed to perform the rendering to provide a 3D visual effect on a 2D surface (the screen or monitor). This also includes adding texturing and shading effects and involves a considerable amount of mathematical computation with a high degree of parallel processing to achieve this. Most CPUs used in computers and tablets include a GPU coprocessor. For high performance graphics, such as with computer gaming, a separate graphics card containing a high-performance GPU is often used. The GPU market leader, NVIDIA, came to the conclusion that the GPU could also be used for general purpose compute acceleration, and the general purpose graphics processing unit was the result. It was developed by NVIDIA

Processor • At the heart of every computer is a special motherboard chip called the processor, which determines, to a great extent, the power of the computer. The processor is also called the central processing unit (CPU) or microprocessor. The processor executes instructions, performs calculations, and coordinates input/output operations. Each motherboard has electronic chips that work with the CPU and are designed to exact specifications. Whether these other electronic components can keep up with the processor depends on the individual component’s specifications. The major processor manufacturers today are Intel, Motorola, VIA, Samsung, NVIDIA, Apple Inc., Qualcomm, and AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.). Intel and AMD are the predominant manufacturers for desktop and laptop processors, and the other manufacturers target the mobile/smartphone markets. It is invented by Marcian Hoff, Federico Faggin, Stanley Mazor, Masatoshi Shima

R.A.M • Random access memory (RAM) is a general-purpose memory that usually stores the user data in a program. RAM is volatile in the sense that it cannot retain data in the absence of power; i.e., data is lost after the removal of power. The RAM in a system is either static RAM (SRAM) or dynamic RAM (DRAM). It is inveted by Robert Heath Dennard. Company manufactures it are Micron (Crucial), Samsung, and Hynix.

H.H.D • A hybrid hard drive (HHD), sometimes known as a solid-state hybrid drive (SSHD), is a mass storage device that combines a conventional hard disk drive (HDD) and a NAND flash module. An HHD blends the capacity, cost and performance of physical disk storage with the accelerated performance of flash. Is inveted by Reynold B. Johnson. One of the manufacture is Western Digital Corporation

S.S.D • A solid-state drive (SSD) is a new generation of storage device used in computers. It is faster than the H.H.D and are more reliable. But there is a down side it is too expansive than H.H.D. It is invented by Fujio Masuoka, one of the manufacturer is SanDisk

Monitor • A monitor is an electronic output device that is also known as a video display terminal (VDT) or a video display unit (VDU). It is used to display images, text, video, and graphics information generated by a connected computer via a computer's video card. It is invented by Karl Ferdinand Braun, one of the manufacture is Samsung Electronics

Mouse • A computer mouse is an input device that is used with a computer. Moving a mouse along a flat surface can move the cursor to different items on the screen. Items can be moved or selected by pressing the mouse buttons (called clicking). It is invented by Douglas Engelbart, René Sommer. Some manufacturer of mouse are Logitech, Microsoft, and HP.

Keyboard • A computer keyboard is an input device that allows a person to enter letters, numbers, and other symbols (together, these are called characters) into a computer. It is one of the most used input devices for computers. Using a keyboard is often called typing. Inventer of keybord is Christopher Latham Sholes. One of the manufacturer is Asus

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