Network is A group of interconnected (via cable and/orwireless) computers and peripherals that is capable ofsharing software and hardware resources betweenmany users. The Internet is a global network of networks.There are many types of computer networks includingLAN, WAN, CAN, MAN and HAN. LAN - Stands for \"Local Area Network\". LAN is acomputer network limited to a small area, typically a singlebuilding or a group of buildings. such as an office building,university, or even a residential home. That is, in the same building). Most LANsconnect workstations and personal computers and enable users to access data anddevices (e.g., printers and modems) anywhere on the network. WAN – Stands for “wide-area network”. WAN is similar to a LAN, but it's alot bigger. WANs are not limited to a single location. Many WANs span a largegeographic area or long distances via telephone lines, fiber optic cables, or satellitelinks such as a state, province or country. WANs often connect multiple smallernetworks, such as LANs or MANs. The world's most popular WAN is the Internet. CAN – Stands for “campus-area network”. CAN is a computer network thatlinks the buildings and consists of two or more LANs within the limited geographicalarea. It can be the college campus, enterprise campus, office buildings, military base,industrial complex. CAN is one of the type of MAN on the area smaller than MAN. MAN – Stands for “Metropolitan Area Network”. MAN is a series of LANsthat are interconnected through various means in a metropolitan area such as a city andits suburbs. MANs are formed by connecting multiple LANs. Thus, MANs are largerthan LANs but smaller than wide area networks (WAN). It is a medium-size network.If a company has a few offices in the same city, and the computer users at eachlocation are able to share data between the two offices, they are generally doing thisover a MAN. MAN is not owned by a single organization like WAN. HAN – Stands for “home-area network”. A HAN is a network contained withina user's home that connects a person's digital devices, from multiple computers andtheir peripheral devices to telephones, VCRs, televisions, video games, home securitysystems, \"smart\" appliances, fax machines and other digital devices that are wired intothe network.
Internet Internet means system connecting computers around the world using a commonsoftware protocol fortransmitting and receiving data. This protocol is known as TCP/IP,which stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The Internet is a global network connecting millions of computers. Manycountries are linked into exchanges of data, news and opinions. It is unlike onlineservices, which are centrally controlled, by design, the Internet is decentralized. EachInternet computer, called a host, is independent. Operators can choose which Internetservices to use and which local services to make available to the global Internetcommunity. There are a variety of ways to access the Internet. Most online servicesoffer access to some Internet services. It is also possible to gain access through acommercial Internet Service Provider (ISP). The Internet is not synonymous with World Wide Web. The Internet is amassive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. It connects millions ofcomputers together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicatewith any other computer as long as they are both connected to the Internet. TheWorld Wide Web, or simply Web, is a way of accessing information over the medium ofthe Internet. It is an information-sharing model that is built on top of the Internet.Adapted from: Vangie Beal.
What is Domain name? Domain names are used to identify one or more IP addresses. For easyremember. There are 2 types of Domain name as follow:Domain 2 levels – Domain name . type of DomainDomain 3 levels – Domain name . type of Domain . CountryDomain 2 levels consist of www . Domain name . type of Domain such as of Domain is abbreviation of organization (America always use 3 letters but othercountries use only 2 letters). For - Government - Educational - Organizations (nonprofit).mil - - Commercial - Network - InternationalDomain 3 levels consist of www . Domain name . type of Domain . country such as These example for this type of Domain - Commercial - Academic.go - Government - Network organizations.or - Organizations (nonprofit)And example for - – – - United – - AustriaBecause the Internet is based on IP addresses, not domain names, every Webserver requires a Domain Name System (DNS) server to translate domain names into IPaddresses.
URL URL – Stands for “uniform resource locator”. It’s used to call Internet address.URL including a Protocol, Sub-domain, Domain and Domain suffix, Directories andWebpage. Protocol : A standard procedure for regulating data transmission betweencomputers. We used to the word “http”. It stand for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. Sub-domain : A more specific portion of a domain name. Sub-domains are usedto divide up Web domains without registering a new domain name. Domain : A group of networked computers that share a common communicationsaddress. Domain suffix: The last part of a domain name and is often referred to as a\"top-level domain\" Directories : An organizational unit for files that reside on a hard disk or otherStorage device. Also called folder. Webpage:A document on the World Wide Web, consisting of a hypertext file and any related files forscripts and graphics, and often hyperlinked to other documents on the website.WebsiteComponent of Web Page Website is A set of interconnected web pages. Generally located on the sameserver, and prepared and maintained as a collection of information by a person, groupor organization. A website is including a homepage and web pages. WebsiteHome page Web page Web pageWeb page Web page Web pageWeb page Web page Web page
What does Facebook mean?Ask:Does anyone know how the name \"Facebook\" originated? Does it have any connotation? Imean, linguistically speaking, is there such a word as 'facebook' in English? Can anyonetry to tell me the etymology of the word?Answer 1:Facebook started as a closed social networking for high school students in the US, withthe purpose of helping them keep contact with their classmates and other high schoolfriends. It meant to be an online yearbook, which always has all the student's faces init, hence the name \"Facebook\", but make it come to life and be dynamic. Only later itwas decided to make it into an open global social network, which is what it is today.Answer 2:facebook is much like a yearbook - the name was taken from that -- a \"book of faces\"or, for all intents and purposes, a grand slew of internet pages containing faces slashprofiles.What does it mean to follow someone? When you follow someone, you'll see their posts in your News Feed. Youautomatically follow people who you're friends with. You can also follow the posts ofpeople who've allowed everybody to follow them, like journalists, celebrities, politicalfigures and other people you’re interested in but aren't friends with. Some well-known public figures with large followings are verified byFacebook and have a blue badge next to their names to help you know that they'rewho they claim to be. Keep in mind that not all authentic profiles are verified and thatyou can't request to have your profile verified. If you're interested in keeping up with a Page (example for businesses,organizations, brands), you can like it.Source from : www.facebook.comWhat does it mean to \"Like\" something? Clicking Like below a post on facebook is an easy way to let people know that youenjoy it without leaving a comment. Just like a comment, the fact that you liked thepost is visible below it. For example, if you click Like below a friend's video: People who can see thevideo will be able to see that you liked it. A story will be posted on your Timeline thatyou liked your friend's video. The person who posted the video will get a notificationthat you liked it.Source from :
How to Use Online DictionaryThere are many websites for online dictionary which websites mostly are the same touse. For example: 1. Type at URL then enter. It will appear webpage as below. 2. Type vocabulary that you want to search such as “hardware” then enter or click at “ > “. 3. The meaning of the vocabulary that you type to search will appear. In addition, when you click at speaker icons. There will be the sound of that vocabulary. Assignment: Search vocabulary about computer for 10 words from online dictionary and then write them on paper. Don’t forget to write referent URL.
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