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Home Explore Resource Catalog - Sing to Kids with Jennifer Bailey

Resource Catalog - Sing to Kids with Jennifer Bailey

Published by The Music Crew, 2017-11-04 22:44:09

Description: Sing to Kids with Jennifer Bailey


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Sing to Kids Product Catalog BIG resources for little musicians

About Me Thank you so much for taking a moment to look at my product catalog! My name is Jennifer Bailey and I am a music educator with 20+ years experience. I’ve taught in Texas, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. My areas of specialization are Music Learning Theory, Orff-Schulwerk, and Early Childhood Music. As you look through my catalog, if you see something you like,be sure to snap a picture of it then go to:

Recorder Differentiate YOUR recorder instruction with resources for everyone!• 19 songs using B-A-G, low E and D• Harmony parts• Composition sheets• Practice tips• “I Can” statements, rubrics and more! “What a fabulous recorder resource! I really appreciate the resources to help support both my struggling students and those that need to be challenged. It meets the needs of all students!” – L.R.

Resources • 27 Additional songs & harmony parts for high C & D, F#, Bb, and low C • ”How to” read time signatures, key signatures and so much more!“Great collection of songs to expand my recorder unit and give my advanced students something extra to try!” – TpT Buyer

Sing & Strum Sequential ukulele instruction using traditional folk tunes!“This bundle was so incredibly helpful!!! The sequencing and songsperfectly fit with my MLT classroom and my students are so excited to beable to take home the student books to practice. Thank you!!” – Sadie P.

UkuleleInteractive White Board Charts, Chord Charts, Strumming Patterns, Student Books, & 5 Levels of Instruction! Don’t forget chord posters for your classroom!

Drumming Up Get your kids reading & drumming with Drumming Up Some Fun!Interactive drumminggames with 4 different levels of rhythmic reading!“This is one of the best products I've purchased from TpT! Reallysimple format, but engaging for students. LOVE that you have 2versions so it's accessible for primary or intermediate students. Alsolove that there are lots of links so many of my students get to haveturns choosing either a drum or a drummer to reveal a rhythmpattern to play.” – Loretta H.

Some Fun Beginning drum ensembles &arrangement activities for young drummers Bundle it all up for one great bargain!“This is a great resource! I do world Music Drumming at my school sothis is definitely something that will liven up our existing drumming unit! Ireally like the way the puzzles are set up to emphasize a main rhythmicpattern and separate it from complimentary patterns. It really helps forkids to visualize that concept!” – Marti C.

Rhythms &Nursery rhymes provide a rich context of rhythm, steady beat, vocabulary development, and storytelling!Steady beat charts, rhythmic notation, & sorting cards!“Thanks so much for a great resource!! I love that it takes familiarchildren's rhymes and uses them to introduce notation. It will a naturalstep in their musical progression to use something known to teachsomething new! Can't wait to use it with my students this year!!”– Rachel M.

Rhymes Rhythm & Rhymes provides music teachers with a variety of tools to teach young students nursery rhymes in a musical setting.12 great nursery rhymes to choose from with new ones being added often!

Listening ActivitiesDeepen your students understanding with guided listening activities!“Excellent resource to add to my Nutcracker unit. I like the inclusion of the rhythm reading excerpts.” – Louise F.

Interactive GamesInteractive games to engage and challenge your students!“My kids (especially the boys) love this and I love it because you have done all of the work for me! These are so easy to use and all of the kids areinvolved and eagerly awaiting their turn. Great assessment tool.” – Dianne C.

Music LearningOriginal songs, chants, & activities in a variety of meters and tonalities for the MLT Inspired Classroom!“I love your cute fall songs! This is such a nice format that I can share with my preschool colleagues who are not big music readers but want to incorporate songs other than the typical preschool repertoire. Love it!!!” – Holley H.

Theory Inspired Develop your students’ music vocabulary with these MLT Inspired Resources!“Finally notation sheets that are MLT friendly! I really like how you notonly provided practice worksheets but also provided a variety of blankstaves that could be used with many different activities.” – Hannah F.

Children’s LiteratureReinforce music skills and concepts through literature!“My 1st graders have absolutely loved this and have been begging me toread the story again and make another rainstorm. This is a great way toconnect children's literature to music concepts. They have really retainedwhat the different dynamic levels are!” – Lauren K.

Movement ActivitiesGet your students moving creatively and purposefully!“My students absolutely loved this activity so much so that they asked for it as a \"best of music class\" activity at the end of last year.” –Caity B.

Teacher Planning Plan engaging lessons efficiently & effectively!“This is exactly what I needed, the tracking sheets especially. I came online to purchase your curriculum mapping templates and was pleasantly surprised to see this amazing bundle.” – Corynn N.

& Instructional Decor Decorate your room with a purpose with Anchor Charts, Music Room Word Wall, Recorder and Ukulele Posters.“I am so excited to hang these in my room!! It's really tough to find year-round visual relevant to content that you'll actively use and this is it. Thank you for providing color options, too- I'm so picky about colors! – Julia F.

Thank you so much for checking out my catalog!Please consider following me on these social media platforms! And don’t forget my blog!

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