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Home Explore Standard_v0.9_map_only 494

Standard_v0.9_map_only 494

Published by ngandee.ml2021, 2021-11-25 06:55:57

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A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term Costen's syndrome DX1491483014 Costen's syndrome 9702 1491483014 Myofascial pain - dysfunction DX1491489013 Myofascial pain - dysfunction syndrome of TMJ syndrome of TMJ 1491489013 Snapping jaw DX1491487010 Snapping jaw DX183760 Temporomandibular subluxation 9703 1491487010 Gingival tenderness (disorder) DXK07.61 Clicking [snapping] jaws Temporomandibular subluxation DX102820 Tenderness of gums (finding) 9704 (disorder) DX175133018 Gingival tenderness G44.2 Tension-type headache Tenderness of gums (finding) DX144123 Tenderness of joint (finding) 183760D DX136286 Tenderness of oral cavity 175133018 structure (finding) 9705 Tenderness of joint (finding) DX139824 Tenderness of Tenderness of oral cavity temporomandibular joint on 9706 102820D structure (finding) DX195880 palpation? Tenderness of DX166277 Tendinitis (disorder) 9707 temporomandibular joint on DX167702 Tendon sheath structure palpation? DX154988 Tendon structure 9708 144123D Tendinitis (disorder) DX103649 Tendoperiostitis (disorder) 136286D Tendon sheath structure Tenosynovial giant cell tumor Tendon structure DX141028 (morphologic abnormality) 9709 Tendoperiostitis (disorder) DX183098 Tenosynovitis (disorder) Tenosynovial giant cell tumor Tension-type headache (disorder) 139824D (morphologic abnormality) DX137592 Tenosynovitis (disorder) DX156916 Teratoma? 9710 Tension-type headache (disorder) Teratoma, benign (morphologic DX156937 abnormality) 9711 195880D Test for Nikolsky's sign 9712 166277D DX170050 (procedure) 9713 167702D DX109301 Tetracycline (substance) 9714 154988D DX145985 Thalassemia (disorder) DX124526 Thalassemia major 103649D DX167804 Therapeutic drug effect (finding) DX141322 Therapy (regime/therapy) 9715 DX114578 Thermal burn (disorder) Thermal burn (morphologic 9716 141028D abnormality) 183098D 9717 Teratoma? Teratoma, benign (morphologic 9718 137592D abnormality) 156916D Test for Nikolsky's sign (procedure) 9719 Tetracycline (substance) Thalassemia (disorder) 156937D Thalassemia major Therapeutic drug effect (finding) 9720 Therapy (regime/therapy) Thermal burn (disorder) 9721 170050D Thermal burn (morphologic 9722 109301D abnormality) 9723 145985D 9724 124526D 9725 167804D 9726 141322D 114578D 9727 Page 401

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 147381D Thermal injury (morphologic DX147381 abnormality) 147492011 Thinking Thermal injury (morphologic 9728 Thick gingival margin to tooth 147494012 Reasoning DX140397 abnormality) restoration (disorder) 1234456014 Full thickness burn Thick gingival margin to tooth 140397D Thick sputum (finding) 174944017 DX139778 restoration (disorder) Thin alveolar housing (disorder) Third degree burn of buccal DX143865 Thick sputum (finding) 9729 Thin attached gingiva (disorder) mucosa DX158681 Thin alveolar housing (disorder) Thin sputum (finding) Third degree burn of cheek DX109270 Thin attached gingiva (disorder) 9730 139778D Thinking? Third degree burn of chin DX129198 Thin sputum (finding) 9731 143865D Thinking, function (observable DX129198 Thinking? 9732 158681D entity) Third degree burn of circumoral Thinking, function (observable 9733 109270D region DX147492011 entity) 9734 129198D Third degree burn injury DX147494012 Thinking (morphologic abnormality) DX117377 Reasoning 129198D Third degree burn injury Third degree burn of buccal DX1234456014 (morphologic abnormality) 9735 mucosa? DX106460 Full thickness burn Full thickness burn of buccal Third degree burn of buccal 9736 mucosa (disorder) DX106460 mucosa? Full thickness burn of buccal 9737 DX174944017 mucosa (disorder) Third degree burn of buccal 117377D DX128851 mucosa DX128851 Third degree burn of cheek? 9738 Full thickness burn of cheek DX174939012 (disorder) 9739 DX117440 Third degree burn of cheek DX117440 Third degree burn of chin? 106460D Full thickness burn of chin DX122111011 (disorder) 9740 DX142373 Third degree burn of chin Third degree burn of circumoral 106460D DX142373 region? Full thickness burn of circumoral 9741 DX174928014 region (disorder) Third degree burn of circumoral 9742 Third degree burn of cheek? 174939012 DX146080 region Full thickness burn of cheek 122111011 Third degree burn of ear? 9743 128851D (disorder) 174928014 128851D Third degree burn of chin? 9744 Full thickness burn of chin (disorder) 9745 Third degree burn of circumoral 9746 117440D region? 117440D Full thickness burn of circumoral region (disorder) 9747 9748 142373D 9749 142373D 9750 9751 Third degree burn of ear? 9752 146080D Page 402

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 146080D Full thickness burn of ear 60960012 Third degree burn of ear DX146080 (disorder) Full thickness burn of ear 9753 174934019 Third degree burn of forehead DX60960012 (disorder) Third degree burn of face, head DX131396 Third degree burn of ear 9754 AND/OR neck? 63630016 Third degree burn of neck Third degree burn of face, head Third degree burn of floor of 148574015 Third degree burn of nose DX140822 AND/OR neck? 131396D mouth (disorder) 1235474013 Full thickness burn of nose Third degree burn of floor of Third degree burn of forehead DX137366 mouth (disorder) 9755 Full thickness burn of forehead DX137366 Third degree burn of forehead (disorder) Full thickness burn of forehead 140822D DX174934019 (disorder) Third degree burn of forehead DX130104 Third degree burn of forehead 9756 AND/OR cheek? Third degree burn of forehead Third degree burn of hard palate DX114938 AND/OR cheek? 9757 137366D (disorder) Third degree burn of hard palate 137366D Third degree burn of labial DX113129 (disorder) mucosa (disorder) Third degree burn of labial 9758 Third degree burn of mandibular DX131493 mucosa (disorder) attached gingiva (disorder) Third degree burn of mandibular 9759 Third degree burn of mandibular DX132495 attached gingiva (disorder) vestibule (disorder) Third degree burn of mandibular 130104D Third degree burn of maxillary DX129961 vestibule (disorder) attached gingiva (disorder) Third degree burn of maxillary 9760 Third degree burn of maxillary DX116534 attached gingiva (disorder) vestibule (disorder) Third degree burn of maxillary 114938D Third degree burn of neck? DX129082 vestibule (disorder) Full thickness burn of neck DX129082 Third degree burn of neck? 9761 (disorder) Full thickness burn of neck 63630016 (disorder) 113129D Third degree burn of nose? DX109800 Third degree burn of neck Third degree burn of skin of nose DX109800 Third degree burn of nose? 9762 (disorder) Third degree burn of skin of nose 148574015 (disorder) 131493D Third degree burn of oropharynx DX1235474013 Third degree burn of nose (disorder) DX110086 Full thickness burn of nose 9763 Third degree burn of oropharynx (disorder) 132495D 9764 129961D 9765 116534D 9766 9767 129082D 129082D 9768 9769 9770 109800D 109800D 9771 9772 9773 110086D 9774 Page 403

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 118645D DX118645 Third degree burn of periorbital Third degree burn of periorbital 174914015 Third degree burn of periorbital region? 9775 region? region DX118645 Full thickness burn of periorbital Full thickness burn of periorbital region (disorder) 118645D region (disorder) DX174914015 Third degree burn of periorbital region 9776 DX139587 Third degree burn of preauricular region of face? 9777 Third degree burn of preauricular DX139587 Full thickness burn of preauricular region of face? region of face (disorder) 139587D Full thickness burn of preauricular region of face (disorder) Third degree burn of preauricular 9778 region of face Third degree burn of scalp? 139587D Full thickness burn of scalp (disorder) 9779 174919013 Third degree burn of preauricular DX174919013 Third degree burn of scalp region of face Third degree burn of soft palate 9780 Third degree burn of scalp? (disorder) Full thickness burn of scalp DX103271 Third degree burn of tongue? 9781 103271D (disorder) DX103271 Full thickness burn of tongue 103271D (disorder) 94319013 Third degree burn of scalp DX94319013 Third degree burn of tongue 9782 Third degree burn of soft palate DX144110 Third degree burn of tonsillar area (disorder) (disorder) 9783 Third degree burn of tongue? DX128164 Third molar region of oral cavity Full thickness burn of tongue DX128164 (body structure) 144110D (disorder) Three tooth surfaces (body Third degree burn of tongue DX174998018 structure) 9784 174998018 DX101803 Throat irritation (finding) Third degree burn of tonsillar area Thrombocytopenic disorder 9785 128164D (disorder) DX179005 Thrombocytopenia 128164D Third molar region of oral cavity Thrombocytopenic purpura (body structure) DX163294 (disorder) 9786 Three tooth surfaces (body Thrombosis (qualifier value) structure) Thrombocytopenia DX145890 Thrombosis of cavernous venous 9787 Throat irritation (finding) DX104502 sinus (disorder) Thrombocytopenic disorder DX1227080015 101803D DX129926 1227080015 9788 Thrombocytopenic purpura DX143910 (disorder) DX135552 179005D Thrombosis (qualifier value) Thrombosis of cavernous venous 9789 sinus (disorder) 163294D 9790 9791 145890D 9792 104502D 9793 129926D 9794 9795 143910D 135552D 9796 Page 404

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 127260D DX127260 Thrombotic disorder (navigational Thymoma Thrombotic disorder (navigational 9797 Thyroglossal tract DX121972 concept) concept) Thyroid crisis Thrombotic microangiopathy 121972D Thyroid storm DX108159 (disorder) Thrombotic microangiopathy Autoimmune thyrotoxicosis Thrombotic thrombocytopenic 9798 DX138434 purpura (disorder) (disorder) Thrombus (morphologic 108159D DX161393 abnormality) Thrombotic thrombocytopenic DX129770 Thumb sucking (finding) 9799 DX129770 Thymoma? purpura (disorder) Thymoma, no International 138434D DX207487011 Classification of Diseases for Thrombus (morphologic DX166086 Oncology subtype (morphologic 9800 DX112874 abnormality) abnormality) DX172587 Thymoma 9801 161393D DX172587 Thymus gland structure 9802 129770D Thumb sucking (finding) Thyroglossal duct cyst (disorder) DX3764924010 Thyroglossal tract? 129770D Thymoma? DX174248 Structure of thyroglossal duct DX148546 (body structure) 9803 Thymoma, no International DX48600017 Thyroglossal tract DX48599015 Thyroid structure 9804 Classification of Diseases for DX187800 Thyrotoxic crisis (disorder) DX150159 Thyroid crisis 9805 166086D Oncology subtype (morphologic DX120386 Thyroid storm 9806 112874D Thyrotoxic myopathy (disorder) 9807 172587D abnormality) DX355933018 Thyrotoxicosis (disorder) DX171958 Thyrotoxicosis due to Graves' 172587D 207487011 DX187653 disease (disorder) DX140730 Autoimmune thyrotoxicosis 9808 Thymus gland structure DX183606 Tic (finding) Tic disorder 9809 Thyroglossal duct cyst (disorder) DX131128 Tinnitus (finding) DX173598 Tinnitus of vascular origin 9810 174248D Thyroglossal tract? (disorder) 9811 148546D Tipping of tooth (finding) Structure of thyroglossal duct Tobacco (substance) 9812 (body structure) 9813 3764924010 9814 187800D 9815 150159D Thyroid structure 120386D Thyrotoxic crisis (disorder) 9816 48600017 9817 48599015 9818 171958D Thyrotoxic myopathy (disorder) 9819 187653D 9820 140730D Thyrotoxicosis (disorder) 183606D Thyrotoxicosis due to Graves' 9821 disease (disorder) 9822 131128D 355933018 9823 173598D Tic (finding) Tic disorder Tinnitus (finding) Tinnitus of vascular origin (disorder) Tipping of tooth (finding) Tobacco (substance) Page 405

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 187355D Extrinsic staining of tooth - DX187355 Tobacco dependence syndrome Tobacco dependence syndrome 511413011 tobacco (disorder) 9824 (disorder) DX142654 Tobacco deposit on teeth Tobacco deposit on teeth Congenital absence of tongue (disorder) 142654D (disorder) DX511413011 Extrinsic staining of tooth - tobacco 9825 DX166922 Tobacco smoke (substance) DX208631 Tobacco smoking consumption 9826 Tobacco smoke (substance) (observable entity) Tobacco smoking consumption DX170508 Tobacco use and exposure 9827 166922D (observable entity) (observable entity) 208631D Tobacco use and exposure DX175439 Tobacco use cessation education (observable entity) (procedure) 9828 Tobacco use cessation education DX104709 Tobacco user (finding) (procedure) DX183597 Tolosa-Hunt syndrome (disorder) 170508D Tobacco user (finding) DX120454 Tongue absent (disorder) Tolosa-Hunt syndrome (disorder) DX124204019 Congenital absence of tongue 9829 Tongue absent (disorder) DX105593 Tongue biting (disorder) DX113378 Tongue carcinoma (disorder) 175439D 124204019 DX108562 Tongue finding Tongue biting (disorder) DX126457 Tongue normal (finding) 9830 Tongue carcinoma (disorder) DX210722 Tongue posture (observable Tongue finding entity) 9831 104709D Tongue normal (finding) DX140439 Tongue structure (body structure) 9832 183597D Tongue posture (observable 9833 120454D entity) DX36871014 Tongue Tongue structure (body structure) DX148465 Tongue swallowing (finding) 9834 DX138971 Tongue swelling (finding) DX102104 Tongue symptoms (finding) 9835 105593D DX124278 Tongue thrust (observable entity) 9836 113378D 9837 108562D DX123744 Tongue thrusting (finding) 9838 126457D DX133102 Tongue thrusting when swallowing, abnormal persistence 210722D DX104296 beyond early childhood (finding) 9839 Tongue tie 140439D 9840 36871014 Tongue Tongue swallowing (finding) 9841 Tongue swelling (finding) Tongue symptoms (finding) 9842 148465D Tongue thrust (observable entity) 9843 138971D 9844 102104D 124278D 9845 Tongue thrusting (finding) Tongue thrusting when 9846 123744D swallowing, abnormal persistence 133102D beyond early childhood (finding) 9847 Tongue tie 9848 104296D Page 406

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 9849 112592010 Ankyloglossia DX112592010 Ankyloglossia DX174731 Tonsil and adenoid structure 9850 174731D Tonsil and adenoid structure DX106516 Tonsillar actinomycosis (disorder) 106516D Tonsillar actinomycosis (disorder) 9851 Tonsillar adenitis (disorder) 352108011 Tooth missing DX117280 Tonsillar adenitis (disorder) Tonsillar aspergillosis (disorder) 179239018 Tooth calcification DX138045 Tonsillar aspergillosis (disorder) 9852 117280D Tonsillar debris (disorder) DX138605 Tonsillar debris (disorder) 9853 138045D Tonsillar node (body structure) 352105014 Dental disease DX173514 Tonsillar node (body structure) 9854 138605D Tonsillar structure (palatine) 1231428015 Extract tooth DX138549 Tonsillar structure (palatine) 9855 173514D (body structure) 1231431019 Removal of tooth (body structure) Tonsillitis (disorder) DX136841 Tonsillitis (disorder) 138549D Tooth absent (finding) 42822016 Shedding of tooth DX100203 Tooth absent (finding) DX352108011 Tooth missing 9856 Tooth bud (body structure) DX125368 Tooth bud (body structure) Tooth calcification? DX118106 Tooth calcification? 9857 136841D Tooth calcification, function DX118106 Tooth calcification, function 9858 100203D (observable entity) (observable entity) DX179239018 Tooth calcification 9859 Tooth chattering (finding) DX107507 Tooth chattering (finding) Tooth crown fracture (disorder) DX114112 Tooth crown fracture (disorder) 9860 125368D Tooth development and eruption DX115420 Tooth development and eruption 9861 118106D disorder disorder Tooth disorder (disorder) DX102910 Tooth disorder (disorder) 118106D DX352105014 Dental disease Tooth erupted (finding) DX150035 Tooth erupted (finding) 9862 Tooth eruption disorder DX129665 Tooth eruption disorder Tooth extraction (procedure) DX169507 Tooth extraction (procedure) 9863 DX1231428015 Extract tooth Tooth fallen off denture (finding) DX1231431019 Removal of tooth 9864 107507D Tooth finding DX178416 Tooth fallen off denture (finding) 9865 114112D Tooth furcation (body structure) DX161236 Tooth finding Tooth in buccoversion (disorder) DX145508 Tooth furcation (body structure) 115420D Tooth in linguoversion (disorder) DX116872 Tooth in buccoversion (disorder) Tooth loss (finding) DX103612 Tooth in linguoversion (disorder) 9866 DX134204 Tooth loss (finding) Tooth malformation (disorder) DX42822016 Shedding of tooth 9867 102910D DX139208 Tooth malformation (disorder) 9868 9869 150035D 9870 129665D 9871 169507D 9872 9873 9874 178416D 9875 161236D 9876 145508D 9877 116872D 9878 103612D 9879 134204D 9880 9881 139208D Page 407

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 9882 148483D DX148483 Tooth migration? Tooth migration DX148483 Tooth migration? 148483D Tooth migration, function Tooth migration, function DX83340019 (observable entity) 9883 DX138717 Tooth migration (observable entity) DX138717 Tooth mineralization? 9884 Physiologic mineralization of 83340019 tooth, function (observable entity) 9885 138717D 138717D Tooth mineralization? Physiologic mineralization of tooth, function (observable entity) 9886 206718019 Tooth mineralization 206718019 Tooth mineralization Tooth mobility (observable entity) DX113559 Tooth mobility (observable entity) 9887 Tooth mobility - grade 1 (finding) DX116762 Tooth mobility - grade 1 (finding) Tooth mobility - grade 2 (finding) DX136123 Tooth mobility - grade 2 (finding) 9888 113559D Tooth mobility - grade 3 (finding) DX149641 Tooth mobility - grade 3 (finding) 9889 116762D Tooth partially erupted (finding) DX118759 Tooth partially erupted (finding) 9890 136123D Tooth presence (observable DX174474 Tooth presence (observable 9891 149641D entity) entity) 9892 118759D Tooth presence - finding? DX140366 Tooth presence - finding? Finding of tooth presence (finding) DX140366 Finding of tooth presence (finding) 174474D 9893 9894 140366D 140366D 9895 489734018 Tooth presence - finding DX489734018 Tooth presence - finding DX122639 Tooth present (finding) 9896 Tooth present (finding) DX149543 Tooth problem (finding) Tooth problem (finding) DX131035 Tooth restoration failure (finding) 9897 122639D Tooth restoration failure (finding) DX162711 Tooth ridge (body structure) 9898 149543D Tooth ridge (body structure) DX123480 Tooth root structure 9899 131035D Tooth root structure DX163202 Tooth root surface (body 9900 162711D Tooth root surface (body structure) 9901 123480D structure) DX105572 Tooth sensitivity at Tooth sensitivity at cementoenamel junction 163202D cementoenamel junction DX106661 (disorder) (disorder) Tooth sensitivity to brush or floss 9902 Tooth sensitivity to brush or floss DX108969 (disorder) (disorder) DX114328 Tooth sensitivity to cold 105572D Tooth sensitivity to cold DX101857 Tooth sensitivity to heat Tooth sensitivity to heat DX106172 Tooth sensitivity to palpation 9903 Tooth sensitivity to palpation Tooth sensitivity to pressure Tooth sensitivity to pressure 106661D 9904 9905 108969D 9906 114328D 9907 101857D 9908 106172D Page 408

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 111437D DX111437 Tooth size - dental arch length Tooth size - dental arch length 9909 DX158610 discrepancy (disorder) discrepancy (disorder) 158610D Tooth size discrepancy (disorder) Tooth size discrepancy (disorder) 9910 Tooth structure DX109317 Tooth structure K08.80 Toothache NOS Tooth surface DX162776 Tooth surface 9911 109317D Tooth tender? Dentifrice DX143221 Tooth tender? 9912 162776D Tooth tender to percussion? TORCH syndrome DX128058 Tooth tender to percussion? 9913 143221D Tooth unerupted (finding) DX110573 Tooth unerupted (finding) 9914 128058D Toothache (finding) DX131687 Toothache (finding) K10.00 Torus mandibularis 9915 110573D Toothpaste (substance) DX168932 Toothpaste (substance) K10.01 Torus palatinus 9916 131687D DX1230642014 Dentifrice 9917 168932D 1230642014 DX131279 Topical anesthetic? Topical anesthetic? DX134885 Topical anesthetic (substance) 9918 Topical anesthetic (substance) DX156835 TORCH syndrome? TORCH syndrome? DX156835 Toxoplasmosis, other infections, 9919 131279D Toxoplasmosis, other infections, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and 9920 134885D rubella, cytomegalovirus, and DX69525019 herpes simplex virus syndrome 9921 156835D herpes simplex virus syndrome DX107054 (disorder) (disorder) DX125126 TORCH syndrome 156835D DX111416 Torus (morphologic abnormality) 69525019 DX133852 Torus mandibularis (disorder) 9922 Torus (morphologic abnormality) Torus palatinus (disorder) Torus mandibularis (disorder) DX124557 Total anodontia of permanent and 9923 Torus palatinus (disorder) DX156874 deciduous teeth (disorder) Total anodontia of permanent and DX156890 Toxic effect of heavy metal? 9924 107054D deciduous teeth (disorder) DX122976 Toxic effect of lead compound? 9925 125126D Toxic effect of heavy metal? DX173386 Toxic effect of metal? 9926 111416D Toxic effect of lead compound? DX105194 Toxic parotitis (disorder) Toxic effect of metal? DX155054 Toxoplasma gondii (organism) 133852D Toxic parotitis (disorder) Toxoplasmosis (disorder) Toxoplasma gondii (organism) Trabecular juvenile ossifying 9927 Toxoplasmosis (disorder) fibroma (morphologic abnormality) Trabecular juvenile ossifying 9928 124557D fibroma (morphologic abnormality) 9929 156874D 9930 156890D 9931 122976D 9932 173386D 9933 105194D 155054D 9934 Tracheal structure DX167131 Tracheal structure Transfusion reaction due to serum DX185214 Transfusion reaction due to serum 9935 167131D protein reaction (disorder) protein reaction (disorder) 185214D 9936 Page 409

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term Serum sickness due to transfusion 3513176017 Serum sickness due to transfusion DX3513176017 Transient altered mental status 9937 Transient altered mental status Tongue torche DX182253 (finding) (finding) Transient infantile osteopetrosis 182253D Transient infantile osteopetrosis DX155077 (disorder) (disorder) Transient lingual papillitis 9938 Transient lingual papillitis DX210742 (disorder) (disorder) Tongue torche 155077D DX3526949013 Transient organic mental disorder 3526949013 DX182269 9939 Transient organic mental disorder Transient organic psychoses (disorder) 210742D Transient tic disorder Transitional cell carcinoma, 9940 spindle cell (morphologic abnormality) 9941 Transitional cell papilloma, inverted? 182269D Inverted transitional cell papilloma uncertain whether 9942 Transient organic psychoses Temporary DX187301 benign or malignant (morphologic (disorder) Transient abnormality) 187301D Transient tic disorder DX187669 Transitory (qualifier value) Transitional cell carcinoma, Soft tissue graft DX100235 Temporary 9943 spindle cell (morphologic Transient abnormality) DX149710 Transplantation (procedure) 9944 187669D Transitional cell papilloma, Transplanted soft tissues (body 100235D inverted? DX149710 structure) Inverted transitional cell Soft tissue graft 9945 papilloma uncertain whether DX169303 Transportation request benign or malignant (morphologic DX25156014 (procedure) 149710D abnormality) DX25155013 Transposition (morphologic Transitory (qualifier value) DX170740 abnormality) 9946 DX104685 Transposition - action (qualifier 25156014 value) 149710D 25155013 DX175394018 Transplantation (procedure) DX176377 9947 Transplanted soft tissues (body structure) DX140690 9948 169303D 175394018 Transportation request DX148068 9949 (procedure) 9950 Transposition (morphologic abnormality) 9951 170740D Transposition - action (qualifier 104685D value) 9952 9953 176377D 9954 140690D 9955 148068D 9956 Page 410

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 162753D DX162753 Transverse marginal ridge of Solitary bone cyst of jaw Transverse marginal ridge of 9957 Trauma DX185298 tooth (body structure) tooth (body structure) Angina bullosa hemorrhagica Transverse myelopathy syndrome 185298D DX176472 (disorder) Transverse myelopathy syndrome Trauma emergency hospital 9958 DX155927 admission (procedure) (disorder) DX166174 Traumatic abnormality? 176472D DX140603 Traumatic acquired absence? Trauma emergency hospital Traumatic arthritis of the 9959 DX169684 temporomandibular joint admission (procedure) DX129919 (disorder) 9960 155927D Traumatic blister? 9961 166174D Traumatic abnormality? DX143115 Traumatic blister of mouth (disorder) 140603D Traumatic acquired absence? DX3677849015 Traumatic bone cyst of jaw DX150377 (disorder) 9962 Traumatic arthritis of the Solitary bone cyst of jaw DX171240 Traumatic closed dislocation of 9963 169684D temporomandibular joint DX149185 temporomandibular joint 129919D (disorder) (disorder) DX145273 Traumatic dislocation? 9964 DX165975 Traumatic dislocation of Traumatic blister? DX2554146015 temporomandibular joint 143115D DX184384 (disorder) Traumatic blister of mouth Traumatic granuloma? 9965 DX110310 Traumatic injury (disorder) (disorder) Trauma 9966 DX144217 Traumatic injury of abducens Traumatic bone cyst of jaw nerve (disorder) K09.21 Solitary bone [traumatic] 150377D DX119796 Traumatic myositis ossificans [haemorrhagic] cyst (disorder) DX107524 (disorder) 9967 DX352223011 Traumatic neuroma (morphologic 3677849015 abnormality) 9968 171240D Traumatic neuroma (disorder) 149185D Traumatic closed dislocation of Traumatic oral hemorrhagic bulla Angina bullosa hemorrhagica 9969 temporomandibular joint 9970 145273D (disorder) 9971 165975D Traumatic dislocation? 9972 Traumatic dislocation of 184384D temporomandibular joint 9973 (disorder) 110310D Traumatic granuloma? 9974 Traumatic injury (disorder) 144217D 2554146015 9975 Traumatic injury of abducens 9976 119796D 9977 107524D nerve (disorder) 9978 Traumatic myositis ossificans (disorder) Traumatic neuroma (morphologic abnormality) Traumatic neuroma (disorder) Traumatic oral hemorrhagic bulla 352223011 Page 411

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 108455D DX108455 Traumatic oral ulceration Eosinophilic ulcer of tongue Traumatic oral ulceration K12.04 Traumatic ulcer 9979 Mandibulofacial dysostosis DX199470 (disorder) (disorder) DX146917 Traumatic overbite (disorder) 9980 199470D DX107613 Traumatic petechiae (disorder) 9981 146917D Traumatic overbite (disorder) DX209687 Traumatic ulcer? 9982 107613D DX114290 Traumatic ulcer (disorder) 9983 209687D Traumatic petechiae (disorder) DX133380 Traumatic ulcer of oral mucosa 9984 114290D DX109533 Traumatic ulceration of tongue 9985 133380D Traumatic ulcer? Traumatic ulcerative granuloma DX1787759018 of tongue with stromal 109533D Traumatic ulcer (disorder) DX115611 eosinophilia (disorder) DX185850 Eosinophilic ulcer of tongue 9986 Traumatic ulcer of oral mucosa DX146718 Traumatized incisor (disorder) Traveler's diarrhea (disorder) 9987 Traumatic ulceration of tongue DX136346019 Treacher Collins syndrome DX179521 (disorder) 9988 115611D Traumatic ulcerative granuloma DX179794 Mandibulofacial dysostosis 9989 185850D DX179235 Treatment changed (situation) of tongue with stromal Treatment completed (situation) 146718D DX179940 Treatment delay - patient choice eosinophilia (disorder) DX179424 (finding) 9990 Treatment given (situation) 1787759018 Treatment not available (situation) 9991 Traumatized incisor (disorder) 9992 179521D 9993 179794D Traveler's diarrhea (disorder) 179235D Treacher Collins syndrome 9994 (disorder) 9995 179940D 136346019 179424D Treatment changed (situation) Treatment completed (situation) Treatment delay - patient choice (finding) Treatment given (situation) Treatment not available (situation) 9996 Treatment not indicated (situation) DX179469 Treatment not indicated (situation) 179469D 9997 Treatment not tolerated (situation) DX179482 Treatment not tolerated (situation) 179482D 9998 Treatment pain (finding) DX122660 Treatment pain (finding) Treatment required for (contextual DX116506 Treatment required for (contextual 9999 122660D qualifier) (qualifier value) qualifier) (qualifier value) 116506D 10000 Treponema pallidum (organism) DX168501 Treponema pallidum (organism) Treponema pallidum ss. pertenue DX167862 Treponema pallidum ss. pertenue 10001 168501D 167862D 10002 Trichilemmal cyst (morphologic DX102094 Trichilemmal cyst (morphologic abnormality) abnormality) 102094D 10003 Page 412

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 10004 108354D DX108354 Trichilemmal cyst (disorder) 10005 140350D Trichilemmal cyst (disorder) DX140350 Trichilemmoma (disorder) Trichilemmoma (disorder) DX129727 Trichilemmoma (morphologic 129727D Trichilemmoma (morphologic abnormality) abnormality) DX167509 Trichinella spiralis (organism) 10006 Trichinella spiralis (organism) DX144771 Tricho-dento-osseous syndrome Tricho-dento-osseous syndrome (disorder) 10007 167509D (disorder) DX139713 Trichoepithelioma (disorder) 144771D Trichoepithelioma (disorder) DX139375 Trichoepithelioma (morphologic Trichoepithelioma (morphologic abnormality) 10008 abnormality) DX118020 Trifid tongue (disorder) Trifid tongue (disorder) DX140456 Trifurcation of tooth? 10009 139713D Trifurcation of tooth? DX183274 Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia 139375D Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia (disorder) (disorder) DX183532 Trigeminal nerve disorder 10010 Trigeminal nerve disorder DX183521 Trigeminal nerve motor disorder Trigeminal nerve motor disorder DX183513 Trigeminal nerve sensory disorder 10011 118020D Trigeminal nerve sensory disorder 10012 140456D DX173703 Trigeminal nerve structure DX122035 Trigeminal neuralgia (disorder) 183274D DX107927 Trigonocephaly (disorder) DX168248 Trilobed structure (morphologic 10013 abnormality) DX126691 Trismus (finding) 10014 183532D DX127740 Trombone tongue (finding) 10015 183521D DX187816 Troyer syndrome (disorder) DX110220 True generalized microdontia 183513D (disorder) DX110778 Tuberculate supernumerary tooth 10016 Trigeminal nerve structure (disorder) G50.0 Trigeminal neuralgia Trigeminal neuralgia (disorder) DX134742 Tuberculoid leprosy (disorder) 10017 173703D Trigonocephaly (disorder) DX114080 Tuberculosis (disorder) 10018 122035D Trilobed structure (morphologic DX105834 Tuberculosis orificialis of mouth 10019 107927D abnormality) DX127554 Tuberculum paramolare (disorder) Trismus (finding) 168248D Trombone tongue (finding) DX142244 Tuberous sclerosis syndrome Troyer syndrome (disorder) (disorder) 10020 True generalized microdontia (disorder) 10021 126691D Tuberculate supernumerary tooth 10022 127740D (disorder) 10023 187816D Tuberculoid leprosy (disorder) Tuberculosis (disorder) 110220D Tuberculosis orificialis of mouth Tuberculum paramolare (disorder) 10024 110778D 10025 10026 134742D 10027 114080D 10028 105834D 127554D 10029 Tuberous sclerosis syndrome (disorder) 142244D 10030 Page 413

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 131781D DX131781 Tumor of anterior floor of mouth Tumor of anterior floor of mouth 10031 (disorder) DX150417 (disorder) Tumor of anterior two-thirds of Tumor of anterior two-thirds of 150417D tongue - ventral surface DX145389 tongue - ventral surface Tumor of buccal sulcus DX144582 Tumor of buccal sulcus 10032 Tumor of frenum linguae DX120145 Tumor of frenum linguae Tumor of frenum of lip DX144650 Tumor of frenum of lip 10033 145389D Tumor of labial mucosa DX129356 Tumor of labial mucosa 10034 144582D Tumor of labial sulcus DX114756 Tumor of labial sulcus 10035 120145D Tumor of lateral floor of mouth DX143025 Tumor of lateral floor of mouth 10036 144650D Tumor of lower labial mucosa DX147663 Tumor of lower labial mucosa 10037 129356D Tumor of oral cavity DX116961 Tumor of oral cavity 10038 114756D Tumor of salivary gland DX129228 Tumor of salivary gland 10039 143025D Tumor of submandibular gland DX186574 Tumor of submandibular gland 10040 147663D Turner syndrome (disorder) DX126754 Turner syndrome (disorder) 10041 116961D Turner's tooth (disorder) DX163740 Turner's tooth (disorder) 10042 129228D Two tooth surfaces (body Two tooth surfaces (body 10043 186574D structure) DX101772 structure) 10044 126754D Tympanic plexus neuralgia Tympanic plexus neuralgia syndrome (disorder) DX175321 syndrome (disorder) 163740D Type 1 diabetes mellitus? DX175321 Type 1 diabetes mellitus? Diabetes mellitus type 1 (disorder) Diabetes mellitus type 1 (disorder) 10045 101772D 10046 10047 175321D 175321D 10048 197984010 Type 1 diabetes mellitus DX197984010 Type 1 diabetes mellitus Type 1 hypersensitivity response DX168749 Type 1 hypersensitivity response 10049 (disorder) (disorder) Type 2 diabetes mellitus DX174899 Type 2 diabetes mellitus 168749D Diabetes mellitus type 2 (disorder) DX174899 Diabetes mellitus type 2 (disorder) 10050 10051 174899D 174899D 10052 197761014 Type 2 diabetes mellitus DX197761014 Type 2 diabetes mellitus Type B viral hepatitis? DX185687 Type B viral hepatitis? 10053 Viral hepatitis type B (disorder) Type B viral hepatitis DX185687 Viral hepatitis type B (disorder) Hepatitis B infection DX109732019 Type B viral hepatitis 10054 185687D 109732019 DX2536443012 Hepatitis B infection 10055 185687D 2536443012 DX189114 Type I bone height of edentulous Type I bone height of edentulous mandible (finding) 10056 mandible (finding) 10057 189114D 10058 Page 414

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 189102D DX189102 Type II bone height of edentulous Oral ulcer Type II bone height of edentulous 10059 Gingival ulceration DX189095 mandible (finding) mandible (finding) Type III bone height of edentulous 189095D DX189082 mandible (finding) Type III bone height of edentulous Type IV bone height of 10060 DX131464 edentulous mandible (finding) mandible (finding) DX175186 Ulcer 189082D DX180856 Ulcer Type IV bone height of DX125933 Ulcer of buccal mucosa 10061 DX44019015 Ulcer of mouth edentulous mandible (finding) DX121929 Oral ulcer 10062 131464D DX110628 Ulcer of palate (disorder) 10063 175186D Ulcer DX129935 Ulcer of tonsil 10064 180856D DX119305 Ulcer on tongue 10065 125933D Ulcer Ulcerated oral leukoplakia DX146316 (disorder) 10066 Ulcer of buccal mucosa DX118348017 Ulceration of gingivae (disorder) DX146363 Gingival ulceration 10067 121929D Ulcer of mouth DX130060 Ulcerative colitis (disorder) 10068 110628D DX169110 Ulcerative gingivitis (disorder) 10069 129935D 44019015 Ulcerative inflammation DX111686 (morphologic abnormality) 119305D Ulcer of palate (disorder) DX172404 Ulcerative stomatitis (disorder) Ultraviolet radiation (physical 10070 Ulcer of tonsil DX174419 force) DX173918 Umbilical structure 10071 146316D Ulcer on tongue DX126488 Unable (qualifier value) DX147905 Unable to chew (finding) 10072 Ulcerated oral leukoplakia Unable to clear mouth of residue DX126063 (finding) 10073 146363D (disorder) Uncompensated sensory deficit 10074 130060D DX119720 (finding) Ulceration of gingivae (disorder) Uncomplicated tooth crown and 169110D DX109735 root fracture (disorder) 118348017 Uncomplicated tooth crown 10075 fracture (disorder) Ulcerative colitis (disorder) 10076 111686D 172404D Ulcerative gingivitis (disorder) K05.12 Ulcerative 10077 Ulcerative inflammation 10078 174419D (morphologic abnormality) 10079 173918D 10080 126488D Ulcerative stomatitis (disorder) 147905D Ultraviolet radiation (physical 10081 force) 126063D Umbilical structure 10082 Unable (qualifier value) 119720D Unable to chew (finding) 10083 Unable to clear mouth of residue 109735D (finding) 10084 Uncompensated sensory deficit (finding) Uncomplicated tooth crown and root fracture (disorder) Uncomplicated tooth crown fracture (disorder) Page 415

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 154612D DX154612 Undifferentiated carcinoma of Polyarthritis Undifferentiated carcinoma of 10085 DX122365 nasal sinus (disorder) nasal sinus (disorder) Atypical schizophrenia Undifferentiated inflammatory 122365D Solitary bone cyst DX2554001018 polyarthritis (disorder) Undifferentiated inflammatory Traumatic bone cyst DX156944 Polyarthritis 10086 Undifferentiated nonkeratinizing polyarthritis (disorder) DX155168 carcinoma of nasopharynx 10087 (disorder) 2554001018 DX182881 Undifferentiated nonkeratinizing 156944D squamous cell carcinoma Undifferentiated nonkeratinizing DX1219653018 (morphologic abnormality) 10088 DX114993 Undifferentiated schizophrenia carcinoma of nasopharynx (disorder) 155168D DX188586018 Atypical schizophrenia (disorder) DX188587010 Unicameral bone cyst 10089 DX187837 (morphologic abnormality) Undifferentiated nonkeratinizing Solitary bone cyst 182881D DX140977 Traumatic bone cyst squamous cell carcinoma Unicoronal craniosynostosis 10090 DX181961 (disorder) (morphologic abnormality) DX118697 Unicystic ameloblastoma 10091 DX149995 (morphologic abnormality) Undifferentiated schizophrenia Unilateral agenesis of kidney? 114993D DX123737 Unilateral cleft hard palate? (disorder) DX127565 Unilateral cleft hard palate with 10092 DX112013 cleft lip? 1219653018 DX118319 Unilateral cleft lip? 10093 Unilateral cleft of primary palate? Unicameral bone cyst DX119092 Unilateral complete cleft lip? 10094 DX114794 Unilateral complete cleft lip (morphologic abnormality) and/or alveolus? 187837D DX114098 Unilateral complete cleft palate? 188586018 Unilateral complete cleft palate 10095 with cleft lip? 188587010 Unilateral condylar hyperplasia of 140977D mandible? Unicoronal craniosynostosis 10096 (disorder) 10097 181961D 10098 118697D Unicystic ameloblastoma 149995D (morphologic abnormality) 10099 Unilateral agenesis of kidney? 10100 123737D Unilateral cleft hard palate? 10101 127565D 10102 112013D Unilateral cleft hard palate with 118319D cleft lip? 10103 Unilateral cleft lip? 10104 119092D Unilateral cleft of primary palate? 114794D Unilateral complete cleft lip? 10105 Unilateral complete cleft lip 114098D and/or alveolus? 10106 Unilateral complete cleft palate? Unilateral complete cleft palate with cleft lip? Unilateral condylar hyperplasia of mandible? Page 416

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 111025D DX111025 Unilateral condylar mandibular Unilateral condylar mandibular hypoplasia? 10107 hypoplasia? DX148243 Unilateral congenital Unilateral congenital macrostomia? 148243D macrostomia? DX150100 Unilateral coronoid hyperplasia of Unilateral coronoid hyperplasia of mandible? 10108 mandible? DX118958 Unilateral coronoid hypoplasia of Unilateral coronoid hypoplasia of mandible? 150100D mandible? DX161166 Unilateral headache (finding) Unilateral headache (finding) DX121495 Unilateral incomplete cleft lip? 10109 Unilateral incomplete cleft lip? DX120941 Unilateral incomplete cleft lip Unilateral incomplete cleft lip and/or alveolus? 118958D and/or alveolus? DX104882 Unilateral incomplete cleft palate? Unilateral incomplete cleft palate? 10110 DX106657 Unilateral incomplete cleft palate with cleft lip? 10111 161166D DX107792 Unilateral paralysis of tongue? 10112 121495D DX183242 Unilateral shortlasting neuralgiform pain with 120941D DX179448 conjunctival injection and tearing syndrome? 10113 DX115243 Uninsured medical expenses DX107825 (finding) 104882D Unknown (origin) (qualifier value) DX121938 Unpleasant taste in mouth 10114 Unilateral incomplete cleft palate (finding) with cleft lip? DX113795 Unrealistic dental phobia (finding) 106657D Unilateral paralysis of tongue? Unilateral shortlasting DX194725 Unrealistic expectation from 10115 neuralgiform pain with treatment (finding) conjunctival injection and tearing DX167623 Upper airway resistance 10116 107792D syndrome? syndrome (disorder) 183242D Uninsured medical expenses DX116736 Upper alveolar ridge structure (finding) DX171894 (body structure) 10117 Unknown (origin) (qualifier value) Upper dental arch structure Unpleasant taste in mouth Upper digestive tract structure 179448D (finding) Unrealistic dental phobia (finding) 10118 10119 115243D 107825D 10120 121938D 10121 Unrealistic expectation from treatment (finding) 113795D Upper airway resistance syndrome (disorder) 10122 Upper alveolar ridge structure (body structure) 194725D Upper dental arch structure Upper digestive tract structure 10123 167623D 10124 10125 116736D 10126 171894D Page 417

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 170963D DX170963 Upper gastrointestinal tract 483122010 Uvula Upper gastrointestinal tract 10127 structure 491831018 Chicken pox DX174615 structure Upper jaw region structure DX135935 Upper jaw region structure 10128 174615D Upper lip structure DX183022 Upper lip structure 10129 135935D Upper motor neuron disease Upper motor neuron disease (disorder) DX167756 (disorder) 183022D Upper respiratory tract structure DX185866 Upper respiratory tract structure Upset stomach (finding) DX172882 Upset stomach (finding) 10130 Urea (substance) DX118480 Urea (substance) Uremic breath (finding) DX129259 Uremic breath (finding) 10131 167756D Uremic stomatitis (disorder) DX186588 Uremic stomatitis (disorder) 10132 185866D Urinary incontinence (finding) DX167344 Urinary incontinence (finding) 10133 172882D Urinary system structure DX186590 Urinary system structure 10134 118480D Urinary tract infectious disease Urinary tract infectious disease 10135 129259D (disorder) DX166692 (disorder) 10136 186588D Urticaria (morphologic Urticaria (morphologic 10137 167344D abnormality) DX209048 abnormality) User of smokeless tobacco User of smokeless tobacco 186590D (finding) DX105426 (finding) Uvula palatina structure DX483122010 Uvula palatina structure 10138 DX138148 Uvula DX120150 Uvula tag (finding) 166692D DX138452 Uvulitis (disorder) Van der Woude syndrome 10139 DX179177 (disorder) DX123152 Variable income (finding) 209048D DX491831018 Varicella (disorder) DX124087 Chicken pox 10140 Varicella-zoster virus infection DX131159 (disorder) 10141 105426D DX171199 Varix (morphologic abnormality) DX123613 Vascular structure of head 10142 Uvula tag (finding) DX185312 Vascular tongue (disorder) Uvulitis (disorder) DX147470 Vasculitis (disorder) 10143 138148D Van der Woude syndrome DX107152 Vasovagal syncope (finding) 10144 120150D (disorder) Venous hemangioma Variable income (finding) (morphologic abnormality) 138452D Varicella (disorder) 10145 10146 179177D 10147 123152D 10148 Varicella-zoster virus infection (disorder) 124087D Varix (morphologic abnormality) Vascular structure of head 10149 Vascular tongue (disorder) Vasculitis (disorder) 10150 131159D Vasovagal syncope (finding) 10151 171199D Venous hemangioma 10152 123613D (morphologic abnormality) 10153 185312D 10154 147470D 107152D 10155 Page 418

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 10156 113004D Venous malformation (disorder) 50688018 10157 170153D Venous structure DX113004 Venous malformation (disorder) Verruca (morphologic 623431019 DX170153 Venous structure 170596D abnormality) 2912488016 DX170596 Verruca (morphologic 2985859013 abnormality) 10158 Verruca vulgaris (disorder) Wart DX50688018 Wart Verruca vulgaris of skin of cheek DX119346 Verruca vulgaris (disorder) 10159 Verruciform xanthoma DX180697 Verruca vulgaris of skin of cheek (morphologic abnormality) DX113350 Verruciform xanthoma 10160 119346D Verruciform xanthoma of oral (morphologic abnormality) 10161 180697D mucous membrane (disorder) DX187885 Verruciform xanthoma of oral Verruciform xanthoma of skin mucous membrane (disorder) 113350D Verrucous (qualifier value) DX197605 Verruciform xanthoma of skin Verrucous carcinoma DX106983 Verrucous (qualifier value) 10162 (morphologic abnormality) DX149589 Verrucous carcinoma Verrucous carcinoma of oral (morphologic abnormality) 187885D cavity (disorder) DX136008 Verrucous carcinoma of oral Verrucous hyperplasia of oral cavity (disorder) 10163 mucosa (disorder) DX138916 Verrucous hyperplasia of oral Verrucous oral leukoplakia mucosa (disorder) 10164 197605D Verucous leukoplakia DX132453 Verrucous oral leukoplakia 10165 106983D Vertical alveolar bone loss DX623431019 Verucous leukoplakia (disorder) DX123012 Vertical alveolar bone loss 149589D (disorder) Vertical fracture of root of tooth Vertical alveolar ridge deficiency DX2912488016 Vertical alveolar ridge deficiency 10166 (disorder) DX100257 Vertical fracture of root of tooth Vertical fracture of tooth (disorder) 136008D extending into pulp of tooth DX180991 Vertical fracture of tooth (disorder) extending into pulp of tooth 10167 (disorder) Vertical tooth fracture with pulp 138916D involvement Vertical fracture of tooth without 10168 pulp involvement (disorder) Vertical maxillary excess 10169 132453D (disorder) Vertical overbite (disorder) 10170 123012D 10171 10172 100257D 10173 180991D 10174 10175 Vertical tooth fracture with pulp DX2985859013 involvement DX180989 180989D Vertical fracture of tooth without DX157333 10176 pulp involvement (disorder) Vertical maxillary excess DX143820 157333D (disorder) Vertical overbite (disorder) 10177 10178 143820D Page 419

AB C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 143382D Vesicle (morphologic abnormality) DX143382 Vesicle (morphologic abnormality) 10179 Vesicoureteric reflux (disorder) Bullous inflammation DX186601 Vesicoureteric reflux (disorder) Vesicular inflammation DX170499 Vesicular inflammation 10180 186601D (morphologic abnormality) Viral hepatitis C (morphologic abnormality) 170499D Vitamin B deficiency DX119804010 Bullous inflammation 119804010 Glossitis due to vitamin B12 DX149074 Vesicular pharyngitis (disorder) 10181 Vesicular pharyngitis (disorder) deficiency DX174636 Vesicular rash morphologic Vesicular rash morphologic abnormality) 10182 abnormality) DX105173 Vesicular stomatitis (disorder) Vesicular stomatitis (disorder) DX194612 Vesicular stomatitis Indiana virus 10183 149074D Vesicular stomatitis Indiana virus disease (disorder) 174636D disease (disorder) DX169763 Vesiculobullous rash Vesiculobullous rash (morphologic abnormality) 10184 (morphologic abnormality) DX155238 Vesiculoerosive lesion (disorder) Vesiculoerosive lesion (disorder) DX172573 Vestibular nerve structure 10185 105173D Vestibular nerve structure DX124896 Vestigial cyst (morphologic 194612D Vestigial cyst (morphologic abnormality) abnormality) DX144927 Victim of abuse (finding) 10186 Victim of abuse (finding) DX122312 Vincent's disease (disorder) Vincent's disease (disorder) DX129575 Viral disease (disorder) 169763D Viral disease (disorder) DX167760 Viral encephalitis (disorder) Viral encephalitis (disorder) DX182044 Viral gastroenteritis (disorder) 10187 Viral gastroenteritis (disorder) DX140814 Viral hepatitis C? Viral hepatitis C? DX140814 Viral hepatitis type C (disorder) 10188 155238D Viral hepatitis type C (disorder) DX84513012 Viral hepatitis C 10189 172573D DX185673 Viral hepatitis, type A (disorder) 84513012 DX131625 Viral pharyngitis (disorder) 124896D Viral hepatitis, type A (disorder) DX144446 Viral wart on lip (disorder) Viral pharyngitis (disorder) DX174426 Virus (organism) 10190 Viral wart on lip (disorder) DX197715 Vitamin B deficiency? Virus (organism) DX197715 Cobalamin deficiency (disorder) 10191 144927D Vitamin B deficiency? DX293008012 Vitamin B deficiency 10192 122312D Cobalamin deficiency (disorder) DX112084 Vitamin B12 deficiency glossitis 10193 129575D (disorder) 10194 167760D 293008012 DX1787756013 Glossitis due to vitamin B12 10195 182044D Vitamin B12 deficiency glossitis deficiency 10196 140814D (disorder) 10197 140814D 1787756013 10198 10199 185673D 10200 131625D 10201 144446D 10202 174426D 10203 197715D 10204 197715D 10205 112084D 10206 10207 Page 420

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 136530D DX136530 Vitamin C deficiency anemia Vitamin C deficiency anemia Anemia due to scurvy (disorder) 10208 DX293963015 Anemia due to scurvy (disorder) DX168016 Vitamin deficiency (disorder) 10209 DX185320 Vitiligo (disorder) 293963015 DX181510 Volume loss of lip (finding) 10210 168016D DX150440 Voluntary body piercing (life style) 10211 185320D Vitamin deficiency (disorder) 10212 181510D Voluntary body tattooing (life style) Vitiligo (disorder) 150440D Vomer bone structure Volume loss of lip (finding) Vomeronasal organ structure Vomero-premaxillary Voluntary body piercing (life style) faciosynostosis (disorder) Vomiting (disorder) 10213 Voluntary body tattooing (life style) DX135942 Vomiting associated with other psychological disturbances 135942D (disorder) von Willebrand disorder 10214 Vomer bone structure DX172462 Warthin's tumor of parotid gland? Vomeronasal organ structure DX156701 Adenolymphoma of parotid gland 10215 172462D Vomero-premaxillary DX105461 (disorder) 10216 156701D faciosynostosis (disorder) Warthin's tumor of parotid gland Vomiting (disorder) DX182037 Warty dyskeratoma 105461D Vomiting associated with other DX193505 Warty dyskeratoma (morphologic psychological disturbances abnormality) 10217 (disorder) DX156842 Isolated keratosis follicularis von Willebrand disorder DX180621 Watery sputum (finding) 10218 182037D Warthin's tumor of parotid gland? DX180621 Weal (finding) 193505D Adenolymphoma of parotid gland Hives (disorder) Warthin's tumor of parotid gland DX2899414016 Urticarial rash 10219 DX143104 Wedge defect of teeth (disorder) 2899414016 DX105037 Wegener's granulomatosis of 10220 156842D Warty dyskeratoma gingivae? 10221 180621D Warty dyskeratoma (morphologic Isolated keratosis follicularis DX37804011 Granulomatosis with polyangiitis abnormality) DX136238 of gingiva (disorder) 180621D Hives DX193985 37804011 Urticarial rash DX369546013 10222 Watery sputum (finding) DX369545012 Weal (finding) DX149019 10223 DX119380 369546013 10224 143104D 369545012 DX119380 105037D Wedge defect of teeth (disorder) Wegener's granulomatosis of 10225 gingivae? Granulomatosis with polyangiitis 10226 of gingiva (disorder) 10227 136238D 10228 193985D 10229 10230 10231 149019D 119380D 10232 119380D 10233 Page 421

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 133921D Wegener's granulomatosis with DX133921 Wegener's granulomatosis with 10234 multisystem involvement? multisystem involvement? Wegener's syndrome, limited 117884D form? Wegener's syndrome, limited DX117884 Werdnig-Hoffmann disease 10235 (disorder) form? Infantile spinal muscular atrophy 129179D Whipple's disease (disorder) Werdnig-Hoffmann disease DX129179 Intestinal lipodystrophy 10236 White blood cell finding (disorder) White patches on oral mucosa 10237 (finding) 107018015 Infantile spinal muscular atrophy DX107018015 White sponge nevus? 10238 185884D Intestinal lipodystrophy DX185884 White sponge nevus of mucosa Whipple's disease (disorder) DX69295010 (disorder) 10239 DX171008 White sponge nevus 69295010 DX118008 White sputum (finding) 10240 171008D Wickham striae (finding) 118008D White blood cell finding Wickham's striae in lichen planus (disorder) 10241 White patches on oral mucosa Widened periodontal ligament space (disorder) 10242 125399D (finding) Widening (morphologic 125399D abnormality) White sponge nevus? DX125399 Width of canine tooth (observable 10243 DX125399 entity) White sponge nevus of mucosa Width of molar tooth (observable 10244 entity) (disorder) Width of periodontal ligament 10245 124245D (observable entity) 10246 134150D 1477191013 White sponge nevus DX1477191013 Wilson's disease (disorder) DX124245 Copper storage disease 118199D White sputum (finding) DX134150 Hepatocerebral degeneration DX118199 Wood splinter foreign body 10247 Wickham striae (finding) (morphologic abnormality) Wood splinter in mouth (disorder) 135736D Wickham's striae in lichen planus 10248 (disorder) 171238D Widened periodontal ligament DX135736 10249 space (disorder) 188736D Widening (morphologic DX171238 10250 abnormality) 188742D Width of canine tooth (observable DX188736 10251 entity) 188756D Width of molar tooth (observable DX188742 10252 entity) 10253 185464D Width of periodontal ligament DX188756 10254 (observable entity) 10255 Wilson's disease (disorder) DX185464 DX146762014 167067D 146762014 Copper storage disease DX508067014 Hepatocerebral degeneration DX167067 10256 508067014 123201D Wood splinter foreign body (morphologic abnormality) Wood splinter in mouth (disorder) DX123201 10257 Page 422

AB C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term Woody tongue (disorder) 10258 189610D Woody tongue (disorder) 3046119012 DX189610 Woody tongue of Ludwig's angina Woody tongue of Ludwig's angina DX3046119012 Working diagnosis (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value) 10259 Working diagnosis (contextual DX107335 Working interference functional qualifier) (qualifier value) occlusion (finding) 107335D Working interference functional DX158363 Worth disease (disorder) occlusion (finding) Autosomal dominant 10260 Worth disease (disorder) DX106674 osteosclerosis DX378302010 Wound (morphologic abnormality) 158363D 378302010 Autosomal dominant osteosclerosis DX171031 Wound granuloma (finding) 10261 Wrinkle (morphologic abnormality) Wound (morphologic abnormality) 10262 106674D Xanthomatous deposition (morphologic abnormality) 10263 Xanthelasma Xeroderma pigmentosum 171031D (disorder) Kaposi dermatosis 10264 Wound granuloma (finding) DX120774 Xerostomia (disorder) Wrinkle (morphologic abnormality) DX174173 X-ray diagnosis (contextual 10265 120774D qualifier) (qualifier value) 174173D Yellow sputum (finding) Zimmermann-Laband syndrome 10266 Xanthomatous deposition Xanthelasma DX101097 disorder) K11.71 Xerostomia (morphologic abnormality) Kaposi dermatosis Zollinger-Ellison syndrome 101097D DX125554019 (disorder) 125554019 Excessive gastrin secretion DX120412 Excessive gastrin secretion 10267 Xeroderma pigmentosum Zoster sine herpete (disorder) (disorder) DX74404015 Zygo-auro-mandibular dysostosis? 10268 DX138508 74404015 DX136451 Zygomatic arch structure 120412D Xerostomia (disorder) Zygomatic bone structure X-ray diagnosis (contextual DX134987 Zygomatic structure? 10269 qualifier) (qualifier value) DX155374 Yellow sputum (finding) 10270 Zimmermann-Laband syndrome DX185897 disorder) 10271 138508D Zollinger-Ellison syndrome DX1231190012 136451D (disorder) DX155388 DX149116 10272 1231190012 Zoster sine herpete (disorder) 10273 134987D Zygo-auro-mandibular dysostosis? 155374D 10274 185897D 10275 10276 10277 155388D 149116D 10278 Zygomatic arch structure DX168461 Zygomatic bone structure DX166093 10279 168461D Zygomatic structure? DX166882 10280 166093D 10281 166882D Page 423

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 166882D Structure of os zygomaticum DX166882 and/or arcus zygomaticus (body 2534949015 Zygomatic structure Structure of os zygomaticum 10282 structure) DX2534949015 and/or arcus zygomaticus (body 10283 2666308019 Zygomycetes DX102883 structure) Zygomatic tripod DX166310 Zygomatic structure 10284 102883D Zygomycetes? DX166310 Zygomatic tripod 10285 166310D Class Zygomycetes (organism) DX2666308019 Zygomycetes? 10286 166310D DX102136 Class Zygomycetes (organism) Zygomycosis DX212168 Zygomycetes 10287 Close up photographic view of Zygomycosis teeth with no set magnification or DX212152 Close up photographic view of 10288 102136D distance (record artifact) teeth with no set magnification or 212168D Mirrored photographic image of DX212154 distance (record artifact) teeth corrected flipped Mirrored photographic image of 10289 horizontally (record artifact) DX212156 teeth corrected flipped Mirrored photographic image of horizontally (record artifact) 212152D teeth corrected flipped vertically Mirrored photographic image of (record artifact) teeth corrected flipped vertically 10290 Mirrored photographic image of (record artifact) teeth corrected flipped vertically Mirrored photographic image of 212154D and horizontally (record artifact) teeth corrected flipped vertically and horizontally (record artifact) 10291 212156D 10292 Mirrored visible image DX212162 Mirrored visible image uncorrected (record artifact) DX212204 uncorrected (record artifact) 212162D Mirrored visible image DX212166 Mirrored visible image uncorrected flipped horizontally DX212164 uncorrected flipped horizontally 10293 (record artifact) DX211114 (record artifact) Mirrored visible image Mirrored visible image 212204D uncorrected flipped horizontally uncorrected flipped horizontally and vertically (record artifact) and vertically (record artifact) 10294 Mirrored visible image Mirrored visible image uncorrected flipped vertically uncorrected flipped vertically 212166D (record artifact) (record artifact) Photographic image corrected Photographic image corrected 10295 intraoral mirrored visible record intraoral mirrored visible record (record artifact) (record artifact) 212164D 10296 211114D 10297 Page 424

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 211116D DX 211116 Photographic image extraoral Photographic image extraoral with 45 degree view (record 10298 with 45 degree view (record DX211118 artifact) artifact) Photographic image extraoral 211118D Photographic image extraoral DX212160 with mandible postured forward with mandible postured forward DX212158 (record artifact) 10299 (record artifact) Photographic image of anterior Photographic image of anterior DX211121 teeth (record artifact) 212160D teeth (record artifact) DX212170 Photographic image of face with Photographic image of face with lips in relaxed position (record 10300 lips in relaxed position (record DX110347 artifact) artifact) DX166040 Photographic image with lips 212158D Photographic image with lips DX112717 closed (record artifact) closed (record artifact) Photographic image with mouth 10301 Photographic image with mouth DX110491 partially opened position and partially opened position and teeth apart (record artifact) 211121D teeth apart (record artifact) DX118989 Admitting diagnosis (contextual Admitting diagnosis (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value) 10302 qualifier) (qualifier value) DX136020 Diagnostic intent (qualifier value) Diagnostic intent (qualifier value) Differential diagnosis (contextual 212170D Differential diagnosis (contextual DX102307 qualifier) (qualifier value) qualifier) (qualifier value) DX142450 10303 Established diagnosis (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value) 110347D Final diagnosis (discharge) 10304 (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value) 10305 166040D Laboratory diagnosis (contextual 112717D qualifier) (qualifier value) 10306 Established diagnosis (contextual Possible diagnosis (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value) qualifier) (qualifier value) 110491D Preliminary diagnosis (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value) 10307 Final diagnosis (discharge) (contextual qualifier) (qualifier 118989D value) Laboratory diagnosis (contextual 10308 qualifier) (qualifier value) 136020D 10309 Possible diagnosis (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value) 102307D Preliminary diagnosis (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value) 10310 142450D 10311 Page 425

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term 112153D DX112153 Principal diagnosis (contextual Principal diagnosis (contextual 10312 qualifier) (qualifier value) DX142743 qualifier) (qualifier value) Prior diagnosis (contextual Prior diagnosis (contextual 142743D qualifier) (qualifier value) DX123678 qualifier) (qualifier value) Probable diagnosis (contextual Probable diagnosis (contextual 10313 qualifier) (qualifier value) DX140879 qualifier) (qualifier value) Revised diagnosis (contextual Revised diagnosis (contextual 123678D qualifier) (qualifier value) DX121532 qualifier) (qualifier value) Secondary diagnosis (contextual Secondary diagnosis (contextual 10314 qualifier) (qualifier value) DX107335 qualifier) (qualifier value) 140879D DX136451 10315 DX172933 121532D DX212086D DX104895D 10316 Working diagnosis (contextual 2819778015 Complete dislocation of tooth Working diagnosis (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value) 340836019 Avulsed tooth DX2819778015 qualifier) (qualifier value) 107335D X-ray diagnosis (contextual 340835015 Avulsion of tooth DX340836019 X-ray diagnosis (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value) 340837011 Exarticulation of tooth DX340835015 qualifier) (qualifier value) 10317 Has definitional manifestation DX340837011 Has definitional manifestation (attribute) 2792882017 Abrasion of tooth DX197888D (attribute) 136451D Urgent referral (procedure) 1230429016 Tooth abrasion DX2792882017 Urgent referral (procedure) Complete avulsion of tooth DX1230429016 Complete avulsion of tooth 10318 (disorder) 2985537018 Peri-implant mucositis DX180841 (disorder) Complete dislocation of tooth 172933D Friction injury of tooth (disorder) DX2985537018 Avulsed tooth TX0120 Avulsion of tooth 10319 Dental peri-implant mucositis Exarticulation of tooth (disorder) TX0140 Friction injury of tooth (disorder) 10320 212086D Abrasion of tooth 104895D Tooth abrasion Dental peri-implant mucositis 10321 (disorder) Peri-implant mucositis 10322 periodic oral evaluation - established patient 10323 limited oral evaluation - problem focused 10324 10325 10326 197888D 10327 10328 180841D 10329 10330 10331 D0120 periodic oral evaluation - 233-00-13 Periodic oral evaluation - D0140 established patient 233-00-10 established patient limited oral evaluation - problem Limited oral evaluation – problem 10332 focused focused Page 426

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX0145 oral evaluation for a patient under D0145 oral evaluation for a patient under TX0150 three years of age and TX0160 three years of age and counseling with primary caregiver TX0170 counseling with primary caregiver 10333 TX0171 comprehensive oral evaluation - D0150 comprehensive oral evaluation - 233-00-11 Comprehensive oral evaluation 10334 TX0180 Detailed and extensive oral new or established patient new or established patient evaluation-problem-focused, by 10335 TX0190 report TX0191 detailed and extensive oral D0160 detailed and extensive oral 233-00-12 Re-evaluation - limited, problem 10336 TX0210 focused (established patient; not 10337 TX0220 evaluation - problem focused, by evaluation - problem focused, by post-operative visit) TX0230 10338 TX0240 report report Intraoral occlusal film 10339 TX0250 10340 re-evaluation - limited, problem D0170 re-evaluation - limited, problem 233-00-14 10341 TX0251 10342 TX0270 focused (established patient; not focused (established patient; not 10343 TX0272 10344 post-operative visit) post-operative visit) re-evaluation – post-operative D0171 re-evaluation – post-operative office visit office visit comprehensive periodontal D0180 comprehensive periodontal evaluation - new or established evaluation - new or established patient patient screening of a patient D0190 screening of a patient assessment of a patient D0191 assessment of a patient intraoral - complete series of D0210 intraoral - complete series of radiographic images radiographic images intraoral - periapical first D0220 intraoral - periapical first radiographic image radiographic image intraoral - periapical each D0230 intraoral - periapical each additional radiographic image additional radiographic image intraoral - occlusal radiographic D0240 intraoral - occlusal radiographic 233-05-00 image image extra-oral – 2D projection D0250 extra-oral – 2D projection radiographic image created using radiographic image created using a stationary radiation source, and a stationary radiation source, and 10345 detector detector 10346 10347 extra-oral posterior dental D0251 extra-oral posterior dental 10348 radiographic image radiographic image bitewing - single radiographic D0270 bitewing - single radiographic image image bitewings - two radiographic D0272 bitewings - two radiographic images images Page 427

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX0273 10349 TX0274 bitewings - three radiographic D0273 bitewings - three radiographic Sialography TX0277 Temporomandibular joint 10350 TX0310 images images arthrogram, including injection TX0320 Other temporomandibular joint 10351 TX0321 bitewings - four radiographic D0274 bitewings - four radiographic films, by report 10352 TX0322 Tomographic surgery TX0330 images images Panoramic film 10353 TX0340 vertical bitewings - 7 to 8 D0277 vertical bitewings - 7 to 8 10354 TX0350 10355 radiographic images radiographic images 10356 TX0351 TX0364 sialography D0310 sialography 197-05-60 TX0365 temporomandibular joint D0320 temporomandibular joint 162-06-92 TX0366 arthrogram, including injection arthrogram, including injection TX0367 other temporomandibular joint D0321 other temporomandibular joint 161-05-02 TX0368 radiographic images, by report radiographic images, by report tomographic survey D0322 tomographic survey 198-06-06 panoramic radiographic image D0330 panoramic radiographic image 198-06-02 2D cephalometric radiographic D0340 2D cephalometric radiographic image – acquisition, image – acquisition, 10357 measurement and analysis measurement and analysis 2D oral/facial photographic image D0350 2D oral/facial photographic image obtained intra-orally or extra-orally obtained intra-orally or extra-orally 10358 3D photographic image D0351 3D photographic image 10359 cone beam CT capture and interpretation with limited field of cone beam CT capture and D0364 view – less than one whole jaw cone beam CT capture and interpretation with limited field of interpretation with field of view of one full dental arch – mandible 10360 view – less than one whole jaw cone beam CT capture and interpretation with field of view of cone beam CT capture and D0365 one full dental arch – maxilla, with or without cranium interpretation with field of view of cone beam CT capture and interpretation with field of view of 10361 one full dental arch – mandible both jaws; with or without cranium cone beam CT capture and D0366 interpretation with field of view of one full dental arch – maxilla, with 10362 or without cranium cone beam CT capture and D0367 interpretation with field of view of both jaws; with or without cranium 10363 cone beam CT capture and D0368 cone beam CT capture and 10364 interpretation for TMJ series interpretation for TMJ series including two or more exposures including two or more exposures Page 428

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX0369 10365 TX0370 maxillofacial MRI capture and D0369 maxillofacial MRI capture and TX0371 interpretation 10366 TX0380 interpretation maxillofacial ultrasound capture and interpretation 10367 TX0381 maxillofacial ultrasound capture D0370 sialoendoscopy capture and interpretation TX0382 and interpretation cone beam CT image capture with limited field of view – less TX0383 sialoendoscopy capture and D0371 than one whole jaw cone beam CT image capture TX0384 interpretation with field of view of one full dental arch – mandible TX0385 cone beam CT image capture D0380 cone beam CT image capture TX0386 with field of view of one full dental TX0391 with limited field of view – less arch – maxilla, with or without cranium 10368 TX0393 than one whole jaw cone beam CT image capture TX0394 with field of view of both jaws; cone beam CT image capture D0381 with or without cranium TX0395 cone beam CT image capture for with field of view of one full dental TMJ series including two or more exposures 10369 arch – mandible maxillofacial MRI image capture maxillofacial ultrasound image cone beam CT image capture D0382 capture interpretation of diagnostic image with field of view of one full dental by a practitioner not associated with capture of the image, arch – maxilla, with or without including report treatment simulation using 3D 10370 cranium image volume digital subtraction of two or more 10371 cone beam CT image capture D0383 images or image volumes of the same modality 10372 with field of view of both jaws; fusion of two or more 3D image 10373 volumes of one or more modalities 10374 with or without cranium cone beam CT image capture for D0384 TMJ series including two or more exposures maxillofacial MRI image capture D0385 maxillofacial ultrasound image D0386 capture interpretation of diagnostic image D0391 by a practitioner not associated with capture of the image, 10375 including report 10376 10377 treatment simulation using 3D D0393 10378 image volume digital subtraction of two or more D0394 images or image volumes of the same modality fusion of two or more 3D image D0395 volumes of one or more modalities Page 429

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX0411 Bacteriologic studies for 10379 TX0412 HbA1c in-office point of service D0411 HbA1c in-office point of service determination of pathologic TX0414 agents 10380 testing testing TX0415 Caries susceptibility tests TX0416 blood glucose level test – in-office D0412 blood glucose level test – in-office TX0417 Dental pulp vitality tests using a glucose meter using a glucose meter Dental diagnostic casts TX0418 TX0419 laboratory processing of D0414 laboratory processing of 233-00-40 TX0422 microbial specimen to include microbial specimen to include TX0423 TX0425 culture and sensitivity studies, culture and sensitivity studies, TX0431 preparation and transmission of preparation and transmission of TX0460 10381 TX0470 written report written report 10382 TX0472 10383 collection of microorganisms for D0415 collection of microorganisms for 10384 culture and sensitivity culture and sensitivity 10385 10386 viral culture D0416 viral culture 10387 collection and preparation of D0417 collection and preparation of 10388 10389 saliva sample for laboratory saliva sample for laboratory diagnostic testing diagnostic testing analysis of saliva sample D0418 analysis of saliva sample assessment of salivary flow by D0419 assessment of salivary flow by measurement measurement collection and preparation of D0422 collection and preparation of genetic sample material for genetic sample material for laboratory analysis and report laboratory analysis and report genetic test for susceptibility to D0423 genetic test for susceptibility to diseases – specimen analysis diseases – specimen analysis caries susceptibility tests D0425 caries susceptibility tests 233-00-20 adjunctive pre-diagnostic test that D0431 adjunctive pre-diagnostic test that aids in detection of mucosal aids in detection of mucosal abnormalities including abnormalities including premalignant and malignant premalignant and malignant lesions, not to include cytology or lesions, not to include cytology or 10390 biopsy procedures biopsy procedures 10391 10392 pulp vitality tests D0460 pulp vitality tests 238-00-10 10393 diagnostic casts D0470 diagnostic casts 233-00-30 accession of tissue, gross D0472 accession of tissue, gross examination, preparation and examination, preparation and transmission of written report transmission of written report Page 430

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX0473 accession of tissue, gross and D0473 accession of tissue, gross and TX0474 microscopic examination, microscopic examination, preparation and transmission of TX0475 written report TX0476 preparation and transmission of accession of tissue, gross and TX0477 microscopic examination, 10394 TX0478 written report including assessment of surgical TX0479 margins for presence of disease, TX0480 accession of tissue, gross and D0474 preparation and transmission of written report TX0481 microscopic examination, decalcification procedure TX0482 special stains for microorganisms TX0483 including assessment of surgical TX0484 TX0485 margins for presence of disease, TX0486 preparation and transmission of 10395 written report 10396 10397 decalcification procedure D0475 10398 10399 special stains for microorganisms D0476 10400 special stains, not for D0477 special stains, not for 10401 microorganisms 10402 microorganisms immunohistochemical stains 10403 tissue in-situ hybridization, 10404 immunohistochemical stains D0478 including interpretation 10405 accession of exfoliative cytologic tissue in-situ hybridization, D0479 smears, microscopic 10406 examination, preparation and including interpretation transmission of written report 10407 electron microscopy accession of exfoliative cytologic D0480 direct immunofluorescence indirect immunofluorescence smears, microscopic consultation on slides prepared elsewhere examination, preparation and consultation, including preparation of slides from biopsy transmission of written report material supplied by referring source electron microscopy D0481 laboratory accession of transepithelial cytologic sample, direct immunofluorescence D0482 microscopic examination, preparation and transmission of indirect immunofluorescence D0483 written report consultation on slides prepared D0484 elsewhere consultation, including D0485 preparation of slides from biopsy material supplied by referring source laboratory accession of D0486 transepithelial cytologic sample, microscopic examination, preparation and transmission of written report Page 431

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX0502 10408 TX0600 other oral pathology procedures, D0502 other oral pathology procedures, by report TX0601 by report non-ionizing diagnostic TX0602 procedure capable of quantifying, TX0603 non-ionizing diagnostic D0600 monitoring, and recording TX0604 changes in structure of enamel, TX0605 procedure capable of quantifying, dentin, and cementum TX0701 TX0702 monitoring, and recording TX0703 TX0704 changes in structure of enamel, TX0705 TX0706 dentin, and cementum 10409 caries risk assessment and D0601 caries risk assessment and 10410 documentation, with a finding of 10411 documentation, with a finding of low risk 10412 caries risk assessment and 10413 low risk documentation, with a finding of 10414 moderate risk 10415 caries risk assessment and D0602 caries risk assessment and 10416 documentation, with a finding of 10417 documentation, with a finding of high risk 10418 antigen testing for a public health 10419 moderate risk related pathogen, including 10420 coronavirus caries risk assessment and D0603 antibody testing for a public health related pathogen, documentation, with a finding of including coronavirus panoramic radiographic image – high risk image capture only 2-D cephalometric radiographic antigen testing for a public health D0604 image – image capture only 2-D oral/facial photographic related pathogen, including image obtained intra-orally or extra-orally – image capture only coronavirus 3-D photographic image – image capture only antibody testing for a public D0605 extra-oral posterior dental radiographic image – image health related pathogen, capture only intraoral – occlusal radiographic including coronavirus image – image capture only panoramic radiographic image – D0701 image capture only 2-D cephalometric radiographic D0702 image – image capture only 2-D oral/facial photographic D0703 image obtained intra-orally or extra-orally – image capture only 3-D photographic image – image D0704 capture only extra-oral posterior dental D0705 radiographic image – image capture only intraoral – occlusal radiographic D0706 image – image capture only Page 432

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX0707 intraoral – periapical radiographic D0707 intraoral – periapical radiographic TX0708 TX0709 image – image capture only image – image capture only 10421 TX0999 intraoral – bitewing radiographic D0708 intraoral – bitewing radiographic 10422 TX1110 image – image capture only D0709 image – image capture only TX1120 intraoral – complete series of intraoral – complete series of 10423 TX1206 radiographic images – image D0999 radiographic images – image 238-70-10 Prophylaxis (Adult/Permanent) TX1208 capture only D1110 capture only 237-70-10 Prophylaxis (Child/Primary) 10424 TX1310 unspecified diagnostic D1120 unspecified diagnostic 10425 TX1320 procedure, by report D1206 procedure, by report 233-86-20 Nutritional counseling for control 10426 prophylaxis - adult D1208 prophylaxis - adult 233-86-21 of dental disease TX1321 prophylaxis - child D1310 prophylaxis - child Tobacco counseling for the 10427 topical application of fluoride D1320 topical application of fluoride 233-86-10 control and prevention of oral TX1330 varnish varnish disease 10428 TX1351 topical application of fluoride – D1321 topical application of fluoride – TX1352 excluding varnish excluding varnish Oral hygiene instructions 10429 nutritional counseling for control D1330 nutritional counseling for control TX1353 of dental disease D1351 of dental disease 10430 TX1354 tobacco counseling for the D1352 tobacco counseling for the control and prevention of oral control and prevention of oral 10431 TX1355 disease D1353 disease 10432 counseling for the control and D1354 counseling for the control and 10433 prevention of adverse oral, prevention of adverse oral, behavioral, and systemic health D1355 behavioral, and systemic health 10434 effects associated with high-risk effects associated with high-risk 10435 substance use substance use oral hygiene instructions oral hygiene instructions 10436 sealant - per tooth sealant - per tooth 10437 preventive resin restoration in a preventive resin restoration in a moderate to high caries risk moderate to high caries risk patient – permanent tooth patient – permanent tooth sealant repair – per tooth sealant repair – per tooth interim caries arresting interim caries arresting medicament application – per medicament application – per tooth tooth caries preventive medicament caries preventive medicament application – per tooth application – per tooth Page 433

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX1510 10438 TX1516 space maintainer - fixed, D1510 space maintainer - fixed, 10439 TX1517 unilateral – per quadrant 10440 TX1520 unilateral – per quadrant space maintainer - fixed - 10441 TX1526 bilateral, maxillary 10442 TX1527 space maintainer - fixed - D1516 space maintainer - fixed - 10443 TX1551 bilateral, mandibular 10444 TX1552 bilateral, maxillary space maintainer - removable, 10445 TX1553 unilateral - per quadrant 10446 TX1556 space maintainer - fixed - D1517 space maintainer - removable - 10447 TX1557 bilateral, maxillary 10448 TX1558 bilateral, mandibular space maintainer - removable - 10449 TX1575 bilateral, mandibular 10450 TX1999 space maintainer - removable, D1520 re-cement or re-bond bilateral 10451 TX2140 space maintainer - maxillary 10452 TX2150 unilateral - per quadrant re-cement or re-bond bilateral 10453 TX2160 space maintainer - mandibular 10454 TX2161 space maintainer - removable - D1526 re-cement or re-bond unilateral 10455 space maintainer - per quadrant bilateral, maxillary removal of fixed unilateral space maintainer - per quadrant space maintainer - removable - D1527 removal of fixed bilateral space maintainer - maxillary bilateral, mandibular removal of fixed bilateral space maintainer - mandibular re-cement or re-bond bilateral D1551 distal shoe space maintainer - fixed, unilateral - per quadrant space maintainer - maxillary unspecified preventive procedure, by report re-cement or re-bond bilateral D1552 amalgam - one surface, primary or permanent space maintainer - mandibular amalgam - two surfaces, primary or permanent re-cement or re-bond unilateral D1553 amalgam - three surfaces, primary or permanent space maintainer - per quadrant amalgam - four or more surfaces, primary or permanent removal of fixed unilateral space D1556 maintainer - per quadrant removal of fixed bilateral space D1557 maintainer - maxillary removal of fixed bilateral space D1558 maintainer - mandibular distal shoe space maintainer - D1575 fixed, unilateral - per quadrant unspecified preventive D1999 procedure, by report amalgam - one surface, primary D2140 or permanent amalgam - two surfaces, primary D2150 or permanent amalgam - three surfaces, D2160 primary or permanent amalgam - four or more surfaces, D2161 primary or permanent Page 434

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX2330 10456 resin-based composite - one D2330 resin-based composite - one Gold foil restorations 1 surface TX2331 Gold foil restorations 2 surfaces 10457 surface, anterior surface, anterior Gold foil restorations 3 surfaces TX2332 Inlay 1 surface (Metallic) 10458 resin-based composite - two D2331 resin-based composite - two Inlay 2 surfaces (Metallic) TX2335 Inlay 3 or more surfaces (Metallic) surfaces, anterior surfaces, anterior Onlay 2 surfaces (Metallic) TX2390 Onlay 3 surfaces (Metallic) resin-based composite - three D2332 resin-based composite - three Onlay 4 or more surfaces TX2391 (Metallic) surfaces, anterior surfaces, anterior Inlay 1 surface (Porcelain/ TX2392 Ceramic) resin-based composite - four or D2335 resin-based composite - four or Inlay 2 surfaces (Porcelain/ TX2393 Ceramic) more surfaces or involving incisal more surfaces or involving incisal Inlay 3 or more surfaces TX2394 (Porcelain/ Ceramic) 10459 angle (anterior) angle (anterior) TX2410 10460 TX2420 resin-based composite crown, D2390 resin-based composite crown, TX2430 10461 TX2510 anterior anterior TX2520 10462 TX2530 resin-based composite - one D2391 resin-based composite - one 10463 TX2542 surface, posterior surface, posterior TX2543 10464 TX2544 resin-based composite - two D2392 resin-based composite - two 10465 10466 TX2610 surfaces, posterior surfaces, posterior 10467 10468 TX2620 resin-based composite - three D2393 resin-based composite - three 10469 TX2630 surfaces, posterior surfaces, posterior 10470 10471 resin-based composite - four or D2394 resin-based composite - four or 10472 more surfaces, posterior more surfaces, posterior 10473 gold foil - one surface D2410 gold foil - one surface 238-71-D1 10474 gold foil - two surfaces D2420 gold foil - two surfaces 238-71-D2 10475 gold foil - three surfaces D2430 gold foil - three surfaces 238-71-D3 10476 inlay - metallic - one surface D2510 inlay - metallic - one surface 238-71-E1 inlay - metallic - two surfaces D2520 inlay - metallic - two surfaces 238-71-E2 inlay - metallic - three or more D2530 inlay - metallic - three or more 238-71-E3 surfaces surfaces onlay - metallic - two surfaces D2542 onlay - metallic - two surfaces 238-71-H2 onlay - metallic - three surfaces D2543 onlay - metallic - three surfaces 238-71-H3 onlay - metallic - four or more D2544 onlay - metallic - four or more 238-71-H4 surfaces surfaces inlay - porcelain/ceramic - one D2610 inlay - porcelain/ceramic - one 238-71-F1 surface surface inlay - porcelain/ceramic - two D2620 inlay - porcelain/ceramic - two 238-71-F2 surfaces surfaces inlay - porcelain/ceramic - three D2630 inlay - porcelain/ceramic - three 238-71-F3 or more surfaces or more surfaces Page 435

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX2642 Onlay 2 surfaces (Porcelain/ 10477 onlay - porcelain/ceramic - two D2642 onlay - porcelain/ceramic - two 238-71-J2 Ceramic) 10478 TX2643 Onlay 3 surfaces (Porcelain/ 10479 surfaces surfaces Ceramic) 10480 TX2644 Onlay 4 or more surfaces 10481 onlay - porcelain/ceramic - three D2643 onlay - porcelain/ceramic - three 238-71-J3 (Porcelain/ Ceramic) 10482 TX2650 Inlay 1 surface (Resin based 10483 surfaces surfaces composite) 10484 TX2651 Inlay 2 surfaces (Resin based 10485 onlay - porcelain/ceramic - four or D2644 onlay - porcelain/ceramic - four or 238-71-J4 composite) 10486 TX2652 Inlay 3 or more surfaces (Resin 10487 more surfaces more surfaces based composite) 10488 TX2662 Onlay 2 surfaces (Resin based 10489 inlay - resin-based composite - D2650 inlay - resin-based composite - 238-71-F1 composite) 10490 TX2663 Onlay 3 surfaces (Resin based 10491 one surface one surface composite) 10492 TX2664 Onlay 4 or more surfaces (Resin 10493 inlay - resin-based composite - D2651 inlay - resin-based composite - 238-71-F2 based composite) 10494 TX2710 10495 two surfaces two surfaces Crown resin with high noble metal TX2712 inlay - resin-based composite - D2652 inlay - resin-based composite - 238-71-F3 Crown resin with predominantly TX2720 base metal three or more surfaces three or more surfaces Crown resin with noble metal TX2721 onlay - resin-based composite - D2662 onlay - resin-based composite - 238-71-K2 Crown porcelain fused to high TX2722 noble metal TX2740 two surfaces two surfaces Crown porcelain fused to TX2750 predominantly base metal onlay - resin-based composite - D2663 onlay - resin-based composite - 238-71-K3 Crown porcelain fused to noble TX2751 metal three surfaces three surfaces TX2752 onlay - resin-based composite - D2664 onlay - resin-based composite - 238-71-K4 TX2753 four or more surfaces four or more surfaces crown - resin-based composite D2710 crown - resin-based composite (indirect) (indirect) crown - ¾ resin-based composite D2712 crown - ¾ resin-based composite (indirect) (indirect) crown - resin with high noble D2720 crown - resin with high noble 238-71-M1 metal metal crown - resin with predominantly D2721 crown - resin with predominantly 238-71-M2 base metal base metal crown - resin with noble metal D2722 crown - resin with noble metal 238-71-M3 crown - porcelain/ceramic D2740 crown - porcelain/ceramic crown - porcelain fused to high D2750 crown - porcelain fused to high 238-71-N1 noble metal noble metal crown - porcelain fused to D2751 crown - porcelain fused to 238-71-N2 predominantly base metal predominantly base metal crown - porcelain fused to noble D2752 crown - porcelain fused to noble 238-71-N3 metal metal crown - porcelain fused to D2753 crown - porcelain fused to titanium and titanium alloys titanium and titanium alloys Page 436

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX2780 10496 TX2781 crown - 3/4 cast high noble metal D2780 crown - 3/4 cast high noble metal 238-71-P1 Crown 3/4 cast high noble metal TX2782 10497 TX2783 crown - 3/4 cast predominantly D2781 crown - 3/4 cast predominantly 238-71-P2 Crown 3/4 cast predominantly 10498 TX2790 base metal 10499 TX2791 base metal base metal Crown 3/4 cast noble metal 10500 TX2792 Crown 3/4 porcelain/ceramic TX2794 crown - 3/4 cast noble metal D2782 crown - 3/4 cast noble metal 238-71-P3 Crown full cast high noble metal 10501 TX2799 Crown full cast predominantly 10502 crown - 3/4 porcelain/ceramic D2783 crown - 3/4 porcelain/ceramic 238-71-P4 base metal TX2910 Crown full cast noble metal 10503 crown - full cast high noble metal D2790 crown - full cast high noble metal 238-71-P5 TX2915 Provisional crown crown - full cast predominantly D2791 crown - full cast predominantly 238-71-P6 TX2920 Recement inlay TX2921 base metal base metal TX2928 Recement crown crown - full cast noble metal D2792 crown - full cast noble metal 238-71-P7 TX2929 TX2930 crown - titanium and titanium D2794 crown - titanium and titanium TX2931 TX2932 alloys alloys TX2933 provisional crown– further D2799 provisional crown– further 238-71-Q4 treatment or completion of treatment or completion of diagnosis necessary prior to final diagnosis necessary prior to final 10504 impression impression 10505 re-cement or re-bond inlay, onlay, D2910 re-cement or re-bond inlay, onlay, 238-71-R3 10506 veneer or partial coverage veneer or partial coverage 10507 10508 restoration restoration 10509 re-cement or re-bond indirectly D2915 re-cement or re-bond indirectly 10510 10511 fabricated or prefabricated post fabricated or prefabricated post 10512 10513 and core and core 10514 re-cement or re-bond crown D2920 re-cement or re-bond crown 238-71-R4 reattachment of tooth fragment, D2921 reattachment of tooth fragment, incisal edge or cusp incisal edge or cusp prefabricated porcelain/ceramic D2928 prefabricated porcelain/ceramic crown – permanent tooth crown – permanent tooth prefabricated porcelain/ceramic D2929 prefabricated porcelain/ceramic 237-71-L1 Prefabricated stainless steel crown – primary tooth crown – primary tooth crown (Child/Primary) prefabricated stainless steel D2930 prefabricated stainless steel 238-71-L1 Prefabricated stainless steel crown - primary tooth crown - primary tooth crown (Adult/Permanent) prefabricated stainless steel D2931 prefabricated stainless steel 238-71-L2 Prefabricated resin crown crown - permanent tooth crown - permanent tooth 238-71-L3 prefabricated stainless steel prefabricated resin crown D2932 prefabricated resin crown crown with resin window prefabricated stainless steel D2933 prefabricated stainless steel crown with resin window crown with resin window Page 437

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX2934 D2934 10515 prefabricated esthetic coated prefabricated esthetic coated 238-71-S2 Core buildup, including any pins 10516 TX2940 stainless steel crown - primary D2940 stainless steel crown - primary 238-71-88 Pin retention – per tooth 10517 TX2941 tooth D2941 tooth 238-71-S3 Cast post and core in addition to 10518 TX2949 protective restoration D2949 protective restoration crown 10519 TX2950 interim therapeutic restoration – D2950 interim therapeutic restoration – 238-71-S4 10520 TX2951 primary dentition D2951 primary dentition 238-71-R2 Prefabricated post and core in 10521 TX2952 restorative foundation for an D2952 restorative foundation for an addition to crown 10522 TX2953 indirect restoration D2953 indirect restoration Post removal (not in conjunction 10523 TX2954 core buildup, including any pins D2954 core buildup, including any pins with endodontic therapy) 10524 TX2955 when required D2955 when required 10525 TX2957 pin retention - per tooth, in pin retention - per tooth, in Labial veneer (resin laminate) - 10526 TX2960 addition to restoration addition to restoration chairside 10527 TX2961 post and core in addition to post and core in addition to Labial veneer (resin laminate) - 10528 TX2962 crown, indirectly fabricated crown, indirectly fabricated laboratory TX2971 each additional indirectly each additional indirectly Labial veneer (porcelain fabricated post - same tooth fabricated post - same tooth laminate) - laboratory TX2975 prefabricated post and core in prefabricated post and core in TX2980 addition to crown addition to crown TX2981 post removal post removal each additional prefabricated D2957 each additional prefabricated post - same tooth post - same tooth labial veneer (resin laminate) - 238-71-Q1 direct labial veneer (resin laminate) - D2960 labial veneer (resin laminate) - 238-71-Q2 indirect direct labial veneer (porcelain laminate) 238-71-Q3 - indirect labial veneer (resin laminate) - D2961 additional procedures to construct new crown under indirect existing partial denture framework labial veneer (porcelain laminate) D2962 - indirect additional procedures to D2971 construct new crown under existing partial denture framework 10529 coping D2975 coping 10530 crown repair necessitated by D2980 crown repair necessitated by restorative material failure restorative material failure 10531 inlay repair necessitated by D2981 inlay repair necessitated by restorative material failure restorative material failure 10532 Page 438

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX2982 10533 TX2983 onlay repair necessitated by D2982 onlay repair necessitated by Pulp cap, direct 10534 TX2990 Pulp cap, indirect 10535 TX2999 restorative material failure restorative material failure 10536 TX3110 10537 TX3120 veneer repair necessitated by D2983 veneer repair necessitated by 10538 TX3220 restorative material failure restorative material failure TX3221 TX3222 resin infiltration of incipient D2990 resin infiltration of incipient TX3230 smooth surface lesions smooth surface lesions TX3240 unspecified restorative D2999 unspecified restorative TX3310 procedure, by report procedure, by report TX3320 TX3330 pulp cap - direct (excluding final D3110 pulp cap - direct (excluding final 238-72-10 TX3331 restoration) restoration) pulp cap - indirect (excluding D3120 pulp cap - indirect (excluding 238-72-11 final restoration) final restoration) therapeutic pulpotomy (excluding D3220 therapeutic pulpotomy (excluding final restoration) - removal of pulp final restoration) - removal of pulp coronal to the dentinocemental coronal to the dentinocemental junction and application of junction and application of 10539 medicament medicament 10540 pulpal debridement, primary and D3221 pulpal debridement, primary and 10541 permanent teeth permanent teeth 10542 partial pulpotomy for D3222 partial pulpotomy for 10543 10544 apexogenesis - permanent tooth apexogenesis - permanent tooth 10545 10546 with incomplete root development with incomplete root development 10547 pulpal therapy (resorbable filling) - D3230 pulpal therapy (resorbable filling) - anterior, primary tooth (excluding anterior, primary tooth (excluding final restoration) final restoration) pulpal therapy (resorbable filling) - D3240 pulpal therapy (resorbable filling) - posterior, primary tooth posterior, primary tooth (excluding final restoration) (excluding final restoration) endodontic therapy, anterior tooth D3310 endodontic therapy, anterior tooth (excluding final restoration) (excluding final restoration) endodontic therapy, premolar D3320 endodontic therapy, premolar tooth (excluding final restoration) tooth (excluding final restoration) endodontic therapy, molar tooth D3330 endodontic therapy, molar tooth (excluding final restoration) (excluding final restoration) treatment of root canal D3331 treatment of root canal 238-72-30 Treatment of root canal obstruction; non-surgical access obstruction; non-surgical access obstruction; non-surgical access Page 439

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX3332 Incomplete endodontic therapy; incomplete endodontic therapy; D3332 incomplete endodontic therapy; 238-72-31 inoperable, unrestorable or TX3333 fractured tooth TX3346 inoperable, unrestorable or inoperable, unrestorable or Internal root repair of perforation TX3347 defects 10548 TX3348 fractured tooth fractured tooth 10549 TX3351 apexification/recalcification – 10550 internal root repair of perforation D3333 internal root repair of perforation 238-72-32 initial visit 10551 TX3352 10552 TX3353 defects defects TX3355 retreatment of previous root canal D3346 retreatment of previous root canal TX3356 TX3357 therapy - anterior therapy - anterior TX3410 TX3421 retreatment of previous root canal D3347 retreatment of previous root canal TX3425 TX3426 therapy - premolar therapy - premolar TX3427 retreatment of previous root canal D3348 retreatment of previous root canal therapy - molar therapy - molar apexification/recalcification – D3351 apexification/recalcification – 238-72-50 initial visit (apical closure/calcific initial visit (apical closure/calcific repair of perforations, root repair of perforations, root resorption, etc.) resorption, etc.) 10553 apexification/recalcification – D3352 apexification/recalcification – 238-72-51 apexification/recalcification – 10554 interim medication replacement interim medication replacement interim medication replacement apexification/recalcification - final D3353 apexification/recalcification - final 238-72-52 apexification/recalcification - final visit (includes completed root visit (includes completed root visit canal therapy - apical canal therapy - apical closure/calcific repair of closure/calcific repair of perforations, root resorption, etc.) perforations, root resorption, etc.) 10555 pulpal regeneration - initial visit D3355 pulpal regeneration - initial visit 10556 pulpal regeneration - interim pulpal regeneration - interim D3356 medication replacement 10557 pulpal regeneration - completion medication replacement of treatment 10558 apicoectomy - anterior 10559 pulpal regeneration - completion D3357 apicoectomy - premolar (first root) 10560 of treatment 10561 apicoectomy - anterior D3410 10562 apicoectomy - premolar (first root) D3421 10563 apicoectomy - molar (first root) D3425 apicoectomy - molar (first root) apicoectomy (each additional D3426 apicoectomy (each additional root) root) periradicular surgery without D3427 periradicular surgery without apicoectomy apicoectomy Page 440

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX3428 bone graft in conjunction with D3428 bone graft in conjunction with Intentional re-implantation TX3429 (including necessary splinting) periradicular surgery – per tooth, periradicular surgery – per tooth, TX3430 10564 TX3431 single site single site TX3432 bone graft in conjunction with D3429 bone graft in conjunction with TX3450 periradicular surgery – each periradicular surgery – each TX3460 TX3470 additional contiguous tooth in the additional contiguous tooth in the TX3471 10565 TX3472 same surgical site same surgical site 10566 TX3473 TX3501 retrograde filling - per root D3430 retrograde filling - per root TX3502 biologic materials to aid in soft D3431 biologic materials to aid in soft TX3503 and osseous tissue regeneration and osseous tissue regeneration in conjunction with periradicular in conjunction with periradicular 10567 surgery surgery guided tissue regeneration, D3432 guided tissue regeneration, resorbable barrier, per site, in resorbable barrier, per site, in conjunction with periradicular conjunction with periradicular 10568 surgery surgery 10569 10570 root amputation - per root D3450 root amputation - per root 10571 endodontic endosseous implant D3460 endodontic endosseous implant 10572 intentional re-implantation D3470 intentional re-implantation 238-72-85 10573 (including necessary splinting) (including necessary splinting) 10574 surgical repair of root resorption - D3471 surgical repair of root resorption - anterior anterior surgical repair of root resorption – D3472 surgical repair of root resorption – premolar premolar surgical repair of root resorption – D3473 surgical repair of root resorption – molar molar surgical exposure of root surface D3501 surgical exposure of root surface without apicoectomy or repair of without apicoectomy or repair of root resorption – anterior root resorption – anterior 10575 surgical exposure of root surface D3502 surgical exposure of root surface without apicoectomy or repair of without apicoectomy or repair of root resorption – premolar root resorption – premolar 10576 surgical exposure of root surface D3503 surgical exposure of root surface 10577 without apicoectomy or repair of without apicoectomy or repair of root resorption – molar root resorption – molar Page 441

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX3910 Surgical procedure for isolation of 10578 TX3920 surgical procedure for isolation of D3910 surgical procedure for isolation of 238-72-90 tooth with rubber dam TX3950 Hemisection (including any root TX3999 tooth with rubber dam tooth with rubber dam removal), not including root canal TX4210 therapy hemisection (including any root D3920 hemisection (including any root 238-72-84 TX4211 Unspecified endodontic removal), not including root canal removal), not including root canal procedure TX4212 10579 TX4230 therapy therapy 10580 10581 TX4231 canal preparation and fitting of D3950 canal preparation and fitting of TX4240 preformed dowel or post preformed dowel or post TX4241 unspecified endodontic D3999 unspecified endodontic 238-72-99 TX4245 procedure, by report procedure, by report gingivectomy or gingivoplasty - D4210 gingivectomy or gingivoplasty - four or more contiguous teeth or four or more contiguous teeth or tooth bounded spaces per tooth bounded spaces per 10582 quadrant quadrant gingivectomy or gingivoplasty - D4211 gingivectomy or gingivoplasty - one to three contiguous teeth or one to three contiguous teeth or tooth bounded spaces per tooth bounded spaces per 10583 quadrant quadrant 10584 gingivectomy or gingivoplasty to D4212 gingivectomy or gingivoplasty to allow access for restorative allow access for restorative procedure, per tooth procedure, per tooth anatomical crown exposure – four D4230 anatomical crown exposure – four or more contiguous teeth or tooth or more contiguous teeth or tooth bounded spaces per quadrant bounded spaces per quadrant 10585 anatomical crown exposure – one D4231 anatomical crown exposure – one 10586 to three teeth or tooth bounded to three teeth or tooth bounded spaces per quadrant spaces per quadrant gingival flap procedure, including D4240 gingival flap procedure, including root planing - four or more root planing - four or more contiguous teeth or tooth contiguous teeth or tooth 10587 bounded spaces per quadrant bounded spaces per quadrant gingival flap procedure, including D4241 gingival flap procedure, including root planing - one to three root planing - one to three contiguous teeth or tooth contiguous teeth or tooth 10588 bounded spaces per quadrant bounded spaces per quadrant 10589 apically positioned flap D4245 apically positioned flap 236-73-60 Apically positioned flap Page 442

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX4249 Clinical crown lengthening – hard 10590 TX4260 clinical crown lengthening – hard D4249 clinical crown lengthening – hard 233-73-11 tissue TX4261 tissue tissue Bone replacement graft – first site in quadrant TX4263 osseous surgery (including D4260 osseous surgery (including TX4264 TX4265 elevation of a full thickness flap elevation of a full thickness flap TX4266 TX4267 and closure) – four or more and closure) – four or more TX4268 TX4270 contiguous teeth or tooth contiguous teeth or tooth TX4273 10591 bounded spaces per quadrant bounded spaces per quadrant osseous surgery (including D4261 osseous surgery (including elevation of a full thickness flap elevation of a full thickness flap and closure) – one to three and closure) – one to three contiguous teeth or tooth contiguous teeth or tooth 10592 bounded spaces per quadrant bounded spaces per quadrant 10593 10594 bone replacement graft – retained D4263 bone replacement graft – retained 233-73-12 10595 10596 natural tooth – first site in quadrant natural tooth – first site in quadrant 10597 10598 bone replacement graft – retained D4264 bone replacement graft – retained 233-73-13 Bone replacement graft – each 10599 natural tooth – each additional natural tooth – each additional additional site in quadrant site in quadrant site in quadrant biologic materials to aid in soft D4265 biologic materials to aid in soft and osseous tissue regeneration and osseous tissue regeneration guided tissue regeneration - D4266 guided tissue regeneration - 236-73-80 Guided tissue regeneration - resorbable barrier, per site resorbable barrier, per site resorbable barrier, per site guided tissue regeneration - D4267 guided tissue regeneration - 236-73-81 Guided tissue regeneration - nonresorbable barrier, per site nonresorbable barrier, per site nonresorbable barrier, per site (includes membrane removal) (includes membrane removal) (includes membrane removal) surgical revision procedure, per D4268 surgical revision procedure, per 236-73-54 Surgical revision procedure - per tooth tooth tooth pedicle soft tissue graft procedure D4270 pedicle soft tissue graft procedure 236-73-70 Pedicle soft tissue graft procedure 10600 autogenous connective tissue D4273 autogenous connective tissue graft procedure (including donor graft procedure (including donor and recipient surgical sites) first and recipient surgical sites) first tooth, implant, or edentulous tooth tooth, implant, or edentulous tooth position in graft position in graft Page 443

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX4274 mesial/distal wedge procedure, D4274 mesial/distal wedge procedure, Free soft tissue graft procedure TX4275 (including recipient and donor single tooth (when not performed single tooth (when not performed surgical sites) TX4276 TX4277 in conjunction with surgical in conjunction with surgical TX4278 procedures in the same procedures in the same 10601 TX4283 anatomical area) anatomical area) TX4285 non-autogenous connective D4275 non-autogenous connective tissue graft (including recipient tissue graft (including recipient site and donor material) first tooth, site and donor material) first tooth, implant, or edentulous tooth implant, or edentulous tooth 10602 position in graft position in graft 10603 combined connective tissue and D4276 combined connective tissue and double pedicle graft, per tooth double pedicle graft, per tooth free soft tissue graft procedure D4277 free soft tissue graft procedure 236-73-71 (including recipient and donor (including recipient and donor surgical sites) first tooth, implant surgical sites) first tooth, implant or edentulous tooth position in or edentulous tooth position in 10604 graft graft free soft tissue graft procedure D4278 free soft tissue graft procedure (including recipient and donor (including recipient and donor surgical sites) each additional surgical sites) each additional contiguous tooth, implant or contiguous tooth, implant or edentulous tooth position in same edentulous tooth position in same 10605 graft site graft site autogenous connective tissue D4283 autogenous connective tissue graft procedure (including donor graft procedure (including donor and recipient surgical sites) – and recipient surgical sites) – each additional contiguous tooth, each additional contiguous tooth, implant or edentulous tooth implant or edentulous tooth position in same graft site position in same graft site 10606 10607 non-autogenous connective D4285 non-autogenous connective tissue graft procedure (including tissue graft procedure (including recipient surgical site and donor recipient surgical site and donor material) – each additional material) – each additional contiguous tooth, implant or contiguous tooth, implant or edentulous tooth position in same edentulous tooth position in same graft site graft site Page 444

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX4320 10608 TX4321 provisional splinting - intracoronal D4320 provisional splinting - intracoronal 238-73-10 Provisional splinting - intracoronal TX4341 10609 provisional splinting - extracoronal D4321 provisional splinting - extracoronal 238-73-11 Provisional splinting - extracoronal TX4342 periodontal scaling and root D4341 periodontal scaling and root TX4346 planing - four or more teeth per planing - four or more teeth per quadrant TX4355 periodontal scaling and root 10610 quadrant planing - one to three teeth per TX4381 quadrant periodontal scaling and root D4342 scaling in presence of TX4910 generalized moderate or severe TX4920 planing - one to three teeth per gingival inflammation – full mouth, after oral evaluation 10611 TX4921 quadrant full mouth debridement to enable TX4999 a comprehensive oral evaluation TX5110 scaling in presence of D4346 and diagnosis on a subsequent TX5120 visit TX5130 generalized moderate or severe localized delivery of antimicrobial 236-73-40 TX5140 agents via a controlled release gingival inflammation – full mouth, vehicle into diseased crevicular tissue, per tooth 10612 after oral evaluation full mouth debridement to enable D4355 a comprehensive oral evaluation and diagnosis on a subsequent 10613 visit localized delivery of antimicrobial D4381 localized delivery of antimicrobial agents via a controlled release agents via a controlled release vehicle into diseased crevicular tissue - per tooth, by report vehicle into diseased crevicular tissue, per tooth 10614 periodontal maintenance D4910 periodontal maintenance 236-73-99 unspecified periodontal 10615 unscheduled dressing change D4920 unscheduled dressing change procedure, by report (by someone other than treating (by someone other than treating 227-74-10 Complete denture - Upper arch 10616 dentist or their staff) D4921 dentist or their staff) 228-74-10 Complete denture - Lower arch 10617 gingival irrigation – per quadrant D4999 gingival irrigation – per quadrant 227-74-11 Immediate complete denture - unspecified periodontal unspecified periodontal Upper arch 10618 procedure, by report D5110 procedure, by report Immediate complete denture - 10619 complete denture - maxillary D5120 complete denture - maxillary Lower arch 10620 complete denture - mandibular D5130 complete denture - mandibular immediate denture - maxillary immediate denture - maxillary 10621 immediate denture - mandibular D5140 immediate denture - mandibular 228-74-11 10622 Page 445

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX5211 Acrylic Partial denture - Upper TX5212 maxillary partial denture – resin D5211 maxillary partial denture – resin 227-74-20 arch TX5213 base (including, base (including, Acrylic Partial denture - Lower TX5214 arch retentive/clasping materials, retentive/clasping materials, TX5221 Metallic Partial denture - Upper 10623 TX5222 rests, and teeth) rests, and teeth) arch TX5223 mandibular partial denture – resin D5212 mandibular partial denture – resin 228-74-20 Metallic Partial denture - Lower TX5224 arch base (including, base (including, retentive/clasping materials, retentive/clasping materials, 10624 rests, and teeth) rests, and teeth) maxillary partial denture - cast D5213 maxillary partial denture - cast 227-74-21 metal framework with resin metal framework with resin denture bases (including denture bases (including retentive/clasping materials, rests retentive/clasping materials, rests 10625 and teeth) and teeth) mandibular partial denture - cast D5214 mandibular partial denture - cast 228-74-21 metal framework with resin metal framework with resin denture bases (including denture bases (including retentive/clasping materials, rests retentive/clasping materials, rests 10626 and teeth) and teeth) 10627 10628 immediate maxillary partial D5221 immediate maxillary partial denture - resin base (including denture - resin base (including retentive/clasping materials, rests retentive/clasping materials, rests and teeth) and teeth) immediate mandibular partial D5222 immediate mandibular partial denture - resin base (including denture - resin base (including retentive/clasping materials, rests retentive/clasping materials, rests and teeth) and teeth) immediate maxillary partial D5223 immediate maxillary partial denture - cast metal framework denture - cast metal framework with resin denture bases with resin denture bases (including retentive/clasping (including retentive/clasping 10629 materials, rests and teeth) materials, rests and teeth) immediate mandibular partial D5224 immediate mandibular partial denture - cast metal framework denture - cast metal framework with resin denture bases with resin denture bases (including retentive/clasping (including retentive/clasping 10630 materials, rests and teeth) materials, rests and teeth) Page 446

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX5225 maxillary partial denture - flexible D5225 maxillary partial denture - flexible TX5226 base (including retentive/clasping base (including retentive/clasping materials, rests, and teeth) TX5282 materials, rests, and teeth) TX5283 10631 TX5284 mandibular partial denture - D5226 mandibular partial denture - TX5286 flexible base (including flexible base (including TX5410 TX5411 retentive/clasping materials, retentive/clasping materials, TX5421 10632 TX5422 rests, and teeth) rests, and teeth) removable unilateral partial D5282 removable unilateral partial denture – one piece cast metal denture – one piece cast metal (including retentive/clasping (including retentive/clasping materials, rests, and teeth), materials, rests, and teeth), 10633 maxillary maxillary removable unilateral partial D5283 removable unilateral partial denture – one piece cast metal denture – one piece cast metal (including rententive/clasping (including rententive/clasping materias, rests, and teeth), materias, rests, and teeth), 10634 mandibular mandibular removable unilateral partial D5284 removable unilateral partial denture – one piece flexible base denture – one piece flexible base (including retentive/clasping (including retentive/clasping materials, rests, and teeth) – per materials, rests, and teeth) – per 10635 quadrant quadrant removable unilateral partial D5286 removable unilateral partial denture – one piece resin denture – one piece resin (including retentive/clasping (including retentive/clasping materials, rests, and teeth) – per materials, rests, and teeth) – per 10636 quadrant quadrant 10637 10638 adjust complete denture - D5410 adjust complete denture - 227-74-30 Adjust complete denture - Upper 10639 arch 10640 maxillary maxillary Adjust complete denture - Lower arch adjust complete denture - D5411 adjust complete denture - 228-74-30 Adjust partial denture –acrylic and metallic - Upper arch mandibular mandibular Adjust partial denture –acrylic and metallic - Lower arch adjust partial denture - maxillary D5421 adjust partial denture - maxillary 227-74-31 adjust partial denture - mandibular D5422 adjust partial denture - mandibular 228-74-31 Page 447

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX5511 10641 TX5512 repair broken complete denture D5511 repair broken complete denture Replace missing or broken teeth - 10642 TX5520 complete denture (each tooth) 10643 TX5611 base, mandibular base, mandibular 10644 TX5612 10645 TX5621 repair broken complete denture D5512 repair broken complete denture 10646 TX5622 10647 TX5630 base, maxillary base, maxillary TX5640 replace missing or broken teeth - D5520 replace missing or broken teeth - 238-74-20 TX5650 TX5660 complete denture (each tooth) complete denture (each tooth) TX5670 TX5671 repair resin partial denture base, D5611 repair resin partial denture base, TX5710 mandibular mandibular TX5711 TX5720 repair resin partial denture base, D5612 repair resin partial denture base, TX5721 TX5730 maxillary maxillary repair cast partial framework, D5621 repair cast partial framework, mandibular mandibular repair cast partial framework, D5622 repair cast partial framework, maxillary maxillary repair or replace broken retentive D5630 repair or replace broken retentive clasping materials – per tooth clasping materials – per tooth 10648 replace broken teeth - per tooth D5640 replace broken teeth - per tooth 10649 add tooth to existing partial 10650 add tooth to existing partial D5650 denture 10651 add clasp to existing partial 10652 denture denture - per tooth replace all teeth and acrylic on add clasp to existing partial D5660 cast metal framework (maxillary) replace all teeth and acrylic on denture - per tooth cast metal framework (mandibular) replace all teeth and acrylic on D5670 rebase complete maxillary denture 227-74-70 cast metal framework (maxillary) replace all teeth and acrylic on D5671 cast metal framework 10653 (mandibular) 10654 10655 rebase complete maxillary denture D5710 Rebase complete denture - 10656 Upper arch 10657 rebase complete mandibular D5711 rebase complete mandibular 228-74-70 Rebase complete denture - Lower 10658 denture D5720 denture 227-74-71 arch rebase maxillary partial denture rebase maxillary partial denture Rebase partial denture - Upper arch rebase mandibular partial denture D5721 rebase mandibular partial denture 228-74-71 Rebase partial denture - Lower arch reline complete maxillary denture D5730 reline complete maxillary denture 227-74-50 Reline complete denture - Upper (direct) (direct) arch - chairside, Page 448

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX5731 Reline complete denture - Upper 10659 reline complete mandibular D5731 reline complete mandibular 228-74-50 arch - chairside 10660 TX5740 Reline partial denture - Upper 10661 denture (direct) denture (direct) arch - chairside, 10662 TX5741 Reline partial denture - Upper 10663 reline maxillary partial denture D5740 reline maxillary partial denture 227-74-51 arch - chairside 10664 TX5750 Reline complete denture - Upper 10665 (direct) (direct) arch - laboratory 10666 TX5751 Reline complete denture - Upper 10667 reline mandibular partial denture D5741 reline mandibular partial denture 228-74-51 arch - laboratory TX5760 Reline complete denture - Upper (direct) (direct) arch - laboratory TX5761 Reline complete denture - Upper reline complete maxillary denture D5750 reline complete maxillary denture 227-74-60 arch - laboratory TX5810 Interim complete denture - Upper (indirect) (indirect) arch TX5811 Interim complete denture - Lower reline complete mandibular D5751 reline complete mandibular 228-74-60 arch TX5820 denture (indirect) denture (indirect) Complete overdenture - Upper TX5821 arch reline maxillary partial denture D5760 reline maxillary partial denture 227-74-61 TX5850 Complete overdenture - Lower TX5851 (indirect) (indirect) arch TX5862 TX5863 reline mandibular partial denture D5761 reline mandibular partial denture 228-74-61 TX5864 (indirect) (indirect) TX5865 interim complete denture D5810 interim complete denture 227-74-12 TX5866 (maxillary) (maxillary) interim complete denture D5811 interim complete denture 228-74-12 (mandibular) (mandibular) interim partial denture (including D5820 interim partial denture (including retentive/clasping materials, retentive/clasping materials, 10668 rests, and teeth), maxillary rests, and teeth), maxillary interim partial denture (including D5821 interim partial denture (including retentive/clasping materials, retentive/clasping materials, 10669 rests, and teeth), mandibular rests, and teeth), mandibular 10670 10671 tissue conditioning, maxillary D5850 tissue conditioning, maxillary 10672 tissue conditioning, mandibular D5851 tissue conditioning, mandibular 10673 10674 precision attachment, by report D5862 precision attachment, by report 10675 overdenture – complete maxillary D5863 overdenture – complete maxillary 227-74-13 10676 overdenture – partial maxillary D5864 overdenture – partial maxillary 228-74-13 overdenture – complete D5865 overdenture – complete mandibular mandibular overdenture – partial mandibular D5866 overdenture – partial mandibular Page 449

A B C D E F G H I J 1 SNODENT ID SNODENT TERM SYNONYM ID SYNONYM TERM SD ID SD TERM CDT ID CDT TERM ICD-10 TM ID ICD-10 TM Term TX5867 replacement of replaceable part D5867 replacement of replaceable part unspecified prosthodontic TX5875 procedure, by report of semi-precision or precision of semi-precision or precision TX5876 Facial moulage (sectional) attachment (male or female attachment (male or female Facial moulage (complete) TX5899 Nasal prosthesis 10677 component) component) Auricular prosthesis TX5911 Orbital prosthesis 10678 TX5912 modification of removable D5875 modification of removable Ocular prosthesis TX5913 Facial prosthesis 10679 TX5914 prosthesis following implant prosthesis following implant Nasal septal prosthesis TX5915 Ocular prosthesis, interim 10680 TX5916 surgery surgery Cranial prosthesis 10681 TX5919 Facial augmentation implant 10682 TX5922 add metal substructure to acrylic D5876 add metal substructure to acrylic prosthesis 10683 TX5923 Nasal prosthesis, replacement 10684 TX5924 full denture (per arch) full denture (per arch) Auricular prosthesis, replacement 10685 TX5925 10686 unspecified removable D5899 unspecified removable 233-74-99 10687 TX5926 10688 TX5927 prosthodontic procedure, by prosthodontic procedure, by 10689 10690 TX5928 report report TX5929 10691 TX5931 facial moulage (sectional) D5911 facial moulage (sectional) 154-74-13 10692 TX5932 TX5933 facial moulage (complete) D5912 facial moulage (complete) 154-74-14 10693 10694 TX5934 nasal prosthesis D5913 nasal prosthesis 185-74-10 10695 10696 TX5935 auricular prosthesis D5914 auricular prosthesis 178-74-10 10697 orbital prosthesis D5915 orbital prosthesis 177-74-10 10698 ocular prosthesis D5916 ocular prosthesis 176-74-10 10699 facial prosthesis D5919 facial prosthesis 154-74-10 10700 nasal septal prosthesis D5922 nasal septal prosthesis 188-74-10 ocular prosthesis, interim D5923 ocular prosthesis, interim 176-74-15 cranial prosthesis D5924 cranial prosthesis 105-74-10 facial augmentation implant D5925 facial augmentation implant 154-74-12 prosthesis prosthesis nasal prosthesis, replacement D5926 nasal prosthesis, replacement 185-74-11 auricular prosthesis, replacement D5927 auricular prosthesis, replacement 178-74-11 orbital prosthesis, replacement D5928 orbital prosthesis, replacement 177-74-10 Orbital prosthesis, replacement facial prosthesis, replacement D5929 facial prosthesis, replacement 154-74-11 Facial prosthesis, replacement obturator prosthesis, surgical D5931 obturator prosthesis, surgical 240-74-10 Obturator prosthesis, surgical obturator prosthesis, definitive D5932 obturator prosthesis, definitive 240-74-11 Obturator prosthesis, definitive obturator prosthesis, modification D5933 obturator prosthesis, modification 240-74-12 Obturator prosthesis, modification mandibular resection prosthesis D5934 mandibular resection prosthesis 160-74-10 Mandibular resection prosthesis with guide flange D5935 with guide flange 160-74-11 with guide flange mandibular resection prosthesis mandibular resection prosthesis Mandibular resection prosthesis without guide flange without guide flange without guide flange Page 450

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