Lands Atlantic Publishing Spring Catalog 2016
Young/New Adult TitlesSeventeen-year-old Letti has shown enough talent to be living the dream as a student at the prestigious andprivate Gamers Academy. When she’s not in weekly meetings that push her buttons, she’s having practicegaming sessions and hanging out with Eric, her boyfriend and fellow teammate.But there's a new arrival - A mysterious, elite gamer who is beginning to grab everyone's attention, and if Letti’snot careful, hers too.With the most important tournament coming up, concentrating just got a little more difficult and the only onewho seems to notice is her.But maybe being pushed out of her comfort zone isn’t so bad… isn't gaming supposed to be entertaining andchallenging anyway?ISBN-13: 978-0997155112
After an unfortunate incident, seventeen year old Eleanor Loveless is tossed off the top of a cliff, dubbed'Suicide Hill' because of its infamous reputation.She lands in a mysterious town populated by all the suicide victims who ever made the jump, where she isshunned as an outsider. Eleanor finds solace in Phillip Kidd, the only town resident who seems willing to go outof his comfort zone to help her survive in their broken world.With a fresh view of the afterlife, The Broken Haven unravels Eleanor's unforeseen impact on the town aboveand the town below.ISBN-13: 978-0985725082
In a time when a pandemic is threatening the entire population, Risa and her family apply for covetedacceptance into a new Safe City— a place designed to keep the virus out and to preserve a select few of thepopulation.But getting accepted into the city may not be worth it. Especially when she is sedated for secure transport andwakes up, unable to find her family. No matter how wonderful the city claims to be, Risa can’t help but focuson the fact that she’s being kept in while the people she cares about are missing.Meeting a few new friends and an intriguing soldier named Camsen Luck may help, but none of them canconvince her that self-preservation is more important than finding her family; or that trying to escape is suicide.In a thought provoking novel, Gates of the Arctic challenges how far people will go to protect themselves in atime of crisis and questions the meaning of true freedom.ISBN-13: 978-0985725075
When seventeen-year-old Pala de la Croix and her escort team are deployed to a newly discovered planet, theirroutine exploration quickly changes to a survival mission. After being targeted by their own weaponry and anunknown virus, the rangers and scientists attempt to make their way back to base camp safely.While Pala tries to unravel the motivation behind the attack, she also has to come to terms with the possiblebetrayal of her boyfriend and fellow Cadet Marshal, Cabot Isberg. In her search for the source of the deception,she'll discover that not only is intelligent life present on Colossus, but the planet itself may be more valuablethan she was led to believe.In this defining journey, Pala learns how little value is placed on the loss of life. And fighting to protect oneplanet may cost her refuge on the other.ISBN-13: 978-0985725037
Middle Grade TitlesGetting sucked into the latest and greatest video game, FABLE NATION, isn't the worst of Mitch's problems.Realizing there's no way out until he beats all the levels might be.Battling Montezuma in a Mexican jungle isn't hard when you're doing it from your bedroom, but inside thegame is a different story.Mitch better think fast as he teams up a new side-kick and killer pet.They'll have to work together to defeat headless spirits, ginormous spiders, and even creepy viruses that mayalso be trying to escape the game. Log in and join their mission, where reality and gaming collide!ISBN-13: 978-0997155105
King Winkle and Queen Periwinkle have a problem. They need a princess, and they need her fast. With theupcoming peace-keeping marriage between Prince Linus of Branninia and the princess of the fair Kingdom ofHoggenbottom, it's a bit risky to admit they don't have a princess.Instead, they decide to host The Princess Games. Soon enough, the fairest maidens of the land are gathered infront of the castle, fairy-godmothers in tow! With a goofy king, an obsessive compulsive advisor, and a fairygodmother whose spells do whatever they want, these games are about to get interesting.Even if Emma and her clumsy Fairy Louise can manage to do well in the competition, she'll have to get past theexpert spells of Fairy Faye and the beauty of Laralyn, who is intent on pleasing her ambitious mother at anycost.ISBN-13: 978-0985725068
Hidden somewhere in the fog of the San Francisco bay lies Blue Rock Island, home to the bay area s two best-kept secrets: Bell s Bluff, the old, abandoned prison on one side of the island, and the Night Train, a mysterioustrain ride on the other. When twelve-year-old Molly Pepper receives a secret invitation promising a night ofmagic and adventure aboard the Night Train, she is skeptical. In her experience, most promises prove too goodto be true. The fact that she lost her mom is proof enough.Still, Molly gives hope another chance. Together with her loyal friend, Noah Wonderly, they sneak out of thehouse and follow a string of clues leading to the Night Train. But when the train stops at Bell's Bluff, Mollydiscovers the real reason she was invited. There, she starts to wonder if hope and magic not only fix brokenpromises; but make you believe in them again.ISBN-13: 978-0985725051
One point three million dollars. That's what thirteen-year-old Lucas Cage inherits from Mr. Casey, a neighborLucas thought had very little. In spite of his wealth, Mr. Casey's eighty-four years on earth were lived out rathermodestly.Having no close family or friends to speak of, the old man left his fortune to Lucas, someone he considered tobe a true friend. According to the will, the money is to be put into a trust fund that Lucas will not be able toaccess until his twentieth birthday.This is not a problem until Lucas is kidnapped and finds himself in the unusual circumstance of being richwithout a ransom. Using his cleverness and quick thinking, Lucas must figure out a way to outwit his captors.ISBN-13: 978-0985725020
More Titles! Young Adult AWARD WINNER: During her abduction and assault, Audrey begins to hear a voice. She hopes she’s not going crazy. However, as she begins to listen to the voice, Audrey realizes that someone may be telepathically trying to help her.Young Adult Sixteen year Young Adult The Petrescu Young Adult Claire is struggling Young Adult After anold Jeilin leaves the to overcome the murder of her unexpected transfer to the Statesordinary behind when she’s family has been protecting childhood friend and secret for her senior year, Suranne'sinducted into the king’s society from a danger that crush, Daniel. The fact that she new friends give her just oneservice as a horseback moves among the finds herself alone and drowning instruction: stay away from Kaneriding messenger. She population undetected. But on her 16th birthday isn’t Richards. According to everyone,expects a life of adventure when eighteen-year-old helping. But something he's a heartless playboyand freedom, but those Vasi Petrescu is ordered to happened during those four and concerned only for himself. Buthopes are shattered after eliminate a seventeen-year- a half minutes that will make things aren't always what theybeing captured by a foreign old girl, he is immediately her realize seeing Daniel again seem- especially when he sets hisarmy. taken out of his comfort was not just her imagination. sights on her. zone.
Young Adult Young Adult Young Adult With Young Adult SophieWeston Wilson is not immortal In the aftermath of Sophie’s Weston’s self-imposed forty- realizes there are significantand he is of this world. But, ordeal, Weston will make eight hour deadline having signs that her chances ofaging is not part of hisexistence, and eighteen-year- some uncharacteristic already lapsed, Sophie’s reaching twenty are not inold Sophie Slone is determined decisions to distance himself patience is pushed to the her favor. Wes is convincedto find out why. In doing so,she could also uncover from the past in an attempt max—especially with her that a different fate issomething about her own life to change the future. But, realization that his concern is locked in memories from aexpectancy that she may notwant to know. Suddenly, while venturing into the not for his own well-being, past lifetime. If only theyimmortality will mean improbable, the present but for hers. Just when they can access them. But even ifeverything and nothing all atthe same time. sneaks up in a chilling way embrace a reconnection, Wes can convince Sophie to that will lead to Wes’ she’ll learn that her greatest trust in memories that could unexpected submission. threat is not necessarily be nothing more than Suddenly, Sophie will find something that might dreams, neither of them herself watching as both his happen in the future, but will be prepared for what immortal secret and his own something that’s comes next. existence are threatened. happening… right nowYoung Adult Seventeen- Young Adult For Teagan, Young Adult Like his fallen Non Fiction Readers willyear-old Teagan McNeel these last few months have brother Lucifer, Hadrian has enjoy the narrative history offalls for captivating Garreth been heaven on earth- been ordered by his fellow Hot Wheels prototypes fromAdams and soon discovers especially now that Garreth, angels into a reflective state the moment Mattel founder,that her crush has an eight- her boyfriend and guardian known as the Bliss. Having Elliot Handler first said, Whypoint star etched into the angel, is earthbound. But also grown enamored by the not we try?; to the researchpalm of his right hand-the perhaps Garreth is becoming same darkness that inhabits and developmentmark of an angel. But where a little more human than human souls, he feels that department’s livelythere is light, dark follows, either of them expected. Lucifer’s banishment was too competition to bring theand she and Garreth Now, Teagan must realize that severe. Forever influenced by coolest cars to the table!suddenly find themselves her world is once again about that horrific event, Hadrian Even the serious Hot Wheelsvulnerable to a dark angel’s to shift, as she questions the vows revenge and ventures to collector will be fascinated bymalicious plan that could faith she held in others Earth to follow him, the rare interviews and neverthreaten not only her life, against those once considered unwittingly starting an eternal before seen internal photosbut the lives of everyone enemies. competition and documentation.she knows.
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