Contents6 Let’s go to Camp . . . Summer Camp! 22 Canyon Creek Chronicle8 Pet of the Month 24 Fit Body Boot Camp10 Splish Splash . . . It’s Time 28 Neighborhood Newcomers 32 Canyon Creek Allstate Insurance to Get Your Pool Ready for Summer 34 Fitness12 Those Bikes We See Everywhere 35 Real Estate18 The Pearce Mum Store20 Your Attic . . . . Air Quality, & Front Cover photo provided by Amber Starling Photography,, 469-226-1276 Your Family - choose local!4 Super Senior 14 Business of the Month16 Family of the Month 30 Athletes of the Month 1
Letter from Publisher Kyla Obertthe Publisher EditorS pring! Thank goodness for these longer days . . . Teri Hebert so I can pack more into them! Amiright?!? If your spring is as busy as mine (cue alllll the Ad Salesschool events), then you too are looking forward to Mike Obertthe unscheduled calendar that summer brings. Don’t Nancy Luttingerget me wrong, I’m soaking up these last 20+ plus daysof my kids learning from a patient and kind teacher, Photographerversus being entertained by me. But I’m excited for Amber Starlingrelaxing, pool-filled, camp-attending, and vacationingdays. Speaking of camps for kids, we gathered up a few Designercamp options, close to the ’hood, that you should look Gia Mari L. Pintoyinto—if you haven’t already. Contributors I say it every issue, but this magazine wouldn’t Lisa Parelli, Ryan Amerson,be possible without the nominations we receive each month from you. We enjoy Tom and Katie Hough, Wilson Allen,sharing your stories, your accomplishments, your business endeavors, your pets, andeverything in between that makes this neighborhood go ’round each day. Continue and Angela Greennominating, so we can continue sharing. Special ThanksLetter from the Editor John Laine, Michael and Rachel Hochevar,H appy Spring, people of Canyon Creek! I get Johnnie Akin, The Dreyer Family, pretty excited when the weather gets warm- The Dudley Family, Alicia Abel, er, the sun stays out longer, and the grass The Friesen Family, and Ross Knightand trees (and weeds) start turning greener this timeof year. Well, I could do without the weeds . . . but For Advertising Questions, please emailotherwise I love spring and things that bloom. [email protected] In fact, you are probably seeing your neighbors out For Editoral Requests, please emailand about in the neighborhood more and more these [email protected]. The weather is encouraging dog walks, family [email protected] to the park, jogging, and even biking throughthe streets. Outside activities are back! HyperLocal Media 2701 Custer Parkway, Suite 706 Speaking of biking, in this issue of you’ll read someideas about those brightly colored bikes we seem to Richardson, TX 75080see more and more of—often left haphazardly in our streets and on our sidewalks.We don’t have all of the answers here at Canyon Creek Life. But we can present Managing Partnerssome creative solutions to co-exist with what some might feel are intruders in our Mike and Kyla Obertbeloved ’hood. Principals You’ll also get to know two families who love the parks and greenery of the Campbell Kerr and Dustin Shafferneighborhood—the Dreyer and Dudley families. Plus you’ll get to know our veryown Richardson Real Hero, John Laine. And you’ll meet Louis the dog who is readyfor his close-up! As always, thanks for reading! And remember, if you think of someone who wouldbe a great family to feature, or someone who has a fantastic pet, or anyone else thatwould be interesting to share with your neighbors, let us know! We depend onnominations to fill these pages and we love telling your stories. Happy spring reading!2
Super Senior JOHN LAINE by Teri Hebert Photo by Teri Hebert4
W hen you chat with John Laine, you learn that he’s been Super Senior active in helping to shape Richardson and Canyon Creek for quite some time. He’s a guy who likes to provide solu- He realized that it doesn’t do anyone much good to have a chairtions and he will find efficient ways to make things happen. they can’t use. And he realized he could do something about that need. In 2005, John sold the aerospace company he owned at the If his name sounds familiar, it could be because he was just named one time and went full time into what is now Texas Ramp Project. Theof Richardson’s Real Heroes in a ceremony that took place April 5, 2018. timing was good for this change. John had noticed a shift in businessHe and three other Richardson residents were recognized for their quiet, where it seemed like serving customers was less important than thebehind-the-scenes work that makes our city and our world a better place. bottom line. He knew he could let go of his business and shift his focus to Texas Ramp Project to serve people in a meaningful, face-to- John was recognized this year for his work with Texas Ramp face way—and it would make a big difference in many lives.Project, a nonprofit organization that provides wheelchair ramps forthe disabled or elderly who can’t afford a ramp on their own. It’s just The organization’s reach is now in 80% of the counties in Texasone of the things John has done during his time in Canyon Creek and they have provided more than 15,000 ramps to those in need. Inthat provides a solution where he saw a need that could use his help. about half a day, his teams can come in to a location, build a ramp,But let’s back up and get to know John before his recent recognition. and immediately make it easier for the handicap or elderly person to get in and out of their home and have more freedom to get where they John met his wife Nancy during college. He and a friend had a need or want to be.brilliant plan to find dates by chatting with the seasonal help at alocal store. While his friend found a girl to chat with in the lingerie And John is hoping to expand even more. He’s currently working todepartment, John found Nancy in the book department and began a set up a similar operation in New Mexico. He travels frequently, meetingconversation. It turns out that his plan worked well. They hit it off, with churches and organizations to set up hubs where he can form a teamdated a short time, and were married just a few months later. He and to review local requests for ramps, house materials, provide volunteerNancy have been married for fifty-one years! labor, and respond to building ramps. He’s developed a system that is easy to replicate and low-cost. With donated funds and volunteer labor, In 1977, John and his family moved to Canyon Creek to the same Texas Ramp Project can build three ramps for the price of one where he and his wife Nancy still live today. He worked withBlack & Decker in aerospace hardware sales and was transferred to With his vision for helping others and his ability to recognize athis area from Connecticut at that time. When it came time for the need, rally support, and develop a solution, it’s clear why John Lainetransfer, John had the choice of Atlanta or Dallas. Fortunately for received recognition this year as one of Richardson’s Real Heroes. HisCanyon Creek, they chose to come to Richardson. help in keeping Canyon Creek a small oasis in the city is an amazing contribution to our community, as well. John mentions that he had an opportunity to go back to Connecticutduring his career, but they wanted to stay here after falling in love John, thank you for all the you do for Richardson and for those inwith Canyon Creek and Richardson. The Laines have two sons who need of wheelchair ramps through Texas. We are so glad that youwent through Plano high schools. One son now lives in Frisco, and chose Canyon Creek!the other son lives in Charlotte, NC with his family and their twotwin fifteen-year-old daughters. John’s wife Nancy had a wonderful To learn more about Texas Ramp Project visit them online at as a voice teacher, and she now spends a good bit of time inCharlotte with their two granddaughters. As a member of the Richardson Kiwanis Club, John has a heartfor helping others and volunteering to make things better for others.He says that curiosity drives him, and he likes to figure out howthings work and develop solutions. In the mid-1980s, he got himselfinvolved in Richardson city politics, helping to spread the word aboutimportant issues facing residents in local elections. He helped form a group of active citizens to inform and influenceCity Council positions. John was particularly interested in planningand zoning issues that helped shape density zoning along Renner Rd.He also helped influence the direction of Collins Rd. and Lookout help avoid a straight, secondary route of high-traffic travel throughthe neighborhood. One of his favorite things about Canyon Creek isthat the neighborhood is like a small island. This is partly due to thesetraffic and infrastructure decisions that he was involved in years ago. In 1989, John went on his first wheelchair ramp build and hebecame involved with what was then the Dallas Ramp Project. He sawfirsthand how much of a need there is for good wheelchair ramps, andhow inexpensively and efficiently these ramps can be built. He alsorecognized the gap in providing ramps to people who really need them.While healthcare will often provide a wheelchair worth several thousanddollars, there is a lack of funding to provide a few hundred dollars tobuild ramps so that those who need the wheelchairs can get 5
Community NewsLet’s go to Camp!by Teri HebertS chool is soon to be over and summer will be here. And that 3. Canyon Creek Country Club age-old question is upon us: what do we do with our kids Running from June 5-August 10, there is a camp for any age of young for the summer?!?! We’ve done a little research for you andcompiled a few ideas for you to keep your kids active and busy this tennis enthusiast: The Tadpoles (ages 4-6), The Creek Tennis Campsummer. But know that this list is just a handful of ideas! Check (ages 5-13), and The Teen Tennis Camp (ages 13-16). Is your childwith local churches, the library, clubs, YMCA, or try a Google interested in other sports? Check out The Creek Sports Camp for golf,search to find more interesting ideas to keep your kids entertained swim, and the sport of the day. For more info visit summer. Clubs/Canyon-Creek-Country-Club/Amenities/Tennis/Junior-Tennis.1. Crull Fitness Youth Summer Camp 4. Sway Dance Center Crull Fitness has Youth Summer Camp available starting in June. For your young dancer in the family, check out Sway Dance Center.Camp is open to boys and girls ages 6-14, including members and Available camps at Sway are Princess Camp for Ages 3-6 and ournon-members. Available dates are: June 4–8, July 9–13, and August Teams Technique Camp. However, most ages can make any week in6–10. Cost is $200/week with a 10% discount if registered before July a “Camp Week” by signing up for Summer Workshops! EmailMay 15. Sign up at [email protected] for more information or for help signing- up your dancer for a “Camp Week” of workshops!2. City of Richardson Camps take place June 11-August 3 and registration is already Have older kids who aren’t interested in camp? Many local agencies enjoy teens who want to volunteer during the summer. Check outopen! Camps offer a variety of activities including, but not limited local animal shelters, libraries, churches, hospitals, gyms, etc. Orto, indoor/outdoor games, sports, arts & crafts, field trips, swimming, perhaps a good summer job is in order. The City of Richardson andvolunteer opportunities, and visits from special guests. Fun and safety other places often employ teens to help with lifeguard duties andare top priority. For more info and to register online visit www.cor. summer activities for younger Whatever your needs are for the summer, the options are many! We hope you and your children have a fun, safe summer.6
Pet of the MonthLouis S h a re w i t h u s a f u n n y o r a w e s o m e s t o r y o f l i v i n g i n Canyon Creek. Louis is always a fan of the different neighborhood events like National Night Out or the 4th of July parade. We always like to go grab a bite at Shady’s, then watch all the of the floats and fun kids.Y ou might have seen Louis out and about, maybe at Sweet Fire- Tell us about your pet: fun tricks, unique talents, quirky fly or at Shady’s. He’s a social guy and he’s excited for his close- personality, etc. up this month in Canyon Creek Life. Neighbors, meet Louis! Louis knows how to sit (when a treat or food is present) and heTell us your names and your pet’s name. can walk on a leash pretty well. French Bulldogs apparently are very We are Michael and Rachel Hochevar, and our pet is Louis Hochevar. stubborn and do not enjoy utilizing their big ears for listening. He does really love to play around with neighborhood dogs and willWhat breed is your pet? crouch down to wait for other dogs to approach him while out on Louis is a French Bulldog. walks. One of his favorite activities is to run around at the Bush Central Barkway and give the bigger dogs a run for their money asWhere did you get your pet and how long have you had him they try to chase him. He is a very happy and goofy guy who is alwaysor her? up for a playdate, especially with his brother who lives next door. When he is not playing, he is watching the Food Network or sunning We got Louis from a breeder near McKinney a little over four years ago. in the backyard.How long have you lived in Canyon Creek? Anything else you would love for your neighbors to know about We moved to Canyon Creek three years ago. your pet?What do you love most about living in Canyon Creek? Louis has a very active Instagram account that keeps his followers We love to walk around the neighborhood near the golf course and up to speed with his daily thoughts along with neighborhood events of Canyon Creek, like when ice cream breaks are needed from Sweetmeet all of the other furry neighbors and owners. Firefly. He can be found at @Everydaylouis.8
Splish SplashIt's Time to Get Your PoolReady for Summerby Lisa ParelliD id you know that more than 60% of single family residen- 3. Waterline Tile tial homes in Dallas-Fort Worth have pools installed in their From stunning glass, to subtle earth tones; from a simple waterline, backyard? For those of us that have endured Summer in Tex-as know our swim season definitely exceeds the typical Memorial Day to a raised spa wall, your tile is a focal point of your poolscape. Byto Labor Day pool season as seen in other parts of the country. simply updating waterline tile alone, your pool can have a more contemporary look. If your budget permits, combining it with Pools are definitely a benefit in the hot summer months as they your deck or pool resurfacing and you will think you have a newlyoffer a level of entertainment and exercise for families. Ask any installed pool.child what their favorite summer activity is and you will likely hear“swimming.” But, what happens when your pool has aged, or has not 4. Water Featuresbeen maintained regularly? As with the interiors of your home, your Adding waterfalls and sprayers are pretty easy to add into your poolpool also ages and the style needs updating. Just like remodeling akitchen or bathroom, your pool renovation is not “cheap.” And, if design. Although water features can increase the maintenance cost ofyou haven’t stayed on top of structural or equipment issues, then you your pool because they use extra electricity, they do breathe a morehave added additional costs to your pool update. modern feel to your tired pool with motion and sound. Let’s just start with the cost. The cost of a major pool renovation is likely 5. Salt Water Systemmore than you will want to pay but updating can actually save you money Have you ever swum in a salt water pool? If so, you likely experienced(like updating windows or an HVAC – newer is more cost efficient). Newtreatments or equipment also enable your pool to run more efficiently. softer skin and less eye irritation. The major trend of moving to a salt water system allows you to use salt to create chlorine in the water Some of the top trends for making your pool look more modern instead of strong chlorine products. It is cost-effective because itand operate more efficiently with minimal investment are as follow: is generally cheaper to maintain – say goodbye to all the expensive traditional pool chemicals.1. Pool Resurfacing Pool resurfacing is probably the highest cost in a pool remodeling 6. Energy Efficient Equipment and Automated Systemsbudget. Pools that are 20-30 years old were likely finished in a simpleplaster. Today, there are some very beautiful aggregate finishes that use Like anything you replace, newer is usually more efficient. Theremany materials, many are even recycled and incorporate shells, glass, are many different types of equipment for you to select for your pool.stones and other materials. These new surfaces completely change the A variable speed pool pump is definitely a good choice as it uses lesslook of your pool and replaces that old, tired plain plaster finish. electricity. There are also solar powered heaters and lights which lend to energy savings.2. Lighting Your current pool likely has a simple floodlight blasting from As pool technology continues to evolve, there are a lot of products that can be retrofitted to older pools. Some of this equipment thatone end of your pool or basic lighting. LED Lighting is the way makes life easier for the pool owner is robotic cleaners, all-in-one poolto go today. Not only is it more energy efficient, but can truly add automation systems and even automatic pool covers. These high-spectacular effects around your backyard…transforming it into an tech products allow you to check or control your pool from youroasis. LED lights come in several different colors which can give your smart phone.backyard a completely different look.10
Community NewsThose Bikes We See Everywhere by Teri HebertH ave you noticed the many colorful bikes everywhere these Then take it to the Cottonwood Art Festival or Huffhines Art Walk days? No, these are not gangs of unruly kids riding the streets next year. and dumping their bikes on your lawn. These are commer-cial bikes intended for “sharing”. 3. Function You and your children can learn valuable mechanical skills by Within the past year, bike share companies have introduced theconcept of renting a bike to get around town. While many can disassembling and reassembling a bike. No need to use your own bike.appreciate the idea of providing low-cost transportation to travel Use the free one in your flower bed! Just be sure to reassemble it wellshort distances, the side effect of what often seems like bike litter is a so that it’s ready for the next rider.concern when we see bikes blocking sidewalks, in our yards, or takingup spaces in parking lots. 4. Scavenger Hunt Need a cheap birthday party idea for your child? Send them on a But, how can we peacefully co-exist with bikes meant for good whenthey are often seen as evil, being left behind as though the riders have hunt for bikes. Have them take photos. Compile the photos and sendsimply disappeared mid-pedal? Here are some thoughts: them to LimeBike and V-Bike to kindly and helpfully remind them of where their bikes have been “thoughtfully” deposited in our ‘hood.1. Ransom It seems that if a bike lands in your yard or on your sidewalk, a Of course, these ideas are all in fun to help lighten the mood on what is a real concern with these bike-share bikes. The companiesransom photo and note to the company is your prerogative. Get like LimeBike and V-Bike who manage these programs seem to becreative. Add a copy of today’s newspaper cover (or the cover of your working toward better solutions to help riders have the bikes they needmost recent Canyon Creek Life) to show the date (like in all those when they need them, and also help keep our yards, sidewalks, andmovies with ransom notes). parking lots clear of bikes while not in use. Until we see improvement, consider the ideas above at your own discretion . . . or download a2. Art bike-share app, then grab that bike in your yard and take it for a ride Free stuff deposited on a sidewalk or yard? Use it as free stuff for an to the park!art project. Stacked bikes, bikes as other things, abstract art, whatever.12
Business of the MonthWhat is your name and the name of yourbusiness? How long have you been inbusiness? My name is Johnnie Akin and I help runCallbox Storage. We did a soft launch in July2016 to friends and family. Our official kickoffof marketing to the public was in September2016. You can find us online at us about your business (what do you do, where do you doit, etc). At Callbox we do the heavy lifting. We are a full-service storagecompany built on the principle that storage should be simple. Wesimplify the storage experience through technology, genuine care,quality service, and safety. Here’s how it works: 1. We Pick Up: We load and haul things to our secure and difficult it was to use a self-storage unit. We can order paper towels climate-controlled storage facilities. We do the heavy lifting. and have them delivered to our door next day, but when it comes to There is no charge for our pickup. our own stuff we have to spend six hours on the weekend to lug things back and forth to the storage unit. There must be a better way! So, 2. Photo Inventory: We provide customers with a photo inventory our founders put their heads together and realized they could utilize they can view from our web app. technology, coupled with real estate efficiencies, to create a better storage model that’s great for the consumer. 3. We Return On Demand: With the click of a button we deliver items back to the customer’s door. We can return everything or Tells us a favorite story or two about your business. just a box of decorations. Whatever the customer needs. At Callbox we know our customers are typically dealing with some Think about Amazon, but instead of buying items online, you sort of a life event. Those life events can be either happy times (newrequest your items in storage instead. marriage, birth of a child, new home, etc.) or sad times (death of a family member, bitter divorce, kids moving out, etc.). We prideWhat inspired you to do what you do? ourselves and train our employees on being compassionate and At Callbox we understand that life brings all sorts of experiences, genuinely caring to our customers. We’ve had multiple situations where we have helped in both happy and sad times, includingone of those being the birth of a child. One of our founders had their situations where individuals have called us in the worst of times. Ifirst child in November of 2015. During the summer of that year, think that’s where we perform our best. Below is one example fromthey were getting the house ready for their new arrival. They were also an actual customer.remodeling their master bedroom. They had furniture scattered aboutthe house and were in need of additional space. After making calls toself-storage facilities, they quickly realized they’d likely need to renta truck, then enlist friends and family to help load and unload at thestorage unit. This experience helps them understand how painfully14
Business of the Month Through the campouts, Friday cul-de-sac parties, PCE activities and sporting events, there is plenty of opportunity to meet new people and build great relationships. As you can see below, Amanda and I are rooted in small town Texas. When we were moving, we were looking for a place that felt small and was well connected. That’s exactly what we found in Canyon Creek. “Your team came to me at a terrible time in my life. I’m moving out of Tell us about your family (names, ages, schools, work, etc).a home I’ve been in for years due to a bitter divorce. I was overwhelmed by Johnnie—CFO, Bachelors and Masters degrees in Accounting andthe kindness given to me today by the gentlemen that assisted in my move.I actually had a very tearful moment because of their kindness. Thank you Finance from Texas A&Mfor making this difficult situation so much easier.” Amanda—Homemaker and Akin Family CEO, Bachelors in Marketing It is these stories that keep us going and part of the reason I joined from Texas A&Mthe Callbox team. I love the compassion of this company and the Taylor—9, 3rd Grade at Prairie Creek Elementarywillingness of our team in helping others. Parker—6, Kinder at Prairie Creek Elementary Jordan—3, Weekday Kids at First United Methodist Church RichardsonHow long have you lived in Canyon Creek? Nearly two years. Since August of 2016. Amanda and I grew up on ranches near small towns east of Austin (Giddings and Elgin). We originally met in middle school, but she wasWhat brought you to Canyon Creek? way out of my league back then and I was way too immature. I was a bit It’s a very safe, family-oriented neighborhood, with a wonderful goofy, both in my looks and my behavior. My brother’s friends called me Dumbo because my ears were much larger, proportionately, thanschool. We knew Karen and Tully Wyatt and had been to their house my head. Once I grew into my ears, it was all over. She couldn’t resist.a few times before. They really sold us on the neighborhood. Amanda and I graduated from A&M in 2004 and 2005, respectively and married in 2005. We subsequently moved to the Dallas area. WeWhat do you love most about living in Canyon Creek? bought our first home in Lewisville in 2009 and moved to Connecticut Wonderful sense of community and friendliness to us and our in 2014 for a temporary work assignment. We had an excellent neighborhood in Connecticut, so when moving back we were lookingchildren. These days it takes a village to raise a child. Well we have 3, for something similar. We are small town folks and in our small towns,so it takes large village. Canyon Creeks certainly represents that village folks did a great job helping and looking out for one another. In allto us. We love that the neighbors watch out for our home and the the neighborhoods we looked into, Canyon Creek gave us that same“Akin kids” as they are out and about in the neighborhood. Its been sort of feel.great getting to know so many great folks over the last year and a half. Our most recent addition to the family is our dog named Myles. He loves to play. You can often see him in the front yard of the Akin house playing fetch. Thanks to all our neighbors’ kids for playing with 15
Family of the Month Photos by Amber Starling PhotographyThe Dreyer & Dudley Families by Teri HebertY ou almost can’t tell them apart. When they all converged is involved in Young Life, and is president of his senior class of the at the Dreyer house for our photo shoot and interview, the Young Men’s Service League. two families blended together as if they are one big family ofbrothers and sisters. The kids get along. The parents actually are relat- Next is Luke, who will likely have turned 16 years old by the time youed (at least the moms are). They are the Dreyer and Dudley families. read this magazine. He is a sophomore at Pearce, is on the junior varsityLet’s get to know them this month. golf team, plays in the orchestra, and is the senior patrol leader for his boy scout troop. He’s also currently working to achieve Eagle Scout. Kirk and Kathy (now the Dreyers) met in the 7th grade. Accordingto Kathy, she came home from the first day of school that year and Mark is thirteen years old and goes to North Junior High. He placestold her sister Sarah that she had met the man she was going to marry. club soccer, and also plays soccer and runs track for North JH. He’sHowever, Kathy and Kirk didn’t date until they were sophomores at in honors band, and he plays baseball and basketball.Vines High School. They got married after they both graduated fromcollege (Kirk from Baylor and Kathy from Texas A&M) and have The youngest Dreyer is Neve, the only sister in a house full of bigbeen married for twenty-two years. brothers. She is eleven years old and goes to Canyon Creek Elementary. She’s an athlete, too, playing soccer, volleyball, and basketball. There are four Dreyer children: Kyle is the oldest. He recentlyturned eighteen years old, will graduate from Pearce this year, and The Dreyers first moved to Richardson in the Cottonwood Creek areaplans to attend Baylor in the fall. He is one of the captains of the about fourteen years ago when Kirk left his law career for independentcross-country team, plays on the varsity golf team, is a Wrangler, insurance. They knew they wanted to be in a neighborhood with amazing schools, and they knew RISD schools were the best. But they didn’t want to go as far north as Plano where they grew up.16
Family of the Month They’ve been in their current house since last summer, having When little Maryn was on the way, Sarahfirst lived in two other houses in the area. What started out as a and JD. knew they needed a bigger houserenovation turned into a new build on the footprint of the house for their growing family. They looked firstthat formerly stood on their lot. When they were looking for a larger at buying one of Kathy and Kirk’s formerspace, they fell in love with the lot on Fairway Dr. Kathy knocked on houses. Both Kathy and Kirk have an eyethe door of the home owners at the time and let them know if at any for renovations, or what Sarah called “rene-time they decided to sell, the Dreyers were interested. About nine vesting”. But just as they were ready to buymonths later, they got a call and after showing the current owners the house, another house became available—their plans for the lot and the house, they moved forward with the and it was perfect. Kathy (along with theirplans and built the home of their dreams where they live today. oldest sister who doesn’t *yet* live in Canyon Creek) saw the vision for the home. And the Of course, living in Canyon Creek, Kathy couldn’t help but want Dudley family moved to that house duringmore of her family close by. So, she worked hard to get her younger the summer of 2016.sister Sarah and her husband to move to the neighborhood. Andthat’s how the Dudley family came to the neighborhood in 2010 Both families love Canyon Creek! Ofwith their first house on Northview. course, having family so close is a huge perk. These two families spend a lot of Sarah and JD (now the Dudleys) met while playing co-ed softball. time together. They are only a short bikeSarah joined a team that needed another girl. ride or golf cart ride away. It’s a wonderfulAs she hit a triple and landed at third base, convenience for Kathy or Sarah, who arethe third base coach gave her a hard time both stay at home moms, to be able to comeabout not making that in to a home run. JD over and watch the kids, help shuttle kids towas that third base coach, who later ended up sports or music events, or help with a projectplaying left-center field next to Sarah (even at a moment’s notice.though he normally played short stop). Itwas a softball match made in heaven because The families love all of the green space andthese two players have now been married for having the park close by. Kathy and Kirk often tell their kids to “gonine years with three beautiful kids. find a friend,” when the kids need to get out of the house and away from screen time. They love that the kids or parents can text that Gray is their oldest at age six-and-a-half. the kids are headed to the park and they are soon joined by otherHe goes to Canyon Creek Elementary and friends in the neighborhood.plays soccer, t-ball, and flag football—allcoached by dad JD Emme is four-and-a- You’ll find all of them frequently at Frankie’s, Shady’s, or Sweethalf-years old and goes to Messiah Lambs. Firefly. You’ll also find most of them at any of the kids’ sportsShe doesn’t play sports just yet, but she really or music events. And, they love to travel together with the fullwants to play everything that Gray plays and extended family—all 18 of them! They enjoy renting a big houseshe has declared herself the assistant coach for so everyone can be together for vacations.all of Gray’s sports. She can usually be seenwith her whistle right alongside the coach at Kathy and Sarah are currently on a mission to get their parentsgames and practices. The youngest, Maryn, and older sister to also move to Canyon Creek, where they can allis two-and-a-half years old. She doesn’t play live, work, play, and go to school together. We are so glad to havesports, either, but also hopes to one day play the Dreyer and Dudley families in the ‘hood, and we look forwardeverything Gray plays. to one day (hopefully) having more of them here, too! 17
Community NewsThe Pearce Mum Store by Alicia Abel and Teri HebertI t’s never too early to think about next year’s Homecoming. That’s Volunteers working at the Mum Store designate the organization that where the PTA-run Pearce Mum Store comes in. should benefit from their efforts. Volunteers at the PTA Mum Store The J.J. Pearce High School PTA Mum Store was founded in include parents and students, both current and former. For the 20172003 by the organization’s president and devoted volunteer-parent, Homecoming season the store created and sold more than 700 mumsthe late Cathy Scheurer. The Mum Store operates as the largest and garters.and primary fundraiser for the organization. It is located in a retailspace at the NW corner of Coit and Campbell near Natural Grocers. The process of creating the mums and garters begins well beforeEvery school year, the store creates and sells mums and garters for Homecoming Friday. Work for the 2018 Homecoming season beganHomecoming. The store is managed by two PTA Vice-Presidents in January of this year and will continue until the big day when thewith the assistance and guidance of the outgoing VPs. The 2018-2019 PTA staffs a “Mum Hospital” on campus to help students with anyVPs are Andrea Haynes and Alicia Abel, the outgoing VPs are Brenda emergency repairs.Ucherek and Shelley Embry. The volunteer finishers use their creative skills and talents to Recently, the store received a much-need upgrade, thanks to Canyon create a variety of designs and themes for the mums. The mumsCreek resident Ryan Sproull. Ryan says, “My work at the Mum shop and garters for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are red and blue.was my Eagle Scout project. My job was to round up a group of Senior mums and garters are white and silver, with some studentsvolunteers to help tear out decades-old carpet and clean the concrete choosing to personalize with a pop of color. In the weeks leading upunderneath. We also installed a few display hooks and replacing two to Homecoming, the Mum Store opens for sales, and students visitfluorescent light fixtures. I was looking around for potential Eagle the Mum Store to purchase finished mums and garters either for theirScout projects and my scoutmaster suggested this to me since his wife dates or for themselves. After selecting their mum/garter, the studentsvolunteers at the Mum shop on a regular basis. I decided this would can choose to add more items like extra trinkets, blinky lights, jinglebe a project that was a good use of my skills as a scout, as well as one bows, ornaments, etc.that benefits the community.” Volunteers work hard and long hours to complete all the mums The PTA Mum Store operates on a 100% volunteer basis and the and garters in time for the all-important mum exchange. The store isPTA shares the Mum Store profits with Pearce student organizations. already looking for volunteers as they get ready for Homecoming 2018. To learn more visit
Your Attic . . . . Air Quality, &Your Family - choose local! by Teri HebertY ou can always depend on Texas weather to impact your How do they do it? Their System combines three different home’s energy efficiency (and bills!), no matter the season. components: Radiant Barrier, Attic Insulation, and Proper Ventilation. Extreme heat in the summer creates a hot, humid attic space These three components work in tandem to make a complete systemthat increases the heat in your home. And those chilly winter nights that will reduce your year-round energy costs.(yes, we do get a few!) can make your entire home feel like an iceboxwithout proper attic insulation. Some of our older, established homes here in Canyon Creek have years of deteriorated materials in our attics. These materials are Aside from cranking up the a/c in the summer and the heater in the harmful to breathe, plus many older homes have developed cracks andwinter, is there anything else you can do to maintain a comfortable crevices in the attic space that allows dust, moisture, and sometimeshome year-round? If you ask your Canyon Creek neighbor Ryan unwanted critters into your home.Amerson, he can help overhaul your attic in a way that properlyinsulates your home while also reducing your utility bills. Ryan and his team work diligently to clean and clear musty, dusty, and moldy attics to transformed it into a clean, air-tight, energy- Energy Attic, locally owned and operated by Amerson and his wife efficient space. They are meticulous and detailed in their work to helpTiffany, uses a 3-part Energy Reduction System (ERS System) to make make your attic something that helps improve the air quality in youryour home or office as energy efficient as possible, save you money on home while saving you money.heating and cooling costs, and reduce your carbon footprint on theenvironment. Energy Attic products offer the following benefits for home or business owners: With a Micah 6:8 mission to “Do what is right, Love people, andWork humbly”, the Amerson Family has developed a business that • Pay for themselves in a few years or lessputs people first, and profits second. “It seems to be working!”, says • Offer green alternatives for saving money on your bills andRyan. “We strive to live out Galations 6:10: ‘. . . while we have theopportunity, let us do good to all people.’ Home means a lot of addressing the comfort level of your homedifferent things to a lot of people . . . to us, it’s where life happens. • Can be installed in new or existing homes, offices, or out-buildingsWe have an opportunity to change the performance, air quality, and • Conserve energy and help the environment by reducing yourenergy costs in the place where everyone can make a difference in thisworld: Home.” carbon footprint • Qualify as Energy Star products Visit or Call 972-548-0088 for your FREE ATTIC OVERHAUL ESTIMATE.20
The Canyon Creek ChronicleLetter from the PresidentW hile of the mind that the mis- use of the word “literally” against your property should you decline the opportunity to pay in drives me figuratively insane, it a timely manner.seems reasonable to state that the CanyonCreek Homeowner’s Association dues of A mandatory association is very effective at keeping your neighbor’s$15 per year ($50 with a flag lease) literally project Chevy Vega set up on cinder blocks from disturbing yourepresents one of the best HOA values in every morning while you retrieve your morning paper. They are alsothe country. sometimes very good at providing a list of the trees one is allowed to plant and the colors one may select to paint his house. In extreme As your HOA Board, we occasionally instances, Lord Acton’s quote that “. . . absolute power corruptsreceive questions from neighbors asking absolutely” is borne out when a $60,000 King Ranch F-150 is deemedif a certain roof color is permissible to the a “work truck” that cannot be parked overnight on the street, or thatHOA, or if they can paint their own curb number with a custom a decorated Veteran may not fly the American flag. “Everythinglogo. Sometimes we are contacted by a title company seeking our that is not prohibited shall be mandatory” would make a fittingbylaws in order to facilitate a sale. In our volunteer HOA, we have no neighborhood rallying cry for such an association.jurisdiction to mandate individual choices, nor can we affect a sale. Canyon Creek, on the other hand, is a land of relative freedom and In a broad sense, there are two different types of Homeowner personal responsibility. The vigilance of our well-managed city willAssociations: voluntary, or mandatory. Generally, mandatory keep the project Vega off the street. But you may fly your own flag,associations are present in newer neighborhoods and the developer will park that luxury F-150, and express yourself to your own taste!create deed restrictions and install common areas, such as swimmingpools and club houses. Canyon Creek Phase I was developed in 1963 A mandatory association home sale will have extra paperworkand our entire neighborhood is a voluntary association. involved in the sale. If you are experiencing difficulty explaining to a lender or title company’s satisfaction that we are, in fact, a voluntary Both types of HOAs have their pluses and minuses. A mandatory “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave”-type of Homeowner’sassociation will usually provide a more robust amenities package, Association (and the largest voluntary HOA in the Dallas/Ft. Worthbut dues will be higher—much higher in some cases. They are also Metroplex), please have them call my direct line at 972-814-0400.very adept at collecting those dues, as they are able to file a lien Thank you for all that you do to instill that special sense of place into our community. A huge shout-out to the Neighborhood for the very Every year in May, there is a Memorial Service forlarge turn-out for our Coffee with Cops at Pearl Cup Texas Peace Officers who have traded their life foron April 20th. There was electric energy in the air and the oath they swore. This year, it will be performed onI witnessed many smiling animated conversations. RPD Monday, May 14th at 8:30AM at the flagpole at City Hall.performs a difficult job on a daily basis oftentimes In any normal year, it is an event not to be missed but thiswithout receiving a simple thank you. It is fitting year in particular, I urge everyone in the Neighborhoodand proper that we gather to honor them when the to clear out a spot on their calendar to pay homage toopportunity presents itself. Afterwards, I canvassed those who have departed us and those who activelythe Department for their perception of the Event and continue to serve. We gather every week by the tens ofreceived “I felt it was a huge success. Everyone seemed thousands to watch peopleto be very engaging and it went extremely well.” and run with a funny shaped“Outstanding!”. ball. Let’s do our part as a Neighborhood to help As we still collectively recover from the loss of one of Richardson turn out byour own Officers, we now are greeted with the horrible the thousands once a yearreality of one of our Neighboring Dallas Officers losing to give respect to somethinghis life in the line of duty while two others valiantly fight far more important.for their theirs.22
YARD OF THE MONTH NE QuadrantNW QuadrantMarch April3206 Tam O’Shanter Ln 307 Canyon Ridge DrSE Quadrant SW QuadrantMarch April2616 Prairie Creek East 617 Copper Ridge Dr 23
Say hello to your new fitness addiction.America’s #1 Fitness Program Opens In Richardson!Meet the Richardson Fit Body Boot Camp Team Rest Training allowing your body to burn more fat and calories than Richardson Fit Body Boot Camp is the area’s latest fitness traditional workouts that are twice as long. Every group training session is led by an experienced and certified personal trainer and isdestination. Owners and Richardson residents, Tom and Katie designed to be fun, high energy and never boring, all while burningHough are “thrilled to help transform the lives of our neighbors and maximum fat and toning your and look forward to helping all of Richardson reach theirfitness and fat loss goals”. By leading with passion and purpose for What do you get with an FBBC Membership?helping others achieve healthier and happier lifestyles through fitness • 30 minute, personalized training sessions that align with yourand nutrition coaching, the Richardson FBBC team has transformed fitness levelhundreds of Richardson residents’ lives this year and look forward to • Workout and nutrition programs to help you achieve your goalshaving a positive impact in the community for years to come. • Professional, certified personal trainers without the cost of private sessions You won’t meet a team more dedicated to your health and fitness goals • Fun, Motivating and dynamic workout environmentthan the team at Richardson FBBC! With dozens of years of experience • Most importantly, a Fitness Family!between the team, we put our clients first. Our coaches & trainers:Branden, Faith and Alicia are experts in fitness and nutrition, and fill every At Richardson Fit Body Boot Camp we pride ourselves on Results,session with passion, energy, motivation, and positive encouragement. Community and Fun!So, What is Fit Body Boot Camp? Ready to get started? Join our Fitness Family today by claiming your Fit Body Boot Camp is the world’s fastest growing and most free trial at www.RichardsonFBBC.compopular indoor fitness program with hundreds of locations worldwide. - Tom and Katie HoughThe unique fitness experience combines group personal training,personalized nutrition guidance and accountability coaching to helpclients lose weight, gain muscle, and burn excess body fat.Getting fit in just 30 minutes a day? The specialized Afterburn workouts at Fit Body Boot Camp use acombination of (HIIT) High Intensity Interval Training and Active24
Neighborhood Newcomers Photo by Laning Photography The Friesen Family Share with us the names and ages of everyone living in your house, including your pets. We are Luke (36) and Chelsea-Shay (29) Friesen. Jackson is our 4-month-old Golden Retriever Where do your kids attend school? We are due with our first child in July, so no school-age kiddos yet. But we are excited for our kids to attend Canyon Creek Elementary! We’ve heard such great things about it. Speaking of kids, we are waiting until birth to find out whether it’s a boy or girl, but we’re hoping that either way he/she will be a redhead like daddy! Tell us about your pets: Where did you get them? Do they have any unique tricks or quirks? We got Jackson a couple months ago from a family breeder in Paris, TX. He’s a sweet pup, but wants to get his teeth on everything! So far, he’s learning the basic commands but has a lot of room to grow. He’s enjoying his first backyard very much—one of his quirks is that he refuses to keep any of his chew toys inside. The second we give him one in the house, he runs to the door and whines until we let him outside. He’ll trot out there and set all his toys in the middle of the yard, where he can pick any one he wants. What do you do for a living? Luke is on staff at Watermark Community Church as Director of Operations. He’s worked there for the last 5 years, after transitioning from management consulting, which he did for seven years after business school at Texas A&M. Chelsea-Shay is the Creator & Director of HighPoint Supply Company, a boutique that sells “goods that give back” by benefitting causes that fight poverty and injustice around the world. Before that, she spent a couple of years working in the sports broadcasting world for ESPN and WFAA after getting her degree in radio, television, and film from the University of Texas. We’ve both had some major career changes already! 28
Neighborhood NewcomersHow did the two of you meet? Tells us a favorite story or two about yourWe met in 2014 while playing sand volleyball family (funny, sentimental, etc.).at an event put on by The Porch at Watermark. One of our favorite memories together was gettingWe dated for about a year, then went through the engaged in Paris at the Eiffel Tower. Luke did someMerge premarital class at Watermark before getting sleuthing and covertly found out that Chelsea-Shay’sengaged in February of 2016. We got married that childhood dream was getting engaged there and wasJuly, so we are approaching our second anniversary! able to plan a surprise engagement trip to Paris, using the various travel points that he’d been saving from hisWhen did you move to Canyon Creek? consulting days. He flew to Paris a day early withoutWe moved in March of this year, so we’ve been her knowing, and then had her boss take her to DFWhere just over a month. airport for a “business meeting”, where she foundWhat brought you to Canyon Creek? Where out that her brother and sister-in-law were waitingdid you live before you came here? for her with a fully packed bag, her passport, and a Luke’s lived in Dallas for about 10 years, and ticket to France! After she arrived she got a chanceChelsea-Shay for about 7. We both rented places to get freshened up and was escorted to the tower bynear Lakewood for years, and after we got married a friend before Luke popped the question. We gotwe lived in a friend’s garage apartment for our first engaged on Luke’s birthday, and the rest is history!year and a half before getting our first house in What do you do for hobbies or for fun?Canyon Creek. We enjoy riding our Honda Goldwing togetherWhat do you love most (so far) about living in when the weather is nice. Last summer we rode itCanyon Creek? together all the way to Vail, CO! We both enjoy exercise and staying active, but also love staying The strong sense of community! Everyone has home with a good book. Chelsea-Shay is a big moviebeen so warm and welcoming. We’ve met so many buff. And since we bought a 50-year-old house, ourpeople who have connections to the neighborhood new main hobby is house projects!that span decades. It’s obviously a special place!We’ve also appreciated neighborly willingness Anything else you would love for your newto let us borrow tools and other necessities as we neighbors to know about you?moved in. We’re really looking forward to meeting you! 29
Athletes of the Month CThhe icken BiscuitsT his month, we are excited to introduce you to the very fierce, girls love to laugh, dance, do cartwheels, sing and then kick the other yet full of fun, Chicken Biscuits. teams booty.Tell us your team name and a little about who is on the team, Brag on yourself: Tell us your honors and prestige of thehow old they are, what sport they play, etc. Chicken Biscuits. We are the mighty Chicken Biscuits! We play soccer and basketball The Chicken Biscuits have won multiple Richardson YMCA titlesand have been together since we were four years old. We are now since Pre-K (but we weren’t allowed to keep score so don’t tell the Yseven-to-eight years old and in 2nd grade. Team members include: that we did.) We have also won the postseason championship. ThisAddy Gaducci, Caroline Hicks, Abigail Hutcheson, Stella Knight, year, we are currently undefeated.Libby Obert, Taryn Pham, Gemma Randles, Grace Robinson,Kaitlyn Shaffer, Piper Silverthorn, and Rowyn Zutavern. Tells us a favorite story or two about a big moment or fun moment with the Chicken Biscuits in action, in the community,How did the name for the team come about? the parents, etc. We were starting Pre-K soccer at the Richardson YMCA and Libby Obert The Chicken Biscuit marketing department spends a lot ofwanted to be the Cupcakes. But we didn’t think Cupcakes were tough and time selling sponsorships to our games. Each game has a theme:consequently, our opponents would not fear us. So, after a few hours of Grandparents Day, Big Bow Day, Hug Your CPA Day, Doctor Day,throwing out ideas, someone said The Chicken Biscuits. It stuck. And we Dental Day, Bankers Day. The parents really get into it and bringuse the logo from the AA Minor League team the Montgomery Biscuits. swag from their office to give to the kids when it’s their turn for a sponsorship. We also did a Chicken Biscuit poster for the girls andWhat schools do the kids attend? posted it next to the Pearce posters. We got a lot of exposure from They all attend Prairie Creek Elementary with one TCA and one All that poster.Saints student on the team.Why do the kids enjoy playing as the Chicken Biscuits? Anything else you would love for your neighbors to know about you and the team? Our girls are very competitive and they love to play. But the mostimportant part of being a Chicken Biscuit is the fun we have. The The goal is to get our girls loving to play first and win second.30
Canyon Creek Allstate InsuranceTips for helping your teenBECOME A BETTER DRIVERPractice makes perfect. To properly prepare your teen for what’s to come, it’s a good idea to reviewmany of the driving skills needed to safely navigate your community’s roads.Get a quote for our four-legged friends. Together, we can make a difference. BASIC SKILLS: Starting, driving, and stopping smoothly Making accurate left and right turns Backing up Making a full stop at a stop sign Yielding the right-of-way Following safely behind other vehicles GET A QUOTE AND I’LL DONATE $20 INTERMEDIATE SKILLS: As a local Allstate Agent, I’m proud to support the Three-point turn Dallas Street Dog Advocates. And now it’s easy for Turning around by pulling into a driveway you to help too. Call or stop by for a free insurance U-turns quote and I’ll donate $20* to the Dallas Street Dog Parking (perpendicular and angled) Advocates. Changing lanes (light traffic) Maneuvering through normal intersectionsWilson Allen Communicating with other drivers972-810-4149 Adjusting speed and position Passing on multilane highwaysII Creeks Plaza Driving in bright sunCanyon [email protected] ADVANCED SKILLS:*No purchase or use of goods or services necessary for donation fulfillment. Maximum donation of $10000. Limited Parallel parkingto one (1) donation per household. Ends 12/31/2018. Insurance subject to terms, qualifications and availability. Changing lanes (heavy traffic)Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Co. Northbrook, IL. © 2018 Allstate Insurance Co. Maneuvering through busy intersections Entering a crowded highway Recognizing danger signs/conditions Passing on two-lane highways Driving at night Driving in rain, snow or fog 24388532
Four Activities to Mix Up Your Spring Fit Fun by Teri HebertW armer temperatures are arriving, which means outdoor than walking and soon you’ll be moving faster and further than you activities are now in play! If you are looking for ways to thought you could. mix up your fitness routine for the spring, take a look atthese four fun fit ideas: 3. Tennis Richardson has some great tennis courts, either within our parks1. Yard work So maybe “fun” isn’t the best word to use if you are thinking of (free to use and lighted until 10:30pm!) or at Huffhines Tennis Center. Tennis is a great mix of strength, agility, and cardio. Even ifimpending “yard work” as pulling the mower out of the shed or garage you start by simply hitting the ball back and forth across the net withafter winter and that first time you weed and mow for the spring. But, a friend without too much running, you’ll get your heart rate up andyard work can be so much more than just battling weeds and bringing hone your hand-eye coordination, as well. Play for fun with friends,a dormant lawn back to life. Planting flowers that will soon bloom, or check out tennis lessons, classes, and leagues through the City offertilizing and watering your lawn, landscaping, and cleaning your Richardson at to enjoy spring weather are great ways to get outside and getactive this time of year. 4. Cycling Dust off those bikes, grab the kids, and take a family bike ride to the2. Train for and Run a 5k It is surprisingly manageable to walk or run a 5k, even if you’ve park or around the neighborhood. Richardson is such a bike-friendly city, the streets are begging to be ridden when the sun is out and thenever intentionally run a step in your life before reading this sentence. temperatures rise above winter cold. Bike trails and bike lanes can beWhen I completed my first 5k, I had such a sense of accomplishment found throughout the city with maps available online to help planwhen I crossed the finish line, even though I didn’t run the whole your adventure. See that first time. Grab a few friends or your family, pick one to see where it’s fun and safest to ride.of the many 5ks in the area, and make it a fun adventure. Start bywalking around the block. Gradually add more distance. Then start No matter what activity appeals to you, put away the cozy winterjogging in the middle of your route. Eventually you’ll be jogging more sweatpants, grab a buddy, get outside, and get moving!
CANYON CREEK REAL ESTATE 01/1/18 - 02/28/18 Information below was obtained from NTREIS. Properties were listed and/or sold by many Brokers between 01/1/18-02/28/18. SOLD PROPERTIES SQFT LIST PRICE SOLD DATE SOLD PROPERTIES SQFT LIST PRICE SOLD DATE534 Lawnmeadow Drive 1,764 $289,900 02/22/2018 429 Shady Brook Place 2,475 $489,900 02/26/2018419 Valley Cove Drive 2,236 $325,000 02/15/2018 2533 Big Horn Lane 3,046 $499,000 01/16/20182904 Whitemarsh Circle 2,084 $369,900 01/09/2018 204 Lost Canyon Court 4,383 $700,000 01/03/201815 Willow Creek Place 2,655 $459,900 01/15/2018 327 Crestover Drive 4,142 $849,000 02/01/2018 THEN & NOW Canyon Creek, 1/1/2017 - 2/28/2017 Canyon Creek, 1/1/2018 - 2/28/2018 • Properties Sold: 8 • Properties Sold: 8 • Price Range: $379,000 - $889,900 • Price Range: $289,900 - $849,000 • Average Price: $523,975 • Average Price: $497,825 • Average Price PSF: $179.18 • Average Price PSF: $174.18If you are considering selling, call for acomplimentary market analysis to findout what your home is worth. DON’TLEAVE MONEY ON THE TABLE!214-893-4171300 Woodcrest Drive Pending ANGELA GREENSold 405 Brook Glen Drive Keller Williams Central [email protected] Phone: 214-893-4171 Each office is independently o wned and operated. Serving Dallas, Collin and Denton Counties 20 years experience
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