REINFORCE 2 0 2 2 An Overview of Basic Civil Engineering Software and Applications March 06 – 07 2D PLANNING: Introduction to AutoCAD ZOOM/FACEBOOK LIVE EVENT 3D PLANNING: Sketch Up Hosted by: How to: STAAD BatStateU – PICE/ACES How to: Primavera Participated by: Four (4) Resource Speakers Prepared & Written by: & 800+ participants Kayessel Grace B. Binay FOUR (4) SESSIONS NARRATIVE REPORT
An Overview Batangas State University PICE/ACES hosted a webinar series entitled REINFORCE 2022: An Overview of Basic Civil Engineering Software and Applications. The event consists of 4 sessions that took two days to finish. Last March 6, which served as the first day of REINFORCE 2022, AutoCAD 2D and SketchUp were briefly tackled by two skilled and experienced guest speakers whom I will be introducing in the latter part of this narrative report. For day two (2), which was held last March 7, applications including STAAD Pro and Primavera were then discussed by two, I must say, long experienced experts in the field of engineering. As a student and as an aspiring civil engineering professional, REINFORCE 2022 has introduced me more on how engineering might function virtually and how I would be able to excel in the field with the help of these software. For further discussion of the event, presented in this output is a compilation of all four (4) narrative reports tackling what have been transpired during the four (4) sessions. TABLE OF CONTENTS Narrative Reports Session 1: 2D PLANNING: Introduction to AutoCAD Session 2: 3D PLANNING: Sketch Up Session 3: How to: STAAD Session 4: How to: Primavera Appendices
MORNING SESSION 2D PLANNING: Introduction to AutoCAD Computer-Aided Design, famously known as AutoCAD, is a software used primarily for drafting and design. Through RENFORCE 2022, students like me were able to know how Mr. Erol Kim Mandocdoc this application works far beyond our knowledge. I have already performed the AutoCAD upon doing some of my requirements in my former subjects. And I do honestly admit that there are still a bunch of commands that I haven’t performed before. The resource speaker assigned in this session is Mr. Erol Kim Mandocdoc, who is an alumnus of Batangas State University under Bachelor of Science in Architecture. He became the president of United Architects of the Student Auxiliary (UAPSA) during the academic year 2019-2020. He is believed to have major skills in manual drafting and rendering, 2D drafting using AutoCAD, 3D modeling using SketchUp, and 3d rendering using Lumion. At present, he is currently working in Richman Designs and Consultancy. Given the said credentials, I was truly impressed already with the speaker. When Mr. Mandocdoc began the discussion, I observed that he had really been prepared. He took over the screen and started talking about some of the basic commands on how to create lines and shapes using the software. I remembered him teaching us how to group lines or even figures, and I honestly do not know that it is possible to do that in AutoCAD. He even said that in drawing figures, a designer should always consider where the midpoint is, the x axis and the y axis. He as well put an emphasis on the significance of using trim, and as what he had mentioned, the usage of trim will truly help the designer be in control of the design. At first, AutoCAD might seem to be an intimidating software but as stated by Mr. Mandocdoc, designs made using this software are just made of lines and figures. This just looks hard once the final output is done because that one has been the overall compilation of all the shapes the designer put in his or her design. Next to the discussion is the question and answer portion. Many of my co participants asked questions and one which I have remembered was the question of a student pertaining to what idea can the speaker give with regards to a thesis topic where AutoCAD can be applied. According to Mr. Mandocdoc, a student is expected to have deep familiarization with AutoCAD by the time that they will be having their thesis. Since Mr. Mandocdoc is from the architecture department, he stated that it is difficult to give tips since there are differences in the approach. But upon his observation of her sister, who came from the Civil Engineering department, a thesis that uses AutoCAD is a thesis that is more focused on structural design and detailing. After being flooded by a bunch of questions, the first session of the event came to its end. The resource speaker was then awarded a certificate of recognition. Afterwards, the students took a photo opportunity with Mr. Mandocdoc.
AFTERNOON SESSION 3D PLANNING: Sketch Up SketchUp is a 3D Planning software that is helpful to students and those in the field of designing structures. This allows designers to have a more realistic glimpse of the structure they are about to build. In this session of REINFORCE 2022, it was Ms. Rachel Mae Rivera who facilitated the discussion. She is a graduate of Bachelor of Ms. Rachel Mae Rivera Science in Architecture at Technological Institute of the Philippines. While currently preparing for her licensure exam, she is managing her own design and architectural firm, Envision Rendering Services, that has clients all over the world. In comparison with the first session, the discussion on SketchUp was done briefly due to the availability of the speaker. It took just an hour for Ms. Rachel to create a simple residential structure design. While doing the design, she had made sure to state every detail, commands and features that SketchUp has. She even similarized the features of SketchUp to Sims 4 and Minecraft, which are primarily seen as a gaming application to kids and teenagers. Along with, she also insisted that students that are new in SketchUp should consider grouping the elements to be less hassle and more organized. Once the elements are grouped, you can drag those elements all at once. As I have observed, since I haven’t used SketchUp before, this software is somehow the same with AutoCAD in terms of commands. Instead of clicking the icons in the software, designers can use the keyboard shortcuts for ease and smooth flow of designing. After a brief discussion, the question and answer portion was opened to students. Due to lack of time, there were, I think, only ten questions that were asked. One of the students asked what Youtube account the speaker suggests for students who wants to be guided by using the SketchUp and Ms. Rachel answered Nuno Silva. Not only that Mr. Silva uses SketchUp but also other rendering software like Lumion. Besides all the questions, Ms. Rachel advised participants to not be afraid of venturing software that will help nurture skills and advancement in the field of structures and design. Afterwards, the certificate of recognition was awarded and a photo with the participants and the speaker was taken. Yet, that didn’t sum up the second session. The hosts are then prepared with a short game wherein participants would state in the comment section the words that are missing or being asked. Because of how attentive the CEblings are, the lists of winners were easily determined. Thereupon, the day 1 of the event finally ended and participants were again invited to attend the second day.
MORNING SESSION How to: STAAD STAAD is an advanced 3D Structural Analysis and Design Software that is use to solve and verify complex design and analysis problems. Just like the discussed softwares from day 1 of the REINFORCE 2022, this software Engr. Jerome F. Fabrero can run in personal computers and also laptops. For this topic, it was Engr. Jerome F. Fabrero, who was a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering at University of the Philippines Diliman. He has been working in the field of engineering for several years and has always been teaching under the engineering department of Batangas State University. He was known by students for his expertise in structural design and analysis. Currently, he is teaching Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete Design subject to third year students. Before beginning the tutorial session, Engr. Fabrero, whom we’ve been used to calling Engr. Fabs, put emphasis on the importance of manual computations. He stated that the use of STAAD should only be for checking and visualization of how the structure’s behavior after several changes are being applied. Using STAAD, students are assumed to have increased productivity. This allows an analysis of structure through a physical presentation from the values that the STAAD user processed. And again, according to Engr. Fabs, in STAAD, users can save time from solving, revisions, and occurrence of errors. Like AutoCAD and SketchUp, STAAD has a bunch of commands that can run through clicking on the screen or by just using the keyboard. However, the key to proper use of STAAD is the knowledge in manual computation. If the user doesn’t know how the computation works then it will be hard for you to interpret the given physical model. After a long but fruitful discussion, students were again able to address their queries. So, a participant asked the significance of an analysis software and to answer the question, Engr. Fabs stated how the hierarchy of analysis. In a software, the first thing to do is modeling, afterwards is the analysis, and by then you can now design a structure based on what you have observed and gained upon analysis of the model. By that, the design does not just basically consist of guess dimensions and expected loads instead verified and tested ones using the software. Next to the question and answer portion is the awarding of the certificate of appreciation, and the photo opportunity wherein all the participants took a photo with Engr. Fabs.
AFTERNOON SESSION How to: Primavera Primavera software is a distinct project portfolio software that was launched in 1983. As a student under Construction Engineering and Management, I express my admiration in this software since it performs a significant role in management and control of projects including the small- scale and the large-scale ones. The discussion about Primavera was held by Engr. Ismael B. Agasino, an Engr. Ismael B. Agasino experienced engineer who is currently staying and working as a manager in NASA Space Program. Besides that, he is also a guest lecturer in Batangas State University. As I remembered, he was the husband of Engr. Arlyn Agasino, the resource speaker who was invited by the PICE/ACES BatStateU during the REINFORCE 2021. Engr. Agasino seems to be really prepared for the discussion. He had himself introduced as well as his family. He even presented a powerpoint presentation tackling Primavera and its features. But besides that, he did put emphasis on project management and its goals. As aspiring members of the project management team in the future, it is essential to know this following goals including pursuant of project planning, delivery of vision, promotion of good leadership, keeping on track, quality assurance and risk management. With that many goals, it is truly applicable to consider using softwares that will help work to be easier and organized, and there comes Primavera. By looking at the software, since it is the first time that I was able to have a glimpse of the application, I must say that it looks quite similar to Microsoft Excel. But Primavera seems to be far more organized and categorized. In comparison with the previous softwares, the use of Primavera is focused on the organization of the work. Its features are associated in the initiation, planning, execution, control, and close-out of the project. After the discussion, a student asked Engr. Agasino distinguishes Primavera from other softwares. Engr. Agasino, with that question given, put emphasis on how management works easier with the help of Primavera. Along with, if data is needed at hand, people involved in managing the project including managers, engineers, contractors and the client can have access to it. More students continued to ask, and afterwards the certificate of appreciation was awarded. Similar to the earlier sessions, a photo opportunity with the speaker took place. But that didn’t end with that because the hosts are again prepared with games. Participants gave their all out energy in trying to win the game. In a short while, winners were already determined. Short Insight Having attended REINFORCE 2022 is truly fulfilling. I am inasmuch pleasure that I have used my time by learning about the things that will be of great help to my profession. I am lookig forward to more events like this.
“If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don’t bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking.” ~ R. Buckminster Fuller
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