SSeevveennLLaakkeess NNeewwss YVeoalurm4eI3ssIusesu8e 3 “TheSVevoeincLeaOkef sSNeevwesn.cLoamkes” AMuagrucsht EEddiittiioonn “The Voice Of Seven Lakes” TM House “Barron’s Comes Needs Your The Beautification To The Rescue” Down ThHeelSptretch SeveenssLeankPteaisagelaBr4eWainners Page C 1 Page B 1 Monthly HAPPY LABOR DAY News publication Story On Page 12 Seven Lakes School Daze ? Pinnacle Storage Opening Soon Lake Auman Sports Club $500.00 Story On Page 16 Page 9 2019 Festival Story On Page 5 D’Avion Luxury Pothole Brigade RV Trips 7 Lakes L-R James Boyd, Edward Hill, Abe Ross, Sam Ransdale, Golf Club Restaurant Harry Parks, David Garner and Zack Haynes. Story On Page C4 SEVEN LAKES NEWS CORPORATION PS.EOV. EBNOXLA11K9E1S NEWS CORPORATION Page 10 LeadGinagrdCenovPidar-1ty9 WP.OES. BT OEXND11, 9N1C 27376 PRSRT STD WEST END, NC 27376 WWUUP.P.EEESSRSRS.. STPTMPPPROOAAEIETTSINSINDDNTTSDDAAOT,,GGDN.N3EECC Seven Lakes Virus Myths POPOSTSATLALCCUUSTSOTOMMERER PERMIT NO. 3 Jennifer and James Boyd cele- CSontotirnyueOdnOnPaPgagee819 ECRWSSEDDM brated their First Birthday of the specialty gift store, Barron’s Bou- tique. The FPraidgaey Bev4ening event featurSetdocroymOplinmePnatagrey 9Page 5 Plus community news feature stories music & events enertainment See Back Page For Specials
Page 2 August Edition Seven Lakes News ONLOYNTLYHTEHSEUSNUNSSEETTCCOOVVEERRSSSSEEVEVNENLALKAEKS EBSETBTEERT!TER! CHAD STITES SHANNON STITES 910-992-6230 910-992-6231 THE MARKET REPORT: The Voice Of Seven Lakes There are 39 homes for sale in Seven Lakes North, Victoria Levinger - Publisher South and West combined. Graphic Design MBC Design Group Inc. TinhTtehhreeepareraesat1r61emh2Woo1mnehtsehotss,mpN(7eeo/ns1rdt/fh2ion0rag1sn7aadn-l1edS/1o9in/7u2Sth0he1ov8me).ens Lhaakvee ssold Contributing Writers/Reporters Millie Jameson TwThhaeesrem$a2ered55ia4,0n300hs.aolme(edpsorwiucnnedeo$rv9ec,r0o0nt0threacfptr,oaamsnt d6t9h8me ohnaltvahesst Brittany Samuels report) andsomldediniatnhedapyassot n6 123 (up 3 Diane Keating Photography R. Kern & Co. days from the last report). Corrine Walls Distribution CRM Marketing OTfhtehree9a7reho8m1elsotssolodninthtehempaarskte6t,mwoitnhth1s6, 3u3nhdaedr a pcorincetrarecdtuacntidon46prhioarvetossoeldllining.thMeepdaiasnt Seven Lakes News is published twelve times annually by Seven Lakes News Corporation. just under 8% of the list price. Any reproduction in part or in whole of any part of the publication Inventory is low now and expected to increase starting is prohibited without the express written consent of the publisher. in March. It’s a good time to start preparing your home PO Box 1191 West End, NC 27376 [email protected] the Spring selling season. Declutter, freshen up 910-992-6231ooring and walls, and go ahead and get on your 910-685-0320 landscaper and powerwasher’s schedule for the Spring. [email protected] back to normal soon. In this issue we are covering alot of local community news ranging from Kiwanis honorees, the Pot- hole Volunteers, Beautiful Yard Winners to the --Pet Photo Con- test. It feels as though his virus is going We have feature articles including to drag on and on. Hopefully, they SAT cheating, PPP local funding might be on the right track in ob- recipients and many interesting taining a vaccine. stories. We all need to count our bless- We have come about $700 short ings and feel fortunate that we of our goal of $2,500 in donations don’t live in an extreme high risk for the road project from our resi- area like most metropolitan cities. dents. We hope we can meet this Recently I received some great goal during August. advice with regard to Covid-19. A It still is realy hot out there but good friend of ours and cardiolo- Summer is again coming to and gist in Palm Beach recently told end and Fall is just around the me pretend as if everyone has corner. the virus and govern yourself ac- Please support all of the local cordingly. This is the only way to businesses which are the bedrock protect you and your family. He of our Seven Lakes community. should know living in the new epi- center. New studies indicate that Victoria Levinger the actual cases in the US are 6-7 Publisher times higher than is actually be- ing reported. Hopefully, we’ll get
Seven Lakes News August Edition Page 3 BEST HOMES CONTEST SAFE AT THE BEACH? BBQ WEEKENDS GOOSE CHALLENGE in AUGUST Section B this 11 16 Community Scene PPP Update What’s Our Future Beautiful Yard Winners issue 12 18 Pet Photo Contest Moore County Covid Stats Can’t Keep Doing This Pothole Donations 7 Garden Club Happenings How Safe At The Beach 13 19 Volunteer Road Crew Nursing Homes Hit Covid Myths Covid New Scams 8 Sandhills Food Bank Grey Goose Battle 14 22 Kiwnais Donates to WEE Vote By Mail Local PPP Loans 9 Section C Schools Facing Crisis 15 Eating Out 23 Business Services Lifestyle-Enterainment 10 Sophisticated Ladies LLuxury RV Trips Kiwanis Honorees Anxious Kid Barron’s Flag Donation Live To Be 100+
September Edition Pinehurst Town Crier Seven Lakes News Page 4 August Edition Seven Lakes Lifestyles PINEHURST Page C 4 TOWN CRIER Our Pets 910-685-0320 August Edition Give Your Family a Route 66 “The Voice Of Reason to Smile! Lifestyles The Village” & Entertainment Concert Lawn Chairs Publisher / Editor Playbill Victoria Levinger Graphic Design MBC Design Inc. Rascal Design Group Contributing Writers Millie Jameson Kathy Mason Julia Kohn Staff Reporter Brittany Samuels Distribution 910-673-6030 CRM Marketing Mark Foushee Located Across The Street From Food Lion Contributing Photographer Corrine Walls Pinehurst Town Crier is published We File twelve times annually by Seven Dental Lakes News Corporation. Insurance Any reproduction in part or ainment in whole of any part of the g local publication is prohibited by a myr- without the express written PREGNANT? consent of the publisher. ew com- Copyright 2019 Unplanned? Afraid? Alone? ent and Jim Dennihy 910-947-6199 er. Custom Trim & Don’t rush into a decision… You have options… music, Furniture ts, fea- Talk to someone who cares. 38 Years Expeience hanks to (Tuesday, September 03 7:00 pm) • Free Pregnancy Tests and Ultrasounds ertise in er with- Bingo is played a5t 1C6ha6p8e0l in48th9e5Pines Fellowship VILLONE• Breastfeeding Education and Support whenev- Hall the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month • Strict Confidentiality/ No Fee for Services September – JuneCr.owEnaMrloyldBinigr,d Bingo begins at 7:00 PM, followed bWyaRinescgoutilnagr Bingo at 7:30 PM TILE & STONE• Referrals for Community Resources Wall & Ceiling • Maternity and Baby Supplies Dollar prizes every gamMoeuwldiintgh, a mini Jackpot and a 910-783-4712• Prenatal/Parenting Education Jackpot gCaBomaffseeereeWdvinCederoiylwingg&sa,me night. • Se hablaCeasllpFaoñroPlersonal Appointment Chapel in the PinesM,a5nt8Dle1osoSr&TeBrviumeiltnInLsakes N, West End. Life Care Pregnancy Master Finish Carpenter Sales & Installation of Ceramic & PorcelainCTeinletIeFrree Estimates FuBlRl bICaKth&ReSmTOoNdeEl.sWI aFllkowor2asy6IsW/1FairNllespiIalaKgciaetcsrh/aeRneCtBaaainrciktnshgpaWlagaselhlsesRd. Make your Bathroom HACNaDrItChAaPgeA,CCNECSS2I8B3L2E7!! Clean Friendly Service I Competitive Prices I Attention to Detail Friday‘s All-U-Can Eat $11.95 Fresh Battered Cod-Fries & Cole Slaw
Seven Lakes News August Edition Page 5
Varietal Regions August SAeupgteumsbte2r42t1hst Including Food Pairings Thursday Night Wine Tastings SosuoFtuhrtiedhrnaeyrHnaNzhiegaBhzatend SePvaegneL6a&keSsouNveewnisr Glass NoOvce5tAom5:u3b:3b0ge0e-ru-99rsE::3E0td00Editiditoiiotnionn AcoWuShSsoPAietOsuauipktccrtghteeStyuOeomyeCrsbnvbnPrteaeeTiP3srrnnh1i2e5neLs8sterathtsRshkToerTcisoPokdNasageyews19 Page 6 $10.00 Did You, A- -.ThAunrtshdoaynyNiHghatrso,5:I3II0,-9D:P30M ThIsisNBoewstE-vKeenptB-eStetcerretKnow We AreJoMin ToAhmoe FireuenL.AHt aSraancdzh,ilDlsPWMinery 6:30 to 9:30 Than a TheKraepveiunticWM. aSscsahgme –idRtkeiek,i DPM pack and ship Holistic Health Coaching – store? Personal Yoga, Pilates, Qi Gong Functional Fitness Training Holiday SpecialPack and Ship PartCy oSpuypipnlgie-sN-DaoniBptdlaoaAmnrlklayolteeoSAunmrgseerircya. n Board of Foot DiplNomoattaerAymerican Board of Foot Diplomate American Board of Podiatric and Podiactric Surgery. Medicine. Board Certified in Reconstructive December 1 - December 21Mail Box ReBnoatradlQsualified in Reconstructive Rearfoot/Ankle Surgery. Fellowship in Reconstructive Foot Flyers - PassRepaorforotts/Ankle & Certified In Foot and Ankle Surgery. st Board Qualified in Foot Ssutrgery. Associate American College of Foot and Ankle Surgery. BrochurSeusrgery. Vinyl Signs - Shredding 25% OFF Gift Certificates Custom Etching AnklFe &oFoxotfInijurriese/FraRctueressort HaEn2ATSmdpil“eesGNcfrioo”amllMifMzoio&norogeTRrineehgiAoennaCkl Hlooes/upF. oonnotH*tBWrCYeyag2ri1Cne1nliW&nu(egDsSobDte•usePrOncginoeetefmhiRrnbuWEycreClsurEtdh1IeVsEDti,AisGsc$HADpor3iaicafum0hbteneem0CtstirecCp-rIetFaRnioocfrEeeonktsDctiaft-PIigTigoHrceoneFabsseOl)tleP-WeR&mossAiPur-cnRncFdhaOlanCPetSaaFbirHsneeeOeH-tPigh 910-295-7400purchased online atANseDv/eOPInRnagliaFrnoOk-weOSnpsDNomraAtiaslNssMD&seaNBdaigEciileVnPEe.rcoR-obWAlmeGamrEtss - Nerve Achilles & Tendon Injuries Ankle ArBthEroRsMcoUpyDA CAN HOLD UP TO THE ABnEklNeTSpGraRinAsS&SStCabAiNlizaHtioAnNADrtLhEritiCs O- LD WIN- Bone STpEuRrsSB..u.NniEoVnsER- CAorSnKs &AGCaAllIuNseWs HAT Ser31v3HiTAcePaePl EDYNrivEoeDu• TROaWeOfoaUrRdn•Gt9.R1.E0.-E9N04S-!7!430 --- 522 Allen Street, Suite 201 B • Troy • 910·5 71·5710 --- 1139 CarthaRgEeQSUt,ISRuEiSteA10152• MSaOnNfoTrdH•M91E0M·2B95E-R74S0H0IP COMMITMENT FOR THE YEAR OF 2019 Technology We Know (910)673-2000OF NEW BERMUDA GREENS PLAY 72 HOLES OF GOLF-36 HOLES ADD A CART PLAN TO YOUR MEMBER- 910-400-545936 $HI15On40L5SEAeSWMvOeOPFnNlaBLTzEaHaNkFTeDOsGrRROACSTSOGBREERE,[email protected] #em15a7i3l: infoT@HFRSOeORvUe3nGlMHakO2eN0sm1TH8aS.ssMaSgAEeVM.CcINhoBrGmEisSRsySUEHPxIPcTeOlSl A$#V42I5N030G2S 980 Seven LSakHeIsPDAr.NStDe. D3,OSeNveOn TLaPkAesY ANY CART FEES (910) 295-5555NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER OF 2018 25% DISCOUNT ON INDIVIDUAL LESSONS “Best of Both greens” Membership Special Choose from more than 3,000 hand- for breakfast. Espresso drinks, Pumpkin Patch, Ornament Sale & blown pumpkins in all sizes, shapes smoothies, beer, wine & pastries Glassfest. STARworks is a 501(c) and colors. Each pumpkin is hand- will be available in the STARworks (3) nonprofit. All donations are tax made by STARworks Glass artists and Cafe and Taproom, including deductible. interns. Most pumpkins are priced pumpkin spice lattes! between $45 and $100, although There are no early sales with one OCTOBER 6, 2018 there are some special ones that will exception. Supporters who make 10AM - 4PM. cost more. a donation at the Contributor Lev- STARworks el ($250) or higher receive tickets The Smokehouse Mobile Bistro - Food to preview sales parties for the 100 Russell Drive, Star, NC (910) 428-9001 Truck will be on site for breakfast & lunch. Wildfire Pizza will be here Now Booking Fall Engagements SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Mobile DJ Services 2-7 PM 910-315-4400
Seven Lakes News August Edition Page 7 673-2949 THE BAR & PATIO ARE OPEN We strictly adhere to all COVID 19 requirements as mandated by Gov. Cooper. Each week anyone shopping with us, will be entered to be drawn for $10.00 off your next purchase of &25.00 or more! Don’t forget you can get some great craft/domestic beer to take home as well!! As we continue in these crazy times we so very much appreciate your support as a small local business. Plan Your Next Meeting or Girls Night Out With Us As the COVID-19 pandemic rages How Safe Is It carried asymptomatically, and on—California, Texas, and Florida At The Beach? we know that there are people are among those states that have at disproportionately high risk of been seeing record numbers of coronavirus cases in the past few wipes, along with any equipment phrase is social distancing. The serious complications. We know weeks, an alarming sign that not only are we still just in the first they‘d otherwise have to rent, like coronavirus gets transmitted by that the number of virus particles wave of the crisis, but it‘s not going away anytime soon. toys and chairs. And since beaches people, not water, so a refreshing you are exposed to and the duration Whether it‘s renting a condo are outdoors, where it‘s harder for midsummer ocean swim is safe of exposure are vital factors with Airbnb for the whole family, or renting a luxury RV for a road the virus to be transmitted, as long to do this season—just as long as determining risk of transmission. trip, many are also left wondering: how safe is it to head out to the as guidelines are followed properly, you‘re following C.D.C. guidelines. beach? a beach day is safer than having Also, at least one preprint study, According to the CDC a beach outing with the lowest health people over inside your home or Even if we escaped getting sick which has not been peer-reviewed, risk entails staff and visitors maintaining a 6-feet distance going shopping indoors. from the coronavirus, we are all found that the risk of outdoor from anyone they don‘t live with. Equipment, toys, supplies, and sick of staying at home, practicing exposure is much less than that food also shouldn‘t be shared with anyone from outside your social distancing and wearing indoors. immediate household. Along with social distancing, which should masks. be done both on the sand and in the water, beachgoers should These are not ordinary days. These wear a mask when maintaining novel days call on us to make space with others isn‘t possible, decisions with limited and evolving and also when going to any public information. The coronavirus is still areas like concession stands or circulating. restrooms. But there‘s also the question of On one hand, there is too much Visitors should also bring their own whether you can even go to the hand sanitizer and disinfecting beach. Not only does each state information, some of it conflicting Going alone or only with the people have a different reopening plan, but so does each county within and much of it infused with political in your quarantine bubble will that state. ideology. On the other, there is a minimize your risk. Proximity to It‘s best to check what guidelines have been put in place by your lack of information -- the novel in people outside your bubble means state and local governments, and whether beaches at a particular novel coronavirus means it‘s new you should wear a mask properly to destination are open to the public. and there is much we don‘t know. protect others. The safety of your Just remember: as with all activities during the pandemic, the magic bubble, however, is only as good as How to decide whether you and the agreement between members your loved ones can go hiking, to follow safety precautions outside beaching or swimming? the bubble. If in doubt, err on the side of protection. Let‘s begin with some facts that we actually do know. We By: Brittany Samuels SL News know that the virus can be Source: T/C Magazine
wr.citohma 7. Pinehurst No. 4, Pinehurst lift to 8. Forest Creek Golf Club (South), Pinehurst 9. Pinehurst No. 9, Pinehurst Jim Bishop ast 10. Forest Creek Golf Club (North), Pinehurst August Edition Seven Lakes News P1a1g. Deo8rmie Club, West End 12. Pinewild Country Club (Magnolia), Pinehurst w w w R A 9 I 1 L 0 H Open at Noon – 7 Days a Week O 7 U Menu for Lunch and Evening Food S Live Music Every Saturday Night 8 E 3 B R 5 2 s E 17 Taps and Full Bar Service 8 ys W Our beer in 6PAX & Growler Fills 0 E Seasonal & New Beers Monthly! irs R Y ll c o m 105 E South St Unit C Follow us on: FB, Twitter, Instagram, & Untapped As the saying goes, you get what Kirkland‘s Drinking Kirkland Signature French you pay for — otherwise it‘s stealing. Vodka feels like I should be on a Well, it doesn‘t go quite that way, -VS- rooftop veranda. but you get the gist. And for many consumers, that‘s what a price tag Grey Goose The vodka is so clean it‘s almost is: the gist of a product‘s quality dangerous, therefore buy with stated as a number. But what if would cost triple the price. But a basically paying for someone‘s caution. their mind‘s just playing tricks on persistent rumor holds that the fat salary and the marketing them? price is the only upgrade. associated with it. That‘s because Despite the rumors, Costco is not it wasn‘t intended to be tasty or simply rebottling Grey Goose and Take wine, for instance. Plenty of The claim isn‘t that Grey Goose really have much of a taste at all. calling it their own. people shell out big bucks for big- slaps its name on cheap vodka but name wines and think they can rather that Costco‘s vodka is a top- Kirkland Signature has already As reported by Vice, Kirkland taste an increase in quality. tier liquor made by Grey Goose that been declared as the best store Signature French Vodka is made won‘t cost your bottom dollar. brand there ever was by Bon from the same water source as However, according to How Stuff Appétit. It‘s sold in a frosted bottle Grey Goose (though they use a Works, neuroscientists determined As Vice describes, both liquors are — unlike the glossy clear glass of different well), which has received that when you alter the price of made with water from the Gensac their popular French vodka — and lower ratings in many blind taste the wine without changing the Springs in France‘s Cognac region. is reportedly distilled six times for tests AND costs more than twice liquid itself, the wine drinkers‘ ultra-smoothness. as much. brains adjust the taste based on However, in blind taste tests, expectations. Kirkland has actually outperformed Ah yes– the one that got the buzz Kirkland‘s French Vodka has a Grey Goose. over Costco liquors in the first distinctive viscosity, silky, with a Simply telling someone that their place; this list wouldn‘t be complete medium-weight heft akin to white alcohol cost $90 made it tastier Does the assumption that they‘re without Kirkland Signature French wine, according to Kitchn. than the same liquid with a $10 the same change what people Vodka. label. taste in non-blind comparisons? Its flavor is clean and bright with a If the way they taste wine is any It was one of the three liquors subtle sweetness that makes it a Does the brain do this weird indication, then there‘s reason to included in the Buzzfeed blind great vodka for drinking straight or thing in the opposite direction, think so. taste test, and the panelists had on the rocks. with consumers assuming that an some interesting things to say inexpensive alcohol which tastes In theory, any taste difference about how it tastes... All of that and it‘s only going to good must secretly be identical to should be minimal. Author Fred cost you around $25 for the 1.75 L a more expensive beverage? Minnick told Business Insider, Compared to Grey Goose, it tastes bottle– no wonder it has so much When you buy vodka, you are fancier. buzz! A 1.75-liter bottle of Kirkland French vodka will only set you back By: Brittany Samuels SL News about 20 bucks, writes Business Source: Mash Insider. Upgrading to Grey Goose
Seven Lakes News August Edition Page 9 Moore County Schools Facing Crisis After a recent demand that have comuters supplied by the schools nationwide reopen this district and plans call for supplying fall, the Secretary of Education devices to K-2 up. Betsy DeVos was asked how this Schools are only required through could safely be accomplished. She NC mandate that students, offered no guidelines, nor financial teachers and staff must maintain support to strapped school six feet of distance in class and districts. Her reply was that school lunchtime. Also, a new Virtual districts nationwide needed to Academy is available as an option create their own safety schemes. for kids for he first semester. If ML Baseball can‘t stay safe in a Garrett continues, ideally, Sunday-Monday CLOSED bubble how can our kids be safe? school districts should test for DAILY 11 am- 10pm the coronavirus this summer According to Laurie Garrett, a to determine how rampant the A new report about a coronavirus superintendents have already Pulitzer prize winning science writer virus may be in their respective outbreak at a sleep-away camp in heard from teachers and staff in a recent interview, “this is communities. If rates of infection Georgia provides fresh reasons union leaders that they may go on nothing short of moral bankruptcy.“ approach zero, schools may open. for concern. Of the 600 campers strike in coming weeks if ordered A Kaiser Family Foundation and staff members, nearly half to work under conditions they feel study says some 3.3 million adults COVID-19 illness may be relative- became infected within a week of are unsafe. over 65 in the United States live in ly rare in children, but it can be orientation. The camp took pre- a home with at least one school- very severe, even fatal. Research- cautions but did not require camp- Parents face competing pressures aged child, putting the elders at ers warn that the isolation neces- ers to wear masks. Singing and to get back to their jobs, which special risk. sitated by the pandemic could cheering may have helped spread means getting the kids out of the lead to serious mental health is- the virus. house—but they want their chil- A recent South Korean government sues in locked-down teenagers. dren to be safe. 60 percent of survey of 60,000 households In most of the country, schools parents with kids in school believe discovered that adults living in Social distancing is the key to safe that reopen classrooms will quick- schools should not reopen as long households that had an infected reopening. 172 social distancing ly face the question of what to do as the coronavirus continues to child aged 10 to 19 years had studies worldwide show that sep- when students test positive. circulate in their communities ac- the highest rate of catching the arating people by more than six cording to the NY Times. coronavirus—more so than when feet could reduce viral spread by an infected adult was present. as much as 90 percent, and prop- To deal with that likelihood, many er mask-wearing cuts the risk by a schools and some states have Without political and financial The Board of Education in Moore whopping 82 percent. enacted contact tracing and quar- commitment to confronting the County have recently revised antine protocols, with differing conditions of U.S. schools, from all school reopening plans to allow Nobody knows how full-time thresholds at which they would government tiers, very few com- kids to attend 2 days per week. mask-wearing and in-class social close classrooms or buildings. munities will be able to ensure the distancing will affect children’s continued education of the na- The students will be assigned education and social skills, be- The American Federation of tion’s youth. into groups. Group A will attend cause nothing exactly like this has Teachers President Randi Weing- school in person on Mondays and ever been attempted, especially arten predicts a massive wave of Tuesdays, while students in Group for months on end. teacher retirements will unfold: By: Millie Jameson SL News B will be in their classrooms on “We’re going to see a huge brain Sources: Laurie Garrett. FP Mag, Thursdays and Fridays. On the The first school districts in the drain in the next few weeks.” Many NY Times, AFT 3 days that kids are not in school U.S. reopened their doors last they will have online class and will week. Greenfield Central Junior be turning in homework. Currently, High School in Indiana, had to middle and high school students quarantine students within hours.
Page 10 August Edition Seven Lakes News RV is no longer an acronym for Luxury RV Trips peer RV rental company, among Ruined Vacation. With the rampant the most popular destinations for spread of Covid-19 RV sales, as One of the buyers said they would Josh Lesnick, president and COO renters this year are Yellowstone, well as boats, swimming pools etc., purchase it site unseen and would of Collective Retreats, a luxury Zion, and the Grand Canyon. State are off the chart. would wire transfer a deposit of camping company. “The ability to campgrounds are also anticipating $5,000 and fly in from Southern be just outdoors surrounded by crowds, with some preparing to Now, as the weather warms California within 48 hours with a fresh air in a safe environment, and reach capacity during holiday up, Americans are eager to cashiers check for the full price not too prescribed where you feel weekends. RV reservations for the get back outdoors as most balance. They arrived on Monday like you’re in a bleach box, I think July Fourth weekend skyrocketed, states at least partially reopen, and we released it after verifying that’s what people are looking for.” and overall, RVshare has seen despite the concerning uptick in the Cashiers Check was valid. “booking levels of three times coronavirus cases. Tired of the Since stay-at-home orders started last summer and a 1,600 percent confines of home and its familiarity, Travelers naturally want a greater easing in May, tourists have increase in bookings. many are gravitating toward nature sense of control, especially in the been flocking to national parks in — planning road trips and reserving midst of a pandemic, said Alan droves, worrying local community From what health experts know RVs to visit national parks and Katz, an epidemiology professor at members who fear the sudden about the coronavirus, outdoor campgrounds, or booking short- the University of Hawaii. “Nature influx of people could lead to spaces appear to present a much term stays at tiny cabins and luxury allows you to social distance an increase in Covid-19 cases. lower risk than indoors in terms tents away from society. People without thinking about it,” said According to RVshare, a peer-to- of transmission. Plus, being close crave the experience of travel, to nature allows for a refreshing but there’s an increased interest change in pace and scenery for in private spaces and areas where those accustomed to the drudgery they can get away from others. of daily work and life. Since our coach now sits in storage, Camping World RV Center reports I talked my husband into placing our a whopping 139% increase in sales 2010 Gulfstream 40‘ motorcoach and a stock market share increase up for sale on RVTrader. (pictured of 34%. on front page) To our suprise the following day we received over 35 By: Victoria Levinger e-mails needing more information. More People in the Sandhills are Facing Hunger Help us provide much needed meals to the nearly 50,000 families, children, and seniors who live with food insecurity in our community.
Seven Lakes News August Edition Page 11 In mid-April, something strange to close for public health reasons Owned by Matt and Sharon Bialer started happening in the U.S. without severing their relationship [email protected] economy: Smaller companies — with their workers or leaving those 419 Mac Dougall Drive, Seven Lakes those with fewer than 500 workers workers without income. Proud to Provide Reliable and Professional Service — started rehiring workers more to All Seven Lakes & Moore County Residents! quickly than larger companies. The U.S. has instead taken a • Heating Service • Air Conditioning Service scattershot approach, with a • Residential and Commercial During a typical crisis, large combination of direct payments 24 Hour Emergency companies have important to families (including many who Service advantages, like more cash on have not lost a job), unemployment hand and better digital operations. benefits and the P.P.P. loans. So why were smaller companies apparently faring better during the Many companies that didn’t get lockdowns this spring? loans — because the companies were too big or because the money The answer, it appears, is was running out — have laid off government policy. workers. The economic-rescue plan that The U.S. unemployment rate NC Mech License # 29204 · NC Elec License # 24522-L the federal government created in last month was 11.1 percent, Your local shopping stop for March included loans — from the compared with 6.2 percent in `home furnishings, decor, gifts and more! Paycheck Protection Program, or Germany. 10-6 Monday - Friday 10-3 Saturday 1107 Seven Lakes Drive , West End, NC P.P.P. — meant to reduce job losses, Visit Our New Shopping Destination For Unique Home Decor And Gifts. mostly at companies with fewer Business subsidies do have one 910-673-3884 than 500 workers. If the companies major disadvantage, especially maintained their employment relative to unemployment benefits. levels, the government would The government can’t know ultimately forgive the loans. precisely which companies would have held onto their workers even In all, the P.P.P. saved between without help and, as a result, 1.5 million and 3.5 million jobs, subsidizes some firms that don’t according to a new study by need it. researchers at M.I.T., the Federal Reserve and the ADP Research Congressional leaders and Trump Institute. administration are now negotiating over what will be included in the final The study adds to the mounting package, including unemployment evidence about one kind of benefits, a tax cut, aid to states, economic stimulus that seems to money for virus testing and more. . have worked especially well during the pandemic: direct subsidies The expansion of unemployment to businesses, to keep people passed in March iexpired a press employed. time and manyeconomists believe its end is likely to damage the Countries that have enacted economy. aggressive versions of those subsidies — like Germany, the Netherlands and New Zealand — have kept unemployment fairly low. Those programs have several By: Diane Keating SL News advantages, allowing businesses Source: NYT/USAD
Page 12 August Edition Seven Lakes News REPORTED DEATHS MOORE COUNTY MOST CASES 545 COVID-19 CASES Seven Lakes 1 Pinehurst 122 July 5, 2020 Pinehurst 7 Robbins 55 Aberdeen 1 Aberdeen 53 Carthage 1 Carthage 33 Southern Pines 2 Southern Pines 30 Seven Lakes 19 Jackson Springs 17 DAILY CASE AVERAGE POSI TIVE TEST RESULTS LAST 10 DAYS LAST 10 DAYS 10.2 8% SEVEN LAKES REPORTED DEATHS 881 COVID-19 CASES MOST CASES Seven Lakes 5 August 2, 2020 Pinehurst 165 Pinehurst 7 144 Robbins 144 Aberdeen 1 108 Aberdeen 109 Carthage 2 Carthage 108 Southern Pines 2 Southern Pines 112 Vass 1 Seven Lakes 95 Robbins 1 Jackson Springs 31 DAILY CASE AVERAGE 95 POSITIVE TEST RESULTS LAST 10 DAYS LAST 10 DAYS 165 112 16.7 109 9% Call your doctor or 911 31 Provided By: 881 right away if you have: NCDHHS 697 • Shortness of breath CONFIRMED CASES 164 • Difficulty breathing ESTIMATED RECOVERY • Chest pain or pressure TOTAL ACTIVE 46 HOSPITALIZED • Confusion • Inability to wake or stay awake • Blue lips
Seven Lakes News August Edition Page 13 According to the Moore County Nursing Homes Hit The Hardest to 2012, 80% happened at long- Health Department, four deaths term care facilities. The COVID-19 have occured due to a recent became acquainted with other Why are nursing homes so pandemic will be like these other coronavirus outbreak at Seven residents playing games and eating vulnerable to COVID-19? Nursing outbreaks, only more devastating. Lakes Assisted Living and Memory in the dining areas and was finally home residents are typically older Care. Three men and one woman settling in and enjoying the new adults with high levels of chronic Outbreaks will also place a huge were all residents of the facility. 5 experience. Our family all pitched illness and impairment. As such, burden on direct care staff. employees and 31 residents and in to get new furniture, big TV, etc. they are particularly susceptible to This could be a great source of have tested positive for COVID-19 and new computer for her suite so severe complications and mortality vulnerability for facilities because we could ZOOM. from COVID-19. Unlike a hospital, infection and quarantine of nursing According to Amanda Bumin, a nursing home is someone’s home staff has the potential to Executive Director of Seven Then, out of nowhere it happened! home. Often, residents live in close create overwhelming workforce Lakes Assisted Living and Covid 19 struck the center with quarters with one another, so it shortages. Nursing homes Memory Care, the center is sickness and death. By the time can be quite challenging to move already face notoriously high staff seeking encouragment from the this mini-pandemic was over it took or quarantine residents once they turnover rates and have difficulties community and would appreciate six lives of which 2 were friends are sick. attracting staff because of low any individually wrapped snacks and ate meals at the same table. salaries and a demanding work and smaller cans of soda and juice Moreover, caregivers move from environment. to offer to their residents. They A tragic, but necessary, change at room to room assisting residents, are in the process of setting up my mother’s home was to restrict thus providing a further challenge How will facilities fill these a GoFund me account for Seven nearly all visitors to facilities. and in limiting the spread of infections. vacancies as communities cope Lakes residents to donate. it imposed a significant social and Compounding the risk, many staff with the collective impact of emotional cost on her and all of do not have paid sick leave, so they COVID-19? Nursing homes can hire My mother is a recent resident of her friends whom became isolat- may continue to work even while temporary contract staff from an a retirement home in Denver, CO. ed residents. Technologies like experiencing symptoms. agency, but this is expensive and She is in her late eightie‘s and in video chat could mitigate the ef- may prove impossible to sustain. good health but we had to sell her fects of social distancing but also Nursing homes are no strangers It could be extremely difficult to home since she couldn‘t navigate require additional investment for to outbreaks, including seasonal attract workers to a nursing home the stairs in the 3 story house she equipment and training and may influenza and norovirus. A 2014 with an ongoing outbreak. called home for over 40 years. She not be a good fit for all residents. report from the CDC found that of norovirus in the US from 2009 By: Victoria Levinger
Page 14 August Edition Seven Lakes News 1,000 Public Health Experts Urge Congress To Fund Vote by Mail in November A thousand public health experts to absentee ballot processing, DON‘T RE-ROOF, REJUVENATE! have signed a letter urging including additional facilities and Congress to provide states with staffing. ExtendSave Thousands Over Roof Replacement $4 billion so that they can expand ROOF LIFE 10-15 YEARS access to vote by mail and ensure “The right to vote should not have CALL safe in-person voting in November. to be sacrificed or compromised to George Berg ensure our health and safety,” the OWNER “In order to ensure the integrity of letter says. “If you act now, we can 910-690-1076 the electoral process and protect all vote without fear of acquiring or the public health at the same time, spreading COVID-19 as we exercise it is incumbent on our leaders to this fundamental democratic right prepare for a presidential election in November 2020.” by mail, in which ballots are sent to all registered voters, to allow Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), who them to vote from home in one of has helped lead the push for the most important elections since Congress to invest more to expand WWII. vote by mail and early in-person voting, said the funds are critical Congress and states need to act to ensure the November election is quickly in order to be ready for safe and secure. November, the letter says. As the number of positive COVID-19 “In the midst of this pandemic, cases trends sharply upward in voters should not need to choose many states this summer, social between their health and casting distancing is critical to keep the their ballots,” Klobuchar said. virus in check. “Expanding access to voting But in order to make these changes by mail and early voting is not to expand vote by mail and early a partisan issue. As Congress in-person voting, the public health prepares to provide states with experts note that congressional medical and economic relief, we action is needed to cover the should also act swiftly to provide costs of expanding these options, states with additional resources including ballot printing, postage, and pass my legislation to ensure dropboxes for absentee ballots, that every American has a safe way and appropriate security. to participate in our democracy during a national emergency.” Additional funds are also needed for secure electronic absentee By: Diane Keating SL News ballot request technology, ballot Source: CAP tracking, and improvements [email protected]
Seven Lakes News August Edition Page 15 • NO ENTRANCE FEE! • NEW Transitional Rehab Facilities • Age in place with many levels of care • Abundant arts & cultural activities Senior Living at its Best… • Gated Country Club Golf Community • World class medical minutes away 336-998-6539 | As restaurants begin reopening across the country, you’re probably greens. looking forward to returning to your favorite haunt and ordering the Your very own personal bubble. usual. But your experience may Date nights at some restaurants not be “usual” at all. will soon feature Plexiglass dividers to maintain social distancing. Restaurants have been forced Of course, the dividers will be to adapt to new safety rules and sanitized and wiped down after social norms during COVID-19, and The New Eating Out every meal. we’re not just talking about more frequent cleaning. The inside of your favorite hangout minimize interaction with servers. Sharing is not caring. Shareable may look more like a medical clinic appetizers might be scrapped from The salt and pepper shakers will than a restaurant. Servers will be More restaurants may start the menu entirely, unless servers have to make room for a new king wearing masks and gloves and will converting to ghost kitchens this split your portions first. in town. Purell takes precedence probably choose to minimize their year. No, you won’t be served by now as the world focuses on time at each table legions of the undead. But you 14. More foods you can’t make at personal hygiene. When your meal won’t have to deal with the living, home. You don’t need to go out arrives, you’ll want to disinfect your Small talk will be a rarity. either. Ghost kitchens are take-out for a simple Italian meal when hands before tucking in or fixing And expect Yelp review to say “Five only facilities. you’ve already conquered the art your seasoning. stars, took my order from six feet of making your own pasta from away.” Bye bye, buffets. Buffet and scratch. Spaced out seating. Most of these cafeteria tables are a hotbed changes make dining more Disposable paper menus will be for transmission, since so many You might want your food to arrive inconvenient, but at least you much more common, since viruses people touch them over the course hot, but your servers need you won’t have to worry about bumping can last on surfaces for days. It’s of a day. You don’t want to scoop lukewarm. Some restaurants chairs with your tablemate.Social much easier to throw out a sheet your soup with the same ladle that have already begun checking the gathering limits and distancing of paper than to disinfect a sheet 50 other diners have used. temperatures of their patrons measures are going to mean fewer of plastic. before they’re seated, declining tables and seats at restaurants. Tech-savvy spots could even ask Salad bars are no longer healthy. service to those who refuse. patrons to order using a tablet It’s no good for your body if you’re By: Diane Keating SL News No more “service with a smile”. or their own personal device to getting germs while grabbing your Source: NR Association
Page 16 August Edition Seven Lakes News For generations, the United States What Is Our Future? in life expectancy. has been viewed by much of the world as an infallible beacon of “It is in crisis – convulsed by riots likely a sign of a long-building The coronavirus crisis, which shows strength and power, thanks to and protest, driven by a virus that tipping point borne from worsening no signs of easing, has added to its economic, military and social has galloped away from those inequality and poverty exacerbating America’s many issues. “But the prowess. charged with overseeing it, and racial tensions. US has shown a number of times heading into a presidential election. If America was a car dashboard, that it’s able to bounce back.” These days, the country is far from there would be flashing lights to dominant. A perfect storm. Over the past half warn about the erosion of critical Before the coronavirus crisis a century, there have been these democratic institutions. took hold, America had achieved Instead, America is exhibiting all waves of debate about the decline record-low unemployment and its of the key indicators that political of the US, after the Vietnam War, Analysis conducted last year found economy was continuing to grow experts use to characterise a during the economic turmoil of the the average net worth of senators at a rapid pace. But, much of that failing state – the kind of nation late 1980s and early 1990s, after and members of the House of wealth and prosperity has been on the brink you might’ve found in September 11, during the Global Representatives was $500,000. absorbed mostly by those at the the post-Soviet era or in war-torn Financial Crisis, so this isn’t a new That’s five times the median very top of the mountain. regions of Africa and the Middle conversation.” household worth in the US. East. The gap between rich and poor America seems more divided than The wealthiest, Greg Gianforte, is widening, the American middle The demise of the United States ever – on a multitude of issues. It‘s a Republican congressman from class is shrinking and the top 1 per has been predicted countless true that America has been Montana, is worth $135 million, cent are carving out a larger piece times. confronted with serious issues while Senator Mark Warner, a of the pie. relating to those indicators of a Democrat representing Virginia, is But there’s little doubt that the failing state – but perhaps not all worth $90 million. “For example, CEOs’ pay went from multitude of complex challenges at the same time. 20 times the average workers’ facing the country are greater than In his book First-Class Passengers salary in 1965 to 278 times their they have been in a long time, and “We are now in the middle of all of on a Sinking Ship, author Richard salary in 2018. occurring simultaneously. these things happening at once,” “Spending on infrastructure has stagnated as bridges collapse, Household incomes have grown “History didn’t begin in 2016” and “Inequality has been worsening water and sewer pipes and dams only modestly in this century, the challenges gripping the nation for a while. There’s a growing burst, air and road traffic become and household wealth has not are “symptoms of an illness that’s discrepancy between those who ever more snarled, and passenger returned to its pre-recession level. very deeply rooted”. have and those who don’t have. trains on a shrinking network Economic inequality, whether struggle to reach early 20th- measured through the gaps in America’s complex challenges Those who have are amassing century speeds,” Lachmann said. income or wealth between richer didn’t begin in 2016 with the wealth at a much greater rate. and poorer households, continues election of Donald Trump. There hasn’t been any positive “Student achievement at the to widen. In 2018, the median movement on those fronts.” primary, secondary, and university income of U.S. households stood There’s probably a temptation levels has fallen from the top at $74,600.5 This was 49% higher among many to immediately Ethnic and class conflict is one ranks. US students, who attend than its level in 1970, when the level blame for the current woes of the biggest challenges to the ever more decrepit schools, are median income was $50,200. As of America on President Donald “‘united’ part of the United States”, performing less well than their of 2016, the latest year for which Trump. Black Lives Matter protests saw peers in countries with much lower data are available, the typical hundreds of thousands of people levels of income or educational American family had a net worth “This is something that’s very take to the streets, in response to spending. of $101,800, still less than what it structural and goes way back – current events, and they’re more held in 1998. long before Trump, long before The US ranks 34th among nations Obama, before Bush … it’s not new The richest families in the U.S. but it’s getting worse. have experienced greater gains in wealth than other families in recent “What we’re seeing now, I think, is decades, a trend that reinforces indicative of decades and decades the growing concentration of of huge problems that haven’t financial resources at the top. For been addressed.” the top 5%, it increased by 4%, to $4.8 million. In contrast, the net The notion that the world’s oldest worth of families in lower tiers of functioning democracy could ever wealth decreased by at least 20% fail was, until recently, “unthinkable from 2007 to 2016. to all but the most radical critics”, says George Rennie, an expert By: Political Contributor on US politics and international Richard Kern SL News relations.
SPSeaevgveeenn6LLaakkeessNNeewwss AAuMpgraiulysEEtddEitidtioiiotninon SeVvoelunmLeak3eIsssPNuaeegwe#s147 Ways to Earn Supplemental room to visitors. to find that there are many people out there interested in the things you can Income During Retirement S pring isWhile some people have enough Here!make. Sites like give craft- demand. Search for part-time tutor- Hit The Road money in their retirement savings to ing jobs in your area on, If you have a car that’s less than ers an online store to sell handmade 15 years old and in good condition, items like clothes, quilts, toys, jewelry, you may be able to earn some extra picture frames and so much more. income by becoming a driver. Com- Browse these online sites for inspira- allow them to live very comfortably in, and other job websites YOUR SMILE IS OUR EXCELLENCE!panies like Uber and Lyft let people tion if you are not sure what you their golden years, many seniors find and get in touch with technical col- themselves in a position where they leges. use their cars to provide an on-call a could make anLdiksellu. s on taxi service between hours you set could use aSliPttlReIeNxtGraSinEcRoVmIeC.ES GARDEN CENTER yourself.RThEeNyTmAaLkeTaOroOuLnSd $8.77 StIaSyYHOomURe (GJuRsItLNLotRYEoAurDHYo?me) per hourSoEnVavEeNragLeA. KES: oIhitnthno’csemeoyemt····evtor.eFURPeaPwnirvenstloaeepgitittlvnpio,tcunietsahnaylgsrangnoosisdtbeavafoletteplhrHrheBstetoooohyump’seelrlleianeerpsreh–wanroyabasmnsuloteittmstnwloeeohmtosenyeindoe-eur The inco·mRees-StrceraemesnoinngthWis ilnisdt oarwe sall · Flowering plants MmImdfoy·····aaagokkkLPPSPsueeee,trol’urieaSsfahelrsenosoifleadmsmKBGnPnugedaelrraaeousyeeNnstwanxwiseWmtPkeeoirwtasormahraDlwm&syelohooeoegvuenrxerFereernr,dryiceeywioinTsghudehiilslbclyeeaoorynurohrusoeoldf to ch·eGckrinll oCrlsetaanyeorvsernight. People virtually r&iskD-froeeo,rms eaning you don’t · Foliage need money to start doing them. You · Shrubs awcabitrWshPeepnfreoeocrtepsRthaoaeesfinftrweiealenlnllni.meGeaedltsysionoumtrhepeorirnofeiletoand would just be using the things you · Bagged Mulch youCr yprliicneduep rosn websites like Rover. have, like your car, your person, and · Top Soil & Potting Soil your kno·wRleedpgaei.ring Broken Glass Rent O· uGtaArndEexntrDa ReocoomraItnioYnousr com to get started, and call local Home· Large & Small Planters in thCeaprrpoectesCsl.eSaitneesrliske Wag! and veterinarian offices to ask if you can in Window Panes Tyohuernh·ootamionnedmoGfasiyfotsmseeeomnea else staying in Rover.comAleBt EyoRuDsiEgnENup: to be a BOlaewenacearnoyt,mhisaienn··tghdAPWRetateThhenuna-eeatGteor’ctessrlehanhsezeasrivinssteygttrrofiogWpboreipinnesgdootmpoolweegootone little awk- to teach tRhempl.aIfcyeomuehnavte skills in loc· aSl kdiodg wa(lHkeearv.ier Tools) academic areas like math or English, Steer ward, but if you have a spare bed- · Log Splitter room, it can be a great way to make some passive income. And, you might · DEitxcpherWienitccehsu, peetrci.or orthodontic trepautmt uepntathflaytewr iinlltkheeeirpoyfofiucesm. iling. find that you enjoy it. tauwtoaryintgAocLthaSipldOirneStnoToyOorCuterKekInnNaoGgwe:lresdcgaentobe You can find someone you know and Dr. Griffies and his team hope all aNroewhtehaaltthyyoua’nvde sreatfeireddurwiinthg tmhoisre COVID 19 crisis. If we abide by thetimCDeCoannydougrovhearnndosr,’ysoguuhidaevleintehse, earn soOmuetidncooomreH. ouse Cleaners, Ptrautsiot, lFikueranniottuhreer sCelneioarn, aenrds,reOnut atdoor WinId’moswurCe loeuarnceomrsm, Aun.City. aUnnditnaCtiloeflnae’xsnibecoirlihstye!stoivseeneeksso, uintgdeifnfeurietyntanind- room to them on a monthly basis. You resourcefulness wilclopmreevsaoilu. BrceeSs.aYfeo!u quit working for a can use a website like Airbnb to rent SIfeylol uYohuarvHeoab1tb3ay5leONnntolifrnotehr sTerwaidneg,Sktrneite-t, WeirsnetcaEosnmodne,,NsstoCrem9aa1mk0et.6hs7au3tr.ye0o8yuo2eu0nfjionyddaosinidge. space to travelers. Home rental sites ting, photography, woodworkinwgwowr .drgrifBfiye:s.cMoimllie Jameson SLN like VRBO let hosts rent out either their entire home or just a single other crafts, you might be surprised Source Retirement Today Your pre-retirement career need not 270 N. Trade Street | Seven Lakes (Behind McDonalds)have been teaching to be a tutor. Skills like carpentry, quilting, and Monday - Saturday · 8am - 6pm · www.burneyhardware.commechanics are almost always in Open 7 Days Unit Sizes 5x5 A Week Through 10x20 To Answer All Of Your Climate & Non-Climate Questions and Find The Controlled Units Right Storage Solution For You... U-Haul Truck & Trailer Rental Come See Us ! Convenient Location Well Lit Paved & Gated Facility Protected Through Key Pad Entry Video Surveillance R [email protected] Located Right Off Hwy 211 Between West End & Pinehurst
Page 18 August Edition Seven Lakes News A large number of small U.S. ‘NOW MORE THAN EVER’ unemployment benefits and businesses are failing during the stimulus payments may give them coronavirus recession, the Federal Support Our Business Owners more stable income than they Reserve said on Friday, slowing might get from their hourly wages recovery and creating lasting and tips. A lot of people are making damage to the world’s largest $600 a week doing nothing, That’s economy. good pay. Small businesses account for ‘I Can’t Keep Doing This:’ OpenTable surveyed about 20,000 44 percent of all U.S. economic Small-Business Owners Are Giving Up of the 60,000 restaurants it works activity, according to the S.B.A., with for its most recent state of and closures on such an immense grants actually went to larger permanent with a second lockdown the restaurant industry report. And scale could devastate the total reservations and walk-ins country’s economic growth. If businesses that may or may not or extion of various phases limiting were down 95% on May 14 from they were grouped together, small that date the year before. They businesses would be among the have needed additional funds. activity due to the spread of the were down 100% throughout the country’s biggest employers, said month of April compared to the Satyam Khanna, at New York You can see a sample of the PPP virus. same time last year. University School of Law who has written about the effects of the loans that were granted to Moore North Carolina’s daily number pandemic on small businesses. of positive COVID-19 tests are County‘s larger businesses. (See Mr. Larkin, an owner of a karaoke continuing to increase. COVID-19 41% of businesses closed on Yelp continue to increase. Doctors, have shut down for good during page 22) club had just paid $1,000 for public health officials, hospital the coronavirus pandemic. And administrators, and health care of all the business closures since perishable goods and protective providers are concerned that April 1st, 4 out of 10 of them have unless the spread of COVID-19 shuttered permanently, according Even for those who took a P.P.P. equipment in anticipation of the is limited, existing health care to Yelp’s latest Local Economic facilities may not have the capacity Impact Report. loan, survival is no guarantee. weekend rush. No matter that the to care for those who become sick. More owners are permanently Nick’s Sports Grill and Lounge, frozen margarita machine was In order to address these troubling shutting their doors after new metrics and slow the spread lockdown orders, realizing that had been the culmination of Mr. full, that 175 plastic syringes with of COVID-19, North Carolina is there may be no end in sight to continuing the measures of Phase the crisis. After Gov. Greg Abbott Muscari’s life’s work — his years booze-infused Jell-O were in place, 2 until August 7th and is imposing of Texas said that bars across the a face covering requirement — to state would have to shut down a of toil as a waiter, pizza cook and or that there were masks for staff slow the spread of this virus during second time because coronavirus the pandemic. North Carolina cases were skyrocketing, Mick manager at restaurants and bars members and hand sanitizer for hospitals consistently report Larkin decided he had had enough. records of COVID-19 patients. beginning in his teenage years. guests. That day, June 26, Mr. The government’s Paycheck We ask everyone in Seven Lakes to Protection Program, rolled out in Mr. Muscari tried to ride out the Larkin and his partner dumped do as much business as possible April and administered by the S.B.A., and order from their locally owned earmarked $660 billion of aid for spring lockdown that temporarily what they had just bought into the restaurants, bars and retail & small businesses, but stipulated service businesses, as much as that a loan would be forgiven shuttered his restaurant with the trash and decided to close their possible. only if most of it was used to pay employee wages for eight weeks. help of the P.P.P. money. But when club, Krank It Karaoke, for good. Smaller towns like Seven Lakes The rules were later relaxed, but in are on the threshold of economic a sign of how many small-business the state’s second closure order “When he shut us down again, and collapse if this pandemic continues owners did not feel confident that unabated. We simply cannot afford they would be on steady ground took effect on June 26, he decided after I put out all that money to the possibility of losing our local by the time repayment was due, retailers, restaurants, and services roughly $130 billion of aid money to close for good. meet their rules, I just said, ‘I can’t that are owned and operated by remained untapped when the our friends and neighbors that program ended in June. keep doing this.’” make our community such a great place to live. Also. these funds were earmarked It was harrowing enough for small By: Victoria Levinger for small businesses but many Source: SBA, Yelp. NC gov businesses — the bars, dental care Many small businesses are practices, small law firms, day care also finding it onerous keep up centers and other storefronts that with constantly changing local dot the streets and corners of every guidelines, while others are American town and city — to have deciding that no matter what their to shut down after state officials local officials say, it just is not safe imposed lockdowns in March to to keep going. contain the pandemic. Restaurants are complicated beasts. You have to order food But the resurgence of the virus, and supplies. You have to make especially in NC and others such sure you’ve prepped the kitchen as Texas, Florida and California and service areas to be easily that had begun to reopen, has disinfected. What’s more, it can introduced a far darker reality be difficult to hire people to for many small businesses: Their work in such a customer-facing temporary closures might become position — especially when their
Seven Lakes News August Edition Page 19 VALID TRADITIONAL HARDWARE - PLANTS- AUGUST 10-15 -LUMBER-FARM & RANCH SUPPLIES- $7 CORONADO BY BENJAMN MOORE OFF PAINT- WELDING GAS EXCHANGPROPANE Your purchase of regular STATION- BLADE & CHAIN SAW priced merchandise of SHARPENING-PAINT COLOR MATCHING- $35 or more AND MUCH MUCH MORE... Hurry In! Offer valid August 10-15 2020 VALID VALID AUGUST 17-22 AUGUST 24-29 50% 25% OFF OFF Your purchase of any one item of $30 or less Your purchase of any one item of $50 or less Hurry In! Offer valid August 24-29 2020 Hurry In! Offer valid August 31 to September 5 2020 Ever since the coronavirus busting facts about Covid-19, as pandemic began making headlines outlined by WHO. across the world, there has been confusing and sometimes You should wear a mask while conflicting advice. exercising. Should we wear masks, should we Prolonged use of medical masks not; does wearing gloves help; can can cause oxygen deficiency. the virus be spread from pets to humans – the list goes on. Adding pepper to your food can prevent Covid-19. Amid the guidelines issued by governments and health Drinking alcohol will protect you organizations, myths concerning against the virus. the virus have also been spreading, making it difficult for some Thermal scanners can detect the virus may have it for the rest of their lives. members of the public to discern coronavirus. The use of 5G networks increases risk of the coronavirus. People only above age 3 can truth from fiction. test positive for the coronavirus. Higher temperatures and sun There are currently a few licensed exposure safeguard against By: Diane Keating SL News Covid-19. Source: WHO On the website for the World Health drugs or medicines to treat or People who test positive for the Organisation (WHO), it lists some prevent Covid-19. of these myths. Bleach can be used to protect Here are 11 of the biggest myth- against the virus.
Page 20 August Edition Seven Lakes News PREGNANT? How Easy Is It MeMAbarrpaucryhailrEEEydddEiititditioioiotnninon Unpla9n1n0e-d9?4A7fr-a6id1?9A9loSSnSeeeevv?veeennnLLLaaakkkeeesssPNNNaeegewwewss1s1 To CHEAT Don’t rush into a decision… You have options… Talk to someone who cares. • Free Pregnancy Tests and Ultrasounds According to the President’s niece buildings without complex security Mary Trump, whose book Too systems. All it takes is one slip-up • Breastfeeding Education and Support Much and Never Enough her and a test can be posted online. uncle was “worried that his grade • Strict Confidentiality/ No Fee for Services point average, which put him far And critics of the college from the top of his class, would application process are quick to • Referrals for Community Resources scuttle his efforts to get accepted point out that monetary resources [to a top university].” The simple are used in other, perfectly legal, • Maternity and Baby Supplies solution, according to his niece? ways that create an uneven Take advantage of the lax security playing field. These include paying • Prenatal/Parenting Education protocols of the 1960s (when coaches thousands of dollars to Tuesday Nights Trump would have taken the improve college application essays • Se habla español 6:00 pm test) and employ a smart friend and taking advantage of the grade to take the exam in your stead.. inflation rampant at many wealthy Life CTPahCrreSieecaBnePnsetrdeseIhrtngilWnTlsahinneecy The Trump administration denies high schools. “There’s very little 261 NiagSatorap CInaOrtrhCaaglel Rd. these allegations. in a college application that colleges can absolutely assume is CarthaTgoem, NorCT2ri8s3h27 authentic,” said Ingersoll. “There’s this air of skepticism about 910-673-2949 “College admissions exams, everything.” like the SAT and ACT, have been But debates about equity and Secret is Out!fonndeat.nnNAacnniaddeol wpboerdtrsoI.omHhForuaiesenvsd layesMUaS.rSt. pNerwsiRne- gftgrodMdumteihetiipevdaaodtnRonrhuojwcrroyegicfhaiyhrtetioeghchott.ehkfeemeTiplmasdhntaorhclsie.lrrdyreeeey,insslnov’,ttiirhhfneeeswayyt plagued with cheating since their accuracy surrounding standardized tests have been prevalent for inception,” said Kat Cohen, the years, and some schools are taking founder and CEO of IvyWise, an a more permanent approach. educational consulting company with a focus on college counseling The University of California and test preparation. system, for example, is phasing out standardized testing in the a daily InThaeddBitaiobny tBootohme edrelgiceinoeursa,tfiroenshd-id not Samuel Eshaghoff knows first- admissions process altogether. are mhaedseitabtisectuoitcsaallt tbhreeiarkmfaasrtr,iathgee what it hand about these practices. The rs” Frwieansd. lIyf Mitawrtahsaosvmeru, cthheton oitffewraast over now 27-year-old was at the center There are, however, arguments PunenaBab.srYwb-uioOorabnBugsst- luanncdh.thAeyvawrieerteyno’tf awfirnagids,thoowt daolkgsa,way. against eliminating the tests, as having Older generations were interested in chTheeeyselbouorkgeornsl,inceornanddoggso, ttaotemr eet-up of a 2011 SAT cheating scandal they do give a cohesive metric for wamaerlhodvaeenhslrngiegaet-hsr working until the day they retired. At wgerdoguepss.aDndatminagnisy osttihllear hhoutggeotoredniedsfor using simple impersonation evaluating students across the ughout thKaeteppooinntr,etahdeiny gwtaondtiesdcotvoerhtahnegbeuspt- to cheat. By creating fake board, while school transcripts eunechts.hs”aoatwsannirtgth-- thkeeipr twsoerckrectlointhSeesvaenndLeankjeosy. the days aBwaabitythBeoroem, aellrsp,rewphaorehdavaennd’tsgoilvdebnyup identification, in most cases a might be more disparate. bJuorTafnhceeleifde off for years to come. The sad reality thoenffriinednidnlgielsotvceo. nvenience store student ID, he was able to take “Standardized tests give students d kids wTahsethtrautththiiss, cyhoaundgoeni’nt hliafevsettyolegooften staff you’ll find anywhere. Of course, tests for at least 15 people an equitable measurement against lheadving Your local shopping stop forle“dinttoo taonwne”a, rolrievrisditetahteh.coWlohnileel,stoome yoTuh’ell mfinydthaslltthhaet motahneyr “pce-ostpolerem” iateinmtasin (including women) over three peers across the nation,” said one y peo- wgeeret soamblee rteoallaydgjouosdt ,rmatohuetrh-qwuaitcekrl-y, yoaubonuetedth, eincBluadbiyngBtohoemlaerrgegsetnseerlaetcio- n private college counselor. hafurfeaceynnconndouiomnnwgg- home furnishings, de` cor, gifts and more!minogstfrfieoduncdhicthkeenl.ifeJudsut lvl,isliot oSkeivnegnfor tisoinmopflyNaCrLeont’tetrryusec. rTahtcehi-doeffa’stahnadt the years. He earned as much as or two nLeawkethsinFgrisentodlyinMtearerts,totnhHemW.Y B21u1t ,re- thyeouhtihghoefsttoqduaaylaitryeopf agyaisnoglifnoer,aSnheolld. er $3,600 per test.e students. “Eliminating the SAT and ACT will Lakes tiraeromuenndt lunnocwhtiismtehdeutrimngethtoe wwerietek. a generation’s huge pension plans is further bias underrepresented ion new chapter. notBturtuteh.eThstearidoefaththeasttathge iosldtheer gen- Impersonation is not the only way populations, even if good intentions There, you’ll find Janetta DeBord and erfartieiodncihsicskitetnin,gsoontryasfoomrteunseooisn!also drove the decision.” LiAvninitga hBeraolwtheyr, hfraysinng’t (aorlw“adyrospbpeinegn”,aans not true. people cheat. In the Operation initeisrecsatlleodf itnhetheBarebsytaBuoraonmtebruss. inTehsiss) For answers to any questions or to Varsity Blues scandal, students By: Millie Jameson SL News isfrtehsehgcehnicekreantioans ftahsattais trheesypocannsi.bIlte Froormdecr oanhseeardv,ectaollin9d1u0l-g6e7t3o-1c6on6s3e. rve flew across the country to take Source: TC Mag fogrotehseqruisieckolyf,MsocDmoonsatld’asyasnydouBumrugestr again. A shift in focus has certainly tests at one specific center, where King, microwavable TV dinners, and taken place. They want to stay for- their answers were manipulated.” ever young and if they can’t do that, But, there are still other ways to then they are determined to always skirt the rules. feel young. snacks on the run. They’ve also ad- opted healthier eating habits. Bottled Enjoy The Rest Ofwater and natural foods are now the focus th10ro-u6ghoMutothne ddaay.y - FridaESydoiutercde1B:0yO-:x3BforrSitdtaaPntreyusSsarmduaelys SLN Another danger is physical theft from testing centers, which are Your Summer11G25olSf(SeeMIvcsoeanPndtlufLalaryoekoeredAsofmBDtyrheeirvTBiecwARa,eRnWOnNetMBysuetilMndEininlgld)io, NnC often high schools located in Whose Wives Think
PRIME RIB PRIME RIBPSaegve$en520LONafefkweGsrCoNlioeemwntsis SATURDAYS Grooming Appointments SATURDAYSLittle River Golf & Resort Seven LakPeasgNee2w1s SeveBYnTHE OUNCE 910-692-441B1Y THE OUNCEPRICEDONTHESIZEYOUWANT October Special BOARDING, TRAINING, DAYCARE AugMuasyt EEddititioionn Buy 1 Treat Get One Free Lakes& PROFESSIONAL GROOMING DINNAEfRu:llTHseUrRvSicDeAvYeSt-eSrAinTaUrRyPDRhIACoEYDsSOpN•iTtHa5E SPlIZMwE YiO-tUh9WPANMT DI luxury boarding and daycare options. KENNELS “Caviar Of Th 910-673-2060 Sev 910.673.3103 Mon, Tues, THur-Fri 8-5 pm wed-sat 8-12 sun 2-4 pm Lakesahome away from homehofrsoesr, tywoo ucratsp, eantdsa miniature When Allison and Scott found Splash HHOOUURRSS donkey named Doc Holliday. athnMedy DokansnehwdGtrhoaaotmytehre-ieySaFhenaSrpddetiSBepfdoeomtuupeabnttmiedqymubrte:ehEbsred,e8Eirtdi:Eoi0dtniio0tinonam – 5:30 pm PinPei SeScteSicoetnciotBinoPnBaBPgaePga8ege8 8 9K10E-N67PN3a-EI2sm0LH6tSp0hoeeurrsPeeediasnnPeOaahfrwuWt7rs(i0o9ss4G1trt0-rs8)i•nho8264oiy6-pm4o-31u2i1?7n04g9911HH00HUeHe..HHae66aeedae77daPanidaid33nndAidig.n.gni3i3n9gWnl9gO1Og194g94eO9fO0904f,O4fS,Off453f435,fT,ffaTfI52,5f2,oTfB5oT524T2o4To2Cs2Co4I2o4CLo4Co4ChClolMonday -SFartiudradya:y8&:00Suanmda–y5: :C3l0ospemd OWCEstWdpyacaSdtedhcshaTtdoesTtwngoofiSrfhbgonoeoarhaouiPaaaoehhltffrrrnaaoeroooiokeineemcgrhetheetoinuvorkubaegtirnlluifseaaealsmrsiipoevieatpyketruedddsssinfltsegvnwtsrtnreoonhegnpoerthaoeasidee,edeaaeegukadiotmrtanussorirnaabkcreaqyinhyynlioorsnstbtepnhnyafv,eohrlohsetytssemn.guoigiutsbdfrrsihagadsucoo1dfotneocyLesiKrba.ddetrmecimlergvelapaesulaosiookagobt0ycmopoineetaaaidfauadTyuedupruenuiiToglhoudimctatttegenosyoolrsekhnaoosohnhiargdtdhrocdrotfhdpotbrogoiwsebyndehfeoodr,mpreohnobciotoduptniu,fssotecidhdniaCpreosrosgmgecsdttolrguotbbsemtecseamlhsehwgneairb.olhcoosdrgnwtigbaaxeravssunbL,esieaaendsroltlriiseiryiateaenteenhnlmoicioeonshgesk.ccieltfagslpndmr,dptsndhifmga-hrirneoertoaGbttsetntaoimeiotioeoityomtmnheialonnctrun.tnee,MhfdikhntsrigtsgfathlndasaunhuNaii,eCwhleNatreaeeSae,ige’nnwd.hvtdfhtettanweitsroditspranhonirevr,.isseydreheatoeepael,ngacpmaoeXekteiinorlNtidnaDtwreadelnllgsaraasigriavoyevtsipbnyccdemwaendsogeoit,,hwreswginlennidluTseleooeleytieudoladbrsdauwb.hwglnatnlrdsodytiTetpepo-lnyohggetlbClnsnsonueblCaaotecwlHsrehiheaeofutsalYntni,rfeegfadlrteateuaasstattLmhit.oaitiimnaheeowtsrhoccolsoknene,erirtshirtlwTderttcdiaosahneah.rteetpishgnnyapweiiaalfehslokaeserui,nsoAollre-nlk.liisyAfheio,nu,elra-e8lss-ondddmeno-ileTrryl-tla1osaaHeyhK2nfnuPtoauTdaDdtactneaftokmmdMTeidwaWcddmdtaHneSeahhhioPaaehhtfssslnllaaaosuooopoudoirdallcgbhnahauiieealanpeennoeyyPcggglnnrcrmplunloptqduiya-pkidectmsmiPhrepIoshiSt,lgoacnprnF’spChFu-neuwtsaaehroien-oSnryStCblececislmnceneShoflSetagei.tSaeiuwSasiotyiwmeorl-StlnpaepWMsTaAANbbaartcSlCicAetereSotsaAdaaeliasooancisiyOrgcishlcePsfwai.rhOeSIagioPeeleacAlnnOfhleoAhsouoannnpCusisnfeeelhhtcEa2fvsfnBthhwaaotvooSeknooorPAtlShlvieoattlCfCglcihaIitfmofflvctcSahsur,tPineStlatikwhhoSeintvenacSesadiineontddrwSbeeaSc,PetryigtewoewyooSeitnenellulonCryvucoAcwspeeneSPisoiAre-twanianedwasoiiCausRziBono1V’uyhSfyietemhew8errhSthilynuSgooepswyPCoStaelttdoesSnnwcelCgoaAewlocnsneeeA4nSlsdelmrorrcaoxeweSsIheldoynuhhEaxtcSwvhnaneOeanRhwhhwiWcrtnSRvneone1i’rRtPwSArgtteinoSivniCwena.tiDeeilemCnCcAvcSeNIeldCreushSuiaplsCeAPxniaaaatn5b“penithheSs-nemtulvtynalW,lhivBnpinREeeeanrtcrThaolihnScehbrtdewcnooIaozemyeanontegrpeP©oe©eryeuorhnNLepenoLcO4alyaCPAhiiohuthLeAhstaslauoiavsMLpR5NistePptai,pVhheaEahhSvsntehi1oehBohtwrrseoetatmgvtsnnogdenrdpSpreoPolote©yACtiUednr,gviyrepeSnEwoMVClVoauuasoLPewuntoaoignSnulVdeisveaPhxwtolPaIheldyrvnautPofdEixnthinsoOiobuis.hhenSaRwHeseWtGvgarnnena,NG1GrrisoeRentwnrnMeBEeesetScuGpSreotMTeBostueaoneyesutneaPMbnnrpBBenVsedfos3nCyutoPwrSccpNInfwerlendtCshPaiCEoixeubitc-frmetfpPnanmteeewioituWRfCvliRBstarpRnEuepViyhrPknRpTtaSoGCfChniobtiKfeuhculkoRuhnesetn5nerhacMennKBncSkthtitCPkmRooep4ylt©BC©aresisbshhlocNKnpLeSnnywLTO4npaCnbMoirhscayoadocfLrhPndtsrhvtn1aaoldeeotuuraryxvoMPLrpOhgshtsePIheliidHr,yntuurrstxCfthoThniuOattirCoanRewBoreWrrinnetgaade1cerPpkARaRool©ebrhRCUneKrgtSarnpaatpGoOaMirMVbtlVtseuCueooitcesoLeuPlnwopui.RtLaoaitbel’garVetnCaoett-oeasotPPrwsttsRtaaeElNIoetalndiHClhdarovaarhCaxidioEOurTsvaClCotiachitioirp.nsacreeJasHtiedG,ouUlGdeaaWovNGPtptmPRaoscpEhteeeenr2onLlMvalT3ehiaPeBieDrshnsrupGb1t-hoMblBo.oCvnTaeahgtluPHtLcPiaiMbbnrpBBtnVneanoiso©snoeac©r7iPectewgarPScBRocfNacoLlnfolronLoO4o0aaCpEBOrirhrsiitocyLbirfoolrsseitdlrtJaialisdoeiur-atihtvPgMLtpfCuioRBasrsltao1dePusilisforppiPklmspRmenehGCaCfUEhyoooKbiucttiimlkkoeTBoRvparehkiaunSlsngocMnegnbtKBoncnreipkCwictPrkooRlap©nBiueeUgsrrsnipcoccGotKngr-nrponToldoMVtpeTBbMliBVrscsrwussocisYoeLtclkPfolrwuPhtnrhaoowraooiVasedwnurpnscreokhPufwoPrltyeidorsalasoistpiHrfDtnvuae5ociyrtE,CflUohFhTyeiur1ioictsrCspaDeAuaa-heueGhesehetaiBbONcoiGCe“PskpfAisRoaaNDzheiiuhekO3RCnMyneBKnstruaGpiflapdoytMpGyOnaiTrMBbciGitnhselwCinhoidcoeCeluufodNieoRPtnMLubnnrpaisBBtbmnValvswhetEr0gseeuaot-aoykPorwcPrrgScscoitsoRatETluNnftirHlinaarcitrlaEridnocOrTyiensCsclittNhftriretnyaaarGJto2ietfhidhllGBmnsayytoesLCfPsRtBtsraDPacheeuthkhRPokRmLlivaeOhslPieSDGeCCflapy-KhJbhulcJlirawsnkCRgoRvTaaeehteinePgtHiticLMlcnaiKihchBbenckyrheiatPakecoirsRropoaBetoteiesostRiRuizdouapcyeKnloLlonytcToopeparH6p,bMntcOBinirrossoicitoopNncyeofbrireoPLlgosfietdlrrioGgpJoiaeliJaisdocreJ-auerErdtarwttPhotuPreoslarlasttbsgwdlJh7sfeoHprtbpJltupimnrttCfrohUTEheubitiiiabrCaRpaGvaphekuieueyxPtoih.hbtcsKieirneixkaPkiCAoiRcraaanteieKoueAsaRkCRrPiPaicleKGttcr-nyPoatpGnOaioriMbMMmTBiBodDtsswCrtyfeooipieyceeooelkoLlncaohrESeciogpRatRLLonReianetbilriasawnMptsnamoct-eoinkhuPferasliyetsRtaiElAarwalJestoiHeelpiJrfDitN4gtenrsergtmdacigetidionOUrThhsayCelagttarrthrbioressupwaKDprAuexJra-louh3tuidhglGhlabBagrOsaieieiPCtitsapfiuMPachKiNDzliAyiouhkstOoPLylvahntoPluiinsDeEewLlplpdMy-hn,yb1Tll6inCnhew3veivgmeTaahomcErPaHLNtLocnunaiiSnbnsiwanoiDshseoEtWeKoaakoic,geR-ioirceu8Nkrliornlon3kenoasw.stImcatgityptinBOniarhcasTyceietososeairticpNobiireol1sniydlrwxJiGdtllisdoireherrTfw-agheaBgetyyettohtPLaetasruouKaDlasshWkle/sfohpRonpclapmnstvmshlhraepUMmEhyJbhfJriivrrawso-gvmpaRdhoektitsEDsvuhwmaLtreitmionSncbthaegineriyrChaecnrnbrKaCacntoitaeDueir1rretliREiizercuanpyGtn-anLeyeolaEIolepbtcr,nsTBiBcndrsNwhoiiedNpenyolkorlLehAgpewenNGoepetiJinhca1Jssiw0rneknEptncNedep-keuf/Aelgyee1isrtgalnwsdyohJapbfDJ2einadetciNoetvrhbruohUn/mhhyeer8nirtgcoTiniaoabstOoRpeaDrAuWoa-ev5hhmreuehdmxPrwithuBbhhOrishKiariCxaidsitpfrwim1eanDNzcCiittizeiD.nuhKkwOreiRpP,iPaenteetcneeyiP9Ellpbtpdyvlsnyi-TMaDhnwteeiChpey,eToLcntetrESNoNepRLnuskReenninri1shwehnEtsmdnepikioecgWsgaetC-iawuEJNeireiJiNnleaescgnoatimtnngeetinv/nscspnyaeasgitrgtaurNtdbosnkyuwaKleoxoGddt1rsihvEgsohnu-aBagieiyystodieraiLasisuMDKeehkponstshnREPdsoihissdEuewleeLptapNaMyn,eiJtghet1ZvsJCiirawnse-rvegCRmseTfhsomtcERiGtrae2eeLtlsoneSpschehityrhDaer6ertutKSotBi0oonACtRzuaeppiyCanKsYbirLsWs-aytsaswoptiI9mntgygi5,unnocheadenieaoanippNnyooiers1LWeltwxoGapiotidTeiJmeovscJgndupaegiEmttnra-aruhedKiceiiegsot2Wiw2d/JhEtbdhJiihsdtvehmtrhhbsrhMmAs5ye1esitiriisnamabesRdMuatuorlreEDvv-heamgeeLtnrsxhPmCneBSnthrhghsirsKiirsxsainibrKCtttsaeaodiDKoignrResiEPeoCeatpIewntciyiPelsdEIebt1wrnnori-sMrEdpndoDNtoenepdeyreoisrsWLcsAtgpertwSEeNoiperRLPGRonMerwnic1oionntNssmodeoplsris/eAswag97ehons-gPa2wlJeu;oneircJgiNeesgtimgetervihirnn/tahpabsr8oghttgaioTnagopbgeokosfaenuwKWniorx1revhdmlswlgmyto-oaigssrieiaehibtamTefanauncMlKgGieDr5gsrtnrwipPCe2eosiisCeEsesgwEwhpbLptroaMesn,Giidoidncrea-veCmeiholmlecntEertNaee0Lr0sincSulnw1AiDntledntKpsrseesWigu9e,etCrreeEieiIincirng-ltrecswtIhmnntgefyoiipv/nroshnonaheorgeaorptoaiero1alreiowxogdrtisGevEosrggnounagineiodvntarTa-aTfracuKelooW/wnGgpEDglslStrgsihysdtnivmhhnethraMmeGai3fgfZ1siCErirnlgiCibsaupsoyZEnDiGv:t-ohcmab2eeeLtr0iesomtnelpSnrNgnhsprseudbspKtCplSweoaBiDeeinCirReiwEeetipCianOsYTroinsWsnerreetseiE9Inebtrndtuer-osodfNiroLdglstWisl.pesrtAgpeweNioaeatTiGsnvoios7nnno1puirebonIrNndepAr/Aiegeoso2sq-igh2eGiaEtdgarOnihdrt1iepv1shryrn/oAs1oAsr8igTTotsnngaosonroetuyoynolWfonayvahnhmgeene’swmCeitu-hhinrsrtsasostm1rpantniidgciDongnReeiepseCtpnrIteheneisnlestdEpbtrn.tasIidooltin-enCtrisTsWsettbeatiNerycrckss7owcno1aioatnNentasoodnlsrpsehW9sgheotCP2rEiiurnrcWgsrOrelaroenone1oprv/sNnhbsorhiggorpenpflatnHalnifr1eaeoprroswivEsytanurVmvsieihdtragihoTpf-ragclgGunheneEgnaooewnpCr.E2jsuhlsiihnssdCsshetratorGfeiti3htdgl1ZotsetCnsdnrnCtisTsuieoiGtepd02ee0risotehprwuifhytnr78srsSoes9BioaennErrCRrpy.eriIceipCnanscYssWsstrsatssi9oniuo-otooro.olnteanosuesWolkritaeohtiotTlilsGroiovarsgoNnnurlonnTrehrTfpfacieoeeso26swi2GugerEdgosysaihidnChnsrG3Aesrh1sgrrEbioDlugrunaiusptuyZrln1:rcnige0ernsetnCerW-iiNnpihotrseugss8tpicwteidoieoisgnReritaCaipOiIsaohneiheoeiysdrurtrnieodoeiree.nteirislsssWpersrotirishohiocoi7towicroobunoH.oIonnoalsrttsoo97ehEtoP2nGionnigussnrsJcrOgonauorego1pU1rsctroehbsohtogiaugrngop’srfdadn.ynen1bniry1aroniwetsiwuyoWhnrsnrsrtusTcsoBhsrrpsfacngGaansegnswtnCt2ahneosinoahlssh.trnGidptoint,sieoeebed0rp0o7ilwepdaaaoNtoapnRWossre.eser9errrittirInincrOatuartStpreo1ireeoarorholrontuapldi.opreioronurtntSisGojrgdergordntConeieuopdsroTfahcnhpEnoyrenwGgoptpghlrinsoyCanurhnighnumorf3hG3gdettrlngtippupr6yyuZnon1:pdcjcn0rhohtoirpetNnrpsmr78ehsfutpwdeoEaerip.rettioiOsoanesapedonect.erva,ir.ereinslwapspsenerasilisieioN7arioirSborIIupvrolropy6rlHrurGliuigsrOCrs1Topn1rrhnonrlucrutguupoNkrarynn1yanenarWuinhotretuinsrtus8osrpinnoenerrsstsnoohnedtnldrreo.Dteeaoentioe.lternestlebdshora7ogeduu.ltaNaaoehttr7eeEdpernironsurOtcaroetsorft1roriewlrnuarsunNt.plltbhehetotrWwrruTytuisnoRgaprnyhedEnbc.eVaeohhktbn.yCttoerfe3hpetbeniboitponSrhmtpdaesiopbyldWgr78tddro.ooEEirp.reB,aUusbtapstwoirePorxndior.ueiin.e.nspottetlEsierNtarusrvhipnyrBt6unoropbnes.yCrsthtrouoruippl6ynrdngpWP,ibtrreouih8wa.aieontdrohsaibpreerdt.rourrai.shteapstthoewarsltSieu.uopnycmbhtai7prluekEuildsuTlnsbtrle.eauer-ukpNso.baidrtgtWtiAruouiailserC-rotoaoiath.da-p-olhitionuioupdalsopWtlrnpgrnvoltta.upennrtebyadelrefh-uCNuit-.spoterlemyuPaus-lphiire-Sorpnt.ynctotbeNDoiipp6ynhyS,opbl,tldhenagtoyabuanotpre.fnaraint!ptsagEyHee,Su--.slrprnlboRui.yiTn.lloiupNWpermbohietiRubCek”rhirobtDdiaiadophlRt2ntwslodulnbtrRpal-aoitnhbl.r.rl-tsuNtnoiyui:dit.yfrt-thbiJyndSbblPbtdnlibnnbthreen-i-etltsEeede-su0eynbe.ytSyoimiMhdhboichan.ihgeboduihteld-.ntonbttl.nblna.y-MhoisuRePHaii1e-hinbRb2aoehhhrarntsal.nbg2e--eu-MWAWapOaPeGfhklManpiceottoyJhuenadwriyicsdAiPnmiP0aPcnnnhheSaawW2viwaFCaafssCsoaifgwegdreeee-.pOWohawfGPpMnaeaciWAlkMesssnS.hPilchyeyiPnrfntsoooolrrsWiucctEp$afosnAmcaaoctmiStn1EeRdS-u--.ooaarnPlSC.ePnencooreeioiieeaernrfnhtiosoPreoooolvrv1eeurdrnn,iuihh0oeaohahohmtndrpaneatihupnrbrdlEvnovlCeMEe5vrooortueocoiSgveeio1rWMeiAOnGflaakheappoPMWciodmAeaiheeentoolijisaohaedmatndrpoeaenneaeminvibTlpncunFedvrheutavdladdaemvnruearhpuapPkMcaAWWGiOwehnapefMoleisrrbdS1tearaienSle(scooiPomiusdaaaaiO0rnfntgsYoooosalnryminahirOmurrdeumoiaeelaardnMPht5iru.puscVednahshiieoncelriS5eeee1ocovekoosrteSotarMire5elhrnrfnrltrirmtsOsoeoiooslcpfoPMnaWMaalAihWGecpOkrreilieeaeenmismiekrreeuigOrrssroeu6eharltfmtndrpenPesNat,ovaclrmiMreeleCenyemrvWeovrsaoonrteleStgotonoeyaivlpioeehrtolirihiasdepfnelwWaapGhWMOiAakcPMrureaieenaeeAopneSyexooeiutotnc0riseaieaeaiiemyptndrprnfnatnsEtoeoooealeriranvactaiUtmivderireelnyddmvrIiniettliuhml1anooerarvroputeMoicndrnsaistnneithhlAnSe6loosldCeicioofsaeraeymdeeennrogamahuiiOeynn6ernfnestEaetinnsfhothoottooolfra’etiioHsmeysrreid6adehammihrvuibseSldaoertl,nrntaeeipu0oeestnidproResenssstohlceirvaAloadrovelCetevSdrooftrampduAlewiomvshrdslvrehhosidAfiTthdoieeeareiaoHom.tirrptvaeenrsesrooruigesetdiutsnbaiaie.armtindpreosefee,saano1alocyreinv2rreelonetnslymrovuuegvltodluvSartAynnopuoeloahrutoosrvra,ropuehSirlndoieeucVgno0awtnrseenetheeiyPoonereuetnTeiensaoaeiypeneaeacinefef8asaVinnattgnegreonarVeliotns2yidmndrrri8ieildevrnnoroeoyaaueldauetot“oearipun8ehSrnsnsto2VosenOitnocAeenvGrohecmieCevnfmtddnSsdesmtamreyalrnBnshrvroilfnheo2ssioWNneothgoHgieeeeaiidameettnrratiweee.rigssdorcrdoenuuInNxgttit“noieeo9nsistoehsnoaaroacdAeor0aiaenrnrelCny1,mvnffnmpdtuleSnoemrtpnAmsoresiloahhroroolfuest,oossnoghr0EoHlfxintentaehEPeee0ieseasstdicarotrdeonvriioinsioeiyerufntsetgae1laardotsosdterrtrelngyds1smyrlnnopuilih7n1nenAvuorrfeshPaonohSun’swoto7VrnselstntdSteunuthfftaEhiAiesCnta7WtCnadtenfesttrtmd9iaonnmrcMsiieynfritfootigegaCoLemoostsoHtoesrrl1daytna1nnefaosiioPnusdgnvumrS“ntaoiihSonoireo.VNnnsoenstsesrKeothsaheiA,euanriyeVCnefnBcefstimpm9dun1ntmetMsro4AusnnHreuitoenfip-iggroseootinsisoecistaeetrautnoefcdouustdtnusS“Elngosasioioine6ieoNofobeoonfeatetmiouepmofprsots1nro7oanniydVmkne.AnmpurnlBtroiusueCataornoshSrip-nlonoehednTiVh,euecgEteaeAneisthsamiaacaiMtdaOwtntesgositrooru0nnh6thiuntofgeopinatmdeengtegvm0npaostso1ypeoanrdiukne.AmvtnroauPfnphnu“woautNaNrhSrnrn.lsaeonotCVcae6nEhrAreintiohrtizaaetaastrsh9fnoNeEnMsrmNnunnr2hrontecuntNeaheianseOntggehaRtaNyeNdtnleefilefrvrcSdoadufeeiaNnne“NouloonaTnnotoelyieoChia6ndhikruroniortriyrVao1Pstnrme9fwrhEnneMltAlnmohrdorrocip0i-ouuentoaninsiiscltnaeet-“te&strnEvelfi4.NrsllnarocaiSHatdegstoase&dcs6owinnonnod”nyLetomitgmdeSMprdIrtuoaewiydirsV1koy.warnfensxinnnnelAvedlrmoliaysrlrip8s-odudCoptoniinucyelnfaeAseaEVhvoi.oN9yatyoatgsSsat9uCtorsundcnM6sadhiuoenr”shtocmeetcnmeSplaostoaMerndCbkeoyo.mtnnefhliabnflvCurSSnihbua2rCirimddootguionao6dae1AtrninftahhnsHoeitiyfVoeeEAstu9unMenMaecuareIsagddecipdn-moansitcsicazettNolsmtnefaieMfeCoahraownShenutgfsnroim8Ceo6pci3abt6odmeruromrnsiMttamirpnooaSCaoartfiydVolrryakEV.Aulnimtoeoerucoe4suaagr3trpip-s.mttnoritnscrvacoaeArt.hNrldsel3neseoraanaooaedcctgsrritnrwouno”l8elyg6opitbudSaromArencemArnspaaohoarcemdtnkli.mlnimaorffeegoddnNsuaaerhIrnceemhotololr5anls6gvncAr.ntiNrteiocauvfonasdcEasaoriwnun”oasloiojp7ccufdhSlbdAlentjessnatloo1mmOarsncCtllmmrsLroheataseffet5eaimddnoetuenatn-mnerrelrihea6gdenotrrotni7ettorpcasiaAaursnyfaotpoeEnaaelndmJeasioxrrLcdca3uomkoetiesletmLsr0e“vsinroh.auNllortoohsetNxsMbriamtoedcabrnncr”wem-eoooieeNaodiedopSnuroaocNeteormoioaAsr4myidhtedlo1i4lshscmesoxresrLCsaioddemt2ttrsne-eii0cun2arnsevnh.NylohhrsnoosoenEtMrrbiurw2natoldcppnyabsnf”selmoogAT-ccaoSnudtdaNAyemo1oomvmfmiotfSelilibndha-dsFneasyesni7emiddtotlr5usn-gi-ncrnethIranaewelytcooarf.udhtnaoroHssniAriwuialipen0dallesdAeecotcdlmereltadaohOeAyrsTetmofmhuss·lofealeirodoahihtekaatyirn4iemcerael2ue0lbeugsnniiirtolItseda,enopiaf.uytaoenssSAe(niaeoixSeIrFLmnwallehzritSimtnindtlSdnvcin0elsnrlcknSplrftgeue4s1onMbgro.intooit1arSirwraelmphayeFbucoiiu(SesoAleNeo1imnioceyndlenanremnneiohsxdoIrfsFeLlsae.ivatzren-nieotiniela5vngynnucnt3rsMaplharStanmeowadaMtsrbrdnnteaodnscrsMiwalmippeceouiAteNotAyimghpl1ocpe6dn)snieeanodnmlidssoasyfetlsesatuneaneoa-nerrnEdlIeeygnnhiMfe.auhaeigosClaFiapstvrdyadmnsPFsllrnasirxcnreLad(alfdlorneeAtyivgtnslepf)u0dstnheo.dlluiorndilsatytM2batteouiauaoiirrun0mEdhIe1AnosurSf.1uodNueyoigs3muastit(,nyeooSIFsoelle1arastxmztrsrstLsadeiiuei(ttedoehapi-inetnlnapfnIunithosylulhoStoboit,Mbateo3ansit”ucieoicSn$omnecmrisoeeruioocmedNuonAgynrmhnpaa1wp.cneAooAnuoIoF3ldiolieNdhuh.smzrasytnsii3lattsuay-nrnaMrafpaIndtlm0suf.ruyc)ahsderdo.s,s0roni.lueltVconeocmairlgeioocpdyen)eAyneencpeatwfcnuoAosnaaeotloeliodhisanyntodltalaEedvuhnuynhiirdrMataItligo4dpttmostf.erusd.nsd.esEoeo(rneeoSIeFn.dlele)ocnziorepCte.gtninpedty1eomepethendupftutotoruiitasodle1inaEedithnurnsncriiSStpDuteoigpi3ita’tenocionnsrrnerodneeompLoItFinl,rdisaHzrEhCapneaie.tnbiazetpyehatnMayuept,HytnH5slrdarldilmsoWFeddinosaimaossHriobduop9uoeonrnirpgaowcpphecno)AnefpenedeohmuLotlt,rlielasatyanaoibadrznEtd7aehumtynamNMya)ig.aCosasdtlrdadUlddfWpleddiornnmaoaod(isidlypaaoenresupgtnifwpacoAtheeeupomhttsdtlolaoulf,tfiDhno.inrntrEldteprttinsslmreSveuoig.oo3oaOtnseenunlerihrn3enmCted.ixyhiclllnEtypeapesa0tnauRetthAeeytutgmots“daoleriolfait,ihanlsmncentostimaephttsroioe1veuwtoorpanswSrpceopLAupnp,rm”eesaahmCitaae.ipbnlllznceepieaceastgnsvrartumedrstttro-mloya)agwb.ehwWadeni-iriaoeansnehoopndmSrawioevrrywtnoreaapaeiofgwv0c5eoLAnop,rsaahthnsyatdmrlbblzanecmihncatshsvrtceteydrpotamlaaeeaawr.WlodetuoieenaonnorinleepdncRarcCasue.aenrtysvapotenseeioxmAesoeToelftalssdnleenioietrhnnntev0tegnteLorpoanmteiuisesruiloietouioonedgapsL0inr,eeilllnesadacCpesadp.b’qzu0getpenategrrrsnndrtl’olfeaeecastgilW!adniioetsasodfdnnytsetsaventowpteolryreiislhsuppseomatiLt,rpxll-nnscgartsiceaisdvbzu-------,.tmatbaggTrbrrrttnonaorfvelreleeoaeyianydsuIlWlrldisnssaoa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Page 22 August Edition Seven Lakes News “Small“ Businesses Receiving Your Tax Dollars under the PPP CARES ACT Program? $5 - $1$05M-1i0llMioinllion $150k - 350k $2- 5 Million $1- 2 Million $350k - 1 Million
Seven Lakes News August Edition Page 23 685-0320 $50.00 ONLY $50 ONLY ONLY $45 $50 2001 Fully Restored Camaro $19,500 [email protected]
SSeevveennLLaakkeessNNeewwss “The Voice Of Seven Lakes” AAuugguussttEEddiittiioonn ONLY THE SUNSET COVERS SEVEN LAKES BETTER! CHAD STITES SHANNON STITES [email protected] 910-992-6231 SOLD at Asking Price! SOLD at Asking Price! SOLD at 99% Asking Price SOLD at 98% Asking Price SOLD at 98% Asking Price 135 Smathers Dr 111 Simmons Dr 108 McCracken Dr 163 W Devonshire Ave 373 Kerr Lake Rd Beautiful 3BR / 4BA home is meticulously Lovely single level home in desirable location. Just up the Spacious, like new home--4 bedrooms PLUS Golf front home with private lot--feels like you're in the One-of-a-kind custom golf-front 4 BR / 4BA home is an maintained and o ers plenty of room to spread out. street from Johnson's Point Marina in Seven Lakes West! bonus room! Open layout! Lovely curb appeal!! mountains! Beautiful wooded view overlooking pond. outstanding nd in the desirable Legacy Lakes community. SOLD at 98% Asking Price SOLD SOLD SOLD UNDER CONTRACT 120 Shagbark Ct 134 Lancashire Ln 1008 Seven Lakes Dr #1 170 Lamplighter Lane TBD / 222 Finch Gate Lots 3 BR / 3.5 BA Beautiful all-brick waterfront home! Ideal O ce Space Great building lot--over an acre in the gated Spectacular views from almost every room! Lovely golf front lots in Seven Lakes West. Lake Ramapo Waterfront with lower level on Seven Lakes Drive community of Seven Lakes West Build your dream home and enjoy the amenities UNDER CONTRACT UNDER CONTRACT UNDER CONTRACT UNDER CONTRACT UNDER CONTRACT 149 Owens Cr 329 Longleaf Dr 113 Dennis Cir 109 Fox Den 142 Cardinal Ln Lake Auman waterfront home! 3 Bedroom, 3.5 Bath Open Lake Auman Waterfront! Almost 5,000 sq ft on 3 levels Beautiful & spacious home with all the upgrades! Along with Beautiful and spacious 3 BR home with Spacious waterfront home on Big Juniper! Great layout. Beautiful sunroom o ers spectacular views of the lake! with Master and main living areas on the main oor. outdoor living at its nest--heated in-ground pool and hot tub! 4th BR/Bonus room! Many upgrades throughout! views including light and bright sunroom! NEW LISTING NEW LISTING UNDER CONTRACT NEW LISTING UNDER CONTRACT UNDER CONTRACT UNDER CONTRACT 125 Morris 153 Pine Lake Dr 117 Shagbark Ct 4320 Hwy 73 433 Longleaf Dr Beautiful custom designed and built all brick, Beautifully renovated, all brick, spacious ranch, Desirable 2 bedroom townhouse! Located A ordable and spacious 3 bedroom plus den, Waterfront lot on desirable Lake Auman with long views of 3 BR, 2.5 baths with spacious bonus room! on cul-de-sac across from Lake Ramapo the lake! Over 1 acre and located close to gate for easy access! golf view home in Whispering Pines! 2 bath home on .83 acres in West End! 180 Lancashire 405 Longleaf Dr “Shannon and Chad Stites are a wonderful realtor team! All brick home with beautiful panoramic views of the To be built spacious 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath home Communication is key...Shannon kept us informed on every Golf Course! Open oor plan with spacious rooms! on 2 levels home can be customized by buyer! detail concerning the sale of our home. We could not be happier with her services and we will continue to recommend her to everyone who needs an agent.” - Sylvia M., Seller
Section B C Sommunity cene August Edition Section B 1 SEVEN LAKES BUSINESS GUILD Seven Lakes Yard POTHOLE VOLUNTEER BRIGADE Beautification Contest Seven Lakes News sponsored We would like to thank Carolyn Sink for managing and coordinating a community wide Home the event and a special thanks to the judges for the contest from Beautification Contest and the Garden Club. received many entries for the Seven Lakes Garden Club Board members who participated in 3 divisions: Landscaped Yard, the selection process were: Terry Rudziensky, Pat Zlotin, Lisa Best Flowers and the most plant Sheridan, Karen Williamson, Tracy Cicatelli and Carolyn Sink. decorated Porch. Each of the First Place winners will receive a gift certificate from Burney Hardware, Ace Hardware and the Seven Lakes News. BUSINESS DONORS Mary Carter $3,500 Landscape Ace Hardware Sandhills Collision Center Alan Shaw Sandhills Pediatrics Ann Hout Barrons Tile & Boutique Sandhills Winery Boles Seven Lakes Fam. Dentistry Flowers Burney Hardware Seven Lakes News Carolina Furnishings Seven Lakes Prescription Edward Hill Wealth Mgm‘t. SL West Sportsman Club First Bank Small Animal Emergency Harris Printing Stackhouse Plumbing KR Mace Electric Temp Control Lake House Bar and Grill The Property Center Lee Moore Insurance Women of Seven Lakes L Mace Studios Artists League of the Sandhills Leslie Rose More than Miniatures – Small Art Porch The Artists League will open a by the League‘s members. The new exhibit in August featuring exhibit and sale will continue miniature and small works of art. through August 26. Gallery hours The exhibit will display art work that are Monday through Saturday, is 8x10 inches or smaller produced noon to 3:00 (910) 944-3979
Community Scene August Edition Page B 3 We Need Your Help Seven Lakes Voluntary Road Crew $2,500 $1,370 THANKS FOR YOUR DONATIONS Sarah Abbott Rick & Victoria Levinger Seven Lakes residents, merchants community by setting up the Avenue Danny Barrett Summer Mack and businesses owe a debt of Of Flags, Chilli Cookoff, Chistmas James Boyd Linn Owen gratitude to the volunteer efforts Tree lighting, Golf Cart Parade, Jacklyn Coger LouEllen Runyan of the following individuals that Benefit Concerts, Merchants Night Bob & Patricia Donaldson Davis Salmon unselfishly arise at daybreak and many other wonderful Seven Kent and Alice Droppers Bud Sales for several weeks to repair and Lakes events. Dorothy Giangrande Ann Sharp maintain our private roads that Richard Gordon Margaret Sheroff service our business community. Raymond Hutchens Kent & Virginia Siefkes Emil and Penny Johnson Carolyn Sink John Knowlton Larry & Cindy Tucker Charles Leach Wayne Weaver Barbara Leoncini Jennifer Wellman Coordinating these recent efforts in road maintenance is Ed Hill of Without their personal sacrifice and Edward Hill Wealth Management, financial support in conjunction with with the assistance of James the donations by the community at Boyd, owner of Barron Tile and large, in maintaining these roads co-owner of Barron‘s Boutique, these roads would be impassable Sam Ransdale and Harry Parks of to reach the many businesses that Burney Hardware, Abe Ross Boles they serve. Funeral Home, David Garner with Temp Control, and Zach Haynes You might recognize them and the Sandhills Fabricators. businnesses that they own and manage. Since this is such an expensive endeavor we ask that any business or resident that are served by these roads, please make a donation if you haven‘t already contributed to the road repair fund. . INFORMATION FROM MOORE COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE Hats off to all of these volunteers for maintaining and keeping our They are the ones that donate access roads safe. their valuable time and serve our By: Victoria Levinger
Page B 4 August Edition Community Scene protect individuals and businesses Sandhills Food Bank from being victimized by COVID-19 Sees More People Facing scams: Hunger for the First Time Independently verify the identity of The impact of the COVID-19 65 was retired, but maintained a any company, charity, or individual that contacts you regarding pandemic is being felt throughout side business for extra income. COVID-19. our service area, in communities The single parent of a 17-year-old Check the websites and email addresses offering information, large and small. According to had never been out of work in his products, or services related Scammers are now using the to COVID-19. Be aware that Feeding America, estimates of the life until now. He’d also never had COVID-19 pandemic to swindle scammers often employ addresses money and information from that differ only slightly from those impact of COVID-19 are projecting to seek out emergency food. Staff unsuspecting victims. belonging to the entities they are impersonating. For example, they increased food insecurity in line referred him to a nearby partner One of the more recent types of might use “” or “” scams are contact tracing scams. instead of “” with the Great Recession. People agency where he was pleasantly These scams often appear in the form of text messages or Be wary of unsolicited emails have lost jobs and healthcare, surprised by the selection of meat phone calls seeking money, offering information, supplies, Social Security, bank account, or or treatment for COVID-19 children have been home for and fresh produce along with shelf- credit card numbers, along with or requesting your personal other sensitive information not information for medical purposes. months – in many cases without stable goods. He was also grateful required for authentic contact tracing. Scammers can try to Legitimate health authorities will access to school meals. Families for the kind people saying, “Today take advantage of contact tracing not contact the public this way. efforts in several ways. Do not click on links or open who couldn’t afford to miss one was the first day in a while that I email attachments from unknown Some could offer fake tracing jobs or unverified sources. Doing so paycheck or even one shift at have been in a good mood.” to try to get someone to pay fees could download a virus onto your or hand over their Social Security computer or device. work are being forced to make number. Others could send emails or texts with links to malicious Check online reviews of any impossible choices between Our community was still recovering websites that could take over company offering COVID-19 someone’s phone or computer. products or supplies. Avoid paying for rent or putting food on from hurricanes Florence and companies whose customers If a someone claiming to be a have complained about not the table. Michael and will likely be impacted contact tracer asks for any type receiving items. Research any of personal financial information, charities or crowdfunding sites The Sandhills Branch of the by the COVID-19 pandemic long hang up or do not respond. A soliciting donations in connection legitimate contact tracer affiliated with COVID-19 before giving any Food Bank serves Lee, Moore, into the future and the Food with a Public Health Department donation. or from the North Carolina Richmond, and Scotland counties. Bank will be there for the long Department of Health & Human Remember, an organization may Services (NCDHHS) will never ask not be legitimate even if it uses Prior to COVID-19, we know 37,000 haul. In the last year, the Food for your Social Security Number, words like “CDC” or “government” bank or credit card numbers, or in its name or has reputable people in those counties were Bank has distributed nearly 11 any other financial information at looking seals or logos on its any time. materials. For more information living in food insecure households, million pounds of food– a pace about coronavirus and Moore Legitimate contact tracers will ask County’s response, please visit 12,000 of those being children. unimaginable in our early years. about your medical symptoms, and about anyone with whom find us on Facebook (Moore County The projected number of food- you’ve had any close contact with. Health Department). Contract tracing is an important insecure people in our service area In September 2020, the Food Bank tool used to help curb the spread of By: Diane Keating SL News the virus. It helps local public health Source: DOJ, Moore now more than 48,000 neighbors, marks forty years of nourishing departments track down people who may have been exposed to with 17,000 being children. people and building solutions to the coronavirus and allows them to then take proper precautions. ultimately end hunger. Learn more The following tips from the The Food Bank and our partner about where we have been at Department of Justice can help agencies have been there for our friends and neighbors during this pandemic, drawing on some of The Food Bank will also debut a the things we learned from our podcast called “Path to Ending response to the Great Recession. Hunger” this fall. It will feature Food Former Food Bank Chairperson of Bank staff and partners who will the Board Al Ragland sees “… a expand on our history, our work, strong need, as there was during and the future of hunger relief in the recession, due to job loss, our area. For more information on strain on the economy, and people the podcast or to find out how to feeling a lack of control in their life help support the Food Bank, visit situation.” Although it is easy to get lost in the You can also reach out to Sandhills figures, each number represents a Branch Director Michael Cotten, real neighbor going through a hard [email protected]. time. This includes Walter, who at
Lifestyles & Entertainment August Edition Page B 5 The West End Elementary School Past President Bill Pratt and received new tables and chairs Secretary Jerry Sink were on hand for its redesigned Media Center in to help unload, uncrate and set up July. the new tables and chairs. School Principle Shaun Krencicki A $12,000 check from Kiwanis indicated that the new Media was donated for a portion of the Center should be operational when furniture that will have the club school starts in Aug Logo on the side of the tables. Kiwanis President George Norman, Sandhills Motoring Festival multiple safety measures in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Face coverings will be provided for attendees, and hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout the village. Organizers of the Sandhills “We are encouraging everyone to Motoring Festival are “forging be respectful of others and social ahead” with plans for the third distance,‘‘ said Marvin Waters, annual event, tentatively set for president of the festival. “The thing Labor Day weekend in Pinehurst. I want everyone to know is that we The classic car show will include are thinking, acting and reacting in their best interest.”
LSection C ifestyles & The pandemic has isolated many OUTDOOR PATRIOTIC Barron Tile & Stone children from their friends and PERFORMANCE BY THE and Barron’s Boutique extended families — and appears SOPHISTICATED LADIES Come To The Rescue to be leading to a rise in mental With $200.00 Donation health problems. In one recent (l-r) Wynne Wroblesky, Marilyn Dotto, Mimi Carter, survey, almost 80 percent of Angie Huber, and Jean Hill. Avenue of Flags is a labor of love adolescent girls reported feeling created to honor our military more lonely since the pandemic The Sophisticated Ladies Senior Dance Troupe celebrated the 4th of July and show our love for America. It began. “It’s not just the fear of holiday with a patriotic performance at McLendon Hills outdoor pavilion. saddens me to see people have missing out, it’s the actual missing stolen 8 flags. If you know who has out,” one expert told The Wall They observed safe procedures with masks, sanitizers, and at least stolen the flags please encourage Street Journal. 6 feet of space for social distancing. The dancers even set up a Safe them to return the flags to Edward Hill Wealth Management. Thank Parents should “recognize the Table to provide masks, sanitizers, small gifts, and information. you for your support. Posted on very real losses that young people Families arrived in their golf carts with pets and children. FB: Alicia Hill are feeling right now,”. A daily schedule can give children a The Announcer, Cynthia Walden-Brown, told the story of the Hi James & Jennifer: We just heard needed sense of control, writes Sophisticated Ladies which was started in Pinehurst thirty years from Ed Hill about your wonderful the psychologist Ann Kearney- ago by a retired NY City Rockette. Cynthia also recognized military donation to replace the flags that Cooke. “Action is the antidote for were stolen from the Seven Lakes anxiety and depression.” veterans and encouraged audience participation. Avenue of Flags. We wanted to let you know this is much appreciated. Limit screen time. Many girls are The five Rockette-style dancers all live in the West End area and It‘s people like you guys that make spending more time talking to performed Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, Hello Dolly, Singing in the Rain, us proud to live in Seven Lakes. friends on social media, while and Oh What A Feeling from Flashdance. Thanks again. boys are turning to video games. For questions, or if you are interested in joining or booking the Vikki & Rick SL News Both can deepen loneliness. Vivek Murthy, the former U.S. surgeon Sophisticated Ladies for a performance, contact Angie Huber, Director, We love seeing the flags and thanks general, suggests phone or video at (910) 673-7383 or at https://www.sophisticatedladiesmoorecounty. to all who so faithfully put them up calls instead. and down. BARRON‘s Boutique com/news-and-photo-gallery and Facebook: @SLmoorecounty. would like to sponsor 4 new flags Seek help with the Crisis Text Line. and so would BARRON Tile & Crisis Text Line, which has fielded Stone. We will run you a check over 150 million texts with kids under tomorrow to Edward T Hill. 17 desperately looking for ways to connect and cope right now. Thanks so much for all your hard “When you’re home around work in this community, I know you other people, it’s hard to talk on love this spot as much as we do. the phone about your anxiety or James and Jennifer Boyd. depression or anger or fear,” Ms. Lublin of the Crisis Center said. By: Victoria Levinger “Thank goodness for text.” Crisis Text Line, text HOME to 741741.
Entertainment Page C 2 The World’s Longest Living Kiwanis of Seven Lakes People Share This Hobby Honors Members with If being around nature is good for Renaming of Awards you, then being consistent about it Twelve years ago, Dan Buettner is even better, which is something Recently two long term impactful had a special interest and affinity visited communities around the that gardening pretty much forces members of our Kiwanis team in for the Boys and Girls Home at world known for having many you to do. You may try to jog every Seven Lakes passed. Lake Wacamaw. Our members centenarians (people who live day in the park, but then blow it off contributed to a Ken Jenkins to be 100 or older), including for a few weeks when your schedule To honor their contributions and memorial fund for this organization. Okinawa in Japan, the Barbagia gets too busy. If you stop tending to maintain their memory for future In honor of his enthusiasm for the region of Sardinia and the Seventh a garden midway, however, you’re members, the Board has renamed Seven Lakes Kiwanis Club, the Day Adventist enclave in California. liable to see all your hard work two Awards for them. Board has renamed our annual go to waste as weeds take over member recognition award the Buettner, an author and longevity everything. Ken Jenkins Kiwanian of the Year expert, called these areas award. “Blue Zones.” He and his team 2. It’s good exercise. of researchers wanted to find Is gardening the equivalent of Fred Seufert Ken Jenkins similarities among the residents running a triathlon? Of course not, Fred Seufert and his wife, Dorothy, Although not active at the time of that lead to a longer, happier but it still qualifies as exercise. were highly active in Seven Lakes their passing, both fine gentlemen and healthier life. There is one “Working in the garden restores Kiwanis and principals in Key Club will be kindly remembered for their surprising commonality: In each dexterity and strength, and the for many years. contributions. community, residents garden well aerobic exercise involved can easily into old age. use the same number of calories During his membership, Fred Seven Lakes Kiwanis is dedicated as might be expended in a gym,” was awarded Kiwanian of the to supporting the Children of Moore That’s no coincidence, as there’s according to Richard Thompson, Year, coordinated Kiwanis Bingo, County. Our fund-raising efforts plenty of research to prove that a researcher at London’s Royal and organized the yearly Kiwanis and activities have put smiles on gardening increases well-being College of Physicians. Turning the pancake breakfast for 13 years, the faces of many children and and longevity. Why gardening earth and digging up stones, for adults. could help you live longer. example, can be one of the most Through his active participation in effortful things you’ll ever do. the Key Club and the fundraising These are challenging times for all 1. It gets you into nature. activities to support our scholarship of us. Kiwanis is meeting via Zoom Exposure to sunlight, fresh air and 3. You’ll eat what you grow. program, we have named those and trust that we will be able to plant life all have health benefits. In If you grow fruits and vegetables, awards – Fred Seufert Key Club resume all our activities soon. fact, doctors in Scotland prescribe as folks in the Blue Zones do, Scholarship Awards. “nature walks” for high blood you’ll gain the health benefits of If you are looking for an opportunity pressure and anxiety. They also adding these items to your daily Each year four outstanding key to make a difference and put encourage patients to interact with diet. Most fruits and vegetables club members are each awarded smiles on the faces of children, the surroundings, whether that lose 30% of nutrients three days a $1000 scholarship to continue come joins us. means bird-watching or collecting after harvest due to respiration — their education. twigs. a natural process by which they Check out our website, https:// continue to “breathe” after they’re Ken Jenkins joined Kiwanis when for In a famous 1984 study, researcher removed from the ground. Nothing he retired to Seven Lakes and was information on our meetings and Roger Ulrich found that patients beats tearing off lettuce leaves to highly active in all our programs. membership. who had their gallbladders removed prepare a salad. Plus, it tastes a lot His great smile and boisterous recovered faster if their hospital better. laugh echoed throughout all Contributed By: Carolyn Sink rooms looked out on nature rather our activities. He was a Board than a brick wall. 4. It exercises your mind, while also Member for most of his service relieving stress. Gardening forces and held the record for the longest you to be in the moment, often by serving Secretary – 10 years. Ken confounding the plans you made. By: Millie Jameson SL News Source: MakeIt
Seven Lakes News April Edition Page 15 Seven Lakes News August Edition Year 4 Issue # 8 Shell [email protected] 4219 Hwy 211 Seven Lakes, NC 27376 Friendly Staff Courteous Service Coldest Beer Biscuits Fried Chicken Pizza 910-673-1663 NC Lottery HD Satellite TV Special Cigarette Deals Locally Owned & Operated
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