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Home Explore Mississauga Transit Terminal

Mississauga Transit Terminal

Published by akhras, 2018-04-19 00:35:35

Description: Final Project-


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INSPIRATO The 150 moment the entir by remov leaf has design co logo.Copyright © 2017 by Hives Designs under Sheridan CollegeAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmittmethods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief qlaw. For permission requests, write to the publisher.

ON0th inspiration anniversary of Canada, 2017 marks a significant in the History of Canada. The maple leaf represents unity acrossre country- regardless of birthplace. It is an inclusive symbol, and ving the association with the Union Jack on the old flag, the maple become a symbol of Canada's nationality and independence. The oncept of the building was inspired by 150th university of Canadated in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright

DESIGN ANALYSIS....................................................................... 1DESIGN CONCEPT ...................................................................... 3URBAN DESIGN PROPOSAL......................................................85BUILDING DESIGN ....................................................................... 9FLOOR PLANS ............................................................................ 15WALL SECTION .......................................................................... 17MATERIALS................................................................................. 19LEEDCHECKLIST ......................................................................... 23OBC MATRIX ............................................................................. 24STUDENT PROFILE .............................................................................. 9

DESIGN Analysis Master Plan – Downtown 21 DOWNTOWN21 PRINCIPLE 1. Catalyze Employment- Make downtown an urban destination for future offices. 2. Built multi modal- Ranges of transportation including walking, cycling, transit and car. 3. Create urban places- Develop a walkable and urban downtown to re branding the downtown as a unique GTA location. 4. Living green- Downtown should showcase Mississauga’s commitment to sustainability to economic development and resource consumption. 5. Establish a Focus- The limited resources of the City and participation of private stakeholders should be initially focused in a small, intense location. 6. Create A Development Frame work with Predictability- Esta that can be incrementally built over time1 | Mississauga Central Terminal

ablish a Framework Plan that defines future streets and connections

Conflict – Miway Terminal Mississauga is looking for new solutions to address traffic co is to help transition commuters from individual vehicles to an efficie Transit way will try to provide an efficient and more reliable trans Rathburn Road and Station Gate Road. City of Mississauga should m lanes, Traffic intersection for pedestrians and transit services. The m crossway on Square One Drive from the City Center Transit Station There are three access from Rathburn Road to adjacent develop Chapters and Playduim- Unsignalized intersection), and Square on sIntersection at Rathburn TerminalRoad and Station Gate Waiting Area / Ticket Serv

ongestion and handle the projected population increase. The solutionent bus system that will travel on a dedicated corridor. The Mississauga sit service and a safer environment for pedestrians at intersection ofmake improvement a priority for all the dedicated public transportationmain conflict of the vehicles and pedestrian at the intersection and the n and Square One Mall and the lack of waiting areas in the terminal. pment: Playduim, (Unsignalized access), Station Gate Road (serving shopping center (signalized). Terminal Go BUSvice Waiting Area / Bus Bays Bus Bays2 | Mississauga Central Terminal

DESIGN CONCEPT Concept The existing City Centre Transit Terminal incorporates bus ba and supplementary capacity could be provided by implementing by lo them on same grade, also adding bridges over Rathburn for pedestria more like the Canadian maple leaf with bus lanes expressed as wings o a median bus facility comprised of a reserved bus lanes separating fro intersection is current the Go Bus’s lanes, the Go Bus Station would Road will turn into a Public Park area. The design is to create long o3 | Mississauga Central Terminal

ays on Rathburn Road. These curbside bus bays would be maintainedowering Rathburn and bus lane to City Centre Transit Terminal havingan’s access only. The bus terminal and bus stops are readjusted to look on opposite end of terminal. This alternative design would implementom the general traffic. At the Station Gate Road and Center View Roadd be located with the bus stop along Center View Road. Station Gateoverhead bridges for pedestrians at the intersection of Rathburn and

Station gate and lowering Rathburn Road. The bridges will be locatconnecting straight to Square One Shopping Center, an easy access tobelow grade of the terminal. Pedestrians would access the median pof the vehicles and pedestrian at the intersection and the crossway oOne Mall. Thereby providing controlled access points for transit usereliability of the transit through the conflicts between transit vehiccongestion at the City Centre Transit Terminal; and the capacity ofvolumes.

ted at the old intersection and at the crossway of Square one Roado the mall for pedestrians. However, Square One Drive will be loweredplatforms by entering the station. This concept will reduce the conflicton Square One Drive from the City Center Transit Station and Squareers and maximizing safety for pedestrians. The enhancement of thecles and general traffic. The relief provided to current and forecastf the facility to accommodate the forecast growth in transit vehicle 4 | Mississauga Central Terminal

Urban Design Propo Proposed Site Plan5 | Mississauga Central Terminal



RKTRAL TERMINAL 6| Mississauga Central Terminal

Site Renderings7 | Mississauga Central Terminal

The 150th anniversary of Canada, 2017 marks a sThe design concept of the building was inspiredthe building interoperates the logo with overhan

significant moment in the History of Canada. by 150th university of Canada logo. The roof ofngs. 8| Mississauga Central Terminal

Building Design EXTERIOR RENDERING9| Mississauga Central Terminal

10 | Mississauga Central Terminal

Interior Rendering11 | Mississauga Central Terminal

12 | Mississauga Central Terminal

Sustainability Design StatementWe have incorporated many sustainable features in our design. Whic 1. Green Areas 2. Efficient Plumbing Fixtures 3. Grey Water 4. Solar PanelsBuilding Design Statement The roof of the building interoperates the logo with overhanWill enter the building transforming to a ramp, which runs through thOne Mall. There are total of four entrance into the terminal from theon the north and south sides, perpendicular to Rathburn road and Squthe parking for busses integrates with parks on both east and west sunderstood that the location of the terminal building is key for its fucirculation consists of people entering from the north or south side ofof each entrance. The concept of the circulation of the terminal is tolocated on the ground floor. The second floor will be a quieter area fo13 | Mississauga Central Terminal

ch are the following: 5. High Efficiency Lighting 6. Metal Panels – Energy efficient 7. Brick – Sustainable 8. Mesh Sun Shade Panelsngs. The bridges that is located at the intersection of Rathburn Roadhe middle of the building to reach Square One Drive leading to Square e east and west sides. The main entrance to the terminal are located uare one Drive. The design for the terminal building, drop of zone and side of the building to conserve the surrounding environment. It hasunctional which will streamline the transportation for the public. Theof the building, having the customer’s service desk located at the frontto have restaurants with seating areas, more of the noisy area to beor studying and waiting areas.

Roof InspirationBusan Cinema Center caught our eye becausCantilever Roof” in the world. The Center as aassumes to an idea of a flying roof. In our Miscantilever roof from our inspiration, the Busanon the roof perfectly encapsulated the vision

se it hold the genius world record for the “longa column free roof that covering of space thatssissauga Central Terminal we incorporated a Cinema Center. The colours being displayed we had of a colourful design. 14 | Mississauga Central Terminal

FLOOR PLANS Ground Floor15 | Mississauga Central Terminal

Walking in to the MississaugaCentral Terminal is welcomingwith massive open spaces morelike an airport terminal.

Second Floor

Walking in to the second flooris like walking in to librarywithout books. Nice quiteareas upon beautiful views ofMississauga. 16 | Mississauga Central Terminal

WALL SECTION17 | Mississauga Central Terminal

18 | Mississauga Central Terminal

MATERIALSProdema Wood Panels PANEL COMPOSITION ProdEX panels have a bakelite core covered with a nat resistance. It is developed as an exterior PVDF film with non-sti the wood, which ensures panels to be protected from moistu surface. Synthetic Resin also known as Prodema, natural wood pan composite panel which is faced with natural veneer with protective c from effects of UV sunlight, chemical attack and the damages from MAINTENANCE Prodema Natural wood panels do not need regular main panels foe exteriors. AESTHETIC & DIMENSIONS Prodema panels proposes a design to establish natural, liv range of tones with many creative option. Length x width: 2.440 mm 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 mm19 | Mississauga Central Terminal

tural wood veneer that is specially treated to ensure maximum ick qualities to be able to achieve a maximum level of care for ure, rain, sunlight, and even the build-up of dirt on the panels’ nels are very unique and will display difference in grain and colour. It is coating. Based on Synthetic resin and PVDF, which protects the panelsm the atmosphere. ntenance like other wood ving facades with a widem x 1.220 mm. Thicknesses 6,

RESISTANCE, DURABILITY & CLEANING Prodema prevents dust and dirt from sticking to panel’s panel’s bakelite core means it is possible to adjust the panel’s thickn subsequent technical qualities making. They also offer a high level o against termite attacks and maximum resistance to vandalism.Metal Panels PANEL COMPOSITION Metal Panels provides a long term thermal stability, moisture p carbon footprint of a structure. Metal panels are energy efficient a drainage system and barrier, protecting the walls from too much h superior performance, aesthetics and sustainability ASTHEICS Architectural metal wall system comes in an extended colo finishes and shapes to choose from—adding to its aesthetic value

s surface. Theness and itsof durability protection and reducing the and it acts as a rain screen, heat, air and water. Provideor range, plus has a variety of 20 | Mississauga Central Terminal

DIMENSIONS Length x width: 36 inch, 60 inch x 12 inch, 16 inch. Thicknesses RESISTANCE & DURABILITY Insulated Metal Panels last as long as the service li typical commercial building. The durable metal panels also operational costs for energy maintenance and offer multiple life reuse options. Provides high thermal (R-value) and airti performance over the service life of the building. Brik Brick Composition Bricks were once used as a pavement material, an roadway material. It is used in sustainable designs which provid quality Bricks are usually laid flat and are usually bonded for therefore distributing their environmental impact over an exte21 | Mississauga Central Terminal

1 inch life of a reduce end-of- ightnessnd now it is more widely used as a decorative surface rather than a de structure, finish, acoustic comfort, thermal comfort, good indoor airrming a structure to increase its stability and strength can be reused,ended life span.

ASTHEICS Bricks offer natural and a variety of colors, including various texturesDIMENSIONS Standard Dimensions - Length x width x depth: 92 mm x 57 mm x 203mm.RESISTANCE & DURABILITY Brick is extremely durable and perhaps is the most du material so far. A brick is so strong, that its composition provid prepared properly a brick structure can give a fire protectio

urable man-made structural buildingdes excellent wear resistance. Whenon maximum rating of 6 hours. 22 | Mississauga Central Terminal

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