Programmer’s dictionary Created by Artyom Arkhipov and Nikolaeva Anna ([email protected]) ([email protected]) 1
Preface of authors: We live at the time of the Internet and the innovation technologies therefore the need for a wireless network promptly grows. People cease to need such sources of information as libraries, of course fiction should be read in natural covers. But here scientific successfully replaces an electronic format. Having banal phone in a pocket, we have access to an unlimited information stream about our life and the world in general. It is impossible present what size the book has to be to find room in itself for so much information. We also support advance of wireless networks therefore we try to do them more useful and convenient. The Creative Students company represents: \"Programmer's Dictionary\" English edition. Why programmer? You ask. And the answer much more simply than you think: if you did not forget we students, and we study as programmers – designers. During our training we faced some difficulties in programming understanding in general. Therefore set the object to facilitate this task for future generations. At once we will note the main feature: Yes, this dictionary in an electronic format, i.e. it can use anywhere and somehow, the Internet is enough to have access to worldwide network. It is the most convenient format presently, almost each person has an Internet access. The structure of the dictionary is quite ordinary, in it are collected most widespread and unclear for perception of the beginning programmer of a word. Dictionary type – sensible. Also to the dictionary illustrations are in addition added to interpretation, it is much easier to learn new things eyes, than thinking. Therefore an illustration – the big assistant in this case. OK, in general talked about structure of the dictionary. Where without cherry on cake? At the end of our dictionary you will find original additive from the directions of professions in the field of information systems, they also facilitate perception of these or those terms and even, can reveal priorities of the direction of the young programmer. Let's not forget also about the dictionary of set expressions in the field of programming, expressions which you will often meet on the way of training, but so up to the end you can not understand their values. Our dictionary will help you with it, will explain, will tell, will direct. Useful, bright, extraordinary, clear and easily accessible – it fully justifies the existence. And we hope that it will not get lost among this huge information web. 2
Contents: Dictionary (3-14) Professions in the sphere of programming (15-16) Set expressions (17-23) The used literature (24) 3
Algorithm(Алгоритм) – an operations procedure which need to be executed for solutions of a certain task. In programming algorithms describe means of a pseudo- code, flowcharts and UML charts. Assembler(Ассемблер) – a programming language of the low level, which instructions correspond to instructions of machine code. Also, the assembler call the program – the translator from language programming of the low level in machine code. The flowchart(Блок-схема) – a graphic notation for the description of algorithms. It is used by programmers in development process and the analysis of logic works of program components. Web-design(Веб-дизайн) – design and development of appearance the Internet websites and user interface of web applications, including decorating according to certain stylistics 4
Web programming(Веб- программирование) – the direction in programming, oriented to application development for the Internet (web applications). The user interacts with the web application through Internet browser. The application is loaded about remote web servers, and communication of the client and the server is carried out through HTTP protocol. Web service(Веб-сервис) – a type of the software, providing the functionality to clients at the level the program interfaces constructed on the basis of the HTTP protocol. Web service, as well as any other resource of a World Wide Web it is identified by the web address (URI, Uniform Resource Identifier, the unified identifier of resources). Web service is private case of the web application differing in what has no user interface. A client of web service usually is main web application or other web service, as in itself web service is a component service - oriented architecture of the distributed application. Web site(Веб-сайт) – a main type of resources world the web representing set of the web pages created on the basis of a markup language of HTML and integrated by the general domain name. The website is placed on the Web server which is a node global computer network Internet. Access to the website is provided means the Internet of the browser through the HTTP protocol. 5
Geographic information system (Геоинформационная система ) – an information system, in which task storage, graphic display also enters and access control to space (geographical) data. Code review(Инспекция кода) – systematic and periodic the analysis of a program code aimed at finding undetected on early stages of development of the software product of errors and also, on identification of low-quality architectural concepts and critical places in the program. Information system (Информационная система) – a data set and servicing these data of technical, program and organizational resources, created for the purpose of information support of users. Cloud computing(Облачные вычисления) – model of the organization calculations, at which computation processes, required the client, occur on deleted, much more powerful on to comparison with client resources of a vychislitelna. Interaction servers with the client it is carried out by means of network access, but process of calculations for the user is continuous – as though everything occurs on client side. 6
The object-oriented database (Объектно-ориентированная база данных) – the database based on an object-oriented data model. Object concepts the oriented programming and object-oriented design of databases are based on the general approaches to to modeling of data domain. Main elements object the oriented model classes, objects, interfaces are, attributes (properties), methods, etc. The Object-oriented Programming (OOP) (Объектно-ориентированное программирование(ООП)) – most successful and ingenious, in my opinion, programming paradigm. Essence object-oriented programming in representation the processed information in the form of objects – copies of classes. The class is new (in relation to procedural programming) data type which integrates in itself(himself) and data structures and the parametrized procedures Application programming (Прикладное программирование) – development process program the providing intended for a solution of applied tasks in to a certain field of activity. Such software call applied, and it is characterized by what does not use computing resources of the hardware directly, and does it by means of the operating system. Relational database (Реляционная база данных) — the database based on relational data models. 7
Refactoring (Рефакторинг кода) – process of modification in program code according to some rule set – receptions refactoring which do not change sense of the program, but do its code person, more harmonious and easy for interpretation. Also, refactoring promotes simplification of search of errors and \"bottlenecks\" in to the program. The Service — the Oriented Architecture (SOA) (Сервис - Ориентированная Архитектура (СОА)) – architecture the difficult program complexes consisting from separately the functioning program components – system modules, interacting among themselves according to network protocols. Approach of SOA it is based on classification and unification of standard system modules and the interfaces provided by them and also, on a possibility of replacement some modules their analogs without damage to functioning of all systems. Programming modules are characterized by an opportunity repeated use, autonomy, weak connectivity and most often are implemented as separate web services. Content Management System, CMS (Система Управления Содержимым) – the software (information system), giving content management opportunities (content) direct information system or website and being a framework in relation to it. One of functions content management providing on the basis of roles is or user profiles of access to these contents. 8
Framework (Фреймворк) – type of the software, being a basis (framework) of different applied program products. The framework simplifies process of functional association program components of different function, their interaction and settings that allows to collect quickly and qualitatively target the software product meeting requirements of specific consumer. Application programming interface (API) (интерфейс программирования приложения) – functionality of the application, available at the programming layer to external program components. API, most often, represents a set of program components, interfaces, global functions, etc. of the API application it is used for integration into other applications or for expansion and settings of own functionality Base Class Library (BCL) – the general for all programming languages the Microsoft. net Framework platforms class library, in structure which components of work with different data structures, file structures, databases, resources on the Internet, etc. enter. 9
Language (CIL) – intermediate language programming of the low level, the processed CLR. On a measure processings of the CIL code, the CLR virtual machine translates it in machine - the platformo- dependent code. The CIL code is result preliminary compilation of the programs written in languages programming of the high level of the Microsoft .NET platform Framework, such as C# and VB.NET. Common Language Runtime (CLR) – the executing environment of program the Microsoft. net Framework platforms, interpreting and controlling execution of the program code presented intermediate CIL code. Common Language Specification (CLS) (Общеязыковая спецификация) – specification, which includes a set of requirements to CLS to compatible language programming which execution guarantees an opportunity use of the program components developed on it from to programs, the compatible languages written on other CSL. It is about the programming languages created for program the Microsoft. net Framework platforms which obviously can 10
give different opportunities to programmers. CLS defines a certain subset of programming languages for a. net Framework, in which framework all of them possess more or less identical opportunities, so, can be shared at writing of multicomponent software products. Component Object Model (COM) – technology of development of program the components intended for reuse in different applications. Unification of access to program services it is implemented on the basis of interfaces. COM technology company Microsoft implements the ideas of object-oriented design program components, which possibility of use not depends on the selected programming language and program platforms. C#, C Sharp (Си Шарп) – object-oriented language programming of the Microsoft. net Framework platform. On syntax it is very similar to programming languages C and Java. C - object-oriented programming language, developed by Bjørn Straustrup. 11
Delphi – he object-oriented programming language created on the basis of the Pascal programming language and development environment software products of the Borland company. Document Object Model (DOM) (Объектная модель документа) – the program interface of access to to hierarchical structures in random access memory, corresponding to elements of the documents created on the basis of markup languages for example, HTML, XML, XHTML, etc. Document handling on a basis DOM is characterized by a full load of all contents of the document in random access memory it is also opposed to processing on to basis of SAX technologies. Nevertheless, DOM often provides not only access, but also possibilities of program editing document. Document Type Definition (DTD) – special language, which, also as well as XML Schema is intended for the description of syntactic rules XML of expansion. The DTD language, unlike XML Schema, not XML is expansion, and now it is considered outdated standard. 12
Entity Relationship diagrams (ER диаграммы) – graphic notation of data visualization of ER model. Entity Relationship Model (модель Сущность-Связь,) – the data model of data domain used for design relational databases in terms of entities and communications between them. Entities are characterized by a name and a set of attributes, and communications – type (one – to – to one, one – to – much, many – to – much) and characteristic { obligatory | optional }. Graphical User Interface (GUI) (Графический интерфейс пользователя )– graphic user the interface provided by modern operating systems such as Windows (Microsoft), Mac OS (Apple), etc. GUI is presented graphic windows, buttons, lists and other elements managements, manipulation with which it is carried out by means of a mouse and (or) keyboards. 13
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) – markup language of web pages, intended for formatting of their contents (content), displayed the Internet - browsers. HTTP (HyperText Transfer Prоtocоl) – network puncture of applied the TCP/IP-based level, intended for hypertext transfer in conditions of a client-server environment. It is generally used for data exchange between users and resources on the Internet – is the means of communication of the distributed components world webs. Java - object-oriented programming language, developed by the SUN Microsystems company. 14
Pascal – one of the most known programming languages of high level which is widely used for the purpose of training to programming. Object Pascal (Object Pascal) is object-oriented expansion of Pascal, on the basis of which the Delphi programming language is created. Plug-In(Плагин) – external in relation to the main software product component which during work of the main application can be dynamically to it it is connected and started. As a rule, such modules use basic functionality of the program - a container for it expansions and settings - customizations. Plug-In components are developed on certain by a container program to specifications, and access to its basic functionality is got in process of connection through internal API. Special case of Plug-In component it is possible to consider different procedures written on the programming languages which are built in containers and executed also built-in compilers or translators. Examples such containers basic products of different solutions are 1C Companies, SAP, etc. 15
Professions in the sphere of programming: ANALYZE A database analyst is in charge of the research and development of databases. Network analysts study the network requirements and recommend the most suitable type of network . Systems analysts decide what ICT system wil cater for the requirements of a spccfic institution. DESIGNAND DEVELOP Web designers, also called webmasters, create and maintain web pages and web applications for websites Software engineers, cither appication programmers or systems programmers, plan, design and test computer programs Hardware engineers design and develop ICT devices. 16
Security specialists specialize in the design of software and hardwarc to protect information from malware: viruses, spyware, etc. MANAGE Network or computer systerns administrators install and maintain networks. Database administrators manage the accuracy and efficiency of databases. SUPPORT Computer operators control computer daca processing. Help desk technicians are in charge of troubleshooting, the solution of technical problems Computer training instructors or trainers teach pecple how to use hardware and software. Technical writers write the instructions for ICT systems 17
Set expressions: 1 The program – the data intended for management specific components of an information processing system for the purpose of implementations of a certain algorithm 2 The software – set of programs of a system information processing and the program documents necessary for operation of these programs 3 Programming – scientific and practical activities on to creation of programs 4 The system program – the program intended for maintenance of operability of an information processing system or increases in efficiency of its use in the course of execution application programs 5 The managing program – the system program, implementing feature set of management in which include management resources and interaction with the external environment of processing system information, recovery of system operation after emergence faults in technical means 6 The application program – the program intended for solutions of a task or class of tasks in a certain scope information processing systems 7 The subprogramme – the program which is a part another programs and meeting requirements of a programming language 8 The program module – the program or it is functional the complete fragment of the program intended for storage broadcastings, associations with other programming modules for loading in random access memory 9 The initial module – programming module in source language programming, processed by the translator 10 Object module – the programming module received in result of compilation of the initial module 11 Load module – the programming module presented in to the form suitable for loading in a base memory for execution 12 The recursive subprogramme – the subprogramme which can address itself 13 The programming system – the system formed by language programming, compilers or interpreters of programs, presented in this language, the corresponding documentation and also supportive applications for preparation of programs for a form suitable for execution 14 Language of the high level – a programming language, concepts and 18
which structure are convenient for perception by the person 15 The translator – the program or the technical tool, the programs which are carrying out broadcasting. Note: functions are usually assigned to the translator diagnostics of errors, forming of dictionaries of identifiers, deliveries for seals of texts of programs, etc. 16 The language convector – the translator from some language on another language of the same level 17 The compiler – the program or the technical tool, carrying out compilation 18 The interpreter – the program or the technical tool, carrying out interpretation 19 Structured programming – a creation method programs, using only hierarchically enclosed constructions, each of which has the only point of entry and the only point exit 20 Object-oriented programming – a method constructions of programs as sets of objects and classes of objects, which can call each other Note: objects consist of data and operations over data 21 Logical programming – a method of creation of programs as sets of logical rules with previously certain algorithms for processing of program inputs according to it rules 22 The specification of the program – the formalized representation requirements imposed to the program which should be are satisfied at its development and also the description of a task, condition and effect action without indication of a way of its achievement 23 Broadcast of the program – conversion of the program, presented in one programming language, in the program on another language and in a sense equivalent to the first 24 Compilation – broadcast of the program from language of the high level in the form close to the program on a machine language 25 Assembling – compilation of programs from assembler language 26 Search of errors (in the program) – activity, as a result which program errors for the purpose of their the subsequent come to light corrections 27 Verification of the program – the proof of that work programs meets the specification on this program 28 A dump – the data representing full or partial the contents of random access memory brought to the peripheral device 29 An abnormal dump– the dump received as a result abnormal program termination 30 An impasse – a situation into which two get or 19
several asynchronous procedures, characterized by impossibility further execution because of interdependences 31 Addressing function – the function realized certain components of an information processing system, compared with memory space, defined on a set of the addresses in it memory space and intended for selection to the address the only subarea in this memory space so that a certain operation with this subarea is provided 32 The address in a memory space – a set member of portions data, being definition range of functions of addressing 33 A memory space – area of memory, some which set of subareas is area of function values addressings 34 The pointer of area of memory – the address of area of memory, placed in a memory space in which this area is located 35 An instruction address – the address of area of memory which is occupied command 36 An actual address – the command operand address, contained in it or calculated on the basis of contents of its fields 37 Base address – an additive part of an actual address, constant for a certain set of the addressed data 38 The index of the address – the additive part of the address intended for modifications of an actual address on separately calculated value in the purposes of the appeal to the portions of data placed in memory on to a certain law 39 Basic addressing – a way of calculation executive the address at which it is calculated as the sum of base address and shift 40 Indexing of the address – a way of calculation executive the address at which consider the index of the address 41 A cycle – the sequence of commands in the program which should be executed repeatedly as a result of transition from the beginning the sequences by the end 42 A checkbox (in the program) – the variable registering emergence of a certain event or status 43 The switch – the choice of one managed by a checkbox transition from group of possible transitions in the program 44 A semaphore – the variable used for providing mutual exclusion 45 The general variable – the variable available to two or bigger to the number of asynchronous procedures or at the same time executed programs 46 A portion of data – the data provided as whole in 20
specific context of their description or processing and inseparably linked with the carrier Note: contexts significantly depend on solvable tasks and stages of their solution can also change from a task to a task and from one stage to another 47 A warranty chain – the portion of data consisting from sequences of letters 48 The identifier – the warranty chain acting in a certain context as the character Note: in data processing consider identifiers portions of data, areas of memory, memory spaces, volumes, etc., at it they can express certain properties of these objects 49 The compound identifier – an object ID, including identifiers of classes which are enclosed each other 50 Area of memory – the memory selected for accommodation of one or several portions of data 51 A memory subarea – the area of memory considered as component of other area of memory 52 The buffer – work area of memory at transfer of data Note: at input operation data bring to the buffer area 53 The data field – the continuous area of memory having a certain assignment and usually supplied with a name or identifier 54 A memory extent – continuous area in space external memories of data, used at its distribution Note: in OS of the EU of a computer under a data set on devices of direct access the memory space is taken away by extents 55 Processing of data – the system of actions implementing a certain function in an information processing system and issued so what the managing program of this system can redistribute resources of this system for the purpose of ensuring multiprogramming. Notes: 1) Process is characterized by statuses which are defined existence of these or those resources at the disposal of process and, therefore an opportunity to perform the operations relating to process. 2) The redistribution of resources which is carried out by the managing director the program, influences duration of processing of data, but not on its end result. 3) Process is made out by means of special structures which the managing mechanism manipulates.обеспечения мультипрограммирования. 56 Concurrent processes – processing of data, at which intervals of execution are blocked for the account uses of different resources of the same system 57 The competing processes – processing of data, 21
carried out during a certain interval with use of the same set of resources by them redistributions 58 System process – processing of data, in a look which certain components of the managing director function programs 59 Process of system input – system process, intended for automatic input in processing system information of a job batch through the device assigned to this process input-output Note: process of system input in some systems information processing interprets sentences of language of management tasks 60 Process of a system output – system process, intended for an automatic output of a certain part results of execution of tasks along with messages of the managing director programs through the input/output device assigned to this process 61 A process priority – privilege of process data processings before other processes on use of resources, expressed by the number appropriated to this process 62 Multiprogram communication – set of processes, which execution the same managing program manages 63 Remote job entry – job entry computing to system means of teleprocessing of data 64 Dialogue remote job entry – remote input tasks at which input is carried out in a dialogue mode 65 A session – an interval, during which to the user resources of an information processing system are selected for execution of its works and communication with it in an interactive mode 66 The message of a system – the message of any of system the programs entering the operating system 67 A command of the operator – the appeal of operator of processing system information to the managing program, transferred by means of the console, for rendering impact on the data processing course 68 Interpretation – implementation of sense of some syntactically the finished text submitted in specific language 69 The procedure of boot strap loading – input of the program in random access memory for execution, at which any programs, except entered, do not manage input Note: presence of other programs at random access memory it is not supposed 70 Initialization – reduction of areas of memory in a status, initial for postprocessing or placement of data 71 Initiation – creation of conditions for process start 22
data processings 72 Artificial language – the language created by the individual or a group of persons with a certain purpose 73 The program document – the document containing in dependences on assignment this, necessary for development, productions, operation and support of the program or program means Note: program documents and their parts can be carried out by any way on any material to be entered into a computer and to be transferred on to communication channels 74 Data coding – process of creation of data from elements of a finite set by the set rules 75 The code of data – the system formed by code set and rules by which of elements of this code set build data when coding 76 The code with correction of errors – the code of data, in which corresponds to admissible code representation a little inadmissible, and emergence of errors in admissible representation will transform it to one of the corresponding inadmissible representations, what allows to correct the arisen error Note: a code sample with correction of errors is the code Hamming 77 The error detection code – the code of data, in which everyone code representation meets the set criteria so that if in representation there are errors, then it ceases to satisfy to these criteria existence of an error is also established Note: a code sample error detecting is cyclic code 78 A notation – the code of data, which elements of code set letters are 79 Alphanumeric representation – code representation by means of letters, decimal digits, space and special letters 80 The alphabet – code set in which the relation is established about 81 A codon – an element of code set 82 A managing codon – the codon determined by rules data coding as making impact on their record, conversion, transfer and interpretation 83 A letter – the codon different from a managing codon 84 A special letter – the letter different from a letter, digits and space 85 A space – the letter reproduced by lack of an outline 86 A letter – the letter on the outline matching about some of elements of the traditional alphabet of a natural language 23
87 Digit – the letter entering code set of representation numbers and designating one of natural numbers 88 Decimal digit – digit of decimal numeration. Note: decimal digits represent letters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… 24
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