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Home Explore AWI News Bulletin Magazine

AWI News Bulletin Magazine

Published by Graphic Design AWI, 2016-03-30 03:49:57

Description: NEWS BULLETIN APRIL 2016
Issu #04 | April 2016
A smart stylish news bulletin magazine featuring travel related news from Asia World Indonesia

Keywords: awi,news,bulletin,newsbulletin,2016,tour,travel


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News Bulletin - Asia World Indonesia | April 2016 51

AWI INFO AYAM BETUTU Chicken with Balinese Spices Ayam betutu is one of my all-time favorite dishes. It’s a surprisingly easy recipe but really impressive to make for friends or at a dinner party – especially if you open the banana- leaf-wrapped chicken at the table. Because the vegetables are stuffed in- side the cavity of the chicken, there’s not much washing up either! Here in Bali, ayam betutu (or it’s more upmarket cousin – bebek betutu) is a real treat. People often make it for special days or temple ceremonies. By wrapping the chicken in banana leaves, the moisture is kept in and the meat doesn’t dry out. A chicken cooked with this recipe will serve about 6 people depending on how greedy they are! Recipe Menu From : Marcel Barmettler52 News Bulletin - Asia World Indonesia | April 2016

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News Bulletin - Asia World Indonesia | April 2016 55

SPECIAL NEWSTRIBAL PEOPLE OF INDONESIAThe Bali Aga One of his servants panicked and decided to quickly decapitate a pig and replace theThe Bali Aga, Baliaga or Bali Mula are the king’s head with the animal’s head. Embar- indigenous people of Bali, predominantly rassed, the king hid in a tall tower, denyinglocated in the eastern part of the island in any visitors. A small child discovered the se-the Karangasem district. They can also be cret and since then, the king became knownfound in north-western and central regions. as Dalem Bedulu, or He-who-changed- head. After the Pejeng kingdom, the Maj-The original inhabitants of Bali are said to apahit Empire rose to power in the early 16thhave come from Bedulu village long before century.the Hindu-Javanese immigration wave start-ed. The legend is that the last king of Pejeng An important part of the Bali Aga culture(an old Balinese kingdom), Sri Aji Asura Bu- is the complex tie-dye technique used tomibanten, had supernatural powers. He make Bali’s traditional geringsing or doublecould cut off his head without feeling pain ikat. Bali’s Tenganan village is the only villageand put it back on again. One day, though, that today still produces these geringsings.his head accidentally fell into a river andwas swept away.56 News Bulletin - Asia World Indonesia | April 2016

The Bali Aga, Baliaga or Bali Mula are the indigenous people of Bali, predominantly locatedin the eastern part of the island, in Karangasem. The Bali Aga speak their own dialect of theBalinese language. It dates back thousands of years and varies from village to village; theversion spoken in the Tenganan village is different from the Trunyan village.In geringsing, both the cotton warp and Many have unique Hindu motifs such asweft threads are carefully dyed and cross- a bird’s eye view of a mandala with a sa-dyed before weaving; the finished pattern cred center from which everything radiates.only emerges as the cloth is woven. Accord- Others feature designs clearly inspired bying to textile expert John Guy, “the ances- patola, for example a design known as thetry of Balinese geringsing is far from clear, frangipani flower (jepun). The palette of ger-although some cloths display the unmistak- ingsingis is typically red, neutral and influence of patola”, the silk double Geringsing are regarded as sacred cloths,ikats produced in Gujarat during the height “ascribed supernatural properties, especial-of the Spice Trade (16-17C). Many of these ly to assist in forms of healing. Gering meansimported cloths became inspiration for later decease and sing means no.locally-made textiles, but one theory is thatthe Balinese-made cloths were exported toIndia and copied there for production toAsian markets.News Bulletin - Asia World Indonesia | April 2016 57

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News Bulletin - Asia World Indonesia | April 2016 59

TOUR OF THE MONTH EXPLORE Asia World Indonesia takes you out to explore the heart of Bali The Heart Of Bali Discovery of Bali’s western inner region, showcasing the UNESCO listed heritage site of Jatiluwih rice terraces Asia World Indonesia brings you another full day journey to explore some of Bali’s most in- ner regions. Highlighting numerous must-sees, you will be taken for a day of unraveling the island’s life blood among, which are the markets, the temples, and the rice fields. Asia World Indonesia Pick up from your hotel in South Bali at approx. 08:00 hrs and depart with our guide towards the Tabanan regency to arrive at the local market, experience the richness of local products being traded. Continue the drive further into the inner region to arrive at Pura Luhur Batukaru, one of Bali’s most important temples dating back to 11th century. Afterwards, continue the drive to ar- rive at the jaw dropping scenery of the Jatiluwih rice terraces stretching as far as the eye can see. Stop for lunch at a local restaurant. Capture this natural beauty as much as you can with your camera before continuing along the road. The next stop is Angseri hot spring, the natural volcanic Hot spring, located in the foot of mount Batukaru. Afterwards, we are going to Bedugul to visit one of Bali’s marine temples, Ulun Danu Beratan. If time permits, last stop can be made at Candi Kuning market before descending further to arrive back at your hotel.60 News Bulletin - Asia World Indonesia | April 2016

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AWI INFO62 News Bulletin - Asia World Indonesia | April 2016

#ConnectingAsiaToTheWorld 63 News Bulletin - Asia World Indonesia | April 2016


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