”THtKheAcwaarredfsor& Accrepdeiotaptlieoann”discfooncsuesrsviantgioon our group the n sopf inriattuorfeB. ali, Vol. XI, No. 252 l ISSN 2252-3537 June 25 - July 10, 2021 IDR 20,000 Publisher : Wisnu Wardana Address : Jln. Melati 43 Denpasar, Bali-indonesia Phone/fax : (0361) 227610 Email : [email protected] License/SIUPK: 0094/22-09/PK/I/2016 Nomor TDP : ISSN: 2252-3537 Eco-Enzymes Accelerate Green Zones in Bali More info see page VI-VII follow: Bali Travel Newspapers @BTNewspapers
II english edition IATA - NEWS No. 252 l June 25 - July 10, 2021 Hopes Rise for Vaccinated Travelers but Global Restart Still Stalled THE International Air Transport re-establishing the freedom to travel. Association (IATA) welcomed the relax- • As of 7 June, Spain opened its borders to most ation of COVID-19 border measures for vaccinated passengers, and the broader vaccinated travelers from around the world use of affordable antigen testing adopt- and allowed EU travelers to enter the country ed by Spain and France this week. This with a negative antigen test. Furthermore, is tempered by ongoing disappoint- passengers coming from low-risk countries ment at the failure to implement harmo- (including the UK) can enter without any nized measures across Europe and deep restrictions. frustration at the lack of coordination • From 9 June France opened to vaccinated among governments worldwide for a travelers from all but those countries assessed data-driven risk-managed approach to as “high risk”. Vaccinated travelers from “medium-risk” countries will need to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 antigen or PCR test, and unvaccinated people must still self-isolate for seven days. “It’s encouraging to see more European coun- tries taking steps to reopen borders. They recog- nize the opportunity created by vaccination and are making travel more affordable with the use of antigen testing. However, this approach is not uni- versal across the continent. Many European states have yet to significantly relax borders at all. This fragmentation should be replaced with a unified approach that is consistent with the recommen- dations of the EU to which they belong. People, businesses and economies would all benefit from greater alignment across Europe in relaxing mea- sures and restoring the freedom to travel,” said Willie Walsh, IATA’s Director General. A consistent approach across Europe is required if the EU Digital COVID Certificate is to be implemented effectively by 1 July. And around the world, governments need to allow digital certificates to be integrated in passenger applications such as IATA Travel Pass, in order to relieve pressure on airports and at borders from more complex passenger processing as the number of travelers ramps up. IATA Urges a More Global Approach These moves by Spain, France and other European states are a step in the right direction, but restoring global connectivity requires far more than regional or individual state initiatives. The G20 endorsed a data-driven approach to man- aging the risks of COVID-19 while re-opening borders. The upcoming G7 Leaders’ Summit on 11-13 June provides an important opportunity for these governments to use their leadership to kick-start a data-driven coordinated approach to re-establishing global air connectivity. “Connectivity needs countries at both ends of the journey to be open. Many of the world’s largest air travel markets, such Australia, China, the UK, Japan, and Canada remain essentially closed with no clear plans to guide a reopening. Data should help these and other countries to introduce targeted policies that keep populations safe while moving towards a normality in world with COVID-19 for some time to come. The G7 has an opportunity later this month to set a risk-managed framework for re-establishing the freedom to travel in a way that is both affordable and practical. It’s critical that they take up the challenge,” said Walsh. v BTNewspaper/e/iata Newspaper advertising & subscription contact (0361) 227610 Publisher: Wisnu Wardana; Chief Editor: Wisnu Wardana; Journalist and contributor: Anak Agung Ngurah Krisnayana, Opik; Asisten journalists: Putu Gunarta; Putu Yuliastari. Sekretariat: Dewi (kepala), Chiechi; Jakarta: Bambang Hermawan (HP:082110723886); Pekan Baru: Yuliza Zainal (HP: 085374963844); Lombok: Swiastikatrini Sista ( HP: 087 765100005); Buleleng-Bangli-Jembrana: Agung Suamba (HP: 081246055960), Redaktur Aksara Bali: I Made Sudiana (08135246886) Newspaper Kartun: I Made Surita. Address: Jl. Melati 43, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia; Phone/fax: (0361) 227610; E-mail: [email protected]; Bank: BPD Bali KCP. Kamboja No. 0370115000510 A/N Biro Promosi & Pengembangan Pariwisata Budaya; SEJAK 11-01-2011 Dekom: I Gusti Ngurah Wisnu Wardana; Anak Agung Ayu Dewi Satyawati; I Made Yudha; Ketut Gede Dharma Putra; Ni Putu Resiki.
UNWTO - NEWS english edition III No. 252 l June 25 - July 10, 2021 31 October - 2 November: World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism THE World Tourism Organization than now to re-shape the future for food and entire value chain of gastronomy for the one of Europe’s gastronomic hubs, is ready (UNWTO), Basque Culinary Center (BCC), tourism. Gastronomy continues to prove future, generating a suitable institutional to lead the way for a sustainable future of VISITFLANDERS and the city of Bruges its ability to help destinations diversify framework through specific policies. This gastronomy tourism.” have announced new dates for the 6 th and to stimulate economic development kind of forums are essential to encourage UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy in destinations all around the world. This projects that generate and develop sustain- The Forum has been co-organized by Tourism. is especially true for rural communities able gastronomic initiatives that transform UNWTO and the BCC since 2015 with where it can help preserve the identity and and have a positive impact on the sector”. the aim of promoting the exchange of ex- Held under the theme ‘Gastronomy authenticity of local traditions.” periences between experts in tourism and Tourism: Promoting Rural Tourism and Flemish Minister of Tourism, Zuhal gastronomy, identify good practices and Regional Development’, the Forum will Joxe Mari Aizega, Director of the Demir says: “We are very much looking promote gastronomy tourism as a driver take place 31 October - 2 November 2021 Basque Culinary Center, remarked, “We forward to welcome participants, both of sustainable development. in Bruges, Belgium. are currently in a particularly challenging live and online, to explore culinary Bru- and unique time, and rural communities, ges during the Forum in November. This BCC The event will focus on the contribu- innovation and creativity will be key to is a great opportunity for destinations to Basque Culinary Center represents a tion of gastronomy tourism to social and transition successfully towards a new exchange experiences facing challenging unique ecosystem where training, innova- economic integration. It will also highlight scenario. That is the reason why it is nec- times and putting gastronomy and tourism tion, research and entrepreneurship coexist its untapped potential for job creation, essary to increase the contribution of the at the center of recovery plans. Flanders, as with the aim of developing and propelling regional cohesion and sustainable growth. gastronomy, which is understood as rea- Building on UNWTO’s work on advancing soned knowledge about what and how innovation across the tourism sector, the we eat. Forum also represents a unique opportunity Its mission is rooted in values such as for experts from across the growing field of passion, innovation, excellence and social gastronomy tourism to share new ideas and commitment. Located in San Sebastian best practices and place the two sectors at since September 2011, Basque Culinary the center of plans for recovery. Center is a pioneer institution conformed by the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences and Gastronomy continues to prove its the Centre for Research and Innovation in ability to help destinations diversify and the field of gastronomy. to stimulate economic development in In 2021, Basque Culinary Center cele- destinations all around the world. brates its 10th anniversary. Since its origin, the institution has developed its 360º vision of In order to welcome and connect par- Gastronomy through different initiatives and ticipants from around the world, the Forum projects. This year, we celebrate our achieve- will be held in a hybrid format. This way, ments and the challenges to come, always participants from every global region via a rooted in our values: passion, orientation special online platform will join delegates towards excellence, innovation and social meeting in the Concertgebouw of Bruges commitment. v BTNewspaper/dwi/unwto virtually. UNWTO Secretary-General, Zurab Pololikashvili says: “There is no better time Romantic Avenue Love is always in the air at Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel, Bali and this offer is designed for couples who value their precious time together. For more information and reservations, please contact Tel: +62 361 2001300 or [email protected] www.discoverykartikaplaza.com Managed by Discovery Hotels & Resorts Jl. Kartika Plaza, South Kuta Beach 80361 PO Box 1012, Bali, Indonesia Tel: +62-361 2001300 I Fax: +62-361 754585 [email protected] www.discoverykartikaplaza.com
IV english edition AROUND BALI No. 252 l June 25 - July 10, 2021 Celebration of International Day of Yoga 2021 THE Consulate General of benefits of Yoga and proposed the International Day of Yoga and, on the Consul General of India, Bali. General of India in Bali on that day. India in Bali in collaboration with adoption of an International Yoga 11th December 2014, the UNGA, The Consul General welcomed He hoped that in the future Nusa The Nusa Dua managed by Indo- Day. India, supported by a record passed the resolution supported by the gathering and highlighted the Dharma Island could be known as nesia Tourism Development Cor- 177 co-sponsoring countries, in- a record of 193 countries. importance of Yoga in boosting the area for yoga and meditation poration (ITDC), and Yog Mantra cluding Indonesia, moved a reso- immunity and towards our quest activities, which would later boost Bali organized the 7th International lution for adopting 21st June as the The yoga enthusiasts were for a healthier planet. He also the number of tourist’s visits to Day of Yoga (IDY) at Nusa Dharma welcomed by Prakash Chand, thanked The Nusa Dua and Yog Nusa Dua, especially in increasing Island, The Nusa Dua on Sunday, Mantra Bali for the support and Wellness Tourism visits. 20th June 2021. The event saw the cooperation they had extended participation of around 150 yoga to the Consulate in organizing The yoga session was led by the enthusiasts including VIP guests, the IDY in the midst of this yoga teachers from Yog Mantra Bali Indians in Bali, tourism personal- COVID-19 pandemic, hence who have done much to propagate ities, local officials, yoga experts the event could still be held by yoga in Bali. Teachers from Yog and media personnel who flocked observing strict health protocols. Mantra are also teaching yoga online to the ground in the early hours of at the Swami Vivekananda Cultural Sunday to participate in one of the In his address to the gather- Centre Bali. They conducted Yoga largest exercises of the kind. ing, the Managing Director of The and meditation sessions followed Nusa Dua I Gusti Ngurah Ardita by Shanti Mantra as per the standard The International Day of Yoga stated that in an effort to introduce Common Yoga Protocol which last- is the initiative of the Prime Min- and develop Nusa Dharma Island ed 45 minutes. The Common Yoga ister of India, Narendra Modi, of The Nusa Dua as a Yoga and Protocol is a series of yoga positions who in his address to the United Meditation Island, he strongly devised to enable a layman to prac- Nations General Assembly on 27th supported the organization of yoga tice yoga without great difficulty. v September 2014, espoused the activities initiated by the Consulate BTNewspaper/e/rls Perayaan International Day of Yoga 2021 KONSULAT Jen- menyelenggarakan Hari Yoga VIP, warga India di Bali, tokoh kelasnya. September 2014, mendukung man- deral India Bali beker- Internasional (IDY) yang ke-7 pariwisata, pejabat setempat, Hari Yoga Internasional faat Yoga dan mengusulkan peneta- jasama dengan The di Pulau Nusa Dharma, The praktisi yoga, dan awak media pan Hari Yoga Internasional. India, Nusa Dua yang dike- Nusa Dua pada Hari Minggu, yang berbondong-bondong merupakan sebuah inisiatif Per- yang didukung oleh 177 negara, lola oleh PT. Pengembangan 20 Juni 2021. Acara ini men- ke lokasi acara pada dini hari dana Menteri India, Narendra termasuk Indonesia, mengangkat Pariwisata Indonesia (Persero)/ catat keikutsertaan sekitar 150 untuk berpartisipasi dalam Modi, yang dalam pidatonya sebuah resolusi untuk menetapkan ITDC dan Yog Mantra Bali penikmat yoga termasuk tamu salah satu kegiatan terbesar di di Majelis Umum Perserikatan 21 Juni sebagai Hari Yoga Internasi- Bangsa-Bangsa pada tanggal 27 onal dan pada tanggal 11 Desember 2014, resolusi tersebut dikeluarkan oleh Majelis Umum PBB dengan dukungan 193 negara. Para penikmat yoga disambut oleh Prakash Chand, Konsul Jen- deral India Bali. Ia memberikan sambutan dan menyoroti pentin- gnya Yoga dalam meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh dan mewujudkan planet yang lebih sehat. Ia juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada The Nusa Dua dan Yog Mantra Bali atas dukungan dan kerjasama yang telah diberikan kepada pihak konsulat dalam menyelenggarakan IDY di tengah pandemi COVID-19 ini, sehingga acara tetap dapat terselenggara dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan yang ketat. Managing Director The Nusa Dua I Gusti Ngurah Ardita menya- takan bahwa dalam upaya mem- perkenalkan dan mengembangkan Pulau Nusa Dharma, The Nusa Dua sebagai pulau yoga dan med- itasi, ia sangat mendukung pelak- sanaan kegiatan yoga yang digagas oleh Konsulat Jenderal India Bali pada hari itu. Ia berharap ke de- pannya Pulau Nusa Dharma dapat dikenal sebagai kawasan kegiatan yoga dan meditasi yang nantinya akan mendongkrak jumlah kun- jungan wisatawan ke Nusa Dua, khususnya dalam meningkatkan kunjungan Wellness Tourism. Sesi yoga dipimpin oleh para guru yoga dari Yog Mantra Bali yang telah bekerja untuk mema- jukan yoga di Bali. Guru-guru dari Yog Mantra Bali juga mengajar yoga secara online di Pusat Ke- budayaan Swami Vivekananda Bali. Pada acara tersebut, mereka melakukan sesi Yoga dan meditasi yang dilanjutkan dengan Shanti Mantra sesuai dengan Common Yoga Protocol yang berlangsung selama 45 menit. Common Yoga Protocol adalah serangkaian posisi yoga yang dirancang untuk me- mungkinkan orang awam berlatih yoga tanpa mengalami kesulitan. v BTNewspaper/e/rls
NORTH BALI english edition V Lovely No. 252 l June 25 - July 10, 2021 Moon Over Lake Buyan FOR the abundant gifts, the people of Buleleng deserve to be grateful to Ida Hyang Widi Wasa or God Almighty. Four lakes were created on the Island of Bali, where two of which are in Buleleng District. They are Lake Buyan and Lake Tamblingan. Lake Buyan is located at Pancasari Village, Sukasada Subdistrict, Buleleng District. The existence of Lake Buyan makes Pancasari Village a lush, green and very beautiful village to the eye. Thanks to Lake Buyan which is a blessing from Ida Hyang Widhi, recently, Pancasari Village coming with a cool air is often visited by many local and domestic tourists. They visited the Pancasari area, among others, to enjoy the fresh mountain air and the beautiful Lake Buyan surrounded by lush green hills. Ketut Suteja, Division Head of Tourist Destinations at the Buleleng Tourism Office, observed that most tourists visiting Pancasari Village, especially around Lake Buyan lately want to enjoy more deeply the allure of Lake Buyan and its surroundings by building camping tent. By staying at the campsite, visitors can enjoy and have a closer look at the beauty of Lake Buyan and its surroundings in the morning, afternoon and at night. You can imagine how beautiful the scenery at Lake Buyan and its surroundings is when the full moon arrives. When the moon began to appear from the east side be- tween the hills, the whole universe seems to welcome Goddess Ratih with its golden yellow light. In harmony with the passage of time, the moon rushes up to the rhythm of the mysterious dance of the cosmos. When the full moon is right above Lake Buyan, an extraor- dinary beauty is created, stunning and inviting admiration. Even though it is late at night, visitors do not need to worry about safety and comfort, considering that the local tourist object operator and related parties always maintain the safety and comfort of visitors around the clock. Regarding Covid-19 and World Environment Day which fell on June 5, 2021, Miss Rousmini as Acting Head of the Buleleng Tourism Office invited all parties to continuously comply with health protocols in carrying out tourism activities and maintain environmental sustain- ability by implementing Tri Hita Karana (THK) posing the Balinese philosophy of life. (BTNp Online/Agung Suamba) Newspaper advertising & subscription contact (0361) 227610
VI No. 252 l 25 Juni - 10 Juli 2021 COVER STORY Soaring e-waste affects the Health of Millions of Children, WHO Warns EFFECTIVE and of e-waste.” oped organs and rapid rate of ioral neurological assessment devastating health effect on children binding action is urgent- As many as 12.9 growth and development. They scores, increased rates of atten- and lay a heavy burden on the health ly required to protect absorb more pollutants relative tion deficit/hyperactivity disorder sector in the years to come.” the millions of children, million women are to their size and are less able to (ADHD), behavioral problems, adolescents and expect- working in the informal metabolize or eradicate toxic sub- changes in child temperament, A rapidly escalating problem ant mothers worldwide waste sector, which po- stances from their bodies. sensory integration difficulties, E-waste volumes are surging whose health is jeopar- tentially exposes them and reduced cognitive and lan- globally. According to the Global dized by the informal to toxic e-waste and Impact of e-waste guage scores. E-waste Statistics Partnership (GESP), processing of discarded puts them and their un- on human health they grew by 21% in the five years electrical or electronic devices born children at risk. Workers, aiming to recover Other adverse child health up to 2019, when 53.6 million met- according to a new groundbreak- Meanwhile more than 18 valuable materials such as copper impacts linked to e-waste include ric tons of e-waste were generated. ing report from the World Health million children and adolescents, and gold, are at risk of exposure changes in lung function, respira- For perspective, last year’s e-waste Organization: Children and Digi- some as young as 5 years of age, to over 1,000 harmful substances, tory and respiratory effects, DNA weighed as much as 350 cruise ships tal Dumpsites. are actively engaged in the infor- including lead, mercury, nickel, damage, impaired thyroid function placed end to end to form a line mal industrial sector, of which brominated flame-retardants and and increased risk of some chronic 125km long. This growth is projected “With mounting volumes waste processing is a sub-sector. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons diseases later in life, such as cancer to continue as the use of computers, of production and disposal, the Children are often engaged by (PAHs). and cardiovascular disease. mobile phones and other electronics world faces what one recent in- parents or caregivers in e-waste re- For an expectant mother, ex- continues to expand, alongside their ternational forum described as a cycling because their small hands posure to toxic e-waste can affect “A child who eats just one rapid obsolescence. mounting “tsunami of e-waste”, are more dexterous than those of the health and development of her chicken egg from Agbogbloshie, Only 17.4% of e-waste produced putting lives and health at risk,” adults are. Other children live, go unborn child for the rest of its life. a waste site in Ghana, will absorb in 2019-reached formal management said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghe- to school and play near e-waste Potential adverse health effects 220 times the European Food or recycling facilities, according to the breyesus, WHO Director-General. recycling centers where high include negative birth outcomes, Safety Authority daily limit for most recent GESP estimates, the rest “In the same way the world has levels of toxic chemicals, mostly such as stillbirth and premature intake of chlorinated dioxins,” was illegally dumped, overwhelming- rallied to protect the seas and lead and mercury, can damage births, as well as low birth weight said Marie-Noel Brune Drisse, the ly in low- or middle-income countries, their ecosystems from plastic and their intellectual abilities and length. Exposure to lead lead WHO author on the report. where informal workers recycle it. micro plastic pollution, we need Children exposed to e-waste from e-waste recycling activities “Improper e-waste management Appropriate collection and re- to rally to protect our most valu- are particularly vulnerable to the has been associated with signifi- is the cause. Many countries do cycling of e-waste is key to protect able resource –the health of our toxic chemicals they contain due cantly reduced neonatal behav- not recognize this rising issue yet the environment and reduce climate children – from the growing threat to their smaller size, less devel- as a health problem. If they do not emissions. In 2019, the GESP found act now, its impacts will have a that the 17.4% of e-waste that was collected and appropriately recycled prevented as much as 15 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalents from being released into the environment. Call to Action Children and Digital Dumpsites calls for effective and binding action by exporters, importers and govern- ments to ensure environmentally sound disposal of e-waste and the health and safety of workers, their families and communities; to mon- itor e-waste exposure and health outcomes; to facilitate better reuse of materials; and to encourage the man- ufacture of more durable electronic and electrical equipment. It also calls on the health com- munity to take action to reduce the adverse health effects from e-waste, by building health sector capacity to diagnose, monitor and prevent toxic exposure among children and wom- en, raising awareness of the potential co-benefits of more responsible recy- cling, working with affected commu- nities and advocating for better data and health research on the health risks faced by informal e-waste workers. v BTNewspaper/e/dwi/who
COVER STORY No. 252 l 25 Juni - 10 Juli 2021 VII Eco-Enzymes Accelerate Green Zones in Bali THE AWARENESS of process- Eco-enzyme Community. ing organic waste into eco-en- zymes does not only resolve the Another benefit of eco-enzymes is for problem of global warming but also accelerates the green zone in Bali. maintenance of Waste Water Treatment For instance, the Nutrition Installation of Sanglah Hospital which produces 130 kg Plan (WWTP) and as plant fertilizer in of organic kitchen waste every day has produced eco-enzymes and been taken hospitals. For example, the use of disin- advantage for the environment of Sanglah Hospital. fectants in the pandemic era such as the Likewise, on the celebration of the World Environment Day (Jun 5), the Bali use of cleaning products or floor whiteners Eco-enzyme Community sprayed it at the tourist destination areas as a disinfectant. by diluting the product mixture is also The spraying is the beginning to accelerate the green zone in Bali. “With the spraying active in tbhreesaekicnlegadnoinwgnpHro2Odu2c(tpsecroonxitdaien) activities to tourist destinations in the Bali because area, Bali is soon expected to be a green zone, and tourism in Bali can immediately low concentrations of peroxide. In fact, reopen,” said Tami from the Indonesia this mechanism is exactly the same as in the eco-enzyme--producing secondary metabolites of the self-defense of anaero- bic microorganisms. The eco-enzymes are also capable of killing viruses, bacteria and fungi, so that they can be used as a substitute for chemical-based cleaning products and ing fluid and can even be used to clean up tilizers, pest repellents as well as to help glass and bathrooms. The other function preserve the surrounding environment. v pesticides. In addition, the eco-enzyme of co-enzymes is to be used as plant fer- BTNewspaper/e/rls can also be used as an eco-friendly clean- Eco-Enzym Percepat Zona Hijau di Bali KESADARAN mengolah sampah organik men- kit. Sebagai contoh adanya penggunaan disinfektan jadi eco-enzym tidak hanya menyelesaikan masalah di era pandemi seperti penggunaan produk pember- global warming tapi juga bisa mempercepat zona sih atau pemutih lantai dengan cara mengencerkan hijau di Bali. Seperti Instalasi Gizi RSUP Sanglah campuran produk tersebut juga aktif dalam mengurai yang menghasilkan sampah dapur organik sebanyak 130 kg/hari yang telah menghasilkan eco-enzym tHe2rOse2bu(ptetreorkksaindda)uknagrepnearodkasliadma produk pembersih dalam konsentrasi dan di manfaatkan untuk lingkungan RSUP Sanglah. rendah. Faktanya, mekanisme ini sama persis yang Demikian juga saat hari lingkungan hidup sedu- nia (5 Juni) komunitas eco-enzym Bali melakukan ada di eco-enzyme --- menghasilkan metabolit penyemprotan pada Daerah Tujuan Wisata (DTW) sekunder pertahanan diri mikroorganisme anaerob. sebagai disinfektan. Penyemprotan ini sebagai awal Eco-enzym juga mampu membunuh virus, bak- untuk mempercepat zona hijau di Bali. “Dengan me- teri dan jamur, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai lakukan kegiatan penyemprotan ke DTW di wilayah pengganti pembersih dan pestisida berbahan kimia. Bali, ini agar Bali segera zona hijau dan pariwisata Selain itu, eco-enzyme bisa digunakan sebagai di Bali segara dapat di buka kembali.” Ungkap Tami cairan pembersih ramah lingkungan bahkan bisa dari komunitas eco-enzym nusantara. digunakan membersihkan kaca dan kamar mandi. Manfaat lain eco-enzym adalah untuk pemeliha- Eco-enzym juga bisa dugunakan sebagai pupuk raan IPAL dan sebagai pupuk tanaman di rumah sa- tanaman, pengusir hama hingga membantu meles- tarikan lingkungan sekitar. v BTNewspaper/e/rls
VIII No. 252 l 25 Juni - 10 Juli 2021 SEPUTAR BALI Pramana Villas Siap Menyambut Open Border SEPERTI kebanyakan jasa akomo- property, seperti private villas/cotta- “Ini merupakan langkah yang dasi lainnya yang dalam masa pande- ges dan beberapa private property sangat ditunggu oleh semua pelaku mi COVID-19 mengalami keterpuru- pariwisata di Bali, terlepas dari situ- kan, begitu halnya dengan unit-unit owner lainnya. asi yang tidak menentu dalam kurun dibawah Pramana Villas selama lebih waktu setahun belakangan. Pembu- dari setahun ini. Namun dari awal Dengan pangsa pasar yang ten- kaan border internasional untuk Bali pandemi unit Pramana Villas yang ter- akan menjadi stimulus dan meng- sebar dibeberapa destinasi terkemuka tunya berbeda dengan unit resort gairahkan pariwisata kita kembali. Bali seperti Ubud dan Seminyak tetap Walau nantinya hal ini akan berjalan membuka operationalnya. Terbukti Pramana Experience lainnya, target dengan kehati-hatian dalam pene- dari puluhan unit yang dikelola dapat Pramana Villas lebih ke long stayer rapan dilapangan dan menerapkan membukukan hasil yang positif, walau costumer atau mereka yang ingin manajemen resiko yang dapat diukur pun terkadang hanya menutupi biaya secara baik. Tentu kami disemua unit operasionalnya. menetap/berlibur diBali dengan durasi telah menerapkan aturan penerapan protocol kesehatan dari tahun lalu, Pramana Villas sebagai salah yang lebih lama ( 1 bulan keatas ). dan beberapa unit tetap kita lakukan satu anak perusahaan dari Pramana monitoring secara berlanjut setiap Experience, hotel/villa manajemen “Tentu dalam menyongsong saat, dan memastikan semua team dan yang berkembang cukup pesat dalam pembukaan border untuk Bali, team para pelanggan tetap dalam keadaan kurun beberapa tahun di Bali. Dengan yang baik,” sambung Wawan, begitu tidak kurang dari 40 unit property Pramana Villas sangat antusias mem- pria kelahiran Gianyar ini biasa di- yang dikelola Pramana Villas, lebih panggil. v BTNewspaper/e/pramana menyasar pada small/medium size persiapkan semua unit nya saat ini. Termasuk melakukan promo-promo sesuai dengan agenda pemerintah saat ini yaitu Work from Bali, karena memang sangat sesuai dengan pangsa pasar yang selama ini kami garap,” ungkap I wayan Suartawan, General Manager Pramana Villas baru-baru ini di Ubud. Ubud Artisan Market Kesempatan UMKM Berkembang UBUD Artisan Market(UAM), prakarsa terba- ru dari Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati, yayasan nirlaba yang menaungi Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, Ubud Food Festival, dan KEMBALI 2020: A Rebuild Bali Festival. Acara ini akan diadakan dua hari di akhir pekan setiap bulan di Jl. Raya Sanggingan, Ubud,dengan misi untuk mendukung Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah(UMKM) di Bali dan menciptakan kesempatan baru agar terus berkembang. UAM pada hari Sabtu-Minggu, 12-13 Juni 2021, menghadirkan 76 pelaku UMKM dari Ubud, Denpasar, dan sekitarnya. Para vendor menjual berbagai produk, dari makanan, mi- numan, kerajinan, mode, tenun, perhiasan, dan lainnya. UAM menghadirkan workshop kreatif untuk memperkaya keterampilan dan kreativitas pengun- jung, seperti workshop pembuatan kerajinan dari sampah plastik, pembuatan sabun organik, me- lukis dengan kanvas, dan belajar membaca kartu tarot. Ada juga program interaktif yang menginspi- rasi, seperti diskusi tentang pengolahan sampah plastik menjadi kerajinan bersama Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesiadan demo memasak bersama Chef Krisna dari Warung Di Teba. Untuk meriahkan acara, UAM memberikan panggung pada talenta-talenta lokal dengan per- tunjukan live music, karaoke, dan tari Bali. Bekerja sama dengan sebuah NGO dari Belanda, Program- ma Uitzending Managers(PUM), Yayasan Mudra Swari Sawaswati juga memberikan program webinar gratis mengenai bisnis, pemasaran, dan kewirausahaan untuk para vendor. Ahli di bidang Pemasaaran, Penjualan, dan Kewirausahaan dari Belanda, Rob Van Loon, membimbing para ven- dor untuk mengembangkan usaha masing-masing dengan lebih efisien. Program ini merupakan bentuk apresiasi dan dukungan Yayasan kepada para pelaku UMKM yang menjadi bagian dari komunitas UAM. Semua acara UAM mengikuti peraturan ke- sehatan yang sudah diterapkan oleh pemerintah, termasuk menggunakan masker dan menyediakan tempat cuci tangan di berbagai lokasi. Ubud Ar- tisan Market selanjutnya akan dilaksanakanpada hari Sabtu-Minggu, 3-4 Juli 2021, jam 13.00-21.00 WITA di Taman Baca. v BTNewspaper/e/rls
SEPUTAR BALI No. 252 l 25 Juni - 10 Juli 2021 IX ITDC Promosikan Destinasi Pariwisata pada BBTF 2021 PT Pengembangan Pariwisata BBTF 2021 yang meng- menggelar kegiatan MICE di The memiliki lini bisnis memba- pemerintah, ITDC memperoleh Indonesia (Persero)/Indonesia To- angkat tema “Exploring Sus- Nusa Dua sebagai upaya dalam ngun dan mengembangkan hak mengembangkan dan menge- urism Development Corporation tainable & Wellness Tourism” membangkitkan kembali industri kawasan pariwisata di In- lola The Mandalika di Lombok (ITDC) ikut mengambil bagian diikuti oleh 145 sellers dari pariwisata di Bali,” tutup Ardita. donesia. Selama 47 tahun, Tengah, NTB, dengan luas 1.175 dalam perhelatan pameran per- Perseroan telah membangun hektar. The Mandalika memiliki jalanan dan wisata internasional 14 provinsi di Indonesia, 135 ITDC merupakan BUMN yang dan mengelola The Nusa Dua, 16 km garis pantai yang indah paling terkemuka di Indonesia, buyers Bali dan sekitarnya, kawasan pariwisata terpadu dan dikelilingi bukit-bukit hijau, Bali and Beyond Travel Fair (BBTF) serta 57 buyers internasional seluas 350 ha yang berlokasi serta merupakan satu dari sepuluh 2021 yang berlangsung 10 – 11 di Bali bagian selatan. destinasi pariwisata prioritas atau Juni 2021 di Bali International dari 20 negara. ‘Bali Baru’ yang ditetapkan peme- Convention Center (BICC), The Sejalan dengan strategi rintah. Tahun 2017 The Mandalika Westin Resort Nusa Dua Bali. ITDC Selain berpartisipasi seba- pemerintah untuk meningkat- resmi beroperasi sebagai Kawasan berpartisipasi sebagai sponsor dan gai sponsor dan seller, ITDC kan sektor pariwisata menjadi Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) dan Real seller dengan mempromosikan sumber utama devisa negara Estate Investment sebesar USD destinasi pariwisata yang dikem- menyambut para peserta BBTF dengan meningkatkan kunjungan 1,3 Milyar. v BTNewspaper/e/ bangkan diantaranya The Nusa wisatawan asing ke Indonesia, Miranti N. Rendranti atau Esther Dua dan The Mandalika. 2021 di kawasan pariwisata ITDC ditugaskan mengembang- D. Ginting/VP Corp. Secretary/ kan destinasi pariwisata di luar Corp. Comm. Senior Mng. ITDC Pada BBTF 2021, ITDC telah The Nusa Dua yang tidak ha- Pulau Bali. Dengan dukungan melakukan pertemuan dengan buyers baik secara temu muka nya memiliki kelengkapan akomo- dan virtual diantaranya dengan travel agent, asosiasi, hotel serta dasi lebih dari 5.000 kamar hotel stakeholder pariwisata untuk me- dan fasilitas Meeting, Incentive, masarkan produk kawasan serta Convention, Exhibition (MICE) memberikan informasi menyelu- ruh terkait pengembangan kawa- yang dapat menampung lebih san yang dikelola. dari 20.000 delegasi, tapi juga Managing Director The Nusa menerapkan protokol Cleanliness, Dua I Gusti Ngurah Ardita menga- Health, Safety and Environmental takan, “ITDC tahun ini kembali Sustainability (CHSE) secara ketat berpartisipasi sebagai sponsor da- lam ajang BBTF ke-7 serta turut untuk memastikan penyelenggara- menampilkan produk dan konsep pengembangan kawasan pariwisata an event yang nyaman dan aman berkelanjutan di The Nusa Dua dan The Mandalika. Kami berharap dari penularan COVID-19. dengan keikutsertaan ITDC dalam ajang ini, destinasi yang kami kelola “Sebagai pengelola The Nusa dapat menjadi primadona tujuan bisnis dan wisata bagi pasar nasio- Dua, kami bersyukur dan puas nal maupun pasar internasional se- bagai upaya mendorong pemulihan BBTF 2021 dapat berjalan de- pariwisata Bali dan nasional pasca pandemi COVID-19.” ngan lancar dan aman. Kiranya penyelenggaraan BBTF ini dapat menjadi model dari pelaksanaan event MICE yang aman dan nya- man di masa adaptasi baru. The Nusa Dua siap menjadi lokasi penyelenggaraan berbagai event MICE selanjutnya, mengingat ka- wasan dan tenant dalam kawasan telah tersertifikasi CHSE dan para pekerja di dalam kawasan telah menyelesaikan program vaksi- nasi. Kami berharap, kesuksesan penyelenggaraan BBTF akan se- makin meningkatkan kepercayaan para penyelenggara event untuk Gelar Bimtek Pande Besi, Kembangkan Inovasi dan Diversifikasi Produk MENINGKATKAN kualitas pula kesadaran konsumen produk, memperkaya desain kera- akan pilihan-pilihan suatu jinan, khususnya kerajinan pande produk yang akan dibeli besi, Dinas Perindustrian dan Per- menyebabkan standar kua- dagangan (Disperindag) Provinsi litas menjadi amat penting Bali melaksanakan Bimbingan di mata konsumen. teknis (Bimtek) desain dan diversi- fikasi produk pande besi. Diseleng- “Standar mutu bukan- garakan 14-18 Juni, di Br. Sidan lah sekedar nilai tambah, Kelod, Desa Sidan, Kabupaten tapi juga suatu prasyarat Gianyar. Kegiatan yang menyasar bagi sebuah produk untuk sekitar 30 orang pengrajin pande dapat masuk dan diterima besi diharapkan mampu menum- pasar,” tandas Jarta. buhkan jiwa wirausaha sekaligus menciptakan sentra-sentra baru Daerah-daerah sentra kerajinan di Pulau Dewata. kerajinan pande besi telah memberikan sumbangan Menurut Kepala Dinas Perin- esensial bagi pelestarian dustrian dan Perdagangan (Dis- identitas budaya bangsa. Produk perindag) Provinsi Bali, I Wayan – produk kerajinan pande besi Jarta standar mutu produk adalah yang diproduksi seperti alat ru- hal yang mutlak diperlukan dite- mah tangga, pertanian, kegiatan ngah persaingan baik di dalam adat dan keagamaan, diharapkan dan luar negeri. Semakin tinggi mampu diproduksi sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar. Ditemui di lokasi bimtek sekali- gus prapen -- tempat pengapian lo- gam -- , salah satu pengrajin pande besi, Pande Putu Sadia mengaku se- cara turun-temurun warga setempat menggeluti profesi sebagai pande besi dengan produk alat rumah tangga seperti pisau, blakas (pisau besar,red), mutik (pisau kecil khas Bali,red) hingga peralatan pertanian seperti cangkul dan arit, bahkan juga mampu menghasilkan keris. Bimtek, mampu memberikan ino- vasi baru baginya dan harapan un- tuk membuka peluang pasar yang lebih luas. v BTNewspaper/e/rls
X SEPUTAR BALI No. 252 l 25 Juni - 10 Juli 2021 Tenant di The Nusa Dua Telah Kantongi Sertifikat Chse Lebih Produktif SELURUH tenant yang bero- dan para tenant dalam upaya mem- mendapatkan Labelling Indonesia bangkitkan pariwisata The Nusa Dua Care dari Kemenparekraf berupa “Work from Bali’ perasi di kawasan The Nusa Dua, melalui penerapan protokol kesehatan sertifikat serta stiker I DO CARE yang secara konsisten dan menyeluruh di dipasang pada lobby, reception, res- TAUZIA Hotels Regional Bali memberikan pena- kawasan pariwisata yang dikelola seluruh kawasan. Sertifikasi CHSE ini toran maupun toilet hotel. Labelling waran “Work from Bali” yang dapat dinikmati oleh kami harapkan dapat menjadi daya semua kalangan agar lebih produktif dalam bekerja. oleh PT Pengembangan Pariwisata tarik sekaligus memberi jaminan bagi ini diberikan kepada usaha pariwisata Bali dikenal dengan keindahan alam dengan beragam wisatawan bahwa produk dan layan- destinasi wisata belanja dan kuliner. Dengan promo Indonesia (Persero)/Indonesia Tourism an yang diberikan oleh kami sebagai yang dinilai sudah memenuhi pro- spesial ini, para tamu dapat menikmati sensasi bekerja pengelola kawasan maupun oleh ma- sambil menikmati keindahan Pulau Bali. Development Corporation (ITDC), sing-masing tenant sudah memenuhi tokol CHSE untuk beroperasi pada persyaratan berwisata di masa adaptasi Paket “Work from Bali” tersedia di semua jaringan BUMN pengembang dan pengelola baru.” tatanan kehidupan era baru, sehing- TAUZIA Hotels yang terdapat di Pulau Bali dengan total 11 hotel, mulai dari boutique hotel yang unik, midsca- kawasan pariwisata di Indonesia, telah Bersamaan dengan sertifikasi ga dapat dipercaya oleh wisatawan le hotel hingga budget hotel yang berlaku sampai 20 mengantongi Sertifikat Cleanliness, CHSE tersebut, para tenant sekaligus Desember 2021. Health, Safety and Environmental untuk dikunjungi atau beraktivitas di Sustainability (CHSE) dari Kementerian tempat-tempat tersebut. v BTNew- Para tamu mendapatkan beberapa keuntungan me- spaper/e/ Miranti N. Rendranti /VP narik, antara lain: masa inap hingga 15 malam dalam Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif RI (Ke- Corp. Secretary/Esther D. Ginting/ masa berlaku 1 bulan, penjemputan atau pengantaran Corp. Comm. Senior Manager/ITDC ke bandara, laundry, diskon 20% F&B (minuman menparekraf). Dengan sertifikasi ini, non-alkohol) dan diskon tambahan untuk kartu anggota kawasan The Nusa Dua dan 26 tenant ASR selama periode reservasi yang beroperasi tersebut dinyatakan “Penawaran ‘Work from Bali’ dibuat untuk me- menuhi kebutuhan para tamu yang ingin menikmati telah menjalankan standar-standar suasana liburan namun tetap produktif bekerja. Selain itu, hotel kami juga telah dilengkapi dengan standar penerapan CHSE sesuai kriteria dan keamanan dan kebersihan yang tinggi, sehingga para tamu tidak perlu merasa khawatir untuk menginap di penilaian yang ditetapkan pemerintah, seluruh properti TAUZIA Hotel yang ada di Bali,” ujar Nyoman Wirayasa, Cluster General Manager TAUZIA guna mewujudkan kawasan pariwisata Hotels Bali. v BTNewspaper/e yang aman dan nyaman untuk dikun- jungi wisatawan di tengah pandemi COVID-19. Empat tenant terbaru yang mene- rima sertifikat CHSE adalah Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center dan Bali Nusa Dua Hotel, Bali Nusa Dua Theater, Manarai Beach House serta BIMC Hospital Siloam Nusa Dua pada bulan Mei 2021 lalu. Managing Director The Nusa Dua I Gusti Ngurah Ardita mengatakan, “Perolehan sertifikat CHSE bagi selu- ruh tenant yang beroperasi di kawasan The Nusa Dua saat ini menunjukkan semangat kebersamaan antara ITDC Forkom Dewi Klungkung DIAWALI sembahyang bersama, Forkom Dewi Bali, I Made Mendra Astawa, pelantikan pengurus Forum Komunikasi Ketua BPPD Klungkung I Dewa Gede Arim- (Forkom) Desa Wisata (Dewi) Bali Klung- bawa dan Dewa Widiantara Camat Dawan. kung dilaksanakan di wantilan Pura Goa Ketua terpilih Wayan Malendra dari Desa Lawah. Dengan harapan institusi tersebut Wisata Bakas, juga menjabat Ketua Korwil dapat melaksanakan tugas Forkom Dewi Forkom Dewi Bali kab. Klungkung. berjalan lancar, memberikan sumbangsih bagi desa dan perekonomian Klungkung Dinas Pariwisata Klungkung menurut secara umum. AA Putra Wadana, sedang mengupayakan penguatan desa wisata melalui program Ke- Pelantikan dilakukan AA Putra Wadana menterian Parekraft mau pun dari Kemendes Kadis Parda Klungkung, di dampingi Ketua PDTT. v BTNewspaper/e/Forkom Dewi Pura Tanah Lot Pura Pakendungan Dewi Sinta Restaurant Tanah Lot, offers a wide rings of Balinese, Indonesian and Chinese food as well as seafood and European Dewi Sinta hotel has 27 guest rooms of three cuisine prepared by our experienced chef. different types: Standard, Deluxe and Suites. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are available a la carte or buffet style. AFTER SUNSET EVERY DAY KECAK & FIRE TANAH LOT - BALI Phone : +62 361 812933 Fax : +62 361 813956 E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.dewisinta.com
SEPUTAR BALI No. 252 l 25 Juni - 10 Juli 2021 XI Industri Arak, Memuliakan Tradisi ARAK salah satu warisan budaya leluhur Industri Resmi Minuman fermentasi tradisional ini dipro- Bali yang sampai saat ini keberadaannya tetap duksi secara sederhana hanya untuk memenuhu kebutuhan sehari- hari, baik untuk kehidupan di dijaga, perhatikan dan dilestarikan. Dalam sosial mau pun upacara. Perkembangan ja- man, kebutuhan atas minuman tradisional pun hal perlindungan terhadap warisan budaya, bergeser. Untuk menjaga kualitas produk dan pelestarian minuman tradisional yang tepat arak Bali semestinya mendapatkan pemuliaan guna serta mengikuti perkembangan tehnologi, Pemprov Bali telah mengeluarkan peruaturan dengan diberikan ruang pelestarian, agar tidak Gubernur hal produk fermentasi di Bali. Bali sangat memungkinkan untuk dijadikan sebagai punah dan dapat diwariskan kepada generasi percontohan untuk sentra minuman fermentasi atau destilasi tradisional khas nusantara melalui selanjutnya. pemberdayaan UKM, IKM. Dalam pengembangan kawasan sentra Konsep pemuliaan telah digunakan sejak minuman tradisional khas Bali ini diperlukan bantuan likuiditas menopang baik untuk restruk- jaman dahulu terhadap arak, sebagai sarana turisasi, relaksasi mau pun bantuan permodalan. Hal ini memerlukan kebijakan khusus dari pe- jamuan selamat datang dan penghormatan bagi merintah daerah dengan penyesuaian atau link match dengan aturan pusat sehingga mampu tamu kerajaan dengan se “sloki” arak. menggerakkan sektor riil dalam menggerakkan roda ekonomi. Arak juga digunakan sebagai sarana upa- “Arak Bali sebagai warisan budaya khas Bali keberadaannya sepatutnya mendapatkan pemu- cara, disetiap ritual upacara keagamaan umat liaan dan pemajuan sehingga mampu menda- patkan kualitas yang lebih baik sesuai standar Hindu --- upacara Dewa yadnya, Pitra yadnya, kualitas mutu sehingga nantinya mimiliki daya saing.” v BTNewspaper/Ketut Darmayasa Rsi yadnya, Manusa yadnya , mau pun Bhuta yadnya --- selalu menyuguhkan arak sebagai sarana pengastawa kehadapan Ida Sanghyang Widhi Wasa,Tuhan yang Maha Esa, dengan tetabuhan arak- berem. Arak adalah simbul aksara suci ahkara dan berem sebagai simbul aksara suci angkara. Hal ini terkait dengan mantra pengastawa sehubungan dengan Utpeti, Stiti dan Pralina menggunakan dasar dari sastra Rwa bhineda. Arak digunakan sebagai sarana usadha atau pengobatan, ketika dunia kedokteran modern belum berkembang. Masyarakat saat menga- tasi sakit sakit perut dengan mengoleskan arak di perut, jika sakit gigi, cukup berkumur arak, sakit gigi mereda dan hilang. Jl Karyamina No:99, Pangkalan Jati Baru, Cinere 16513 Rep. Bali Jln Gunung Talang I No.31B, Buana Indah Denpasar Barat 80118 Tlp. 62 85100426003 e-mail; [email protected] Jl. Pantai Kuta, 80361 Bali - Indonesia Jl. Padma 2, Legian,Kuta,Bali,Indonesia DINAS KOMUNIKASI, Tel : (62-361) 752208, Fax : (62-361) 754 852 P.O.Box 1003 TBB 80362 INFORMATIKA DAN STATISTIK PROVINSI BALI (DISKOMINFOS) Email : [email protected] Ph: 62 361 751381 – Fax : 62 361 752377 e-mail: [email protected] Jl. D. I. Panjaitan No.7, Denpasar, www.balimandira.com Telp.: (0361) 225859 Office : Jalan Kecak No. 12 Jalan Raya Sesetan No. 516 Gatot Subroto Timur - Bali 80239 Denpasar - Bali www.abi-bali.com ASOSIASI MEDIA BALI
”THtKheAcwaarredfsor& Accrepdeiotaptlieoann”discfooncsuesrsviantgioon the n sopf inriattuorfeB. ali, Vol. XI, No. 252 l 25 Juni - 10 Juli 2021 Rp 20.000 Eco-Enzym Percepat Zona Hijau di Bali Selengkapnya Baca Hal VI-VII follow: Bali Travel Newspapers @BTNewspapers
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