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Home Explore Clockhouse Lookbook

Clockhouse Lookbook

Published by Dennis Heinze, 2016-05-11 09:05:52

Description: Clockhouse Lookbook


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04 12 BoyAnArchy AcAdemics Meets Girl 20 This season, ‘boy meets girl’ takes on collections, the brand has found its PeAks a new meaning at Clockhouse. For own identity. Clockhouse is neitherTwin LAke 28 Autumn/Winter 2016, through com- boy nor girl, but a generation. PLAcid bining inspirations and connecting the aesthetics of the male and female Follow the movement @clockhouse

AnArchyClockhouse kicks off Autumn/Winter 2016 checks and faux leather components. Com-with a collection of punk and grunge inspired bining long length basics with indulgent, velvetpieces, updated with a romantic twist. Dedi- pieces creates the ultimate juxtaposition. Forcated to self-expression; fabrics and textures both genders, the highlight piece of the collec-are consistent with rebellion, while statement tion is a must-have in any anarchist’s wardrobe;details include zips, scribbled typography, the oversized check flannel shirt.34 KebFoyFATmuArxbieeBltAreTeAreJTADMhiCDcekersensTbimi|k&Fe|lrsAtCJncArbenCilobekxAlbeCllsTtkeho||uTiFroyulTrplA|iornveDgenessre|llAsiCCpsAhohTyioer|TTlCeA|rhCzeeripCeTkDDoeeprTAbiolAsruDper skinny

5 6 1 slouChy CArDigAn WiTh pATCh poCkeTs 2 mesh embroiDereD Top 3 super skinny loW rise JeAns in blACk reD WAsh 4 lACe up miliTAry booTs 5 pAisley prinT CoTTon bAnDAnA 6 velveT bomber JACkeT 7 high neCk peAsAnT blouse WiTh ruFFles 8 pu skirT WiTh sTuD DeTAil

11 20 109 19 18 13 21 12 14 227 8 15 25 24 17 23 16 17 lDACeTeA-CuhpAmb2ill1eiTslAuinrpyienrbgosAkoniTnD2s3nCyFo1r8nbinkTiknrgeAieTrsDTTJeAenFDAnAenkDbCeseksAFTpu2nue2riDAepsD2uAe109nDs2vTkr5epielbrupvllTAAeroiWTsxuuleCbisTeDokeyhsmpWpAsAbrTCrieTiukknrhDATJr2AbDWC4uCAeoiFkhnTTTFeAhiDglTTiAleohnsnA9 Fr1A1yleoDnCghleinCekseknDiynlonovynelrbosoWizmerbDiseeFrlJAe1n2AnnTeseClDoinDsThybToillrAinTnCebkuDA1r0nnbepmDoDiACemWnskbAheAeDser1h5mhJeADb1mCer4knopleiiiAmDnTiseesrl1k3ee1biyr6DsATupvCTrpWeokielpnpivrTATehCTk

26 27 28 29 31 30 329 10 34 3326 buFFWAilToh CTheDeCDpkyrilCnionTTinT3go0 ns2us9phFeiWArruTiTsxhk2li7nheAnrATniybh3Dbb3eieskrmDCebArrbiTikebJTeAebrbAnllneJieAADsCChpkkA3rTe1miTnmil2TWii8lTiiATC3TAr2hhyrFgehyiCbrnAhokengeoyoDeDoTCrssblADCeAmers3nDois4bDpbsgzAAClinlrpeoAAkpDrvAeFeDs

AcAdeMicssmart made cool. heading back-to-school, iconic scholarly elements like bow collars,the collection is full of darker hues like pine contrast piping and collegiate lettering.greens, cabernet reds and blues. emphasizing perfect preppy dressing, but with a quirkythe importance of details, the designs feature twist.11 12 K eClyuFoslAnokiigTnBtTlneinery|erMpiCilcboeskAAsnTTeiT|&Dsssk|tkiCncirnoenToilygxl|ChebltuTgooFisuWAFkTueyreCD|oFreCColhrslsniAenTArsomb||lg|ToCleueADsnbDeeypr|llonAineviDeTeDrsbiAzseeDbbAllAlzJeArCkeT

13 14 35 oversiZed bLaZer with pockets 36 bow bLouse with peter pan coLLar 37 gLen pLaid paper bag skirt 38 teddy faux fur coat 39 Long sLeeve conversationaL print bow bLouse

41 49 5040 42 48 53 43 52 16 5115 44 45 55 47 54 4640 CoTToJAnCAqi-nulAinnrAeDvCysoW4AeT4AWDTeeiTnrhim4T2eCDCuWDllioyATsThFsTupierCeiTDnbeeemrTr4Aepe7CDATghiniulnAemCbbnolbllepAllluCCAAekoriDl44lp45A3A6rbApso-eAl4rWTi1nCbrbehAelegCTolorsubAoksATiergT 48 FluFFsykbiroTuWCilTehCzAiprDDiegTAAFnillos4W95eC1rlCAposrnsinviCheTirbgCseohArTTneTiToeoCinnnkATrlsWeWpDriel5iAln55TD0TeTrDArAerr-sTle5sAi4snnsme5p3iD5nle2sei nbkAAiTiAlmneClnoDmkyvpsinAerkCriiibrkT

56 58 57 6016 59 17 61 62 63 56 Longlinoexfabopoprmldbiqseuhreijraltjceetka5te8netsBrianiinnsnsgeryaballaw5ot9lnal bCnbjluaduafccefpkkeeedp6ptab1pcclweBhaklriicntuk6ho5e3w7tpbLLeaiaatodncshndteefgy-cul6elaa0prinnpsSlinnene6leengv2lageakNldtnieaNhgrdvieniyng

Twin peaksFor the colder months, Clockhouse prepares earthy vibe. Keen to maintain layering as afor a revival of retro influences with an out- motif, the collection introduces faux lambskindoors inspired collection. The color palette is jackets designed to be worn with chunky knitsnatural, using autumnal shades to create an and cozy, winter boots.19 20 kedeYuFlCnoaogniragbTdraeeurTeerMido|cCcyKsdhn|soeuFiCTan&aLu|KddxoyeeTlsnnauweTimmerCxbawhsTsToKieTirCunho||brTlCrwaoaeTeCenseev|dseCo|rrwspeaTaoTimCoio/CloneoFanaFlTT-pwrruhinCiTTKese|rFjoarCeKseTT nighT

21 22 64 pArkA WiTh DeTAChAble FAux Fur AnD blAnkeT lining 65 brusheD CheCkeD blAnkeT sCArF 66 melAnge sWeATer WiTh leTTer embroiDery 67 CorDuroy DungAree 68 TAll FAux Fur lineD WinTer booTs 69 Wool mix rAglAn reTro CoAT 70 skinny rib high neCk sWeATer 71 CorDuroy bib Dress

74 78 79 80 7372 75 82 76 2423 77 83 72 Cor7D4uprAorykDAuWnigThAmrDeiexeTrA7AC3ghmlAAbenlleArnFeAgTurexosFWCuoerAAsTATWenr7De6WAbTClieThArhunnlk7eke7TTybTleerinnrugisbenihlmngAeebnDer7krCo5eehiWTDDeesoCkrConkyAeliTrDF 78 CorDuroy88b01ibFADurxelsAsmr7be9lseCkAionsnelvDoenprAgsTlACiTnhioeensCAoJAl8A2CTpkrFAei8nTu1Txs8Ckl3irAnlomFAnupCbyprseJekleDDiiAnnebnTeAlAsDvoilWibuAFoTisTAoeohurTxs

84 85 86 87 88 89 9025 26 9284 Ch eCJkAeCDk Fl A8nb6nrreAilbCsbehesDir8Tb8ebJsAAlTCen9rnki1eAeDiiTgnChro8Te5rWlADenonggueJeCbelkA8ens7FWssATiek-CnsAienhhTDneierTryATevsinDyT9DrmW1yeAoATl9DssCi2nvhshe5e-nJD98peT09ATAunrClnroueosenlCTWbkgTpooeiulTroinhnCT-eAsp eT

Lake pLacidFor the last offering of the winter season, distinctive, functional direction; the two col-Clockhouse takes us to one of the winter lections are united by an artic inspired colorsports capitals of the world - lake placid, ny. palette, softened by hints of icy pastels.Combining a retro ski mood with denim for accessories complete the look, with heavynewness, the range includes color-block pad- knitted skull beanies and bobble hats asded jackets and rib knits. with boys taking a must-have pieces.27 28 kebbiYFboinadmTribabTeersrsersipa|MaippcraaKsdTsaTd|ee&ardlnslsT-Kco|iTenvjioaneexCTroLKeTppedorrTuwien|unrThpeiorhTe|noepssCoa| hmddodiieninKT|ngm|irTixsoasnedsmmoaTKCeh rib KniTs

29 30 93 high neCk heAvy gAuge sWeATer 94 CroppeD sTrAighT leg DesTroyeD JeAns 95 JAquArD pATTern hooDeD ponCho 96 high WAisT CorDuroy shorTs 97 lACe DeTAil FAux Fur lineD booTs

106 107 105 98 100 99 101 104 108 10931 103 3298 CAble ksnWiTe1A0bT2oebrbl1J0eA1hCDAkTeenTi9m190bC3oohilrigeDrhusrWuoAiyTisbT1ib0C2oDsrrrkeDeinTsurnsroyo1JCy0eos0AlhnrooserrTmTbrisloDobJ1CA0lkqu4puesuAuWFrpAFDeAsrh 111 105 CroppgeADus1gT11e0r08AsiWlgoehnATTglelerigWnei1DT0qeh7suFJTiAAlrTCuoeqxyDueFbADunorrJemDeCbAbpokneAbsTrsbWTple1eAe0rAr6nTk1elh1Ahir0niog11Ceo0h1DA19DnbTWkeleADneiClnilpkTkToTnFheAenireTuDCAbrxvhhooyFAooluTlTrs

33 34 112 neoprene pArkA in grey 113 Allover mArble prinT hooDie 114 longline pique T-shirT 115 lighT grey rip AnD repAir ACiD WAsh JeAns 116 high Top sneAkers in WhiTe WiTh Con- TrAsT sole 117 longline bomber pArkA 118 hybriD FishermAn rib sWeATer 119 neoprene CuFFeD Jogger 120 high Top sneAkers in WhiTe WiTh ConTrAsT sole

122 128 123 129 121 127 124 3635 131 126 132 125 130 121 lighT1g2r3eryibrbipeDAnTuDrrmneApurApbirlbeeAApCrniDiineWTA1h2so4holJoDeniAengsl1i2n61e2h2piginqheuoTeopTrpW-essinhTneihrepTCAAkor1en2krT5AsrAiiAnnlslgWTorvsheeoiyTrlee 127 hybriD FisherbmeAAnnrieibinsWoFeFA1-T3We1 rhnieT1oe2p81r3leo0nnnegyCllouinFneFCebADommJoobgergroeplrAl-ru1kp3gA2brleA1oy2C9nkTg-pmsAlihnCinikireT

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