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Home Explore final volleyball handbook - huliganga & bunquin

final volleyball handbook - huliganga & bunquin

Published by Mary Gabriellee Huliganga, 2022-03-20 07:17:44

Description: final volleyball handbook - huliganga & bunquin


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INTRODUCTION Volleyball is a popular active sport in which two teams of two, four, or six players per group battle over a net by attempting to push the ball down on the opposing court according to a system of regulations. It is also a sport that many of us enjoyed as kids with our companions since it doesn't require a lot of gear ( play only with net and ball ). ORIGIN OF VOLLEYBALL Volleyball has a very long history, dating back to the game's inception as Mintonette. Volleyball or Mintonette was created in 1895 by American William G. Morgan, who had the concept for the new sport and the physical director of the Young Men's Christian ???Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, Massachusetts. The idea was to incorporate features of handball and tennis into a sport

EQUPMENTS OOFF VVOOLLLLEEYYBBAALLLL VBALL NET A net is typically used as a border to separate the player teams and to avoid unintentional accidents. During ball deliveries, athletes may inadvertently strike other team members. Nets are required to prevent tragic incidents as well as to conduct effective game practices. VBALL BALL Volleyball is particularly developed for usage on the various floors where the game is played. The ball is spherical and features eighteen rectangular-like leather panels placed on six separate panels. This leather covering is put around the ball's bladder. SCORE CARD TEAM A TEAM B During volleyball matches, scorecards are used to maintain score. They consist of a board with colored cards on it to represent two separate teams. The cards are flipped over the board to disclose various numbers.

EQUPMENTS OOFF VVOOLLLLEEYYBBAALLLL KNEE PADS Knee pads should be strong enough to protect your knees from crashes, slides, and flexible enough to allow you to bend easily. Knee pads support the patella, or kneecap, simply cushioning them, and also safeguard its underlying body's muscles by permitting safe movement. VBALL SHOES Volleyball shoes are made to withstand all the sport can throw at your feet with its explosive motions and dives, as well as to keep you from sliding and slipping all over the court, and allows the player to move the way the game demands.. VBALL SHORTS Having shorts where the cloth does not get in the way of that action tremendously increases performance and comfort. This allows the players to easily glide over the floor to dig a ball and reduces floor burn produced by friction between the two surfaces.


RRUULLEES AANNDD RREEGGUULATIIOONNSS SERVE Server must serve from behind the end line (dark green/blue) until after contact. Ball may be served underhand or overhand. Ball must be clearly visible to opponents before serve. Served ball may graze the net and drop to the other side for a point. First game serve is determined by a volley, each subsequent game shall be served by the previous game loser. Serve must be returned by a bump only. No setting or attacking a serve. SCORING Volleyball scoring is straightforward, although it has evolved through time. The majority of matches are separated into sets. A typical match may be a best-of- five series in which the first side to win five sets wins the contest. In each set, the first team reach 25 points wins if they are ahead by two points. Every rally, regardless of whose team serves, results in a point. Previously, only the volleyball team serving could score a point on a victorious rally. In addition, sets were often played to 15 points. PLAYING THE GAME Maximum of three (3) hits per side. Player may not hit the ball twice in succession (a block is not considered a hit). Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on serve. A ball touching a boundary line is good. A legal hit is contact with the ball by a players’ body above and including the waist which does not allow the ball to visibly come to a rest. If two or more players contact the ball simultaneously, it is considered one play and the players involved may not participate in the next play. A player must not block or attack a serve. Switching positions will be allowed only between front line players.

VVOOLLLLEEYYBBAALLLL POSITIONS SETTER This position is effectively the team's P1 quarterback or point guard. The offense of a team is managed by a setter. A setter should be able to recognize the opponent's blockers and isolate the weakest one. OPPOSITE Opposite hitters are the most versatile HITTER players, capable of excelling on both offense and defense. The opposite hitter P2 must also be able to leap well. They must MIDDLE also be prepared to set the ball if the HITTER setter is unable to do so. P3 The tallest player usually plays here. The middle defends the center of the net and must anticipate the opponent's rapid middle strikes. They must also go to either side to assist teammates in closing blocks with the opposing hitter and outside hitter.

VVOOLLLLEEYYBBAALLLL POSITIONS The outside hitter is frequently the main OUTSIDE point of the offensive, completing the HITTER majority of the attack hits. They must be able to adjust to sets from any direction P4 and hit from both the front and back rows. Defensive specialists are used to replace DEFENSIVE players who do not have the necessary SPECIALIST talents for the back row. Defensive specialists, unlike liberos, must make a P5 replacement with the officials. This is another position where defense is essential. Liberos only engage in the back row and LIBERO P6 frequently receive the ball or serve. Players with strong passing and defensive skills are the most successful at this position. If the setter is not available, they may have to set the ball from the back row.

GLOSSARY OF TERMS BLOCK A defensive play made by one or two or three players to redirect a spiked ball back to the hitter's court . An assist is given ASSIST to a player who passes, sets, or digs a ball straight to a teammate who is credited with a kill . ATTACK The act of striking the ball offensively. One team's effort to end the game by hitting the ball on the ground of the other team's side . An play intended to DECOY conceal the spiker who will receive the set, in charge of confusing the opposing blockers and defenders .



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