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Published by rdaccache, 2021-05-27 06:57:50

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My second project Now that you know how to create a Power Point presentation formed of multiple slides, create a presentation in order to present to your friends the process of recycling from home. Before you start creating your presentation, try to do research on the Internet to have some ideas about the content of your presentation. The First Slide On the first slide, add a picture of you or for a recycling process. Know more about recycling I recycle @home The second Slide After having done research on the internet about the recycling process, list some useful steps in order to start sorting at home. The third Slide Your slides should contain some pictures of recycling in order to make your project more attractive. Watch the tutorial lesson Right Click | Grade 4 51Online Resources:

Chapter 5: Power Point | Lesson 3 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Animating an object on a Slide 2- Creating a transition between slides 1 Animations and Transitions Animating pictures and titles are created in order to have attractive presentations. Select the picture or the title From the main menu, select you want to animate. Animation. Select the type of animation Set the parameters of the you want to apply on the picture animation: start and duration. or title. Creating transitions between slides Transitions between slides will create attractive effects while passing on from a slide to another. From the main menu, select Examine the different types of Transitions. transitions displayed. Set the parameters of the transition : Sound and Duration. My third project It is time to create a project which requires a series of slides equal to the number of your family members. Give a colour to each slide. Indicate the name, the occupation and the hobbies of each person on the slide. My fourth project Create a Power Point presentation formed of at least 10 slides to show 10 countries. For each country, display its name, its capital, a picture and its flag. Add animations and transitions to make your project more attractive. 52 Watch the tutorial lesson Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for more updates and news: /LinfoPourTous

Robotics Right Click | Grade 4 53Online Resources:

Chapter 6: Robotics | Lesson 1 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Defining a robot 2- Getting acquainted with the EV3 robot 3- Recognizing the parts of a robot Introduction to robotics What is a robot? The robot is a mechanical construction that can be programmed from a computer. It has got artificial intelligence that enables it to perform simple or complex missions by itself. Measuring temperature Moving objects with high degree of precision Manufacturing cars This is a mission This is a mission This is a mission Where do we find a robot? A robot is used in different domains. An industrial robot in a factory A robot used to water a wheat field. A robot to discover the moon Educational robots are used for teaching LEGO robotics in schools. The best-known brands are LEGO and VEX. VEX Remark Professional and educational robots have the same working principle. The only difference is the degree of precision. Watch the tutorial lesson 54

Robotics in schools The EV3 robot The robot used in this chapter is the EV3 made by LEGO Education. The EV3 robot is made up of five parts: the skeleton, the brain, the motors, the sensors and the software. The 5 parts of a Robot EV3: Evolution, 3rd generation The LEGO pieces to build the skeleton of the robot. The intelligent brick considered to be the brain of the robot. Three motors (2 large and 1 medium) used to program the actions of the robot. The motors are plugged into the intelligent brick at ports A B C D. Four sensors that enable the robot to recognize its environment. The sensors are plugged into the intelligent brick at ports 1 2 3 4. The software Lego Mindstorms used to build a robotic mission. True or False True False Right Click | Grade 4 1- A robot may take several shapes. True False 2- A robot needs a memory to store information. True False 3- A robot can move without motors. True False 4- The sensors may be compared to the five human senses. True False 5- A robot is programmed from a computer. 55Online Resources:

Objectives Chapter 6: Robotics | Lesson 2 1- Identifying the use of Mindstorms 2- Identifying its components. 3- Using the block “Move Tank” discovering the software lego mindstorm The use of the software The software Lego Mindstorms is used to program robotic The Icon of missions to be executed by the EV3 robot. Look at its icon Lego Mindstorms Downloading the software The software Lego Mindstorms can be downloaded free of charge from the following link: The first screen of the program The first screen of the program Lego Mindstorms is composed of the elements below: Click on to create a new mission. The mission must always begin with the block Start. Look at the different categories of blocks: Action, Flow Control, Sensors Look at the Port View screen displaying the status of both motors and sensors. Click on to download the mission built on the intelligent brick of the robot. The connection is made by using a USB cable or a Bluetooth connection. 56 Watch the tutorial lesson

My robot moves In the category “Action”, choose the block “Move Tank” which helps you manage the power of the motors. Click on the Setup button to select the action mode from the suggested list. Set the power of the motors to 100 for maximum power. Set the duration of the action. This value corresponds to the mode chosen. (Seconds, degrees, motor rotation). Match each definition with the appropriate motor mode. A Start the motor for a certain number of seconds B Turn off the motors C Start the motors D Start the motors for a certain number of wheel rotations E Start the motors for a certain number of degrees Try the blocks below. Then match each one with the appropriate statement. The robot goes forward for one second. The robot goes backward for one second. The robot turns left for one second. The robot turns right for one second. 57Online Resources: Right Click | Grade 4

Chapter 6: Robotics | Lesson 3 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Programming the robot to play sounds 2- Displaying an image on the EV3 screen 3- Using the block Wait My robot plays music To make the robot play a musical note, follow these steps: From the category Action, select the block Sound Click on Setup and choose Play Note. Select the note desired. The musical note is played for four seconds. My robot speaks It is possible to choose a sound from the Lego Sound Files library. From the category Action, select the block Sound. Select the mode Play File to import a sound. Click on File Name. Then choose a sound from the list Lego Sound Files. My robot reproduces my voice It is possible to record your voice in order to be played by the robot. From the main menu, execute the command Tools - Sound Editor. Click on the button Record to record your voice. Once you save the recorded voice, it will be available to be used in the block Sound. 58 Watch the tutorial lesson

My robot has a personality Right Click | Grade 4 To give life to the robot, it is possible to display an image on the screen of the intelligent brick. Choose the block Display from the category Action. Select the mode Image. Click on File Name. Then choose an image from the list Lego Image Files. Since you can’t set the duration of the displayed image on the screen of the robot, you should do it manually. Use the block Wait from the category Flow Control. Add the block Wait to the mission, and set the duration of the display for 2 seconds. A mission to perform Start the program LEGO Mindstorms and build the blocks according to the instructions below: The robot goes forward for 3 seconds It waits for 2 seconds It plays the sound «Hello» (Lego Sound - Communication) It goes backward for 2 wheel rotations It displays on the screen the image «Big smile» for 3 seconds It turns off the motors It plays the sound «Goodbye» (Lego Sound - Communication) 59Online Resources:

Chapter 6: Robotics | Lesson 4 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Making the robot move forward and backward 2- Making the robot turn left and right Mastering the movements of my robot To control the distance made by the robot, two technics are possible. First experiment How many centimetres can a robot travel in one second? Use the block Move Tank in On for seconds mode for a duration of one second. Set the speed of motors B and C to 20. Mark the initial position of the wheels. Launch 3 seconds the mission and mark the final position. Distance in cm ? Measure the distance travelled in centimetres. Our robot travelled 30 centimetres in 3 seconds. What is the distance travelled by your robot in centimetres? Second experiment Find the number of seconds needed to travel a certain distance in centimetres. Use the block Move Tank in On for seconds mode for 30 seconds. Set the power of motors B and C to 20. Delimit a distance of 20 centimetres by 2 extremities. Use a chronometer to know the number of seconds Seconds ? needed by the robot to travel 20 centimetres. 20 cm The robot took 2 seconds to travel 20 cm. How much time did your robot need to travel 20 centimetres? 60 Watch the tutorial lesson

Time to practise Distance to travel Time needed in seconds 80 centimetres Now it is your turn to experiment how much your 100 centimetres robot will need to travel a specific distance. Make  sure that your robot is well charged to guarantee a stable functioning of the motors. Remark The distance travelled in one second may vary from one robot to another according to the condition of the batteries, the nature of the ground, the dimensions of the wheels, etc. Controlling the rotation of the robot To make the robot turn a specific angle (360o - 180o - 90o), perform the following mission: Making the robot turn 3600 Find the number of wheel rotations needed to make the robot rotate 3600. Place the robot on a strip to recognize the initial position of the wheels. Use the block Move Tank in On for Rotations mode. Set the power of the 2 motors as follows: B=100, C=0. After a series of experimentations, you can conclude that 3.8 wheel rotations make the robot turn 360 degrees. Making the robot turn 3600 - 1800 - 900 Find the number of wheel rotations needed to make your robot turn. 3600 1800 900 rotations rotations rotations Right Click | Grade 4 61Online Resources:

Chapter 6: Robotics | Lesson 5 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Programming the robot to detect a colour 2- Performing robotic missions My robot recognizes colour The Colour sensor can detect eight colours: black - blue - green - yellow - red - white - brown - no colour. A mission to perform In order to understand the functioning of the colour sensor, let us proceed by an experimentation. The robot moves forward with a power of 80% and stops when the colour sensor detects the black colour. Build the three blocks needed to perform the mission. 1. Start the 2. Wait until the robot 3. Tu r n off t he motors d ete cts t he b lack co lo u r. motors Since the distance the robot has to travel to reach the black line is unknown, use the block Move tank in On mode. Add the block Wait and select the mode Colour Sensor. Then choose the black colour. The value [1] corresponds to the black colour. NB: The block Wait commands the robot to wait for the detection of the black colour. Once the black colour is detected, the robot executes the block: Motor Off. 62 Watch the tutorial lesson

A mission to perform Right Click | Grade 4 Use an adhesive tape to mark a red line and a black one. Start the program Lego Mindstorms and build the following mission: Execute the mission and describe the result obtained. Add to the mission two Sound blocks so that the robot plays the sound Black if the sensor detects the black colour, and plays the sound Red if it detects the red colour. A mission to perform Use an adhesive tape to mark 3 lines as indicated on the right. Start the program Lego Mindstorms and build the mission according to the instructions below: The robot goes straight ahead in “On” mode. It waits for the detection of the red colour. It turns off the motors. It turns 900 to the right. It goes straight ahead again in “On” mode. It waits for the detection of the black colour. It turns 1800 to the right. It goes straight ahead again in “On” mode. It waits for the detection of the green colour. It turns off the motors. 63Online Resources:

Chapter 6: Robotics | Lesson 6 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Programming the robot to detect an obstacle 2- Using the block loop to create loops 3- Exiting a loop My robot detects obstacles The Ultrasonic Sensor measures the distance between the robot and an object in front of it. A mission to perform In order to understand the functioning of the ultrasonic sensor, let us proceed by an experimentation. The robot moves forward with a power of 30% and stops when the ultrasonic sensor detects an object at a distance of 30 centimetres. Build the three blocks needed to perform the mission. 1. Start the 2. Wait until the robot 3. Tu r n off t he motors detects an object motors Since the distance the robot has to travel to reach an object is unknown, use the block Move tank in On mode. Add the block Wait and choose Ultrasonic Sensor - Compare - Distance Centimetres. The value [4] corresponds to the sign less than. Once the object is detected, the robot starts to execute the following block: Motor Off. 64

To repeat a set of instructions Right Click | Grade 4 In Scratch, use the blocks or In Lego Mindstorms, use the block Loop. The setup button of the Loop determines the mode of exiting the loop. Exercise Try the missions below. Then match each one with the appropriate result. 1 The robot moves forward and never stops. 2 The robot moves forward and then turns as if it was drawing a square. 3 The robot moves straight ahead until it detects an obstacle. 65Online Resources:

Chapter 6: Robotics | Lesson 7 O b j ec t i v e s Building robotics projects Mission 1 Build a mission in order to change the picture on the robot’s screen according to the status of the touch sensor button. - If the touch sensor is pressed, the EV3 robot will display the expression «Big Smile». - If not, the robot will display the expression «Sad». Mission 2 Build a mission by using the two blocks Wait and Move Tank. Change the mode of the Wait block to Brick Buttons. What happens if the middle button of the brick is pressed? Mission 3 Describe the mission on the right. More ideas... more Projects To discover more projects on Robotics, visit the link 66 Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for more updates and news: /LinfoPourTous

Algorithm Right Click | Grade 4 67Online Resources:

Chapter 7: Algorithm | Lesson 1 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Identifying a programming language 2- Solving exercises related to logic. 3- Introducing “algorithm” introduction A computer is a machine that executes the instructions provided by the user. Without these instructions, computers are unable to perform any task. Exercise 1 Fill in the blank with the appropriate word: programmer - software - programming language - instructions. A computer is composed of two parts: the hardware and the A program is a series of executed by the computer. The program is written using The is the person who masters a computer language to write software and applications. Reminder The programmer uses a programming language to create programs that are dedicated for users. Exercise 2 Put each of the following terms under the correct heading: an ATM machine - a student - an application, - a game - a doctor - a program - a teacher - a smart phone - a computer. Hardware Software User Exercise 3 Choose the appropriate code to each of the following communication situations. 1. English language 2. Programming language 68

Thinking like a programmer Exiting the labyrinth Use the four-direction arrow to indicate the three paths the robot takes to exit the labyrinth. EXIT Write the code 1. 2. 3. Climbing the stairs 2 1 To climb the stairs, Hoda can take one or two steps at a time. Use the numbers 1 and 2 to write six possible codes so that Hoda reaches the last step. Write the code 3 5 1 221 24 6 Remember An algorithm is a series of instructions that enables you to perform a task or a mission. To Support Distance Learning 69 Right Click | Grade 4 Online Resources:

Chapter 7: Algorithm | Lesson 2 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Identifying an algorithm in daily life 2- Identifying and writing a computer algorithm In daily life Most of our daily activities are based on a logical reasoning called algorithm. Example: A cake recipe is based on the following algorithm: 1. Prepare the ingredients 2. Mix the ingredients 3. Put the mix in the oven 4. Wait for 30 minutes 5. ....... 6. Taste it An algorithm is a series of instructions that produces a good result once correctly given. exercise 1: writing an algorithm Write the different steps to withdraw money from an ATM: 1. Insert the card in the ATM 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. exercise 2: solving an algorithm Give the result of the following algorithm: 1. Choose a number The first number is 2. Choose another number The second number is 3. Add the two numbers 4. Display the result The sum of the two numbers 70 Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for more updates and news: /LinfoPourTous

In computer science Use the following algorithm to add two numbers. Start An algorithm should start with the two instructions Read number1 «Start» and «End». Read number2 Sum = number1 + number2 The instruction «Read» enables the user to enter a Write Sum value from the keyboard (a,b,c...z, 1,2,... !,@,$,&...). End “number1” and “number2” are two boxes on the computer’s memory that contain the values typed by the user. “Sum” is a box that contains the sum of “number1” and “number2”. The instruction “WRITE” displays the result on the computer’s screen. Exercise 3: writing an algorithm Write the algorithm that enables you to type three numbers from the keyboard and to display their sum. Start End 71Online Resources: Right Click | Grade 4

Chapter 7: Algorithm | Lesson 3 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Identifying a conditional statement 2- Using the command “IF” Algorithm and condition The snails are sorted in the following order: If the snails pass through the black tunnel, their order will be modified as follows. If the snails pass through the red tunnel, they will keep the same order. Make the snails pass through the 3 tunnels as shown below and then draw their final order. Black tunnel Red tunnel Black tunnel I draw Reaching a goal (the figure on the next page) The robot has to reach the green square that is found on the chessboard. The red arrow indicates the beginning of the path. The black squares are obstacles that the robot cannot cross. The robot applies the following algorithm. It goes straight ahead along the arrow until it reaches an obstacle. If it reaches an obstacle, it turns 90º to the right, and continues its path straight ahead as long as possible. 72

AB CD On which chessboard the robot will NOT reach its goal? Write the answer Conditions in computer language The command “If” is used to evaluate a condition in order to display the correct result. Example: Write an algorithm that enables you to type a number and to display the following: 1- If the number is > 10, display the message “number greater than 10”. 2- If the number is < 10, display the message “number less than 10.” Start Condition Read number If number >10 Then Message displayed if Display “number greater than 10” condition verified. Else Display “number less than 10” Message displayed if condition unverified. End Right Click | Grade 4 73Online Resources:

Chapter 7: Algorithm | Lesson 4 Go further Exercise 1 To draw the points on a 9d0icoe», use the code below: The command «turn makes the dice turn 90 degrees clockwise. Code-0 Code-1 Code-2 Code-3 Examine the steps below to draw the dice that matches with the code: Code-2, Turn 90, code-2, Code-1 900 Draw the points corresponding to each code: Code-2, Code-1 Code-2, turn 90, code-2 Code-2, turn 90, code-2, Code-0, Code-3 Exercise 2 Put the lines below in the correct order to write the algorithm that displays the product of two numbers. Write Product Read Number1 End Read Number2 Start Product = Number1*Number2 Exercise 3 The user types the value 10 for both number1 and number2. Write below the message displayed. Read the following algorithm. number1 number2 Message Start Read number1 10 4 Read number2 20 35 Sum = number1+number2 If Sum >50 Then Write «The sum is greater than 50» Else Write «The sum is less than 50» End 74

From algorithm to coding Right Click | Grade 4 75Online Resources:

Chapter 8: From Algorithm to Coding | Lesson 1 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Identifying the use of a loop in programming 2- Converting an algorithm into a code The loops - algorithm Exercise 1 Use the commands Move 100 steps and Turn 90 to write the algorithm that enables you to draw a square with the minimum number of steps. Move 100 steps Turn 90 Use the command “Repeat…times”. Then write the algorithm that allows you to draw a square. Exercise 2 Find the series of blocks repeated in each of the scripts below. Then rebuild them in Scratch by using the command 76 Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for more updates and news: /LinfoPourTous

What is a loop? The loop helps you repeat a set of instructions several times. Here is a diagram that explains the functioning of the loop. The computer reads The blocks inside the instructions from the loop will be top to bottom. repeated forever. code Look at the algorithms below. Build the appropriate scripts in Scratch. Then draw the result obtained. (Each line corresponds to a block). Exercise 1 Result Steps 1. When the letter “c” is pressed 2. Set the pen thickness to 5 3. Repeat the blocks 10 times: Make 100 steps forward Make 100 steps backward Turn 36º to the right Exercise 2 Result Steps 1. When the letter “e” is pressed 2. Put the pen in writing position 3. Repeat the blocks 10 times: Make 20 steps forward Turn 900 to the left Make 20 steps forward Turn 900 to the right Remark Do not forget to build the eraser block in order to: 1. Delete all the drawings Right Click | Grade 4 2. Position the Sprite at its initial coordinates 77Online Resources:

Chapter 8: From Algorithm to Coding | Lesson 2 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Learning how to draw polygons 2- Building the script of a regular polygon The loops - algorithm Exercise 1 The scripts below enable you to draw regular polygons*. Build them in Scratch and draw the results obtained. What is the number of sides in the first polygon? What is the number of sides in the second polygon? What is the number of sides in the third polygon? Identify the algorithm that helps you draw regular polygons. 50 600 * Regular polygons have all sides equal and all angles equal. 78

The rule of rotation Number of sides Length of a side To have a regular polygon, divide 3600 by the number of sides you want. 3600 is the sum of degrees that enables you to have a complete rotation. Angle of rotation = 360/number of sides code Exercise 1 3 * 120 = 360 Use the concept of rotation to draw the figures below in Scratch. 4 * 90 = 360 360 A hexagon An octagon 5 * 72 = 360 30 20 6 * 60 = 360 8 * 45 = 360 9 * 40 = 360 360 10 * 36 = 360 360 12 * 30 = 360 15 * 24 = 18 * 20 = 20 * 18 = ... Exercise 2 Try the following scripts in Scratch. Then draw the result obtained. 79Online Resources: Right Click | Grade 4

Chapter 8: From Algorithm to Coding | Lesson 3 O b j e c t i v e s 1- Building Embedded Repeat in a program 2- Completing scripts in order to have regular shapes The loops - algorithm Exercise 1 The following script enables you to draw a triangle. Try it in Scratch and draw the figure obtained. An embedded Repeat is a loop placed in another Repeat. Draw a triangle Repeat the process of drawing the triangle 3 times Exercise 2 Use embedded Repeat to write the algorithm that enables you to repeat a square 10 times: Exercise 3 Put the instructions in the correct order. Then rebuild the algorithm related to the shape below: Repeat 5 times Move 50 steps backward Repeat 4 times Move 30 steps forward Turn 90 degrees Move 50 steps forward Turn 72 degrees 80 Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for more updates and news: /LinfoPourTous

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