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Home Explore Singapore Botanic Gardens Rebrand

Singapore Botanic Gardens Rebrand

Published by christianneabby, 2019-05-21 10:51:50

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S I NGA POR E botanic gardens

Contents 01 About the Brand Brand History Brand Experience Brand Promise Brand Values 02 Our Logo Corporate Logo Clear Space & Minimum Size Logo Positioning Logo Usage Logo Variations Typography & Colour Brand Collaterals 03 Brand Touchpoints

About the Brand 1

Brand History In 1822, the first “Botanical and Experimental Garden” in Singapore was established at Fort Canning by Sir Stamford Raffles, the founder of modern Singapore. 3


In its early years, the Gardens played an important role in fostering agricultural development in Singapore and the region through collecting, growing, experimenting and distributing potentially useful plants. It even spearheaded orchid breeding from 1928, and started its very own orchid hybridisation programme, facilitated by new in vitro techniques pioneered in its laboratories. 6

Today, the Singapore Botanic Gardens is a leading botanical institute, playing a key role in Singapore’s Garden City programme through continual introduction of horticultural and botanical interest. The Gardens foster the agricultural development in Singapore and the region, and is the only tropical gar- den to be honoured as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


The Brand Experience Founded in 1859, The Singapore Botanic Gardens is a world renown tourist attraction, and the pride and joy of all Singaporeans. 9


Filled with exotic flora and fauna, and soaked in its rich inheritance of the colonial times, the Singapore Botanic Gardens today stands for a garden of the future, with its state of the art design and technology. The Singapore Botanic Gardens is commited to providing exellence in exhibition and conservation of its horticultural heritage, and advancement in education and research. 12


We will ensure that the Singapore Botanic Gardens remains a contemporary and compelling attraction. One that brings to life the many wonders of Singapore’s horticultural heritage blended with the endowments of the future.

Our Brand Promise The Singapore Botanic Gardens ... 15

The Garden that cherishes its past, celebrates the present, and embraces the future.

Brand Attributes Honest Innovative Visionary Steadfast Ultra-Modern Family Oriented 17

Relevant Influential Wisdom Growth Groundbreaking Timeless 18

Our Core Values Growth Growth is a key attribute to the Singapore Botanic Gardens. They believe that growth in quality and performance are vital for the satisfaction of their customers. Innovation Innovation is creativity put into action. This is crucial to the continuing success of the organisation. Singapore Botanic Gardens is constantly looking for ways to improve its brand experience and services. Steadfast Singapore Botanic Gardens believes in consistency and stability. It is the foundation of their customer experience, and exellence in research and education. Visionary Singapore Botanic Gardens looks to the future with positive expectations and a plan for realising those expectations. It hopes to continue being a place of horticultural heritage, education and research. Wisdom Wisdom is having a deep understanding, which helps a person to make good choices. Singapore Botanic Gardens’ consistency and reliability stands on its ethics, knowing that hard work and good intentions can make a difference. 19


Brand Elements 21

Corporate Logo Our logo is the key building block of our identity, the primary visual element that identifies the brand. It projects Singapore Botanic Gardens’ core values, reflecting on its attributes of wisdom and security. Growth and Stability A tree is used as the graphic element in the Singapore Botanic Gardens logo. It firstly, symbolises the trees in the Gardens. Trees are also a symbol of life, growth and stability. Visionary Spheres are used to represent the leaves on the tree. These circles symbolise unity and a cycle that never ends. S I NGA POR E Timeless botanic gardens To complement the graphic element in the logo, a clean, rounded typeface has been applied. Making it modern and timeless. 23

bbSS ooII ttaaNN nnGGiiccAAggaaPP rrOOddeeRRnnssEE bbSS ooII ttaaNN nnGGiiccAAggaaPP rrOOddeeRRnnssEE 24

Corporate Logo The Singapore Botanic Gardens logo cannot stand by itself. The logo has two different compositions, that will be treated differently for different layouts. Centralised Signature S I NGA POR E x botanic gardens S I NGA POR E botanic gardens 25

Left-Justified Signature S I NGA POR E xS I NGA POR E botanic gardens botanic gardens 26

Minimum Size In order to ensure the visibility and impact of the identity, these are the minimum size requirement for the Singapore Botanic Gardens logo. 1.43 cm S I NGA POR E botanic gardens 5 cm S I NGA POR E botanic gardens 1.43 cm 5 cm 27

Clear Space In order to ensure the visibility and impact of the identity, these are the minimum clear space of the Singapore Botanic Gardens logo. No other graphic elements should invade this space. 6mm 6mm 6mm S I N G A P O R E 6mm bbS ooI ttaaN nnGiiccAggaaP rrOddeeRnnssE 6mm 6mm 6mm 6mm S I NGA POR E bbS ooI ttaaN nnGiiccAggaaP rrOddeeRnnssE 6mm 6mm 6mm 6mm 28

Positioning The Singapore Botanic Gardens’ logo ideally always appears on the center or on the left of any communication material when it is being used as the lead message. S I NGA botanic g S I NGA POR E botanic gardens 29

It is preferred that the logo is scaled to the various column’s widths and can be moved up or down within those column guides. S I NGA POR E botanic gardens 30

Unacceptable Usage A few rules are necessary for maintaining the integrity of the brand. Do not compromise the overall look of the logo by rotating, skewing, or distorting in any way. This includes adding unnecessary and unattractive text decorations like drop shadows and outlines. The following are a few examples of how a logo should not be used. A. B. C. 31

A. Do not rotate the logo. E. Refrain from adding dropshad- B. Do not skew or stretch the logo. ows or other text styles (bevel, C. Do not change the composition emboss, gradient, outline, etc). or resize any part of the logo. F. Do not box up the logo when D. Do not change the colour of used on a background. Stick to any part of the logo. Stick to the the logos in the colour usage logos in the colour usage guide. guide. D. E. F. S I NGA POR E S I NGA POR E botanic gardens botanic gardens 32

Logo Variations The Singapore Botanic Gardens’ logo variations consist of centralised and left justified signatures, in 4 varying colours. S I NGA POR E S I NGA POR E botanic gardens botanic gardens S I NGA POR E S I NGA POR E botanic gardens botanic gardens 33

These can be used in replacement of the primary logo (but should never be used directly next to the primary logo in the same design). S I NGA POR E S I NGA POR E botanic gardens botanic gardens S I NGA POR E S I NGA POR E botanic gardens botanic gardens 34

Typography Typography is a powerful tool when it comes to crafting a brand or identity when used consistently. These set of carefully selected typefaces best repre- sent the modern and airy feel of the brand and will be used across all print and web applications. The typefaces selected for the Singapore Botanic Gardens’ logo are Opificio Neue Regular and Muller Thin. Muller Thin is always displayed in uppercase with wide kerning, while Opificio Neue is displayed in lowercase. Opificio Neue Regular Muller Thin ABCDEFGHIJKLM ABCDEFGHIJKLM N O P Q R ST U V W X Y Z NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 1 234567890 35

Colour Palette Singapore Botanic Gardens uses silver and white as the primary colour for its branding. The colour silver is associated with modernity, intellect and time- lessness, while the colour white represents self-sufficiency and wholeness. Black and grey on the other hand, are secondary colours that are only used when the logo is inversed. Primary Colours C: 20 M: 16 Y: 16 K: 1 R: 210 G: 208 B: 208 #D2D0D0 C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 0 R: 255 G: 255 B: 255 #FFFFFF Secondary Colours C: 42 M: 33 Y: 33 K: 12 R: 150 G: 150 B: 150 #969696 C: 91 M: 79 Y: 62 K: 97 R: 0 G: 0 B: 0 # 000000 36

Brand Collaterals S I NGA POR E botanic gardens 1 Cluny Road, Singapore 259569 Tel: +65 6471 7138 Fax: +65 6473 7983 Letterhead Dimension: 210 × 297 mm 37

S I NGA POR E botanic gardens 1 Cluny Road, Singapore 259569 Tel: +65 6471 7138 Fax: +65 6473 7983 Envelope Dimension: 220 x 110 mm 38

Business Card Dimension: 88.9 × 50.8 mm 39

S I NGA POR E botanic gardens Christianne Cai Laboratory Researcher +65 6471 7138 [email protected] 1 Cluny Road, Singapore 259569 40



Brand Touchpoints The main concerns while rebranding the Singapore Botanic Gardens was regarding its wayfinding, relevancy to competitors, convenience and its overall appeal to varying demographics, while safeguarding its historical heritage. 45

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