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Home Explore English Listening and Speaking 2

English Listening and Speaking 2

Published by saowanee_ruenkaew, 2017-09-07 05:01:08

Description: Unit 1 Pronunciation


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ENGLISH LISTENING Vocational AND SPEAKING 2 Education CommissionCode 2000-1204 Curriculum Year 2556

1 Unit 1 Pronunciation PretestDirection (Page 3) : Choose the best answer.1. I don’t want to………… this evening. a. play2. How do you read the word “stick”? c. stick3. How do you read the word “small boy”? c. small boy4. How do you read the word “classroom”? a. classroom5. How do you read the word “beautiful”? c. beautiful6. How do you read the word “hospital”? a. hospital7. How do you read the word “dinner”? a. dinner8. How do you read the word “police”? b. police9. How do you read the word “professor”? b. professor10. How do you read the word “philosopher”? b. philosopher

2Exercise 1 (Page 4) : Complete sentences by using the words provided in the box.1. Please eat all the cheese.2. Do you know where the lift is? I want to go to the tenth floor.3. Don’t wait until you are wet.4. I’ll have to repair the electrical equipments.5. Tanpong works as a teacher at Bangkok Suksa school.6. Be careful to push the door. Someone is behind it.7. Most people give red roses to others on Valentine’s Day.8. Nina bought a new mobile phone yesterday.9. If you want to pass the exam, you have to study hard.10. Bruce Willis is a well–known actor.12. The customer is looking for a pair of jeans.13. After the accident, she shocked and started to cry.14. I’ve to go now. See you later.15. Don’t leave oil on the floor, someone will slip on the floor.Practice 1 (Page 7) : Listen to the words, write the primary stress / / (พยางค์ท่ีมีเสียงดงั และแนน่กวา่ พยางค์อื่น) in each word.Example 1. paper = paper 2. stick = stick3. answer = answer 4. hospital = hospital5. specialist = specialist 6. remember = remember7. money = money 8. canal = canal9. abandon = abandon 10. property = property11. report = report 12. accomplish = accomplish13. country = country 14. orientation = orientation15. father = father 16. democracy = democracy17. purchase = purchase 18. present (v) = present19. contract = contract 20. philosophy = philosophy

3Practice 2 (Page 7) : Listen to the compound words, write the primary–tertiary / / in each word. (เสียงเน้นหนกั ที่สดุ จะอยบู่ นคาแรกของคาประสม และคาหลงั จะเป็นเสียง เน้นหนกั ระดบั ที่ 3)Example 1. classroom = classroom 2. movie star = movie star 3. railroad = railroad 4. blackboard = blackboard 5. highway = highway 6. swimming pool = swimming pool 7. headache = headache 8. schoolboy = schoolboy 9. police station = police station 10. wristwatch = wristwatch 11. haircut = haircut 12. English teacher = English teacher 13. barber shop = barber shop 14. factory worker = factory worker 15. coffee shop = coffee shop 16. department store = department store 17. restroom = restroom 18. policeman = policeman 19. bank teller = bank teller 20. post office = post officePractice 3 (Page 8) : Listen to their conversation and fill the missing words.Situation : Bamby and Tom are talking during their lunch time at the canteen.Bamby : Hi Tom, sit in the seat.Tom : Thanks. What are you eating?Bamby : I’m eating beans. Could you help me to take the crust to the bin.Tom : O.K. Oh! There is some food on my right foot. I’ll go to wash it and come back. Where’s the toilet?Bamby : Go straight along the street.Tom : Please order lemon juice and salmon steak for me.Bamby : Can I test the taste before you come back?Tom : If you do that, I’ll pull you in the swimming pool. Um… please buy me a piece of pie too.

4Bamby : Anything else?Tom : That is all. I’m afraid I’ll be fat.Bamby : Beware of take care your health.Practice 4 (Page 8) : Listen to the following sentences, then listen again and check the sentences you hear. If it’s true write “Yes”, false write “No” and correct the false sentences.Yes 1. I guess you want gas.No 2. This bad is bed.No 3. That full is never fool.Yes 4. Take more rest or you’ll get a sore throat.No 5. There are boats in the goats.Yes 6. How tall is John?Yes 7. Do you know that wine is mine?No 8. In summer, the fine is sunshine.No 9. Oil I want one gallon is all.Yes 10. There are safety signs beside you.Practice 5 (Page 9) : Listen to someone’s information and choose your response by circle the letter.1. I’m a student in…… a. the first year.2. Everyday before I go to the college, I have to help my…….. a. mother3. Beside studying, I join……… b. Social club

54. In my free time, I like……… a. jogging5. My hometown is in……… a. ChonburiReading ComprehensionExercise 2 (Page 10) : Answer the following questions.1. What is the international language? – English language2. Why is pronunciation very important? – Because good pronunciation can make good communicate between people.3. What happen when you say wrong pronunciation? – Other people don’t understand and sometime there’s wrong meaning too.4. What things do you study to be good at language? – I study grammar, meaning, usage and pronunciation.5. In your opinion, are you good at language pronunciation? Why? (ตอบตามความคิดเหน็ นกั ศกึ ษา) Posttest Unit 1Direction (Page 13) : Choose the best answer.1. I………..a lot of money for buying a new house. b. pay2. How do you read the word “spoon”? b. spoon3. How do you read the word “mother”? a. mother4. How do you read the word “prepare”? d. prepare

65. How do you read the word “property”? a. property6. How do you read the word “inhuman”? b. inhuman7. How do you read the word “astronomer”? c. astronomer8. How do you read the word “organization”? c. organization9. How do you read the word “a tall man”? a. a tall man10. How do you read the word “swimming pool”? d. swimming pool

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