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Home Explore Body Systems Flipbook

Body Systems Flipbook

Published by Olivia Kortge, 2020-09-16 07:20:05

Description: Body Systems Flipbook


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Body Systems Flipbook By: Olivia Kortge

Table of contents ● Integumentary system ● Musculoskeletal system ● Nervous system ● Special Senses system ● Cardiovascular system ● Respiratory system ● Digestive system ● Urinary system ● Reproductive system

Integumentary system vocab words: Function: the main function is to act as a Skin: the thin layer of tissue forming the natural outer covering of the barrier to protect the body body. It also functions to Hair: Responsible for production and insulation retain body fluids, Nails: Responsible for prying, scrapping, and picking up things protect against disease, Keratin: a fibrous protein forming the main structural constituent of hair eliminate waste Dermis: Middle layer of the skin. Contains glands, nerve endings, and products, and regulate blood vessels. Epidermis: Outer layer of the skin Sweat glands: a small gland that secretes sweat located in the dermis. Subcutaneous layer: Area beneath the dermis. body temperature. Careers: Dermatologist- Doctor who is an expert in skin diseases. Oncologist: specializes in the treatment of cancer such as skin cancer

Integumentary system Diseases: Eczema- a condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed. Athlete’s foot- a fungal infection affecting the skin between the toes. It is a form of ringworm. Acne- the occurrence of inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the skin. Psoriasis- a skin disease that cause red, scaly skin that may feel painful, swollen, or hot. Key Terms: pil/o- hair lip/o- fat derm/o, dermat/o- skin rhytid/o- wrinkle kerat/o- cornea, hard horny tissue albin/o- white, deficient pigmentation xer/o- dry xanth/o- yellow erythr/o- red pedicu/o- fingernail, toenail onych/o- pertaining to the nails myc/o- fungus

Musculoskeletal system Function: The musculoskeletal system Is a combination of both the skeletal system and the muscular system. The function of the system is to provide form, support, stability, and movement of the body. Key Terms: my/o- muscle arthr/o- joint myel/o- spinal cord/ bone marrow -plegia: paralysis or a stroke oste/o- bone kinesi/o- movement cost/o- ribs crani/o- cranium (skull) -pexy: surgical fixation or suspension chondr/o- cartilage

Musculoskeletal system Diseases: Vocab words Osteosarcoma: bone cancer Osteoporosis:a disease in which the bones Joints- the part of the body where two or more joints become fragile and prone to fracture meet to create movement. Achilles tendonitis: inflammation of the Tendons- connects muscle to bone achilles tendon Bones- hard tissue that makes up the skeleton Stress fracture: a fracture of bone caused by Ligaments- connects bone to bone a repeated mechanical of stress. Cartilage- firm, flexible connective tissue Muscles- a band of fibrous tissue that has the ability Careers: to contract, creating movement Pelvis- the large bony structure at the end of the Chiropractor: a practitioner of the system of spine in which the legs are attached integrative medicine based on the diagnosis Hyoid bone- a U shaped bone in the neck that and manipulative treatment of misalignments supports the tongue of the joints. Bone marrow- a soft substance in the cavities of bones where blood cells are made Physical therapist: movement experts who Achilles tendon- connects the calf muscle to heel improve quality of life through prescribed exercises.

Nervous system Function: The nervous system is involved in receiving information about the environment around us such as sensation and generating responses to that information (motor responses). Diseases: Key Terms: Alzheimer’s: a progressive disease that affects memory and other important mental functions neur/o- nerve Cerebral palsy: A congenital disorder of movement, muscle tone, encephal/o- the brain or posture myel/o- marrow or of the spinal cord Epilepsy: A disorder in which nerve cell activity in the brain is ambul/o- walking distrubed causing seizures. -esthesia: nervous sensation Paralysis: complete or partial loss of muscle function mening/o- membrane Careers: psych/o- the mind: mental concuss/o- shaken together, violently agitaPtesdy.chiatrist: a doctor who diagnoses and treats mental disorders Neurologist: A doctor who diagnoses and treats disorders of the nervous system.

Nervous system continued….. Vocab words: Spinal cord: a bundle of nerve fibers that are enclosed by the spine and connects nearly all parts of the body to the brain Nerves: a bundle of fibers that transmits impulses of sensation to the brain or spinal cord Brain: An organ of soft nervous tissue functioning as the control center of the body Autonomic nervous system: responsible for the control of the bodily functions not consciously related Parasympathetic nervous system: part of the (ANS) that tends to induce secretion and to slow heart rate Somatic nervous system: associated with the voluntary control of body movements via skeletal muscles Sympathetic nervous system: to produce localized adjustments and reflex adjustments of the cardiovascular system Flight or fight response: a physiological reaction that occurs in response to threatening event and a person would either fight or flight which is to leave the scene Central nervous system: includes the spinal cord and the brain which controls the activities of the body Homeostasis: the state of equilibrium of the internal body to maintain the body’s functions

Special Senses Function: The main function is to give signals to our brain from the 5 organs (ears,tongue, skin, eyes, noses) to give our body a sense of what is happening around us. Key Terms: Careers: Ophthalmologist- is a medical osteopathic doctor who irid/o- iris (colored portion of the eye) specializes in the eye -cusis: hearing Otolaryngology: doctors who specialize in the treatment of -opia: vision condition patients with diseases or disorders pertaining to the ear, ot/o- ear nose, and throat. tympan/o- tympanic membrane (eardrum) opthalm/o- eye Diseases: -metry: process of measuring Allergic rhinitis- an inflammation of the membranes lining the nose

Special Senses Vocab words: Ear- the organ of hearing and balance and is sensitive to sound Nose- the organ used for smelling and also is part of the body’s respiratory system. Tongue- the organ used for tasting, chewing, and speech. The tongue has many nerves (taste buds) that are used to transmit taste signals to the brain. Skin- the organ that protects the body’s internal organs and is used for touch and feeling Eyes- the main organs in the head which are used for sight. Nerve receptors- Molecules, usually proteins that receive signals from a cell. Cornea- the transparent layer forming the front of the eye. It focuses the entry of light into the eye Taste buds- a bundle of nerve endings on the tongue which provide the sense of taste Optic nerve- each of the second pair of cranial nerves, transmitting impulses to the brain from the retina at the back of the eye Nostrils- two external openings of the nasal cavity that admit air into the lungs and smells to the olfactory nerves

Cardiovascular System Careers: Cardiologist- a doctor who treats Function: ailments of the cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system includes the heart and blood Cardiac surgeon- surgeons who vessels and the primary function is to is to transport perform cardiovascular surgeries. oxygen, nutrients, and byproducts of metabolism. Diseases: Key Terms: Arrhythmias- abnormal heart rhythms Coronary artery disease- narrowing of cardi/o- heart the arteries angi/o- blood vessels Cardiac Ischemia- means the heart is hemat/o- blood not getting enough oxygen to function Brady- slow properly Tachy- fast Hypertension (high blood pressure)- thromb/o- blood clot The force or pressure of the blood -emia: blood condition flowing through the vessels is leuk/o- white blood cell consistently too high. erythr/o- red arteri/o- artery

Cardiovascular System Vocab words: Heart- a muscular organ the pumps blood throughout the system with rhythmic contractions. Artery- a muscular walled tube forming part of the circulatory system Blood vessels- a tubular structure carrying blood through the tissues and organs, a vein, artery, or capillary Vien- one of the many tubes that are part of this system and carries oxygen-dependent blood to the heart. Oxygenated blood- blood cell with large percentage of oxygen and low in carbon dioxide Deoxygenated blood- means that blood has been removed and has very low oxygen levels The aorta- the main artery of the body supplying oxygenated blood to the circulatory system Red blood cells- to carry oxygen Platelets- needed for clotting Plasma- blood cells, nutrients and waste float in this liquid

Respiratory system Diseases: Asthma- is a chronic respiratory condition that Function: causes difficulty breathing due to inflamed The network of tissues and organs that help airways you breathe. It helps you to absorb oxygen Lung cancer- cancer of the lungs from the air to help your organs work. It also Cystic fibrosis- genetic respiratory disease cleans waste gases, such as carbon dioxide, caused by a defective gene that creates thick from your blood. and sticky mucus that clogs up tubes and passageways Key terms: Pneumonia- a lung disease caused by an infection in the air sacs in the lungs bronch/o- bronchus pulmon/o- lung cyan/o- blue thorac/o- chest Careers: laryng/o- larynx trache/o- trachea Respiratory therapist- work with patients who -oxia: oxygen have breathing or other cardiopulmonary Oxy- oxygen disorders. pleur/o- ribs Pulmonologist- doctors specially trained to pneum/o- lung treat diseases and conditions of the chest.

Respiratory system Vocab words: Lungs- a pair of breathing organs which bring oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide Trachea- or the windpipe is a tube that runs out behind the breastbone and then divides into two smaller tubes called the bronchi Nasal cavity- is a passageway for oxygen to get into your lungs Alveoli- tiny air sacs where the lungs and the blood exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide during the process of breathing in and breathing out. Bronchi- the large air passages that lead from the trachea to the lungs Diaphragm- located below the lungs and is the major muscle of respiration. Bronchiole- any of the minute branches into which a bronchus divides.

Digestive system Key terms: Diseases: Celiac disease- gluten sensitivity Function: Cholecyst/o- gallbladder Gastroesophageal Reflux disease The digestive system has enter/o- intestine three main functions… the col/o, colon/o- colon (GERD)- A digestive disease in which digestion of food, hepat/o- liver stomach acid or bile irritates the food absorption of nutrients and gastr/o- stomach pipe lining elimination of solid food or/o- mouth Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS)- waste -pepsia: digestion abdominal pain that occurs at least chole/o- bile, gall three times a month in a row. proct/o- anus and rectum Diverticulitis disease- small pouches that form in the wall of your colon and become inflamed. Careers: Dietitian- a professional trained to assess nutrition status and recommend appropriate diet therapy Gastroenterologist- a physician who specializes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Digestive system Vocab words: Colon- the longest part of the large intestine which removes water and some nutrients from partially digested food Stomach- is a muscular organ that receives food from the esophagus which then the stomach starts to digest using acid. Mouth- the start of the digestive tract which helps to breakdown food into smaller pieces to be digested Liver- takes raw materials absorbed by the intestine and makes all the various chemicals the body needs to function Small intestine- secretes digestive enzymes, and is the chief site of the digestion of food into small molecules which are absorbed into the body Anus- the last part of the digestive tract and is the passageway to release stool from the body Gallbladder- stores bile produced by the liver Pancreas- secretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum Pharynx- a hollow tube that starts behind the nose, goes down to the neck and ends at the esophagus Salivary glands- produce saliva which keep the mouth and other parts of the digestive system moist

Urinary System Diseases: Function: To filter blood and create Key Terms: Kidney stones- a small piece of solid that urine as a waste forms in the kidney from substances in the by-product. -cele: hernia urine -lysis: destruction Kidney failure- when your kidneys do not pyel/o- renal pelvis function properly anymore -ectasis: dilation, expansion Urinary tract infections- an infection on cyst/o- bladder the place where your urine comes out of nephr/o- kidney Kidney Cancer- cancer of the kidneys -pexy: surgical fixation which form in the lining of tiny tubes inside -uria: urine your kidneys. ren/o- kidney Careers: Urologist- treats problems with the female urinary system and the male genitourinary tract Primary care physician: can diagnose diseases such as UTI’s

Urinary System Vocab words: Kidneys- a pair of organs in the abdominal cavity which helps with the process of eliminating wastes in the body Renal pelvis- superior funnel shaped end of the ureter Ureters- the tube that drains urine from the kidney to the bladder Bladder- a sac in which urine is held for excretion Urethra- the duct by which urine is conveyed out of the body from the bladder Urine- a liquid of waste from the body Renal vein- main blood vessel that carries blood from the kidney and ureter to the inferior vena cava Renal artery- one of the pair of large blood vessels that branch off from the abdominal aorta Renal hilum- the recessed central fissure where its vessels nerves and ureter pass. Adrenal gland- small glands located on the top of both kidneys

Reproductive system Diseases: HIV- attacks specific cells of the immune system Function: and weakens it To ensure survival of the Infertility- unable to conceive children species and to maintain Endometriosis- when the lining of the uterus homeostasis grows somewhere else Uterine fibroids- tumors in women around the childbearing age Key Terms: Careers: cervic/o- neck of the uterus gynec/o- female/woman OB/GYN- a doctor who specializes in salping/o- tube colph/o- vagina pregnancy and gynecology ov/o- egg prostate- prostate gland Breast cancer- cancer of the breasts orchid/o- testes oophor/o- ovary men/o- menstruation Mamm- breast

Reproductive system Vocab Words: Ovary- a female reproductive organ in which ova or eggs are produced Testis- produces sperm and secretes testosterone Egg- the female gamete cell Sperm- the mail gamete cell Fallopian tube- a pair of tubes that travel from the ovaries to the uterus Uterus- an organ in the lower part of the body in females where the offspring are conceived and held for 9 months Prostate gland- a gland surrounding the neck of the bladder in males releasing prostatic fluid Scrotum- a pouch of skin containing the testicles Cervix- the narrow passage forming the lower part of the uterus Ovulation- a part of your menstrual cycle and occurs when an egg is released from your ovary

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