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Home Explore sponsorship


Published by Ryan ID, 2016-01-04 02:36:00

Description: sponsorship


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ABOUT GUYANAHis Excellency David A Granger Honorable Moses V. Nagamootoo President of Guyana Prime Minister of Guyana The Co-operative Republic of Guyana, known as Guyana to most, lies on the mainland of South America. Its geographical area is 365,000 square miles. It is bordered to the east by Suriname, to the south by Brazil, and to the west by Venezuela. It is the only English speaking country on the mainland of South America, and is considered part of the Caribbean rather than Latin America. Guyana is a member of the Caribbean Community (Caricom). Guyana gained independence from Great Britain on May 26, 1966. On May 26, 2016, Guyana will celebrate its Golden Jubilee Anniversary of Independence. Guyanese throughout the world revere this occasion as an illustrious, once in a life-time moment in history which has rekindled national pride and invoked the spirit of jubilation. Guyanese everywhere are elated and plan to celebrate this milestone with grandeur and magnificence. Guyana’s population comprises 6 ethnic groups; Africans, Amerindians, Chinese, East Indians, Europeans and Portuguese. Approximately 700,000people live in Guyana with the majority residing along the narrow coastal plain of this vastcounty of 83,000 square miles. Despite its fertile landscape and abundance of minerals andother natural resources, Guyana is regarded as one of the poorest countries in the WesternHemisphere. Agriculture and mining are the country’s most important economic activities,with sugar, bauxite, rice and gold accounting for 70% of export earnings. Guyana’s debtburden to overseas creditors has severely stifled its economic growth. 2

In spite of its economic challenges, Guyana has consistently produced brilliant, creative andpurpose driven individuals who occupy key positions in all avenues of business worldwide.Immigration to the USA and Canada, especially from young adults who look to further theireducation and build a brighter future for themselves, has created a brain drain on Guyana andfurther limited its potential to rise above its current economic situation. Advertizing Campaign & PromotionsThe committee will launch a robustadvertising and Diaspora outreachcampaign that will flood theGuyanese diaspora/Guyanese-American communities throughoutthe United States. Every aspect of ouradvertizing campaigns andpromotions will include our sponsorlogo, tagline or other messages. Our advertizing and promotions will target the Guyanese diaspora, which is a subset of the Caribbean/WestIndian community. Both of thesecommunities are interspersed in urban andsuburban African-American communitiespredominantly in Florida, New York,Ohio, California, Georgia, New Jersey,Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland,Washington DC, North and SouthCarolina, among other States. The committee’s message which willheavily target young adults, millennials and other groups, will be widely publicized on itswebsite:, as well as in print and electronic media andon all social media sites. Our aim is to register 150,000 Guyanese on our website for instantcommunication and feedback. Sponsors will therefore benefit from this massive advertizingand promotion with effortless exposure to millions in the Guyanese, Caribbean and African-American communities. 3

Demographics of the Guyanese-American CommunityAccording to the New York City Department of Planning, Guyanese rank fifth among the top20 foreign born groups currently residing in New York State. As of 2013, approximately140,000 Guyanese reside in the five boroughs of New York City, with nearly one thirdarriving since 2000. This population trends show a trajectory of 9% increase every decade.Of all immigrants arriving in New York City, Guyanese have the highest proclivity to settleand become domiciled in the City.An analysis of the 2010 census shows that the largest concentration of Guyanese nationals,estimated to be 240,000, reside in the metropolitan New York area, and a total of about375,000 residing in United States.There are 6 million Caribbean Americans living in the United States. 38.9% in Florida;21.4% in New York; 17.2% in Connecticut; 14.5% in Massachusetts; 14.4% in New Jerseyand 11.2% in Pennsylvania. 61.9% of Caribbean-Americans living in the United States,including Guyanese, are adults between ages 18 and 54. 32% are seniors ages 55 and older,while 8% are youths under 18 years old.The New York City metropolitan area represents the largest concentration of AfricanAmericans in the United States, with a population of close to 3.5 million living in the area.New York City proper has an African American population of about 2.4 million, of which900,000 are foreign born. Approximately 84.5% of the foreign born black populationidentifies themselves as Caribbean, while 13% identify as African or and European. 4

The message of sponsors, by virtue of the Committee’s targeted messaging through itsadvertising campaigns, diaspora engagement events and promotions among theaforementioned demographics and communities, will reverberate throughout the Guyanese,Caribbean and African-American communities on the East Coast of the United States.Sponsors will therefore receive invaluable exposure to among 6 to 8 million individuals inthe target markets, populations and communities. 5

ABOUT THE ORGANISERSThe Committee’s name is : Guyanese American Independence Commemoration Committee, Inc.D.B.A Guyana’s 50th Independence Anniversary Celebration Committee (New York)The Executive Committee:Rickford Burke, ChairmanLourdeth Ferguson, SecretaryBrentnold Evans, Consul GeneralJacqueline Haymer, Deputy Consul GeneralGeroge Talbot, United Nations AmbassadorTroy Torrington, Minister, United Nations MissionAnita Jaikaran, MemberAquafie Munroe, TreasurerGeraldine Joseph Watson, Assistant SecretaryRennie Parris, Recording SecretaryJacqueline Smartt, Assistant recording SecretaryRovin Rozario, Esq. General CounselEwart Marshall, Assistant TreasurerDr. Taj Rajkumar, MemberEdward Meertins, Esq. CounselJack Bharat, MemberNevlon Duguid, MemberJanice Hall, MemberThe 50th Independence Anniversary Celebration Committee, together with the ConsulateGeneral of Guyana in New York and the Permanent Mission of Guyana to the UnitedNations, have entrusted a diverse group of competent, dedicated and professional Guyanesenationals with organizing every facet of the Celebration. Over one hundred and forty-fiveGuyanese from the New York City metropolitan area, Atlanta, North Carolina, Ohio,Georgia, Pennsylvania and Florida comprise the full committee. Each member is committedto making this Celebration a showcase of our rich history and cultures, as well as highlightthe unique characteristics that bind us together to form our indomitable Guyanese identity.The committee assigns special importance to our young people who will be involved inconcept and execution of the Celebration since they play a critical role in shaping our destinywithin and outside of Guyana. The committee seeks no remuneration or compensation. Weintend to keep our administrative costs low to minimize expenses. Where the need arises tocharge an entrance fee to offset expenses we will, and will endeavor to keep such charges to aminimum.Guyana’s 50th Independence Anniversary Celebration Committee (New York)308 W 38th St., New York, NY 10018Tel: 212 947 5115. Fax: 646 915 0237.Email: [email protected]. Website: 6

WHAT WE STAND FOR1. While acknowledging diversity in culture, religion, economic achievement and ethnicity, the committee stands united for progress, tolerance, unity and peace for Guyanese everywhere, and for all nationalities of the world.2. The Committee seeks to provide a forum for Guyanese, people of Guyanese descent, and everyone else in the New York Tri-State area, to learn about the historical, economic, and cultural aspects of Guyana’s independence journey.3. We seek to enable Guyanese in the Diaspora, their descendants and other nationals to learn about the achievements of Guyanese within and outside of Guyana.4. We strive to create a synergy among stakeholders who impact business investments, commerce, trade and economic development in Guyana, Guyanese entrepreneurs who reside in New York and the tri state areas, as well as American and foreign businesses and corporation that find Guyana attractive for business investment.5. In an effort to demonstrate our spirit of community, the Committee has inspired and mobilized Guyanese professionals to give back to their communities in New York City and the Tri-State by volunteering their time and expertise to assist those in need; even as we celebrate.6. The Committee believes in showcasing and promoting the talent that lies within Guyanese who live in the USA.7. The Committee believes that the Guyanese nation should recognize the sterling contributions of outstanding Guyanese in the USA and will take time to honor outstanding Guyanese during the Celebration.8. We believe in celebrating our renewed national pride, patriotism, and national unity in a carnival style to reflect Guyana’s rich cultural heritage, vast natural resources and beauty. This magnificent Guyanese art-form will encompass the grand finale Mashramani (Carnival) to conclude the Celebration. WHO WE SERVEWe are committed to the hopes and aspirations of the many Guyanese who live outsideGuyana, especially those who live in New York and the Tri State areas. We hope to producequality events for Guyanese and other cultures that reflect our diverse cultures so as to informand entertain our audiences. We are committed to utilizing any and all of the proceeds,should there be profit after expenses, to assist in the elimination of homelessness amongchildren who live on the streets of Guyana, as well as to combat domestic violence andsuicide. 7

OUR COMMEMORATIVE EVENTS June 4 -12, 2016►December 19, 2015 – Official Celebration lunch – Jamaica Performing Arts Center, 153-10 Jamaica Ave, Queens, New York 11432. 500 Attendees► June 4th - Interfaith Prayer Service, Performing Arts Center – York College, QueensNew York. (1200 Attendees)► June 4th – Unity Concert, Brooklyn TBD. (10,000 Attendees)► June 5th - Symposium on the History & Development of Guyana, Large LectureTheater – York College, Queens New York (300 Attendees)► June 6th – Exhibition of Guyanese Art, United Nations, Manhattan. (350 Attendees)►June 7th “- Invest Guyana” Business and Investment Conference, President’s Room,New York Athletic Club, Manhattan, New York. (150 Attendees).►June 8th - “Guyana Gives Back” – Day of Volunteerism, Locations in Queens &Brooklyn. (1,000 Attendees).► June 8th – Cocktail Reception to Commemorate 50 Years of Membership in theUnited Nations, Member’s Room, United Nations Manhattan, New York. (400Attendees)► June 9th - Flag Raising Ceremony, Paul Robeson Stadium, East Orange, New Jersey.(5,000 Attendees).► June 10th - Cultural Extravaganza, Music, Dance, Poetry & Fashion, Prospect HighSchool Performing Arts Theater, Brooklyn, New York. (5,000 Attendees).►June 11th - President’s Cup Soccer Tournament & Youth Fun Day, South Shore HighSchool Park, Brooklyn, New York. (10,000 Attendees).►June 11th - State Dinner (P.M), 583 Park Ave, Manhattan. (800 Attendees).►June 12th – “Mashramani in New York,” Guyanese-American street carnival andParade, Brooklyn. (25,000 Attendees) 8

SPONSORSHIP LEVELSPRINCIPAL SPONSOR:Premium level sponsor of the entire week long Celebration, Saturday June 4 - Sunday, June 12, 2016. This isan exclusive category for 2 non competing sponsors only.Value: $100,000 (one hundred thousand dollars):  Inclusion of a team of your employees and or their families as active participants in one of the following events: ● Mashramani Celebration Parade with 30 complimentary T shirts and flags with signage of your choice  President’s Cup Soccer tournament  Cultural Extravaganza  Product exclusivity at Events  Preferred supplier status  Merchandising rights to co-brand merchandise to sell  Link to sponsor website from Event website  Access to event generated database for direct marketing follow-up  Right for sponsor to on-sell sponsorship benefits to another Organization (pending Event organizers approval) so as to leverage the sponsorship jointly.  20 complimentary VIP All Access passes for your employees and or their families to attend all events, excluding Cocktail Reception and State Dinner.  2 complimentary tables of 10 (total 20 persons) to State Dinner honoring the President of Guyana  10 invitations for your employees and of their families to attend the United Nations Cocktail Reception  VIP All Access and consideration includes easy access to events, preferred seating, group photo opportunity with the President of Guyana and or the Prime Minister of Guyana.  Dedicated space to carry out on site leverage activities at events excluding Dinner and Cocktail  Sampling, demonstration and display opportunities at events where appropriate  Venue signage, non broadcast view  Inclusion at Celebration Launch in December  Mention at all Press Opportunities  Acknowledgement as Principal sponsor on our website.  Inside front or back cover full color ad in Commemorative Journal  One full page full color ad or your choice on the inner front or back cover of brochures printed for events excluding State Dinner  Premier logo placement on all printed material including tickets, banners, flyers, posters, journals and billboards. 9

MAJOR SPONSOR:Tier 2 sponsorship category of the entire week long Celebration, Saturday June 4 - Sunday,June 12, 2016. This is an exclusive category for 4 non competing sponsors only.Value: $50,000.00 (fifty thousand dollars): ● Inclusion of a team of your employees and or their families as active participants in the Mashramani Celebration Parade with 20 complimentary T-shirts and flags with signage of your choice  Product exclusivity at Events  Link to sponsor website from Event website  10 complimentary VIP All Access passes for your employees and or their families to attend all events, excluding Cocktail Reception and State Dinner.  1 complimentary tables of 10 (total 20 persons) to State Dinner honoring the President of Guyana  10 invitations for your employees and of their families to attend the United Nations Cocktail Reception  VIP All Access and consideration includes easy access to events, preferred seating, group photo opportunity with the President of Guyana and or the Prime Minister of Guyana.  Display and sampling opportunities at events where appropriate  One full page full color ad in Commemorative Journal  One full page full color ad in brochures printed for events excluding State Dinner  Venue signage, non broadcast view  Inclusion at Celebration Launch in December  Mention at all Press Opportunities  Acknowledgement as Major sponsor on Event website.  Logo placement on all printed material including tickets, banners, flyers, posters, journals and billboards. 10

PRESENTING SPONSOR:Presenting sponsorship for either or both of the following entertainment driven events:Sponsor’s name will be linked with the name of the event in all advertising. 1) MASHRAMANI CELEBRATION PARADE 2) PRESIDENT’S CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENTValue $30,000.00 (thirty thousand dollars) for each event:  Inclusion of a team of sporsor’s employees and their families as active participants in the Mashramani Celebration Parade with 25 complimentary T shirts and flags withsignage of your choice  Inclusion of a team of sponsor’s employees and their families to take part in the President’s Cup Soccer Tournament.  Product exclusivity at Event  Preferred supplier status  Merchandising rights to co-brand merchandise to sell  Link to sponsor website from Event website  Access to event generated database for direct marketing follow-up 25 complimentary VIP All Access passes for your employees and or their families to attend the event  VIP All Access and consideration includes easy access to event, preferred seating, group photo opportunity with the state representative from Guyana ● One half page full color ad in Commemorative Journal and in brochures printed for events excluding State Dinner  Sampling, demonstration and display opportunities at events where appropriate  Venue signage, non broadcast view  Inclusion at Celebration Launch in December  Acknowledgement as Presenting sponsor on Event website  Premier logo placement on all printed material including tickets, banners, flyers, posters, journals and billboards. 11

SUPPORTING SPONSOR:Tier 3 sponsorship category of the entire week long Celebration, Saturday June 4 - Sunday,June 12, 2016.Value $20,000.00 (twenty thousand dollars):  Inclusion of a team of your employees and or their families as active participants in the Mashramani Celebration Parade with 15 complimentary T shirts and flags with signage of your choice  Link to sponsor website from Event website  5 complimentary VIP All Access passes for your employees and or their families to attend all events, excluding Cocktail Reception and State Dinner.  4 complimentary tickets to State Dinner honoring the President of Guyana  4 invitations for your employees and of their families to attend the United Nations Cocktail Reception  VIP All Access and consideration includes easy access to events, preferred seating, group photo opportunity with the state representative from Guyana  One half page full color ad in Commemorative Journal  One half page full color ad in brochures printed for events excluding State Dinner  Venue signage, non broadcast view  Inclusion at Celebration Launch in December  Mention at all Press Opportunities  Acknowledgement as Supporting Sponsor on our website.  Logo placement on all printed material banners, flyers, posters, billboards excluding tickets. 12

STATE DINNER UNDERWRITING OPPORTUNITIES:Cocktail Reception: $15,000.00Band: $7,000.00Flowers: $7,000.00Entertainment: $15,000.00LIMITED INDIVIDUAL VIP ADVANCE SPONSOR:Individual Sponsorship Contribution: $1,000.00This VIP Advance passes: (i) Admits only one to all celebration events from June 4 – 12, 2016 (ii) Admits one to all VIPs and VIP receptions for all eventsSelective Event Sponsorship:The value for this category of sponsorship is negotiable. Sponsors will be granted full accessto the sponsoring event as well as exposure in promotions for the event.Selective Sponsor: (i) Allows sponsors to sponsor a specific event of the celebration (ii) Allows sponsors to sponsor a specific aspect/s of an even. 13

Our Contact PersonsMs. Janice Hall Mr. George Taitt Ms. Ann Narine Mrs. Sybil ChesterChair,Sponsorship Co-Chair, Sponsorship Chair, Special Events Co-Chair, Special EventsFundraising Committee Fundraising Committee Fundraising Committee Fundraising CommitteeTel: (201) 232-8577 Tel: (516) 524-2100 Tel: (718) 926-0973 Tel: (917) 655-7884Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]. Email: [email protected]. Email: [email protected] 14

50th Anniversary Of Independence of the Republic Of Guyana New York City June 4 – 12, 2016 The Greatest Celebration Guyanese Have Ever Seen! 50th Independence Anniversary Celebration Committee (New York) 308 W 38th St, New York, NY 10018. Tel: 212-947-5115. Fax: 646-915-0237. Email: [email protected] www.celebrateguyana50thinnyc.comProperty of Guyana’s 50thIndependence Anniversary Celebration Committee (New York) and is intended only for sponsors. Unauthorized use, alteration or dissemination of any of its contents is unlawful and therefore strictly prohibited. All Rights Reserved 15

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