STORY MAGIC Qqi bgX`bhXnbp] Ziidm ni db[d iƂ X h]q l]X\\bh` \\][X\\]ұ BOOkS OF THE rEADING rESOLUTIONS MONTH! Jrfeaoanr duthianergyygiesoatarhlasehfpeoearrdyf.eoHcuteatrinemdaeryetoo5usriedctehailsd to get you started: Funny books are a fantastic way to engage 1. We will read together for at least reluctant readers, so give these two a try. 10 minutes every day. THIS BOOK CAN READ YOUR MIND by Susannah Lloyd and Jacob Grant (First Editions) 2. We will visit our local library features a wacky inventor and his incredible once a month. creation – a mind-reading book. The very book we really you’re reading, in fact. Kids will love that the story 3. We will choose an author books. addresses them directly and they’ll laugh out loud his or her as they flip through its pages of ever-increasing like and read all of silliness. Whatever you do, don’t think of a pink elephant! A real gem for kids and parents. bWyehweaillrtleeavrenryonmeopnothe.m or rhyme There are more laughs to be had in HOW TO LIGHT YOUR DRAGON by Didier Lévy and Fred Benaglia (Thames & Hudson). When a little boy’s dragon friend stops breathing fire, he sets out to reignite its flame. His attempts range from ingenious to downright madcap and will spark some interesting conversations about how your child would tackle the same problem. A bold, brilliant read. WIN! Enter our competition to win these picture books! Visit: storytimema e.c m/win iCshsGeurceekefokorumtayoctulhar!snseicxt