Main tunnellingprojects Innovation in underground solutions
Infrastructure specialists, since 1982 MAIN TUNNELLING PROJECTS Engineering provides specialistengineering, project management and riskmanagement services for infrastructureconstruction. For more than thirty years, we have beenhelping clients build works that form theinfrastructural backbone of local communities.We are committed to service quality andon-time delivery and are firmly convinced ofthe importance of designing and building workswith a sustainable economic, environmentaland social footprint. We have operations in Italy, Turkey andCanada to deliver the best possible services forour key markets, Europe, the Middle East andNorth America. 3
INNOVATION IN UNDERGROUND SOLUTIONS Robust operating knowhow We offer solid project engineering and management expertise in tunnel construction for overground and underground railways, motorways, service infrastructures for the mining and oil & gas industries. Our proprietary “smart tunnelling” platform minimizes sovrastructural risk. We successfully apply our in-depth knowledge of the BIM process (Building Information Modeling) during both design and construction, with significant benefits for our clients. Our modeling, risk management and risk assessment services provide effective support for construction of roads, railways, bridges and dams. As a company in the Group, we are backed by the modeling and simulation knowhow of our sister-company EnginSoft to resolve operational questions and problems relating to statics and fluid dynamics for excavation and construction work. 4
An innate vocation for partnershipWe believe in the power of collaboration. MAIN TUNNELLING PROJECTSMany of our projects are conducted throughconsortia and joint ventures to provide the endclient with top competences in the variousdisciplines. We work side by side with generalcontractors, other engineering and designcompanies, and consultants in geotechnics,finance, environmental and socio-economicservices. We are loyal, reliable partners, whounderstand the effectiveness of teamwork. SWS IN FIGURES 30Kilometers of tunnels worldwide over the last 10 years years of experience 450 km 8,000Kilometers of railway track (HS and conventional lines)in Turkey alone in the last 3 years BIM models in infrastructure 730 km 35 technical papers published in the tunnelling sector 5
Tunnelling portfolio1 Brenner Base Tunnel → p.82 TCDD Turkish State Railways → p.103 Arcisate-Stabio Railway Line → p.124 Singapore Metro → p.135 A14 Highway → p.146 T4 Frejus Highway Tunnel → p.167 HSR Underground Link in Florence → p.188 Martignano Bypass → p.209 Orte-Falconara Railway Line → p.21
1 Brenner Base TunnelINNOVATION IN UNDERGROUND SOLUTIONS The Brenner base tunnel is about During the construction phase, Country 57 km long and constitutes the drainage tunnel was used for Italy, Austria the middle section of the logistics. high-capacity railway between Type Munich and Verona. It consists The base tunnel is mainly High Cover of two single-track rail tunnels straight, except for the southern or tubes. The distance between approach to the Fortezza portal Length the twin tubes is 70 m for most and station. 57 km of the section, decreasing to approximately 40 m in the vicinity The gradient is constant both Excavation method of the portals. in Italy and in Austria; the lowest Mechanized altitudes are at the two portals, Bypasses constructed whereas the tunnel apex is in Construction works every 333 m link the two tubes. correspondence with the border Ongoing The system configuration is between Italy and Austria. completed by a drainage tunnel Client about 10 m below and between The tunnel depth is significant, BBT SE - PGBB the twin tubes. with maximum coverage of about 1,600 m, and average coverage of Period nearly 900 m. 2005-2007 EXCAVATION SECTION Activities performed Final design of main tunnel 2,500 m Viggertal Navistal Venntal Pfitschtal Sengestal 2,000 Arztal Maulser Tal Pedestertal Valstal 1,500 State border 1,000 Multipurpose Multipurpose East pipe Multipurpose area Innsbruck area St. Jodok Austria Italy area Trens 20 km West pipe 0km 10 km 30 km 40 km 50 km North Access portal tunnel Access Access South Innsbruck Ahrental tunnel tunnel portal Wolf Mauls Fortezza8
RAILWAY LINE MUNICH-VERONAMunich GermanyInnsbruck Kufstein Kundl/Radfeld Franzensfeste AustriaItaly Franzensfeste Waidbruck BolzanoTrento Railway line Verona Lower Inn Valley Railway Brenner Base Tunnel Innsbruck bypass Priority lines Strengthening Mühldorf-Rosenheim MAIN TUNNELLING PROJECTS 9
2 TCDD Turkish State RailwaysINNOVATION IN UNDERGROUND SOLUTIONS SWS Engineering is closely the Anatolian Fault, it is at very Country involved in the design of the final high seismic risk and presents Turkey section – more than 110 km – of particularly challenging design Turkey’s “Adapazari Northern and construction issues. Client Pass” high-speed railway, a TCDD General line that travels westward into This line is the natural Directorate Istanbul. completion of the rail link between Ankara and Europe. Period A considerable portion of the 2012-ongoing approved route for the double- track rail project is underground, Activities performed with tunnels totaling almost Complete design 60 km in length. Speed on this process section will be 300 km/h. Construction of the tunnels involves both conventional and mechanized excavation methods. Since the area is crossed by10
TURKISH RAILWAYS PROJECT Railway line Projects under development and construction Stops Adapazari Black Sea Istanbul 1 Istanbul SamsunBursa Arifiye 2 Pamukova Ankara Kars MAIN TUNNELLING PROJECTS 3 Sivas Erzurum Eşme Erzincan SalihliIzmir 8 Turkey Konya Kayseri Mersin Denizli Diyarbakir Van 4 Nusaybin Adana 6 Gaziray Mürşitpinar Urfa Habur 7 5 Toprakkale Bahçe Mediterrean Sea 6 Gaziray-Gaziantep Railway Country Turkey Total length 25+542 km Design Speed 160 km/h Number of viaducts/bridges 2 Viaducts/Bridges overall length 80m Number of stations 171 Adapazari Istanbul 4 Nusaybin-Silopi Railway 7 Toprakkale-Bahçe Railway High Speed Train Total length 124 km Total length 57+687 kmTotal length 111,6 km Design Speed 160 km/h Design Speed 160 km/hDesign speed 300 km/h Number of viaducts/bridges 8 Number of viaducts/bridges 5Number of viaducts/bridges 25 Viaducts/Bridges overall length 6,850 m viaducts/Bridges overall length 1,010 mViaducts/bridges overall length 10,509 m Number of tunnels 5 Number of tunnels 4Number of tunnels 23 Tunnels overall length 7,050 m Tunnels overall length 9,785 mTunnels overall length 63.320 m Number of stations 3 Number of stations 3Number of stations 2 3 Sivas-Erzincan 5 Murşitpinar-Şanliurfa Railway 8 Usak-Salihli Railway2 Arifiye Pamukova Railway High Speed Train Project Total length 65+644 km Total length 78 kmTotal length 25+542 km Total length 245 km Design speed 160 Design Speed 250 km/hRealization date 01/05/2014 Design speed 250 km/h Number of viaducts/bridges 5 Number of viaducts/bridges 20 Number of viaducts/bridges 39 Viaducts/bridges overall length 1,385 m Viaducts/Bridges overall length 3,902 m Viaducts/bridges overall length 13,117 m Number of tunnels 11 Number of tunnels 19 Number of tunnels 37 Tunnels overall length 7,640 m Tunnels overall length 20,690 m Tunnels overall length 70,920 m Number of stations 4 Number of stations 7 11
3 Arcisate-Stabio Railway Line GEOGRAPHICAL CONTEXT Luino Lugano Laveno Porto Ceresio Switzerland Arcisate MendrisioINNOVATION IN UNDERGROUND SOLUTIONS Varese Stabio Chiasso Como Italy ½ SECTION A-A EXCAVATION Maximun Minimum Existing Railway section section Arcisate-Stabio North link to Malpensa Gallarate Malpensa Busto Arsizio SWS Engineering was Beside the numerous in part with conventional Country responsible for the design civil infrastructures, we also techniques. Maximum coverage Italy, Switzerland and the Environmental Impact designed the Arcisate railway is about 60 m. Assessment of the 8 km railway station, including the building Client link between Arcisate (northern architecture, working in The 950 m Induno tunnel Rete Ferroviaria Italiana Italy) and Stabio (Switzerland). cooperation with the companies located in the village of Induno- Spa handling the superstructure, Olona, near Varese, has a The service provided by our electrification, signaling and maximum coverage of about Period company involved the design of telecommunication works. 45 m. It was excavated following 2006-2008 all the related infrastructures: the axis of the old tunnel, at retaining walls, under/overpasses, The 890 m Bevera tunnel was a depth of between a few Activities performed footbridges, bridges, tunnels and excavated in part with the decimeters and nearly 2.5 m cut-and-cover tunnels. cut-and-cover method and beneath the old tunnel. Final design, environmental impact assessment12
4Singapore Metro MAIN TUNNELLING PROJECTSStage 2 of the Singapore Metro Downtown Line is Countrya 16.6 km fully underground section with thirteen Singaporestations, bored/cut-and-cover tunnels and a depot.The entire route runs along the Bukit Timah Road Clientcorridor, finishing at the depot. The full contract C.M.C. Cooperativaenvisages the design, construction and completion Muratoriof the Hillview and Cashew stations and theconnecting tunnels; SWS Engineering was engaged Periodfor the preliminary design project. 2009 Nearby mature structures include churches, Activities performedbanks, low-rise cluster housing and schools, Preliminary designmostly on pile foundations. The Standard CharterBank building near Hillview station, a single-storeystructure on shallow foundations in very closeproximity to the excavation, has been identifiedas a high-sensitivity structure. The main sensitivestructure along the tunnel is the Malayan Railway. 13
5 A14 HighwayINNOVATION IN UNDERGROUND SOLUTIONS The world’s first project to widen a highway tunnel Country in the presence of traffic, without resorting to Italy alternative routes or reducing the level of service, was executed in the early 2000s, on the Nazzano Owner Tunnel on the A1 Highway, near Rome, Italy. Given Autostrade the success of this first project, Autostrade per per l’Italia Spa l’Italia Spa decided to use the same method to widen the Montedomini Tunnel, as part of the Client project to modernize the A14 Bologna-Taranto Ghella Spa Highway with construction of a third lane plus an emergency lane in the section between Ancona Period North and Ancona South. 2010-2011 For the Montedomini Tunnel project, Activities performed SWS Engineering used the innovative pre-cut Final and detailed technique, where excavation work is performed design, assistance for “around” a pre-installed protection shield for road construction works traffic, enabling the tunnel to remain in service during construction operations. Special attention was paid to minimizing risk, for example by avoiding distractions for drivers and protecting site workers against exposure to exhaust fumes from passing traffic. Precut THE NAZZANO METHOD Precast segments shell tunnel Preexisting tunnel Traffic protection shield Contruction site Excavation access lane front14
6 T4 Frejus Highway Tunnel TECHNICAL DATA Side Development Shelters Passable Technical Ventilation France bypasses stations shafts 6,447 m 18 4 5 1 Italy 6,380 m 16 5 4 1*INNOVATION IN UNDERGROUND SOLUTIONS * the fifth technical station is located inside the C ventilation control room A variant of a previous project for The adjustments made to Country flow rate; a safety tunnel, the construction the design of the safety tunnel Italy, France → new GTC for integrated of a second Frejus tunnel parallel to permit traffic transit are as management of the two tunnels to the existing structure (at a follows: Client from the inspection site; distance of about 50 m) was → modification of the ventilation SFTRF and SITAF → implementation of traffic approved in two phases, between system to ensure the required air equipment inside the tunnel; 2009 and 2012. The new Period → enlargement of the technical Frejus tunnel project involves 2008-ongoing stations to house additional construction of a twin-tube equipment; tunnel with one lane in each Activities performed → creation of new filter rooms for direction. Supervision of work each shelter alongside the new tunnel; The transformation from safety → four additional bypasses, tunnel to transit tunnel has not taking the total to nine; affected the location of the → review and upgrade of vertical project or the dimensions of the signs and horizontal lateral section either for excavation or illumination for both tubes. for use.16
7Trans-IsraelHighway MAIN TUNNELLING PROJECTSSWS Engineering is designing three tunnels for HIGHWAY TUNNEL DESIGNHighway 6, also known as the Trans-Israel Highway.Along with the findings of alignment inspections, Countrygeological reports and borehole results, the project Israelbenefits from the valuable experience gained by ourcompany in similar contexts. Construction of the Clienttunnels adopts conventional excavation methods, Impresaconsisting of full-face section advancement Pizzarotti & C. Spacombined, where required, with a pre-confiningtechnique ahead of the tunnel face. Depending on Periodlocal geomechanical characteristics, excavation 2013-ongoingcan be performed with a variety of equipment.Tunnel core reinforcements (pre-consolidation Activities performedtechniques employed ahead of the tunnel face) Design of 3 highwaymay be required in critical zones with poor quality tunnelssoil formations (i.e. fault zones, portal zones) andinterference with sensitive surface conditions. Primary lining Secondary lining Dry material (shotcrete) (shotcrete) filling 17
8 HSR Underground Link in FlorenceINNOVATION IN UNDERGROUND SOLUTIONS The high-speed underground rail link in the city of Country Florence is part of the high-speed railway between Italy Milan and Naples, in Italy. Owner Two single-track tunnels of about 6.5 km each Italferr Spa link the southern end (Campo di Marte) and the northern end (Rifredi). A cover between 5 and 27 m Client separates the tunnels from the existing urban Consorzio Nodavia (RE) structures. Period The excavation was performed with an EPB 2009 tunnel-boring machine to balance the stresses of the excavated ground. The machine diameter Activities performed was 9.4 m. Detailed design for general contractor, The excavation work below the densely monitoring constructed and populated city of Florence was of construction works subject to a high risk of subsidence. The underground works were designed to ensure the serviceability of the existing infrastructures and buildings. Subsidence models were developed to estimate the effects of excavation on buildings, railway lines and city monuments. Innovative consolidation technologies such as “compensation grouting” were implemented to contrast the subsidence risk. SWS also provided a safety monitoring service for infrastructures affected by excavation during construction work.18
MAIN TUNNELLING PROJECTS Bologna FLORENCE RAILWAY LINESFlorence FaenzaAirportPeretola New Florencehigh-speed Campo di Marte station Rome S. Maria Novella station High-speed railway line Rome Tunnel high-speed line high-speed line Railway line Stops 19
9 Martignano BypassINNOVATION IN UNDERGROUND SOLUTIONSThe Martignano bypass is part of Country 12.06 ma wide-ranging road infrastructureItaly program commissioned by the Trento provincial authorities Client in north-east Italy, to improve Provincia di Trento road links between the center of the province and the outlying Period districts. The core structure has 2000-2001 an overall length of more than 4 km and runs for the most part in Activities performed a tunnel. The natural twin-tube Final and detailed tunnel, with maximum coverage design, assistance for of around 140 m, was excavated construction works with mechanized equipment. The section is flanked by an intersection tunnel and an artificial tunnel at the exits of the natural tunnel. At the time, the “Tecla” TBM employed for the excavation work was the largest ever used in Italy. TECLA IN NUMBERS Total length 130 m Excavation area 60 m2 Total weight 370 t Total installed capacity 5 MW20
10 MAIN TUNNELLING PROJECTSOrte-FalconaraRailway Line Country Italy Client Torno Internazionale Spa Period 2004-2006 Activities performed Detailed design and safety coordination of worksSWS Engineering provided design and constructionsupport services on a project to double a sectionof nearly 5 km of the existing single-track railwaybetween Orte and Falconara, two towns in centralItaly. In providing these services, we handled designand construction-related problems for the Fabrianotunnel, bridges, viaducts, box culverts, under/overpasses, railway superstructure, electrification,signaling and telecommunication systems. During the construction period, we providedconsultancy services and were closely involved inplanning the railway doubling works, which werecompleted without disruption to services on theexisting line. We performed the following activities:→ widening the line, in part through a second trackand in part through creation of a new route;→ removal of all existing level crossings;→ realization/adaptation of road crossings;→ adaptation of stations and halts;→ renovation and technological improvements,with the realization of electric traction lines,signaling and network circulation safety systemsand railway telecommunications. 21
INNOVATION IN UNDERGROUND SOLUTIONS International awards and care for the environment Engineering won the “Technical innovation of the year” award at the International Tunnelling Awards in Toronto (Canada) in 2012. Our winning project investigated how expanded clay can be successfully employed as a back-filler in deep mechanized tunnelling. At subsequent editions of the Awards, we have always been among the finalists. Our project for the 2014 Awards was the Smart Cross Passage (SCP), for which a patent application is currently pending. We also support a strong safety culture and principles of sustainability in all our operations, and we are a charter member of the Green Building Council promoting LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) in Italy. 22
Headquarter Rome office Upper Woburn Place 90 Adelaide St. W Mahatma Gandi Cad.Via della Stazione, 27 Largo Amba Aradam, 1 London, WC1H OBS Suite # 300 No: 26/238123 Trento (TN) 00184 Rome (RM) N. 16 Toronto ON, M5H 4A6 G.O.P. AnkaraItaly Italy United Kingdom Canada TurkeyP +39 0461 979 000 Turin office P +1 (416) 574 4280 P +1 (416) 574 4280 P +90 0312 442 2426F +39 0461 979 250 Environment Park Via Livorno, [email protected] 10144 Turin (TO)
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