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Description: Laverstock & Ford Newsletter Newsletter 178


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Laverstock & Ford Incorporating Laverstock & Milford Ward, Bishopdown Farm Ward, Ford, Old Sarum & Longhedge Ward Parish Newsletter Issue 178 November/December 2019

2 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

Welcome to issue number 178 The lovely picture of a rainbow in the Parish on the front cover taken by Councillor Waller symbolises to many peace and serenity and as we age perhaps gets us thinking about our own mortality and how little time we have left to find that pot of gold! The word Rainbow” comes from the Latin arcus pluvius, meaning “rainy arch.” In Greek and Roman times, it was believed that rainbows were a path created by the goddess of the rainbow, Iris, linking us to the immortals and consisted of three colours - well that was the opinion of Aristotle! The Greeks used the word “iris” to refer to any coloured circle, such as the iris of the eye or even the spot on the tail of a peacock. Other words that take their cue from the goddess of the rainbow include the iris flower, the chemical iridium, and the word “iridescent.” Rainbows were not understood at all until the 17 Century. In 1637 René Descartes discovered that the five colours of the rainbow were caused by light from the sun being split into different colours by rain. In 1666, Isaac Newton added the colours indigo and orange to give us the seven-coloured rainbow. The truth is, there is no set number of colours in a rainbow! Each hue blends into the next without a hard boundary, leaving the interpretation up to the person who sees it and the culture that has defined it. So, what has this to do with our Parish? The last issue of the newsletter contained a detailed questionnaire on the future of the Parish and asked that Parishioners should complete and return them by post e-mail and through collection boxes. Thanks to you, we have had hundreds of replies which have allowed us to capture a wide variety of views (certainly more than seven!) on the future of the Parish and hopefully encapsulate them in our Neighbourhood Plan. A Neighbourhood Plan is a way of helping local communities to influence the planning of the Parish in which they live and work. It will be used to develop a shared vision for all to enjoy over the coming years. The parish Newsletter is published six times a year for the benefit of parish residents. However, articles included do not necessarily reflect the views of the Parish Council. Advertisements for any firm or service does not imply a recommendation by the Parish Council. Cover: Rainbow over Laverstock Downs © Lesley Waller 2019 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 3

Inside your Parish Newsletter ... 3 Welcome to Issue number 178 5 View from the Chair 6 News in Brief 7/8 Report on Parish Council Meetings 9 Planning Applications 10 Service to the Parish 12 Grants 13 Parish Pump 14 News from the River Bourne Community Farm 16 Finding your way around the Parish 19 Help protect Rights of Way in Laverstock 20 Castle Hill Country Park Update 21 News from Laverstock Gardening Club 23 News from St Mark and St Andrew 24 Milford Preservation Group 25 Neighbourhood Plan Update 27 Café on the Green 28 Laverstock and Ford Parish Council Contacts 29 Wiltshire Council Helplines 31 Wiltshire Councillors 32 Local Churches Information 33 Contacts around the Parish 34 Venues around the Parish 35 Parish Diary Dates 4 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

View from the Chair - Andy Birkett The end of Autumn is closing fast and we’re all looking towards the end of another year; and probably wondering like me how we have got here so quickly. We’ve have seen much change and turbulence in the Parish Council this year, positive and negative. We have lost some outstanding councillors who have made excellent contributions over recent years, and in the case of Ron Champion over more than a decade including a long period as Chair. We have welcomed 4 new councillors in recent months representing all 3 wards and hope to attract more, we still have 6 vacant councillor posts so please get in contact if you would like to help your local community and governance at this important local level. I would encourage anyone to attend the Parish Council monthly meetings to find out what is being done to help you and our communities, details of the next are in this magazine and always available on our website. In recent months we have seen great advances in some of the long-awaited facilities for the Parish and its neighbours. The Castle Hill Country Park development is now well underway with our partner the Land Trust; thank you to all the local volunteers who have stepped in to help the preparations with the Phillipa the Ranger who is leading the work. We will see the work on the Country Park accelerate over the coming months as landscaping is carried out, keep an eye out for the updates that are included in each of these magazines. Residents of Old Sarum and Longhedge will also have seen that the community open spaces are developing. The final playpark has been constructed at Old Sarum although as I write this, we are waiting for the final landscaping with turf to be completed now we have left the dry weather behind. We are close to taking responsibility for the 35-acre community open space to the North of Longhedge and going out to find a landscape contractor to start the work to complete this area. And, at long, last, we should shortly see the main dual use link path between Longhedge and Old Sarum constructed. In Milford we should see the repair and upgrade to our boardwalk now that the main active period for the water voles has finished and the work can be completed without too much disruption to their breeding period. Finally, thank you to all who are volunteering on the development of the Neighbourhood Plan and all who are actively engaged. We are intimately involved but the team is separate to the Parish Council, supported by the Council but ultimately acting on all our behalves. We need everyone to engage with it; give the team your views, wishes, opinions and aspirations for our area which can all be fed in and presented to the community for endorsement (or otherwise) in the future. Councillor Andy Birkett, Chair of Laverstock and Ford Parish Council Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 5

NEWS IN BRIEF • Target date slips again for Bishopdown Farm Pavilion to be handed over to the safekeeping of the Parish • Parish Council are collaborating with Alderbury PC to purchase and share a portable Speed Indicating Device. • Grant application form is being updated to make it more user friendly • PC considering ways of better supporting the River Bourne Community Farm • Discussions with Wiltshire Council are underway for the devolution of WC assets. This includes some of WC’s poorly maintained playparks • Old Sarum skatepark might be ready for use before Christmas • Owners of Old Sarum Airfield are considering a Judicial Review • The application by builders at Longhedge for 65 extra houses may result in a windfall of £80.000 for the Parish Council (Community Open Space fund). This will support improvements to the Play Area at Longhedge • Our Castle Hill Country Park Ranger reports that work is underway to seed wildflowers. See page 20 • The Neighbourhood Planning Team’s questionnaire was sent out with the last edition of the Newsletter. Be sure to complete it we need your views. Further questionnaires are being prepared targeted at businesses and schools. • The Editor of our Newsletter has retired. This edition is a temporary arrangement whilst we consider new measures for publishing our bi-monthly magazine. Interested in helping? See page 9 • A grant application from the Milford Preservation Group was approved for funds towards an information board to be erected near the Milford Mill Bridge. • At its meeting on the 20th August the Water Meadows Trust approved its Management Plan which will guide the work of the Trust for the next five years. The objectives of the plan include: To preserve, conserve, and protect the land in Laverstock and its chalk valley riverine habitats. 6 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

Report on Parish Council Meetings This report covers the meetings held on 19th August and 16th September 2019. The full minutes of these meetings can be viewed on the Parish Council page of our website at Due to the absence on business of the Chairman the Council asked Cllr Bussereau to chair both meetings. At the August meeting two new Councillors were co-opted on to the Council. They were Cllr David Lovibond representing the Laverstock and Milford Ward and Cllr Kevin Lynn representing Ford, Old Sarum and Longhedge. Councillors are usually elected to office at Local Council elections that are held every four years. Co-option is a method of recruiting Councillors between elections. The next election is not until 2021. There are still six vacancies on the Council, which we are keen to fill. A retrospective planning application for a raised decking area at the rear of a house in Laverstock was discussed at both meetings. The Council raised an objection at the August meeting due to the quality of design and a significant overbearing impact on neighbouring properties. The applicant amended the plans in time for the September meeting but the Council upheld its objection, and added that, in its view, the application is not in accordance with Wiltshire Core Policy 57. This requires compatibility with adjoining buildings and having no impact on the amenity of existing occupants …. Including the consideration of privacy. The future of Old Sarum airfield remains in doubt and was discussed at both meetings. Aircraft owners have been given notice to leave and it is also understood that employees of businesses operated by the airfield owners have also been given notice. It is also understood that Old Sarum Airfield Limited have applied for a judicial review of the Planning Inspectors decision to dismiss their appeal. Castle Hill Country Park features at every Council meeting, as it is the largest project in the Parish. The Country Park Ranger provides an update report for discussion. At the August meeting the Council supported a request by The Land Trust, who are building the Park, to amend the layout of footpaths. They now follow the ‘desire’ paths of current users and are more compatible with the topography of the site. The Planning department at Wiltshire Council have since approved the new footpath plan. At the August meeting the Council discussed a consultation by NHS England into applications to provide pharmacies at the Local Centres of both Old Sarum and Longhedge. The Old Sarum application stated that the pharmacy would include consulting rooms and host a GP service. The Council supported both applications. A decision is expected by the end of October 2019. The Council agreed to grant a Licence to the Community Farm to enable them to underlet larger premises to Giant Steps Nursery. The Community Farm is owned by the Parish Council and leased to the Community Interest Company that operates the Farm. Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 7

Following the retirement of the current editor of the Parish Newsletter, its future was discussed at length at the September Council meeting. Efforts to recruit a successor have not been successful. It was decided to compile the copy material of this issue internally within the Council and then employ an external agency to produce the final publication. There will be an additional cost to the Council of up to £500 per issue. In previous years the Newsletter has always been self-financing through the small amount of advertising that is included. The link path between the Longhedge and Old Sarum developments was discussed again in September. This 3m wide shared-use (for cyclists and pedestrians) tarmac path should have been built before the first dwellings were occupied at Longhedge. It is an essential link to enable parents with children to access Old Sarum Primary School. Currently parents have a long drive via the A345 and The Portway or, if they have no car, Wiltshire Council provides taxis. Attempts were made to commence construction in August but this was brought to a halt by nesting birds in trees that needed to be felled to make way for the path. It is hoped that construction will start again soon. At both meetings the Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group gave Councillors progress reports. The residents’ survey form was distributed to every dwelling in the parish in early September. By mid-September over 200 replies had been received plus a large number of online responses. The group has also secured a government grant of over £8,000 to help with the cost of the survey, subsequent analysis and other work. At the September meeting the Council granted £750 to the Milford Preservation Group towards the cost of placing an information board at the mediaeval Milford Mill Bridge. An application for grant funding by St John’s Ambulance was deferred until information on local activities was forthcoming. Finally, the Clerk reported on the Budget and Precept setting process for the 2020- 2021 financial year. The draft Council tax base will be available in early November. The deadline for setting is 24 January 2010. We currently have over 80 volunteers who between them deliver the 4,300 newsletters once every two months. We need volunteers to deliver newsletters in: • Down View Road Laverstock • Longhedge • Northside, Old Sarum • Part of the Industrial Estate Old Sarum. Can you help? Contact Barry at [email protected] 8 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

Planning Applications The following Planning Applications have been submitted in the Parish since July 2. Italics after the application show the Parish Council response. Bold print shows a decision by Wiltshire Council. DECISIONS 19/06058/FUL Proposed single storey rear extension. 52 Saunders Ave., Bishopdown. APPROVED 19/05817/FUL Proposed new detached building, to house kitchen and dining area. (Alabare) The Portway, Old Sarum APPROVED 19/05623/FUL New windows to rear elevation. The Woodford Centre, Unit 3, Lysander Way, Old Sarum. APPROVED 19/06624/FUL Demolition of existing conservatory and entrance canopy. Erection of new single storey rear extension, single storey entrance porch, external cladding and aperture alterations. Internal alterations. 57 Church Road Laverstock APPROVED 19/06832/TPO Work to TPO trees. Norway Maple (194) crown lift to 2.3m agl. Common Lime (205, 210, 209) crown lift to 2.3m agl. To provide shared use cycleway. Land NW of Portway, Old Sarum (OS swale) APPROVED 19/06840/TPO Work to TPO trees. T1 and T2 Lime trees-pollard to previous points. Darnaway, Laverstock Park, Laverstock APPROVED 19/06896/TCA Work to trees in a conservation area. Laburnum-crown reduce by 2.5m. T2- Laburnum-fell. T3-Purple plum crown reduce by 3m. 13 Green Lane, Ford. NO OBJECTION 19/07229/FUL Single storey extension to rear of detached bungalow. 40 Riverbourne Road Milford APPROVED 19/07590/FUL Proposed two storey elevation to east and west elevation with internal alterations and proposed garage. Ferrers house, Laverstock Park APPROVED 19/07652/FUL Proposed single storey rear and first floor extensions and alterations 1 St Christopher’s Close, Bishopdown APPROVED 19/07709/ADV Advertisement consent. 3m high estate sign and LED uplighter. Longhedge Local Centre APPROVED 19/08543/ADV Advertisement consent 1x42’’ LCD media screen, 2x1250mm x 700mm flag pole signs, overall 2400mm in height. Tesco Extra, Bourne Way, Salisbury. APPROVED NEW APPLICATIONS 19/06409/FUL Rear raised decking (retrospective), rear area of deposited topsoil (retrospective), and proposed front area of increased car parking. 123 Church Road, Laverstock. OBJECT WITH REASONS 19/06825/FUL Conversion of detached garage to ancillary accommodation.49 Elm Close, Laverstock NO COMMENT 19/07596/TPO T1 and T2 Lime. Crown reduce by 3m. Crown lift to 4m. T3 to T7 Crown lift to 4m. And other work. Partridge Way, Old Sarum.NO COMMENT 19/07924/FUL Single storey rear extension and associated works. 21 Potters Way, Laverstock. NO COMMENT 19/09147/FUL Retention of the existing rear timber porch.25 Riverbourne Road Milford NO COMMENT Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 9

SERVICE TO THE PARISH – David Law Editor of the Parish Newsletter retires: For the last ten years David Law has edited the Parish Newsletter. He became a Parish Councillor in 2009 when we had just begun to put together the Parish Plan. In 2014 he became the Editor of the Parish Newsletter and Web Master. During his tenure the Newsletter grew in prominence as the Parish grew to serve an increasing population. Every two months it is now delivered to 4300 households. It is a measure of David’s professionalism that the Newsletter has developed to become a powerful vehicle for the Parish Council to reach out to residents. He has also been responsible for much of the photography in the magazine. He has kept the Newsletter cost neutral by ensuring we have just enough revenue from the advertising to cover costs of printing. Not just the technical stuff either; he has also shared responsibility for the rather more mundane tasks like packing up the magazines delivered from the printer ready for distribution to the population. But the real story is that David, like many other residents who serve the Parish, has been a volunteer. For the duration of his service he has received not a penny of public money. We have good reason to thank David and indeed his wife Mary for their service to the community. He will be a hard act to follow. LOOKING FORWARD you don’t need to commit to being a Councillor to serve the Parish We must now put in place arrangements to serve future Newsletters. We have very many residents in the Parish who already offer particular skills, and now we are looking for editorial support for the newsletter team. We need volunteers who may be able to assist with collection of editorial material, collation of articles, graphic design, photography, writing short articles. If you have some of these skills and would like to join a new editorial team, please do contact the Andrew the Parish Clerk. Virginia McLennan Parish Improvement Fund This fund offers £500 annually for groups and individuals with a project that benefits the community. It could be a simple project just requiring equipment-or just a contribution to a larger project, where there would be a shortfall without it. The process is simple. Call or e-mail Ian McLennan and pitch you project. 01722 332233 [email protected] Latest awards: Old Sarum Youth Club, to purchase resources £100 Alabare community kitchen and cafe project at Old Sarum £200 10 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

News from New Sarum WI Our September meeting was well attended and there were also eight visitors. All were taken on a virtual tour of the Salisbury Cathedral spire. Mike our speaker, made the talk very interesting and for those of us who would never be able to climb the 300 steps or so to reach the top, showed us much of the internal workings of the spire, as well as the view looking down into the cathedral and the surrounding area. At our October meeting we learnt all about the workings of the ‘blood runners’, who give their time to transport blood out of hours for the NHS, to all areas of Wessex. November will be a demonstration Christmas flowers and decorations, ready for us to make things for Christmas! Our December Christmas social is being arranged by Maddy, one of our committee members, so watch this space. If you are interested in joining us, please look at our website and join us at one of our meetings, 7.15pm at the Old Sarum Community Centre on the first Wednesday of the month. Please note that the meeting in January 2020 will be on January 8!!! Sheila Hart, Treasurer and Vice President. [email protected] Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 11

GRANTS FROM YOUR PARISH COUNCIL Did you know that the Council operates a modest Grant Scheme? The aim of the scheme is to assist both youth and adult community groups with projects that further the aims of our Parish Plan. The full Grant Policy and Guidance for Applicants can be read here. There is a link to the policy and the application form on the home page of the Council’s website, or contact the Parish Clerk. Grants are funded from the rent received from a cell phone mast situated on land owned by the Council at the River Bourne Community Farm. There is no charge on the precept or council tax. One of the most recent grants awarded was one of £905 to the Old Sarum Youth Club to assist with their running costs and to fund off site activities. Members of the Youth Club can be seen showing their appreciation below. Other examples of grants that have been awarded recently are: - • £750 to the Milford Preservation Group to install an Information Board at the mediaeval Milford Bridge. • £200 to Youth Action Wiltshire to support their activities throughout the county. • £600 to Laverstock Village Hall to upgrade the heating system. • £300 to Wiltshire Citizens Advice. • £200 to Carers Support Wiltshire. • £1000 to the Old Sarum Community Centre to repair their central heating boiler. • £2000 to the River Bourne Community Farm to help stage Live @ the Farm. • £500 to Salisbury and South Wilts District Scouts to improve Dennis Marsh House. 12 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

Parish Pump The Parish Pump was the one place in the community where residents could gather to collect water and listen to serious gossip. The Parish Pump was the parish newsletter of its time. Parish Pump will never speak on behalf of Councillors or Officers. Comments made in this column are entirely the observations, sometimes whimsical sometimes cutting reflections of Parish Pump, who after all, still is the life-blood of the community. The power of Residents to make a difference PP often bleats on about the effectiveness of public administration at Parish Council (PC) level. And it’s a good time to repeat the message that without the turbulent interference of Party Politics in the Parish we are free to manage our affairs without the meddlesome pressure of party-political opinion. It’s part of our unwritten constitution – no politics. Perhaps parliamentarians should be made to attend PC meetings to learn how to behave. Residents are welcome to attend PC meetings, convened at venues around our communities, to listen and enjoy councillors debating. Meetings are not always entirely well behaved. Some councillors, heaven forbid, are known to interrupt one another! But it’s generally good natured. Residents are permitted to address the council before the formal opening of proceedings for up to three minutes on any subject. The Chairman has been known, on occasions, to bend the rules allowing a resident to speak during a debate. Well-meaning interruptions are often helpful to the discussion. Our Wiltshire Councillor Ian McLennan frequently attends Parish Council meetings and his contribution to our debate is always welcome. Using the three-minute rule residents come with all manner of concerns. Roadside weeds in Laverstock, were mentioned recently. Surprisingly within a week of the meeting Wiltshire Council had a team out spraying the edges of pavements along Riverside Road. Planning Applications are a regular subject. Householders can address the PC about a planning application. The PC has the opportunity to inspect all planning applications received by WC planners from residents. Organisations seeking grant monies are encouraged to attend and represent their application. The PC looks favourably on applicants who come to address the PC in person. We are saying goodbye and thank you to our Newsletter editor in this edition. PP is reminded of the value of the magazine as the messenger of the Parish Council business. In the spring of 2016, the Parish fought a battle to prevent being taken over by Salisbury City. Wiltshire Council wanted to sacrifice the Parish as a gift to the City. The population of the Parish was galvanised in to action through the newsletter and our residents spoke at public meetings, lobbied Wiltshire Councillors and wrote to newspaper supporting their Parish Council. I should say we have been mending fences with the City since then. But that’s what Resident Power can do within the Parish Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 13

News from the River Bourne Community Farm New arrivals on the farm – We have recently bought four more young pygmy goats for the farm as they are so popular with our visitors. You may see them being walked around the farm by our students and volunteers. Pygmy Goats are very hardy and intelligent animals so we might be trying to teach them a few tricks. They usually live to around 10 years old. Our own three sheep are getting on a bit so we have recently bought three Jacob Sheep. Jacobs are unusual in that they have two colours of wool and can have four horns although ours just have two. We are currently keeping them in a pen in the Dutch Barn whilst we get them used to us. We have new arrivals in our aviary as well. We incubated and hatched some Red- Legged (also known as French) Partridges. They mostly stay on the ground and prefer to run when disturbed but, if necessary, they can fly short distances. This year the farm is doing something a little different for Christmas. Inspired by an idea from Alison, one of our new volunteers (Alison, husband Eric and her family are over from Canada for a year and are doing fantastic work for us on the farm), we are holding a Gingerbread Fair for the three weekends before Christmas. Children will be able to come and meet the Gingerbread Fairy, do a gingerbread trail, have a tractor trailer ride and do workshops in the big barn. Final details are being worked on but see our website and our social media pages for more information coming soon. Visitors may have noticed that work has started on the Long Barn where we house our small animals. It desperately needed some work to make it weatherproof, plus we needed another classroom area, so it is all being stripped out as we speak. When it is finished, as well as our new teaching area, we hope to have a viewing area for our egg grading machine (children are fascinated by it!), a purpose-built poultry hatching area as well as our small animal area. Sara-Jane Hancock Education and Marketing Manager 14 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

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Finding your way around the Parish: Only a few years ago, whilst working away my wife rang me on my mobile (Hands free!) and after a few minutes asked me the name of the female in my car. I had no passenger……….it was the sat nav giving me directions! At this time a satnav was a relatively expensive item. Despite the hefty price tag, more often than not, its functionality was highly restricted: smart traffic information was still a long way off, visuals were rudimentary, power usage was high, maps would quickly get out of date and on many occasions, the device would send me in the wrong direction or down streets which no longer existed. Today, obviously, that situation has changed. the price of a satnav has gone down considerably, making it affordable for all. The collaboration between technology companies and mapping services has resulted in more accurate satnavs and less mistakes. Better WIFI reception across the world has meant that real-time traffic information has greatly improved and allowed for on-the- go updates of existing maps. Finally, the advent of cheap satnav apps for smart phones has opened up an entirely new playing field. We take all this for granted. What most visitors to our Parish and many of our residents will miss however is the link between my experience and a stone monument on the opposite side of the A345 to Old Sarum, which sits half way between Old Sarum and the Portway roundabout. The monument is marked on Ordnance Survey maps and on 1:25,000 scale maps and it is accompanied by the cryptic label “Gun End of Base”. The monument itself clearly explains its purpose and bears the following inscription “In 1794 a line from this site to Beacon Hill was measured by Capt. W Mudge of the Ordnance Survey as a base for the triangulation of Great Britain”. Sadly, and ironically the stone is now on its side, the victim of a car not going in the right direction! It seems that in 1794 Captain William Mudge (1762 – 1820) of the Royal Artillery measured the distance between the site of the monument and nearby Beacon Hill, 16 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

which is approximately 7 miles north east of Old Sarum and can be found between the A303 and the village of Bulford. This measurement apparently became the baseline from which the first definitive mapping survey of Great Britain began. The label “Gun End of Base” on today’s Ordnance Survey map apparently refers to the spot at which a cannon was buried vertically in the ground. It seems that the buried cannon would have been used as a point for Mudge to erect his theodolite on, prior to him making his measurements. In many ways, it’s the most important point on the map, because if it wasn’t for Gun End of Base – actually the muzzle of a cannon buried vertically, business end up – there might not be a map at all. You can still see the snout of the cannon at Old Sarum, but the gun at Beacon Hill, 7 miles to the north where Mudge set his theodolite, was eventually replaced by a triangulation pillar, or trig point, 140 years later. A familiar fixture in the British countryside since the OS built them to survey the country anew, the stability of trig points enabled surveyors to take very accurate measurements which allowed them to perform calculations that, in the trig point’s day, were accurate to 20 metres from one end of Britain to the other. Satellite technology has now improved that to just 3mm. No excuses don’t get lost! Update on the boardwalk The timber boardwalk through Whitebridge Spinney is on its last legs with broken and sagging planks. PLEASE TAKE CARE IF YOU USE IT! Work on its replacement will start on November 4th and it will be closed for 5 to 6 weeks. We apologise for any inconvenience. Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 17

Harvest under Cockey Down 18 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

Help Protect Rights of Way in Laverstock The English countryside is a miraculous accident of design. It is the physical embodiment of the English people and of our ancestral connection with the national home. It is a source of solace, of consolation, of inspiration – and a sense of inchoate belonging. The keeping of it is a precious duty laid upon us all. The footpaths and other rights of way that give us access to this countryside of the heart are often of great antiquity. They mark the site of long-gone settlements or the route of Roman roads or drove roads, or the sinuous tracks that labouring men and beasts took to the distant fields and pastures. Paths were about work or worship, the idea of walking for pleasure would not have been a familiar concept to the countrymen and women who had no choice but to walk. It is only in relatively recent decades that the paths of utility have become more or less exclusively the paths of pleasure. Not that it has always been easy to persuade landowners to keep these routes open when their original purpose has weakened or disappeared. Paths blocked by wire, hedge or ploughland will be known to us all. Highway authorities legally tasked with enforcing the public rights way typically do not have the resources to fulfil that role adequately. Then of course there is the remorseless thrusting of nature, whose vanguard of nettle and briar can in its tangled mass repel the less than ardent rambler. Paths that are not seasonally cleared become unused and then unusable. Those theoretically obliged to keep our rights of way open may claim with some justice that as a bridleway or path is never seen to be used, where is the need and what is the point in clearing them? Working together we can provide the answer to that challenge. The Parish Council aims to recruit a volunteer network of local footpath wardens who will each take responsibility for a path or bridleway in Laverstock, Ford and Milford. Wardenship could include ensuring the legal right of CANCER RESEARCH UK MAKE YOU OWN CHRISTMAS way is not obstructed artificially by locked PUDDING. Thursday 14 or 28 gates, wire or plough – and reporting any November at 6.30pm. infringements to me. It might well also mean Wiltshire College, Southampton taking a billhook to encroaching nature… Road. TICKETS £10 (Includes If we get this right, the paths and byways all ingredients). Mulled wine, of our Parish will once more offer an open coffee and mince pies. For more and welcoming way into our beautiful information and tickets CONTACT countryside. Sue Gallagher 0791713170 If you would like to help, please contact Cllr. David Lovibond: davidlovibond@laverstock- Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 19

Castle Hill Country Park Update We have finally got a window of opportunity to get some of the bigger works done out on site. As the skylarks have finished nesting and we are enjoying some early autumn sunshine we are busy trying to get the ground prepared for wildflower seeding. We are focusing on the area at the bottom of the site surrounding Greentrees Junior School and running down Fiander Lane. Some areas are proving harder than others due to the compaction of the ground. Seeding will hopefully be taking place in early October and then it could be a couple of years before we have a well established wildflower meadow. We are also part way through our bi-annual cut and collect of the vegetation in the swales. I have been chasing lots of frogs and the occasional toad around with the strimmer so it’s promising to see they are already attracting lots of wildlife. The tendering process has now ended for the paths and second car park. We are just finalising details and then hope to get work underway in the next few weeks. These works should hopefully be completed by Christmas and we can then turn our attentions to signage and the location of things such as benches. Over the next few weeks we will be continuing our work on the Iron Age themed play mounds. Tony the digger driver has been doing a great job of recreating the designs made by local school children and then we envisage doing some tidying up of the slopes by hand and utilsing the topsoil coming from the pathworks to cover them over and encourage some grass to grow. Our Tuesday morning volunteer sessions are now in full swing. We have completed the fencing work around the culverts and are now focusing on the removal of vegetation from the swales and spreading more wildflower seed. If you are interested in joining in then we meet 9.30am – 12noon every Tuesday (weather permitting). A note goes out the day before to let everyone know where we’re meeting and what the task is. If you don’t feel like practical work is for you then I am always looking for volunteers to simply act as eyes and ears for the park and report any issues or damage. If you would like to contact the Ranger, email Philippacrooke@ 20 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

News from Laverstock Gardening Club The theme for our meeting on Monday 25 November is ‘Christmas Floral Arrangements’. Our former chairman Mary Reardon will be showing how to create some brilliant seasonal decorations using natural materials. Having witnessed some of Mary’s previous floristry demonstrations I am looking forward to this and perhaps gathering inspiration for my own efforts. The competition subject for November will be ‘Autumn Foliage’. Entries can take the form of a painting, embroidery, photo or stems in a vase. There will be no meeting of the club in December. Normally meetings are held at Laverstock and Ford Village Hall at 7.30pm on the fourth Monday of the month. Visitors are welcome. JT Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 21

22 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

‘Remember with Thanksgiving’ Sunday 3rd November 3pm St. Mark’s. A service to help the bereaved remember and give thanks for those who have died. Followed by light refreshments. Remembrance Sunday 10th November 10.30am services of Remembrance, thanksgiving and prayer for the whole community at both churches. ‘The Hiding Place’ 7.30pm ‘Oddments Theatre’ presents a dramatization of the extraordinary story of Corrie Ten Boom: a story faith, hope and rescue amidst the horrors of WW2. Tickets £11 in advance £13 on the door. St. Andrew’s Day 30th November A communion service at 6pm in St. Andrew’s followed by a ‘Fish & Chip Supper’ and entertainment in the village hall. Carols by Candlelight at St. Mark’s 6pm December 15th with mulled wine and mince pies. Carols by Candlelight at St Andrew’s 6pm December 22nd with mulled wine and mince pies. ‘Nativity’ services for families 4pm Tuesday 24th December at both churches. Bringing alive for all ages the reality of ‘God with us’. Children may come in costume. Christmas Eve 24th 11.15 pm Holy communion at St. Andrew’s preceded by mulled wine and mince pies at 11pm. Christmas Day 25th 10.30am Christmas morning Family celebration at St. Mark’s. Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 23

Milford Preservation Group: News from the Front Line by Cllr. David Lovibond Milford Mill Road Information Board Members and well-wishers of the MPG wish to formally thank LFPC and Wessex Care for their generous support in the design and manufacture of the Milford Mill Bridge Information Board. The Board will be unveiled to a waiting world (well, Milford and Laverstock..) in early November. Lorry Watch Scheme The launch of the Lorry Watch (LW) scheme is also scheduled for the autumn. Readers may recall that the scheme is one of the measures for which MPG and local residents have asked in their campaign to protect Milford Mill Bridge. LW co-ordinator, Peter Hicks, has organised a briefing for scheme volunteers with Wiltshire Police. Contact Peter at [email protected] for details. River Bourne Island Conservation Project This is a major conservation project for late autumn. The aim is to render the ‘island’ extending from Milford Mill Bridge and along the River Bourne much more sympathetic to wildlife. The clearance of undergrowth and placing of fallen trees will be supervised by Wiltshire Wildlife. Volunteers are very welcome. Contact MPG Chair, Andy Howard at [email protected] Archaeological Research Group (ARG) This project is in its early stages. The idea is that interested members would add to the historical and archaeological record of our Parish. This should certainly include the physical exploration of the many known or suspected sites revealed on the County’s Sites and Monuments Record (SMR). More sedentary members of the Group would also have plenty to do in, for instance, securing landowners’ permission for active members to walk their fields and the vital work of recording any information found there. This exciting and challenging work would be undertaken with the help and guidance of the County Archaeologist’s office. If interested in joining the ARG please contact David Lovibond [email protected] Membership The Group welcomes new members from Milford, Laverstock and Ford. Interested residents need not fear they would be signing up for anything necessarily backbreaking or exhausting…. New members can simply support our work tacitly and by their subscriptions or donations. Contact the MPG Membership Secretary: Barbara Lovibond [email protected] or Treasurer: Louise Gay louiseanngay@yahoo. 24 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

Neighbourhood Plan - Green Spaces in the Parish As readers will have seen in the last Newsletter, the last couple of months has been a busy time for the Neighbourhood Plan group, with questionnaires going to residents and businesses in the parish and the responses now being collated for analysis. The results of this will then be used to guide the drafting of the Neighbourhood Plan. The questions in the Residents’ Questionnaire aimed to explore in more detail the themes which arose in the earlier community consultation events we held. A key theme was the appreciation of the parish’s semi-rural character and the wish to preserve and protect its landscape, flora and fauna. The impact of future housing and commercial development on this character is naturally the first thing which comes to mind and will be the main focus of the Neighbourhood Plan. However, we should not forget that our enjoyment of the green spaces in the parish comes with responsibilities. The green spaces are in various forms, each with different restrictions on access and all requiring continuous effort to maintain and preserve them. These spaces include: • community parks, such as Castle Hill Country Park and the Old Sarum Country Park; • farmland, both arable and pastoral, particularly along the River Bourne water meadows, including the fields of the River Bourne Community Farm; • the higher chalk down land of Laverstock and Cockey Downs; • smaller pockets of woodland. We are lucky that many of these green spaces have public footpaths or permissive paths running through them, which allow their enjoyment up close and provide the opportunity for healthy exercise. Public footpaths are usually marked with finger posts or other waymarks and are indicated as public rights of way on Ordnance Survey maps. Wiltshire Council maintains a register of these footpaths. Permissive paths do not carry any right of access but are provided by some landowners as a community benefit. They will be clearly marked and may have restrictions. It cannot be assumed that other paths and tracks give any right of access across private land. Even when using public and permissive footpaths it should be remembered that usually they give no rights of access to the land around them. The exception to this is land designated as “open access”, which is mapped on the Natural England website. Here there is a specific right for the public to roam over the land on foot. This includes some of the higher chalk down land of Laverstock and Cockey Downs, but part of this is also designated for its nationally important wildlife, so particular care needs to be taken not inadvertently harm the orchids and other rare wildflowers that can be found there (see the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust website for details). Natural England have published a very comprehensive guide to accessing and enjoying the countryside CA9: Out in the country (Rev 11/11) and the Ramblers Association Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 25

have used this as the basis for their Code of Conduct advice/paths-and-access/england-and-wales/countryside-code-for-the-public.aspx. Some of the main points of the latter are: • A farmer will normally close gates to keep farm animals in, but may sometimes leave them open so the animals can reach food and water. Leave gates as you find them or follow instructions on signs. • Follow paths unless wider access is known to be available. • Use gates and stiles in field boundaries– climbing over walls, hedges and fences can damage them and increase the risk of farm animals escaping. • Take special care not to damage, destroy or remove features such as rocks, plants and trees. • Litter and leftover food doesn’t just spoil the beauty of the countryside, it can be dangerous to wildlife and farm animals – so take your litter home with you. Dropping litter and dumping rubbish are criminal offences. • Fires can be as devastating to wildlife and habitats as they are to people and property – so be careful with naked flames and cigarettes at any time of the year. Barbeques should only be used in clearly designated areas. • When you take your dog into the countryside, always ensure it does not disturb wildlife, farm animals, horses or other people by keeping it under effective control. This means that you: o keep your dog on a lead, or keep it in sight at all times, be aware of what it’s doing and be confident it will return to you promptly on command; o ensure it does not stray off the path or area where you have a right of access. • Special dog rules may apply in particular situations, so always look out for local signs. For example, where open access to land is given dogs must be kept on a short lead between 1 March and 31 July, to help protect ground nesting birds, and all year round near farm animals. • It’s always good practice to keep your dog on a lead around farm animals and horses, for your own safety and for the welfare of the animals. However, if in the rare occasion cattle or rams become agitated by your dog and run towards you it is essential you let go of the dog’s lead and leave the field before calling the dog to you. • Everyone knows how unpleasant dog mess is and it can cause infections, so always clean up after your dog and get rid of the mess responsibly – ‘bag it and bin it’. Make sure your dog is wormed regularly to protect it, other animals and people. With these guidelines in mind, enjoy your beautiful surroundings. JB 26 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

Café on the Green Community Café at The Pavilion, Ash Crescent, Hampton Park, SP1 3GZ Open: Tuesday 1.30pm-4pm Thursday 9am-11am Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Homemade cakes. Everybody is welcome! The Café also hosts: Toddlers on the Green-Tuesday 1.30pm- 2.30pm Toys, craft, sing-a-long. We provide fruit and fruit juice plus tea or coffee. £1.50 Breakfast on the Green-Thursday 9am-11am Join us for breakfast, read the papers or just have a chat! We are not for profit café. A safe community space offered by the Methodist church. Tea/coffee £1, Homemade cake 50p, Breakfast items 50p Contact: Christine, e-mail-owbemerton@ https: cafeonthegreenbishopdownfarm Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 27

Laverstock & Ford Parish Council Contacts Chair Andy Birkett Laverstock & Ford Ward Marti Hilliard 26 Melvin Close Laverstock James Dean SP1 3PQ Milford Farm, Milford SP1 1RJ martihilliard@laverstock- Tel: 335040 [email protected] David Lovibond Derek Hayes 33 Riverbourne Road Laverstock Meadow View, The Green, SP1 1NU Laverstock SP1 QS Tel: 332109 [email protected] [email protected] Bishopdown Farm Ward David Watson Lesley Waller 107 Saunders Avenue, 30 The Oakbournes Bishopdown SP1 3PG Bishopdown Farm SP1 3FZ Tel 01722 500773 [email protected] [email protected] Ford, Old Sarum & Longhedge Ward Andy Birkett Kevin Lynn 34 Norman Drive Old Sarum 9 Warneford Crescent SP4 6FP Longhedge SP4 6SB Tel: 01722 326642 [email protected] [email protected] Vic Bussereau Alex Tucker 5 Merrifield Road, Ford SP4 6DF 11 Ashlands, Ford SP4 6DY Tel: 339571 Tel: 01722 325049 [email protected] [email protected] Parish Clerk Andrew Prince 3 Pilgrims Way, Laverstock, Salisbury, SP1 1RZ Tel: 01722 411847 Email: [email protected] Barry Stay Email: [email protected] Details of councillors’ interests & membership of parish council sub-groups, can be found on our website 28 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

WILTSHIRE COUNCIL HELPLINES To report road, lighting defects and road hazards 0300 456 0105 Emergency (Out of hours) 0300 456 0100 Rubbish and recycling 0300 456 0102 Council tax 0300 456 0109 Housing 01722 434773 Planning 01722 434541 Building Control 01722 434519 Pest control, noise and pollution 0300 4560107 General enquiries and switchboard 0300 456 0100 FLOOD LINE 0345 988 1188 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Emergency Helpline 0800 807 060 Salisbury Community Engagement Manager Marc Read [email protected] 01722 434557 Southern Wiltshire Community Engagement Manager Karen Linaker [email protected] 01722 434697 Local Police Contacts for Community Policing issues or enquiries (non-urgent) Laverstock, Ford and Old Sarum PCSO Jenny Moss [email protected] Bishopdown Farm, Hampton Park and Riverdown Park PCSO PCSO Kady Green [email protected] Milford PCSO Laura King – [email protected] Community Policing Co-ordinator – Pc Matt Holland Our email for general enquiries is - [email protected] You can phone Wiltshire Police by dialling '101', in an emergency dial ‘999’. Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 37 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 29

30 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

Wiltshire Councillors Ian McLennan For Laverstock, Ford & Old Sarum 01722 332233 47 Church Road, Laverstock, Salisbury SP1 1QY Email: [email protected] @CllrIanMcLennan Derek Brown OBE For Bishopdown Farm: 3 The Meadows, Salisbury, SP1 2SS 07967 343011 Email: [email protected] Member of Parliament John Glen Constituency Office 12 Brown Street, Salisbury SP1 1HE Phone: 01722 323050 Website: House of Commons [email protected] Parish Council meetings for November and December Monday 18th November Old Sarum Community Centre 7pm Monday 16th December River Bourne Community Farm 7pm Parish Council meetings are held in each of the parish wards to enable residents to have easy access to local meetings. Residents are wel- come to attend and may address the council for up to three minutes before the start of the meeting. Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter: Copy deadline for next issue (179) Jan/Feb 2020 4th December The editor reserves the right to edit articles for content and length. If you are a member of a local club or organisation, or have an unusual hobby which you think would interest your fellow residents, write a short article about it for possible inclusion in a future Parish Newsletter. You can include pictures which support the article. A full page is a round 400 words. Email these to: [email protected] Laverstock & Ford Parish Website: Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 31

LOCAL CHURCHES INFORMATION Several churches are listed as the civil boundary overlaps the church boundaries St Mark’s Church - Main Services 1st Sunday 9.00am Communion and 10.00am Together@Ten 2nd-5th Sundays 10.30am Communion or Morning Worship St Andrew’s Church - Sunday Services 9.00am Breakfast@9 - an hour with God with breakfast 10.30am Communion Parish Office (St Mark’s/St Andrew’s) 07933 952171 [email protected] Bourne Valley Methodist Church, Main Road, Winterbourne Dauntsey, SP4 6EW Sunday service at 10.00am. Minister Rev’d Steve Hawkes. Tel 01722 334833 St. Michael and All Angels, Winterbourne Earls : (the C of E Parish church for Ford) Sunday service at 11.00am Team Service (5th Sunday in month), Wednesday Holy Communion 9.30am Priest in Charge: Rev. Peter Ostli-East (01980 611350) [email protected] Website: Salisbury Vineyard Church : meets every Sunday, 10.30am at Godolphin School— Real coffee, friendly people, real God and uplifting atmosphere. Details:: 01722 340166 or visit The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham at Holy Redeemer, Bishopdown Mass 11am every Sunday, Wednesday 6.30pm. Evensong 6pm (2nd Sunday of month) Fr Keith Robinson (01722 504807) [email protected] Most Holy Redeemer Fotherby Crescent, Bishopdown SP1 3EG. Saturdays 6pm with children’s liturgy, Wednesday 10am . Canon Michael Fitzpatrick. For more information ring 01722 333581 or email [email protected]. Website: Salisbury United Reformed Church welcomes you. Ministers Revs. Ana & Tod Gobledale ( tel. 01722 330980 ) : Services at Fisherton Street, Sundays 10.30am. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Old Sarum Sunday 10am worship Wednesday 7:30pm Youth Club Salisbury Baptist Church Brown Street SP1 2AS welcomes you, Sundays 10.30 am, Tuesdays Coffee & Lunch, Parent & Toddler Group Thursday morning. Contact: 01722 237250 [email protected] Salisbury Methodist Church St Edmunds, Church St, Salisbury, SP11EF. Minister, Rev David Hookins. Services every Sunday morning at 10.30 am and in the evening at 6pm. St Francis Church Beatrice Rd/ Castle Road Salisbury lots going on for all ages. please check out our website for more info: Grace Church 10am Stonehenge School AMESBURY, SP4 7ND , 11am Sarum Academy School, SALISBURY, SP2 9HS Tel: 01722 33 33 51 32 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

Contacts around the Parish Air Cadets (Old Sarum) 320634 Army Cadets (Old Sarum) Adam Reavill 07940 984886 Bishopdown Farm Pre-school Marie Ryan 01722 333181 Bishopdown Farm Friendship Group Mary Ellis 324259 Café on the Green Toddler Group  [email protected] Café Craft Club Angela  [email protected] Cricket Club Paul Hemming 07970 960218 Evergreen Club Sandy Small 711129 Flora Mundi Mrs D Stevens 335770 Greentrees Primary – Head Ray Picton 340596 Hampton Park Pavilion Bookings 502966 [email protected] Laverstock & Ford Sports Club 327401 Laverstock Art Club Fiona Forbes 01980 862368 Laverstock Beaver Scouts Jane Waspe 421287 Laverstock Brownies Rachel Hope-Jones  [email protected] Laverstock Cubs Kate Knight 01980 622495 Laverstock Explorer Scouts David Waspe 01722 421287 Laverstock Gardening Club Jill Kay 01722 323407 Laverstock History/Archaeology Bryan Evans 320129 Laverstock Ladies Open Group Iverene Hopkins 500643 Laverstock Scouts Martin Smith 01722 339546 Laverstock WI Louise Hall 326549 Line Dancing (Mulepackers) Mike Sainsbury 717800/340054 Milford Preservation Group David Lovibond 238852 Mothers Union Afternoon Group Heather Ludlow 01980 862758 Old Sarum Aviation Museum (Boscombe Down Aviation Collection) @BDACATOldSarum 323636 Old Sarum Beaver, Cubs & Scouts [email protected] Old Sarum Community Centre Diana Earle 01722 335349 Old Sarum Community Enablers Will & Sophie Burditt 01722 237318 Old Sarum Primary School – Head Mr John Jones 410677 OS & Longhedge Neighbourhood Watch Ross Walker [email protected] Probus Club of Sarum Peter Matthews 340508 River Bourne Community Farm 330667 River Bourne Farm Shop & Café 332749 Salisbury Medical Practice Tanya McKay 333034 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 33

Sarum Bridge Club [email protected] St Andrews – FRIENDS – Chair Emily Wells 07841 907987 St Andrews – Head Karen Walker 503590 St Andrews Toddlers – Chairs Char Paffet & Zoe Roe  [email protected] St Edmunds – Head Mrs Nicola Bull 328565 St Josephs – Head Mrs R Ridley 335380 St Josephs – FRIENDS c/o School 335380 TA Centre – Old Sarum Capt. Dave Oliver 438300 TAI CHI Jo Domin 01722 322446 The Duck Inn Becki and Tim 327678 Wyvern – FRIENDS Mrs Joanna Charlton 331245 Wyvern College Head Jonathan Curtis 500700 VENUES AROUND THE PARISH Laverstock and Ford Village Hall Casual Hire available. Contact Ian Haldane Tel No. 01722 320 879 Old Sarum Community Centre Large spacious hall seating 80 + people. Small hall which can be divided into two by a partition, catering for thirty people each side or 60 when fully opened. Commercial kitchen and facilities suitable for parties, wedding receptions and training. Wi Fi throughout the building. The Community Centre office will be open on Tuesday 10-12. Tel: 01722 335349. Email: [email protected] Website: The Pavilion, Hampton Park The Pavilion is located on Ash Crescent at Hampton Park. It offers excellent facilities for both indoor and outdoor sport, as well as a meeting place for a variety of groups and organisations. For the latest info on availability and to hire the Pavilion for a party or meeting, please check the website : or Email: [email protected] 34 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

PARISH D i a r y D a t e s for events in Nov/Dec 2019 November Sun 3rd ‘Remember with Thanksgiving’ service. St Marks Church 3pm. Mon 4th Salisbury Area Board Alamein Suite City Hall 7pm Wed 6th Laverstock Evergreen Club 2.30pm Laverstock & Ford Village Hall Wed 6th New Sarum W.I. Old Sarum Community Centre 7:15pm — 9:15pm Sat 9th Laverstock Evergreen Club Autumn Fayre. 1pm Laverstock & Ford Village Hall Sun 10th Remembrance Sunday. St Marks and St Andrews churches 10.30am Mon 11th Laverstock Ladies’ Open “Looking backward to Christmas” by Tony Male. 7:45pm LVH Mon 18th Parish Council Meeting Old Sarum Community Centre 7pm Mon 25th Laverstock Gardening Club ‘Christmas Floral Arrangements’ LVH 7.30 pm Thu 28th South Wilts Area Board Alderbury Village Hall 7pm Sat 30th St Andrews Day Communion Service, St Andrew Church. 6pm. December Wed 4th Laverstock Evergreen Club 2.30pm Laverstock & Ford Village Hall Wed 4th New Sarum W.I. Old Sarum Community Centre 7:15pm — 9:15pm Mon 9th Laverstock Ladies’ Open Gp Christmas Celebrations (tba) 7:45pm LVH Mon 16th Parish Council Meeting River Bourne Community Farm 7pm Fri 20th Christmas on the Green. Carols with Salvation Army. Hampton Park 6pm Sun 22nd Carols by Candlelight. St Andrew’s Church. 6pm Tue 24th Nativity Service at St Mark’s and St Andrew’s Churches. 4pm. LVH Laverstock & Ford Village Hall RBCF River Bourne Community Farm OSCC Old Sarum Community Centre Make sure your Jan/Feb 2020 events appear in the Parish Newsletter E-mail full details to: [email protected] by 4th December Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 35

36 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

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