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Home Explore Engineering Post November 2020

Engineering Post November 2020

Published by Empire Online, 2021-10-28 06:34:18

Description: Engineering Post November 2020

Keywords: Engineeringpost,Engineering


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Rohtas Dam being planned at Jhelum The Pakistan Water and htas Dam, like other water taking-off from Mangla and Power Development reservoirs, can play a pivotal ending at Rohtas to divert Authority (WAPDA) is role in saving the country surplus flows from Mangla actively considering to build from devastating floods and Reservoir to the proposed Ro- a dam at Rohtas for effective conserving flood water to htas Dam. The initial studies mitigation of floods and to bring additional land under suggest that Rohtas Dam will store flood water which can plough. have a water storage capacity then be used for agriculture. It is pertinent to mention of 2 to 3 million acre feet In this regard the WAPDA here that Rohtas Dam site is (MAF). In addition, the proj- Chairman Lt Gen Muzammil identified across River ect will generate 100 MW of Hussain (Retd) has directed Kahan, a tributary of River low-cost hydel electricity. the officers concerned to take Jhelum in a gorge near Ro- Experts are of the view up the Project on priority and htas Fort about 7.5 Kilometer that this is the natural dam accomplish the studies and South of Dina Town in Dis- site and can be well managed other allied tasks in shortest trict Jhelum. The Project en- for the construction of storage possible time stating that Ro- visage a link channel and generation.

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Sindh to generate energy from waste The government of Sindh has cater for the ever-growing energy decided to control the over- needs of the metropolitan. It was whelming menace of waste decided in the meeting to work out by initiating a ‘waste to electricity’ a plan to generate power from the project. Sindh Chief Minister Syed waste being collected from the city Murad Ali Shah gave the go ahead on priority basis. Interested firms of the project while presiding over in the project may be invited for the second Provincial Coordination submission of their proposals. & Implementation Committee During the meeting it was (PCIC) meeting. pointed out that of 15 Garbage The CM was informed that at Transfer Stations (GTS) only six the current rate, landfill sites were operational at the moment would be filled very soon; therefore, which was significantly hindering a power plant might be installed on the process therefore of garbage waste being collected from the city. collection. Revival or reconstruc- The power generation from the tion of other GTS was also agreed waste would save land as well as upon during the meeting. ABAD urges to extend date of Construction Package Association of Builders and De- scheme should also be increased si- velopers of Pakistan (ABAD) multaneously. In providing low cost has necessitated the federal houses to people from lower divisions government to extend date of availing of Pakistan, Prime Minister Imran inducement package of Naya Pak- Khan has taken right step for eco- istan Housing Scheme till next year nomic growth of the country. As the (December 2021). The new chairman government would provide land and Fayyaz Ilyas, on his address to a sem- infrastructural facilities to builders inar on ‘PM’s housing package’ held and developers to ensure the success at ABAD House has demanded ex- of this scheme, to take complete ad- tension in the date for registration of vantage and move situations accord- incentive package of Naya Pakistan ing to your interests, the builders and Housing till December 31, 2021. In developers should register them- addition the time period for the com- selves in Naya Pakistan Housing pletion of housing projects under this Scheme. 02

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Pakistan overcoming energy crisis quite successfully Engineering Post Report of share percentage, however, in July-April 2020 it has declined as Pakistan is quite successfully compared to the same period in overcoming energy crisis, 2019. which obviously has direct The shares of Hydro and Nu- and indirect on all sectors of the na- clear in energy –mix have also in- tional economy, through increase creased in FY 2020 as compared to in power generation as well as in FY 2019. transmission capacity of the sys- Such historical variability for tem. each energy source in the energy- Presently, Energy Sector is con- mix of the country has been used fronted with demand and supply to formulate the Integrated Energy gap, which needs to be filled up Plan. The Integrated Energy Plan along with improvement I in en- will not only help in envisioning ergy –mix for its supply at lower the energy demands and respective cost. supply paths of the future but also way we fuel our cars, heat our growth in generation from renew- In terms of energy-mix, Pak- to formulate evidence based long homes and power our industries. able. Demand for natural gas has istan’s reliance on thermal which term policy options. These trends will have wide- also been growing fast as clean includes imported coal, local coal As regards Global and Regional spread implications for businesses, fuel of choice for industry. ,RLNG, natural gas in the overall Perspective, the official sources on governments and individuals in An increase of over 70 per cent energy-mix is on the decline over being contacted said, energy sys- the coming decades. in Asia’s natural gas consumption the last few years . Pak- A competition is under- comes from imports, largely from istan’s dependence on natu- way among coal, natural LNG, however, the competitive- ral gas- the overall energy gas and renewable to pro- ness of this gas in price- sensitive mix is on the decline and the vide economic power and markets remains a key uncer- reduction of its share in the heat to Asia’s fast-growing tainty. energy mix can be attributed economies. Coal is the in- Regionally, primary energy de- to declining natural gas re- cumbent is most develop- mand is the Asia Pacific region is serves of the country as well ing Asian countries. expected to grow by over 40 per as to the introduction of Renewable, led by China cent by 2040, based on the Inter- Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) and India are the main national Energy Agency’s central since 2015. The share of renewable tems around the world are going competitors to coal in Asia’s power scenario, accounting for two-thirds , on the other hand, has steadily through rapid transitions that will sector. Developing countries in Asia of the global growth, the sources increased over the years in terms bring important changes in the account for over half of the global added. 03

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Jamal PVC Pipe going from strength to strength Mr Usman Farooq, Director Jamal PVC Pipe exclusively talks to Engineering Post Jamal PVC Pipe (Pvt) Lim- his ideas into reality in order ISO 14001:2004, est international standards and ited is a well-established to establish the local indus- brand offering a very wide try in Pakistan” he said. O H S A S specifications,” explained Mr 18001:2007 and Usman. range of u-PVC & HDPE pipes. The parent firm Jamal PSQCA certified. With the brand now well The brand is known in the mar- Group of companies were Hence manufac- recognised and known in the ket for providing the best qual- formed in the year 1981. tures its prod- market the company recently ity products to its customers. With competition constantly ucts HDPE Pipes decided to enhance their manu- The products include u-PVC, increasing in the market the (20mm to facturing capabilities to increase HDPE Pipes & fittings. company decided not to let 1200mm and their scope of work as well as to Mian Usman Farooq, Director the quality of their product de- UPVC 1/2” to 16”) provide a wider range of quality Jamal PVC Pipe (Pvt) Limited crease in any way. With the according to products to the customers. Mr during an exclusive conversa- objective of providing the the high- Usman while commenting on tion with Engineering Post shed best quality prod- the matter said. “We have re- some light on the background of uct to the cus- cently increased our pipe manu- the company. Jamal PVC pipe tomers Jamal facturing capabilities. NOW we was basically established in PVC pipe de- are going to manufactures 2006 with the sole objective of cided to manu- HDPE Pipes up to 1600 mm PN producing u-PVC and HDPE facture the 16. This is just another step to- pipes in the country and inter- pipes accord- wards providing all the products nationally. Since its inception, ing to interna- to the customers under one um- the company has worked for t i o n a l l y brella made of the same quality public, industrial, commercial, r e c o g n i s e d they have come to trust over private and consumers. This standards of the years.” company is basically an off shoot q u a l i t y . While replying to a ques- of the parent company \"Jamal “Very few tion about the basic mission Group of companies\" which were companies of Jamal PVC Pipe (Pvt) formed in the year 1981. “The in the mar- Limited, Mr Usman said, founder of the group Mr Haji ket operate “Our mission is to empower Muhammad Jamal Din was a according to people to think and commu- thorough professional and was international nicate ideas that will not only engaged in the business of MS s t a n d a r d s . benefit our customers but at the pipes since the inception of Pak- Our Company is same time help Pakistan move istan in 1947. He transformed ISO 9001:2008, forward into the future”. 04

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Smart Climate Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Achieving 4 years of Excellence Smart Climate So- ing the requirements lutions (Pvt) Ltd, not only specific to the the exclusive dis- segment, but opti- tributors of Carrier mized for the particu- Commercial Range lar application. and Hisense VRF, Second pillar is the started its journey excellence in execu- from 2016 November. tion. SCS has been In four years, SCS able to set a new stan- achieved remarkable dard in the industry growth in the HVAC when it comes to per- industry by executing fect implementation of mega projects of Hospi- the devised solution tality, office buildings, while respecting the Shopping Malls, Super timelines. Markets and many Third pillar is in the more in industrial, After Sales and Sup- commercial and resi- port system. SCS be- dential sectors lieves that After Sales SCS has been and Support structure amongst the fastest of the company is more growing HVAC compa- in the attitude than in nies in the industry. the process. With this Since its inception, attitude, SCS has been SCS has expanded its able to attract re- presence throughout peated clients and has the country with Of- quintessential reputa- SCS worked with its to”Make Indoor air and confidence that emerged to be the most fices in Lahore, tion is the major partners to come up quality optimized for our partners impart us trust solutions Karachi and Islam- achievement in last 4 with solutions to em- comfort, productivity with. provider in the indus- abad and has executed years. Success of a phasize indoor air and hygiene” As a company, SCS try. and delivered land- company is measured quality and intro- This success could defines its success on SCS are committed mark projects through- with repeated clients duced the Air Pure not have materialized three pillars. The first to serve the HVAC in- out the country. and they put high (Hisense) indoor units without the immense is in what the company dustry from Mega Smart Climate Solu- value on retaining and OptiClean (Car- support of its trusted offers. SCS strongly Projects to Residential tions believes in qual- their customers. rier) solutions. SCS partners. SCS team believes in a Solution projects, with best ity and customer In response to chooses its partners greatly regards and Based Approach. The quality, innovative satisfaction. Their Covid 19 Pandemic, with a common vision appreciates the trust key is in understand- products and services. 05

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Popular Pipes Group organized Grand Event for Dealers Popular Pipes Group of Companies, the pio- lucky draw event for its dealers all over Pakistan. participants informed that continuous improve- neers of PVC pipe manufacturing in Pak- More than 1000 people from all over the country ments in the quality of products will be offered to istan with more than 4 decades of participated in the event which was arranged at further enhance the market share of the Popular experience under their belt organized a national a local hall in Lahore. Everyone who had achieved Pipe Group. their sales target during the 3rd quarter of 2020 qualified for the lucky draw. More than 580 people won gifts in the lucky draw. The gifts in- cluded Honda city, Suzuki Wagon R, Motorcycles, Umrah tickets, International vacation packages for Malaysia and Turkey, Trips to northern areas and much more. Former cricketer Inzimam ul Haq graced the event as the chief guest. Popular Pipe’s CEO, Mr. Waheed Shahzad, Director Mr. Saeed Rafique and Director Mr. Naveed Rafique welcomed the guests. This informal gathering was a positive change to the oth- erwise gloomy environment pre- vailing since COVID-19. The participants highly admired the product quality and efforts made by Popular Pipes group of Com- panies to continuously stand at the top in the market. The dealers participated were highly encouraged upon receiving precious gifts and showed their enthusiasm by committing more and more sales for the Popular Pipe Group’s products. The man- agement while addressing the 06

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Nine solar power stations to be established in the country Dr Rana Abdul Jabbar Khan CEO Alter- native Energy Development Board (AEDB) has said that solar energy is the cleanest form of energy in the world and its contribution in the energy mix needs to be increased. While speaking at a Virtual Conference on Solarization of Pakistan, he revealed that AEDB had been conducting solar resource mapping of Pakistan with the support of World Bank as for the purpose nine solar stations had been established in different areas. He said that AEDB had also been pro- moting net-metering system to allow individ- ual consumers to utilize wind and solar energy. During the conference it was emphasised that solar power projects should also be intro- duced for the faraway off-grid areas of the country where the transmission infrastructure is not currently available. 50 MW Attabad Hydropower Project Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) has decided to con- struct the 50 MW Attabad Hydropower project. The proposed site for the project was visited by Wapda Chairman Lt-Gen Muzammil Hussain (retd) in the last week of September 2020. He was accompanied by GB Chief Secre- tary, Wapda General Manager (Hydro Plan- ning), General Manager (Projects) Northern Areas and other officers concerned. The project is located on River Hunza, 20 kilometer upstream of Karim Abad and 130 Km from Gilgit. Wapda Chairman said that 50 MW Attabad Lake Hydropower Project, will prove to be instrumental in meeting the elec- tricity demand of Hunza and Nagar valleys. Wapda has released Rs 22 million to its hydro planning formation for carrying out in- house feasibility study of the project. The fea- sibility study is likely to be completed by the first quarter of 2021 while the Attabad Lake Hydropower Project will be completed in four years. In 2018 Central Development Working Party (CDWP) had dropped the approval for the project after inability of the concerned ministries to generate resources from interna- tional donors. 08

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ENGINEERING POST November-2020 40 Years of Commitment, Collaboration and Impact JUBILEE CORPORATION and SMC-Making a remarkable contribution in the field of Pneumatics in Pakistan The development of sophis- beverages, sugar, packaging, pipes, fittings, flowmeters, pres- ing maximum energy saving. ticated automation in the home appliances, textile, cement sure switches, electro-pneumatic The evaluation of Energy Sav- industrial world over the and Pharmaceuticals. regulators and energy saving ing process involves monitoring past few decades also sparked an Jubilee Corporation (JC) pro- systems. of current energy consumption, exponential growth in the use of find leakages and work on im- pneumatic components in the in- provement opportunities. Once dustries. Pneumatic components the system is thoroughly are no longer only a mainstay of checked from top to bottom, the automotive, electronics, and ma- energy saving experts provide a chinery industries; they are now comprehensive evaluation for being used in a growing number the whole compressed air sys- of other industrial fields as well. tem. This includes analysis of SMC Japan, founded in 1959, the existing compressed air sys- is the global technology leader tem, share measurements, for its contribution in the evolu- findings, improvement propos- tion of pneumatic industry. The als, expected savings and system company’s growth from the ba- maintenance recommendations. sics pneumatics to the more so- Jubilee Corporation is the phisticated automation leading importer and stockist of solutions, has granted SMC a Switchgear, Automation, Instru- global market share of 30%, and mentation and Control compo- a 65% in the Japanese market. nents, working in several areas SMC has established a wide of Electrical, Electronics and Au- spread global network of loca- tomation technology products in tions in all major countries of the Pakistan. JC is the leading sup- America, Europe and Asia, plier of switchgear components showing their active commit- to various shopping malls, sky- ments to the world market. scrapers, housing/residential In Pakistan, Jubilee Corpora- projects, commercial projects, tion has been SMC authorized and industrial sector including distributor, for last 40 years. vides SMC’s complete lineup of JC’s team specializes in En- various textile, chemical, food, Together, Jubilee Corporation pneumatic control systems in- ergy Saving for Pneumatics and packaging, pharmaceuticals and and SMC are working with a cluding air preparation equip- works hand-in-hand with techni- cement industries in Pakistan. wide array of industries in virtu- ments, solenoid valves, air cal personnel in the industries to The company focuses on serving ally all sectors in Pakistan, in- cylinders, rotary actuators, air provide customized solutions for all its stakeholders and commu- cluding automobile, food and grippers, boosters, pneumatic compressed air, aimed at achiev- nity at large. 10

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ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Constructors Association of Pakistan elects new team Engr. Syed Ashfaq Hussain Association of Pakistan at local and that it will be the umbrella and places on record its appreci- and Engr. Arshad Dad hotel. of CAP. He also stated that ation for the outgoing Chairman, have been elected unop- Engr. Syed Ashfaq Hussain, “Unity is Strength” and it pro- Mr. Muhammad Asadullah posed as Chairman and Senior Chairman Elect, CAP thanked vides continuity as well. Khan, Senior Vice Chairman, all Vice Chairman respectively of members and executive commit- He appealed to the meeting to Vice Chairmen and Members Ex- the Constructors Association of tee of CAP for electing him as provide guidance to the elected ecutive Committee of Construc- Pakistan (CAP) for the year Chairman. Syed Ashfaq Hussain body and extend all types of help tors Association of Pakistan 2020-2021. stated that he will try his best to so that the Construction Indus- (CAP). Members of the Association fulfill the responsibilities given try in Pakistan reaches its Syed Ashfaq Hussain Shah, a also elected unopposed Naeem to him with dedication and hon- height. He said that I, assure man of high principles and disci- Akhtar Chaudhary as Vice esty. He also stated that basic is- you that when we get united on pline, is one of the most promis- Chairman (Punjab), Muhammad sues are related to PEC Licence, one plate-form, the problems will ing engineer produced by Khyber Adnan Waheed as Vice Chair- implementation of PEC Stan- be solved automatically and any Pakhtunkhwa. With over 45 man (Sindh), years of profes- Muhammad sional experi- Farooq as Vice ence. He has Chairman the knowledge, (Baluchistan) capability and and Saifullah experience to Zia as Vice create marvels Chairman (Is- in the field of lamabad). engineering. Others who were elected unop- dard Bidding Documents, Non department or officer cannot give Basically a Mechanical Engineer posed as members of the execu- Payment of Contractor’s certified trouble. He said that to achieve but his true calling was Civil En- tive committee are Engr. M. S. bills and Sales Tax on Construc- the goals, active and material gineering Projects and with more Asad Mukhtar, Chaudhary tion Services are required to be support from the members is es- than four decades of experience Ahmad Habib, Faisal Mahmood, attended and efforts shall be sential to enhance the capacity he can truly be known as a ge- Engr. Mian Sultan Mahmood made to address such core is- for the delivery of the results ex- nius in Civil Engineering Proj- and Muhammad Hanif Gohar sues. Syed Ashfaq Hussain fur- peditiously. He also emphasized ects, said CAP spokesman from corporate class. While Rauf ther stated that he will take to maintain the discipline and Meanwhile the outgoing, Ahmad, Malik Muhammad along with him his team and all unity by the members, which is Chairman Muhammad Asadul- Kaleem Ullah were elected unop- members and that he will go to vital to meet the prevailing chal- lah Khan welcomed the new posed as executive committee everywhere, where CAP mem- lenges in order to save the local team and hoped that it would members in associate class. bers and his team will require to Construction Industry of Pak- work with full force to resolve Results of the elections were go. Syed Ashfaq Hussain, stated istan and to save the future of the issues being faced by the con- announced at the Annual Gen- that he will try to bring all the the economy of Pakistan. Syed tractor’s community and con- eral Meeting of the Constructors contractors under one umbrella Ashfaq Hussain acknowledges struction industry. 12

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 The fuel source of Electric Vehicles: Lithium-ion Batteries By Mr. Umair Nabeel, Renewable Energy and Environment Entrepreneur Moving ahead on this jour- shallow end of the techni- ance/integrity, assembly strategic partners by ensuring ney of editorials focusing cal details. As always, and application robust- product compatibility /inter-connec- primarily on electric vehi- global news updates will ness, has today as we tivity. This plays to the end users cles, then expanding to lithium-ion also be a part of this arti- speak, made millions of advantage as they have multiple batteries, trying to establish and cle. homes, offices and in- qualitative options available when get a sense of what really lies be- So just like electric ve- dustrial facilities a vir- choosing a solar plus storage sys- hind the headlines of the exponen- hicles, the rise of lithium- tual power plant(VPP). tem for themselves. Across the elec- tial growth this industry has seen ion batteries for bigger A key component of the tric vehicles spectrum, whether it’s over the last five years approxi- applications, I must entire concept behind a sedan or SUV model, the battery mately, this particular article will stress, also came to forth smart cities. Moreover, sizes more or less fall in the range focus on the fuel source that has led over the last five years or so. Count- brought inverter manufacturers of 30kwh-90kwh per unit vehicle. to nearly 7.2 million EVs on the less number of man hours invested under the lithium-ion battery um- On a full single charge, that’s offer- roads, globally. A slight detailed in RnD, focusing on material chem- brella. Nowadays, battery and in- ing a range of up to an estimated analysis, keeping ourselves at the istry, design, operational perform- verter OEMs work together as 300 miles. Give it a 10% tolerance 14

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ENGINEERING POST November-2020 limit based on differ- Tesla Inc. went Tesla and focuses on going all the way to lithium-ion batteries Innovation. Singapore ent terrains which ahead with their an- the company’s path the cell level was key. in the market today, PM welcomed vary from one country nual shareholders forwards. As an engi- As I’ve mentioned in eventually this will Hyundai Motors to his to another, intra-city converge to a point country, with the offi- commute which is a where there will be at cial ceremony to sign major contributor to most two to three tech- off agreements poor air quality within nology variations. amounting to Singa- urban centers seems to The good news for pore $400 million on have found an alterna- consumers is that this the establishment of a tive. will lead to price re- dedicated electric ve- Some global news ductions in batteries hicles research and now. Norway entered a from a commercial development, innova- league of its own this point of view, hence tion and manufactur- September by register- further bringing down ing facility due to start ing EV sales on an un- the upfront EV selling operations later next precedented scale price. From a techni- year. which led to an as- cal point of view, most Concluding this ar- tounding 81.6% mar- likely further volumet- ticle, as always I’ll ket share for EVs in ric design optimiza- share a few interest- Norway for September tion will pave the way ing bits with my read- 2020. Oslo cemented for more compact, ro- ers. “V2G”, known as its pole position as the bust and durable car vehicle to grid is the capital of EVs. Just to assemblies. next branch/focus area add to the aforemen- Singapore contin- in terms of technology tioned, 61.5% of the ued on its decade’s when it comes to uti- sales were dedicated long path of economic lizing our EVs as a battery electric vehi- meeting followed by neer, the multiple my previous articles, stability and progress power source for our cles whereas 20.1% what they call “Bat- steps announced fo- whilst there are which in part is based homes. Just like your were plugged in bat- tery Day”, which is a cusing on battery ma- roughly around four to on technology ad- solar plus storage sys- tery hybrid EVs. calendar event at terial chemistries five major types of vancement, RnD and tem. 16

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ENGINEERING POST November-2020 PHVACR Society Lahore Chapter plays active role The role of Lahore chap- event was well attended The presentations given by ministry and all the other HVAC systems,” Engineer- ter of Pakistan from members and other rel- the presenters were so cap- support was provided by ing Post also covered a few of HVACR society has evant people from all over tivating and informative Pakistan HVACR society. these very informative webi- been commendable during the country. that people still call the soci- Role of Pakistan HVACR nars. the lockdown days in keep- The event was arranged ety office and ask for those society Lahore Chapter was As the universities are ing the members engaged. in collaboration with the presentations. also highly admired during now open, again the Pak- After the lockdown was Ministry of Climate change, In collaboration with the the COVID-19 lockdown pe- istan HVACR society is now lifted Lahore chapter started Lahore chamber of com- Ministry of Climate change, riod. Due to gathering re- working to engage student playing on the front foot merce and industry and Pakistan HVACR society strictions. Lahore chapter bodies to increase member- again. Lahore chapter UNDP. Malik Amin Aslam, arranged 3 day technical decided to arrange virtual ships and generate activities arranged a grand event of Special Assistant to Prime workshops in major cities of events to keep the members from the platform of Society. World Ozone Day at Lahore Minister on climate change Pakistan. Lahore Chapter engaged. Webinars were or- As around 4 thousand con- under the leadership of Mr. graced the event as Chief completed 03 Days training ganised on Zoom where the ventions and expos have Muhammad Aamir Chair- Guest. The positive outcome (October 14, 15, 16, 2020) on industry leaders were in- been cancelled due to the on- man Lahore chapter, Mr. of the event is owed to the “Good Servicing Practices vited to share their insights going pandemic keeping in Muhammad Afzaal Malik tireless efforts of all mem- for the Servicing Techni- about how the HVACR in- view the danger to safety of (Hony Treasurer, Mr. Jaffar bers of the society who cians in RAC Sector” at dustry needs to adopt and the public, the Lahore Chap- Raza Haidery (Hony. Secre- worked day and night to Hunar Foundation, Lahore. what measures can be taken ter has decided to delay the tary) and the team. The make the event a success. The trainer belonged to the in the future to modify our expo to Feb-march 2021. 18

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ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Haseen Habib Corporation awarded APAC Business Award Haseen Habib Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd. turing and trading of fire fighting, safety and equipment. This company will also supply and has been awarded the APAC Award in security equipment, systems and services - install energy control lighting systems i.e. the category of fire and safety for 2020. maintaining a wide range. They are the pio- auto shut off while not in use” he added. Haseen Habib Corporation has now become neers in this field in Pakistan consisting of the Haseen Habib Corporation will also estab- the first company in Pakistan to receive this most professionally trained team in the indus- lish a warehouse in UAE in 2021 which will award by APAC insider. try manufacturing the most meticulously de- mainly focus on exports to the African region Mr. Aamir Ata Barry, CEO, Haseen Habib signed products in the market. as well as assisting in acquiring certification Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd while talking ex- During the informal conversation of equipment. While answering a question clusively to Engineering Post revealed with Engineering Post, Mr. Aamir about export related problems in Pakistan he that a lengthy process spanning over 3 Ata Barry divulged that their com- said “The biggest issue is that the engineering to 4 months is required to be nominated pany is industriously working on equipment needs to have certain approvals for the award. During that time the an expansion programme to include and certifications before it can be exported. In company is thoroughly assessed on a a wider range of products under Pakistan the bodies granting international ap- very strict evaluation criterion. “The their umbrella, “Last year we estab- provals are neither present nor willing to companies are assessed on 5 different lished a consulting company travel to Pakistan due to security issues. It standards which include Standing “Apache Consulting”, which costs about 6 times more to get certifications of company, worth of the com- provide audit, trainings as compared to other countries for example pany, customer base, quality of and design services in the India. So it is more convenient to establish a product and the satisfaction field of Fire , safety, warehouse in UAE and obtain certifications as of customers. The awards HVAC systems. It well as schedule inspections over there.” are distributed to all the also provides This problem was also winners in a grand cere- highlighted in front of the mony usually in Singa- previous chairman of Board pore. But due to of Investment but to no COVID-19, the cere- avail. The exports engineer- mony couldn’t take ing equipment can never place this year,” he flourish as long as it does not said. have the required interna- This international tional certifications. The distinction is testimony dilemma was very skilfully to the high quality stan- explained by Mr Aamir dards being maintained Barry “It is not cloth we are by the company in the exporting, it is sophisticated manufacturing of fire equipment designed and fighting and fire safety equipment. Hazard and operability study (HAZOP),” he manufactured under controlled environment Haseen Habib Corporation is a private lim- said. “By the end of this year we are planning which needs to be up to a certain standard of ited company and a member of the Barry to start a new company by the name of Strat- quality to be accepted in the international Group of Companies, specialising in manufac- ford Controls which will focus on low voltage market” he said. 20

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Another fire accident, another disaster Massive fire at Hafeez Centre A. H Sheikh, CEO, Firetech Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd It’s not very long ago of legislation being ap- and poor installation to enforce the legisla- puter, spares parts and hit will shoot up prices when we witnessed proved by the Govern- practices being adopted tion to follow the set all type of computer ac- of computer and re- the number of fires ment, unfortunately and non followed Inter- standards. No doubt, cessories. The business lated items and supply in which very heavy very little or nothing. national Practices to some rules are existing volume was very high chain will disturb. loses of business and It is in evidence that prevent the fire haz- but not enough to pre- and almost anything There is lot to write life lost and all the re- after the relaxation of ards. Especially the vent the fire happen- belongs to IT and its re- about the efficiency of lated authorities tax in Construction In- kind of public gather- ings and to control if it lated technology was Rescue 1122, Fire De- blamed each other for occurred. available in this build- partment actions, not producing positive The fire at Hafiz ing. shortage of water & results. After some Center is not only fire time all of us forgot the which was initiated by incident that what some unnatural means happened, how it was but very well-known happened, what will be factor” SHORT CIR- the remedy for losses, CUIT”. After this who would held re- blame there is no space sponsible and what left to investigate any measures should be other type of root cause taken to avoid or mini- while there could be mize these kind of inci- many other reasons to dents. ignite fire, such as miss Let’s take a look of use of electrical instal- the incidents in near lations inside shop, past such as Baladia missing of over load Now after fire inci- Foam Concentrate, Town Karachi, Oil Ter- cutout and periodic in- dent 75% of the build- firefighter’s response minals, Islamabad spection to ensure the ing is destroyed and time and various other high rise Buildings, dustry, there is huge ing places like Shop- quality of cables laid not repairable. An esti- aspects need to be ana- Govt. office buildings in number of High Rise ping Malls, Business down inside facility. If mated figure tells that lyzed to decide the fu- Lahore, IT tower build- Commercial Towers or Centers, Marriage we observe carefully it more than 5 thousand ture of this kind of ing Hall Road Lahore, Residential Buildings Halls and Hotel Indus- was in evidence that people will lose their business centers where and many others. What are announced by try and so on. each shop was loaded business employment hundreds of visitors lesson we have learned, Builders. But when it At this moment, the up to its neck and very which will directly af- have to approach on what kind of basic comes in reality at con- need of the time is to little place was left to fect their family’s day to day business. It measure has been struction stage, the strengthen the rules walk in corridors. The bread and butter. How is a turning point to de- taken from relevant most neglected area is for the prevention of building is known as a this loss will be cov- cide the fate of com- authorities, what kind the firefighting design fire incidents and need land mark for com- ered. And also a direct puter industry. 22

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Electric Power, Indust Webinar by Badar Consulting and Ju In the third week of October Badar Expo Solutions or- ganized a webinar on the topic of “Electric power, indus- try issues and options”. The webinar was arranged on Zoom. Mr. Khalid Pervez, CEO, KPWS Consulting acted as the moderator at the webinar and the panelists included Engr. Tahir Basharat Cheema advi- sor WAPDA, Dr. Fiaz Chaud- hary Director LUMS energy institute and Mr. Irfan Ahmed, Chairman, IEEEP Karachi. The Webinar was sponsored by Jubilee Corporation. The webinar started with a brief introduction of the pan- elists after which Mr. Khalid Pervez invited Dr. Fiaz Chaud- hary Director LUMS energy institute to share his insights and now it has led to the high- debt are all sy regarding the problems being est circular debt in history underlying pr faced by energy sector in Pak- which is about 2.28 trillion. He poor structuri istan. emphasized on the fact that professionalism Dr. Fiaz highlighted the during the transition from tion,” he said. major problems of the power WAPDA, when NTDC was Engr. Tah industry explaining that af- formed, PEPCOs and DISCOs cheema while fordability was one of the pri- were not handled with the pro- other facet of th mary objectives in the fessionalism they required and that currently o beginning but with the pas- this has led to a constant ero- istan is provide sage of time and restructuring sion of the sector. “The ever in- ity from the n of WAPDA it was mishandled creasing prices and circular compared to 24

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 try Issues and Options r Expo with KPWS ubilee Corporation private sector and focus on set- ting up infrastructure for transmission,” he added. Mr. Irfan Ahmed explained in great detail how the domes- tic load in Pakistan is more than double the industrial load and the losses in Pakistan are three times more than the world average. The main is that we have agreed to expen- sive power purchase agree- ments and have to provide capacity payments to power plants even when the load is not present. “We need to ex- ploit the potential of renewable energy which is 400,000 MW for wind and 2,000,000 MW for solar energy. The total in- stalled capacity in Pakistan is 33-34 thousand MW,” he said. ymptoms of the where the whole country is Mr Irfan also laid emphasis on roblem that is provided with electricity. He the importance of local produc- ing and lack of further said that the gover- tion of parts. “We can build m of the institu- nance of WAPDA is not up to wind towers and solar cells lo- the mark and needs to be cally. This will not only save hir basharat looked into on a priority basis. cost but also help revive the in- describing an- “We are planning to set up dustry,” he added he problem said solar panels at inaccessible The panelists appreciated only 64% of Pak- places which is not a perma- the efforts of Badar Expo solu- ed with electric- nent solution” he said. “I think tions and Jubilee Corporation national grid as it is a good initiative from for organizing such events to o Bangladesh NEPRA to offload retails to discuss the current issues. 25

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 An Outlook on Solar Energy and its development in Pakistan By Engr. Muhammad Nawaz Iqbal of tornados. Daylight con- in one year it is about twice straightforwardly from their able power source, other sumed by the seas and land as much as will ever be ac- homes along these lines. than Geothermal force and masses keeps the surface at quired from the entirety of Different territories that are Tidal force, infer their vital- a normal temperature of 14 the Earth's non-inex- appropriate for Solar pow- ity either straightforwardly °C. By photosynthesis, haustible assets of coal, oil, ered cells are lands that are or in a roundabout way from green plants convert Solar petroleum gas, and mined not being utilized for organ- the Solar. based vitality into syntheti- uranium consolidated izations where Solar based Dynamic Solar oriented cally put away vitality, plants can be set up. strategies use photo which produces nourish- Land accessibility has the Solar oriented advance- voltaics, concentrated Solar ment, wood and the biomass large affects the accessible ments are described as ei- based force, Solar powered from which petroleum deriv- solar energy on the grounds ther uninvolved or dynamic warm gatherers, siphons, atives are inferred. that Solar oriented boards relying upon the manner in and fans to change over day- The absolute Solar light must be set up ashore that which they catch, change light into valuable yields. Solar radiation is con- based energy consumed by is in any case unused and over and disperse daylight Inactive Solar based meth- sumed by the Earth's Earth's air, and em- ods incorporate choosing land surface, seas – seas and p o w e r materials with great warm which spread about 71% of land masses S o - properties, planning spaces the globe – and air. Warm is around larlight that normally course air, air containing dissipated 3 , 8 5 0 , 0 0 0 based vi- and referencing the situa- water from the seas rises, e x a j o u l e s tality to tion of a structure to the causing climatic course or (EJ) every be bri- Solar. Dynamic Solar ori- convection. At the point year. In dled at ented advances increment when the air arrives at a 2002, this v a r i o u s the stockpile of vitality and high elevation, where the was more vi- levels far are viewed as supply side in- temperature is low, water tality in one a n d novations, while uninvolved fume consolidates into hour than w i d e , Solarlight based advances mists, which downpour onto the world g e n e r - lessen the requirement for the Earth's surface, finish- utilized in one year. Photo- reasonable for Solar pow- ally relying upon good ways interchange assets and are ing the water cycle. The synthesis catches around ered boards. Rooftops have from the equator. Albeit So- commonly viewed as re- inert warmth of water 3,000 EJ every year in bio- been seen as a reasonable larlight based vitality al- quest side advances. buildup enhances convec- mass. The measure of Solar spot for Solarlight based ludes principally to the The International Energy tion, creating climatic won- based vitality arriving at cells, the same number of utilization of Solar oriented Agency anticipated in 2014 ders, for example, wind, the outside of the planet is individuals have found that radiation for pragmatic fin- Continued on page 28 violent winds and enemies huge to such an extent that they can gather vitality ishes, every single sustain- 26

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 27

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Continued from page 26 scale Solar oriented force is around $43/MWh. stockpiling to self-utilization of Solar based A decent match among age and utilization is force. Shift able burdens, for example, dish- that under its \"high renewables\" situation, by key for high self-utilization and ought to be washers, tumble dryers and clothes washers, 2050, Solar based photo voltaics and concen- viewed as when choosing where to introduce can give controllable utilization just a con- trated Solarlight based force would contribute Solar oriented force and how to measurement strained impact on the clients, however their around 16 and 11 percent, individually, of the the establishment. The match can be improved impact on self-utilization of Solar light based overall power utilization, and Solar based would with batteries or controllable power utilization. force might be restricted be the world's biggest wellspring of power. Most Be that as it may, batteries are costly and bene- Like other developing countries, Pakistan also Solar oriented establishments would be in fit may require the arrangement of different ad- have plentiful sustainable power source assets, China and India. In 2017, Solar oriented force ministrations from them other than self including Solarlight based vitality, wind power, gave 1.7% of all out overall power creation, be- utilization increment. High temp water stock- geothermal vitality, and biomass, just as the ca- coming 35% from the past year. As of 2018, the piling tanks with electric warming with heat Continued on page 30 unsubsidized levelised cost of power for utility- siphons or obstruction radiators can give ease 28

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Continued from page 28 lights and conventional biomass. There have territory of 5,000 sections of land in the Cholis- been a few endeavors to introduce and extend tan Development Authority in Bahawalpur. pacity to produce the moderately work escalated the utilization of solar powered energy in Pak- The overwhelming part of power created frameworks that tackle these. By growing such istan. The normal measure of every day day- overall in Pakistan is utilized quickly since ca- vitality sources creating nations can lessen their light in Pakistan is eight and a half hours. pacity is typically progressively costly and in reliance on oil and petroleum gas, making vital- There are a couple of shady days even in the light of the fact that conventional generators ity portfolios that are less helpless against value wettest districts. Eight force age plants have can adjust to request. Both sun oriented force rises. Much of the time, these speculations can been introduced and eleven are in different and wind power are variable sustainable power be more affordable than petroleum product vi- phases of finish. Further attainability exam- source, implying that all accessible yield must tality frameworks. ines are experiencing. In December 1981, the be taken at whatever point it is accessible by In rural regions, power framework expan- primary Solar based photovoltaic framework traveling through transmission lines to where sions are regularly not prudent. Off-grid inex- was dispatched, situated in Mumniala (a town it tends to be utilized at this point. Since sun haustible innovations give a practical and 60 km from Islamabad). Four galaxies has powered vitality isn't accessible around cost-effective option in contrast to the diesel been authorized in Khukhera (Lasbela locale), evening time, putting away its vitality is con- generators that would be in any case be sent Ghakar (Attock region), Thatta region and Dit- ceivably a significant issue especially in off- in such regions. Sustainable advances can tal Khan Laghari, Digri at Mirpurkhas dis- framework and for future 100% sustainable likewise assist with dislodging other impracti- trict. The Punjab government reported the power source situations to have nonstop power cal vitality sources, for example, lamp oil foundation of Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park over a accessibility. 30

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 31

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Bahum Associates declared Value Added Partner (VAP) for Huawei FusionSolar PV Solutions Bahum has the his- support and warranties tory for providing from Huawei with their quality products local presence as VAP. Huawei provides unit re- from world’s renowned placement warranty for PV inverters with stan- manufacturer to the local dard warranty of 5 years for units above 20kW and market with complete af- 10 years warranty upto 20kW. Customer can get tersales, backup support extended warranty upto 20 years at minimum pre- and services. Bahum Asso- mium. ciates are operating in Huawei is known for its innovative technology with local market since 1985 AI and other features which gives it edge over and diversified themselves their competitors. You can get on-grid and off-grid so- to the emerging technolo- lutions as per your re- quirements with Huawei gies time-to-time and solutions for residential, commercial & Industry served entire Pakistan (C&I) and Utility. Huawei continuously invest heav- market in industries, gov- ily in basic research, con- centrating on technological ernment, semi-govern- breakthroughs that drive the world forward. Huawei ment, private and public is committed to bring digi- tal to every person, home sectors. Willis Zhang (Channel Director - Huawei) and Bilal Afzal (Director - Zero Carbon) presenting Value and organization for a fully connected, intelligent To their continued dom- Added Partner (VAP) certificate to Athar Hayat (CEO - Bahum Associates). world. inance in the local market for their products and services, Bahum Associ- ates achieved another milestone by becoming Huawei’s Value Added Partner (VAP) for Fusion- Solar PV Solutions. Bahum is providing Huawei solar inverters in local market. Customers can confi- dently buy Huawei PV products with peace of mind that they can get all Group photo with Huawei team. 32

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Ceramic manufacturing plant being set up The first direct by the Chinese com- foreign invest- pany within the coun- ment in the sec- try would help save ond year of Pakistan foreign exchange Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) being spent on the government, at the import of ceramic Bhalwal Industrial tiles. Estate, with mega in- Apart from the vestment of US $70 local renowned million would create brands, Italian, Iran- job opportunities in ian and Chinese tiles abundance in area. A are sold in the local land of 37 acres has markets. But Chinese been allocated to a tiles for being cheaper Chinese Oreal Com- have good share in pany for Ceramics the market. The Pun- factory. The Oreal jab Industrial Estates Ceramics is expected under one window to start its production service centre is pro- in near future as its viding all services to building is near com- investors and indus- pletion. The produc- trialists within stipu- tion of ceramic tiles lated time period. 34

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 35

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Orange line metro inaugurated in Lahore The Orange Line Metro Road). Running at a 34.8km per Train (OLMT) a part of hours speed, the trains, which China Pakistan Economic have maximum speed of 80km Corridor (CPEC) was inaugu- per hour, will complete the end to rated in Lahore on the 25th of Oc- end travel within 45 minutes. All tober 2020. Addressing the trains will stop at all 26 stations inauguration ceremony CM at the 27.12km long route. Usman Buzdar said that OLMT The stations of OLMT have was \"a culmination of Pakistan- been established at Ali Town, China friendship that began with Thokar, Canal View, Hanjarwal, CPEC” Wahdat Road, Awan Town, Dr. Shahbaz Gill Special Assis- Sabzazar, Shahnoor, Salauddin tant to Prime Minister on politi- Road, Bund Road, Samanabad, cal Communication while Gulshan Ravi, Chauburji, declaring OLMT a “Failed proj- Anarkali, GPO, Lakshmi, Rail- ect” tweeted that “(provincial) way Station, Sultanpura, UET, Govt will have to provide subsidy Baghbanpura, Shalamar Gar- of Rs 12 Billion every year as the 40 per ticket” will run between Dera Gujran dens, Pakistan Mint, Mahmood operating cost is Rs. 274 per Under OLMT 27 sets of trains, (Near Quaid-i-Azam Interchange, Booti, Slamatpura, Islam Park ticket while the fare is set at Rs. each of five train cars/coaches GT Road) to Ali Town (Raiwind and Dera Gujran. Local start-up introduces Electric Bike Riding Service in Pakistan Roomer Technologies, “ezBike” having a maxi- tion. All new riders are start their ride. Users also To ensure safety of the an Islamabad-based mum speed of 35Km/h will provided with free have the option to pause bikes different mecha- start-up, in collabo- be available at metro sta- credit of Rs.50 on registra- the ride. While the ride is nisms have been put in ration with Jazz XLR8 has tions in Islamabad and tion. paused the fare is reduced place including GPS track- introduced an elaborate Rawalpindi for now. EzBike enables users to to of Rs. 2 per minute. ing. According to sources system of electric bike rid- ezBike charges are set at locate a bike in their vicin- Users can park the bike at the company has also ing system in Islamabad Rs.5 per minute which will ity using its app. Once the a suitable drop off point hired private security by the name of ‘ezBike’. be payable with QR Scan bike is booked, the user close to their destination firms to deal with any un- The single seater from Easypaisa applica- can walk to the bike, and and end the ride. toward incident. 36

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 CPEC making steady progress Engineering Post Report Xinjiang via a network of high- 2021-25 and long term 2026-30. plementation of early harvest ways and railways. The CPEC is an extension of projects , have filled in the voids China-Pakistan Economic The economic corridor is con- China’s 21st century Silk Road and accelerated the pace of eco- Corridor (CPEC) is a long sidered central to China-Pak- Initiative or Belt and Road Ini- nomic growth of the country that term programme of the istan relations and is stretched tiative (BRI), which is a strategic will ultimately provide a mo- two all weather, time-tested over 2700 kilometers from initiative for the entire region, mentous boost to the national friendly neighbouring economy. countries China and Pak- In the first phase of im- istan. plementation of CPEC , The overall aim of called Early Harvest Proj- CPEC is to act as a “Gate- ects, priority was given to way of Prosperity” for both develop prerequisites of the countries and the re- CPEC to initiate the eco- gion at large. The corridor nomic activities. To this focuses to open various end, infrastructure was doors of prosperity in the main focus. trade and marketing ac- In order to realize the vi- cess , industrial develop- sion of CPEC, in letter and ment and global value spirit, the Corridor now chains, socio-economic de- emphasizes on areas velopment and poverty al- which directly or indirectly leviation, agricultural contribute to the socio-eco- modernization and mar- nomic uplift for the people keting, Gwadar Oil City of Pakistan. Industrializa- and blue economy, re- tion and agriculture mod- gional connectivity and ernization are the third-party participation. preferred areas to bring This will help in enhanc- about employment, en- ing livelihood of the peo- hance trade and earning ple, especially in the deprived Gwadar to Kashghar.On the that aims to make Pakistan an precious foreign exchange. regions of both the countries. whole, the entire programme is economically viable and business Significant progress made The CPEC would connect expected to be completed in three –friendly country. Investments under CPEC during financial Gwadar Port of Pakistan to phases over 15 years in short under CPEC in infrastructure year 2019-20 will be dilated upon China’s north-western region of term from 2015-20,medium term and energy sectors, though im- later, please. 37

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 New projects in planning stages in Information and Communication Technologies sector Engineering Post Report For this the federal government has launched Centre of IoTs, PakSat MM1, establishment of two major transformative initiatives .The Pakistan Space Centre, Cross-border OFC for The global pandemic of Corona Virus timely action oriented emphasis on Knowledge alternative international internet connectivity, (COVID-19) has created an urgency to Economy and Digital Pakistan initiatives will establishment of Software Technology Zones for adapt our entire outlook towards life and have long-term positive effects for the country, accelerated entrepreneurial activities, digital work. In this respect, digital technology is al- such as opening of new vistas, more digitaliza- agriculture, IT industry support programmes ready considered globally as an effective inter- tion in the domestic areas, venture capital fund- such as marketing strategy for software exports vention to manage the turbulent economic ing , e nlarging base of exportable ICT skills and enhancement of skills based through inter- conditions. and financial inclusion of the marginalized seg- national certifications. According to the official sources, we too have ment of the society. Subsequently these would In addition to these, special emphasis on on- to reprioritize our policies more aggressively to- result in more job creation , increased software line public services is also being laid to facilitate wards technology adoption and innovation to to exports, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the citizens as well as the working of the gov- respond to such global crisis impacting us creation of wealth. ernment departments convenience and continu- deeply. Accordingly, many new projects are planned ity .These projects would help in building a Pakistan is still at the lower rung in perva- to be launched in the ICT sector during finan- high-quality digital ecosystem and vibrant ICT sive adoption of Information and Communica- cial year 2020-21. These include Blended Edu- industry to start recovery from the impact cre- tion Technologies (ICTs), inspite of very high cation Programme by Virtual University, ated by pandemic of OVID-19, the sources growth in mobile cellular subscription base. Centre for Artificial Intelligence and National hoped. 38



ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Agha Steel signs Rs10.5 billion MoU with Horizon Steel Agha Steel In- manufacture for the tional steel product Agha Steel, which is end within Pakistan. growth in coming dustries is first time in Pakistan that can either be going public next “I expect the down- years and the future going to sell refined low-carbon turned into steel bars month to finance its stream industry will looks very bright” he 100,000 metric tons of quality billets that used in construction expansion drive. see tremendous said. low-carbon billets are used in the wire or transformed into Unlike most local worth approximately rod industry. Until wire rods to manufac- steel-makers that use Rs 10.5 billion per now, the downstream ture many high value the traditional induc- annum to Horizon industry heavily re- engineering products. tion furnace for melt- Steel. lied on expensive im- “With the realiza- ing scrap, Agha Steel The two companies ported raw material. tion of this MoU, has invested in a have signed a memo- That’s going to result Agha Steel’s sales are high-efficiency and randum of under- in huge import substi- going to grow by 68 environment-friendly standing (MoU) that tution and big benefit per cent from the cur- electric arc furnace. It ensures Agha Steel for our national kitty,” rent level within a recently increased its will reliably supply said Suleman year. We foresee many billet-making capac- the intermediate steel Lakhani, chief mar- such contracts with ity from 250,000 MT product that the keting officer of Agha companies operating to 450,000 MT a year. downstream steel in- Steel. in the downstream in- Speaking on the oc- dustry uses as raw The company uses dustry. The availabil- casion, Horizon Steel material. the latest European ity of good quality raw CEO Shoaib Sultan “Thanks to product electric arc furnace materials is going to said it was encourag- innovation and heavy technology supplied enlarge this industry ing to witness that investments in R&D, from Danieli to pro- to its true potential” steel products can Agha Steel is able to duce billets, a transi- added the CMO of now be made end-to- 42

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Consultant loungE ENGINEERING POST 43

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Urban areas potential to generate growth in the country Engineering Post Report has been mutually inter-depen- ing countries has occurred without Moreover, rapid urbanization is dent. Confirming to the world-wide growth, jobs and productivity. The already stretching the cities’ re- Pakistan has the highest rate trend, the urban centres in Pak- benefits of urbanization can only sources in Pakistan. The tremen- of urbanization in South i s t a n , be ac- dous challenge of absorbing Asia. As per Population Cen- have be- crued by massive number of people in urban sus f 2017, urbanization had in- come the c o m p r e - areas and providing them with creased from 32.52 per cent to drivers of h e n s i v e shelter, food, employment , health- 36.38 per cent during 1998 to 2017. economic p u b l i c care, education, municipal services However, based on a modified growth, it p o l i c i e s . and recreation facilities has be- definition of urban settlement, is esti- U n - come more difficult given shortage ratio of urban to rural population m a t e d p l a n n e d of urban facilities and resources, could be 40 per cent or even higher, that the and un- skilled manpower and good gover- therefore, it is estimated that by cities con- managed nance. 2025, nearly half of the country’s t r i b u t e urbaniza- However, despite challenges , total population will be living in around 80 tion has urban areas demonstrate immense the cities. per cent of the country’s Gross Do- resulted into urban slums, envi- economic potential to generate The process of urbanization and mestic Product (GDP). ronmental degradation, poverty growth in the country, the official economic development in Pakistan Urbanization in many develop- and inequality. sources pointedly stated. 44

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 90 oil and gas discoveries made in last 5 years Atotal of 90 discoveries of oil and gas have gap in demand and supply of gas i.e. during the been discovered in the last five years in the winter months, gas consumption will be more country with following stats; 12 discoveries swear in the domestic sector. The anticipated sit- in 2019, 22 discoveries in 2018, 17 in 2017, 24 in uation of narrators predicts that SNGPL would 2016, and 12 discoveries of oil and gas were made face a shortfall of 370 MMCFD during winter in 2015. More than 10 detections were made in the 2020. The Sui companies have been undertaking Punjab, 69 in Sindh, eight in the Khyber- all out efforts to ensure smooth gas supply to all Pakhtunkhwa, and three in Baluchistan. As per categories of consumers on their network espe- the predictions, country is going to face shortage cially to high-priority domestic consumers, even of natural gas in this winter because of anticipated during winter months. ECNEC approves 2 hydropower projects in SWAT Arecent meeting of the Executive Committee of ponent (FEC) of Rs57.339 billion. The meeting also the National Economic Council (Ecnec) being approved proposal for construction of 88MW Gabral presided over by Adviser to Prime Minister on Kalam Hydropower Project with projected cost of Finance Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh has approved Rs36.430 billion and FEC Rs8.815 billion. major projects related to power generation and evac- The meeting of Ecnec also approved the project of uation. Evacuation of Power from 2,160MW Dasu HPP The Ecnec approved the construction of 157MW stage-I Dasu to Islamabad via Mansehra, at the total Madian Hydropower project at District Swat under cost of Rs132.249 billion with FEC of Rs112.228 bil- the World Bank (WB) assisted Khyber- lion. The project envisages the construction of 765kV Pakhtunkhwa Hydropower and Renewable Energy double circuit transmission line from Dasu Hy- Development Programme at the total rationalised dropower project to Islamabad via Mansehra. The cost of Rs79.374 billion with foreign exchange com- WB funded project will be completed in 5 years. 45

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Salient features of National Aviation Policy F ollowing are incentives Tourism Promotion and Re- and policy guidelines gional Integration License: which have been provided Tourism Promotion and Re- in the National Aviation Policy gional Integration license has 2019 which has since been ap- been introduced for the first proved at the appropriate level time through NAP 2019 and the of the Federal Government and application form and its prereq- is being followed and imple- uisites/conditions of license have mented for improvement and also been approved. betterment of aviation sector The first Tourism Promotion and directly and indirectly affil- and Regional Integration license iated sectors. has been given in line with the Reduced cost of doing busi- vision of the Pakistan Govern- ness: Rationalization of paid-up ment to promote tourism and capital, security deposit and socio-economic connectivity. Pakistan Civil Aviation Author- Many interested potential ity (PCAA) charges. Tourism Promotion and Re- East of doing business: Ra- gional Integration licensees tionalization of aircraft age, have been provided with guid- paid-up capital regulations and ance and facilitation to apply License/Air Operator Certificate and sail through the process. (AOC) regulations. Pakistan Civil Aviation Au- Improved facilities: Provision thority has endeavoured to en- of state of the art infrastructure courage foreign carriers to at the airports throughout the conclude mutually beneficial code country.. share agreements with Pakistan Future growth: To develop International Airlines (PIA). maintenance, repair and over- Any new, as well as additional haul (MROs), aircraft manufac- traffic rights to foreign desig- turing, simulators and flight nated airlines are being kitchen setup capacities by pro- awarded after due consultation viding conducive/ business with PIAC in order to support friendly conditions. our national carrier. The outcome of NAP 2019: To promote domestic aviation, Contribution to economic aeronautical charges for domes- growth would be ensured tic operators have been waived through new airlines, job cre- off effective from May 15, 2019, ation, competitive market, bet- however, passenger based ter facilities, and foreign direct charges were waived off on June investment. 01,2019. 46

ENGINEERING POST November-2020 Lucky Cement Limited voted as Pakistan’s Most Outstanding Company in Materials Sector by Asiamoney Lucky Cement Limited was investment markets for capital is- recognized by Asiamoney suers, borrowers, institutional in- under its Asia's Outstanding vestors and senior corporate and Companies Poll 2020 for Materials government monetary decision sector in Pakistan. Asia's Out- makers with business interests in standing Companies Poll recog- Asia Pacific. nizes publicly listed companies Lucky Cement is the largest pro- across the region for their excel- ducer of Cement in Pakistan with lence in a variety of business areas production capacity of 12.15 MTPA and markets. and also one of the country’s lead- The results recognized 140 com- ing exporters of quality cement. It panies as being the most outstand- is the first Shariah Compliant ing for their sectors and in their Company of Pakistan certified by market. More than 880 fund man- the SECP. agers, buy-side analysts, bankers The Company has always em- and research analysts took part in phasized on the responsible and ra- the voting. In total, over 4,602 votes tional use of natural resources, a were received for publically listed strategy that allows it to reduce companies across 11 markets in any adverse impact of its opera- Asia. tions for environment conservation. The aim of this poll is to identify Under its ambit of CSR the Com- and give recognition to Asia’s most pany actively contributes in health outstanding listed companies in and education sector as well as in each market and sector. In casting community development, for which the vote, the Company’s overall per- it was recently recognized as one of formance including its financials, the top ten Most Supportive management team, IR activities Brands of Pakistan during the cur- and CSR initiatives are considered. rent pandemic by IPSOS, a multi- Asiamoney is an information national market research company source on the world’s capital mar- with headquarters in Paris, France. kets with an insight into the latest The Company also joined hands developments of the global finan- with the Prime Minister's Ehsaas cial markets. It is an affiliated pub- Emergency Rashan Programme to lication of Euromoney Institutional provide rashan (Ration) to those af- Investor. Asiamoney reports, and fected by the Covid-19 outbreak offers analysis on, the financial and across Pakistan. 47

HubPaK Salt to install world’s largest salt refinery in Baluchistan H ub-Pak, the first Pakistani salt refining facility in the province of Baluchis- port would also increase which will manufacturing company is planning tan. With an estimated cost of $300 million ultimately help in further narrowing trade to establish the world’s largest salt the salt refinery will cover 150,000 acres of deficit. land. According to sources the salt refinery will produce 24 million tons annually and once in production it will make Pakistan the third largest producer of salt in the world and the second largest exporter. The annual export target of salt is $1 billion. The plant would begin production by mid of the Financial Year 2023. This mega investment would help pro- vide jobs to the economically vulnerable residents of Baluchistan province. Cur- rently the total annual production of Hub plant is around 3,00,000 tons, Ankerio 300,000 and Mukhai 2,00,000 tons. Hub salt is being exported to USA, Aus- tralia, Japan, UAE, Europe and South Korea. Another important element attached to the construction of this refinery is the en- gagement of the local work force and ma- terial which actually is the need of the time to improve the speed of the slow economic activity of the country. With the construction of this refinery, Pakistan’s ex-

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