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Home Explore Engineering Post July 2020

Engineering Post July 2020

Published by Empire Online, 2022-02-16 09:16:32

Description: Engineering Post July 2020

Keywords: Engineering,Engineering Post


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700 MW Azad Pattan Hydropower Project Signed Pakistan has signed an ect would deliver approxi- with imported fuel, thus in- agreement with China mately 3.3 billion units of creasing the cost of energy Gezhouba for the con- clean, renewable energy to the manifolds and stressing the struction of 700.7 MW Azad grid after its completion in local currency,” Pattan Hydropower project 2026. CPEC Authority Chairman under China-Pakistan Eco- The project would be located retired Lt-Gen Asim Saleem nomic Corridor (CPEC). The upstream of 720 MW Karot Bajwa while addressing the project will be completed by and downstream of 640 MW signing ceremony said that the 2026 with an investment of Mahal hydropower. project would be completed by $1.5 billion. Chinese ambassa- While speaking at the sign- utilising indigenous resources. dor to Pakistan Yao Jing wit- ing ceremony of the project He revealed that in the near nessed the signing ceremony Prime Minister Imran Khan past, they had signed agree- of the project. said “Unlike the past, the proj- ments for bringing in $4 billion Azad Pattan hydropower is a ect will not burden the people. investment and for generation run-of-the-river project on the The previous governments of 1,800MW low-cost power. River Jhelum, in the Azad launched costly projects, These projects would provide Jammu and Kashmir. The proj- which were made functional jobs to about 8,000 locals.

ENGINEERING POST July-2020 Made in Pakistan Ventilators on European Union standard In a very short period of time has joined of countries in tional Engineering and Scientific after COVID-19 Pakistan has the ranks of started the local manufacture those few the world have Commission (NESCOM) and Pak- the capacity to istan Ordnance Factories. of ventilators according to the stan- c o u n t r i e s make this,” he The federal minister said that dards of European Union. The first which are added. the first batch of 8 to 10 ventilators batch of ventilators named p r o d u c i n g “PAKVENT- is ready for operational usage “PAKVENT-1” will be delivered to their own 1” has been while three more designs are in National Disaster Management ventilators. manufactured their final stages after which Pak- Authority (NDMA) in the first “The venti- with the collab- istan will be among the few coun- week of July 2020. lator is a oration of Pak- tries in the world that Federal Minister for Science and complicated i s t a n manufacture complex medical ma- Technology Fawad Chaudhry in a m a c h i n e E n g i n e e r i n g chines, in accordance with Euro- video statement said that Pakistan and not a lot Council, Na- pean Union (EU) standards. 02

ENGINEERING POST July-2020 Highest ever hydel generation in a fiscal year Wapda provides 37.4 billion units to national grid in 2019-20 The outgoing year 2019-20 Further, WAPDA hydel power tional exchequer would have to tributed by other hydel power sta- proved to be a historic for generation during fiscal year bear the brunt of Rs. 87.22 bil- tions of WAPDA. hydel power generation in 2019-20 registered an increase of lion. At present, WAPDA owns and Pakistan, as WAPDA provided 6.23 billion units if compared According to data of WAPDA operates 22 hydel power stations, highest ever number of hydel with that of fiscal year 2018- hydel power generation in 2019- including Neelum Jhelum with electricity i.e. 37.4 billion units to 19.This increased hydel power 20, Tarbela Hydel Power Station cumulative installed generation the National Grid. Previous generation became possible due to provided 11.92 billion units, Tar- capacity of 9389 Mega Watt record of hydel generation in a fis- improved hydrological conditions bela 4thExtension 5.49 billion (MW). WAPDA is well on its way cal year was 33.15 billion units and effective operation and main- units, Ghazi Barotha 6.55 billion and work on three mega projects that was set way back in 2015-16. tenance of WAPDA hydel power units, Mangla 4.69 billion units, including Diamer Basha Dam, The surged hydel generation in stations despite the Covid-19 pan- and Neelum-Jhelum Hydel Power Dasu Hydropower Project and 2019-20 not only helped the coun- demic. Had these 6.23 billion ad- Station generated 4.84 billion Mohmand Dam is under way, try overcome power shortages but ditional units been generated units. While, rest of the genera- adding 9500 MW on their com- also stabilize the power tariff. through thermal source, the na- tion – 3.91billion units - was con- missioning. 03

ENGINEERING POST February-2020 CPEC’s second phase would be more productive for Pakistan Lt-Gen Asim Saleem Bajwa (Retd), the very clear in continuity of each and every proj- mainline (ML-1) railway line from Karachi to special assistant on Information and ect and to complete them as soon as possible. Peshawar. Broadcasting to Prime Minister had di- COVID-19 could not creel the progress of Manpower would be totally overhauled, un- rected to complete all CPEC projects on prior- CPEC projects”. About Pak-Chine collabora- derpasses and overhead bridges would be built ity which were held up due to bureaucratic tion, Asim Bajwa mentioned that we are work- at all railway crossings, and speed of trains delay or methodological reasons. While ad- ing to connect the companies of the two would significantly enhance. The latest tech- dressing a validation ceremony of Business countries and a new business council for this nology and industry would now be relocated to Cooperation Agreements in various fields be- purpose is also going to be announced soon. Pakistan. A preferred Special Economic Zones tween leading Chinese entrepreneurs and The process of mass industrialization under (SEZs) are being established in all provinces Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC) in Taxila the second phase of CPEC would ensure the under CPEC. We are close to signing develop- he shared his points about CPEC in very broad self-reliance in various sector. The railway sec- ment agreement of Rashakai in Khyber prospective; “The vision and direction of PM is tor would be refurbished by up-grading the Pakhtunkhwa in Dhabeji SEZ in Sindh. 04

ENGINEERING POST July-2020 Businesses will hopefully start getting better soon Engr. Fahim Siddiqui, CEO, FND Consulting Engineers talks to Engineering Post Engr. Fahim Siddiqui Chief of preventive tools including Executive Officer, FND HEPA filters, UV lamps, bipolar (Pvt.) Limited has been ionization and other techniques, working in the engineering sector but I personally think that we can of Pakistan for more than 45 avoid all this if we ensure adher- years now. After FND was ence to basic sanitization SOPs, founded in 1987 the company en- hand washing, wearing a mask gineered the MEP Systems of and social distancing. In the end some of the most prestigious land- these might prove to be more ef- mark construction in the country fective than the use of high tech including the Emporium Mall and filters and other equipment in Packages Mall in Lahore. The HVAC systems. “It is easy to say firm is registered with Pakistan install HEPA filters but what we Engineering Council, and the do not realize is that they require Principals of the firm are recog- complicated installation and ad- nized members of a number of justments to ensure no air is leak- National and International Pro- ing and these are also expensive fessional Societies & Bodies. to maintain. Similarly UV lamps Engr. Fahim Siddiqui, during and Bipolar ionization are known an exclusive interview with Engi- to kill bacteria and viruses, but neering Post, expressed his views ble for conversion of Expo Center cial distancing and other SOPs”. the over-riding factor for reduc- regarding the current situation in Karachi to corona ward saying Another thing he pointed out was tion in transmission of virus is in- amid COVID-19. “Right now un- “The work of months was done the phenomenon of working from troduction of more fresh air and certainty is the main problem. No very efficiently in days by the home. “COVID-19 has shown the adherence to SOPs by the people” one knows what the right course company”. world that working from home he added. of action is and how and when the During the conversation he can be useful for many different While replying to a question re- pandemic will pan out in the fu- said that he is sensing a gradual sectors especially ones involved garding the financial constraints ture. Still I can see that the situ- decrease in the overall fear of the primarily in production of intel- being faced by businesses due to ation is gradually moving towards people regarding COVID-19, lectual work on paper” decreased business activities betterment,” he said which can be a major factor in the Sharing his thoughts on the fu- Engr. Fahim Siddiqui said that in During the conversation he near future for the resumption of ture of HVACR industry in the these testing times it is simply also appreciated how the local in- business activities in the country. post COVID-19 scenario, he wrong to transfer the pressure of dustry has responded to this “But the fear must not diminish shared some wonderful insights. financial constraint to the em- threat of COVID-19. He also ap- completely, and people should He said that although the empha- ployees. The human factor of preciated the company responsi- keep following basic hygiene, so- sis right now is on the installation businesses demands that the em- 05

ENGINEERING POST July-2020 ployees be given their wages in salary was decreased.” He re- they were in before. We just have eventually and as soon as they do full and on time. “At FND we vealed. to pass through this time pa- business will start booming again, made a policy decision not to lay One important thing to be kept tiently and empathetically keep- especially in the construction in- off any employee due to COVID- in mind is that when the markets ing hopes high. “We must dustry, which will also impact 19. I as CEO voluntarily de- reopen, businesses will start remember that business has not positively on a large number of creased my salary by 25% and I flourishing again and will hope- stopped, it has just slowed down. businesses that serve the con- remain the only employee whose fully be in a better position than Thing will start getting better struction industry” he said. New Alternative and Renewable Energy Policy formulated Engineering Post Report ARE Policy 2019 are as given ments will be carrying out com- ary approach constituting a below: petitive bidding process as per strategy policy implementation Anew Alternative & Renew- The policy has an expanded the annual ARE procurement roadmap under Policy for Devel- able Energy Policy has scope encompassing all alterna- plan approved by the Alternative opment of Renewable Energy for been formulated by the tive and renewable energy source, Energy Development Board Power Generation 2006. The aim quarters concerned of the federal competitive procurement and ad- (AEDB Board) on recommenda- was to increase the deployment government consequent to expiry dresses areas like distributed tions of the Steering Committee. of alternate renewable energy. of Renewable Energy Policy 2006 g e n e r a t i o n The most ARE technologies in Pakistan. in March 2018. The new policy so systems, off- significant fea- The federal government is formulated is named as Alterna- grid solu- ture of the pol- proactively pursuing the ex- tive and Renewable Policy 2019 tions. B2B icy is that it ploitation and utilization its in- (ARE Policy 2019). methodolo- makes a tran- digenous power generation According to the information gies and sition from the resources as a part of its vision in gathered from the official sources, rural energy t r a d i t i o n a l order to achieve strategic objec- the policy aims at creating a con- services. methods of tives of energy security, decreas- ducive environment supported by ARE Policy procurement ing dependence on imported fuels a robust framework for the sus- 2019 envis- based on cost and providing sustainable energy tainable growth of ARE Sector in ages develop- plus and up- supplies for economic growth. Pakistan. ment of large front tariffs to The development of renewable The federal government’s scale ARE c o m p e t i t i v e energy based power generation strategic objectives of affordabil- projects in all bidding. All projects is being pursued as such ity of electricity, energy security, parts of the country through ac- new renewable energy projects on Independent Power Producers availability for all, environmental tive participation of the specifically wind and solar power (IPP) mode through private sec- protection, sustainable develop- provinces. projects will be development tor investors. ARE promises a ment , social equity and mitiga- Provinces are also part of the through competitive bidding. higher proportion of the national tion of climate change will further Steering Committee envisaged in It may be mentioned here the energy supply mix and helps in be harnessed under the ARE Pol- the policy that will be carrying development o Alternative and ensuring universal and afford- icy 2019. out the planning of ARE induc- Renewable (ARE) Sector was ini- able access to electricity in all re- Salient features of the new tion. Provincial energy depart- tiated under a phased, evolution- gions of the country. 06

ENGINEERING POST July-2020 Govt Institutions should focus on realistic goals and measurable progress Engr. M. Saeed Shamsi, Chairman Potential Group talks to Engineering Post Engr. M. Saeed group as sub contrac- suggestions for the same time the goals Shamsi Chief tors. government to im- should be realistic and Executive and With more than 50 prove the conditions achievable. “Over ex- Chairman of the Po- years of experience in which are already aggerating the capac- tential Engineers Pvt. the field Mr.Shamsi quite bad due to ity and scope of a plan Ltd. had an exclusive has a very clear under- COVID-19. might work well, polit- conversation with En- standing of how mat- “First of all the reg- ically, but it is very gineering Post. Mr. ters should be handled ulations for qualifica- damaging for the insti- Shamsi has been an on national level. Dur- tions need to be tutions involved. The essential part of the ing the interview he looked into thor- government should engineering commu- shared his insights re- oughly and modified make plans while con- nity of Pakistan since garding the problems keeping in view the sidering the situations 1976 when he founded being faced by the size of our economy on ground with achiev- the Potential Engi- local companies under and the share of the able and well defined neers (Pvt.) Ltd. the current scenario power sector, in such goals” Under his leadership and also suggested po- a way maximum num- Another very impor- the Potential group tential solutions for ber of local companies tant aspect which has completed a num- the issues. can be involved” he needs to be looked at is ber of high end proj- While discussing said. The regulations the implementation of ects for the the issues he said that defined for the qualifi- regulations. Every few installation of 500 KV, the government is not cation of the compa- weeks the governing 220 KV and 132 KV supporting the local nies are sometimes so bodies add a new reg- Transmission Lines setups which should exceptionally high ulatory requirement and Substations for be their number one that the local manu- conforming to which is WAPDA and Karachi priority right now. by red tape and new engaged for local proj- facturers and compa- mandatory. But the Electric Supply Com- What to talk of incen- regulation given by ects,” he said. This is nies cannot even come implementation on pany (KESC). The In- tives, not even a level the government that it leading to massive re- close to qualifying for ground is neither mon- stallation of first playing field is being is getting difficult to duction of business ac- the bid. itored nor properly ex- 500kV Transmission provided and the gov- even qualify on the tivity on local level as The government ecuted. Pakistan Line, from Tarbela ernment machinery basis of conditions laid well as the deteriora- should set up clearly Engineering Council, Power Station to refuses to cooperate. down, particularly the tion of quality. defined goals for all the regulatory body, Faisalabad was also “Under the current financial turnover per During the conver- the future projects should also look into undertaken and com- scenario the local com- annum. Consequently sation Mr.Saeed that they are under- this matter to ensure pleted by the Potential panies are so bound up foreign companies are Shamsi shared some taking. But at the the fair chance to the 07

ENGINEERING POST July-2020 the fair chance to improved to 5 Billion ceptability to convince Mr.Shamsi said that working for the right opportunity to work the local industry and USD. The Public Sec- others about our capa- he still believed to the causes but they have a abroad and leave the contractors. tor which is the bilities. core of his heart that tendency to leave country multiple times Mr Shamsi said that biggest employer in “Everything is com- the government can things half way but I have chosen to there is a big scope in this sector also should plete on paper accord- still solve all the prob- through. They should stay and serve Pak- the export of Software. encourage local partic- ing to the regulations lems if these problems understand that if a istan because this is We are currently doing ipation. We should in- but on ground regula- are addressed prop- thing is worth doing, my country if I work I around 3 Billion USD crease the home base tions are rarely ad- erly once and for all. it's worth doing well.” want to work for its which can easily be both in volume and ac- hered to.” “They are good people I have been given the betterment” he added. Renewable share in 57 development country’s electricity is projects included predicted to be 60-65 in PSDP percent by 2030 Minister for Communi- kilometers of roads would be cations Murad Saeed constructed without any bur- The Cabinet Committee on Energy its low production costs, low green- has said that in addi- den on the national excheq- (CCoE), commanded by Planning house gas emissions and grid flexibility. Minister Asad Umar directed the NEPRA has also directed these enti- tion to woek being started on uer, while areas located on the Power Division to immediately includes ties to make necessary modifications in the hydro power in the definition and all relevant documents with including the western route of CPEC , GT Road would also be con- policy of Alternative and Renewable hydropower projects in the scope. CCoE Energy Resources. NEPRA has di- was apprised about the country’s future 57 new devel- nected to the rected this to power sector to resolve energy demand, power availability to immediately all unsettled issues with various sectors and progress made to opment proj- motorways. the Sindh government on Alternate & rationalise energy prices. Under the Renewable Energy Policy (AREP). The new ARE policy, the federal govern- ects have Saeed said AREP was approved in 2019, in princi- ment claims to be offering $40 billion ple, by the Council of Common Inter- worth of investment opportunities with been included the entire ests (CCI) in subject to settle all a bulk addition (other than hy- concerns of the Sindh government. As dropower) target of 8,000MW by 2025 in this year's Punjab was somehow, hydro power resources have and 20,000MW by 2030.Coupled with been ignored in the integrated energy hydropower, the renewables’ share in Public Sector being con- generation plan of 2020-2027, the reg- the country’s electricity generation ulator has noted that hydropower is a could go up to 60-65pc by 2030, the Development nected with striking renewable energy option due to Power Division trusts. Programme the motor- (PSDP). way through Work on Havelian, Thakot, public and private partner- Multan, and Sukkur routes ship. He said network of was completed on priority roads was being laid down basis and now a motorway across the country through would be constructed from Pe- public and private partner- shawar to DI Khan. The ten- ship, under a new vision. der for Hyderabad and Projects in Sindh, south Pun- Sukkur motorways would jab and the Khyber- also be held this year. Pakhtunkhwa (KP) were He further said that 1,800 government's priority. 08

ENGINEERING POST July-2020 Quality Zhejiang Virtual Expo Refrigeration and cold chain products and to arrange Busi- which they have been ness-to-business provided 8 seconds of (B2B) meetings to fur- time free of cost. The ther the business ac- people attending the tivities. virtual expo were able This virtual expo is to watch all the a very innovative con- “stalls” set up by the cept having the poten- exhibitors on their tial to become the screen and interact future of expos and with them one on one. exhibitions in the A moderator was world. All the partici- appointed to facilitate Keeping in view expo for HVACR in- pants of the expo set all the participants. the travelling dustry from 29th June up their “stalls” on the r e s t r i c t i o n s to 2nd July 2020. The screen where their Miss Amy, the moder- ator for the expo, and social distancing virtual expo was products were on dis- while talking to Engi- protocols The China arranged on zoom. play. Some of the par- neering Post said that Council for the Promo- This virtual expo pro- ticipants opted to play they received a very tion of International vided a platform to their company’s intro- positive response for Trade (CPIT) bring together the ductory video on loop the expo with more arranged a virtual businesses and clients on their screens for than 100 companies participating. “Due to ing ID the visitors the travel restrictions were able to scroll the businesses and through all the com- consumers were un- panies and if any help able to connect with was required in con- each other because all necting to the ex- the exhibition and hibitors they could Expos had been can- ask the moderator to celed due to COVID- connect them to the 19. Quality Zhejiang relevant exhibitor. Virtual Expo is trying The moderator was to bridge that gap and able to set up small facilitate everyone in private groups for the process by arrang- B2B meeting in which ing B2B meetings and both the visitor and giving the business a exhibitor from rele- chance to display their vant field were added services and products so they could have a for the clients.” private conversation After joining the separate from the rest Expo using the meet- of the exhibition. 27th HVACR Expo and Conference rescheduled to 26-28 November 2020 Asigned notifica- Pakistan HVACR In- tion by Mr. ternational Expo and M u h a m m a d Conference has been Amir, the chairman of postponed again from organizing committee 23rd -25th July to of 27th HVACR Inter- 26th- 28th November national expo have 2020. As the govern- been issued stating ment have strict down the again cancellation the lockdown, it is the of duty of sched- every uled native to event of follow 2020. this. Ac- The notification pens tivities can be carried the current situation out later as the prime caused by pandemic focus now is to stay and highlight the af- safe and keep others fection about the safe too. Once the epi- safety of participant. demic is cleared, the The summary of this daily activities will be is as; resumed soon with a “After precisely big turnout. We pray monitoring the hassle for those who got af- shaped out of current fected and wish to see situation caused by a healthy faster recov- COVID-19, in consul- ery on rescheduled tation with valued Or- date of exhibition. ganizers, Executive Thank you for your Council members, Ex- understanding, coop- hibitors and Interna- eration and continual tional Partners around support and with re- the Globe, it is notified gret apology on any in- to all that the 27th convenience”. 10


ENGINEERING POST July-2020 Electric Vehicles A brief overview of the global market Mr. Umair Nabeel, Renewable Energy & Environment Entrepreneur Over the last five or so years, It’s worth sands. A dedi- Following on from here, we’ll as the deployment of re- mentioning here newable energy based proj- that the techno- cated infrastruc- dive slightly deeper into the world ture of of EVs. Starting off on the brief ects started gathering logical advances recharging sta- data I’ve shared, a breakdown ex- momentum, there was a particu- made in recent tions which is a ploring further details and some lar technology which initially years in pleasure to the interesting EV news from around though didn’t get much hype or lithium-ion bat- eye for engineer- the globe starting off with a small coverage in the media or new teries from cell ing, technology country side pub in Australia, feeds, was slowly and gradually level, different and environmen- whose owners turned the concept disrupting the conventional auto- material chem- tal enthusiasts. into an additional revenue gener- mobiles and transport industry, istry all the way As I conclude ator for their business. creating its own space. Electric up to the mod- this introductory vehicles or more famously known ule itself has article, I leave as EVs come the end of 2019 been a core and the readers with stand at a staggering figure of 7.2 key component. some fun and in- million vehicles worldwide. The And of course, teresting facts year previous to that, the accumu- the company which is indeed con- followed up with a question, lated figure was an estimated 5.1 sidered the pioneer of EVs and which we all must ask ourselves. million, a near 40% increase year rightly so, Tesla deserves every Citing BNEF 2020 EV outlook re- on year without a fair share of us bit of credit and recognition port, by the end of this year, realizing. I call it the “silent dis- they’re getting now. Tesla is the global EV share will be 2.7%, five ruptor”, which is ironic since market leader, and I back this years on 10%, another five years that’s how they operate too, near point up by referring to their lat- and it’ll be 28% that is by 2030. zero noise and combustion pollu- est market valuation, leaving be- By 2040, this market share will tion. hind even the decade’s long increase to 58%. The question re- conventional auto industry gi- mains, as a Pakistani whether an ants. A glance of Wall Street average Joe, investor, business would suffice. Moreover, Tesla is person, industrialist and finally, the only company with its cars on the state and government, where the roads, in hundreds of thou- do we and where will we stand? 12


ENGINEERING POST July-2020 IT and Telecom Division launching 15 new development schemes Engineering Post 21. ;President Initiative of Report All these schemes Cyber Efficient Parlia- have been considered ment (Feasibility Information Tech- and approved by the Study); Protection and nology and Departmental Devel- Upgrading of Pak- Telecommunica- opment Working Party China Phase-1 Optic tion (ICT) Division of (DDWP) within six Project for Establish- the Federal Govern- months of 2020. Out of ment of Cross Border ment is launching as 15 new schemes, five Connectivity Project; many as 15 new devel- schemes pertain to Smart Office All Fed- opment schemes dur- Azad Jammu and eral Government Or- ing just commenced Kashmir and Gilgt- ganizations/Departme financial year 2020- Baltistan regions. nts; Standardization These schemes are es- of Information Tech- timated to cost Rs nology (IT) Industry: 16941.952 million in- Up gradation of Exist- cluding foreign aid of ing TDM Based Back- Rs 347.430 million for haul Microwave with implementation in a IP Based Backhaul phased manner with Microwave network in an allocation of Rs AJ& K and Gilgit- 1892.000 million with Baltistan, and ; Up no foreign aid. gradation of Trans- The new develop- mission Network and ment schemes include Replacement of Opti- Blended Virtual Edu- cal Fiber Cable (Optic) cation; Construction of in AJ& K and Gilgit- SCO Education and baltistan. Accommodation Com- Information Tech- plex for Employees nology and Telecom- Families at munication Division is Rawalpindi; Demand already implementing Driven Industry 13 development Quality and Capacity schemes in a phased Enhancement Pro- manner which are at gramme (Feasibility various stages of their Study); Establishment implementation at a of SCO Data Centre total estimated cost of for Providing Cloud Rs 20285.801 million Based Services in including foreign aid Azad Jammu and of Rs 7983.091 million. Kashmir(AJK) and Against total cost, Gilgit-Baltistan; Es- only Rs 3704.498 mil- tablishment of Sino- lion have so far re- Pak Centre for ported to be incurred Artificial Intelligence; till end June 2020. An Expansion of Broad- allocation of Rs based Services In 4780.984 million in- Cities/Towns of Azad cluding foreign aid of Jammu and Kashmir Rs 1237.480 million (AJK) and Gilgit- has been provided for Baltistan; Implemen- their continued imple- tation of PECA 2016 mentation during fi- and Statutory Regula- nancial year 2020-21. tory Order (SRO) More about Infor- 904(1)/2017 for DIRBS mation Technology AJ& K and Gilgit- and Telecommunica- Baltistan; National tion Sector and its de- Centre for IoTs; One velopment plans and Patient One ID Fed- schemes in detail eral Government Hos- some other time, pitals/ Dispensaries please. 14


ENGINEERING POST July-2020 BiPolar Ionization A secret weapon in the war against COVID-19 Compiled by Mr. Khalid Saeed Butt, Proprietor KSB International, Lahore Bipolar Ionization (BPI) solution im- Polar Ionization VRP. It means that AHU size can be reduced, proves health and wellness by ac- to kill pathogens, extend life of filters and save energy con- tively restoring indoor air to its pure and properly ap- sumption cost. natural state where no pollution or contam- plying the tech- How BiPolar Ionization Technology works? inants exist, while reducing energy use and nology to air BiPolar Ionization Technology releases emissions in the process. handling units, charged atoms that attach to and deactivate One of the fastest evolving technologies, we will be em- harmful substances. introduced in HVAC Industry in the past ploying a tech- Bi Polar Ionization (BPI) is a gas phase in- 15 years is Bi Polar Ionization (BPI). Re- nology to our air door air purification technology. It works by searches indicate that ionizing the air can handling units adding a controlled amount of both positive stop spread of viruses, kill pathogens and which will disin- and negative air ions to the supply air of air neutralize them. To achieve better perform- fect the supply handling system. The negative ions contain ance from HVAC Systems and to deactivate air stream as an extra electron while the positive ions are Covid 19 virus, remove harmful substances well disinfect the missing an electron resulting in an unstable like airborne mold spores, VOCs, bacteria, AHU. condition. dust particles, fungi, allergens and odors in It's an alternate to the Ventilation Rate Integrated into HVAC systems, the BiPolar the air where you breathe, BPI is an effective Procedure (VRP). BOP system has energy Ionization technology utilizes specialized solution to provide purified and healthy air. saving benefits too. OA rate can be reduced tubes that take oxygen molecules from the By understanding the capabilities of Bi to more than 50% of those required under air and convert them into charged atoms that then cluster around micro-particles sur- rounding and deactivate harmful substances like airborne mold, bacteria, allergens, and viruses. \"The ions produce a chemical reaction on the cell membrane surface that inactivates the virus,\" It can reduce 99.9% of microbes in 30 minutes. Benefits of BPI • Microbial and pathogen reduction: Air- borne molds, bacteria and viruses (including human corona virus) are killed or deacti- vated by oxygen ions. This process begins in the air as soon those contaminants are emit- ted. (by coughing or sneezing) • Particle Decay: Particles including pm 2.5, stick to one another due to the ion charge (a process called agglomeration) and fall out of the breathing range and / or are more eas- ily captured by the filters in HVAC system. • VOCs and Odors reduction: Chemical off- gases and offensive odors are eliminated by the interaction with ionized air, eliminating the use of masking agents that add to indoor pollution. • Energy Conservation: With an engineer- ing air purification approach, ASHRAE’s 62.1 guidelines allow you to reduce the vol- ume of outside air while providing the above benefits and greatly improving the indoor air quality. System Placement Can be mounted in different sections of the air distribution Why BPI is different than UV light Conclusion BPI solution removes inhalable particles and pathogens including dust, allergens, molds, VOCs, odors, airborne and surface bacteria, viruses and germs to create healthy indoor environments where people thrive while doing efficiently and cost effectively. References provided by AtmosAir USA, Mr. Sam Micheal, VP Sales and Operation, Air Quality practices. Mr. Khalid Saeed Butt can be contacted at Cell: 03008492060 16


ENGINEERING POST July-2020 World Refrigeration Day Webinar on Cold Chain for Life The Global Food panel discussion. The wasted today can be Cold Chain coun- first panel discussion saved with refrigera- cil arranged a we- was on the topic of “The tion” He suggested that binar on Zoom on world Global Context of the this might the answer refrigeration day to dis- cold chain sector.” The to feeding the 9.7 billion cuss the importance of population by the year refrigeration in the 2050. This was followed maintenance of cold by the start of the first chain during the trans- session of panel discus- portation of food. sions. The Webinar was The panelists and re- arranged in collabora- frigeration experts ex- tion with UN Environ- pounded the ment Programme, importance of refrigera- American Society of tion in cold chain man- Heating, Refrigerating second panel discussion agement and its direct of consumers is increas- tant part of the cold cerns and greenhouse and Air-Conditioning was on “Cold chain and relationship to food se- ing day by day which chain. gases emissions were Engineers (ASHRAE), global agenda; roles of curity. Didier coulomb calls for a more efficient Daryl Boyce Presi- highlighted. Daryl different groups” cold chain manage- dent ASHRAE while Boyce said that engi- The webinar started ment. He pointed out sharing his views said neers at ASHRAE are with a small introduc- three main problems that while the cold working to develop tory speech by David regarding cold chain 1. chain is important for technologies that can Apple President Carrier Food Safety: this can be food security we must reduce greenhouse gas refrigeration who dis- increased with the use also take into account emissions while keep- cussed the cold chain of technologies like the environmental fac- ing the efficiency of re- technological develop- super chilling and tor as to how it affects frigeration intact. If the ment, prospects and super cooling. 2. Energy the environment and cold chain fails the food challenges.” Nearly 1 required for heating what must we do to might not remain con- billion people go hungry Director General IIR and cooling. He sug- prevent future deterio- sumable by the time it and International insti- everyday. About 1 third explained that as ur- gested using renewable ration of the environ- gets to the customer tute of refrigeration IIR. of food is wasted every- banization increases energy for it. 3. Trans- ment from and this can lead to The webinar con- day… fifty percent of all the distance of food port: Transportation is refrigeration. The food shortage and affect sisted of two sessions of perishable food that is from farms to the plates one of the most impor- global warming con- food security. 18

ENGINEERING POST July-2020 How great compan By Engr. Mohammad Iqba course is to earn a liveli- value to their purpose hood, aims at making the that is not to be scrapped money and the more the or discarded after use. better, is a common be- • They believe that lief; he is supported by Companies are more economists and finan- than instruments for ciers alike. Capitalism generating money. adores this narrow image • They consider Com- and most of the big Cor- panies are vehicles for porations in their bid of accomplishing societal maximizing short term purposes and for provid- profits for its sharehold- ing meaningful liveli- Rosabeth Moss Kan- ers practiced it wide and hoods for those who work ter is the Ernest L. large. in them. Arbuckle professor Businesses, big or • Enduring Institu- of business at Harvard small shape the lives of tional logic believes that Business School. She is the employees, partners, the value a company cre- also director and chair of and consumers on whom ated should be measured the Harvard University they depend. You will no- not just in terms of short- Advanced Leadership tice, there lies a differ- term profits or paychecks Initiative. She wrote an ence, the big companies but also in terms of how artice “How great Com- operate and think their it sustains the conditions panies think differently”. way to success. Great that allow it to flourish Here is a condensed part companies also work to over time. These corpo- of her article. I have al- make money, but they rate leaders deliver more ways believed that – A choose to do so by build- than just financial re- koney wali dukan has all ing institutions that last turns; they also build en- the potential to become a forever. during institutions. great company, but its Their logic in building • Great Companies in- proprietor has to do dif- institutions is to invest in stead of viewing organi- ferently – with positive the future while being zational processes as and negative choices at aware of the need to ways of extracting more hand to make money, the build people and society economic value, create basic to any business ac- with a belief that busi- frameworks that use so- tivity. You may find it in- ness is an inherent part cietal value and human teresting! of the society. The logic is: values as decision-mak- Anyone aspiring to • They consider both ing criteria. enter into a business, of society and people of core • They believe that 20

ENGINEERING POST July-2020 nies think differently al Mirza, CEO, Green Leaves corporations have a pur- aligned with economic during corporations that pose and meet stakehold- logic but it should not be also created social insti- ers’ needs in many ways: subordinate to it. For ex- tutions, for instance: by producing goods and ample, all companies re- 1. The Houghton fam- services that improve the quire capital to carry out ily established Corning lives of users; by provid- business activities and Glass and the town of ing jobs and enhancing sustain themselves. Corning, New York. workers’ quality of life; However, profit is not the 2. The Tata family es- by developing a strong sole end for great compa- tablished one of India’s network of suppliers and nies; rather, it is a way of leading conglomerates business partners; and ensuring that returns and the steel city of by ensuring financial vi- will continue. Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. ability, which provides The institutional view That style of corporate resources for improve- of the firm is not adored responsibility for society ments, innovations, and as much as the profit- fell out of fashion as eco- returns to investors. maximizing view. Well-- nomic logic and share- Economist and Corpo- established practices, holder capitalism came rate leaders have a dif- such as R&D and mar- to dominate assumptions ferent view of the keting, cannot be tied to about business and cor- purpose and value of profits in the short or porations became de- business. Corporate lead- long runs, yet analysts tached from particular ers undertake actions applaud them. The com- places. In today’s global that produce societal panies intending to serve world, however, compa- value, whether or not the a purpose beyond their nies must think differ- actions are tied to the set of business invest- ently. core functions of produc- ments have to do few An intensely competi- ing goods, selling and things: tive global economy providing services; • Employee empower- places a high premium whereas the financial ment, on innovation, which de- logic is to maximize the • Emotional engage- pends on human imagi- returns on capital, be it ment, nation, motivation, and shareholder or owner • Values-based leader- collaboration. Global value. ship, mergers and acquisitions The thrust of institu- • And must contribute add further complexity, tional logic is to balance in society. Business his- with their success resting public interest with fi- tory provides numerous on how effectively the or- nancial returns. Institu- examples of industrial- ganizations are inte- tional logic should be ists who developed en- grated. Only if leaders 21

ENGINEERING POST July-2020 think of themselves as builders of corporations with a coherent identity. provide coherence amidst diversity, ing the slogan. Performance with social institutions can they master As companies grow, acquire, and proclaiming that it is “many compa- Purpose provides strategic direction today’s changes and challenges. I be- divest, the business mix changes fre- nies united by a common purpose— and motivation for diverse lines of lieve that institutional logic should quently and job roles often vary to enable people to rise.” business in many countries. take its place alongside economic or across countries. The core of an orga- Great companies identify some- Leaders can compensate for busi- financial logic as a guiding principle nization’s coherent identity is its thing larger than transactions to ness uncertainty through institu- in research, analysis, education, pol- purpose and values and not the provide purpose and meaning. tional grounding. Great companies icy, and managerial decision making. widgets produced. The sources of cer- Globalization has detached organ- identify something larger than trans- In the following pages, I will describe tainty permit people to take action in izations from one specific society, but actions or business portfolios to pro- six ways in which great companies an uncertain world and guide people at the same time it requires that vide purpose and meaning. Meaning use institutional logic, how it gives in their efforts to find new widgets companies incorporate the needs of making is a central function of lead- them an advantage, and how the per- that serve society. There are compa- many societies. It is a complex issue, ers, and purpose gives coherence to spective can radically change leader- nies in the world employing hun- yet can be resolved by establishing the organization. Institutional ship and corporate behavior. dreds of thousand employees across clear institutional values. PepsiCo, grounding involves efforts to build Great companies have a common the world operating many industries for instance, has made health a big and reinforce organizational culture, purpose – as diverse as automobile, finance part of its aspiration to achieve “Per- but it is more than that. Culture is Conceiving of the firm as a social and IT, with many more. The great formance with Purpose”. Nutrition, often a by-product of past actions, a institution serves as a buffer against companies invests in creating a cul- environmental responsibility, and Continued on page 24 uncertainty and change by providing ture based on a common purpose to talent retention are pillars support- 22


ENGINEERING POST July-2020 Continued from page 22 The bank was willing to The reason of useful- walk away from those ness is not the only force passively generated that did not meet its governing corporate per- outgrowth of history. In- tests of environmental formance and behavior stitutional grounding is and social responsibility. inside organizations; an investment in activi- This short-term sacrifice emotions play a major ties and relationships was prudent risk man- role, too. Moods are con- that may not immedi- agement for the longer tagious, and they can af- ately create a direct road term. Companies using fect such issues as to business results but institutional logic are absenteeism, health, that reflect the values often willing to invest in and levels of effort and the institution stands for the human side of the energy. People influence and how it will endure. organization—invest- one another, and in Great Companies neces- ments that cannot be doing so they either in- sarily do followings: justified by immediate crease or decrease oth- 1. A Long-Term Focus financial returns but ers’ performance levels. Thinking of the firm that help create sustain- Well-understood val- as a social institution able institutions. ues and principles can generates a long-term 2. Emotional Engage- be a source of emotional perspective that can jus- ment appeal, which can in- tify any short-term fi- The transmission of crease employee en- nancial sacrifices institutional values can gagement. Having a required to achieve the evoke positive emotions, statement of values has corporate purpose and stimulate motivation, become common, so the to endure over time. and propel self-regula- Continued on page 26 The great companies tion or peer regulation. sacrifice short-term fi- nancial opportunities if incompatible with their institutional values. These values guide mat- ters central to the com- pany’s identity and reputation such as prod- uct quality, the nature of the customers served, and by-products of the manufacturing process. Banco Real, a Brazil- ian Bank, for instance, created a screening process to assess poten- tial customers’ societal standards as well as their financial standing. 24

ENGINEERING POST July-2020 Continued from page 24 for business decisions. company’s purpose and values, but connections. To thrive in diverse ge- As a Procter & Gamble executive, everyone owns them, and the values ographies and political jurisdictions, issue is not whether a set of words Robert McDonald had long believed become embedded in tasks, goals, companies must build a base of rela- called “values” exists somewhere in that the company’s Purpose, Values, and performance standards. Rather tionships in each country with gov- the company. Adhering to institu- and Principles was a cornerstone of than depending on charismatic fig- ernment officials and public tional logic makes the regular artic- its culture, evoking strong emotions ures, great companies “routinize” intermediaries as well as suppliers ulation of values core to the in employees and giving meaning to charisma so that it spreads through- and customers. Only by doing so can company’s work. The CEOs of great the company’s brands. Within a out the organization. companies ensure that agendas are companies have allocated consider- month of becoming CEO in 2010, he 3. Partnering with the Public aligned even as circumstances—and able resources and their own time to elevated the purpose—improving the The need to cross borders and sec- public officials—keep changing. breathing new life into long-standing lives of the world’s consumers—into tors to tap new business opportuni- Those external stakeholders are in- values statements, engaging man- a business strategy: improving more ties must be accompanied by concern terested as much in the corporations’ agers at many levels in the institu- lives in more places more completely. for public issues beyond the bound- contributions to the local community tional task of communicating values. In companies that think of them- aries of the firm, requiring the forma- as they are in their transactional ca- The point was not the words them- selves as social institutions, work is tion of public-private partnerships in pabilities. At the same time, great selves but the process of nurturing a emotionally compelling and meaning which executives consider societal in- companies want both an extended dialogue that would keep social pur- resides in the organization as a terests along with their business in- family of enduring relationships and pose at the forefront of everyone’s whole rather than in a less sustain- terests. a seat at the table on policy matters mind and ensure that employees use able cult of personality. Top leaders One paradox of globalization is affecting their business. the organizational values as a guide exemplify and communicate the that it can increase the need for local To be continued 26


ENGINEERING POST July-2020 Panel discussion on construction regulations in the country Iqbal Institute of Policy Studies to develop and implement safety reg- (IIPS) hosted a live session in the ulations on a priority basis now. last week of June to discuss the Various renowned experts and increasing trend of building collapses leading figures attended the session, across the country. The panel of ex- including Dr. Sarosh Hashmat Lodhi, perts developed a consensus during Vice-Chancellor NED University of the session that Pakistan needs to en- Engineering & Technology, Dr. Ash- force regulatory framework/construc- faq Ahmed Sheikh, Additional Regis- tion codes, improve land regulations trar-CPD (PEC), Dr. Shahid and building controls, standardize Mehmood, Member Planning and De- and implement building laws to en- sign (CDA), Lt. Gen M. Haroon sure safety of the tenants and avoid Aslam (retd), President IIPS Advi- building collapses in future. sory Board, Brig Khaliq ur Rashid Experts shared data that with Kiyani, CEO Architectural and Civil rapid urbanization, it is estimated Engineering Services (ACES), Major that by the year 2030, 45.6 percent of Nawaz Minhas, CEO Kingcrete Pakistan’s population will be living in Builders, and Khurram Farid Bar- cities which means that it is essential gatt, Member IIPS Advisory Board. WAPDA and GB Scouts sign MoU for Bhasha Dam’s Security As a major developmental step, an MoU has been signed between the Pakistan Water and Power Development Author- ity (WAPDA) and Gilgit Baltistan (GB) Scouts for levitation of a GB Scouts Wing for security of Diamer Bhasha Dam Project. The breath- taking ceremony was held at WAPDA house and enlighten by WAPDA General Manager (HRD) Brig Shoaib Taqi (retd) and GB Scouts Director General (DG) Brig Zia-ur-Rehman as representative of their forums. Since Diamer Bhasha Dam is being constructed in a remote area, the adequate security measures in the project area are of massive importance for smooth and timely completion of the project. The GB Scouts Wing will play a significant role for providing a safe and secure working envi- ronment in the project area by utilizing their proficient competences for safety mechanism. 28


ENGINEERING POST July-2020 Advancement of Engineered Biomaterials Engr. Muhammad Nawaz Iqbal Biomaterials can implant. Biocompati- be gotten either bility is identified with from nature or the conduct of biomate- orchestrated in the re- rials in different situa- search facility utilizing tions under different an assortment of com- compound and states pound methodologies of being. The term may using metallic seg- allude to explicit prop- ments, polymers, erties of a material earthenware produc- without indicating tion or composite ma- where or how the ma- terials. They are terial is to be utilized. frequently utilized as ductive or osseoproduc- For instance, a mate- well as adjusted for a tive jobs. Bone embed rial may evoke practi- clinical application, materials are regularly cally no invulnerable and subsequently in- intended to advance reaction in a given liv- volves entire or part of bone development ing being, and could a living structure or while dissolving into possibly ready to coor- biomedical gadget encompassing body liq- dinate with a specific which performs, ex- uid. Biomaterials must cell type or tissue. Im- pands, or replaces a be perfect with the muno-educated bioma- characteristic capacity. body, and there are fre- terials that direct the The capacity of a engi- quently issues of bio- resistant reaction in- neered biomaterial to compatibility which stead of endeavoring to prompt a physiological must be settled before bypass the procedure reaction that is strong an item can be set is one methodology of the biomaterial's ca- available and utilized that shows guarantee. pacity and execution is in a clinical setting. The uncertainty of the known as bioactivity. Along these lines, bio- term mirrors the con- Most regularly, in materials are typically tinuous improvement bioactive glasses and exposed to indistin- of bits of knowledge bioactive pottery this guishable necessities into how biomaterials term alludes to the ca- from those experienced cooperate with the pacity of embedded by new medication human body and in the materials to bond well treatments. long run how those with encompassing tis- Biomaterial should connections decide the sue in either osseocon- be compatible when clinical achievement of 30

ENGINEERING POST July-2020 a clinical gadget, (for example, 49% of the 250,000 valve substitu- pacemaker or hip substitution). tion methods performed yearly in- Notwithstanding a material clude a mechanical valve embed in being guaranteed as biocompatible, USA. The most broadly utilized it is significant that biomaterials valve is a bileaflet plate heart are designed explicitly to their ob- valve, or St. Jude valve. The spe- jective application inside a clinical cialists include two crescent plates gadget. This is particularly signifi- moving to and fro, with both per- cant as far as mechanical proper- mitting the progression of blood ties which administer the way that just as the capacity to frame a seal a given biomaterial carries on. One against reverse. of the most important material pa- Strength portrays the material's rameters is the Young's Modulus, capacity to twist under applied E, which depicts a material's flexi- worry without cracking and having ble reaction to stresses. The high durability permits biomater- Young's Moduli of the tissue and ial inserts to last longer inside the the gadget that is being coupled to body, particularly when exposed to it should intently coordinate for huge pressure or consistently ideal similarity among gadget and stacked burdens, similar to the body, regardless of whether the anxieties applied to a hip joint dur- gadget is embedded or mounted re- ing running. There is a cautious motely. Coordinating the flexible harmony among quality and firm- modulus makes it conceivable to ness that decides how strong to dis- restrict development and delami- appointment the biomaterial nation at the bio interface among gadget is. Ordinarily, as the flexi- embed and tissue just as maintain- bility of the biomaterial expands, a ing a strategic distance from pres- definitive rigidity will diminish sure focus that can prompt and the other way around. One ap- mechanical disappointment. For plication where a high-quality ma- embedded biomaterials that may terial is undesired is in neural encounter temperature changes, tests; if a high-quality material is for example dental inserts, mal- utilized in these applications the leability is significant. The mate- tissue will consistently bomb before rial must be flexible for a the gadget does (under applied bur- comparative explanation that the den) in light of the fact that the elasticity can't be excessively high, Young's Modulus of the dura mater malleability permits the material and cerebral tissue is on the re- to twist without break and further- quest for 500 Pa. At the point when more forestalls the convergence of this occurs, irreversible harm to worries in the tissue when temper- the cerebrum can happen, there- ature changes. The material prop- fore it is basic that the biomaterial erty of sturdiness is significant for has a flexible modulus not exactly dental embeds just as some other or equivalent to mind tissue and a unbending, load-bearing insert, for low elasticity if an applied burden example, a substitution hip joint. is normal. 31



ENGINEERING POST July-2020 Pakistan Railways plans for turning into a profitable entity Engineering Post Report governance and the railway’s board, the entire During the first eight months i.e. July 2019 railway system will be digitalized and the pri- to February 2020, Pakistan Railways gross Pakistan Railways has recently submitted vate sector support and assistance in this re- earnings grew by 8.4 per cent and amounted to a comprehensive business plan to the gard is direly needed. Rs 36916.85 million compared with Rs apex court , the Supreme Court of Pak- According to the Railways sources, Manila, 34066.12 million during the same period last istan, outlining a strategy for turning the rail- the Philippines, based Asian Development year. ways into a profitable entity. Bank (ADB) has assisted Pakistan Railways to The report, which ran into 121 pages, was prepare Pakistan Railways Strategic Plan prepared in connection with a suo-motu case which has since been approved by the Railways on the losses incurred by the railways. Board. The ADB also provided training to PR Through the report, the apex court was re- staff on route optimization bringing efficiency ported to have been informed that that 50 per in railways current operations. The Strategic cent of its train engines are old and need re- Plan includes suggestions to facilitate Pakistan placement. Besides, a shortage of the required Railways in achieving its targets of being effi- funds is also affecting the repair work of the cient and profitable . The policy dialogue be- engines. tween the Pakistan Railways and ADB is still As per the proposed business plan, Pakistan reported to be in progress. Railways will need to sign international joint Pakistan Railways is a single major mode of venture agreements to make it a profitable en- transport in the public sector , contributing to tity, passengers will be provided with secure, the economic growth of the country and pro- comfortable and affordable travel facilities. moting national integration. The Pakistan Railways will also require the Pakistan Railways comprises total of 474 lo- assistance of other departments to make itself comotives including 458 Diesel Engine and 12 financially stable, it will also need political and Steam Engines for 7791 kilometers length of financial support and effective monitoring of its its countrywide route. 34


ENGINEERING POST July-2020 PNRA likely to complete its one under implementation scheme in five years Engineering Post Report ment Working Party (CDWP) in which is also slow moving in throw forward of Rs 451.410 mil- March 2015 for its implementa- terms of its implementation is lion, only Rs 150.820 million Pakistan Nuclear Regula- tion at an estimated cost of Rs “Re-enforcement of PNRA”s Ca- have been allocated for its con- tory Authority (PENRA) is 888.710 million including no for- pacity and Regulatory Oversight tinued slow execution during fi- likely to complete its one eign aid. By the end of just ended Against vulnerabilities of Digi- nancial year 2020-21 also, under implementation develop- financial year 2019-20, Rs tized Control and Cyber Threats please. ment in somewhat delayed man- 689.530 million were reported to Islamabad, Karachi, Mianwali”. In the Public Sector Develop- ner in five years before the end of have been incurred in a some- It was Okayed by CDWP in De- ment Programme (PSDP) of the financial year 2020-21. what slow manner. cember 2017 for implementation Federal Government PNRA has Development scheme “Estab- For ensuring its completion in a phased manner at an esti- been allocated Rs 350.000 mil- lishment of Radiological Emer- during 2020-21, total throw for- mated cost of Rs 497.410 million lion for financial year 2020-21. gency Coordination Centre ward amount of Rs 199.180 mil- without any foreign aid. Only Rs PNRA was provided Rs 301.470 Islamabad, Mianwali and lion has been allocated by the 46.000 million were reported to million for development purposes Karachi” was considered and ap- official quarters concerned. have been incurred on its execu- in just ended financial year proved by the Central Develop- Other development scheme, tion till end June 2020. Against 2019-20 36

ENGINEERING POST July-2020 CDWP grants approval for 146Km part of M-8 Central Development Working In the tweet he said “Work on M- through N-50 and Indus Highway Party (CDWP) has approved 8 to commence as top priority. N-55. The Ratodero Gwadar Motor- Rs26 billion for a 146km long CDWP approval obtained for 146 way (M-8) will start from Ratodero highway stretched between KMs-cost Rs.26 Bn-Hoshab to in Sindh Province and enter Hoshab, Kech and Awaran in Awaran(purple dotted portion on Baluchistan Province passing near Baluchistan. This was revealed by map).This road in remote districts the towns of Khuzdar, Awaran, Chairman China-Pakistan Eco- of Kech/Awaran is a beacon of light Hoshab, Turbat before joining the nomic Corridor (CPEC) Authority for impoverished South Baluchis- Makran Coastal Highway just east retired Lt Gen Asim Bajwa in a tan,will change lives” M8 Motorway of the port city of Gwadar. The M8 tweet. He also shared a marked will follow the alignment of N85. will cross the Dasht River and pass map showing the part of the M-8 Construction of these roads will link near the Mirani Dam in Baluchis- which will be constructed. To date Gawadar Port with upcountry by tan Province. The M8 after comple- 502 kilometres of road on M-8 proj- multiple routes including Chaman tion will have 4-lanes and a total ect has been completed. through N-25, Dera Ismail Khan length of 892 km. Construction of Gwadar airport in full swing Chairman China Pakistan national Airport construction in The Gwadar airport will be able Economic Corridor (CPEC) progress. We reaffirm our commit- to handle a combination of air- Authority, Lieutenant Gen- ment to launching and completing crafts including ATR 72, Airbus, eral (retd) Asim Saleem Bajwa in all projects in Gwadar in line with (A-300), Boeing (B-737) and Boe- a tweet has said that the under- PM’s directive,” he added. ing (B-747) for domestic as well in- construction mega airport at The $230 million Gwadar air- ternational routes. In addition to Gwadar will be a harbinger of de- port project is located at Guran- that a modern terminal building is velopment of Gwadar city and dani, 26 KM east of Gwadar City, also a part of the project with Gwadar Port. Balochistan. The ground-breaking cargo terminal having initial han- While sharing some pictures of of the project was performed by dling capacity of 30,000 tons per the project he said “Gwadar Inter- PM Imran Khan in 2019. year. 37

ENGINEERING POST July-2020 A look at Pakistan’s external sector Engineering Post market-based flexible bly by 71.1 percent to Report exchange rate regime. US $ 2.8 billion (1.1 per There was consider- cent of Gross Domestic There is no deny- able improvement in P r o d u c t — G D P ) ing of the bitter key economic indica- against US $ 10.3 bil- fact that Pak- tors till third quarter lion last year (3.7 per istan’s external sector of FY 2020 and eco- cent of GDP) mainly has remained under nomic recovery was due to reduction in pressure for a pretty expected by the end of trade deficit by 31.0 per long time. Exports financial year 2019-20. cent to US $ 14.7 bil- have remained on The policy adjust- lion as compared to US downward trajectory ments had started to $ 21.3 billion last year. while imports kept in- reap benefits in the However, the creasing significantly over the years. The main reason as- sociated with declining exports were currency overvaluation, domes- tic energy crises, global market contrac- tion, declining interna- tional commodity prices, competitive- ness crises especially between Pakistan and major export competi- tors. The federal govern- ment had thus em- form of decline in cur- COVID-19 outbreak barked in FY 2019 on rent account deficit, generated both de- a journey towards sta- build up foreign ex- mand and supply bility and sustainable change reserves, stable shocks reverberating inclusive growth exchange rate etc. across the global econ- through various struc- During July 2019 to omy and it became an tural and policy ad- March 2020, current unprecedented chal- justments including account deficit had re- lenge having severe implementation of a duced quite apprecia- impact on social and 38

ENGINEERING POST July-2020 business activity. In order to con- to be adversely affected due to re- tain the spread of pandemic of Co- striction on transport and travel on rona Virus, quarantines and social account of the pandemic. Due to distancing have been adopted af- ongoing trade tensions and slowing fecting many sectors such as of economic growth , merchandise travel, hospitality , entertainment trade had fell by 0.1 per cent in and tourism. Supply chain has also 2019. been dislocated due to closure of The manufacturing activity in workplaces. China has been severely affected The domestic disruption has due to the pandemic ;disrupting spilt over effect on trading part- supply chains which are creating a ners through trade and global gap in their exports, provides an op- value chain linkages, apart from portunity for Pakistani exporters to historically low global oil prices timely capitalize the situation. Due and declining commodity prices to global economic slow down, the adding to overall macroeconomic global oil prices have also declined effects. at historical low level and as such World Economic Outlook, as of have created an opportunity for April 2020, has forecasted that the Pakistan to reduce its oil import bill global economy was most likely to and current account deficit along decline sharply by 3 per cent due to with deceleration in inflation. COVID-19 pandemic, worse than On the other hand, the experts 2008-09 financial crisis. With the have opined, the outbreak of Co- anticipating of fading pandemic in rona Virus in Europe, North the second half of 2020 due to nor- America and Gulf countries may malized economic activity, the have an adverse impact on Pak- global economy has been projected istan’s exports as International Fi- by the economic experts to grow by nancial Institutions have started 5.8 per cent in 2021. However, with forecasting a slowdown in global prevailing global condition, there is growth during 2020. also a risk of worsening of eco- Under a moderate scenario of nomic outlook. contained global impact of Global economy is highly inte- COVID-19, the exports may have grated through tourism, trade and minimal repercussions on Pak- remittances. According to the istan’s economic growth in FY World Trade Organization (WTO), 2020 as exports form a relatively world merchandise trade was ex- smaller portion of the Gross Do- pected to decline due to COVID-19 mestic Product (GDP) in Pakistan by 13 to 32 per cent in 2020. Dur- as compared to emerging ing 202, trade volume is expected economies. Meanwhile, remit- to decrease by double digits in tances back home from major des- nearly all regions, depending on tinations may also decline the duration of the outbreak of and temporarily in the coming months effectiveness of policy response. passing some downward impact on Trade in services is also expected domestic consumption. 39

1124 MW Kohala Hydro Power Project Historic tripartite agreement signed Ahistoric tripartite agreement has been M/s Three Gorges Corporation for the con- man China Pakistan Economic Corridor signed between Government of Pakistan struction of the 1,124-megawatt (MW) Kohala (CPEC) Authority Lt Gen (R) Asim Saleem (GoP), Government of Azad and Jammu Hydropower Project with an estimated cost of Bajwa and representatives of China’s Three and Kashmir (AJ&K) and Chinese company $2.4 billion. Gorges Company. This is the largest power sector investment of the country in a single Independent Power Producer (IPP) till date and will create 5000 direct jobs. 1124 MW Kohala Hydropower Project is lo- cated on river Jhelum in Azad Jammu & Kashmir is being developed by Kohala Hy- dropower Company Limited (KHCL) with China South Asia Investment Limited (CSAIL)(the main sponsor), China Three Gorges Corporation, IFC and Silk Road Fund as sponsors of the project under policy for Power Generation Projects 2002 on Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis. While addressing the signing ceremony Prime Minister Imran Khan said that “Prices have gone up due to generation of electricity from imported fuel. Generating electricity from oil also affects the environment. There- fore government has focused on clean energy instead of imported fuel. The project will cre- ate thousands of much needed employment opportunities in Azad Kashmir,” he added. Prime Minister Imran Khan, Federal Min- isters, Chinese Ambassador Yao Jing Chair-

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