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Home Explore Engineering Post April-May 2020

Engineering Post April-May 2020

Published by Empire Online, 2021-10-31 17:32:02

Description: Engineering Post April-May 2020

Keywords: Engineeringpost,Engineering


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Construction of Bhasha dam can be the key to industrial revival The Water and Power Bhasha dam will create 16,500 mentation. already Development Authority direct and indirect jobs. Ce- Wapda has (Wapda) has been di- ment and other construction awarded consultancy services rected by the Prime minister materials will be used in huge worth Rs.27.182 billion to Di- to start construction of Di- amounts for the construction amer Basha Consultants amer-Bhasha dam (DBD) im- of this dam which will help Group (DBCG). The DBCG mediately. In this regard an provide the much needed sup- comprises of 12 top-ranked agreement worth Rs. 442 Bil- port to the construction and al- national and foreign consult- lion has also been signed with lied industries at this time. ing firms with NESPAK as a Joint Venture namely Power Furthermore an area of 1.23 the lead firm. China-FWO for construction million acres of land will be The consultancy agree- of diversion system, main brought under agriculture due ment includes construction dam, Access Bridge and 21 to this dam. DBD will produce design, construction supervi- MW-Tangir Hydropower Proj- 4,500 MW of electricity and sion and contract administra- ect. add 35 years to the life of Tar- tion of Diamer Bhasha Dam Construction of Diamer- bela dam by reducing sedi- Project.

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 PM breaks ground for 20,000 housing units worth Rs. 100 Billion Prime Minister Imran Khan “But now after the breakthrough inaugurated the Rs 100 bil- and path-finding, the journey has lion housing projects for the started towards realisation of construction of 20,000 housing this initiative,” he added. units in the second week of He said that as the govern- March. The houses will be con- ment employees, particularly the structed for low income groups class four employees and police and salaried people in Islamabad, personnel, could not construct Rawalpindi, Lahore, and Quetta. their own houses with salaries, Speaking on the occasion, the the government could arrange Prime Minister said the govern- bank financing for them. This ini- ment had made huge efforts for tiative would also benefit 40 in- starting the construction of five dustries allied with the million houses in the country as construction sector, creating job the initiative often drew criticism opportunities and pushing eco- from the political opponents. nomic growth. 02

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Engineering Post represented Pakistan at Middle East Energy 2020, Dubai for second consecutive year En g i n e e r i n g munity of Pakistan Post partici- at an international pated in Mid- level. In October 2019, Engineering dle East Energy Post also set up stall at ISK-Sodex at Is- Dubai for the 2nd tanbul, Turkey rep- resenting Pakistan’s consecutive year. engineering com- munity. Now Engi- Middle East Energy neering Post is the media partner of is a mega event or- more than 14 differ- ent mega events all ganized at Dubai across the globe. Engineering Post with more than 12 sets up stalls at the mega events and thousand partici- distributes copies of Engineering Post pants from over 130 among the atten- dees to promote the countries. Engineer- Pakistani engineer- ing community and ing Post attended products. the event and repre- sented the Pakistani Engineering indus- try. Engineering post is the Media partner for Middle East Energy 2020. Engineering Post hosted a huge num- ber of participants from Pakistan and other countries of the world at the stall set up in Khawaja ZeeshanHaider in set- ants, manufacturers, and senior Middle East Energy 2020. All the ting up a beautiful stall at the officials of companies from participants showed keen inter- event and acting as a gateway for around the world were part of the est in Engineering Post and the the local vendors and represent- exhibition. products mentioned therein. ing them at international levels. Engineering post is the only Participants from Pakistan With more than 48 thousand newspaper in Pakistan which ini- also visited the stall of Engineer- attendees, all three days were ex- tiated the trend of setting up ing Post in huge numbers and ap- tremely busy in hosting the stalls at international events to preciated the efforts of CEO guests all day. Traders, consult- represent the engineering com- 03

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Jubilee Corporation Offering Lightning and Surge Protection Systems, and Earthing solution with IEC compliant tools Jubilee Corporation is a private engineering tions from power supply systems to information essence, structural lightning protection can no organization established in 1962.Partnered technology, with modular design concept to longer be considered in isolation, protection up with over 30 specialist manufacturers achieve ease of installation and cost optimiza- against transient over voltages or electrical around the globe, the company deals in stock- tion. surges is integral to this IEC standard. ing, sales and providing technical solutions and At Jubilee Corporation, we excel at protecting We take pride in being the authorized distrib- support in the domains of LV switchgear, dry utor of DEHN- a renowned specialist in the type transformers, busways trunking system, fields of lightning and surge protection and lightning and surge protection, automation, and provider of smart protection solutions, in Pak- instrumentation & controls. istan. DEHN has been focusing on the research The company, since its inception, has been ad- and promotion of lightning protection for more vocate to promote quality products that are properties against the harmful impacts of light- than 100 years. As the core editorial member of compliant to major international standards. ning. Our Lightning protection and earthing so- IEC / TC 81, it has drafted several lightning pro- One such product solution is for catering the lution is compliant to IEC/ EN -62305- which tection standards affecting the world, such as risks presented by lightning and surges, and en- defines the optimum protection measures to de- IEC 62305, IEC 61643, IEC 62561, etc. sure safety of human life, industrial systems sign thelightning protection system.All the con- Our team of expert ensure you full support and public facilities from the fatal damages siderations for lightning protection are driven from design of LPS system (backed by IEC com- these may cause. by a comprehensive risk assessment, taking in pliant tools) to provide supervision throughout Offering SPDs (compliant to IEC/ EN -61643- to account the structure to be protected and also installation process. 21) that encompasses a wide range of applica- the services to which structure is connected. In Telecom sector to enjoy industry status Conducting a high-level committee meet- ing, government has accepted three main demands of cellular companies. It includes industry status, suspension of 12.5 percent withholding tax, and grant/auction of additional spectrum. The committee was es- tablished on the instruction of the prime min- ister to discourse the issues of cellular mobile operators and verbalize commendations for onward submission to the Prime Minister's Office. Although the telecom sector was given industry status in 2004, but the notification was not executed for the last 16 years, thus the committee has suggested the Ministry of Industries and Production to inform the in- dustry status for the telecom sector. The Ministry of Industries and Production has agreed to the proposal that the telecom sector should be given functional industry sta- tus. Moreover, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has been asked to work it out for the telecom sector, while treating it as telecom industry. The com- mittee has recommended to the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to consider the recommen- dation for execution. The telecom operators showed serious inter- est in additional spectrum auction in Pak- istan, Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) and Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) to empower quality mo- bile broadband services to assist people espe- cially students and professionals to work from home under Covid-19. Howbeit, few issues have been popped up addressing in different concerned depart- ments related to policy matters. The endorse- ments of these would be finalised by the federal cabinet soon. 04

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Overhead ±660kV HVDC Matiari - Lahore Power Transmission Line FIRM DECON International Successfully Performed Pile Load Uplift Test Up To 652 Tons Firm DECON International out the project, due to which they ing on many national level projects. Company Ltd. (NTDC). This is the (Pvt) Ltd, has successfully performed test without any fatal China Electric Power Equipment first time in Pakistan, when NTDC performed Uplift (Tensile) incident. DECON ensured safety at and Technology Co. Ltd. (CET) had performed pile load test in Trans- Load Test up to 652 tons and com- work throughout the project, with awarded the work for pile testing mission Line project for testing the pression test up to 663 tons on pile Occupational Health and Safety on pile foundations of ±660kV actual in-situ capacity of a pile. foundations of ±660kV HVDC (OHS) measures. HVDC Overhead Power Transmis- This 660kV Matiari - Lahore Overhead Power Transmission Firm DECON International suc- sion Line (Matiari - Lahore) to transmission line will stretch 878 Line (Matiari - Lahore). The test cessfully conducted this high level Firm DECON International (Pvt.) kilometers from Matiari, Sindh, to equipment was designed and fabri- project mainly because of its expe- Ltd. The project is owned by Na- Nankana Sahib District near La- cated adhering to ASTM/EN stan- rience on previous successful work- tional Transmission & Dispatch hore, Pakistan, of which 550.65 dards. This kilometers will be project involved in Punjab load testing of 9 province and test piles. All tests 314.9 kilometers were performed in Sindh Province. conforming to It will help to ASTM/EN stan- transmit 4,000 dards. MW of generated DECON’s electricity from skilled profession- new coal power als provided an plants at Port unparallel level of Qasim, Hub and commitment and Thar to northern service through- Pakistan. 05

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 IEEEP holds 35thMulti topic Symposium The Institution of Electrical and Electronics during the symposium. Engineers of Pakistan (IEEEP) organized the Deputy General Manager K-Electric two day 35th multi topic Symposium at a SyedaSamanShakeeb Rizvi addressed the cere- local hotel in Karachi in the last week of February mony and enlightened the participants about inclu- 2020. sion electricity from alternative energy sources by The symposium was started with the recitation K-Electric. Currently K-Electric is using electricity of The Holy Quran after which Engr. Irfan Ahmad from five different alternate energy sources. Chairman IEEEP welcomed the guests and briefed In keeping with the tradition of IEEEP, this year them about the participants as well as the different Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) Engr Arshad Daad again the symposium was highly informative and topics being covered by the Symposium. while addressing the ceremony said that PTI gov- was appreciated by the participants. This sympo- After the Chairman’s address Engr. Zia Khan ernment is working tirelessly for the uplift of the sium and conference is one of a kind in Pakistan in gave a detailed presentation on Artificial Intelli- society and advancements in science and technol- which engineers and exporters from all across the gence (AI) its use in daily life and how it has the ogy for the country. country are provided a single platform to increase potential to transform our daily lives. Engineers and experts from all across Pakistan networking as well as share their unique experi- Chief guest of the Program senior vice president presented their technical and engineering papers ences. 06

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 HAMEED AUTOMATION HOUSE of ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS L. V. SWITCHGEAR & AUTOMATION COMPONENTS Hameed Automation is a company which procures top quality In- As for Hioki is concerned, it is one of the top class Electrical Measur- dustrial Automation & Switchgear Products from world class ing instruments manufacturers in the world. Their vast range is man- manufacturers such as Schneider Electric (France), Weidmuller ufactured in Japan. A range which consists of: - (Germany) & Electrical Measuring devices/instruments from HIOKI Recorders, Data Loggers (Japan). Insulation & Earth Testers From the above com- Impedance Analyz- bination, one can easily ers, Battery Chargers derive the conclusion Power Meters, that we believe in sell- Power Analyzers ing world class prod- Current Probes, ucts to our established Clamp Meters etc. & growing industry In the end it will be right from Cement, pertinent to say a few Sugar, Paper, Textile, words about our- Food & Beverages to selves. Steel and Chemical etc. We are in the mar- The brands men- ket dealing in these tioned above cover the products for almost total requirements of four decades. As men- any industry as is evi- tioned earlier, we have dent from their product been procuring best portfolio. quality material from Coming to Schneider, world class sources & we cover complete provide our industry range of Low Voltage with these products Switchgear, VFD’s, Soft which we hunt & pro- Starters, and Automa- cure after great effort. tion Devices etc. Arif Iftikhar (Director) Iftikhar Hussain (CEO) Another area which Weidmuller is a Ger- is not normally covered man company which excels in Industrial Connectivity. in the market is customer support & after sale services. These two at- Industrial Connectivity plays a key role in the smooth working of any tributes are practiced by us in letter & spirit. This job is handled by a Industry. No Industry can run without proper connectivity. Their range team of qualified engineers. is studded with Modular Terminal Blocks, PCB Connectors, Marking We are proud to say that our customers not only appreciate our way Systems, Fieldbus Distribution Boxes, Solid State Relays, Process of developing a working relationship with them but our after sale serv- Safety Instrumented Relays, Power Supplies SPD’s, Enclosures and ices and support are a source of confidence & trust which they repose Cable Glands etc. in us. 07

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Uzbekistan interested to use Pakistani ports For agreement at the Quadrilateral Traffic in Transit Agreement (QTTA) in a bid to utilise Karachi and Gwadar ports for its trade operations, Uzbekistan has officially asked for Pakistan’s support. The formal re- quest has been made by Uzbek Deputy Prime Minister Sardor Umurzakov by a video confer- ence with Adviser to the Prime Minister on Commerce Razak Dawood. The Uzbekistan’s Ambassador in Pakistan Furqat Sidikov, also joined the meeting. A transit trade deal among Pakistan, China, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan to facilitate the passage of goods and traffic istan plays a dominant role in the QTTA. vestment will be prepared for signing after CPEC is believed to be an alternative route by- seeking approval from the cabinet of Pakistan. under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor passing Afghanistan and depending on on the Thus, to enhance bilateral trade relations, es- will provide access to China and the Central Karakoram Highway via China to reach Cen- tablishing joint ventures in various areas in- Asian States through Pakistani ports. Replying tral Asian States. Dawood explained to the cluding agriculture, textile, pharmaceuticals, to the request, Dawood has guaranteed Pak- Uzbek side that an MoU for Pakistan-Uzbek- tourism and construction, mutual efforts would istan’s support for Uzbekistan in QTTA as Pak- istan Joint Working Group on Trade and In- be made. 08

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Shahid International launched updated products by ENTES Shahid International recently ensure delivery of genuine and au- of the country, Shahid International and commissioning, comprised of in- organized seminar at La- thentic products. Due to their ad- is offering Energy Analyzers and ternationally trained and certified hore to introduce the latest herence to quality and original Power meters according to the cus- individuals. The products of Shahid versions of Power factor con- products they have obtained depart- tomer requirements and standards International are being used by trollers, Current transformers and mental approvals from approved by WAPDA and NTDC many well-known institutions in network analyzers by ENTES. The WAPDA/NTDC, NESPAK, C&W, with the help of the manufacturers. Pakistan including The Centaurus event was attended by renowned Pakistan Railways, PAK PWD and The company has a highly experi- Mall Islamabad, Azgard Nine and consultants from all over the coun- DHA. Conforming to the regulation enced technical team for installation others. Some reputed panel makers try, Electrical engineers from com- including PEL, Siemens, Sun Beam, mercial projects as well as R.A Engineering etc have standard- industries and panel manufacturers ized the use of quality accessories of Pakistan. The participants of the available from Shahid Interna- seminar highly appreciated the tional. work of Shahid International for in- Shahid International ensures the troducing the latest technology provision of non-tampered, unadul- products in the country and ensur- terated and genuine product from ing the provision of authentic prod- manufacturers to the end user. ucts from genuine manufacturers. Their strict adherence to quality has Shahid International is the au- made them one of the most reliable thorized distributor of well-estab- energy accessory providers in Pak- lished international brands and can istan. 09

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Four major gas pipeline projects underway Engineering Post Report the Islamic Republic pf Pakistan and tries have subsequently resolved to started sometime back on TAPI Ministry of Energy of Russian Fed- the IP project to carry it forward pipeline with 56-inch dia,1680 km At least four major gas pipeline eration on September 27, 2018. with mutual consensus and accord. length and gas volume of 3.2 billion projects in collaboration with Pakistan will important some 0.5 North-South Gas Pipeline Project: cubic feet of natural gas per day neighbouring countries are in to 1.0 billion cubic feet of gas daily To meet the growing demand it is (bcfd) expected first gas flow under hand for improving natural gas sup- from Russia transported via sea planned to undertake laying of phase-1 by 2021. plies and distribution in view of the link. Iran-Pakistan (IP)Gas Pipeline about 1100 km of gas pipeline from But much of this important project increasing demand by domestic, in- Project: Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline Karachi to Lahore under this project depends on the security, peace and dustrial and other sectors in the Project (IP) envisaging laying of 42 which will carry 1.2 BCFD gas. This bilateral relations between the coun- country. inches 1931 kms pipeline having particular segment will be capable tries involved . Much as such hinges Off-Shore Gas Pipeline Project: A 750 MMCFD capacity could not of take injection from Turkmenistan- in this regard on Pakistan’s relations $ 10 billion Off Shore Gas Pipeline proceed well due to the US sanctions Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) with Afghanistan and India, both of project between Pakistan and Rus- on Iran. Gas at Multan in addition to LNG which are quite hostile towards Pak- sia is under process. Recently, Pakistan was engaged supplied from Karachi Terminal. istan in varying degrees and as such In this regard, a Memorandum of with Iran on this important project Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pak- the future of this project is very Understanding (MoU) was signed through exchange of high-level dele- istan-India (TAPI) Gas Pipeline Proj- much doubtful to day the lease. between the Ministry of Energy of gations from and to Iran. Both coun- ect: Physical construction was 10

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 CPEC projects to be completed on time Pakistan and double quarantine sys- China are deter- tem worked 100 per- mined to com- cent and as a result plete the CPEC there was not a single projects on time. To en- case of coronavirus sure that these proj- went to Pakistan from ects are not affected by China and the projects the current COVID-19 didn’t stop. pandemic special pre- The first phase of ventive systems have CPEC is almost near been designed and new to completion as 90 SOPs are being fol- percent of projects lowed. were already commis- Pakistan has put in sioned and the remain- place a double quaran- ing were only months tine system for the away from the finish- Chinese workers re- ing point. Both coun- turning to Pakistan tries are trying to after the New Year’s ensure that CPEC vacations to ensure projects do not get af- that other workers fected during these dif- don’t infected. The ficult times. Domestic phone industry awaiting manufacturing policy The domestic mo- rect employment to currently looking for Bangladesh are ac- facture handsets for 2019. The inexpensive bile phone man- over 15,000 workers is opportunities to cre- tively pursuing Chi- domestic and export labour available in u f a c t u r i n g waiting for the Mobile ate an overseas base nese investment while markets. Pakistan is Pakistan can provide industry consisting of Device Manufacturing to produce their prod- Pakistan lags behind the seventh largest a huge competitive over 20 manufacturers Policy to be finalized. ucts especially after due to long delay in market for mobile edge to the manufac- of mobile phones in Chinese phone the COVID19 experi- formulation of a long- phones with annual turers once the policy Pakistan providing di- manufacturers are ence. India and term policy to manu- sales of 34 million in is finalized. 11

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 MyTech Engineering providing MEP turnkey solutions My T e c h solid experience in tion, Air Conditioning E n g i - dealing with the Lat- & RO Plants and all neering est Tech- aspects of Mechani- Company n o l o g y cal, electrical and (Pvt.) Ltd has of Fire plumbing (MEP) proj- more than a p r o t e c - ects decade of MyTech Engineer- ing Company aims to provide the best cus- the cost has helped MyTech Engineer- tomer service and has build our trust in the ing Company (Pvt.) an excellent track market. Ltd also provides all record of catering to We believe in keep- variants of the fire the client's needs. ing the customers protection products, Our commitment happy and providing for Buildings, Plants, never to compromise them with products Grids, Malls, Com- on quality no matter and services at a com- mercial Kitchen etc. petitive price. We have expertise of The highly quali- Design, supply & in- fied and experienced stallation of Fire pro- staff at MyTech Engi- tection for, neering stays in touch Transformers & Oil with the latest inno- tanks (Water deluge vations in the market system). Grid stations and the prevailing & Plants (Fire Fight- market trends encom- ing), Control Rooms & passing the latest Data centers, Strate- technologies. The gic projects (Clean field of construction is agent Fire suppres- related to more than sion system), Com- 17 different industrial mercial Kitchens, sectors. For efficient High-rise buildings as execution it requires per standard. the synchronized MyTech engineer- work of all the rele- ing are authorized vant fields. distributor of World Consequently A know brands to sell in well planned design Pakistan. of plumbing systems We have separate is necessary to avoid departments of Sales, expensive re-work or Design, Implementa- usage of surplus sup- tion, and Services & plies. To coordinate Admin to handle all the relevant sec- queries of Fire protec- tors MyTech engi- tion, HVAC, RO Plant neering provides a & more. Please feel one window solution free to keep in touch to its customers en- with MyTech Engi- compassing Mechan- neering Company ical, Electrical, as (Pvt.) Ltd. About any well as Plumbing re- of your business re- quirements of the lated requirements/ client. queries. Pakistan exports to China can reach $6bn Chinese Consul-General Li Bigian while speaking at a “Meet the Press” event at the Karachi Press Club (KPC) has said that under the Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA) Phase-II, Pakistani exports to China can be enhanced by $ 6 billion. The first phase of the multibillion-dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project (CPEC) has been concluded successfully and work is underway on its second phase in the country. Last year on December 2, the second phase of the Pakistan-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA) had come into effect, allowing Pak- istani manufacturers and traders to export over three hundred new tariff lines on zero duty to the massive Chinese market. The two countries had completed all the legal procedures and formalities to start the implementation of the agreement. 12

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Seminar on POWER ISOLATION conducted by IEEE PES IEEE PES Karachi chapter audience about the topic “Power organized a technical Semi- isolation”, he consider that nar on the topic of POWER many industries still are not im- ISOLATION. The speaker of the plementing proper power isola- seminar was the renowned tion practice, he believed that “Muhammad GhayasGillani”. this session will help participant The program started with understand & implement power recitation of the Holy Quran by isolation techniques in their or- Secretary PES Mr. Imran Zafar, ganizations. He then welcome the partici- Engr. GhayasGillani was pants and speaker of shared with the session, them that having work PES is con- experience of ducting tech- m 25 + years nical Seminar in Pakistan’s every month, biggest& the platform technically spread aware- most ad- ness & knowl- vanced Hos- edge on the pital AKUH. newest elec- He explained trical practices in the industry. the audience the technical & The session covers topics both complicated topic in very simple from academic research and manner, he used multimedia practical field cases. He also in- slides as well as animated formed participants on multi- videos for the explanation and topic seminar by PES scheduled elaboration. He shared exam- tentatively in November 2020. ples and consequences for ne- Mr. Tahir Salim, chairman glecting power Isolation. PES was pleased to see keen in- Dr.AsimurRehman, Secretary terest & participation from the Karachi Centre thanked the au- engineering community, he espe- dience for their active participa- cially applauded presence of tion, he also appreciated time & Young engineers. He introduced effort by Engr. GhayasGillani. 14

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ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Conductor stringing activity initiated at Matiari-Lahore transmission line Work on the 660kV High Voltage Di- rect Current (HVDC) Matiari-La- hore transmission line project is being completed on an extremely fast pace. Overall 86 percent work has already been completed. The Conductor stringing of the transmis- sion line has already been initiated. Deputy Managing Director National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC) Wajahat Saeed Rana at Hasilpur, Punjab inaugu- rated the stringing of conductors at the Ma- tiari-Lahore transmission line. The mega transmission line project will evacuate 4000 megawatts of power from coal based power plants in Thar region and ther- mal power plants including Nuclear power plants of Sindh to the Northern load centres of the country. This transmission facility will primarily be utilized to transmit power gen- erated from indigenous Thar coal based power generation projects with an aim to en- hance the share of indigenous fuel based generation and saving significant amount of foreign exchange. As per the agreed milestones, the Project is expected to formally start its commercial operation on 1st March 2021. 18

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 CPEC projects will not to be affected by COVID-19: FO The Foreign Office of Pakistan While responding to media queries has expressed the confidence sent to her via e-mail for the weekly that Pakistan would be able to media briefing due to Covid-19 out- complete the China-Pakistan Eco- break, said that the CPEC comprises nomic Corridor (CPEC) projects in long-term projects whose completion, time. in many cases, was spread over years. Although life has come to a stand- “We are quite confident that we still in most of the countries of the will be able to complete the CPEC world leading to closure of industries projects in time, and going forward, and immediate discontinuation of im- the short-term impact by the spread ports/exports stillForeign Office of Covid-19 will be counterbalanced spokesperson Aisha Farooqui has as- by effective and swift mobilisation of sured the media that this will not af- resources for timely completion of the fect the projects under CPEC. CPEC,” she said. 20

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ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Middle East Energy Dubai 2020 From the Eye of Engineering Post 22

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ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Freight share imbalance between road and rail sectors being addressed Engineering Post and rail sectors in the istan Economic Corri- Report country. Over the dor (CPEC). years, the road sector Under the PSDP, Considerable ef- has been given prefer- Pakistan Railways is fort continues to ence both officially and continuing working on be made at the otherwise which had planning and imple- appropriate level of considerably adversely mentation of 27 ongo- the federal govern- affected the earnings ing and new ment seriously ad- of the Pakistan Rail- development schemes dressing the ways. during the current fi- imbalance of freight In this regard, a sig- nancial year. share between road nificant shift of Accordingly, work is freightage towards continuing is continu- railways in gradually ing in varying ratio on and steadily being the projects for dou- made to achieve opti- bling/improvement of mal utilization of its existing track from inherent capacity to Port Qasim to Bin ensure reducing rela- Qasim Station (CPEC), tive transportation rehabilitation of 300 costs.. Traction Motors, mech- Pakistan Railways anization of track have 470 locomotives maintenance as a pilot including 418 Diesel project, special repair Electric and 12 Steam of 100 DE locomotives, Engines and its total Procurement/ Manu- network remains sta- facture of 75 numbers tionary at 7791 kilo- new D.E. Locomotives meters of both main (revised), Reconstruc- and branch lines tion of Assets Damaged across the country. during the floods 2010, New initiatives rehabilitation and ex- which Pakistan Rail- tension Coalition Sup- ways are in the process port Fund at of undertaking include Khanewal and Sukkur, procurement of new Rehabilitation of rolling stock, improve- Rolling Stock and ment of signaling sys- Track, Replacement of tem, feasibility study Old and Obsolete Sig- for provision of new nal Gear from Lodha- rail links from Gwadar r a n - K h a n e w a l to the rest of the Rail- –Shahdara Bagh Main- way network to facili- line Section of Pak- tate functioning of the istan Railways Gwadar Deep Sea (revised) and renova- Water Port, feasibility tion and upgradation of for connection of Thar major railway stations. Coal to Main Line and Pakistan Railways a commercial feasibil- are executing develop- ity for new double ment projects esti- track from Hyderabad mated to cost Rs to Karachi as well as 486666.885 million in- initiation of work for volving no foreign aid upgradation of main against which an esti- line (ML-1) from mated total expendi- Karachi to Peshawar ture amounting to Rs and development of 104750.912 were re- dry port at Havelian ported to have been in- under the great game curred at the end of changer China-Pak- June 2019. 24

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Build. Connect. Expand in Oman The Sultanate of Oman is con- Africa. sidered as one of the fastest- Project Oman is designed to be a growing countries in terms of comprehensive platform that pro- infrastructure development. vides an access point to arising in- The country’s five-year plan and vestment opportunities and new Vision 2040 program outline the projects in Oman and optimizes in- roadmap to diversifying the economy ternational trade relations and busi- through increased government ness partnerships. spending on key non-oil sectors and Akey feature of Project Oman is stimulating private investments in the designated B2B Matchmaking various sectors including the infra- Program. This complimentary serv- structure and construction indus- ice is a highly effectivetool, designed tries. to ensure exhibitors and visitorsmeet Giving a boost to the infrastruc- the right partners, making way for ture sector, the Omani government new partnerships.The user-friendly has allocated $13.77 billion for devel- interface allows for meetings to opment projects in its 2020 budget bescheduled with selected compa- that includes $3.38 billion for infra- nies; the meetings caneither take structure projects. Moreover, the place at the designated B2B area or country’s construction market is ex- at theexhibitor’s stand. pected to register a CAGR of 6% over The exhibition also features a spe- the forecast period, 2019-2024. cialized conference bringing together Building on immense business op- local andinternational experts in the portunities in Oman’s dynamic con- field of construction to delveinto the struction sector, IFP Emirates latest developments and upcoming (International Fairs and Promotions) projects, not tomention explore and Al Nimr Expo are organizing emerging opportunities and initia- Project Oman, the International Con- tives thatcontribute to Oman’s 5-year struction Technology, Infrastructure, development plan. and Building Materials Exhibition, The conference is the ideal spe- from 12 to 14 October 2020 at the cialized business platformto meet the Oman Convention and Exhibition industry’s influencers and key play- Centre. ers andgain valuable insights into The trade fair is the latest addi- Oman’s construction sectordynamics. tion to IFP’s “Project Series” which For more information about Proj- spans6 premier construction exhibi- ect Oman, visit www.project- tions across the Middle East and 25

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Oman Design & Build Week Rescheduled to March 22, 2021 Omanexpo today Omanin relation to visit Oman Design & announced an COVID-19. We as or- Build Week2020, and agreed decision ganisers must com- the wider population of by all key stakeholders mend the way that the Oman, at the centre of to postpone its flagship COVID-19 situation is this decision. The out- event, Oman Design & being very competently break of COVID-19 is a Build Week in light of controlled in Oman. We situation affecting the the growing difficulties must be conscious that globe and it is having of international travel many organisations an unprecedented im- due the novel coron- within our community pact on businesses avirus (COVID-19) out- are currently facing around the world, break. difficulties travelling events, are of course Oman Design & around the world. It is part of this due to na- Build Week, Oman’s for these travel reasons ture of the large gath- biggest building and that Oman Design & ering of people that construction event, will Build Week will be they represent.” now be held from the postponed until 2021.” “We believe that the 22ndto the 24th of “Whilst we realise postponement allows March 2021 at the that the change in for the event to be fully Oman Convention & dates may amount to inclusive and it is Exhibition Centre,one some inconvenience for likely that it will be year after the origi- companies it is para- even better for the nally planned March mount to put the communities that they 30 to April 1 dates. health of those due to serve,” he concludes. This proactive move is supported by the Ministry of Healthand the Oman Real Estate Association (ORA). Ashley Roberts, Portfolio Director and Acting General Man- ager of Omanexpo, comments, “We have been having regular di- alogue with the Min- istry of Health, 26

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Crown group manufacturing Electric Vehicles in Pakistan Crown group of companies and two-wheeler scooty at has started manufacturing Rs300,000 and Rs55,000 respec- affordable Electric vehicles tively. Moreover, the three- in Pakistan. The company wheeler rickshaw (two-in-one) arranged a showcasing event in comes in both electric and engine- the last week of February to dis- equipped with manual switching play its exclusive range of afford- options at a display price of able electric vehicles. Rs300,000 and Rs250,000 respec- The company has set the dis- tively. play and testing price of the four- These electric vehicles will be wheeler electric car at Rs400,000 locally manufactured at the whereas the display and testing Group’s newly-built, 26-acre facil- price of electric three-wheeler car ity at Port Qasim. 28

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 29

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Tele Medicine in Pakistan A Modern Practice of Health care Delivery By Engr. Muhammad Nawaz Iqbal Three pilot proj- which surveys hard- ects in telemedi- ships which can be im- cine were proved by telehealth, started by the Min- for example, travel istry of IT and Tele- time, expenses or time com in Pakistan, off work. Teammates, Government of Pak- for example, innova- istan (MoIT) through tion organizations can the Electronic Govern- facilitate the progress. ment Directorate in a Telemedicine can be joint effort with used to improve the Oratier Technologies productivity and ade- (a pioneer organiza- quacy of the con- tion inside Pakistan center points were set veyance of care in an managing medicinal up: the Mayo Hospital injury situation. Mod- services and HMIS) (the biggest emer- els include: Telemedi- and PakDataCom (a gency clinic in Asia), cine for injury triage: transfer speed sup- JPMC Karachi and utilizing telemedicine, plier). Three center Holy Family injury authorities can stations through were Rawalpindi. These 12 collaborate with staff connected by means of remote destinations on the area of a mass the Pak Sat-I inter- were associated and setback or fiasco cir- changes satellite, and on normal of 1,500 pa- cumstance, by means four areas were con- tients being dealt with of the web utilizing nected with another every month per cen- cell phones, to decide center point. A 312 Kb ter point. The venture the seriousness of connect was likewise was all the while pur- wounds. They can give settled with remote suing easily two years. clinical evaluations destinations and 1 Health care suppli- and decide if those Mbit/s data transmis- ers regularly start harmed must be emp- sion was given at telehealth with neces- tied for fundamental every center. Three sities evaluation consideration. Remote 30

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 injury authorities can give a simi- Conventional wellbeing is admin- lar nature of clinical appraisal and istered through strategy to guar- plan of care as an injury profound antee the security of clinical genuinely with the patient. experts and patients. Subse- Telemedicine for emergency unit quently, since telehealth is an- adjusts: Telemedicine is likewise other type of social insurance being utilized in some injury ICUs conveyance that is presently as- to decrease the spread of diseases. sembling energy in the wellbeing Rounds are typically directed at segment, numerous associations medical clinics the nation over by have begun to administer the uti- a group of roughly at least ten in- lization of telehealth into ap- dividuals to incorporate going to proach. In New Zealand, the doctors, colleagues, occupants and Medical Council has an announce- different clinicians. This gathering ment about telehealth on their ordinarily moves from bed to bed site. This delineates the clinical in a unit talking about every pa- gathering has predicted the signif- tient. This guides in the change of icance that telehealth will have on care for patients from the night the wellbeing framework and have move to the morning shift, yet ad- begun to acquaint telehealth en- ditionally fills in as an instructive actment with experts alongside encounter for new inhabitants to government. The innovative head- the group. Another methodology way of remote specialized gadgets includes the group leading rounds is a significant improvement in from a meeting room utilizing a telehealth. This permits patients video-conferencing framework. to self-screen their wellbeing con- The injury joining in, inhabitants, ditions and to not depend as much colleagues, medical attendants, on human services experts. More- nurture professionals, and drug over, patients are all the more specialists can watch a live video ready to remain on their treat- stream from the patient's bedside. ment designs as they are more put They can see the imperative signs and remembered for the proce- on the screen, see the settings on dure, dynamic is shared. Innova- the respiratory ventilator, as well tive progression additionally as view the patient's injuries. implies that social insurance ex- Video-conferencing permits the re- perts can utilize better advance- mote watchers two-path corre- ments to treat patients for spondence with clinicians at the instance in medical procedure. bedside. Telehealth is an advanced Mechanical advancements in tele- type of social insurance con- health are basic to improve social veyance. Telehealth splits from insurance, particularly the con- customary medicinal services con- veyance of human services admin- veyance by utilizing current media istrations, as assets are limited transmission frameworks includ- alongside a maturing populace ing remote specialized strategies. that is living longer. 31

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 The Best Engineering and Business Practices II By Engr. Mohammad Iqbal Mirza, CEO, Green Leaves An Engineer is a for making the lives of professional – general public better or and a profes- worse; and like any sional is someone who other profession, engi- does a job that requires neering does face ethi- special training, educa- cal issues that tion, or skill or alter- necessitate a code of nately someone who has conduct and follow stan- a lot of experience or dards which shall bind skill in a particular job them to exercise best or in an area of activity. practices ensuring a We very commonly use safe working environ- the phrase “having a ment, the product so professional approach”. ture of human society produced doesn’t pose In fact it is a core value greatly depends on the any hazards to its users that an individual pos- working of its engi- and it doesn’t pollute sesses. It is similar to neers. Millions of people the environment caus- the words competent, are directly affected. ing health hazards to considerate, commu- They are either users of public. nicative, balanced, pos- products designed by Engineer means to itive attitude, self- engineers or they are design or create using awareness, aspiring, the one who produce the techniques or meth- and inquisitive which and market these prod- ods of engineering, so stand for values present ucts. In any field of en- the design and creation and speak off to de- gineering, be it ought to be flawless. It scribe someone; these computer, energy, avia- means that an engineer are the set of values im- tion, civil, chemical, as a profession should portant to a person as a biotechnology or genetic design or create a ma- professional also. engineering, the engi- chine that is precise ac- The present and fu- neers are responsible curate. It also implies 32

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 that an engineer ento allow team stoac ing a blind eye to future needs to use his ac- quire the required profi- repercussions. In fact quired knowledge ciency in skills–but the engineers require to wisely and faithfully at above all he has to be use FTA (Fault Tree his job or workplace. honest about the skills Analysis) or similar The first requisite for an gaps and what is not such as, RBD (Reliabil- engineer is inflexible ac- known to them and ity Block Diagram) and curacy, because it is their team. Another Markov Analysis to an- basic to the engineering thing the engineersneed ticipate what may go solution one expects to have is continuously wrong and what will be from an engineer. Inac- updating their knowl- the consequences of curacy and carelessness edge in their fields of that. The conflict of in- in engineering leads to expertise, because of the terest emerges when an failures resulting in in- trust their clients have engineer compromises juries and death of hu- in the mand in the his professionalism, ob- mans involved or failure wider interest of com- ligations and loyalties of projects incurring mon man. The follow- with his organization to colossal financial losses. ings are to be adhered to serve self-interest that Engineering profession- by Engineering and may lead to biased judg- als need to be dead hon- Business organizations: ments. Therefore, engi- est about their 1. No to self-inter- neers shall avoid competency level when est. The conflict of inter- creating situations taking up jobs or proj- est can be very fatal in where his conductcould- ects. The temptation to maintaining accurate beput to question be- qualify for a job by an practices. The opinion cause of decisions taken individual and bidding a an engineer puts for- or judgment given by lucrative project by a ward should be objec- him. company without hav- tive in its nature based 2. Honesty is the ing the required compe- on available data and best policy, we have tence may end up in a correct to the best of his learned in our school catastrophe. knowledge and not days, yet we see very Engineer are meant tainted by self-interest. less of its practical man- to employ their special- It is very common prac- ifestation; and another ist skills within their tice that engineer’s word integrity is of very area of experti sein judgment is influenced high value at the list of making a by self-interest, com- our moral agenda such significantandpositiveco mercial benefit and loy- as, allegiance to our ntributionto thesociety. alty to his employer, for motherland, organiza- It does happen on some instance overlooking tions we are attached to; projects that the needed safety measures, em- and the causes we emo- skill is not present. In ploying wrong design tionally want to uphold the secases, the engi- parameters, ignoring in our life. Inthe life of neer is duty bound toen- maintenance considera- an engineer or “Engi- s u r e t h a t r i s k s a r e tions, compromising on neering Professional wellmanagedandneces- material or quality of Practices” the impor- sary measuresare tak- equipment selection giv- tance of the highest 33

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 standardsofprofes- honesty has been over though have different an individual both someone honest without integrity avoid conflict sional conduct, open- emphasized meanings, but when de- words are used, because integrity. so finterestor, where ness, fairness and Honesty and integrity scribing an attribute of it is hard to imagine The work of engi- this is not possible, indi- neers’ benefits general cate these conflicts public or different clearly and do theirut groups of people, and be- most to reject improper cause of this they have influences. Integrity in- the obligation to keep spires one to work for or these people informedof influence employers in the relevant facts. The improving engineering publictrusts profession- practices at his organi- als to receive a complete zation for the better- and accurate informa- ment of tion. Honestyisnot a engineeringprofession matter limited to lying and the societyatlarge. only. They, sometimes, Integrity also implies do have to disclose and working for change in also to observe confiden- practice sand attitudes tiality; it depends and that look falling short of varies from case to case. ethics. It doesn’t mean Integrity has to do an engineers hall only more with ethics, it is avoid corrupt practices above personal inter- himself, rather he shall ests. Integrity demands work to prevent corrupt resisting pressure and practices or professional not compromising ethi- misconduct around him calvaluesandprinciples in the organization. that may come from 3. Environment – anywhere or anyone - The best engineering Employers, clients,or practices cannot be colleagues. People with called the best unless it 34

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 environment and gives it due con- their health. No doubt, it is impor- sideration while designing, manu- tant to raise the living standard of facturing and marketing products. human beings, but not at the cost of It should be the integral part of en- human’s health and wellbeing, gineering practicesat all stages of a which has more importance. There- product manufacturing and post fore protection of environment is manufacturing cycle. The products, the first consideration in the con- he designs or manufactures are used cept of sustainable growth in by human beings as a necessity of human society. The engineers are life, but these cannot be greater laden with the responsibility to em- than humanity, the material of prod- phasize more and more on conserva- ucts, products and the process of t i o n o f r e s o u r c e s , r e c y c l i n g a n d production, all should be the friends introducing nonpolluting technolo- of humanity and not its adversaries. giestoachieve the sustainable devel- The bad or careless engineering opment. Engineers are the only practices destroy ecosystem, are re- profession to work in reducing use sponsible for polluting air, water and of fossils fuel and make efficient soil; and this brings about the usage of renewable energy sources changes in weather pattern and de- such as solar, wind, biomass, stroys a number of life species. tidalor fission breather reactors. The ozone layer safeguards hu- Engineers must develop energy effi- mans, plants and animals from ul- cient resources minimizingwaste- traviolet light which is injurious to andinefficiency. 35



ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Three times lighter, modern and unique concrete By Mr. Christopher B. Yousuf The construction industry is always in have been used for thousands of years by the ratios and methods. For example, fly ash can be search for materials to produce strong, durable and cost-effective world’s top architectural engineers and it Continued on Page 41 is proven by many old Roman architec- concrete. It has always been a challenge tural buildings that have been standing for engineers to develop a concrete prod- for thousands of years and are still uct which can be fast and easy to install standing up till today. This is because of with minimum amount of money, energy the specially selected raw materials such and efforts. There are many raw materials as pumice stone and volcanic ash Fly Ash. available in Pakistan which have already In the past there were less opportuni- been used by the construction industry, ties for builders and engineers to use such but all these raw materials have few raw materials since they weren’t that widely benefits and some drawbacks, available but now in the present day due to which they can’t be these materials are much more completely utilized in con- easily accessible thus, providing struction work. more opportunities to build There have been many better and reliable building studies and searches con- structures. ducted by scientists and LIGHWEIGHT CON- engineers all over the CRETE AND WALL PAN- world to provide light- ELS weight, heat, water and acid resistant material in With the combination of fly ash, pumice stone, ce- order to produce concrete. However, as the saying ment and water, engineers can now produce light- goes “Old is Gold”.There are a few materials that weight concrete and wall panels by using different 38

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Consultant loungE ENGINEERING POST 39

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 40

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 Three times lighter, modern and unique concrete Continued from Page 38 porous igneous rock that forms dur- 5. Slag ing explosive volcanic eruptions. It is 6. Pozzolan ratios and methods. For example, also employed as a lightweight ag- 7. Gypsum fly ash can be used as a replacement gregate in precast masonry units, 8. Calcium oxide for sand and pumice can be used as poured concrete, insulation and 9. Quick lime and many more… a replacement for aggregate. Major- acoustic tile, and plaster. One of the ity of people are aware and familiar most significant of the advantages of with fly ash but there are still many pumice aggregate concrete is its who are left in the dark. lightweight quality which is up to WHAT IS FLY ASH? one-third lighter than conventional Fly ash is by-product of coal com- sand and gravel concrete. This trait bustion power plant and is similar to contributes to a decrease in struc- volcanic ash. It has increased tural steel costs and, consequently, strength and durability which job costs. means it can handle greater loads We, Tradeworth International are and is more resilient and lasts your ultimate partner in the con- longer. It is less vulnerable to chem- struction industry and are always ical such as de-icing salts, soil sul- keen to search for those raw materi- fates, etc. Fly ash concrete is easier als that can bring improvement in to work with because of its spherical concrete in the most cost-effective shape and its ability to moderate prices. early concrete at times. It is used to We are actively busy suppling fol- mitigate problem called alkali silica lowing materials that may take your reaction. This is a major issue for attention. some states and fly ash is mainly 1. Fly ash used to combat this problem. 2. Pumice stone PUMICE STONE 3. Foaming agent Pumice stone is a lightweight, 4. Micro silica 41

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 The forgotten Kalabagh Dam Project Engineering Post Report large amounts of hydropower and in addition will substantially Reproduced here is the Fore- reduce the frequency and sever- word to the Executive Sum- ity of damage to life and property mary , running in 67 pages, due to the floods in the down- on Kalabagh Dam project pre- stream areas. pared and published by WAPDA “The Kalabagh Dam Project and Kalabagh Consultants under will be located on the Indus river auspices of Government of the Is- in the north western part of Pak- lamic Republic of Pakistan, istan about 120 miles (193 km) United Nations Development Pro- downstream of of the existing Tar- gramme (UNDP) and Interna- bela dam and will control one of tional Bank for Reconstruction the world’s greatest catchments, and Development (IBRD) in Oc- over 100,000 sq miles ( 250,000 tober 1988 just to refresh the sq km) in area. The 260 ft (79.2 memory of those who matter in m) high dam will create a reser- the corridors of power for sake of voir to provide 7.9 MAF (9750 Pakistan, its people and future million cu m ) of total storage. generations. The annual utilization of this “The future development of storage for increasing irrigation Pakistan , which has been handi- supplies will be on average about capped by shortage of power and 4.5 MAF (5500 million cu m ) , water for irrigation, is greatly de- varying between 3. 6 MAF ( 4400 pendent on the timely commis- million cu m) in a relatively wet sioning of of Kalabagh Dam year to the full live storage ca- Project. With only small quanti- pacity of 6.1 MAF (7500 million cu ties of indigenous oil, gas or fossil m ) in a dry year. The project will fuels, the country has to depend have an initial installed capacity primarily upon hydropower for of 2400 MW generating over cheap electricity. Besides meeting 11,400 million KWh of energy an- industrial and domestic needs, nually. The ultimate installed ca- electricity is vitally needed to run pacity will be 3600 MW which the irrigation and reclamation will be one of the largest single tubewells. The project will pro- generating stations in Asia. vide extensive additional water “The Project Planning Studies, potential for sustaining agricul- detailed designs and tender docu- ture , the mainstay of Pakistan’s ments were carried out with economy, and will also provide funds provided by the UNDP. The 42

ENGINEERING POST April-May 2020 World Bank supervised the 3463 million (Rs 60610 million) studies in the capacity of Execut- including the foreign currency ing Agency and the Pakistan component of US Dollars 1906 Water and Power Development million. Some of early feasibility Authority (WAPDA) acted as the studies and reports are briefly Government Cooperating mentioned here: Agency. Kalabagh Consultants The first feasibility study of the (KC), a joint venture of five engi- Kalabagh Dam Project was con- neering firms (Binnie & Partners, ducted by M/s Tipton and Hill and Preece, Cardew & Rider of back in 1953 in which retention the United Kingdom, Harza Engi- level of 925 feet of the Kalabagh neering of USA and Associated Dam was suggested. Consulting Engineers and Na- M/s Chas T. Main conducted an- tional Engineering Services of other feasibility study in 1960. Pakistan) carried out the studies. The retention level of 925 feet The review and scrutiny of the was proposed in this report too. project by an independent inter- Another study pertaining to national panel of experts com- Kalabagh Dam Project was con- prising Drs Londe, Lombardi, ducted by the World Bank Group Klaus John, Sherard, John Lowe, under M/s Peter Lieftinck in 1967. and Parmakian has helped en- The report of this study also sure that the project proposals favoured the retention level of are technically sound and con- 925 feet. form to the economic design M/s Harza and WAPDA engi- under the present day state of neers also carried out a feasibility the art. In addition the sedimen- between the period 1967-72 and tation and backwater studies proposed the same retention were reviewed and the limits of level. their impacts ascertained by in- In 1975, the Associated Con- dependent sedimentation experts sulting Engineers (ACE) of Pak- including Drs. Kennedy, White, istan suggested the same Mahmood and Lianzhen. Detailed retention (925 feet) in its feasibil- studies of sedimentation ,back- ity report. water effects, degradation down- The Kalabagh Dam Consult- stream , floods, recession ants in the detailed project plan- agriculture, navigation and re- ning phase, carried out between settlement and relocation have February 1982 to March 1984 , ensured that the environmental had also planned the retention impacts have been defined and level of 925 feet. acceptably minimized. The Kalabagh Consultants had The project cost (based on June prepared the detailed designs of 1987 price levels) including engi- civil works, firmed up the cost es- neering, administration, physical timates and finalized the contract contingencies and price contin- documents of civil works by De- gencies is estimated US Dollars cember 1985. 43

The silver lining of COVID-19 An opportunity for local manufacturers to shine COVID-19 has affected the whole world The whole world is sitting ducks against this in developing and offering cheap and quality equally shutting down businesses and novel disease that no one had encountered be- solutions to the markets and to change the pushing economies to a grinding halt. fore. trends using imported raw material. But as the situation slowly improves it might turn into an opportunity of a lifetime for the local engineering, manufacturers and national businesses. Senior market analysts of engineering com- munity are of the opinion that the post COVID-19 conditions will be perfect for the local business to shine. With oil prices ex- tremely low and imports trickling down to zero a vacuum has been created in the mar- ket which needs to be filled by the local ven- dors. This is the right time to provide “Made in Pakistan” products to the people and swipe them off their feet with cheap rates and high quality. This might be the perfect opportunity to establish market for locally manufactured products. “Although businesses have been affected by COVID-19, but as the lockdown eases across the country and day to day business activities resume there will be an extremely high de- mand of local products in the market” said ex- perts while commenting on the situation. Engineering Community can play vital role

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