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Home Explore Engineering Post July 2021

Engineering Post July 2021

Published by Empire Online, 2021-10-28 06:35:22

Description: Engineering Post July 2021

Keywords: Engineeringpost,Engineering


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Golden Triangle to have 3 more Industrial Zones Punjab government has de- ficient for their projected growth. form of foreign remittances. cided to establish three It was decided to establish these The golden triangle has strong more industrial zones in dif- economic zones in these areas be- base for industrial manufacturing ferent districts of Punjab. 2,041 cause the division is the largest ad- goods for national and interna- acres have been set aside by the ministrative civil division of Punjab tional markets. Indigenous prod- government for establishment of ucts like sports goods and apparel, industrial zones in Gujranwala, surgical instruments, leather Gujrat and Sialkot i.e golden tri- products, cutlery, ceramic ware, angle of Punjab. sanitary products, metal process- All the presidents of chambers of ing, switch gears and transform- commerce and industries, commis- ers, pumps and motors, articles of sioner, deputy commissioners and plastic and PVC, fans, carpets and other stakeholders stressed upon with over 16 million populations furniture etc have great potential the establishment of new industrial and area of 17,206 square kilome- for exports. estate in each district of Gujran- tres. The division contributes ap- Rs 500 million has been allo- wala division besides one centrally proximately eight percent to the cated for the establishment of located special economic zone as al- country’s GDP besides 20 percent these industrial zones and acquisi- ready established zones are insuf- to exports and about 40 percent in tion of land.

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 Manufacturing and Mining Sector’s Performance Engineering Post Report economy gained traction after 5.9 and 11.7 per cent respec- structure at mines sites, out- witnessing a hefty decline in FY tively. Coke and Petroleum Prod- dated technology installed, semi- The Large-Scale Manufac- 2020 in the wake of pandemic of ucts, Non-Metallic Mineral skilled labour, low financial turing (LSM) sector per- Corona Virus. Products, Automobile and Phar- support and lack of marketing. formance has been most According to the information maceuticals also grew by 12.71, During July 2020-March 2021, favourable during the first three available from the concerned of- 24.31, 23.38 and 12.57 per cent production of major minerals quarters of last financial year i.e. ficial quarters, targeted fiscal respectively during the period plunged down such as Coal, Nat- July-March FY 2021 and wit- and monetary incentives accom- under report. ural Gas and Crude Oil declined nessed 8.99 per cent growth as panied by related support pack- The Mining and quarrying sec- by 5.97, 4.70 and 6.72 per cent compared to 5.1 per cent decline ages duly helped in speeding up tor, however, declined by 6.49 per respectively. during the same period last year. the national economy recovery. cent during FY2021 against 8.28 However, some minerals also Thoughtful timely decisions Out of 15 sub-sectors of Manu- per cent contraction last year. witnessed positive growth during taken by the federal government facturing and Mining Sector, This sector was lagging behind the period under review such as to resume the business activities nine posted growth during July despite huge potential due to Chromite 28.28 per cent, Magne- and adoption of smart lockdown 2020-March 2021. Textile and inter-connected and cross-cut- site 6.17 per cent , Rock Salt 5.44 boosted the business sentiments Food Beverages and Tobacco, the ting issues like poor regulatory per cent and Iron Ore 26.23 per and resultantly the national two top sectors of LSM, grew by framework, insufficient infra- cent in the country. 02

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 Projects under PSDP 2021-22 Engineering Post Report tivity, investment on building large Gap funding. In the PSDP for new fi- ber Pukhtoonkhwa. dams and water conservation sys- nancial year, Special Development Several projects are also being Public Sector Development Pro- tem, as per the National Water Pol- Packages have also been initiated launched during financial year 2021- gramme (PSDP) of the Federal icy, augmenting and strengthening under the Regional Equalization 22 under Public Private Partnership Government for new financial health sector infrastructure and Programmed to ensure the develop- (PPP) arrangements. These include year 2021-22 , made public along service delivery and improving ac- ment of the deprived areas to bring Sialkot-Kharian and Sukkur-Hyder- with the announcement of the fed- cess to higher education. them at par with other developed re- abad Roads, Kharian- Rawalpindi, eral budget for next financial year, It also focuses on increasing em- gions of the country. Balkasar-Mianwali, Muzaffargarh- focuses on a number of initiatives ployment and livelihood opportuni- The programme includes Acceler- Mianwali Road, Quetta-Chaman (N- and measures aiming at welfare and ties, reducing regional disparities, ated Development Plan for Southern 25), Karachi Circular Railway and well-being of different segments of mitigating effects of climate change, Balochistan, Karachi Transforma- Karachi-Pipri Freight Corridor. the society. building knowledge economy, en- tion Plan, Socio-Economic Develop- Allocation for PSDP 2021-22 has PSDP 2021-22 focuses on improv- hancing agricultural productivity ment of Gilgit-Baltistan, Sindh appreciably been enhanced by 38 per ing transport and communication fa- and ensuring food security and also Development Plan for 14 plus prior- cent from Rs 650 billion in FY 2020- cilities with special emphasis on supporting Public Private Partner- ity districts and enhanced allocation 21 to Rs 900 billion including foreign inter-provincial and regional connec- ship initiatives through Viability for Newly-Merged Districts of Khy- aid of Rs 100 billion. 03

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 China inaugurates World’s second largest hydropower station The world’s largest hy- provinces. dropower station has The Chinese President Xi come online in China. Jinping in his congratulatory The 289-metre (948 feet) high message on the inauguration Baihetan Hydropower Sta- of this significant project said tion in southwest China, sec- that he hoped the plant ond in the world only to the would be able to \"make country's Three Gorges Dam greater contributions toward in terms of power generation, achieving the goals of carbon began partial operation. peaking and carbon neutral- Baihetan was built with a ity,\" total installed capacity of China is also planning to 16,000 megawatts, which construct another mega-dam means it will eventually be in Tibet's Medog County able to generate enough elec- which when constructed will tricity each day once to meet surpass the Three Gorges the power needs of 500,000 Dam in size and will become people for an entire year. This one of the largest dams in the is a significant step of the worlds. This is part of country towards carbon neu- The dam spans a deep, section of the Yangtze, earthquake-prone border be- China’s pledge to attain car- trality. narrow gorge on the upper China's longest river, on the tween Yunnan and Sichuan bon neutrality by 2060. Privatisation of PECO delayed until resolution of internal issues The Privatisation Commission (PC) of fault on repayment of NBP loan; (iii) default- Pakistan decided to shelve the plan for ers’ status on Pakistan Stock Exchange; (iv) privatisation of Pakistan Engineering mutation of land in the name of PECO; (v) Company (PECO) until the entity is free from non-availability of audited/approved financial inherent issues. statements from June 2018 onwards; (vi) ver- Cabinet Committee on Privatisation ification of valuation of assets (including (CCoP), in its meeting held on 8 August, 2019, Badami Bagh & Kot Lakhpat Land); (vii) directed the PC to select any ten PSEs from unauthorised JV between MD and a private the privatisation list approved in CCoP meet- firm; and (viii) inquiry initiated by SECP for ing, held on October 31, 2018, for privatisation non-compliances on March 26, 2021. and initiate the process for hiring of Financial The following issues came to light during Due to the complexity of these issues the PC Advisors collectively or separately, as per legal meetings with MOI&P and PECO: (i) legal has decided to completely shelve the idea of requirements, for selected PSEs. case in Islamabad High Court (IHC); (ii) de- privatisation of PECO. 04

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 Large scale manufacturing posts the highest period-wise growth since 2007 The Large Scale Man- construction package has ufacturing (LSM) sector has posted contributed massively in nine percent growth for the period of July-March uplifting the construction 2021 in sharp contrast to the same period last year industry as well as all where the sector had posted 5.1 percent decline other allied industries according to the Pakistan Economic Survey 2020-21. such as cement, and iron This is the highest pe- and steel production. riod-wise growth since FY2007 supported by Petroleum sales have promising performance of textile, food beverages also seen a sharp increase and tobacco, and automo- bile. Out of 15 industrial for July to March 2021. sectors, nine showed posi- tive growth, while six sec- Comparatively lower tors showed a declining trend. The LSM has in- prices of retail fuels, dur- creased by 22.4 percent in March FY2021 against the same month last year, the pandemic had started ties. ing the period, pushed up 21.7 percent decline in which was the time when hitting business activi- The the petroleum sales by 14 percent hence, encour- aged the petroleum pro- duction Cement production wit- nessed a around 17 per- cent jump in production. Total cement dispatches during July-March FY2021 increased to 43.32 million tonnes (mt) prime minister’s from 37.03 mt last year. Chairman WAPDA to retire without seeking extension Chairman Water and gust 24, 2021 and hence he mer prime minister Nawaz to add over 2,500 MW of of fulfilment at what the Power Development deemed it appropriate to Sharif had appointed him clean and cheap energy by Wapda was able to achieve Authority (Wapda) request for timely initia- as chairman WAPDA in commissioning four major during my tenure…I as- Lt-General Muzammil tion of a process for selec- place of Zafar Mehmood, projects including Neelum- sure you that I leave be- Hussain (retd) has written tion of his successor. due to undue delays in a Jhelum, Tarbela 4th Ex- hind an able force that will a letter to the Prime Min- According to the Auditor couple of hydropower proj- tension, Golan Gol in continue to play a decisive ster Imran Khan stating General of Pakistan the ects. Chitral, and Kachhi Canal and constructive role for a that he will be completing appointment of WAPDA In the letter he further in Balochistan. I will be prosperous Pakistan,\" he his tenure precisely on Au- Chairman was illegal. For- said “Wapda has been able leaving with utmost sense added. 05

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 Saudi Arabia to provide IITFC signs $4.5bn Rs37.4b for Mohmand agreement with Pakistan Dam’s Construction The International Islamic and Noor Ahmed, Secretary, Trade Finance Corpora- Ministry of Economic Affairs, tion (IITFC) has signed a Pakistan. The financing avail- Saudi Arabia has Project. The loan will be uplift of the province.\" 3-Year agreement with Pakistan able through this facility will be decided to provide given at the rate of 2 The 800MW worth $4.5 billion in order to utilized by Pakistan State Oil 901 million Saudi per cent for a period of Mohmand Dam is being provide financing for the import (PSO), Pak-Arab Refinery Ltd riyal, for the construc- 25 years. built across Swat River of essential commodities such (PARCO), and Pakistan LNG tion of Mohmand dam. After the meeting an in Mohmand tribal dis- as crude oil, refined petroleum Ltd (PLL) for import of crude The amount PKR is official statement was trict of Khyber- products, LNG, and urea. oil, refined petroleum products equal to 37.4 Billion. released which said Pakhtunkhwa with IITFC is and LNG dur- an au- ing the years tonomous 2021-2023. entity within Eng Hani the Islamic Salem Sonbol, Develop- CEO, IITFC ment Bank while com- Group cre- menting on ated with the impor- the purpose tance of the of advancing agreement trade to im- said, “ITFC is prove the continuously economic working condition closely with and liveli- its member During a meeting the \"This dam will be con- gross water storage ca- hood of peo- countries to ambassador of Saudi structed on Swat River pacity of 1.2 MAF. The ple across the Islamic world. meet their requirements by Arabia in Pakistan in District Mohmand of dam will provide 300 ITFC deploys its expertise and providing integrated solutions Nawaf bin Saeed Al- Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa million gallons of drink- funds to businesses and govern- that include financing and ca- Malkiy informed fed- province and generate ing water per day to Pe- ments in its member countries. pacity building tools that allows eral Minister for 800MW of electricity,” shawar. Its primary focus is to encour- for maximising the develop- Economic Affairs Omar It said that the dam In terms of electricity, age intra-trade among OIC ment impact of ITFC interven- Ayub Khan that the will also irrigate 16,000 irrigation, and flood member countries. tions. We are delighted and we kingdom has approved acres of land and boost protection, the country The signing took place at a will continue to mobilise finan- 901 million Saudi Riyal agriculture productiv- will accrue an annual virtual event, where Omar cial resources to support Pak- (Rs37.4 billion) for the ity in the region. \"This benefit of Rs51 billion Ayub Khan, Minister of Eco- istan in its endeavors to achieve construction of dam will play a vital after the completion of nomic Affairs witnessed the its economic targets through Mohmand Hydropower role in socio-economic the dam. signing ceremony between Eng the new Framework Agree- Hani Salem Sonbol, CEO, ITFC ment.” 06

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 Learning from a True Entrepreneur No short cuts and firm belief on Allah SWT is the key Mr. Anwar ul Haq, CEO, Mecatech (Pvt) Ltd Mecatech Private Limited Prophets \"My father said to me cellent after sales services to al- the people who are entrusted with has been working in the that make sure you take care of ready commissioned projects, the responsibility are reliable and HVACR industry for more two things. 1. Never compromise Mecatech has been a game trustworthy which makes the op- than 3 decades. With hundreds of on quality no matter how much changer in the HVAC market. erations smooth,\" successful projects all across the profit it has. 2. Never delay Over the years, being a progres- Mecatech private limited is what country, Mecatech is one of the payments of the people you sive company, Mecatech has an entrepreneurs dreams to leading names in providing top owe. I used this advice as not limited its scope to HVAC achieve with his start up. It is ex- quality services to a diverse range the golden rule of doing only but also jumped success- traordinary how much Mecatech of clients. What is now a top tier business in my life\" said Mr fully first in the power gener- has grown in the last three decades company actually had a very hum- Anwar ul Haq. \"I have al- ation and now in civil from having an office without air ble beginning. Mecatech repre- ways fol- c o n s t r u c - conditioning to becoming a com- sents top brands of the world like lowed my tion. Mr. pany with turnover in billions. Trane, Panasonic, Klimallco, Taco, father's A n w a r Mr. Anwar ul Haq is a true en- Untes etc in HVACR and Power- while talk- trepreneur who put everything at link-UK and EMSA-Turkey in ing to Engi- stake at the beginning of his ca- power generation. neering Post reer to start his own business and To know more about the history expressed his with consistent hard work and of Mecatech and its progress gratitude to amazing work ethic achieved through time, Engineering Post Allah SWT for tremendous success in his life. went to CEO Mecatech, Mr. M e c a t e c h ’ s When asked for advice for the up- Anwar ul Haq for an exclusive one coming entrepreneurs of the coun- on one interview. Mr. Anwar ul try he said \"It is my experience Haq has a very diverse experience that there is no set technique for of working on some of the most achieving success. Just do the prestigious projects in Pakistan. proper work, don’t try to take During the conversation he di- shortcuts and firmly believe in vulged that more than 3 decades advice to the point that we con- tremendous success in the con- Allah,\" He further added “Another ago in the year 1990 when he de- sider it better to leave a job in- struction sector as well. very important factor which cided to leave his prestigious job at stead of compromising on quality\" During the conversation when amounts to success is never to try NESPAK to start his own business he added. Mr. Anwar was asked about the se- to harm anyone’s business. Here he was supported by his family. Mecatech is one of the few com- cret for running such a successful at Mecatech, our sales representa- Mr. Anwar ul Haq went to his fa- panies in the HVAC market which organization so efficiently, he said tives have strict instructions to ther to ask for advice who clearly enjoys an impeccable reputation \"If you want to run a company you only talk about our product and told him that he should go for it from all its clients. From providing have to trust the people. I never never talk negatively about any without a doubt in his mind be- high quality products without cut- try to micromanage anything in other’s product in order to secure cause trading is the profession of ting back on quality to giving ex- my organization because I know any contract.” 07

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 MD NESPAK Visits Azerbaijan LAHORE: A two-member delegation from and Architecture of the Republic of Azerbaijan as ing Consultancy. At the meetings, the hosts appre- National Engineering Services Pakistan well as senior officials of the Ministry of Energy ciated the services and experience of NESPAK in (Pvt.) Limited (NESPAK) led by Manag- the development sector and showed keen in- ing Director Dr. Tahir Masood visited Baku, terest to engage NESPAK for upcoming proj- Azerbaijan for business appraisal. It was a ects in Azerbaijan. Ambassador Bilal Hayee high profile visit in the wake of rehabilitation accompanied the delegation during all these of recently liberated areas of Karabakh region meetings and highlighted the ongoing warm in Azerbaijan as there is an opportunity for the relationship between the two countries and Top Pakistani Engineering Consultant to work also desired to enhance the cooperation in the there and share development efforts of the development sector. brotherly nation of Azerbaijan. It is worthy to be mentioned here that NES- During the visit, the delegation held sepa- PAK has already been providing top class en- rate meetings with Mr. Mikayil Jabbarov, the gineering consultancy services in Oman, Minister of Economy, Mr. Inam Karimov, the Min- and Ministry of Ecology. During the meetings, the Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone ister of Agriculture and Mr. Ilgar Isbatov, the delegation made presentations highlighting the and has recently secured a hydropower project in Chairman of State Committee on Urban Planning expertise of their services in the field of Engineer- Uzbekistan. 08

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 Jubilee Corporation - Uplifting the standards of electrical installations A candid conversation with Mr. Ahmed Rehan Lutfi, Senior Manager, Business Development Jubilee Corporation is the lead- During the course of interview Mr. further.” he highlighted. in Panel fabrication industry, the de- ing importer and stockist of Rehan explained how Jubilee Corpo- Jubilee Corporation’s long history mand of imported panels is increas- Switchgear, Automation & Con- ration has been expanding its sales of success in a highly competitive ing resulting in reduced playing field trol components in the country for and support teams all across the market largely stems from its com- for the local fabricators. the last 6 decades. The company is country taking a more aggressive mitment to highest standards of “If we truly want to uplift the currently working with more than 30 stance towards enhancing its quality in their products. The com- quality standards local switchgear globally renowned and specialist customer reach “We are pany keenly invests in the tech- industry, more facilitation from the manufacturers to offer top quality working systematically to nical learning of their teams, so government is required in terms of products and solutions in the market. increase awareness about they can provide the best cus- technology transfer, testing facilities The key areas include Low Volt- new products by enhanc- tomer support. and labs of international standards age Switchgear, Dry Type Trans- ing our reach to During the conversation, a so that licenses can be issued to the formers, Busbar Trunking System, customers. We very interesting point that local fabricators after necessary ver- Automatic Voltage Regulators, Ex- are further ex- came under discussion was ification of prototypes.”, said Mr. ternal Lightning Protection, Energy panding our about uplifting the standards Rehan. Management, Automation, Pneu- teams all across of manufacturing. It was Further, while emphasizing more matics, and Instrumentation & Con- the country. To mentioned that govern- on maintaining quality standards, trols. increase our ment should device poli- Mr. Rehan highlighted that the ex- To learn more about the market footprints in cies which should perts in the field i.e. consultants and situation from their perspective, En- lower Pun- attract global players governing bodies need to play their gineering Post had an exclusive in- jab, we to invest in the coun- part to ensure that standards of the terview with Mr. Ahmed Rehan have re- try, raising manu- industry are raised by following the Lutfi, Senior Manager Business De- c e n t l y f a c t u r i n g latest industrial guidelines. “To en- velopment at Jubilee Corporation. stan- sure the progress of the overall in- Mr. Rehan, being an electrical engi- dustry, all stakeholders should neer himself truly understands the encourage merit, fairness and trans- intricacies involved in marketing of parency”, he said. engineering products. After complet- Mr. Rehan further revealed that ing his Electrical Engineering, he Jubilee Corporation is working rig- studied business and did his Mas- orously to further enhance their cus- ter’s in Business Administration tomer’s experience, both by from IBA Karachi. He started his ca- opened a new office in Multan in ad- dards through technology transfer, delivering quality products and solu- reer with Alstom Pakistan, and later dition to our existing offices in La- training and development. With the tions according to the current needs served Schneider, Pakistan & Saudi hore, Faisalabad, Islamabad & increasing trend of compliance to In- of the market, and providing techni- Arabia. Karachi, to facilitate our customers ternational standards, particularly cal and after-sales support. 10


ENGINEERING POST July 2021 Passionate for the Best Services Smart Climate Solutions After Sales & Service Division Smart Climate Solu- sales department offers ditioning units. SCS have service into various sub- SCS plan to introduce all tions wants to be rec- world-class sales and Serv- hired the best available functional teams. Each of equipment under AMC to be ognized as the best ice Center for their presti- technical staff to meet the these teams has been struc- monitored by Smart Cli- Service Company in Pak- gious customers. A need is needs of the market who are tured in a manner that as- mate Monitoring System istan. Their goal is to attend felt in the Pakistan Air Con- equipped with the latest certains satisfaction of and all vehicles to have to their customer’s service GSM connectivity to ensure needs in the shortest possi- quick response to their cus- ble time, ensuring quality tomers’ needs. services attended by experi- A dedicated warranty and enced technical staff and technical support team pro- work carried out through vides you over the call tech- the best of tools. nical trouble shooting SCS endeavor to use assistance, guides you “IOT” to achieve the best re- through the step necessary sults through modern tech- to verify your warranty and nology. receive parts without any It gives SCS a great hassle. pleasure to introduce the The team of highly start of the Sales and Serv- trained professionals armed ice Division of Smart Cli- with the latest tools and mate. SCS is best in gadgets , execute the rectifi- • Repair work for any cation of these snags with Air Conditioning Equip- skills that translates into ment. highest quality of workman- • Repair work for any ship with quick delivery of Refrigeration Equipment. parts to ensure minimum • Refurbishment and down time. upgrading of Air Condition- SCS’s Call office will ing units. serve to all their contract • Annual Mainte- ditioning industry to have a tools and transport. customers in terms of their customers 24 hours per day nance Contract (AMC) fully independent Service To ensure focused Serv- information and service re- and 365 days to ensure • Monitoring of equip- company capable of han- ices to its customers, Smart quirement at every stage of round-the-clock services to ment under our contract. dling any high-tech issues Climate Solution (SCS) has their service experience with achieve customer satisfac- Smart climate’s After with any brand of Air Con- segmented its after-sales Smart Climate Solutions. tion. 12

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 Powerzone partners with leading Italian brand FPT generators Powerzone Engineering Mr. Mian Ahsan, CEO, signed in such a way that tors kept running very able prices. “We are provid- and Services is a Powerzone Engineering and they can work extremely well smoothly even at the load of ing Italian made generators renowned Pakistani Services, while talking exclu- even in rugged terrain. Mian 120%,” he added. Further- in Pakistan in the price company dealing in a diverse sively to Engineering Post re- Ahsan explained that the more, the product has been bracket of Chinese genera- range of electrical and med- vealed that FPT has generators are designed in designed in such a way that tors. We are also offering 24 ical equipment. The company partnered up with Power- Europe according to Euro- it can run extremely effi- months of warranty and was founded in 2003 with a zone in Pakistan to provide pean standards and are ex- ciently even in the ambient after sales service for FPT mission of providing complete generators,” added Mr Mian backup energy solutions at Ahsan. This can be a decisive affordable cost. factor in boosting the sale of Powerzone Engineering FPT generators once people and Services has partnered realise that they are getting up with Fiat Powertrain European standard products Technologies (FPT) in order with a minimal difference to provide FPT generators in from Chinese generators. the Pakistani market. Powerzone Engineering Fiat Powertrain Technolo- and Services has already sold gies (FPT) is a part of Fiat FPT generators to Pakistan Group Automobiles which Airforce, Poultry farms and produces world renowned different builders of the coun- cars including Alfa Romeo, try. “More than 35 generators Chrysler, Dodge, Ferrari, have already been provided to Jeep, Lancia, Maserati, Ram customers in the last 4 Trucks, and SRT. Working months without even initiat- under Fiat automobiles ing any proper marketing. group, the Fiat Powertrain And they are so satisfied that Technologies Company has we are getting repeated or- activities in nine different ders” said Mr. Mian Ahsan. countries; it has 10 plants their generators in the Pak- tremely efficient in their temperature of 50 degrees “We are planning to arrange and around 20,000 employ- istani Market. “FPT is pro- working. The impeccable centigrade. seminars, and other market- ees. With an output of around ducing extremely efficient performance of the products Keeping in view the mar- ing activities to increase 2.9 million engines and 2.4 engines for their generators is what encouraged Power- ket trend of Pakistan where awareness about the brand so million transmissions and which are going to provide a zone to introduce the product people are influenced by people get to know about the axles annually, FPT is one of tough competition for other in Pakistani market. “While price more than quality, Fiat quality of the FPT generators the largest companies in the brands in the market” he being tested along with other Powertrain is providing its being provided in this price powertrain sector. said. FPT generators are de- generators, the FPT genera- generators at very reason- range” he added. 14

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 High Execution HVAC organisms to provide exceptional Indoor atmosphere in energy efficient mode By Mr. Diwan Fakhruddin, Fakhri Brothers The Pak-UAE Business Council tutions, Educational Institutions, use in homes bills for 40% of the based totally at the necessities of oc- (PUBC) of the Federation of Pharmaceuticals, Hotels, Hospitals, overall number one strength con- cupants in terms of indoor weather, Pakistan Chambers of Com- Food products and Fisheries. sumption. Buildings and especially operation of technical constructing merce and Industry (FPCCI) has se- Mr Diwan Fakhruddin said, “We technical structures of homes are structures, and needs of clever lected Mr Diwan’ Fakhruddin as its look forward to achieve even greater gambling a critical position in green- strength structures. The opportu- Chairman. He is a devoted profes- levels of success house fuel line nity to evolve in reaction to the be- sional and always emphasized that in the future. e d u c a t i o n . lief of the occupants and similarly Pakistan’s relations with the United As we enter into H i g h - a c t i n g empower end-customers makes it Arab Emirates (UAE) should be another year heating, cool- feasible to decorate customers’ strong and trade plays a major role following the ing and air- pleasure to indoor weather. Merged in this regard. “Now, we need to cre- eruption of out- conditioning collectively with clever strength ate a new roadmap to meet the break, we've (HVAC) struc- structures, constructing technical changing needs of the UAE market faced many ex- tures are very structures have to be capable of so as to increase both our exports periences and critical from adapting their operation to the de- and imports.” learnt plenty of each the sires of the occupant and the Fakhri Brother is a big name in lessons on strength eco- strength structures and to enhance Pakistan and Middle East, as far as s p r i n g i n e s s nomic system their strength and general overall “HVACR” products are concerned. that's crucial to and indoor performance. Technical answers will Situated in the heart of Karachi build a robust weather factor then be capable of optimizing dy- (city center), since 1972, Fakhri future. It had of view. It has namic strength costs with inside call Brothers proudly claims that they been noticed verified that for reaction to manipulate and con- are the Authorized Dealers & Stock- that ingestion indoor weather sequently decorate the power of iest for almost 25 companies, from of resources and has a substan- strength structures. This Special around the world. energy didn't tial effect on Issue introduces novel HVAC an- Fakhri Brothers is a customer ori- reduce through- customers’ pro- swers that make it feasible to deco- ented progressive company deals in out the ordeal, d u c t i v e n e s s rate person’s comfort, the overall quality products only. The company but organiza- and wellbeing. performance of structures, and inte- has built such a reputation and tions around T h u s , gration with clever strength struc- clientele country wide only because the globe have started becoming strength-saving measures have to in tures. Research and evaluation of their believe in efficient services, more accountable and aware of the no way be accomplished through papers of novel structures and offer- Commitments and Customer care. realities of climate change. Pakistan sacrificing indoor weather condi- ings with the purpose to decorate Being a major player in “HVACR” is being probably the most emerging tions. In the near future, homes strength and overall performance, industries in Pakistan and Middle nations in the world”. have to be clever sufficient in order indoor air pleasant and thermal East, Fakhri Brothers have cap- We have international weather to sense, interpret, communicate, comfort, HVAC device’s overall per- tured all the booming industries e.g. desires to noticeably lessen green- and reply to converting conditions, formance and strength flexibility Textile, Automobile, Financial Insti- house fuel line emissions. Energy which can be delivered primarily are welcomed. 16

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 Essential industrial equipment should be exempt from undue import restrictions Mr. Khushnood Sheikh, CEO, Al Madina Electric Corporation talks to Engineering Post Al Madina Electric Cor- plied, we have to pay 17% poration established in GST in the same month and 1967 is one of the most we get out payment some- reliable electric components times after long delays. This suppliers in the country. Al means in addition to our orig- Madina Electric Corporation inal investment being stuck provides a wide range of we have to pay additional tax quality products from distin- without getting any pay- guished international brands ment” he explained. To rec- for the clients in Pakistan. tify this problem the credit The company was started line should be specified to 30 by Mr Khushnood Ahmed days and failure to comply Sheikh in the year 1967. Ini- results in a fine. tially the company office was Mr. Khusnood. Another very important Mr. Mohammad Saaim. located at electric market La- Engineering Post went to equipment without paying issue nowadays is that the restrictions,” he said “There hore on the 2nd floor of a Mr Khushnood Ahmed more than 99% of the total government is actively dis- is no problem if the govern- building and was later shifted Sheikh, CEO, Al Madina amounts. Clients on the couraging imports of all ment stops import of im- to Brandreth road Lahore. Electric Corporation for an other hand receive all the kinds. What they need to re- ported beverages, chocolates, Later in 1998, Mr. Moham- exclusive interview to discuss equipment on credit and alise is that there are hun- cheese, cosmetics or other mad Saaim, the son of Mr. some of the common prob- clearance is made in uncer- dreds of essential industrial items which do not affect the Khushnood also joined the lems being faced by the elec- tain periods. “The most im- equipment which cannot be industry but essential indus- company after securing his tric components suppliers in portant issue here is that manufactured in Pakistan trial components should be Master’s degree in Business the country. With more than once the equipment is sup- and need to be imported at exempt from this otherwise it Administration. Mr. Saaim, 50 years of experience in all costs. Due to our indus- will ultimately lead to reduc- now a days, is amicably han- the market he is the trial limitation, we can- tion in industrial output” he dling the company operations right person to point out not manufacture added. like sales, purchase and other problems and suggest Circuit breakers, tem- In his concluding com- managerial issues. With his possible solutions. perature controllers, ments while giving a mes- enthusiastic approach, he During the conversa- proximity sensors and sage to the upcoming took Almadina Electric to tion Mr. Khushnood many other essential entrepreneurs he said “Hon- new heights of excellence. pointed out that the equipment without esty and Hard work are the The company is dealing most problematic issue which an industry can- ultimate requirements for with international brands in- is the non-specified not run properly. “At success. If you keep working cluding Schneider, GE, Fuji, credit line with clients. least essential indus- hard with honesty Allah Terasaki, Hyundai, LSIS and The company cannot re- Mr. Khusnood presenting Souvenier to trial equipment should SWT never lets your efforts many others. ceive the imported Mr. Zeeshan CEO, Engineering Post be exempt from such go to waste”. 18


ENGINEERING POST July 2021 More than 164 countries participated in Middle East Energy Online Organisers of Middle East Energy’s c u s s i o n s , debut virtual event have revealed that thought lead- more than 164 countries took part in ership ses- the month-long showcase, which featured sions and four online energy sector weeks, between 17 remote inter- May – 9 June. views, took The online event attracted 11,000 atten- place. Under- dees from 164 countries worldwide, focusing scoring the on the latest insights, trends, and innova- importance of tions across four energy industry sectors, in- business de- cluding Renewable & Clean Energy, v e l o p m e n t Transmission & Distribution, Critical & and making Backup Power, and Energy Consumption & m e a n i n g f u l Management. contacts, over During the event, 85 sessions, including 7,300 connec- tech talks, interactive roundtables, panel dis- tions were made by 164 exhibiting companies. Claudia Konieczna, Exhibition Director, Insights on the opening day session came Middle East Energy, said: “The outcome of courtesy of Benoit Lebot, a senior policy ad- the event has supported our strategy to take viser in the French government’s Ministry Middle East Energy online and deliver a vir- for the Energy Transition; Amr Salah, Senior tual showcase for the energy industry. Director - Head of Utilities, Emaar - The Eco- “Despite the challenges of the pandemic, nomic City; and Ahmed Samer Elbermbali, we have been able to bring the global energy Managing Director, MENA Clean Energy industry together. A series of insightful and Business Council. thought-provoking discussions have been in- A host of exhibitors showcasing their latest strumental in supporting the sector's innovations included Perkins, Masdar, Cum- recovery and providing a roadmap for the fu- mins, Brady, Koncar, AVEVA, CESI, Hitachi- ture. ABB, IFS, Riedon, Uniper and BASEC. Rounding out the sector weeks was En- Attendees came from a host of countries, ergy Consumption & Management, where a with the United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, panel of energy industry experts under- India, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, United scored the importance of green buildings and Kingdom, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, and Ghana smart cities in reducing energy consumption. leading the way. 20

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 The loss of a national asset Dr. Zahir Ali Syed Director Usman Institute of Technology Dr. Zahir Ali Syed, the direc- very clear perspective about what tor of Usman institute of the direction of Pakistan’s engi- Technology, Karachi was fa- neering sector should be and was tally shot in an alleged car snatch- on a mission to motivate and guide ing attempt while he was young minds to work according to returning home. Dr. Syed had over the current requirements of the 35 years of expe- industry. rience in senior In addition to management po- being the director sitions in both of UIT, he was a academia and member of the industry. He was senate, academic a highly quali- council and board fied individual of faculty at NED and was truly an University, co- asset for the chair of the MIT country. Enterprise He did his Forum Pakistan bachelors in and member se- electrical engi- lection committee neering from Da- of the Sultan Qa- wood College of boos IT Chair at Engineering & UET Lahore. He Technology and had also served received his as a member of masters from the Massachusetts the curriculum and selection Institute of Technology, M.Phil boards of various universities. from University of Southern Cali- His sad demise came as a shock fornia and PhD degree from Stan- to everyone. His unexpected death ford University. sent a wave of grief in the engi- After completing his education neering community. May Allah he served as the director of Usman Grant him the highest rank in institute of Technology. He had a Jannaah. 22

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 Thermal Capac Thermodynam Engr. Dr. Muham mal capacity can be dis- framework is steady all regarded in settings through the interac- when working with ob- tion) prompts just work jects in restricted done of the all out pro- scopes of temperature vided heat, and in this and pressing factor. For manner endless meas- instance, the thermal ure of heat is needed to capacity of a square of build the temperature iron gauging one pound of the framework by a is around 204 J/K when unit temperature, estimated from a begin- prompting limitless or ning temperature T = vague thermal capacity 25 °C and P = 1 atm of of the framework. pressing factor. That in- For complex thermo- Thermal capacity exact worth is very sat- dynamic frameworks is a broad prop- isfactory for all with a few communicat- erty. The compar- temperatures between, ing parts and state fac- ing concentrated say, 15 °C and 35 °C, tors, or for estimation property is the particu- and encompassing conditions that are nei- lar thermal capacity. pressing factors from 0 ther steady pressing Partitioning the ther- to 10 environments, in factor nor consistent mal capacity by the light of the fact that the volume, or for circum- measure of substance specific worth fluctu- stances where the tem- in moles yields its ates next to no in those perature is essentially molar warmth limit. reaches. One can be- non-uniform, the The volumetric thermal lieve that a similar straightforward mean- capacity estimates the thermal contribution of ings of thermal capacity thermal capacity per 204 J will raise the above are not helpful or volume. In design and temperature of the even significant. The structural designing, square from 15 °C to 16 thermal energy that is the thermal capacity of °C, or from 34 °C to 35 provided may wind up a structure is fre- °C, with immaterial as dynamic (energy of quently alluded to as its blunder. No adjustment movement) and ex- thermal mass. of inner energy (as the pected (energy put The variety in ther- temperature of the away in power fields), 24

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 ity according to mic Principles mmad Nawaz Iqbal both at plainly visible frameworks display a this manner if such and nuclear scales. At positive thermal capac- frameworks have that point the adjust- ity. Nonetheless, de- equivalent tempera- ment of temperature spite the fact that it can tures, they are at ther- will relies upon the spe- appear to be dumb- mal harmony. cific way that the founding from the out- Notwithstanding, this framework finished its set, there are a few harmony is steady just stage space between frameworks for which if the frameworks have the underlying and last the warmth limit is positive thermal capac- states. In particular, negative. These are in- ity. For such frame- one should by one way homogeneous frame- works, when thermal or another indicate how works that don't meet streams from a higher the positions, speeds, the severe meaning of temperature frame- pressures, volumes, thermodynamic bal- work to a lower temper- and so on. ance. They incorporate ature one, the The thermal capacity floating items like stars temperature of the can normally be esti- and systems, and fur- main declines and that mated by the technique thermore now and of the last increments, suggested according to again some nano-scale so both methodology its: start with the arti- bunches of two or three balance. cle at a known uniform many molecules, near a A more limit rendi- temperature, add a stage change. As indi- tion of this happens known measure of ther- cated by the Second with black holes. As per mal energy to it, trust Law of Thermodynam- black holes thermody- that its temperature ics, when two frame- namics, the more mass will get uniform, and works with various and energy a black measure the adjust- temperatures collabo- holes ingests, the colder ment of its tempera- rate by means of a sim- it becomes. Conversely, ture. This strategy can ply thermal association, on the off chance that it give modestly exact heat will move from the is a net producer of en- qualities for some more smoking frame- ergy, through Hawking solids; be that as it may, work to the cooler one radiation, it will get it can't give exact esti- (this can likewise be more sizzling and more mations, particularly perceived from a meas- sweltering until it re- for gases. Most actual urable perspective). In duces away. 25

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 Pakistan Engineering Council’s Elections 2021 The Pakistan Engineering Council is the pro- until now. It is believed that the Chairman will President who was a former chairman PEC other fessional body for accreditation of engineer- speed up the campaign for the elections in the experienced members on board. Moreover the ing education and regulation of engineering month of July 2021 just a few weeks before the NEWA is part of the “National Engineering Al- profession in Pakistan. The headquarter of PEC elections liance” which has the strong support of Associa- is located in Islamabad while regional offices are Engr. Najeeb Haroon and Engr. Waseem Nazir tion of Consulting Engineers Pakistan as well as located in main cities of Pakistan. The previous have already announced that they will be contest- the Contractor Association of Pakistan. During a elections which were held in 2018 had resulted in ing the elections for the coveted spot of Chairman recent meeting arranged at a local restaurant the victory of Engr. Jawed Saleem Qureshi who is PEC. Engr. Waseem Nazir working with Profes- Engr. Najeeb Haroon said that it has been the mis- Engr. Najeeb Haroon Engr. Waseem Nazir Engr. Jawed Salim Qureshi still serving as the Chairman PEC. Recently there sional Excellence Group (PEG) has started mobil- fortune of this country that the Engineers in this has been a lot of Buzz in the engineering commu- ising the engineering community for the upcoming country have not been given their due share of re- nity regarding the upcoming elections as the pre- elections. At the time this piece is being written spect and authority. He urged all the engineers vious term comes to an end. Election campaigns the PEG has already started gatherings in differ- and other groups to join in to his group and to for PEC elections 2021 have already started with ent parts of the country as part of the election form a consensus regarding the selection of a new many alliances breaking and new ones being campaign. chairman of the Paksitan Engineering Council. formed. The PEC elections are scheduled to be Engr. Najeeb Haroon who is contesting the elec- As the Qureshi group has still not announced a held on 1st August 2021. tions for the third time has reportedly formed an candidate the situation is unclear as of now but Curiously the sitting Chairman PEC Engr. alliance with the National Engineers Welfare As- once a candidate is announced the campaigning Jawed Salim Qureshi has still not nominated a sociation (NEWA). NEWA is considered one of the will start will full force by all groups all across the candidate to be announced as his replacement stronger groups in the engineering circles with a country 26


ENGINEERING POST July 2021 National Electricity Policy (NEP) 2021 approved for 10 years The Council of Common Inter- but it could not be finalized. Ac- circular debt. The second major total power supply will be in- ests (CCI) has approved the cording to the new policy, all prin- issue is transmission system. creased to 20 per cent by 2025 National Electricity Policy ciples have been devised in Presently, transmission capacity and 30 per cent by 2030 which (NEP) 2021 for the next 10 years. consultation with all the provinces has been enhanced from currently stands at only 5 per- In light of this policy the govern- and new projects will be approved 20,000MW to 24,000MW which cent. Hydropower would also be ment will form plans on genera- in a transparent, least cost basis still requires an addition of included in the renewable energy tion and transmission issues in the and through competitive bidding. 10,000MW. Rs 100 billion has been category under which its share country. In the past capacity ex- What needs to be realized is allocated in federal budget for the would also increase to 60 per cent pansion was neither based on any that Pakistan's key problem of up gradation of transmission and by 2030. Pakistan installed ca- logic, plan nor projection, nor the electricity is not generation but a distribution systems. pacity is about 35,000MW of fuel or location of projects. Work financial problem because of ca- Under this new power police which 33,700MW is dependable had been started on NEP in 2005 pacity payments which increase the share of renewable energy in capacity. 28

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 FAMATEL by JUBILEE CORPORATION Industrial Plugs & Sockets that are designed for easy, safe, and quick installation Jubilee Corporation introduced ables the maintenance and durabil- Famatel’s SpeedPro Series of ity of the cable. The overall func- Industrial Plugs and sockets tional design guarantees the in Pakistan. Ranging from 16A to highest level of safety and top level 125A, the SpeedPro series is de- performance. signed and manufactured according Famatel, the Spanish brand, has to the required international qual- more than 25 years of experience of ity stan- providing dards. its prod- De- ucts in signed to interna- work in tional the ex- electrical treme con- market ditions of with tempera- presence ture, im- in over 60 pact and coun- watertightness, Famatel’s indus- tries. The global presence facilitates trial plugs and sockets provide easy, Famatel’s R&D&I (Research, devel- safe and convenient installation for opment and innovation) depart- various applications. The inte- ments with enriched information grated Famatel Quality Manage- and experience to develop products ment System is based on the adapted to the specific needs and requirements of UNE-EN ISO legislation in each market. 9001:2008, as well as other applica- Jubilee Corporation is the au- ble national and international stan- thorized distributor of Famatel’s In- dards. dustrial Plugs and Sockets in The SpeedPro Series is designed Pakistan. With its regional and liai- with optimum ergonomics ensuring son offices in different regions and easy handling of the product, network of local distributors all enough space for cabling and quick over the country, Jubilee Corpora- opening/closing of the socket covers. tion delivers its customers the un- Famatel’s exclusive “nut”-based paralleled support experience along anti-vibration pressing system, en- with quality products. 30


ENGINEERING POST July 2021 Govt’s initiatives to minimize impact of COVID-19 on Industry Engineering Post Report project. Export Processing Zones The incumbent federal govern- Export Processing Zones Author- ment has taken various steps ity is conceived and designed to in- and measures during 2020-21 crease and improve the exports of for reviving the national economy, the country. Its main objectives are accelerating the pace of economic accelerating the pace of industrial- growth and creating employment ization in the country and enhanc- opportunities. ing the volume of exports by Major programmes are briefly creating an enabling environment mentioned below: for investors to initiate ambitious Construction Package export-oriented projects in the Construction industry has back- Zones which would, as a corollary, ward and forward linkers and boost create job opportunities, bring in 40 sectors of large and small manu- new technology and attract foreign facturing industry simultaneously. investment. It is estimated that millions of em- River Ravi Urban Development ployment opportunities would be Programme generated through the construction The federal government is confi- package. dent that the Ravi City Project cost- Textile Industry Package ing Rs 5 trillion ($ 30 billion) would Textile production in the country create millions of jobs as at least 40 has increased by 5.9 per cent during industries are connected to the con- July-March FY 2021 as compared struction sector. to 2.6 per cent decline in the last IT Parks Package year. Flurry of export orders, tax re- Pakistan’s Information Technol- funds and duty drawbacks have fa- ogy (IT) Industry, being a vibrant cilitated the textile sector. Statistics and expanding economic contribu- have shown that the government tor generates over 2 billion dollars has recreated about half a million each year for the country. Its poten- jobs by strengthening the textile in- tial is also being explored. Rapid in- dustry. vestment is being fueled by the Bundal Island Project mushrooming growth of exports The project would attract up to along with the support of the gov- five million tourists with people al- ernment organizations and policies. ready approaching the government It is expected that thousands of em- for investment. Approximately ployment opportunities will be gen- 150000 will be generated by the erated through this programme. 32

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 An overview of the National Economy Engineering Post population had reached (RDA) crossed the $ 1 serves with the State tential pf exports and e- at the end of March Report 52.56 million till October billion mark. During Bank of Pakistan rose to commerce, Pakistan has 2021 compared with 54 2020. July-April FY 2021, $ 16 billion mark, four been added into the per cent at end June Pakistan’s economy National econ- Amazon’s seller 2018. is moving progres- omy has witnessed list. Over 80 per cent of sively on higher a V-shaped recov- Due to its im- the net borrowing from inclusive and sustain- ery. The current pressive growth, domestic sources was able growth path on the economic recovery Pakistan Stock through medium-to-long back of various meas- , it is pertinent to Exchange earned term domestic debt in- ures and achievements mention, has been the title of being struments i.e. Pakistan despite myriad of chal- achieved without the best Asian Investment Bonds & lenges during the finan- compromising in- stock market and Government Ijara cial year 2020-21. ternal and exter- the fourth best Sukuk during first nine According to the infor- nal stability of the performing mar- months of FY 2021. mation gathered from country. ket across the Pakistan has entered the official sources con- Current account world in 2020. the international mar- cerned in Islamabad, posted a surplus of Profile of do- ket after a gap of over major achievements $ 0.8 billion during mestic debt has three years by success- highlighting the eco- July 2020-April 2021 pe- workers remittances years high. improved significantly fully raising $ 2.5 billion nomic performance dur- riod for the first time in posted historically high Keeping in view the during the tenure of the through Euro Bonds. ing FY 2021 are briefly 17 years. growth of 29 per cent significant performance present government as The policy rate has re- mentioned below: Inflows of foreign ex- reaching to the level of $ pertaining to Financial short-term debt as per- mained unchanged at Pakistan was imple- change through the 24.2 billion. Action Task Force centage of total debt has 7.0 per cent which led to menting stabilization Roshan Digital Account Foreign exchange re- (FATF) conditions, po- decreased to 23 per cent improved business sen- policy post crisis of 2017- timents and the stimu- 18 and the national lating economic economy was recovering activities enabling em- from macroeconomic im- ployment to recover. balances but COVID-19 Cellular mobile sub- slowed down the pace scribers (number of ac- which was recovered ini- tive SIMs) in Pakistan tially but the advent of have reached 182 mil- second and third wave of lion at the end of March the pandemic one after 2021 as compared to the other brought the 167.3 million by the end significant challenges of June 2020 showing an which were, however, increase of 8.6 in nine met by the timely pru- months of FY 2021. dent policies by the in- At end of March 2021, cumbent federal broadband (BB) sub- government through its scribers reached to 100 implementing organiza- the end of tions and agencies down March 2021 as com- the line. pared to 167.3 million by Pandemics like the end of June 2020 COVID-19 are once in a showing an increase of century event that dev- 8.6 in nine months of FY astated global 2021. economies, but Pakistan At end of March 2021, had done much better in broadband (BB) sub- coping with the pan- scribers reached to 100 demic of Corona Virus million. The total BB as compared to many penetration in Pakistan countries around the as such stood at 47.6 per globe. cent in March 2021 reg- The federal govern- istering an increase of ment took several meas- about 19.7 per cent as ures important policy compared to end March decisions: monetary and 2030. fiscal measures, smart International Mone- lockdown, rapid vaccina- tary Fund (IMF) has ac- tion etc , National Com- knowledged that the mand and Operating incumbent federal gov- Centre (NCOC) as a sin- ernment policies have gle organization was been critical in support- made responsible to ing the national econ- take key decisions in col- omy and saving lives as laboration with the well as livelihoods. The provinces. Situation was IMF and Pakistan have put under control due to announced the resump- the federal govern- tion of stalled $ 6 billion ment’s timely decision loan programme. making as a result of During the period which the numbers of under report, all three daily COVID-19 cases major credit rating are presently showing agencies i.e. Moody’s, declining trend. Fitch and Standard a& Prior to COVID-19, Poor’s have reaffirmed the working population their sovereign credit of the country was 55.74 ratings for Pakistan. million. The number de- This reaffirmation is re- clined sharply to 35.04 flective of the sound poli- million which indicated cies of the incumbent that either the people federal government and had lost their jobs or of the confidence re- were not able to work. posed by these leading However, due to prudent international institu- decisions by the federal tions in the country’s government, working economic outlook. 34


ENGINEERING POST July 2021 GIZ Pakistan signs €8.1million agreement with power division The GIZ Pakistan and the Power Mirza, and other key representatives division signed a new imple- from both sides attended the signing mentation agreement under ceremony. Under this agreement which, GIZ Pakistan would conduct through bilateral cooperation agree- the Renewable Energy and Energy ments, Germany and Pakistan will Efficiency (REEE II) project worth work together to address the impacts 8.1 million euros in the country. of climate change and to ensure ac- The 8.1 million Euro project is cess to affordable, reliable and sus- commissioned by the German Fed- tainable energy. In line with this, the eral Ministry for Economic Coopera- Pakistan-German Renewable En- tion and Development (BMZ). The ergy Forum (PGREF) will continue to objective of the project is to con- serve as a connecting bridge between tribute effectively to the energy tran- both the countries, implementing sition in Pakistan. Secretary Power concrete actions and providing tech- Division, Ali Raza Bhutta, Tobias nical advice to enhance collaboration, Becker, Country Director GIZ Pak- promote dialogue, facilitate invest- istan, CEO AEDB, Shah Jahan ment and exchange knowledge. NHA to undertake 9 projects on BOT and PPP modes Engineering Post Report tion of Karachi-Quetta-Chaman Road (N-25), 129 kms long Dual- As many as nine projects are ization & Rehabilitation of Balka- in pipeline of the National sar-Mianwali Road, 286 kms long Highway Authority which Dualization & Rehabilitation of will be undertaken on Build-Op- Mianwali-Muzaffargarh Road, erate-Transfer (BOT) and Public- construction of Shahdara Flyover Private Partnership (PPP) (7 kms), Construction of Lyari el- modes. evated Freight Corridor (20 kms), According to the NHA sources, Construction of Sialkot-Kharian these projects include 306 kilome- Motorway (70 kms), Construction ters (KMs)long Hyderabad- of Kharian-Rawalpindi Motorway Sukkur Motorway (M-2), 790 kms (115 kms) and Construction of long Dualization and Rehabilita- Bara Kahu Flyover (3.6 kms). 36

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 IGA signed for Pakistan stream gas pipeline Russia and Pakistan have signed Under the revised IGA, Pakistan has an agreement to build the Pak- the major shareholding with 74 percent istan Stream natural gas pipeline stakes in the pipeline and Russia has 26 formerly known as the North-South per cent equity. As the IGA has been Pipeline. In this regard Pakistan’s Am- signed now all the technical, commercial bassador to Russian Federation Shafqat issues and design with scope of the proj- Ali Khan and Minister for Energy, Russ- ect will be decided. There are three pro- ian Federation Nikolai Shulginov, posals about the diameter of the proposed signed the Protocol to the Inter-Govern- pipeline, which include 42 inches, 48 mental Agreement (IGA) in Moscow. inches and 56 inches. The pipeline will run from Karachi to Both sides now have 60 days to finalise Kasur for transportation of gas. The the shareholding agreement and heads of 1,100-km project, is expected to carry agreement under various commercial 12.4 billion cubic metres of natural gas arrangement. A Special Purpose Vehicle annually. The project name was changed to 'Pak- ture against the risk of US sanctions on Russian (SPV) company will also be constituted that will istan Stream' along with its partnership struc- companies. help materialize the project. 38

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 K-Electric launches K-Solar Karachi Electric (K-Electric) has cial and Industrial units. educational institutions, healthcare or- pendence and enhance productivity decided to venture into green To serve its residential customers, ganisations etc, K-Solar will provide through uninterrupted power supply energy by launching a new ini- K-Solar teams will conduct site sur- sustainable and long-term solar solu- from the technologically advanced tiative K-Solar. This was revealed by veys and tions for seam- solar solutions. KE’s Chief Strategy Officer Naz Khan audit the less function. Speaking at a webinar to discuss during a webinar. energy The industrial Pakistan’s transition to a low-carbon According to CEO K-Electric Lim- needs of sector will be energy future, Chairman National ited (KE) Moonis Abdullah Alvi, K- the con- specially serv- Electric Power Regulatory Authority Electric had been making greater sumers to iced by K-Solar (NEPRA) Tauseef H. Farooqi high- efforts to increase its share of renew- r e c o m - providing alter- lighted that for the renewable industry ables in its energy mix and launch of mend the native energy to innovate and thrive in Pakistan the K-Solar was one milestone in best easy- generation op- need a transition in its generation, achieving KE’s mission of a green and to-manage tions in-house. transmission and distribution system. sustainable future. solar solutions for them. K-Solar teams will work with its indus- He assured that NEPRA had been con- K-Solar aims to provide affordable To service the growing commercial trial partners to enable them to reduce stantly working to bring that very green energy to Residential, Commer- sector, comprising banks, retail outlets, energy costs, increase energy inde- change. 39



ENGINEERING POST July 2021 A look at Services Sector performance Engineering Post Report value recorded at Rs 116.9 billion, which was Rs 152.8 billion last year, mainly due to Share of the Services Sector in Gross lockdown and restrictions on travel. Domestic Product (GDP) in FY 2021 Likewise, Communication which includes reached to 62 per cent and posted a Postal system including courier services and growth of 4.4 per cent. telecommunication activities having approx- According to the details available in this imately 16 per cent share in Transport, regard, Wholesale & Retail Trade is depend- Storage and Telecommunication posted a ent on the output of agriculture, manufac- decline of 21.4 per cent. However, Road turing and imports. The growth in trade Transport which has 74 per cent share value added relating to agriculture, manu- posted a growth of 8.4 per cent while Stor- facturing and imports stands at 3.8, 8.2 and age which has 3 per cent share posted 8.7 16.1 per cent respectively. Based on these, per cent growth during FY 2021. Due to the growth of Wholesale and Retail Trade these factors, Transport, Storage and Com- was recorded at 8.4 per cent in FY 2021. munication on the whole posted a decline of In Transport, Storage and Communica- 0.6 per cent. tions, Railways, Water Transport, Air During FY2021, Finance and Insurance Transport and Pipeline Transport consti- Sector showed an overall increase of 7.8 per tuted 11 per cent share in it. In FY 2021, Continued on page 44 there was almost 24 per cent decline as the 42


ENGINEERING POST July 2021 Continued from page 42 Activities and Miscellaneous cent due to increase in deposits, whereas Professional, Scientific loans and insurance. Last year, and Technical Activities almost in March 2020, Quarter on Quar- had as much as 61 per cent ter (QoQ) growth of Assets was share in Other Private Services. 0.7 per cent while in December, For FY 2021, growth in Profes- the Year on Year growth had re- sional, Scientific and Technical main 14.2 per cent. Activities remained 5.6 per cent As regards the Housing Serv- while due to lockdown measures ices (Ownership of Dwellings), and closing of recreational its data is survey based. Thus places, hotels, etc, a negative keeping the past trend, constant growth of 21 per cent was ob- growth rate of almost 4.0 per served during the period under cent was estimated while the report in Recreation, Cultural provisional growth in General and Sports Activities (its share is Government Services based on 0.05 per cent I Other Private budgeted data stands at 2.2 per Services). As such, thus the pro- cent. Regarding Other Private many industries. However, it sional, Scientific and Technical visional growth of Other Private Services, including diverse eco- could be categorized into Com- Activities , Education, Health, Services for FY 2021 had re- nomic activities scattered over puter Related Activities, Profes- Recreation, Cultural and Sports mained on the whole 4.6 per cent. 44


ENGINEERING POST July 2021 E-mobility courtesy lithium-ion batteries By Mr. Umair Nabeel, Renewable Energy and Environmental Entrepreneur Cover Story: transport, let's briefly RWTH Aachen look at a global player, University, if I BYD. The largest fleet may humbly refer to of e-buses globally with as the data center of a little over 1200 in Europe for lithium-ion South America alone. battery storage, the Recent project orders technology as a core successfully completed element is now offi- in the UK, Spain, Italy. cially making approx- Designs its own imately 700 of its lithium-ion battery research papers, pre- storage systems, sentations and re- stacked/modular type ports it has compiled which is an absolute over the years which luxury to have. Point has enabled a lot of being, if willing and what we see today, possible. From having the right intent, South e-mobility to energy storage sys- Asia/Subcontinent, ASEAN & tems, these papers cover battery di- APAC countries and their decision agnostics, modelling, materials, makers can without much hin- ageing going right down to cell lev- drance, make the switch to e-public els. Appreciate this move by the In- transport much quicker compared stitute for Power Electronics and to those perhaps in Europe, North Electrical Drives, courtesy its re- America. A trusted name in the in- search group, Electrochemical En- dustry, global leader is right at our ergy Conversion and Storage doorstep. Systems at RWTH. Citing a recent product & serv- Global News Desk: 17%, a figure ices related blog by Accure Battery I quoted in last month's article, on Intelligence, a company leading the account of the contribution the way in lithium-ion battery analyt- transport sector makes to global ics, remote diagnostics and moni- GHG emissions. Roughly 12% of toring further consolidates on the this comes from land transport. So projections for the German residen- having mentioned a few companies tial battery storage market. Come from the US last time around work- the end of 2021, another 150,000 ing on electrification of public units are expected to be installed 46

ENGINEERING POST July 2021 across the residential sector. wards mobile/emergency EV charg- EUPD in its latest survey report ing solutions. The company is work- on global lithium-ion battery stor- ing with specialized engineers to fit age systems showed a 21% reduc- a fleet of 200 of its vans with mobile tion in prices EV charging sys- over a period of tems to cater for three years. The emergency cases survey report and flat EVs need- was focusing on ing roadside assis- various correla- tance. Year end tions this price 2021 is the set proj- reduction over ect timeline. An- the mentioned other interesting time period had bit of news from with the German the \"Daily Climate market overall when it comes to in- Show\" by Sky News. stallers, project integrators and As always I conclude by stressing how it translated into the overall the continued effort to strictly ad- market paradigm. here to covid-19 SOPs so that we RAC, has its test beds (RnD) run- keep ourselves safe and those ning on full throttle as it works to- around us. Progress at Gawadar Port Free Zone Engineering Post Report ready completed their construction work and one has also started their The construction of Free Zone operations. Phase-1 has been completed China Communication Construc- with all infrastructures, includ- tion Company (Business Centre) ing power, water, road, telecommuni- Linyi Trade City (Exhibition Cen- cation, waste treatment and drainage tre) systems are in operation now. Yulin Company (Steel Tube In- More than 30 enterprises in the dustry) areas of financial services, hotels, HK Sun (Copper and Metal Recy- warehouses, fishery products pro- cling Factory) cessing, edible oil processing, pipe Work on the main Free Zone on industry, furniture manufacturing , 2281 acres of land will start soon for electric vehicles assembly, trade and which China Overseas Ports Holding logistics have already been regis- Company Limited (COPHCL) has tered in the Free Zone. since completed the master plan and Following four companies have al- feasibility work. 47

Cherat Cement to build Rs34bn Greenfield plant at Dera Ismail Khan C herat Cement Company Limited This is a welcoming decision as the coun- field cement plant with a capacity of 7200 has approved the installation of a try is showing an ever-increasing appetite tons in Mianwali and signed an agreement Greenfield cement plant worth for cement owing to the current boom of the with a Chinese co, Sinoma International for Rs34bn in Dera Ismail Khan, KP. construction sector. The plant will have an the expansion. installed production capacity of 11,000 tons per day of clinker and is expected to be completed within the next 3 years, Accord- ing to an official statement the Board of Cherat Cement co has also approved the acquisition of certain assets, including im- movable property and mining leases in DI Khan from a company for a price of PKR1.3 bn. The country’s cement sector has shown excellent growth in recent period. In May 2021 total cement dispatches were recorded at 3.947 million tons against 2.634 million tons dispatched during the same month of last fiscal, showing a growth of 49.86 percent. Domestic cement dispatches during the month of May 2021 increased to 3.201 mil- lion tons from 2.271 million tons in May 2020, depicting a healthy increase of 40.95 percent, revealed the data released by All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Associa- tion. Last month, Bestway Cement Limited also announced that it will setup a green-