Mobile phone manufacturing increases by 88 percent The annual local mo- 2021. In this way, the produc- due to the successful imple- bile phone manufac- tion has more than doubled as mentation of DIRB system, ture increased by 88 compared to the imports the mobile manufacturing pol- percent in 2021 as recorded last year. icy and the elimination of compared to 2020 when the The data revealed from PTA counterfeit device market market stood at 13.05 million states that an uptrend in the which has created a level of rupees whereas in 2021 the manufacture of local mobile trust on the consumers for the recorded cap was 24.66 mil- phones was seen on the Mo- local products. lion rupees. bile device Manufacturing So far, 29 companies have The import market cap of (MDM) authorization regula- been issued MDM authoriza- mobile phone manufacture tory regime resulting in the tion including leading global stood at 10.26 million in 2021 making of 24.66 million brands like Samsung, Oppo, as compared to 2020. The mo- smartphones in just one year Nokia and many others. This bile handsets production including approximately 10 has brought huge amount of reached to 24.66 million in the million 4G smartphones in investment in the country and calendar year after a 2.5 mil- the market. has opened up more than lion increase in December This gain has been achieved 10,000 job opportunities.
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 Progress and Plans for Naya Pakistan Housing Programme Engineering Post Report housing units at Jalozai Housing Scheme, Nowshera; low cost hous- Naya Pakistan Housing Pro- ing project in Sargodha district of gramme is a targeted re- Punjab under the Punjab Govern- sponse by the incumbent ment Peri Urban Scheme; LDA federal government to address City Naya Pakistan Apartments the deficit of affordable housing in Lahore and 4000 apartment for the citizens across the country. project at Farash Town, Islam- Under the Naya Pakistan abad . Housing Programme , a well- The key features of mortgage crafted housing policy has since and construction finance include: been adopted to not only provide regulatory incentives to banks to affordable housing facility to the promote low cost and affordable homeless and low-income popula- housing finance through State tion, but also to accelerate domes- Bank of Pakistan cash reserve re- tic economic activity, attract quirements, lower tax rate and foreign direct investment, im- lower provisioning requirements; prove financial sector and provide mark up subsidy for affordable job opportunities to the youth. housing mortgage are offered It has been estimated that af- upto 20 years at 3 per cent, 5 per fordable housing deficit is around cent and 7 per cent depending five million units in five years in upon the size and value of the urban and rural areas of Pak- house; target for housing finance istan. The housing policy would at least 5 per cent of private sector be phasing out the target of con- credit by December 2021 amount- structing one million housing ing to Rs 378 billion, and; Risk in- units per year with (i) 0.4 million surance by PMRC (40 per cent units/year in the rural areas;(ii) first loss)—Lower risk –Weights 0.2 million units /year in Peri- for Low Cost Housing Finance. Urban areas under Social Hous- Furthermore, the Federal Gov- ing Schemes, and (iii) 0.4 million ernment Employees Housing Au- units/year in the Urban Areas. thority has also launched two new During financial year 2020-21, projects in Islamabad/Rawalpindi Naya Pakistan Housing and De- for provision of apartments to the velopment Authority (NAPHDA) Federal Government Employees had made landmark achieve- under PM’s Naya Pakistan Hous- ments including 1320 low-cost ing Programme. 02
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 TERASAKI – Committed to Provide Safety and Protection For almost a century, The TemPower2 ACB’s robust unique double break contact tech- maceutical industries in Pakistan. TERASAKI has been con- safety features make it a perfect nology, the Tempower2 ACBs en- JUBILEE CORPORATION tributing to the switchgear choice for critical applications sure extremely fast interruption of with its partnership with Terasaki industry by innovating power dis- where longer downtimes cannot be short circuit currents, hence pro- was the first company to introduce tribution and control technologies, afforded (e.g. in hospitals, data vide superior short circuit clear- the concepts of Moulded Case Cir- keeping SAFETY and PROTEC- centers, banks), and in harsh envi- ance time. cuit Breakers in 1976, Electronic TION as the prime purpose of its ronments where temperature rise For 45 years, Jubilee Corpora- Air Circuit Breakers in 1978 and products. is a big issue (e.g. in oil & gas, ma- tion (JC) has been the Authorized Digital Air Circuit Breakers in Terasaki’s Tempower2 Air Cir- rine, & mining industry). Distributor of Terasaki Circuit 2008 in the country. cuit Breakers are designed keep- When a fault or abnormal condi- Breakers to various Shopping With its dedicated technical ing the five most essential tion occurs, the damage to the Malls, Skyscrapers, Housing/Resi- sales and support teams, and ex- parameters of any electrical pro- equipment and overall system dential Projects, Commercial ceptional stock availability, Jubilee tection system i.e. speed, reliabil- largely depends on the duration for Building projects, and various Tex- Corporation offers unparalleled ity, safety, security and sensitivity. which the fault persists. Due to its tiles, Chemical, Pumps and Phar- services to its customers. 03
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 Contractor demands one time escalation for ongoing projects The Constructors Associa- men from Rs 64,700 per tonnes to tion of Pakistan (CAP) has Rs 119,130 per tons, aluminum called upon the government doors/windows from Rs 475 per to award public sector contrac- square feet to Rs 825 per square tors a one-time escalation for on- feet and other materials also in- going projects. This will help to creased with the same ratio. reconsider the escalation formula The abnormal increase in fuel for saving the additional burden and energy prices, abnormal rise in the prices of construction ma- in exchange rate and increase in terial in past half year. Prices of sea freights are the factors con- steel, cement, bricks and other tributing to increased cost of con- construction material has regis- struction. Constructors tered an average increase of Association of Pakistan (CAP), around 70 percent in comparison Chairman Engr Kamal Nasir with the last year. As the escala- Khan has claimed that the stop- tion in the prices of construction page of ongoing construction proj- material impacts both the devel- ects and boycott of new tender opers and contractors of govern- has to follow the agreed prices. bidding. would cause a direct impact of Rs ment projects. Some 80 percent of the construc- As the steel prices have 100-120 billion to the govern- However, the developers can tors in public sector development reached Rs 188,000 per tons from ment. However, the industry has add the increased prices to their projects are small constructors 104,000 per tons in March 2020, allied with construction and this end cost for private buying but and they are unable to continue cement prices touched Rs 710 per will result a further dent on the contractors in the public sector the work or participate in new bag from Rs 480 per bag, Bitu- national exchequer. Scope of Karachi Bulk Water Supply Scheme K-IV reduced to 260 MGD During a recent meeting of Central Develop- Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Moham- MGD of water at was reduced to 260MGD at an ment Working Party (CDWP) the project mad Jehanzeb Khan in the chair, the importance estimated cost of Rs 126 billion. The project with “Greater Karachi Bulk Water Supply of the project was discussed at great lengths. The its reduced scope has been recommended to Scheme K-IV 650 MGD (1st Revised)” came under deputy chairman Planning Commission empha- ECNEC for further approval. During the meeting consideration sized that there is a severe water shortage in of the CDWP the position paper presented by the The project was presented by the Ministry of Karachi and therefore, the project needs to be car- Ministry of Information Technology namely, Water Resources at a cost of Rs 191.1945 billion. ried out on a fast track basis. “Cyber Security for Digital Pakistan Phase-1 ICT” During the meeting of CDWP which met with The project which was originally targeting 650 worth Rs 1,922.864 million was also approved. 04
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 Plans to take Karachi Chapter to New Heights Engr. Zeeshan Ahmed Siddiqui Chairman Pakistan HVACR Society, Karachi Chapter Pakistan HVACR society has have access to the best and latest and become skilled in the area CO2 in the atmosphere,” he said. been serving the nation for equipment and facilities. Cur- “This is a service by the society to To create awareness and to train more than two decades now. rently we are planning to build the nation and we have plans to the professionals already working Since its inception in 1994 the two more labs in Karachi,” he build more as well” revealed in the sector Pakistan HVACR so- Pakistan HVACR society has added. Engr. Zeeshan during the conver- ciety organises skill development been the most reliable and up to Pakistan HVACR society has sation. He appreciated the efforts workshops for professionals in col- date source of information for undertaken a remarkable feat of founder members of the PH- laboration with Ministry of Cli- everything related to HVACR in which is the development of skill VACR Society as well as Ex-Pres- mate Change. “We teach them our country. In addition to the development centres in ident Khurram Malick and how to exhaust the gases, and dissemination of knowledge the different parts of Chairman Fahad Afridi to give other steps essential to reduce the society also works diligently for Pakistan. These the new shape to the society. The environmental effect related to skill development of students es- centres are ex- new president Mr. Ahmad Nawaz the HVACR industry,” he added. pecially in the underdeveloped tremely benefi- is supporting and guiding the Engr. Zeeshan Ahmad Siddiqui areas of the county. cial for the chapters and continuing the the new Chapter Chairman for Engineering Post had a candid s t u d e n t s strategies as well as adding new Karachi shared his resolve to in- conversation with Engr. Zeeshan where they ideas to lift the image of PHVACR crease modernization and ensure Ahmed Siddiqui, the newly can learn Society. that the latest trends are followed elected Chapter Chairman for about the During the conversation Engr. by the consumers. “We will make Karachi region, to get to know his HVACR tech- Zeeshan Ahmed Siddiqui empha- sure that the latest trends in vision and how he plans to pro- n o l o g y sised on creating awareness about HVACR are followed and create ceed further. Engr. Zeeshan is a HVACR and its importance in our awareness about energy efficient thorough professional and has lives “We have to under- technologies, so that their accept- been working with leading Air- stand that HVACR is ance in increased in the country,” conditioning Brand and industry not just related to cool- he said. since long time. With his experi- ing your room or Besides, he appreciated all the ence and expertise he can steer keeping your food members of society for kind sup- the Karachi chapter to new fresh, it is directly re- port and media who are doing ef- heights. While speaking about lated to the envi- fort along with PHVACR Society his plans for the future he said ronment as well as especially the Engineering Post. “My prime focus will be the facil- energy. If any Engineering Post is a part of soci- itation of students for now. We HVACR unit ety since long time and providing are trying to increase student co- starts using ex- the best support to give aware- ordination and provide training cessive electric- ness and capturing the events for & skills to the HVACR profes- ity it will the welfare of all the stake hold- sionals. Moreover the society has directly affect ers. Engineering Post also successfully developed labs to in the environ- thanked the nice comments by educational institutes all across ment because Engr. Zeeshan and assured to the country to ensure that even production of continue support for betterment the underprivileged students electricity releases of Pakistan. 05
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 Kharian-Rawalpindi Motorway project recommended to ECNEC The Central Development Work- at P-Block Secretariat. Secretary “Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Spending Ef- approved by the forum at its original ing Party (CDWP) has ap- Planning Abdul Aziz Uqaili, senior of- fectivity for Enhanced Development approved cost. A project related to proved three development ficials from the Planning Commission (SPEED) (IDA Assisted)” at cost of tourism was presented in the meeting projects at a cost of Rs13 billion. and federal ministries/divisions also Rs2572.500 million approved by the namely, “Punjab Tourism for Eco- Moreover, the recommendation of one participated in the meeting. Projects CDWP. A project related to Higher nomic Growth Project (PTEGP)” at project valuing Rs108.5 billion has related to governance, Higher Educa- Education Commission presented in cost of Rs8525 million approved by been forwarded to the Executive tion Commission, mass media/CSTY, the meeting namely, “Upgradation of the CDWP. Project related to Trans- Committee of the National Economic Physical Planning and Housing, and University College of Engineering & port and Communications presented Council (Ecnec) for further consider- Transport and Communication sec- Technology Mirpur into Mirpur Uni- in the meeting namely, “Kharian to ation. The CDWP met with Deputy tors were presented in the meeting. versity of Science & Technology, Mir- Rawalpindi Motorway” worth Chairman Planning Commission Mo- A project related to governance was pur (Prime Minister of Pakistan Rs108.5 billion was recommended to hammad Jehanzeb Khan in the chair presented in the meeting namely, Directive)” worth Rs1890.024 million the Ecnec for further approval. Hakla-D I Khan Motorway Inaugurated A293-kilometre long Hakla-D confined only to GT Road, Lahore I Khan Motorway that links and onward to Karachi, which was an important Western route also called the Eastern route of of China Pakistan Economic Cor- CPEC, but this will help to estab- ridor (CPEC) has been inaugu- lish the new western route way. rated by Prime Minister Imran Hakla-D I Khan Motorway would Khan. The Hakla-D I Khan Motor- connect those areas which were way has 11 interchanges, 36 less developed. bridges, 33 flyovers and 119 un- The lack of facilities forced the derpasses. It will help in trans- inhabitants of D I Khan and Mian- forming D I Khan as one of the wali to move to the developed main business hubs in Khyber cities which also resulted in the Pakhtunkhwa province, linking brain drain and flight of talent. South Punjab and Balochistan. It This will not only develop the will also enable supply of agricul- backward area but also lift the tural produce to different parts of surroundings economically provid- the country. While previously, the ing the new job market for daily development of the country was wagers. 06
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 BloombergNEF Summit Trina Solar’s 100% bankability and Vertex modules fully proved by international authorities Bloomberg New Energy Finance Solar's photovoltaic modules shipped worldwide (BloombergNEF) organized the 2021 can produce 103.95 billion kilowatt hours of clean BloombergNEF Shanghai Summit. Trina energy over their lifetime, reducing carbon diox- Solar Chairman Gao Jifan discussed innovations ide emissions by a total of 103.64 million tons, in energy technologies and the development path equivalent to planting 5.7 billion trees. With its for the PV industry with international organiza- outstanding brand value and product reliability, tions and PV manufacturers. Trina Solar has scored 100% in BloombergNEF At the summit, BloombergNEF, world's leading bankability survey for six consecutive years so far. independent PV testing lab PVEL, assessment BloombergNEF, one of the most credible third- organization DNV and Nextracker took a deep party research institutions in the global new en- dive into examining the reason for Trina Solar's ergy market, conducts a survey among banks, 100% bankability: the superior performance of funds, EPCs and power plants worldwide every the innovative high-power PV modules has been year on the bankability of modules brands, and fully recognized. produced a report that seen as an invaluable ref- Gao Jifan, Chairman of Trina Solar erence for business credit at many financial insti- Gao noted that PV power generation, energy tutions. In 2021, Trina Solar, one of the only three storage, extra-high voltage, and digitization module brands, was once again awarded as 100 across the energy industry are the four keys to bankability by all survey respondents, indicating achieving carbon neutrality, and that innovation that Trina Solar's modules are more likely to help in photovoltaic technologies is an important path- developers obtain bank financing, and that the way. Since 2020, Trina Solar has taken the lead global financial market and solar industry are in developing the innovative 210 series ultra-high that combine high reliability, high power genera- confident in the reliability and system value of power modules, a new generation of PV products tion and high value. As of June 30, 2021, Trina Trina Solar's high-power modules. Trina Solar’s Zhang Yingbin in Clean Energy Expo China 2021 Zhang Yingbin, head of product treme low-temperature mechanical reliability. Nextracker has a variety of LCOE high-power modules. Previous strategy and marketing at Trina Load test, hail test, extreme DML test tracker products that are fully com- calculations conducted by Fraunhofer Solar, gave a detailed presenta- and extreme wind tunnel test, achiev- patible with Vertex 210 series mod- ISE, largest solar research institute in tion on the reliability and power gen- ing an across-the-board verification of ules. Besides, the modules have Europe, and Enertis, a global inde- eration performance of the 210 series the excellent mechanical load reliabil- become an industry pioneer regarding pendent solar services in Latin Amer- modules. Trina Solar has, in associa- ity of the 600W+ Vertex modules. module size standardization, which ican and globally, all show that the tion with third-party organizations, Nextracker has finished a series of can benefit the downstream industry 600W+ series modules outperform the conducted serial rigorous tests, includ- tests with Trina Solar, which demon- chain. In addition, DNV shared the new generation of ultra-high power ing non-uniform snow-load test, ex- strates the full compatibility and high advantages of Trina Solar's BOS and modules in terms of system value. 07
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 Middle East Energy 2022 being held as a live, in-person event in March in Dubai Middle East Energy Dubai, the Informa, organisers of the event, Geissler, Chief Executive Officer, Rounding out the conferences at most reputable and compre- have confirmed over 800 global ex- Berlin Energy Agency; Graham Hal- this years’ edition of Middle East En- hensive energy event in the hibitors will participate in the 47th lett, Development Director, Marjan ergy is the InterSolar Middle East MENA region, has confirmed regis- edition of the energy showcase, with Island. Conference. This year's focus will be tration is now open for the live and in- marquee brands including Lucy Elec- As part of the Forum, the focus of on photovoltaics, PV production tech- person event, which returns to the tric, Cummins, Emirates Transform- discussion will be on developing a nologies and solar thermal technolo- Dubai World Trade Centre from 7 – 9 ers, Ducab, Riyadh Cables Group and roadmap to decarbonisation, an in- gies. Since its foundation, Intersolar March, under the theme of guiding Bahra Cables Company set to show- sight into the energy systems of the has become the most important in- you through the energy transition. case a range of solutions and tech- future, the green hydrogen opportuni- dustry platform for manufacturers, Held under the patronage of HH nologies to accelerate the path to the ties in the MENA region, funding of suppliers, distributors, service Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed bin energy transition. the energy transition, the rise of sus- providers and partners of the global Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of The in-person element of the event tainable finance, powering the African solar industry. Dubai, and hosted by the UAE Min- is supported by the Global Energy & continent with renewable energy, As part of Informa's commitment istry of Energy & Infrastructure, the Utilities Forum, which will provide a grids of the future, energy efficiency to providing the highest hygiene and event is expected to attract over platform for industry experts to dis- focus and decarbonising industries. safety levels, the event will again 18,000 energy professionals for the cuss thought leadership, collabora- \"We are pleased to be able to bring take place under the protocols intro- three-day conference and will feature tion, and solutions for meeting the together these high calibre speakers duced via the company’s Informa five key product sections. These in- energy shift within the sector for the 2022 edition of the Global En- AllSecure health and safety mandate. clude Smart Solutions, Renewable through a series of high-level strate- ergy & Utilities Forum. Their wealth The enhanced measures include 35 and Clean Energy, Critical and gic panels, technical sessions, round- of knowledge and industry insights guidelines covering all aspects of Backup Power, Transmission and table discussions and workshops. will provide an invaluable opportu- cleaning and hygiene, social distanc- Distribution, and Energy Consump- Confirmed panellists include Eng. nity to hear first-hand from experts ing measures, and the use of PPE, tion and Management to be dis- Jamila Matar, Director – Energy De- on themes such as decarbonisation, screening, and a track and trace in cussed. partment, League of Arab States; finance, investment, digitalisation, conjunction with local authorities. Azzan Mohammed, Exhibition Di- Stephan Gobert, Senior Vice Presi- and new technology,” said Mo- “After the difficulties of the last rector, Middle East Energy, said: dent – Hydrogen AMEA, ENGIE; hammed. two years, we’re delighted to be once \"This year, our focus is on providing Michael Mair, VP Growth and Devel- In addition to Global Energy & again providing an event that an- the industry with the solutions to opment, Europe, Middle East & Utilities Forum, a series of Technical swers the questions being asked navigate the energy transition. Fol- Africa, Wood; Lina Osman, Head – Sessions will provide valuable knowl- within the industry and offers direc- lowing the discussions at COP26, we Sustainable Finance, Africa & edge on critical topics dominating the tion to meet the challenges of the en- want to provide a platform for energy MENAP, Standard Chartered; Sabrin headlines within the energy commu- ergy transition,” concluded leaders and professionals to meet and Rehman, Managing Director – Head nity. World-class technical experts Mohammed. shape the future of the energy land- of Sustainability, Middle East & will lead sessions, sharing industry Sponsors include Perkins, Bau- scape by providing opportunities to Africa, HSBC; Maximilian Jarrett, best practices across four core pillars douin, Newage Stamford AVK, and reconnect, discover the latest prod- Africa Program Manager, Interna- of the energy sector, including Digi- Rieloo UPS at the years' event. ucts and showcase innovative solu- tional Energy Agency; Sowunmi talisation & Smart Grids, Renew- To register for the event, please tions to deliver cleaner energy and Olabole II, Office of the Senate, Na- ables, Green Hydrogen, and Energy click on the following link, supply sustainable power.” tional Assembly – Nigeria; Michael Storage. 08
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 NHA launching six projects on BOT/ PPP mode across Pakistan Engineering Post Report ment for financial year 2021-22. (286 km) Rs 130500 million; Hy- Mianwali-Muzaffargarh. New development projects so derabad-Sukkur Motorway (M- Hyderabad-Sukkur Motorway National Highway Author- being launched include Con- 6) Rs 191000 million,and; project was approved on May 26, ity (NHA) is in the struction of Additional Car- Sialkot (Sambrial) –Kharian 2021 and Sialkot (Sambrial)- process of launching six riageway and Rehabilitation og Motorway (69 km) Rs 43392.550 Kharian Motorway project on new projects on Built -Operate- Existing Carriageway from million. April 11,2021 by the Executive Transfer (BOT) and Public-Pri- Balkasar (M-2) to Mianwali According to the official Committee of the National vate Partnership (PPP) mode (118 km) Rs 55900 million; Con- sources, four out of six projects Eco0nomic Council (ECNEC), across Pakistan at a total esti- struction of Kharian- are to be constructed on Built- the sources added. mate cost of Rs 611292.550 mil- Rawalpindi Motorway (118 km) Operate -Transfer (BOT) mode. Apart from these six BOT/PPP lion involving no foreign aid. Rs 71000 million; Dualization These are Hyderabad-Sukkur mode projects, NHA was also For these projects an alloca- and Rehabilitation of Karachi- Motorway, Sialkot (Sambrial- launching 15 new development tion of Rs 41666.667 million has Quetta-Chaman Road (N-25) Kharian Motorway, Dualization projects all over the country dur- been made under the Public Sec- (460 km) Rs 149500 million; Du- and Rehabilitation of Karachi- ing current financial year, de- tor Development Programme alization and Rehabilitation of Quetta-Chaman Road and Dual- tails of which will be given next (PSDP) of the Federal Govern- Mianwali-Muzaffargarh (N-135) ization and Rehabilitation of month, please. 10
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 AG Tek (Pvt.) Ltd The fastest growing company in HVAC industry AG Tek (Pvt.) Ltd is an HVAC solution Both these products are perfectly suited for Crest Mall, High street mall and many others. provider for the industrial and commer- the environment of Pakistan due to their relia- During the conversation Mr Afzaal Malik cial and semi commercial sectors. The bility and consistent performance. Mr Afzaal said that the effectiveness of Coolex and Chigo company started its operations in 2016 and has Malik from AG Tek while talking exclusively to (Guangdong Carrier Heating Ventilation & Air since been very successful owing to the high Engineering Post said “From the very first day Conditioning Company) under extreme condi- quality products they provide. Although a rel- our main objective was fulfillment of tions of more than 50 degree centigrade makes atively new entrant in the market AG Tek commitments to our clients. From these brands perfect for hot regions like Pak- (Pvt.) Ltd has solidified its reputation by pro- product specifications to delivery istan “At extremely hot temperatures where viding efficient and reliable products to the time we have always focused on other brands stop working, our products pro- local consumers. complete satisfaction of our vide their maximum output. We have not re- AG Tek (Pvt.) Ltd is the of- clients which has significantly ceived a single complaint for any of our ficial distributor of Coolex helped build our trust with our products till now which is why we are receiving and Chigo (Guangdong Car- clientele,” he explained. repeat orders especially from our industrial rier Heating Ventilation & Owing to the quality of consumers” he added Air Conditioning Company) products By consistently delivering quality products in Pakistan. Coolex was de- and and fulfilling their commitments AG veloped in 1986 following Tek (Pvt.) Ltd has soared to RIC’s technical collaboration heights of success in a with international industry very short span of time. leaders York. A true pioneer- The incredible track ing accomplishment, Coolex record of the company was brought to the Kuwait shows that it is des- market as the only air condi- tined for a lot more suc- tioning manufacturing company cess in the future. in Kuwait. It has been devel- While discussing their oped to provide its best out- plans for 2022 Mr. put at an ambient Afzaal Malik said “We temperature of 54 de- have set ambitious tar- gree centigrade which is optimal for regions work, AG Tek (Pvt.) Ltd has attracted a large gets for the year 2022 and we are expecting like Pakistan. Chigo (GCHV) on the other hand number of clients in Pakistan. Since its incep- this year to be one of the best years for the com- is the well-known (Guangdong Carrier Heating tion the company has successfully installed pany. Till now we have not missed a single tar- Ventilation & Air Conditioning Company) com- more than 20 thousand tons of HVAC systems get set for the company even during the pany established in 1994. It is a modern pro- in Pakistan working with leading names and economic constraints caused by COVID-19. For fessional AC manufacturer with a business line industries of the country. Some notable names 2022 we have marked our goals according to of designing, R&D, manufacturing as well as include Parco refinery, Unilever Paksitan, the present capacity of the company so that we distributing both residential and commercial Muller and Phipps, Genome Pharma, GNN can maintain the quality standards our com- AC domestically and internationally. studios, Khattak Mall, Al Ghani Mall, Gold pany is known for,” he said. 12
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 27th international HVACR expo and conference rescheduled to June 2022 The much awaited 27th in- of everyone to postpone the event postponed to 9,10,11 June 2022. facts, and ongoing situation as de- ternational HVACR Expo to a later when everyone can The statement released by scribed by Government Authori- and conference has been safely attend the event. President Pakistan HVACR soci- ties, along with the requests postponed due to the increasing Pakistan HVACR society has is- ety Mr. Ahmad Naeem Chughtai received by our valued exhibitors prevalence of Omicron variant of sued a notification in this regard stated “We remained in contact for the current situation, Finally COVID-19. The HVACR expo was officially declaring that keeping with Lahore Expo Center man- the decision has been made by the being organised after a gap of two in view the safety and security of agement, local administration for Organizing Committee of 27 Pak- years but due to the spread of this everyone and their families the our expo event, but as per istan HVACR International Expo new variant of COVID-19 the international HVACR expo which NCOC's decision regarding gath- & Conference 2022, is to resched- Pakistan HVACR society has de- was scheduled to be held on ering in close environment is Not ule it on 9-10-11 June, 2022.” cided that it is in the best interest 10,11,12 February 2022 has been Allowed in order to prevent the The society has urged the ex- spreading of Omicron disease, as hibitors to stay safe during this your presence and your health is time and save the date for 9,10,11 our top Priority and is our prime June for the grand expo planned focus. Keeping in view the above ahead. KWSB Service Improvement Project cost $1.6bn Project Director, Karachi The meeting being held at Korangi Water and Sewerage Board, Association of Trade and Industry Engineer Salahuddin (KATI), Engineer Salahuddin gave Ahmed, briefed about the Water briefing about the project. Since, Board’s service improvement proj- uninterrupted water supply to all ect at a meeting held at KATI”S of- citizens is the immediate need of fice Karachi. The project has been hour at Karachi, so this project estimated at $1.6 billion, out of will ensure the service s to the tar- which 40 percent cost will be borne geted areas. by the World Bank, 40 percent by The first phase would be com- the Asian Infrastructure Invest- pleted in more than four years for ment Bank and remaining 20 per- $100 million. KATI President cent will be paid by Sindh Salman Aslam said that the water government.The project is esti- and sewerage system in Korangi mated to be completed in 12 years. industrial area was badly affected. 14
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 Elmec International Authorized Distributors of Fujitsu General Japan Elmec International is one official distributors and after Japanese brand, has been one of their VRF systems” explained Mr of Pakistan’s renowned sales service providers. “Fujitsu the most important factors in the Zeeshan. firms in turnkey solution General is optimal for sub-tropi- success of the company. The VRF During the conversation Mr. provider for Heating, Ventilation, cal regions like Pakistan offering systems currently available in Irfan Farooq disclosed that Air-Conditioning (HVAC) and Tropical series which can at an the market are marred with tech- Elmec International is once Electrical MCC Panels works. ambient tem- nical prob- again planning to start local as- The company has been delivering perature of lems which sembly and local manufacturing quality products and profes- 52 degree start arising of HVAC products like they used sional services for more than 2 centigrade. within a to in 2002 “After 2002 the gov- decades and boasts a significant In the last couple of ernment had completely ignored number of satisfied customers in six years we years of in- import policies and a large num- the country. have worked stallation. ber of Chinese products were ELMEC International’s profes- on multiple But high made available in the market sional experts are equipped with projects in- end prod- which immensely discouraged latest equipment, tools, tech- stalling the ucts like Fu- local manufacturers because niques, machineries and technol- products of j i t s u Chinese products were cheaper ogy to achieve international Fujitsu Gen- G e n e r a l and our manufacturing costs quality and workmanship stan- eral. Some have proved were much higher. Now for our dards. notable proj- their mettle vision 2022 Elmec International Elmec international started its ects are DHA by operating is planning to start manufactur- journey in 2002 by Mr. Irfan Fa- Head office s m o o t h l y ing Fan coil units, Air handling rooq and Mr. Zeeshan Farooq. phase 6 La- without any units and other allied products in During an exclusive interview hore, Bahria s i g n i f i c a n t Pakistan again,” said Mr Zee- with Engineering Post Mr. Zee- E n c l a v e problems for shan Farooq. He urged the local shan Farooq said “Our first Head office the past 6 players to work with a national- breakthrough as a company was I s l a m a b a d , years “The ist approach and focus more on National Hospital & Medical Bahria Heritage club Karachi, consumer has realised that the local manufacturing and de- Centre Lahore. The high quality NDU Islamabad, OPD Hospital disposable-type VRFs available crease reliance on imported prod- of work delivered at the facility Kamra. DHA Quetta Grand En- in the market might offer initial ucts. helped us gain the trust of our trance Complex and Fighter Jet cost saving but in the long run This is an extremely positive clients in the future,” he said hangar for Pakistan Air force,”re- they have so many technical initiative as local manufacturing From 2009-2016 Elmec inter- vealed Mr Zeeshan and Mr.Irfan. problems that sometimes they not only strengthens the local national worked with AUX for The Installations have been even have to be completely re- economy but also provides em- VRF solutions. In 2016 Elmec In- working smoothly without any placed. So it is better to invest in ployment opportunities to the ternational convinced Fujitsu major complaint for the past 6 a reliable product for once. In my local labour as well as skilled General Japanese brand to re- years. opinion in the future only those workforce while producing high turn to Pakistan with Elmec in- The durability and efficiency of companies will be successful quality products at competitive ternational working as their Fujitsu General, which is a which offer 15-20 years life for prices. 16
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 Policy for development of Alternate and Renewable Energy being extended to GB and AJK Engineering Post Report ment, the ARE policy is being ex- the Integrated Generation Ca- model to multi-player model. In tended to Gilgit-Baltistan pacity Expansion Plan and least this regard, the regulator i.e. The Federal Government has (GB)and Azad Jammu and Kash- cost principle for generation pri- NEPRA is to be made capable of already approved the Policy mir (AJK) in due course of time oritization. managing a competitive , multi- for the development of Al- and it will be implemented on All inefficient and loss making player market. ternate and Renewable Energy fast rack basis across the country power plants of state-owned Power dispatch will be done by (ARE2019) which states the guid- in order to increase the share of GENCOs of low efficiency need to the National Power Control Cen- ing principles and incentives for renewable as per the targets en- be closed down in phases and tre in consultation with Central increasing the share of ARE in visaged in the policy. only efficient power plants should Power Purchasing Agency (Guar- power generation . All the future development be run on merit. antee) in a transparent manner As per the important decision projects in the Power Sector ac- Competitive markets are to be under the active watch and direc- of the incumbent federal govern- cordingly are to be governed by established from single buyer- tives of the regulator i.e. NEPRA. 18
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 NESPAK signs long term agreement with UNDP NESPAK has signed a Long- habilitation of hospitals, ters and marine/coastal tered into an agreement with United Term Agreement (LTA) with schools & roads, retro- United Nations Development fitting of buildings, sew- infrastructure. Nations World Food Programme NESPAK scope of (WFP) for providing engineering Programme (UNDP) for providing erage & drainage, services includes data consultancy services for Strategic engineering and design services on a vehicular access roads collection, surveys and Grain Reserve-Food Department, Call-Off Contract basis in countries and bridges, buildings, investigations, detailed Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. NESPAK including Pakistan, Afghanistan, rehabilitation of Govern- design, tender docu- scope of work includes project plan- Iran, India, Nepal, Bhutan, mental buildings, small mentation and con- ning, topographic survey, geotechni- Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Mal- scale hydropower plants, struction supervision of cal investigations, detailed design, dives. It was stated by Dr. Tahir Ma- small scale solar power above-mentioned proj- tender documentation and construc- sood, Managing Director NESPAK. plants, wells, water har- ects to be financed by a tion supervision of prefabricated The types of Projects required to vesting, irrigation and catchment variety of UNDP partners. warehouses to be constructed at be undertaken under LTA include re- control, health clinics, medical cen- Meanwhile, NESPAK has also en- Sakhakot, Malakand. Regional Connectivity under CPEC Engineering Post national Airport in project inaugurated of the National Eco- Main Line-1 from tion on August Report October 2020; Orange on October 25,2020; nomic Council Karachi to Peshawar 5,2020; Construction Line Metro Train Executive Committee (ECNEC) approved rail track up grada- of Motorway from Under the um- Burhan-Hakla on M- brella of great 1 to Dera Ismail game changer Khan substantially China-Pakistan Eco- completed; Ground nomic Corridor breaking of Awaran (CPEC), Gwadar Port —Hoshab section of in the Southwest of M-8 performed by the Pakistan would con- Prime Minister on nect to China’s North- November 13,2020; Western region of Chitral-Shinder Road Xinjiang via network project ground break- of highways and rail- ing performed by the ways, covering the Prime Minister on entire country from April 21,2021 are v North to South among some other through three differ- projects of other sec- ent alignments: East- tors. ern, Western and In the industrial Central. cooperation, out of Road infrastruc- the nine special eco- ture on the Eastern nomic zones, four eco- Alignment has been nomic zones namely completed with the Rashakai SEZ, Al- exception of Sukkur- lama Iqbal Industrial Hyderabad section Zone, Dhabeji SEZ and it is due to start and Bostan SEZ have in 2021-22. been placed on the On the Western priority list. alignment, Hakla- Work on the utili- Dera Ismail Khan ties provision such as Road CoD is expected gas and electricity to be completed dur- have already been ing current financial started and sufficient year 2021-22. Re- supply will be en- maining projects on sured to effectively the alignment have run the economic either been com- zones. pleted or under im- Power require- plementation. ments for Rashakai, The Central align- Allama Iqbal , ment is expected to Dhabeji and Bostan start in the third SEZs are respectively phase of China-Pak- 210 MW, 375 istan Economic Corri- MW,2509 MW and 50 dor. MW whereas gas re- According to infor- quirements are mation gathered from 30,40,30 and 10 different sources con- MMCFD respectively. cerned about progress Tourism promotion made under China- as part of the Long Pakistan Economic Term Plan is another Corridor during 2020- area of cooperation 21, development plan under China-Pakistan for Oil and Gas sector Economic Corridor of Pakistan has since framework. Coastal been formulated and tourism, eco-tourism printed for necessary in Gilgit-Baltistan action by quarters and integrated concerned; Havelian- tourism zones in Khy- Thakot Road Project ber Pukhtoonkhwa (KKH Phase II) has are among the areas been completed and in the tourism sector inaugurated on July to be opened up for de- 28,2020; Construc- liberations during the tion work started on ongoing financial New Gwadar Inter- year. 20
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 PVEL recognizes the superior performance of Trina Solar’s high-power modules PV Evolution Labs PVEL's PV module busi- cial module after MSS (PVEL), the world's ness, said that the 210 and TC test, responded to leading PV module ultra-high power modules the most concerned ques- reliability and perform- tion of large format mod- ance testing laboratory, ule. has the Product Qualifica- PVEL publishes the tion Program (PQP) dedi- score card report on PV cated on PV module module reliability annu- extended reliability as- demonstrated excellent ally, which is also a key sessment. reliability in PVEL's PQP, reference adopted by At the summit, Tristan resulting in zero micro- BloombergNEF's annual Erion Lorico, head of cracks of dual-glass bifa- bankability report. Cnergyico acquires 57.37 percent stake in Puma Energy According to the information tail fuel network, in Pakistan. sent to Pakistan Stock Ex- Puma Energy, despite being the change, Cnergyico Pk Limited seventh largest OMC by retail out- (formerly Byco Petroleum Pakistan lets, has lower market share of Limited) has acquired of 57.37 per- around 1.5 percent in retail fuels. cent stake in Puma Energy Pakistan This is due to the liquidity con- Private Limited (Puma previously straints faced by the company over Admore). the last few years. Puma Energy has Puma Energy has more than 542 storage capacity of around 10,500 retail pumps across the country with tons (Machike and Daulatpur) of oil storage terminals in Punjab products which is relatively a (Machike) and Sindh (Daulatpur) smaller number but enough to store having a total storage capacity of oil products for 14-15 days (lower 10,500 MT for petroleum products. than 20 days as prescribed by On the other hand Cnergyico has OGRA). This acquisition will signifi- a total number of 432 outlets all cantly affect the market share of the across the country. After the acquisi- company increasing the retail fuel tion of Puma Energy, Cnergyico share to overall 5.0 percent in the would become the second largest re- country. 22
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 Pakistan’s Solar Industry badly hit by tax on Solar Items Pakistan Solar Association and has implemented so many taxes will also pave ways Karachi Dealers Association which will never let industries to towards more unem- conducted a press conference survive. Since, the solar industry ployment. Over 60 % against taxes in Mini-Budget by the was one of those categories to get of energy in Pakistan Government. Mr. Naveed Karar the major attention of public due to is being generated by (Chairman Pakistan Solar Associa- fewer taxes. The folks were paying the thermal re- tion) and Mr. Saleem Mamon (VP of more attention towards renewable sources such as oil, Karachi Dealers Association) were energy sources but now it seems natural gas etc. Due present at the spot to speak out that it will be tough to maintain to increased prices of about the issues being faced by that hike. This will not only affect oil in import mar- Solar Industry as the government the economic circle of industries but kets, a major chunk of money is being wasted on monthly bases. Moreover, the generation is not re- ciprocated with usage and this is not a good situation at all. Pakistan energy mix is already focus- ing on the fossil fuel and implementation of taxes at this sector will also delay the Go Green Vision of PM. Though government is committed to achieve this goal by 2030, but now it seems impossible ing a major burden on economy es- as this will be a huge hurdle for pecially in the domain of oil impor- Solar Sector. Thus, Pakistan solar tation, the only solution for this is to association is demanding the imme- use the natural resources. The past diate reconsideration of decision in governments exempted all the taxes order to promote the solar sector. As particularly from this sector which the import and export sectors are helped this industry to thrive better not in parallel in Pakistan but cast- in Pakistan. 24
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 Over 25bn dollars invested in Pakistan through CPEC, says Chinese ambassador During the projects, helping to gen- Jiandou. Speakers also appreci- launching cere- erate 75000 jobs, pro- A total of five ated the amount of mony of ducing 5500 kw of speeches were made in work done by the Chi- (APCEA) sustainable electricity and con- the ceremony where the nese government development report structing over 500km of all the speakers appre- through CPEC projects 2021, the Chinese am- roads and highways. ciated the step towards and the mutual benefits bassador to Pakistan Approximately 100 par- the launch of the report being received by both gave a speech and ticipants attended the and the role that the parties in this re- stated that China has ceremony including APCEA and PCI has gard. invested a total of 25 chairman of senate been playing for the In his speech, ambas- billion dollars as invest- Sadiq Sanjrani and promotion and docu- sador Rong said that ments for the CPEC chairman APCEA Yang menting of the report. china and Pakistan have been able to con- nities created by Chi- thority has been work- tinue their friendly nese enterprises in Pak- ing very hard to achieve democratic relations de- istan. He also shed a their goals and remove spite going through a light on the fact that any problems and hur- challenging road during this project will prove to dles that may deceler- the wake of the global be a key step in estab- ate the working of the pandemic. Both the lishing and connecting project. countries celebrated the whole region in Chaiman APCEA their friendship last terms of business and Yang Jiandou said that year as it marked the trade. The phase two of the Chinese enterprises 70th anniversary of the the project will only be worked to improve the democratic and busi- based on industrializa- living standards of the ness relations of Pak- tion in the country. people, and eco-friendly istan. He said that both Special assistant to development was imple- sides have been able to Prime Minister Imran mented. The work does grow together and sup- Khan on CPEC, Khalid not only stay limited to port each other through Mansoor also addressed the construction of mo- all the tough times. the participants and torways and power proj- Chairman Senate, stated that Chinese en- ects. He said that the Sadiq Sanjarani said terprises have been Chinese enterprises that this report will making a huge differ- have always focused on prove beneficial as peo- ence for the business the development and ple will learn about the and trade community in connectivity of the Chi- projects regarding the country. He also nese investors with the CPEC and the opportu- said that the CPEC au- local businesses. 26
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 Emirate’s Etisalat announced as the world’s strongest telecom network Etisalat, UAE’s telecommuni- strongest telecom brand and as the cation company has been most valuable telecom brand port- ranked the strongest telecom folio in MEA underline the success network in the world by the world’s of our strategic initiatives to build leading brand evaluation authority, a robust telecom infrastructure Brand Finance. It is the first tele- that creates added value for our com group to achieve this milestone customers wherever we serve. With in the African and the Middle East- our relentless focus on being cus- ern sector. The company has been tomer-centric, we continue to push the best in our horizons by Middle East investing in and Africa for next genera- two consecu- tion technology tive years now. that enhance The company our service of- maintained its fering and help triple AAA shape the digi- brand rating tal future. with a net The chair- worth of 12.5 man of Brand billion US dol- Finance, David lars and has Haigh said become the world’s strongest brand that Etisalat’s brand focuses on to- across all categories on its position getherness and plays its part by in the MEA. providing a first-class telecoms in- Eng. Hatem Dowidar was also frastructure across its footprint. named in the global elite list of Exceptional rollout of 5G technol- brand guardians by Brand Finance, ogy has also meant that the Eti- improving four places upwards. salat Group’s portfolio of brands is This was done keeping in view the the most valuable amongst tele- extremely affecting decisions he coms organizations in the Middle took for the improvement of the East. company since his joining in 2015. Earlier, Brand Financing also ac- Eng. Hatem Dowidar, the CEO of knowledged PTCL, the Pakistan’s the company, while expressing his telecom company, as one of the feelings for the achievement, said fastest growing and developing net- that to be recognized as the world’s work in Pakistan. 30
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 IEEE PES Karachi Chapter’s 6th Technical Seminar In the last week of December, last overview of the software functions, technical activity of the year 2021 applications and utlity in the indus- but second within two months to try following optinal questions were make up for the lost opportunities covered: during the year 2021 had been organ- What calculation method being ized by IEEE PES Chapter Karachi used in ETAP? at Sunset Club, Karachi. A multipur- What are different modules avail- pose event was arranged where more able ? than 40 participants and industry Which standards does ETAP ad- leaders were eased by Platform and here to ? got opportunity of appealing with What plaforms / institutions avail- each other as IEEE is committed to able for its training in Pakistan ? serve Engineering Professional to Later Chairman PES , Engr. Ishti- evaluate their technical knowledge Suhail”. With the Recitation of Holy advanced knowledge on products and aqul Haque highlighted importance and create edifice chunks of an en- Quran, the seminar started. chair- matters concerned with the engineer- of this software and encouraged stu- during and diverse professional net- man IEEE PES Mr. Ishtiaq ul Haq ing community. The seminar pro- dents to maximum use of these kind work. The one-day seminar on welcomed the attendes. IEEE PES is vided rich experience in ETAP of opportunites. Engr. Tahir Salim “Electrical Power Analysis using regularly conducting technical semi- designing & calculations. While Past Chairman PES also shared his ETAP” and Distinguished Speaker of nar with intending activities to dis- demonstrating the relevant power valuable thoughts and experiences to the seminar was “Mr. Naveed seminate technical, relevant, and Analysis standards with complete enlighthened the particpants. TAPI Gas Pipeline Project Turkmenistan’s delegation meets Pakistani officials To discuss and mold in a final ior officials of the Ministry of En- Pakistan Atadjan Movlamov, Chair- ment to TAPI project and stressed shape of TAPI- gas pipeline, a ergy. man of the concern Turkmenener- the need to expedite the project. The high-level delegation of Turk- The Turkmenistan delegation in- gogurlushyk N Atayev and same devotion to the multilateral menistan led by Deputy Foreign cluded Chairman of the Board and representatives of the project com- project was expressed by the Turk- Minister Vepa Hajiyev held exten- CEO TAPI Pipeline Company Lim- pany - Calik Holding. Both sides menistan side. Moreover, Pakistan sive meetings with the Pakistani ited Muhammetmyrat Amanov, discussed various aspects of the agreed to hold the meeting of the delegation led by Federal Minister Head of the Department of Interna- flagship Turkmenistan- technical working group on Turk- for Energy Hammad Azhar. Pak- tional Power Projects in the direc- Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) menistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan istan’s delegation included Secre- tion of Turkmenistan gas pipeline as well as the Turk- (TAP) power transmission line tary Power Division Syed Asif –Afghanistan-Pakistan, Ministry of menistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan within a week that will work around Haider Shah, Secretary Petroleum Energy of Turkmenistan Artykov, (TAP) power transmission line. the pre-feasibility parameters of the Division Ali Raza Bhutta and sen- Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Azhar reiterated Pakistan’s commit- project. 32
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 Resolved land dispute will accelerate the construction work at Diamer Basha Dam As a good omen for Diamet during the last two years. The Basha Dam, an old dispute Grand Jirga was fully facilitated between Thor and Herban by the civil administrations of tribes has been resolved finally. Gilgit Baltistan and Khyber This will pave positive ways for Pakhtunkhwa and WAPDA dur- settlement of geographic dispute ing their course of between between Gilgit Baltistan deliberations.In line with the de- and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This cisions made by the Grand Jirga, historic announcement was made WAPDA Chairman and Thor- by Thor-Herban Grand Jirga, Herban Grand Jirga Members in mandated for settlement of the the ceremony presented Cheques dispute, in a ceremony held today worth Rs. 400 million to the af- at Diamer Basha Dam Project fectees of 2014 clash between the site.Addressing the ceremony, two tribes claiming lives and WAPDA Chairmen thanked the properties. Since, WAPDA is con- Grand Jirga for settlement of the structing Diamer Basha Dam boundary dispute between Thor Project on River Indus, which is and Herban tribes. He also ap- scheduled to be completed in preciated the tedious efforts 2028-29. The Project will have a made by the civil administrations gross water storage capacity of 8.1 of Gilgit Baltistan and Kyber MAF to irrigate 1.23 million acres pakhtunkhwa and Land Acquisi- of additional land. With installed tion and Resettlement WAPDA in power generation capacity of facilitating the Grand Jirga to 4,500 MW, the project will provide arise to the historic resettlement. more than 18 billion units per Thor-Herban Grand Jirga was annum to the National Grid. Con- constituted way back in end 2019 struction of Diamer Basha Dam to resolve the thorny issue of will also have a positive impact on boundary dispute between the the annual energy generation of two tribes. The 26-Member the existing hydel power stations Grand Jirga – comprised of 13 including Tarbela, Ghazi Bartoha Members each from Diamer Dis- etc. that will increase by another trict of Giligit Baltistan and 2.5 billion units. In addition, the Upper Kohistan District of Khy- life of Tarbela Dam, that has been ber Pakhtunkhwa including eld- playing a pivotal role for progress ers and religious scholars – had a of the country since 1974, will also series of detailed deliberations increase by another 35 years. 34
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 36
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 Operational aspects of Heat Pumps Engr. Dr. Muhammad Nawaz Iqbal eration gadget that can likewise be uti- waterway water), pumps, Fume pres- when utilized in cool- incorporates a turn- lized as hotness modern waste hot- sure utilizes a circling ing mode) and two ing around valve and provider for area ness, geothermal en- fluid refrigerant as hotness exchangers, advanced hotness ex- warming. Conceivable ergy, vent gas, the medium which re- one related with the changers so the bear- hotness hotspots for squander heat from tains heat from one outside heat ing of hotness stream such applications are locale cooling and hot- space, packs it in this source/sink and the (nuclear power devel- way expanding its other with the inside. opment) might be temperature prior to Flowing refrigerant switched. The turning delivering it in an- enters the blower in around valve switches other space. The the thermodynamic the course of refriger- framework typically state known as a The proficiency of ant through the cycle has 8 principle parts: soaked fume and is a heat pumps is and subsequently the a blower, a repository, compacted to a higher communicated heat pumps might a turning around tension, bringing as a coefficient of per- convey either warm- valve which chooses about a higher tem- formance (, or occa- ing or cooling to a among warming and perature also. The sional coefficient of structure. In cooler cooling mode, two hot, compacted fume performance. The environments, the de- warm development is then in the thermo- higher the number, fault setting of the sewage water, encom- ness from solar based valves (one utilized dynamic state known the more proficient a switching valve is passing water (for ex- heat storage. when in warming as a superheated heat pumps is and the warming. Heat pumps ample ocean, lake and Generally, In heat mode and the other fume and it is at a temperature and ten- less energy it burns- sion at which it very through. When uti- well may be dense lized for space with either cooling warming these gadg- water or cooling air ets are regularly con- streaming across the siderably more energy loop or cylinders. The proficient than cool combination is straightforward elec- then steered through trical obstruction ra- the curl or cylinders diators. Air source in the evaporator. A heat siphons are uti- fan flows the warm lized to move heat be- air in the encased tween two hotness space across the curl exchangers, one exter- or cylinders conveying nal the structure the cool refrigerant which is fitted with fluid and fume combi- balances through nation. That warm air which air is con- vanishes the fluid strained utilizing a piece of the cool re- fan and the other frigerant combina- which either straight- tion. Simultaneously, forwardly warms the the circling air is air inside the struc- cooled and conse- ture or warms water quently brings down which is then circled the temperature of around the structure the encased space to through heat produc- the ideal tempera- ers which discharge ture. There is incredi- the hotness to the ble potential to structure. These diminish the energy gadgets can likewise utilization and related work in a cooling ozone depleting sub- mode where they sep- stance outflows in in- arate hotness by dustry by use of means of the inner modern heat pumps. hotness exchanger Fluid to-water heat and launch it into the pumps (likewise encompassing air uti- called water-to-water) lizing the outer hot- are hydronic frame- ness exchanger. works that help Geothermal heat warming or cooling pumps are more through the structure costly to introduce be- through lines to tradi- cause of the require- tional radiators, un- ment for the derfloor warming, penetrating of bore- baseboard radiators holes for vertical and boiling water arrangement of hot- tanks. Such heat ness exchanger fun- pumps are likewise neling or the liked for pool warm- burrowing of channels ing. Heat Pumps can't for flat position of the accomplish as high a channeling that con- liquid temperature as veys the hotness trade a traditional heater, liquid. A water-source so they require a heat pumps works higher volume stream likewise to a ground- pace of air to redress. source heat siphon, While retrofitting a then again, actually it home, the current takes heat from a wa- ventilation work terway instead of the might need to be ground. In HVAC ap- broadened to lessen plications, a heat the commotion from pumps is ordinarily a the higher wind fume pressure refrig- stream. 36
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 CCoP expels Mari Petroleum from the list of privatization The minister for finance and Guddu and Nandipur power revenue Shaukat Tareen plants privatization process was presided over the meeting of also under observation of the CCoP. the cabinet committee on privati- The summary was discussed in the zation wherein the strategies for meeting and the Ministry of energy divesting the shares that the gov- was directed to obtain the final re- ernment holds over Mari Petro- sult for the privatization of the leum Company limited (MPCL) plants which was decided by the were discussed in detail. It was de- committee. The Ministry of energy cided after a careful consideration was also asked to develop and that MPCL will be excluded for the share a plan for the valuation of list of privatiza- assets of these tion. power plants A proposal and the mode of was submitted transfer for by the Privati- these assets. zation Division Omitting for debt recapi- SME bank from talization and the list of priva- refinancing of tization was government excess equity and the also discussed by the committee in PDFL loan through commercial the meeting and a panel was estab- borrowing of the National Power lishes under the leadership of the Park Management Company Lim- finance minister including repre- ited (NPPMCL), which was dis- sentatives from the SBP, SECP and cussed in detail by the committee the privatization division to con- in the meeting. It was decided that struct further options for the the recapitalization of debt and the process. process of refinancing will be initi- Federal Minister for Privatisa- ated by the NPPMCL in accor- tion Muhammadmian Soomro, dance with the Companies Act Minister for Energy Hammad 2017 and all the government Azhar, secretary Finance Division, stakeholders will concertedly coop- secretary Privatisation Commis- erate and support the NPPMCL in sion, and secretary Petroleum Divi- this regard. sion were a part of the meeting. 38
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 LESCO’s progress confined due to a shortage of staff Lahore electric supply com- is concerned, with increased inci- pany (LESCO) facing severe dences of tripping and jerks all shortage of working unit as around the city. the company has a shortage for The power supply to the indus- almost 5000 workers. This has tries has been affected the most consequently resulted in a col- as the demand has been increas- lapse of the quality of power sup- ing day by day. This has caused ply as well as increased the industrial units a loss of mil- distribution and installation is- lions of rupees. Industrial con- sues as de- sumers faced 13 scribed by jerks at the con- Habibabad, one sumers. at Raiwind New, The com- three each at pany is need Mian Channu, of recruit- Raiwind old and ments of Shahkot and 10 4000 linemen at jubilee grid and almost a stations. thousand su- The company pervisors to staff has pointed deal with the out that the situ- issues re- ation is worsen- garding dis- ing as the tribution and current staff is supply. The also near retire- problems ment and is un- that the company has been facing able to manage power supply include voltage fluctuations, trip- from all the areas due to poor dis- ping and jerks and supply fail- tribution network and connectiv- ures. These issues have been ity. They also said that the persistent in over 13 industrial response from the staff to the grid stations around the city. complaints from consumers has These include Raiwind New, been steady and non-emergent, Habibabad, Attabad, Jubilee, which is especially having a very EMCO, Raiwind Old, Chaudhry negative effect on the industrial Wala, Sheikhupura, Shahkot, consumers. These issues are in Manga and ICI SKP. The remain- need of immediate attention as ing grid stations have also been this can cause a shortage of power affected as far as the performance supply on a very large scale. 40
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 Disagreements between Power division and KE regarding supply of additional 1400MW The issue of additional sup- bution Companies. While KE de- ply of 1400MW to Karachi mands that power provided to it has still not been resolved be made available on base-load as there have been disagree- unwavering basis and power cur- ments between Power Division tailment only be done during and Karachi Electric (KE) re- force majeure. garding base load verses firm ca- Another issue which is still pacity and unresolved Late Pay- between ment Sur- the Power charge for Division regulatory and delays be- Karachi tween the Electric is two parties. Late Pay- In this re- ment Sur- gard newly charge appointed (LPS) for Secretary regulatory Power, Syed delays. KE Asif Hyder argues Shah has that tariff also convened an internal meet- determinations, monthly or ing to help the two parties come quarterly tariff adjustments are to an amicable resolution of dif- to be made in a timely manner as ferences. per the statutory timelines and On the issue of base load in case of any delays a mecha- verses firm capacity, NTDC ar- nism for compensation of cost of gued that K-Electric is to be such delays in respective tariff of treated at par with the rest of K-Electric be allowed by the reg- the country on pro-rata basis in ulator. Power Division which has line with Grid Code 2005, and if to pay the amount of tariff differ- there is any shortfall of available ential subsidy through its entity power in NTDC system, due to CPPA-G, strongly disagrees with any reasons whether force-ma- this proposal. jeure or otherwise, K-Electric It is expected that after a cou- shall have to share the same on ple of internal meetings these is- pro-rata basis with other Distri- sues will be resolved 41
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 SOQs submitted for the revival of Pakistan Steel Mill Areport for the pre- qualifica- center and the charges will be paid tion of the investors for the by the successful investor after the revival of PSMC was submit- bidding. The financial evaluation ted by the privatization commis- will be done within two weeks. sion board during a meeting. Six The board, after extensive dis- parties were said to have submit- cussion during the meeting with all ted the statement of qualification the attendees, decided to extend earlier. These parties included in- the date of bidding as requested by ternational investors and busi- the potential buyers. Meanwhile, nesses. The meeting was held in the members of the meeting were order to examine the said parties also updated on the legislative for the investment in the matters and the financial transfer project. The meeting was attended methods under consideration. The by the federal secretary of privati- legal team was advised to pursue zation and the board members of the matter efficiently. The exten- CDA. reviewed earlier, was also dis- from the ministry of privatization sion of the bidding date was done The matter regarding the com- cussed in the meeting. It was de- would review the cost and finances keeping in consideration the need mercialization of the Jinnah con- cided that the CDA and the FAs of the infrastructure regarding the for more foreign investors to get in- vention center, that had been volved. 42
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 Progress reviewed on Mohmand, Diamer Basha Dams The implementation Com- WAPDA / ICDBMD Chairman close of the two projects vis-à-vis work on Mohmand Dam in May mittee on Diamer Basha said that the Implementation foreign exchange component, as 2019 and Diamer Basha Dam in and Mohmand Dams Committee has been tremen- well as financial needs and finan- July 2020, which are scheduled (ICDBMD) met today at dously contributing towards im- cial flows. to be completed in 2025 and 2029 ICDBMD Secretariat to review plementation of Diamer Basha General Manager (Land Acqui- respectively. Gross water storage progress on mega multi-purpose and Mohmand Dams. Reiterat- sition & Resettlement), General capacity of Mohmand Dam is projects of Diamer Basha and ing his commitment for comple- Manager (Diamer Basha Dam) 1.29 Million Acre Feet (MAF) and Mohmand Dams. tion of the both projects as early and General Manager (Mohmand installed generation capacity 800 The ICDBMD was constituted as possible, he apprised the Dam) also made presentations to Megawatts (MW). Likewise, by the honorable Supreme Court meeting that WAPDA is carrying the participants about the gross water generation capacity of Pakistan way back in July out construction activities on the progress and the issues regard- of Diamer Basha Dam stands at 2018 for early commencement projects day in and day out to ing Diamer Basha and Mohmand 8.1 MAF while installed genera- and timely completion of Diamer match the timelines despite Dams. tion capacity of the projects is Basha and Mohmand Dams. COVID-19 pandemic that has WAPDA started construction 4500 MW. Since its inception, the Commit- negatively impacted the whole tee holds its meetings after regu- world. At present, construction lar intervals. work is continuing as many as 13 The meeting was presided over sites of Mohmand Dam and 10 by Pakistan Water and Power sites of Diamer Basha Dam, he Development Authority added. (WAPDA) and ICDBMD Chair- The Chairman also updated man Lt Gen Muzammil Hussain the participants of the impedi- (Retd). In addition to the Min- ments in the way to smooth exe- istry of Water Resources Joint cution of Diamer Basha and Secretary and ICDBMD Secre- Mohmand Dams including tary Syed Muhammad Mehar Ali COVID-19, financial flows, Shah, Joint Secretary (Budget) emerging security scenario, land Finance, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa acquisition and completion of (KP) Secretary Board of Rev- critical stretch of relocated enue, NHA Member North Zone, Karakoram Highway in case of Deputy Secretary Prime Minis- Diamer Basha Dam. Though the ter’s Office, Diamer Astore Com- recovery plans are in place, the missioner and Planning impediments, if not addressed to Commission Deputy Chief at- by the quarters concerned, may tended the meeting on behalf of adversely affect the timelines set ICDBMD respective members. for completion of the projects, the WAPDA Members, Secretary and Chairman concluded. senior officers were also present Later, WAPDA Member (Fi- on the occasion. nance) briefed the meeting of the Welcoming the participants, matters relating to financial 43
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 The HEC Pakistan is on an imported ventilator By Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Commission of Pak- Pay Scale (BPS) 90% it? Who is responsible even for re-reappoint- tactics of publication? istan (HEC) into two and the Tenure Track for it? Why did it badly ment in the name of Why does HEC prefer different categories System (TTS) 10%, but fail? Is it expected that promotion? Are univer- internationally pub- even having the same luckily did not get any it may bring some pos- sities only research in- lished papers over na- nature of duties and achievements based on itive change or shall stitutions or shall have tional? Why a balance qualifications. This odd this illogical discrimi- ruin more the system to keep a standard of in teaching and re- division still is not jus- natory division as was and the high esteemed higher education? Why search is not maintain- tified though the same expected. Surprisingly, universities? Why it are the standards of able? Why do neither is introduced in 2004. even the policymakers has been supported by higher education de- we receive the values The HEC has amaz- are now seeking and in illegal discriminatory clared as substandard of research, nor we The university ingly spent a lot on search of merging the notifications? Why the of top-ranking univer- could maintain the val- teachers have supporting the unnat- same created groups. proverb regarding sities even evaluated ues of higher educa- been divided by ural division of faculty Why was the same di- failed and outdated by the Higher Educa- tion? I am sure that an the Higher Education in two groups of Basic vision done? Who did theory of One Nation tion Commission endless series of more Two Systems is exer- (HEC)? Why each day such questions shall cised only in Pakistan? new universities are soon be continued and Who is the real culprit? established even the the officials of HEC Why are standards of existing ones are fac- after reading this arti- teaching declining? ing financial and ad- cle shall admit its fail- Why research is not ministrative problems. ure instead to defend fruitful for the country, Why the HEC ordi- it. though millions of re- nance is being violated For all such and search papers are even for the basic right other basic questions, being published? Why of promotion of teach- each Pakistani has the fake research is pro- ers? Why are only the right to ask the policy- moted? Why do we pay teachers are depriving makers, in this case, for publication instead of the right of promo- the HEC and espe- to earn from it? Why tion just in the name of cially the commission. even published papers blind love for research? The said commission are declared as with- Why is HEC not was established with drawn due to fake launching and sup- the aims to magnify facts? Why is each fac- porting national jour- the standard of higher ulty forced and pushed nals and forcing education and research to research though teachers for publishing values in the country, hired for teaching? and waste public but unfortunately, it Why HEC only re- money for interna- failed to do so, as HEC quires and loves re- tional publication? has recently issued it- search? Why does HEC Why HEC did not try self a report that even not consider teaching to earn through such the topmost ranked 44
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 universities of the country have al- have been designed by the edu- ers’ Association (APUBTA). The APUBTA that may lead to a coun- most no standard of higher educa- cated peoples. The HEC is com- APUBTA has submitted a draft of trywide strong protest. Further- tion. Why do we face such a pletely failed to achieve its goals statutes for consideration by the more, the incumbent BPS faculty miserable condition even spending due to not understanding the real commission that shall soon be ap- must be granted the right to back- a lot on universities? Indeed, all is situation of blind love for research proved otherwise the teachers are date financial benefits on deserv- answered with a simple observa- and its consequences on the qual- committed to saving the universi- ing positions to secure their tion that the policy of HEC is not ity of teaching. Actually, research ties and education at any cost as seniority and can balance the dis- standard, and it requires a quick is a slow process that requires a the fake policy of HEC is no more crimination among the two cate- revision. long time for stability and its uti- tolerable. gories of teachers. Otherwise, a The splitting of the teaching lization in the real sense, while A quick and simple solution to law-and-order situation in univer- community is indeed a crime of the quality teaching is essential resolve such a situation is to honor sities shall soon be observed due to HEC as the theory of one nation throughout the system including the teachers and restore their dig- the discriminatory policies of HEC two systems has been declared to research. The blind love for re- nity through the HEC ordinance. in violation of the HEC ordinance. have a bad end that has been search has imbalanced the univer- The drama of re-reappointment in The author is a Ph.D. from the achieved, so no more wait. The di- sities structures. This is the violation of the ordinance must be University of Essex, United King- vision motivated the faculty to- revised wrong and senseless policy stopped immediately otherwise the dom, and working as an Associate wards the undesirable race for that has ruined the standards of situation shall be worst as most of Professor of Mathematics at the artificial research that is of no or teaching in universities. This the teachers are now on peaceful University of Malakand. Email: less use and unfortunately has wrong policy has put the HEC on protest under the umbrella of [email protected] pushed the teachers to ignore the the way even to violate its ordi- values of standard teaching. The nance and has created a situation HEC has created a game of pro- wherein the fundamental rights of moting the undesired research promotion for BPS teachers are de- that is required for re-reappoint- nied. While the same right is ments of BPS faculty in the name granted discriminatorily to the of promotion though the same TTS and the administration in- must be granted on quality teach- cluding HEC and in other govern- ing for which the faculty is hired. ment departments that have Why balance in these is not main- imbalanced the seniority and have tained? Why is teaching not created a situation of harassment granted the required values? Why for the BPS teachers. The univer- is research given more importance sity BPS teachers are now on though the same is dependent only strike not only for their legitimate on quality teaching? Why are the rights of promotion at par with the hired teachers forced to concen- rights of others government em- trate only on useless research and ployees and university teachers teaching is not considered for ap- but also demanding for revision of pointment and promotion? What the fake policy that has ruined the portion of published millions of ar- standards of education. The uni- ticles in high impact factor expen- versity teachers are striving sively paid journals has been used against discrimination among the for the benefits of the country? The teachers and are united under current policy is indeed beyond the their countrywide association, the level of common sense as may not All Pakistan Universities Teach- 46
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 Modernizing infrastructure for growth acceleration Engineering Post Report of renewable energy in the energy mix and improving energy effi- Adequate provision of infra- ciency are also included in the structure is necessary for SDG targets. the productivity and The experts on being contacted growth. Modern infrastructure opined that a multi-faceted ap- helps in accelerating the growth proach is needed to address the and improving redistribution of challenges in the energy sector. In income while efficient infrastruc- the gas sector, Exploration and ture augments economic growth Production activities need aggres- by reducing transaction costs, in- sive support to enhance the do- creasing durability of capital mestic oil/gas supply at an goods , fostering trade, invest- affordable rate. ment, diversification and achiev- Furthermore, there is also the ing economies of scale and scope, dire need for checking the system according to the experts. losses and Unaccounted for Gas The federal government as such (UFG) in the gas distribution net- is , therefore, committed to invest work. Industrial consumption of in quality infrastructure to deliver development in the country. supply. Sustainable Development natural gas for captive power gen- efficient and affordable infrastruc- Economic and social develop- Goal (SDG) 7 aims at delivering eration needs to be discouraged ture for the industrial competi- ment of a country depends on af- affordable , reliable and universal for enhancing the utilization of tiveness and inclusive fordable and reliable energy access to energy.. Increasing share power grid, they added. 46
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 NHA receiving more than Rs 22191 million foreign assistance for 13 projects Engineering Post Report According to the information tional development partners by the 210 km) CPEC Western Align- available from official sources, NHA in a phased manner include ment including Zhob Bypass and National Highway Authority Asian Development Bank is provid- Dera Ghazi Khan-Dera Ismail Land Acquisition; Havelian to (NHA) is in the process of ing Rs 10550.000 million, China Rs Khan (N-55) 245 km CARREC Thakot Karakoram Highway receiving foreign assistance 2500.000 million. Japan Rs 700.00 Corridor; CARREC –DIP project,; Phase-11; Multan –Sukkur Sec- of Rs22191.528 million for its 13 million, Korea Rs 850.000 million, Construction additional Carriage tion (387 km) ; East West Road --- ongoing development projects dur- IDA Rs 7541.528 million and Saudi Way Shakarpur-Rajanpur section Rakhi-Gaj-Bewata; Cionstruction ing current financial year 2021-22. Arabia Rs 50.000. More than one N-55;Post-Flood Rehabilitation of of Malakand Tunnel on N-45; Im- NHA was estimated to be receiv- foreign assistance sources provide National Highways due to un- provement and widening of Chak- ing Rs 14100.000 from its interna- financial resources simultaneously precedented rains and flash floods dara Chitral Section N-45 (141 tional development partners for one or more development proj- 2010 (revised); Construction of km); Khyber Pass Economic Corri- during financial year 2020-21. ects which are listed in the Public Faisalabad-Khanewal (M-4) 184 dor,and ; Construction of Highway However, according to the revised Sector Development Programme km; Construction of Rajanpur- from Athmuqam to Taobutt in- estimates NHA had received sub- (PSDP) of the Federal Government. Dera Ghazi Khan as a four lane cluding two tunnels in Neelum stantially higher assistance of Rs Projects being implemented highway; Dualization of Yarik- Valley. 26694 .950 million . with the cooperation of interna- Mughalkot-Zhob section of N-50 ( 47
ENGINEERING POST February 2022 Industrial Park to be developed at PSM land in Karachi Engineering Post Report Industries & Production Division of the Federal Government plans to develop Karachi Industrial Park on 1500 acres of Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) land at Karachi at an estimated cost of Rs 6915 million. Feasibility for the Industrial Park is to be undertaken during current financial year for which an allocation of Rs 200 million has been provided in the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP). The project has been approved by the Cen- tral Development Working Party (CDWP) on June 4, 2021 already. This is one of the six new development proj- ects which the Industries and Production planned to launch during ongoing financial year. 50