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E-Paper September 2019_Layout 1

Published by Empire Online, 2021-12-02 14:31:42

Description: E-Paper September 2019_Layout 1


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1,320MW imported coal-fired power plant becomes operational The government has con- ing tests as per the agreed proce- chasing Agency (CPPA) — a gov- firmed the successful com- dure. The engineer has certified ernment-owned subsidiary re- mercial operations of a $2 sponsible for procuring power billion 1,320MW coal-fired power from plants and selling them to plant set up by the China Power distribution companies. Hub Generation Company The CPPA said the power pro- (CPHGC) under the China-Pak- ducer had called for declaring its istan Economic Corridor (CPEC) commercial operation date project. CPHGC also announced (COD) from Aug 17, 2019, while that it had successfully declared its engineer — SGS — had also the COD of its 1,320MW (2x660) issued certificate of initial tested imported coal power plant and capacity that came out at integrated jetty with coal tran- 1,249MW. shipment capacity of 4.2 million It is a joint venture between tonnes per annum the successful commissioning of The Hub Power Company Ltd. “M/s CPHGC has successfully the complex,” said a notification (HUBCO) and China Power In- undergone through commission- issued by the Central Power Pur- ternational Holding.

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Interesting facts regarding Pakistan’s major imports Engineering Post Special per provisional figures for 2018- 19. Pakistan’s major imports are Machinery (non-electrical) listed as 16 other than worth Rs 387463 million was im- many other minor items. ported in 2010-11, Rs 633733 Major imports include Electri- million in 2014-15 and Rs 723880 cal goods, Machinery (non-elec- million provi- trical), Iron, steel and sionally manufactures thereof, on-ferrous in 2018- metals, Transport Equipment, 19. Chemicals, Drugs and medicines, And, Paper, board and stationary, Tea, Trans- Sugar Refined, Art silk yarn, Pe- port troleum and products, Ed- equipment’s ible worth Rs 184075 oils million were im- and ported in 2010-11, Grains, Rs 263522 million pulses and and Rs 256535 million flour. in 2019-19, according to Import the provisional figures avail- of Iron, able to Engineering Post steel and from official sources. manufac- Petroleum and products tures thereof was worth Rs topped the list of major im- 135363 million in 2010-11 ports with figures of Rs 1033493 which rose to Rs 226939 million million in 2010-11, Rs 1195025 in 2014-15 and to Rs 293432 mil- million in 2014-15 and Rs lion according to provisional fig- 1054035 million as per provi- ures for 2018-19. sional figures for 2018-19. Electrical goods worth Rs Pakistan’s total imports in 67851 million were imported in 2010-11 stood at Rs 3455287 mil- 2010-11 which increased to Rs lion, Rs 4644152 million in 2014- 122183 million in 2014-15 and 15 and provisionally at Rs further to Rs 173470 million as 5371142 million in 2018-19. 02

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Stuck containers of Solar Panels FPCCI urged FBR to delay implementation of SRO 604 The Federation of Pakistan in terms of demurrages, container would not be applicable on the and without registration of contact. Chamber of Commerce and rent, etc. goods of which bill of lading or let- Therefore, this case also falls Industry (FPCCI) have sent According to Arshad Jamal, vice ter of credit was established till under the same category as stated a letter to the secretary commerce president FPCCI, the ministry of June 1, 2019. by the ministry in the office mem- and chairman FBR urging to delay commerce had made PSI certifi- However, under central bank orandum dated July 4, 2019, if the the implementation of SRO 604 cates and test reports mandatory regulation, payment of imports is purpose for imposing the require- until the backlog of 500 containers from the port of origin for the clear- made either through letter of ment of PSI certificates and test re- is cleared. The said containers of ance of the consignments of solar credit, without letter of credit ports on the disputed imports was solar panels have been stuck at panel and other related equipment against documents received for col- to protect public interest then it port for over two months now caus- without mentioning the date of its lection on bases of registration of should be implemented equally ing financial loss of Rs. 12 million implementation. Later, the min- contracts, or as clean remittance and fairy among all commercial approximately per day to the trade istry had clarified that the SRO without opening of letter of credit importers. 03

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Technical and Financial bids NED & SECMC received for DiamerBhasha dam signs MoU to establish campus at Tharhe Pakistan Water and Mohmand Dam Hydropower about 40 kilometers downstream Power Development Au- Project started in May this year, of Chillas Town. Tthority (WAPDA) have re- while work on DiamerBasha It is a multipurpose Project Aceived bids for construction of Dam is likely to be initiated aims at water storage, flood mit- s announced by the govern- ment of Sindh, an NED Uni- Dam Part of the Project. Two soon. Construction of Diamer- igation and power generation. versity campus under the Joint Ventures (JVs), comprising name of Thar Institute of Engi- one foreign and one local firm neering, Sciences and Technology each, submitted their technical (TIEST) is being set up in Is- and financial bids for the pur- lamkot, Tharparkar. Initially the pose. These JVs include China institute will offer its Bachelors of Gezhouba Group Company – Computer Science (BCS) pro- GRC JV and Power Construction gramme from this year. Corporation of China - FWO JV. In this regard, a memorandum Following submission of the of understanding (MoU) has been bids, the technical bids were inked between the NED Univer- publically opened by the Bid sity of Engineering and Technol- Opening Committee in presence ogy, Sindh Engro Coal Mining of the representatives of the Company (SECMC) and The Citi- firms included in the JVs. The zens Foundation (TCF) to com- technical bids will be evaluated mence classes at the TIEST from in accordance with the Bidding this year. The institute would ini- Documents and the relevant tially be established at the TCF, Procurement Rules of the Public Engro Campus at Islamkot until a Procurement Regulatory Au- permanent campus is constructed thority (PPRA) and the Pakistan near Islamkot. Engineering Council (PEC). SECMC chief executive officer Thereafter, the financial bids of (CEO) Syed AbulFazal Rizvi, NED the technically responsive bid- University registrar Syed Ghazan- ders will be opened. farHussain and TCF president Pursuance to the judgment of and CEO Syed AsaadAyub Ahmad the honourable Supreme Court signed the agreement in block 2 of and priority of the Federal Gov- Basha Dam Project has been di- The Project will have a gross Thar Coalfield near Islamkot. ernment, WAPDA has been im- vided into two parts; the Dam water storage capacity of 8.1 mil- The SECMC would assist, sup- plementing DiamerBasha Dam Part and the Power Generation lion acre feet (MAF) and in- port and facilitate development of and Mohmand Dam Hydropower Facilities. stalled power generation the NED varsity campus while the Project. DiamerBasha Dam will be capacity of 4500 megawatt TCF would provide space in the Construction work on constructed across River Indus (MW). existing school at Islamkot. 04

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 EP Shanghai to be held in November 2019 2019 On top of that, a high number of The show scale of this year new brands debut at the show, reaches new height, increasing by bringing new blood and impetus to 40% compared to the same period of the medium and low- voltage ex- 2018. EP show is keen to showcase hibits. The 12th International Exhibi- advanced technologies of high and EP Shanghai 2019 features 5 thematic exhibitions including tion on Electric Power Equip- medium-voltage while exploring specialized zones, including “One- Data Center Expo and Fenestration ment & Technology (EP Expo will be held concurrently to fa- Shanghai 2019) and 2019 Interna- cilitate buyers’ visiting experience. tional Exhibition on Electric Power Over 30+ concurrent events on Automation Equipment and Tech- various topics and segments, cover- nology will be held on 6-8 Novem- ing “the Ubiquitous Internet of ber 2019 at Shanghai New Things in Electricity (SG-EIoT)”, International Expo Centre (Hall “Power Substation Maintenance”, N1-N5), PR China. The event is “Power Informationization”, “Power jointly organized by China Electric- Demand-side Management and In- ity Council, State Grid Corporation novation”, “Power Security and of China and Adsale Exhibition Emergency”, “Medical Electrical Services Ltd. The exhibition will Applications” as well as “Green cover over 55,000 sqm exhibiting Data Center”, etc., will take place at area with 1,000+ local and interna- the show in order to bring new op- tional exhibitors/brands. It is ex- portunities and the latest technolo- pected to gather more than 35,000 gies to the market. visitors from 50 countries and re- EP China / EP Shanghai, jointly gions. organized by China Electricity The most recognized brands of Council, State Grid Corporation of power industry, such as State Grid China and Adsale Exhibition Serv- Corporation of China, ABB, Schnei- ices Ltd., are held in Beijing and der, Siemens, CYG, CHINT, Shanghai rotationally. Since its Legrand, Huawei, 360, Phoenix launch in 1986, EP exhibitions are Contact, NARI, XUJI, Pinggao, recognized as the leading electric Shandong Electrical Engineering & power and electrical exhibition in Equipment, KSTAR, Hiprecise, China, extensively supported by CNC Electric, SOJO, Murge, and motivating more medium and stop Transmission and Distribu- major power group corporations Jiangsu Senyuan, Dongfang Elec- low-voltage equipment manufac- tion”, “Electric Power Automation”, and power grid corporations of tronics, WOER, Acrel, Emerson, tures to participate at the show. For “Electric Internet of Things (SG- China. It is also the electric power Staubli, KERI (Korea), MEGGER, example, Legrand (France), EIOT)”, “Electric Power Testing, event in China that is endorsed as KOMAX, and many more will be Siemens (Germany), People Electric Measuring and Monitoring” and a UFI Approved Event and recom- demonstrating their most recent Appliance (China) have reserved “Intelligent Electrical Equipment mended by The Ministry of Com- advancements during EP Shanghai large space at EP Shanghai 2019. Manufacturing”. Moreover, related merce of PR China since 2013. 05

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 IEEEP Fair Soft Launch Ceremony held at Karachi the IEEEP fair 2019. Engr. Daroo Khan Achakzai President Feder- ation of Pakistan Cham- bers of Commerce & Industry(FPCCI) attended the soft launch of IEEEP fair as chief guest. While addressing the event he appreciated how IEEEP has grown in a relatively short span of time and is now gearing up to conduct The Institute of Electrical and Electronics En- gineers of Pakistan (IEEEP) organized a soft launch ceremony of the upcoming IEEEP fair at Marriot hotel in Karachi. The event was attended enthusiastically by people from the En- gineering fraternity. The occasion was labelled as a pre event net- working hi-tea. The ceremony commenced with a wonderful welcome address by Engr Irfan Ahmad chairman IEEEP Karachi centre. In his address he thanked the participants for their arrival and highlighted the short history of IEEEP fair. Director Sales Badar Expo solutions Mr. Jaffar Abbas gave a brief but very informative presenta- tion on the upcoming IEEEP fair 2019 which is scheduled to be held from 1st to 3rd October 2019 at the Karachi Expo centre. After this orientation session convener IEEEP FAIR, IEEEP Karachi centre Engr. Muhammad Irfan Shaikh presented the technical highlights of 06

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 the IEEEP fair 2019. ent there. The interviews can HVACR Expo 2020 by Lahore Chapter Engr. Daroo Khan Achakzai be viewed on our Youtube All stalls booked within one hour President Federation of Pak- channel. istan Chambers of Commerce The Institute of Electrical & Industry(FPCCI) attended and Electronics Engineers of the soft launch of IEEEP fair Pakistan (IEEEP) organises as chief guest. While address- the IEEEP Fair every year. ing the event he appreciated This will be the 10th instal- how IEEEP ment of the has grown in IEEEP fair. Lahore chapter of Pakistan HVACR So- sure what would be the result of the book- ciety once again proved their strength ings. But the industry showed their confi- a relatively This fair is as the whole expo booked online in just dence on Lahore chapter and whole event short span of one of the time and is biggest Elec- an hour after opening of the booking. The on- was booked within one hour after opening. now gearing tronics and line booking was opened on 27th August at Mr. Sajjad said that this has increased our up to conduct Electrical 3PM. responsibility manifolds as, we have to fulfill the 10th Engineering Mr. Saj- the high IEEEP fair. Industrial jad expecta- He assured Exhibition in H a i d e r, tion of that FPCCI Pakistan, Chairman the par- is working show-casing Lahore ticipants tirelessly to a large collec- C h a p t e r, with convey the tion of indus- Pakistan more and demands of trial H VA C R more en- industrialists merchandise Society thusiasm and entre- and service while talk- and hard preneurs to products. ing to En- work. the administrative authorities Many foreign exhibitors uti- gineering An- and to make sure that new lize this platform to launch Post ex- swering a policies are made in compli- their products in the region. pressed question, ance with the industry’s Each year, the IEEEP Fair his grati- Mr. Saj- needs. provides greater opportuni- tude for jad said After the conclusion of the ties for companies, both local the mar- that speeches, Chairman IEEEP and foreign, to pick up the lat- velous re- there are Karachi centre presented the est trends and gain access to sponse some honorary shield to the Chief the newest, cutting-edge and trust compa- Guest on behalf of IEEEP. products in the industry. The of the in- nies After the shield presentation fair facilitates companies to dustry on which and group photo the Hi Tea engage in joint ventures ex- the efforts couldn’t and networking commenced. changing technology and in- of Lahore Chapter. He informed that 95% book their stall are still contacting us for The team of Engineering Post formation. It is advantageous booking was opened and the remaining 5% space. A few companies which have booked attending the event took some for university students as was left for the International participants more than one spaces to avoid confusion are very important interviews well, who are able to network who are in the process of finalizing their being contacted to adjust the new ones. from various Consultants, and make connections with stalls. He expressed that considering the low He once again thanked the exhibitors and sponsors and exhibitors pres- potential employers. economic activities, Lahore team was not assure them their full support. 07

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Haseen Habib Trading Introduces Pakistan’s First Wireless Centralized Fire Alarm Network System Haseen Habib Trading Pvt. Ltd. is the first to introduce Wire- less Centralized Fire Alarm Network Technology in Pakistan. This Simplex – USA system carries World highest third party Listing of UL and approval of FM. The System has been implemented with Graphic Command Center which carries Location Maps of Workstation Graphic Command Cen- all the connected Nodes and is capable ter – Master Node of pin pointing the location of Fire on 1. QICT/Custom Block – Node 2 graphical maps of the affected prem- of Fire Alarm Network ises wherever the fire has occurred. It 2. T2 Building – Node 3 of Fire can also generate emails for remote Alarm Network monitoring of events of all the network 3. MTO CFS – Node 4 of Fire nodes. Alarm Network This system is currently protecting 4. NLCCT – Node 5 of Fire five physically distant wet and dry Alarm Network ports and warehouses of DPWORLD The future plans of this implemen- Qasim International Container Termi- tation include monitoring and control nal including; of complete system through iOS and Operations Building – Node 1 of Android Apps from anywhere in the Fire Alarm Network AND TrueSite world. South Korea to send a buying delegation to Pakistan South Korea has an- istan. vestors and importers. They tion (KIND) and Korea Im- 2019. He also proposed estab- nounced that it will send This decision comes after the also held meetings with many porters Association (KOIMA). lishment of Exclusive Economic a buying delegation to successful visit of RazakDa- private sector organizations in- Pak-Korea CEO forum was Zone for Korean companies as Pakistan in the coming months wood, Adviser to PM on Com- cluding Daelim, Lotte Group, held also in Seoul in which top part of CPEC. in which will consist of top im- merce & Textile, Industries & Daewoo E&C, K-Water, Korea Korean companies represented. In a very interesting devel- porters. This will help to re- Production and Investment Railway Network Authority While addressing the forum opment Adviser to PM offered move the investment who was heading a delegation (KRNA), Korea Energy Razzakdawoodurged the Ko- Early Harvest Program to his bottlenecks,increase bilateral of top textile industrialists of (KOEN),Korea Hydro and Nu- rean companies to invest in Korean counterpart which may trade andto resultantly en- Pakistan. During their visit the clear Power (KHNP), Korea Pakistan owing to its improved lead to Free Trade Agreement hance the economic cooperation delegation had very engaging Overseas Infrastructure and global ranking in Ease of Doing (FTA) between both the coun- between South Korea and Pak- dialogue with the Korean in- Urban Development Corpora- Business Index by 11 points in tries. 08

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 14th ISK-SODEX 2019 Exhibition in Istanbul The Industry is getting ready to meet on October 2–5 The Tukish air condition- Pump and Valve Manufactur- held in the B2B Area at Hall 13 tioning industry is rising rap- staller of Turkey.” The contest, ing industry, which in- ers’ Association (POMSAD); on October 2–3. idly. To capitalize on this grow- sponsored by Çayırova Boru, cludes air conditioning the Association of Refrigera- Noting that the Turkish air ing interest, we are working to ECA Emas Makine, Georg Fis- systems, ventilation, insulation tion Industry and Business- conditioning industry has increase the trade volume in cher Hakan Plastik, and components, fittings and men (SOSIAD); the Aegean achieved a considerable com- markets that offer a higher ex- Rothenberger, will be held in equipment, and cooling equip- Refrigeration Manufacturers petitive advantage in foreign port volume for the air condi- the Masters League Area of the ment, is looking to expand to and Businessmen Association markets, Hannover Messe tioning industry as well as new Hall 13 for the duration of the new markets in order to meet (ESSIAD); the Mechanical Sodeks Fuarcılık General Man- markets with a low export vol- exhibition. its $5.5 billion export target by Contractors’ Association ager Alexander Kühnel stated ume. This is part of our activi- 2019. ISK-SODEX will be held (MTMD); and the Boilers and that investors were much more ties for the ISK-SODEX, which The International ISK- at the TÜYAP Fair, Convention Pressure Vessels Manufactur- willing to invest in Turkey, say- we are undertaking alongside SODEX Exhibition stands and Congress Center in Istan- ers’ Association (KBSB). The ing: industry representatives. It is out with its Forum Area bul on October 2–5, 2019, and exhibition will welcome guests “The air conditioning indus- very important for the ISK- and Conference! will continue to create new op- from many coun- SODEX, a leading The ISK-SODEX Exhibi- portunities for the air condi- tries, including brand in its field tion will bring buyers and sell- tioning industry. ISK-SODEX Germany, China, in Turkey and ers to form new partnerships 2019 is co-organized by the France, India, the Eurasia, to realize and provide a medium to Hannover Messe Sodeks Netherlands, Italy, its potential and share knowledge and experi- Fuarcılık, which is the sub- South Korea, unite the industry ence for four days through a sidiary of Deutsche Messe AG, Thailand, the with the target number of forums and confer- one of the leading exhibition United Arab Emi- markets.” ences. The Forum Area, which organizers in the world; the rates, Lebanon, provides participants with an Air-Conditioning Research and Pakistan, Spain, Turkey to important opportunity to pro- Education Foundation Iran, Russia, Choose Its Top mote their brands, is prepar- (ISKAV); the Association of Greece, the United States of try is a significant exporting in- Combi Boiler Installer! ing to welcome its Natural Gas Appliances Indus- America, Egypt, Taiwan and dustry of Turkey and continues In addition to bringing participants and visitors at trialists and Businessmen Japan. to set new growth records each members of the air condition- Hall 11. All guests and partic- (DOSIDER); the Air-Condi- HVAC&R buyers from all year. Our focus on R&D-inten- ing industry together, the fair ipants will be able to freely tioning and Refrigeration Man- over the world will attend the sive high-tech products in re- will also offer a range of fun ac- participate in sessions where ufacturers’ Association ISK-SODEX Exhibition B2B cent years have given us a tivities. The “ISK-SODEX participants including Daikin, (ISKID); the Association of Meetings as part of the Buyer competitive edge, particularly Masters League 2019” will be Aldağ and Siemens will share Thermal, Sound Insulation Delegation Programme. The in foreign markets, which is held for the second time this important items on their re- and Water Proofing Materials Meetings, which will be sup- also noticed by foreign in- year and the top three contest- spective agendas. The Associ- Suppliers and Producers ported by the Republic of vestors. The number of in- ants in terms of correct instal- ations Special Sessions in the (IZODER); the Turkish Society Turkey Ministry of Trade and vestors willing to cooperate lation, project conformity, and Karadeniz Hall will provide of HVAC and Sanitary Engi- the Turkish HVAC&R Ex- with the leading manufactur- aesthetic will earn the title of insights into the future of the neers (TTMD); the Turkish porters Union (ISIB), will be ers of the Turkish air condi- the “Best Combi Boiler In- industry. 09

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Value Addition Engineering By Salman Ahmed Khan, Assistant Manager Spares & Planning, Amreli Steels Iwas attending Engineers day celebration uct design and development, regular mainte- at NED University by Institute of Engi- nance activities and spares arrangement. neers, Pakistan on date 25 /June /19, To make Value Engineering successful, it is where professionals and student were in- the responsibility of concern engineer partic- vited. During the opening of the program , ularly who is looking after spares manage- NED Vice Chancellor came to address the au- ment and planning; to collect all relevant dience and he said a line that Engineers can information regarding to machine, parts and drive the economy of the country in a better its process flow in plant operations also way than the other professionals , which was schematic diagrams must be gathered at first absolutely true because the economy of coun- stage for appropriate technical evaluation try is mostly based on number of industries Later before product selection, the cost and and offcourse these industries are being op- functional analysis should be done which can erational due to immense hardworking of en- further produce better results by sufficient gineers but also at the same time they have team work, by involving engineers who are in responsibility of increasing the company rev- plant operations and productions. enue . Similarly,by involving the commercial team In the industries , Supply chain depart- as well for obtaining quotation for price com- ment is the back bone ,it is all about fulfilling parison, market survey and alternate product the customers demand ; also to reduce the testing before purchasing decision. cost where necessary ,if we talk about pro- In value addition engineering the market curement , it is the duty of purchaser or de- intelligence also plays a vital role; for exam- partmental head to do maximum cost saving cal and engineering excellence. ple in case of emergency you stuck up with a while ordering to any vendor through proper The cost should not only be controlled by sensors or motor in automation process, negotiations , developing alternate sources, method of negotiations only as I mentioned whose ordering lead time is 4-8 weeks due to keeping update with market developments earlier, it is also evident from the fact that de- import and somehow its shipment is delayed, over product. cision for e.g. in purchasing Capex,Opex then it’s better to opt for sensor which is Mostly in industries, the foremostmass of spares should be taken keeping in view of re- available in local with other brand by evalu- end users are engineers who have not only search and development, technical evalua- ating its technical specification and functions major responsibility of making plant opera- tions and market research. along with cost, which would be less compare tional 24/7, but at the same time they have Value Engineering is about exploration of to imports. obligation of driving the industrial economy product in such a way that you do analysis in In this way; we can do lot of savings for the in a better way which can only be done by the terms self-asking question or doing inquiry in industries which would be further included in process of Value Engineering. terms of what is it? , what does that function the overall company profits and revenues Value Engineering is about increasing the ? , what does it cost ? , what could be the al- that could be later beneficiary in terms of profitability instead of increasing the cost. ternate of it ? , what can be its lead time ? good salaries, bonuses for employee . There are many factors that influence the Hence at initial stage of planning, the After all engineers can drive the economy company profits which are related to techni- value engineering should be adopted in prod- in a better way. 10

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 11

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 IEEE PES Karachi chapter’s Technical Seminar 2019 Presentation by Mr. Asif Siddiqui on Net Metering Fifth activity of the professional net- PES Karachi. advantages of net meter- year was organized work. The Technical ing were discuss. A by IEEE PES Chap- The one-day ter Karachi at Sunset seminar on “Net seminar prima- healthy discussion on dif- Club, Karachi. A multi- Metering” and rily comprised of ferent topics proved purpose event was D i s t i n g u i s h e d two parts. The knowledge enhancer for arranged where more Speaker of the first part of the the attendees. In last than 40 participants and seminar was seminar was on Part, Presentation about industry leaders were “Engr. Asif Sid- the Net Meter- IEEE Membership Devel- eased by Platform and got diqui”. With the ing, PV solar opment was presented to opportunity of appealing Recitation of types, most ef- encourage industry fel- with each other as IEEE Holy Quran, the fectual and cost- lows to be part of IEEE is committed to serve En- seminar started. effective solution Organization by Engr. gineering Professional to Thank You note with PV Solar, Tahir Saleem. In a long evaluate their technical to seminar was Grid connection run of 60 minutes, this knowledge and create ed- given by Engr. with PV system, satisfactory event was at- ifice chunks of an endur- Tahir Saleem, process of net tended by large number of ing and diverse Chairman IEEE metering system professionals and re- in Pakistan and freshed with high tea. SC to supervise OLMT project until completion Athree-judge bench headed inquired when this project would Court would supervise the OLMT by Justice Sheikh Azmat be completed. project. The apex court in its judg- Saeed heard the case of Or- Sibtain Fazal Haleem, who was ment ordered the Punjab govern- ange Line Metro Train (OLMT) appointed as focal person of ment to resume construction on project. Secretary transport ap- OLMT project in August last year, the train project and complete it peared before the bench. The requested the bench to grant time by the planned date. It also di- bench expressed extreme annoy- until January 31, 2020 for com- rected the provincial government ance over the delay in completion pletion of the project. He said to form two technical committees of the OLMT project. Justice train’s test run and removal of within 30 days to oversee techni- Azmat remarked that a huge technical error time till January cal aspects of the project. amount has been spent on this is required. The OLMT is expected to facili- project, besides that it has not Justice Azmat allowing time till tate up to 250,000 commuters been completed yet. He directly January said that the Supreme every day. 12

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 13

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Housing and Works Division continuing implementation of 42 major and minor development schemes during current financial year Engineering Post Report Housing and located Rs 2930.077 million. Works Division million for the current These ongoing and of the Federal financial year under new schemes have Government through the Public Sector De- been approved for exe- its subsidiary down velopment Pro- cution by the agencies mental Development Working Party the National Eco- the line departments gramme (PSDP) 2019 concerned down the Works Party (DDWP), (CDWP) and the Exec- nomic Council is continuing imple- against throw-for- line at the appropriate Central Development utive Committee of (ECNEC) between mentation of as many ward of Rs 8014.267 level of the Depart- 2007 to 2017 . as 42 major and minor Construction of development schemes 22-Category IV Flats which are at various for low paid Federal stages of their sched- Government Employ- uled completion al- ees,Hasan Garhi, Pe- ready during new shawar is the oldest financial year 2019- under implementa- 20. tion scheme of the Additionally, three Housing and Works new schemes are also Division which was planned to be approved by the De- launched during on- partmental Develop- going financial year. ment Works Party Quite interesting, all (DDWP) way back in three of these schemes December , 2007 and i.e. Construction of is far from making Police Barracks, Police substantial progress Station, Civil Lines in- even in 12 years as cluding Prisoner Cell only Rs 36. 960 mil- at NAB (Khyber lion have been re- Pukhtoonkhwah) ported incurred on its Hayatabad, Peshawar; implementation till Installation of Fire end June 2019 Fighting System for against its total esti- Office Building at mated cost of Rs NAB (Balochistan) at 89.910 million and is Quetta, and; Installa- now likely to be com- tion of Tubewells in pleted with an alloca- Federal Lodges No tion of total amount 1,11 and 111 Quetta of Rs 22.950 million though approved in in the PSDP 2019-20 2016 and 2017 , not a required for this pur- single had so far been pose. incurred and these Three other will be launched this schemes pertaining fiscal after inordinate to acquisition of land delay of two to three and construction of years for obvious rea- office-cum-residential sons of no allocation in accommodation for the PSDP previously. I.B. Staff at Dera Is- All these 45 devel- mail Khan and opment schemes are Kohat and 48 Fam- estimated to cost Rs ily Suits at Islam- 36819.896 million in- abad can easily be volving no foreign aid listed among slow or foreign exchange moving schemes as component. On the all these were ap- implementation of proved by the DDWP these schemes over in the second half of the years, total esti- 2009 and may be mated amount of Rs completed or attain 28805. 639 million near completion sta- have already been in- tus by end June 2020 curred by end June due to courtesy of ad- 2019, according to the equate PSDP funding information available this fiscal. from official sources. Many details about For continuing ex- large number of de- ecution of 42 develop- velopment schemes ment schemes and have been intention- launching of three ally avoided as these new schemes, the may not be of that Housing and Works much interest to Division has been al- many, please. 14

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 15

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 CCCME to hold 7th Pak China Business Forum-Industrial Expo in Lahore LAHORE: China Chamber of chairing different technical ses- at the venue where businessmen collaboration between the people of Import and Export of Ma- sions. The theme of the event this will have the opportunity to directly two countries. The event aims to ex- chinery and Electronic Prod- year is ‘Building Knowledge-driven meet manufacturers of diverse plore the untapped market of China uct (CCCME), COMSATS Worldwide Business Cooperation products i.e. Industrial Machinery, and Pakistan keeping in view the University and Federation of Pak- platform for Pakistan.’ Auto Parts, Machine Parts, Build- latest trends of the business and istan Chambers of Commerce & In- Over 100 plus leading Chinese ing material, Energy, Electronics & Technology in every industry. It is dustry (FPCCI) have joined hands companies are participating in this Electrical products & appliances, hoped that the event will also grab to host “7th Pak China Business mega event looking for developing Rehabilitation/Fitness equipment, foreign investments resulting in Forum - Industrial Expo 2019” from joint ventures and partners in dif- IT, Processing machinery and more. global connectivity and enhanced September 2-4, 2019 at the Lahore ferent industrial and business sec- We are proud to organize the job opportunities. Expo Centre. tors. It is being arranged by the biggest exhibition show in Pakistan The event will also provide a Governor Punjab Muhammad Everest International Expo to pro- with international and local ex- platform for necessary brainstorm- Sarwar Khan and Chief Minister vide a direct opportunity to Pak- hibitors, said Yousaf Fa CEO of the ing and capacity building for in- Punjab Usman Buzdar are ex- istani and Chinese businessmen to Everest International Expo. creased interaction between pected to inaugurate the main develop a mutually beneficial busi- He said that this show will assist Chinese and Pakistani entrepre- event while many other dignitaries ness relationship. Match Making, video conferencing, neurs, businessmen, and academia including the Punjab Industries Same number of Pakistani com- B2B meetings and more to help en- with more compatible skills and ex- Minister Malik Aslam Iqbal will be panies are also setting up their stall hance the bilateral relationship and pertise. KP to energise 100 villages with solar power After successfully energising already electrified 100 villages in ment (P&D) of Civil Secretariat was started with estimated cost of 100 villages in the Chitral Chitral through solar energy. completed as a pilot project while Rs.190 million. The Chief Minis- district, Khyber Under the solarization of the remaining de- ter’s Secretariat will be solarised Pakhtunkhwa (KP) government has scheme, 2750 partments of the secretariat with estimated cost of Rs.109 mil- decided to electrify the villages of units of solar en- has been lion. southern KP with solar energy. ergy were in- Furthermore, the provincial gov- Under this project more than 2900 stalled in Chitral ernment has also planned the solar- units of solar energy will be in- district with the cost isation of 4000 mosques in the stalled in central and southern dis- of Rs 325 million due province with the estimated cost of tricts of KP. The scheme will cost as to flood damages of Rs.2.414 billion while 300 mosques estimated Rs.241 million and will Rehsun Hydel Power in newly merged districts (NMD) be completed during the current fi- Project (HPP) in 2015. of the erstwhile FATA will be nancial year. Meanwhile, the solari- solarised with the estimated The provincial government has sation of Planning & Develop- cost of Rs.166 million. 16

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ENGINEERING POST September-2019 South Korea to send a buying delegation to Pakistan South Korea has announced frastructure and Urban Develop- that it will send a buying dele- ment Corporation (KIND) and Korea gation to Pakistan in the com- Importers Association (KOIMA). ing months in which will consist of Pak-Korea CEO forum was held top importers. This will help to re- also in Seoul in which top Korean move the investment bottlenecks,in- companies represented. While ad- crease bilateral trade andto dressing the forum Razzakda- resultantly en- woodurged the hance the eco- Korean compa- nomic nies to invest cooperation be- in Pakistan tween South owing to its im- Korea and proved global Pakistan. ranking in This deci- Ease of Doing sion comes Business Index after the suc- by 11 points in cessful visit of 2019.He also RazakDawood, proposed es- Adviser to PM tablishment of on Commerce Exclusive Eco- & Textile, Industries & Production nomic Zone for Korean companies as and Investment who was heading a part of CPEC. delegation of top textile industrial- In a very interesting development ists of Pakistan. During their visit Adviser to PM offered Early Harvest the delegation had very engaging di- Program to his Korean counterpart alogue with the Korean investors which may lead to Free Trade Agree- and importers. They also held meet- ment (FTA) between both the coun- ings with many private sector organ- tries. In this regard, Advisor asked izations including Daelim, Lotte his counterpart to hold meeting of Group, Daewoo E&C, K-Water, Joint Trade Committee at the earli- Korea Railway Network Authority est in order to address trade issues (KRNA), Korea Energy and improve trade facilitation. Ko- (KOEN),Korea Hydro and Nuclear rean Minister agreed to hold it near Power (KHNP), Korea Overseas In- the end of this year. 18

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 19

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Comprehensive plan chalked out to provide electricity to Special Economic Zones throughout the country foreign aid. An allocation of Rs 1210.000 million has been made in the Public Sector Development Pro- gramme (PSDP) for 2019-20 for starting its implementation during just started new financial year 2019-20. The project implementation is most likely to commence within next couple of months after it is con- sidered and Okayed by the Central Development Working Party (CDWP) and the Executive Commit- tee of the National Economic Coun- cil (ECNEC) on priority basis. Engineering Post Report As many as 9 Special Economic Zones are in being established dustrial Zone in Balochistan, Al- stages for making these Special Eco- Power Division of the Federal under overall umbrella of great lama Iqbal Industrial City Faisal- nomic Zones functional at the earli- Government has chalked out game changer China-Pakistan Eco- abad, Development of Industrial est possible. a comprehensive plan to pro- nomic Corridor (CPEC) for boosting Park on Pakistan Steel Mill s land Needless to mention here that the vide electricity to all the Special industrialization and create larger at Port Qasim near Karachi, Islam- Federal Government as well as the Economic Zones (SEZs) being estab- number of employment opportuni- abad Capital Territory (ICT) Model Provincial Governments of the Pun- lished in different parts of the coun- ties for both skilled and unskilled Industrial Zone in Islamabad, Spe- jab, Sindh, Khyber Pukhtoonkhwah try. workers of the respective areas cial Economic Zone at Mirpur Azad and Balochistan are attaching due According to the information through accelerated economic activ- Kashmir, Mohmand Marble City importance and priority to all proj- available to EP from official sources, ities. and Magpondas Special Economic ects and activities under the overall “Supply of Electricity to Special Eco- These SEZs are Rashakai Eco- Zone in Gilgit-Baltistan. comprehensive project CPEC to en- nomic Zones” project is estimated to nomic ZoneM-1 Nowshehra, Special Presently, work is in progress in sure all these projects are completed cost Rs 19909.285 million with no Economic Zone Dhabeji, Bostan In- all these SEZs and is at various within the stipulated period. 20

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 21

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 17th National Engineering Robotics Contest held at NUST The four-day 17th annual Na- botics Contest” is a unique platform tional Engineering Robotics that provides the engineering students Contest (NERC) 2019, the of Pakistan with an opportunity to get biggest robotics contest in the coun- the complete engineering experience. try, was held at NUST College of Brig Tariq Javed SI (M), Sitara-e- Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Eisaar Commandant College of (E&ME) Rawalpindi. E&ME, highlighted how the number The four days event had seven cat- of participants had grown over the egories. The prize money of these cat- years and the standard of the compe- egories were sponsored by NUST, tition has risen. STEM Ca- At the end reers Pro- of the cere- gramme mony the HEC, Head chief guest Start School, gave away NEXUS Tech- cash prizes to nologies, Al- the winning froze Pvt Ltd, teams of Grana, NUST NERC 2019 Alumni, EME in the follow- Centre of In- ing cate- novation and gories. Entrepre- 1. Win- neurship ner NERC (ICE), Intech 2019 Shield Automation, with cash and IEEE prize of young profes- Rs100,000 sionals. was awarded to team Markhor from National University of Sciences NUST College of Electrical and Me- and Technology, STEM Careers Pro- chanical Engineering. gramme, Higher Education Commis- 2. 1st Runner-up NERC 2019 sion (HEC) and National Centre of Shield with cash prize of Rs70,000 Robotics and Automation were the was awarded to team Ghori from organizers behind the 17th annual NUST College of Electrical and Me- NERC 2019. chanical Engineering. Dr Muhammad Amjad Saqib, 3. 2nd Runner-up NERC 2019 Founder of Akhuwat Foundation Shield with cash prize of Rs50,000 graced the event as chief guest. He was awarded to team Gears from La- said that “National Engineering Ro- hore Garrison University. 22

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 PM urges CPEC authority to accelerate projects Prime Minister Imran Khan has Gwadar Power Plant, Kohala Hy- said that China-Pakistan Eco- dropower projects, Hubco, Thar coal nomic Corridor Authority is power projects, as well as Sukkur- formulated to accel- Multan Motorway, erate the enforce- Thakot-Havelian sec- ment of the CPEC tion and New Gwdar projects. Industrial Airport. While chairing The PM was in- the meeting held to formed that Multan- review progress on Sukkar motorway CPEC projects, the has been completed PM stated that and would be inaugu- CPEC projects rated soon. The would not only aid Prime Minister gave the two countries approval of the proj- but it will also facil- ect for converting itate the entire re- Pakistan Television gion. He stated that timely transmission in digital system in col- completion of CPEC is the govern- laboration with China. ment’s leading priority. Minister for The meeting was attended by Min- Planning Khusru Bakhtiar briefed ister for Communication Murad the meeting about the progress made Saeed, Minister for Power Omer on various CPEC projects including Ayub, Advisor on Commerce Abdul ML-I, Gwadar Port, and power sector Razak Dawood, chairman Board of and infrastructure projects. The Investment, Special Assistant to meeting was informed about Port Prime Minister on Information Dr Qasim Coal-fired Power Plant, Firdous Ashiq Awan and others. PCRET and UAF to work on renewable energies Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technologies (PCRET) and Uni- versity of Agriculture Faisalabad have inked a Memorandum of Un- derstanding to jointly work on renewable energies in order to make advancement and promote the technologies. The MoU was duly inked by UAF Vice Chancellor Dr Muhammad Ashraf and PCRET DG Dr Baqer Raza. UAF Energy System Engineering chairman Dr Anjum Munir, PCRET director Saeed Hussain and UAF director external linkages Dr Rasheed Ahmad were in attendance. As per the MoU both parties will jointly conduct the energy specific applied projects, leading to inventive upshots. 23

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 An insight into Pakistan National Shipping Corporation Engineering Post Report the latest addition in the PNSC’s managed fleet Pakistan’s sustain- sive development initia- namely:” “M.T. Bolan” and able economic devel- tive and modernizing the “M.T.Khairpur”. These ad- opment is transport and logistic sec- ditions have increased dependent on a robust tor through a continuous PNSC”s managed fleet and low-cost transport process of reform sup- deadweight tonnage to and logistics sector. En- ported by focused invest- 831, 711 tons, which is the hanced export competi- ments in all of its largest in the history. The tiveness isalso contingent sub-sectors. new induction of oil- upon the efficient per- As for maritime linkage tankers inmanaged fleet formance of the sector. is concerned, national flag is not only catering the de- Quite obviously, the carrier Pakistan National mand of Motor Gasoline federal government is Shipping Corporation transportation but also fully aware of the vital (PNSC) is an important imparting modern techno- role the transport and lo- sub-sector of the transport logical advancements on gistic sector plays in de- and logistic sector of the board. These inductions velopment of the national country and its strength, are also making apprecia- economy and in improving working and performance ble contribution towards the competitiveness in is being briefly mentioned curtailing reliance on for- country’s exports. As in the following para- eign-charted vessels for oil foreseeable external chal- and future economic chal- deadweight of 636182 such, it is committed to graphs. transportation, encoun- lenges as well as gearing lenges. tons, sharply declining to implement acomprehen- Two LR-1 tankers are tering the existing and up for country’s current According to the facts 10 in 2009-10with dead- and figures available, weight of 633273 tons, 9 PNSC has achieved sub- during 2011-12 to2017-18 stantial growth in rev- with deadweight averag- enue earning of 35 per ing around 681806 tons cent from Rs 1272 million and going up to 11 with to Rs 1717 million in man- latest addition two in aged bulk carrier segment 2018-18 increasing dead- through its managed ves- weight carrying capaci- sels. tyto all time high at The present govern- 831711 tons. ment has encouraged the This is not all. Histori- use of alternative energy, cally speaking, there were which is cos-effective as good times some decades well as environment back when the national friendly, as compared to flag carrier fleet com- furnace oil. Restrictions prised ships of different were imposed sometime categories in 50s and 70s. backon import offurnace PNSC had scrapped as oilresulting inenergy many as 10 vessels from shifttowards inexpensive time to time due to vary- LiquefiedNatural Gas ing reasons,sold 4 vessels (LNG), which had ham- in 2009 to Blue Seas Ma- pered the operational rev- rine and another 2 to enue of the PNSC through Cheer Traders China an- foreign flagtankerschar- other time while one had tering with a decline of 71 sank way back in per cent from Rs1690 mil- 1989nearby cities of Ply- lion to Rs 491 million . mouth, Bournemouth and Likewise, there was also Cardiff in strong ty- decline of 7 per centfrom phoonthough all crew was Rs 1410 millionto Rs 1317 rescued by the Royal Air millionin slot charterseg- Force. ment, which wasalso pri- As for future develop- marilydue to the ment plans are concerned reductionin the import of to keeping moving on- publicsector cargoes. wards the the changing PNSC current fleet times and coping with na- comprises of 11 vessels (4 tional and international Aframax tankers, 2 LR-1 demands and require- tankers and 5 bulk carri- ments, PNSC has chalked ers) with a total dead- out comprehensive Fleet weight (DWT) capacity of Development Programme 831,711 tons, all manufac- (FDP) which has been di- tured by Japan and videdinto short, medium Korea, and is contributing and long terms. significantlyto Pakistan’s Besidesacquiring two imports and export vol- LR-1 product tankers in umeswhereas on the other the short term during last handis operating world- financial yearwhich have wide and earning precious boosted PNSC’s carrying and earning much needed capacity and thus also foreign exchange towards contributingtowards in- the public exchequer. creasing its revenue gen- Vessels are named MT eration, in the medium Quetta, MT Lahore, MT term the national ship- Karachi, MT Shalamar, ping carrierintends toex- MT Bolan andMT Khair- pand its drybulk and purandbuil carriers are liquid fleet and also in- M.V. Chitral, M.V. tended toget into trans- Malakand, M.V. Hyder- portationof LNG and abad, M.V.Sibi and M.V. LPGbusiness. However, in Multan. the long term,the ultimate PNSC fleet, quite inter- objective of the Corpora- estingly, comprised 14 tionis to enhance and con- vessels in 2000-01 with taindeadweightcarrying deadweight of 243802 capacity of over 1.5 mil- tons,15 in 2005-06 with lion tons by 2025. 24

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 25

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Leadership, Anthropology and Neurosciences II By Engr. Muhammad Iqbal Mirza CEO, Green Leaves fixed in the family’s ogy driving them to genes and are passed take on leadership on from generation to roles, thus setting generation. them apart from the Today we have all common men. Leader- type of education and ship role has been ac- training facilities, but tive in all primitive great men of past societies, but today it didn’t have all this. has much greater The innate qualities challenges and faces and divine insight has tough completion. broad divisions or four through archaeology, consider what makes helped them reach Leaders ought to be subfields, the archeol- to see how human up our biological bod- great heights. There like anthropologists. ogy and biological, cul- groups lived hundreds ies and genetics, as Leadershipis an was something differ- Anthropology is the tural and linguistic or thousands of years well as our bones, diet, inbuilt charac- ent in their anatomy, study of what makes anthropology. They ago and what was im- and health. of personality or physiol- us human. It has two study the past, portant to them. They Anthropologists also teristic try to understand how human being, no mat- people interact in so- ter of what size the cial relationships, for role is. It could be as example with families small as head of a fam- and friends. They look ily or a clan, a town, at the different ways city or a country. Our people dress and com- prophet (peace be municate in different upon him) saying, societies. Anthropolo- which we mentioned gists also study in the opening of this plants, animals, and article endorses it. In soils from the places 1840 Thomas Carlyle where people have put forward “The lived in order to un- Great Man Theory” derstand how people stating that a leader is used and changed a person who is their natural environ- blessed with unique ments. qualities that capture Anthropologists do the masses’ imagina- not just ask questions tion. to individual and In our daily life we groups, review data, see men and women or read the reports of genuinely do better others. They go out in than others in the sim- the field and observe ilar occupations and people in their natu- field of interests. His- ral environment. tory also supports us American Anthropolo- where some great gist Margaret Mead, leaders have risen back in 1920, spent above their compatri- five months in Samoa ots. We also note that society before writing one specific family has a book on Samoan produced highly suc- girl’s transition to cessful leaders in suc- adulthood. The dis- cession. coveries in her book It looks like a mys- would have not been tery. No, it isn’t, the possible from the com- Great Man Theory fort of her office. have already an- Leaders in business swered it that great organizations or poli- leaders are born, not tics strive to be effec- made or trained. Indi- tive by finding viduals are born with solution to organiza- certain traits or char- tion or masses prob- acteristics, and these lems. They basically characteristics are dif- act as problem- ferent in natural-born solvers, but no prob- leaders in comparison lem can be solved to others. The special unless it is first iden- traits or characteris- tified. It is customary tics enabling them to for leaders to collect lead people and write data and analyze it, new pages in history ask for reports and re- are: Charisma, intel- view them, call meet- lect, superb judgment, ings and ask for intuition, aggressive- suggestions or try to ness, courage and abil- seek information ity to persuade others. through questions. According to Thomas This is all good, but Carlyle, these can’t be not absolutely good. It learned; someone ei- may turn out to be de- ther possesses these ceptive, because it is traits or doesn’t. Such depending on reports characteristics are 26

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 compiled by others. It is therefore im- ship, the ways people ent ways. So anthro- gist’s approach, their asks his employees It is building founda- portant for leaders to meet these needs can pologists look at how decision making questions, talks to his tions on a data ana- use anthropologist ap- be very different. For different groups of process will be more customers and suppli- lyzed by people who proach and methodol- example, everyone people get food, pre- yielding. ers, it can provide him are not carrying the ogy by first observing All manufacturing useful information in burden of leader’s re- and identifying the and distribution or improving his product, sponsibly. problem before a solu- marketing companies introducing better In early seventies in tion is tried. It is often should use the selling and marketing Pakistan we saw Zul- seen that a damage methodology Margret strategy to have an fiqar Ali Bhutto find- has already been done Mead and her fellow edge over his competi- ing a new dimension before it comes into anthropologists used. tors. Similarly open in the political life of knowledge; and by The psychology of con- discussion with em- Pakistan. Instead of that time even a very sumers must be un- ployees can embolden traditional drawing accurate decision will derstood before them blow whistles on room politics he went not make any differ- developing a new activities that could out and contacted the ence. We do observe product. The market- prove injurious to com- masses all around that despiteemployees ing men who are on re- pany repute and Pakistan and it paid encouraged byleaders search job try to seek image in the business him dividend. He be- not to hesitate in answers according to community. Therefore came a popular vote in telling them bad news, their written format, firsthand information Pakistan. What did he the problems are not which may produce is a source of different do? Observation! He discovered in time. ambiguous answers. insight on the activi- observed what people This all happens due Observation sup- ties and behavior of wanted from him and to being unaware of ports leaders to find employees, cus- he gave popular slo- culture having deep needs to eat, but peo- pare it, and share it. problems and find out tomers,suppliers, com- gans based on people’s roots at different lev- ple eat different foods Similarly if the lead- the right solution. A petitors, and strategic needs. els of workplace. and get food in differ- ers follow anthropolo- business leaders, if partners. (Continued) Any leader intend- Why a leader’s first- ing to discover the hand observation is problems that could important? It is, be- possible spread cause there is always quickly causing full- a contradiction in blown failures in his what people say and organization will have what they do. This to move out of his of- doesn’t mean people fice to witness the con- will deceive intention- ditions in which the ally, this simply is due work is being done, to gap between a ver- whether it is buying bal talk and actual be- and selling or manu- havior, which is facturing and services. typically of a group Leaders need to discussion. We human sharpen their skills of being tend to hide observation, because facts and display inac- the information reach- curate behavior in ing them has been fil- presence of or under tered at different influence of others. levels and they may Therefore merely re- not get the right pic- lying on other people’s ture. In order to avoid information leads to rosy and deceptive in- wrong conclusion and formation the leaders hence a wrong solu- have to involve them- tion. Even though selves in the process nearly all humans where actions and be- need the same things haviors can be directly to survive, like food, seen in action. water, and companion- 27

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Telephone Industry “Golden Triangle” Expo of Pakistan to centre to be established be revived at Wazirabad ederal Secretary Ministry of He said that the TIP is the his-resident Gujrat Chamber of GTCCI for the last 8 years but due to Commerce and Industry (GCCI) security constrains and some other is- F PInformation Technology and torical factory and “it is our asset Amir Nouman has hinted at the sues it was not organised last year, Telecommunication Shoaib where we can run many busi- e s t a b l i s h - however the Ahmad Siddiqui nesses to generate ment of a management has said the fed- revenue for coun- “Golden Tri- of GTCCI is eral minister for try’s benefit and angle” expo fully deter- IT and Telecom- mined to or- munication has development.” centre for ganize the strictly directed to said exhibi- take all necessary Shoaib Ahmed Wazirabad. tion this year. Siddiqui said that He said this every effort would while visit- steps to ensure be made to make ing the FCCI chief the, revival of the TIP a best revenue Faisalabad in his wel- Telephone Indus- generating body. Chamber of come address tries of Pakistan TIP will be made C o m m e r c e briefed about (TIP) through an important ele- and Indus- the activities joint ventures. ment for country’s development, he try (FCCI). of FCCI and The federal secretary Ministry added. He said that revival of TIP The Golden triangle will cater for the informed the house that the foremost of IT and Telecommunication said is vital to utilize it in better way es- requirements of Gujrat, Gujranawala object of FCCI is to safeguard and pro- this during his visit to Telephone pecially catering needs of IT indus- and Sialkot. These three industrial tect the rights of industry and trade Industries of Pakistan (TIP), try of Pakistan. The federal cities are leading the market in exports community in legislative manners. The Haripur on which he made on the secretary Ministry of IT and of electric fans, cutlery and surgical issue regarding levy of sales tax is also direction of Federal Minister for IT Telecommunication also visited items. under discussion with the concerned and Telecommunication Dr Khalid various departments, workshops He said that the annual industrial govt. authorities and is expected to be Maqbool Siddiqui. and sites of the TIP exhibition was regularly organised by resolved very soon. Oil and Gas discovered in Kohat Hydrocarbon reserves gas is encountered. It is per- Makori Deep-2 in partner op- respectively. The production is currently producing oil & have been discovered tinent to note that according erated TAL block. TAL block is expected to start from De- gas from TAL block. in Kohat region of to the company, actual pro- is operated by MOL with cember 2019. MOL Pakistan Recently, MOL Pakistan KPK. According to initial de- duction number may differ joint venture partners in- is engaged in extensive ex- has farmed-in, in DG Khan tails 1844bpd (barrels per after further testing is car- cluding POL, PPL and ploration and production ac- as a non-operating partner day) of oil and 18.25mmcfd ried out. The hydrocarbons OGDC having 21 percent, 27 tivities. It is the operator of with Pakistan Oilfields Lim- (million cubic feet per day) of have been discovered in percent and 27 percent stake, TAL and Margala blocks and ited (POL). 28

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 UK Funded Karandaaz to invest £15m in renewable energy The UK-funded Karandaaz firms, businesses, and financial present on the occasion. system mean manufacturing firms on has announced to invest institutions to demonstrate the fi- According to the latest World cite access to electricity amongst over £15 million for the pro- nancial viability of enhancing in- Bank study, more than 75% of the top obstacles to growth. motion of renewable energy and vestments in clean energy and Pakistani firms cite energy provi- Climate and environment are a efficiency measures in Pakistan. energy efficiency improvements. sion as a major constraint to global priority for DFID. Domesti- This initiative is the part of the The agreement was signed be- growth. Where available, electric- cally and internationally, the UK Department for International De- tween Joanna Reid, Head of DFID ity provision is costly and ineffi- has been leading the way on cli- velopment (DFID) Sustainable Pakistan and Ali Sarfraz, CEO cient, lowering the mate change. This programme is Energy and Economic Develop- Karandaaz Pakistan. Karandaaz competitiveness of industry and also an opportunity for Pakistan to ment (SEED) programme. The Board of Director’s Chairperson, services. Daily load shedding and draw on expertise of UK in clean SEED programme will work with Dr Shamshad Akhtar was also large leakages in the distribution energy for greener growth 29

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Global Innovations Scientists have developed robotic Even emotions are exosuit that allows humans to spend not hidden from less energy while walking and running technology unning and walking are extension during running and by 9.3 percent when walking and Rbut now scientists have tuation system on the lower back pared to when they did these ac- simple human activities, walking. It also has a mobile ac- 4 percent when running com- Afound a way to make these mazon has announced a new milestone tivities without the robot shorts. regarding Rekognition, its in-house fa- tasks even easier for people. It worked well in a range of dif- cial recognition system. The artificial Scientists have basically devel- ferent situations, including in- intelligence-based tech is now able to pick up oped a robotic superhero suit, door treadmill walking and fear from people's faces. Rekognition offers a known as an exosuit, that al- running, uphill walking, vari- lows humans to spend less en- ous running speeds, and over ergy while walking and ground outdoor testing. While running. This exosuit, or per- the metabolic reductions found haps more accurately \"ex- are modest, study demonstrates oshorts,\" would let wearers that it is possible to have a walk or run greater distances that's controlled by an algorithm portable wearable robot assist without getting tired. The exo- detecting changes from walking more than just a single activity, suit, which is designed using tex- to running and vice versa. That helping to pave the way for these tile components, helps the metabolic rates of subjects systems to become ubiquitous in specifically with gait-specific hip wearing the exosuit are reduced our lives. diverse set of tools for face detection, analysis, and recognition in images and videos. It's one of the services Amazon offers as part of its Amazon Web Services cloud platform. Amazon says it's successfully improved de- tection accuracy for emotions such as happy, sad, angry, surprised, disgusted, calm, and confused. But it has one more emotion to add to the list: fear. It’s not immediately clear what the implica- tions of such a development might have, but Amazon confirms that it has also Rekogni- tion's age range estimation accuracy, which means customers can get narrower age ranges \"across most age groups. Unsurprisingly, the new development has drawn some fire from critics, especially consid- ering that some of Amazon's clients come from the law enforcement sector. Add to that the fact that facial recognition remains far from perfect and is known to misidentify women and people of color. In 2018, the American Civil Liberties Union, or ACLU, released a study showing that the technology misidenti- fied 28 U.S. lawmakers. 30

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 NHA launches E-billing system Federal Minister for Com- check and sanction payment. The the NHA. The system will help munications and Postal Finance Wing will process and ac- redress the complaints and fixing Service Murad Saeed cord approval of payment prior to of responsibility in case of any launched the E-Billing System at release of payment to beneficiary. delay. The system will create at- the National Highway Authority The NHA chairman said that mosphere of mutual confidence (NHA) in the last week of July the launch of e-billing system is a between the NHA and contrac- 2019. The system is designed to great achievement. As per vision tors. ensure speedy processing of bills of the present government, the Federal Secretary Communica- and transparency and ultimately NHA is also working over e-bid- tions Jawwad Rafique Malik, it will help control corruption, be- ding and making human resource Chairman NHA Captain Sikan- sides saving time by 50 percent. management more active. dar Qayyum (retd), and senior of- The working of the E-billing Portal and consultant will E-Billing system is in-house ficers from the Ministry of system is such that the contractor verify/certify the bill. The project development through the use of Communications and NHA at- will submit bill at NHA E-Billing authority will exercise laid down own expertise and resources of tended the launching ceremony. 31

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Government to invest in nanotechnology research The government has decided to million will be generated through for the economy and society, particu- presently more focus is on assem- invest in nanotechnology re- foreign financing. larly by promoting close and produc- bling and import instead of transfer search being undertaken in The project will offer low cost but tive and would help in interaction of technology in this areas. Also, HEJ Research Institute of Chem- highly standardized training pro- between private and public R&D in- there is poor involvement of private istry, University of Karachi. The gramme in latest material sciences stitutions. Project would also pro- sector in R&D and inadequate sys- project was included in Public Sector and biosciences methodologies, mote university - industry and R&D tem of commercialization of technolo- Development Programme (PSDP). hence technologists produced by the linkages through research capacity gies whereas there is minimal The total cost of the project is Rs 718 institution will have great employ- buildings of universities. participation of national and inter- million out of which federal govern- ment opportunities. It would also re- The project has been planned after national collaboration and linkages ment would contribute Rs 213.708 sult in encouragement of research the realisation that this particular of universities and R&D organiza- million while the rest of Rs 507.463 and innovation in areas of relevance sector has multiple issues as tions. 32

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Professional development seminar at DESCON Asession titled Continuing Professional Engineering Council conducted the seminar Development (CPD) framework for covering topics like CPD Framework, its pa- professional growth and skill enhance- rameters, as well as the requirements and fa- ment of engineers was organized at Descon in cilitation for the engineers. . The seminar collaboration with Pakistan Engineering also included a discussion on the role of De- Council (PEC). Descon’s Management Devel- scon as a Professional Engineering Body opment Centre (MDC) organised the event. (PEB) that is paving the way for the skill en- hancement and professional development of Engr Dr Ashfaq Ahmed Sheikh, Additional engineers. Registrar/Head, CDP Department, Pakistan 33

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 UN to ensure implementation of EnMS in Pakistani Industries United Nations Indus- plementations including En- able Energy called Sustainable trial Development Or- ergy Audit in 50 industrial Energy Initiative for Indus- ganization (UNIDO) units across 10 industrial clus- tries in Pakistan. The EnMS has launched the Energy Man- ters, enabling in achievement programme is covering major agement System (EnMS) for of ISO 50001 based Energy industrial regions of Pakistan Pakistani industries. Under Management Systems. This like Karachi, Nooriabad, La- this programme UNIDO programme is a part of hore, Sheikhupura, Faisal- trained energy consulting UNIDO's flag ship project on abad, Hub (Baluchistan), firms, will carry out EnMS im- Energy Efficiency and Renew- Hattar (KPK) and others. EnginEEring Mart ENGINEERING POST 34


ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Sindh Govt accuses federal govt for cost escalation of Nai Gaj Dam Special Secretary Irrigation Sindh Aslam However, the PC-1 was revised again and sub- sues. He further said that the Wapda took unilat- Ansari while briefing the Senate Standing mitted by Wapda and MoWR with estimated cost eral decision of changing the project design while Committee on Planning, Development and of Rs 46.98 billion and it included additional com- the federal government deferred its financing Reform which met with Agha Shahzaib Durrani in ponents like power house, project colony, access which led to cost escalation. the chair has said roads, actual cost of that the main reason spillways and for cost escalation is pipeline to Manchar the unilateral Lake. The project changes in the de- was recommended sign of Nai Gaj Dam by the Central De- initiated by the Fed- velopment Working eral Government. Party (CDWP) and The original PC-1 discussed by the cost of Nai Gaj Dam ECNEC; however, it project was Rs was deferred due to 16.924 billion which cost sharing by the was later revised to government of Rs 26.236 billion and Sindh. was approved by the Executive Committee of Na- The special secretary Sindh informed the com- tional Economic Council (ECNEC) with reduced mittee that the federal government had the re- scope of work by deleting the essential components sponsibility to provide complete funding for the i.e. power house, access roads, pipeline to Manchar project, while the province had the responsibility Lack and project colony. of land procurement, settlement and security is- 36

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Consultant loungE ENGINEERING POST 37

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 UK Funded Karandaaz to invest £15m in renewable energy The UK-funded Karandaaz on a major constraint to growth. Where has announced to invest over available, electricity provision is £15 million for the promotion costly and inefficient, lowering the of renewable energy and efficiency competitiveness of industry and measures in Pakistan. services. Daily load shedding and This initiative is the part of the large leakages in the distribution Department for International Devel- system mean manufacturing firms opment (DFID) Sustainable Energy cite access to electricity amongst the and Economic Development (SEED) top obstacles to growth. programme. The SEED programme Climate and environment are a will work with firms, businesses, global priority for DFID. Domesti- and financial institutions to demon- cally and internationally, the UK has strate the financial viability of en- been leading the way on climate hancing investments in clean energy Pakistan and Ali Sarfraz, CEO on the occasion. change. This programme is also an and energy efficiency improvements. Karandaaz Pakistan. Karandaaz According to the latest World opportunity for Pakistan to draw on The agreement was signed be- Board of Director’s Chairperson, Dr Bank study, more than 75% of Pak- expertise of UK in clean energy for tween Joanna Reid, Head of DFID Shamshad Akhtar was also present istani firms cite energy provision as greener growth Engineering Post — T he Of f i ci a l Me d i a Pa r tn e r s $2bn collected through Saindak project since 2003 Federal Minister for Energy Omar Ayub in- formed the National Assembly that a state-owned entity of People’s Republic of China, namely M/s Metallurgical Corporation of China Ltd (MCC), has been engaged for opera- tion of Saindak Copper Gold Project (district Chagai, Balochistan) under a documented agreement with Saindak Metals Limited (SML), duly signed between the parties on 30-11-2001. Up till now around US$2Bn has been collected through the Saindak project from China. The contract between SML and MCC was ini- tially made for 10 years w.e.f. October 02, 2002. Later the contract term was extended in five years spell up to 31st October, 2022 with the consent of government of Balochistan and ap- proval of the federal cabinet. The terms and conditions of the Contract are: (i) annual rent: US $0.500 million paid to SML; (ii) royalty; 5% of sale proceeds paid to govern- ment of Balochistan, (iii) presumptive tax; 1.00% of sale proceeds paid to government of Pakistan, (iv) EPZ Dev Surcharge: 0.50% of sale proceeds to EPZ Authority, (v) profit sharing: 50% of cash surplus to SML [of which 60% on net basis is shared with GoB under Aghaze Haqooq-e-Balochistan Package] and (vi) social uplift support: 5% of net profit will go to Miners’ Welfare Board, GoB. Current account deficit decreased by 73% The state bank of Pakistan has reported that the size of current account deficit (CAD) has shrunk by 73 per cent in the first month of this fiscal year. According to the re- port the CAD plunged by 72.81pc to $579 million in July, as compared to $2.13 billion in same pe- riod of 2018-19. This was in line with the down- ward trend witnessed throughout 2018-19 when the deficit stood lower by 31pc to $13.58bn, from $19.8bn in FY18 – recording a decrease of $6.3bn. According to the July data, exports jumped 10pc to $2.233bn, as compared to $2.012bn whereas imports plunged to $4.08bn, from $5.497bn in same month last year. As a result, balance of trade in goods fell to $1.847bn, as against a deficit $3.485bn. The balance of trade in services, on the other hand, went down 8.5pc to $473m, from last year’s level of $517m Bankers say the fall in CAD will help bring some stability to exchange rate and support for both import-reliant and domestically sufficient manufacturers. 38

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Minerals Sector performance and future plans Mineral poten- mestic Product (GDP) eral sector, resources of tials of Pak- has persistently re- several minerals have istan are mained around 2.5 per been discovered over widely recognized not cent, unchanged over the last many decades only within the coun- the past two decades. including world class try but internationally Although many ef- resources of ignite coal as well but somehow, forts have been made deposits at Thar, most unfortunately, and are still being Sindh, porphyry cop- this important sector made for developing per gold in Chagai and somehow has not been geological products, in- lead -zinc deposits in adequately developed stitutional, academic Lasbela, Balochistan, as it should have been and Research and De- gypsum , rock salt, all these years for velopment (R& D) in- limestone, dolomite, playing its due in the frastructure, enough china clays, etc in the growth of the national remains to be done to Indus Basin, ornamen- economy. enable the sector to tal and construction Quite sadly this is take full advantage of stones in various parts northern Pakistan. four development proj- has also been com- evident from the bitter its endowment. of the country, and According to the in- ects listed in the Public pleted in different re- fact that the constribu- As a result of these about 30 different formation gathered Sector Development gions of Salt Range and tion of the minerals toils, devoted for the gems and precious from official sources Programme (PSDP) of coal seams were found sector to Gross Do- development of min- stone deposits in concerned, there were the Federal Govern- in all holes at various ment 2018-19. depths. Hopefully, it is Engineering Post — T he Of f i ci a l Me d i a Pa r tn e r s Briefly speaking, expected that final main objective of the technical report would Acquisition of Four be available around Drilling Rigs with Ac- now. cessories for te Geolog- And under “Ap- ical Survey of Pakistan praisal of Newly Dis- scheme is to purchase covered Coal Resources new drilling rigs as a of Badin Coal Field and replacement for old its Adjoining Areas of drilling rigs plus ac- Southern Sindh” quiring modern tech- scheme, 15 bore holes nologies in the field of with a cumulative drilling. So far two new depth of 5877 meters 275 HP , Hydraulic, have so far been com- Truck Mounted and pleted in different re- 2000-3000 meters NQ , gions of Badin and with accessories and Mirpur Khas districts spare parts of rigs and covering an area of trucks have been pur- 2200 square kilome- chased from Italy. ters. Coal seams have Project “Exploration been encountered in and Evaluation of all all drill holes at Metallic Minerals, in various depths. Geolog- Uthal and Bela Areas , ical logging of bore- district Lasbela, holes and analysis of Balochistan” aims at core samples has also exploration and evalu- been completed. ation of metallic min- As regards already erals in district commenced financial Lasbela of Balochistan year 2019-20, Geologi- province. So fart in- cal Survey of Pakistan duced polarization and (GSP) has designed a magnetic surveys have number of annual field been carried out iin dif- programmes like min- ferent areas of district erals investigations, Lasbela e.g. Sukhan, geological mapping, Sap Dohro,Shumali geophysical explo- etc. The results are en- ration, exploration and couraging and indicate evaluation of coal, geo- that the project area chemical exploration has high potential for of precious metals and titanium, nickel, rare earth metals, ex- chromium and barium. ploration of iron ore, Under the project g e o - e n v i r o n m e n t a l “Exploration of Terti- and ground water stud- ary Coal in Central ies, geo-hazard assess- Salt Range, Punjab”, ment, and geochemical geological mapping analysis during the over470 square kilo- new fiscal. An area of meter area on 1:10,000 about 13000 square scale and section kilometers has been measurements at 12 planned to be geologi- sites have been com- cally mapped in differ- pleted , according to ent parts of the latest information country. available. Similarly, As for the mineral drilling of 05 ex- policies of the federal ploratory boreholes and provincial; govern- with a cumulative depth of 742 meters Continued on page 41 39

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Engineering Post — The Official Media Partners 40

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 ments are concerned, ments under the Consti- ternational levels. For ef- All these schemes are National Mineral Policy tution, provincial gov- fective implementation estimated to cost Rs was formulated and en- ernments of the Punjab of this Policy, Provincial 935.459 million with no forced way back in 2013. and Khyber Assembly had also foreign exchange compo- Main objectives of this Pukhtoonkhwaha have p[assed Khybere nent against which Rs Policy, for information already announced their Pukhtoonkhwah Miner- 561.606 million have al- and benefit of our wor- respective Mineral Poli- als Act 2017. ready been incurred be thy readers, are en- cies whereas the provin- Ongoing projects in end June 2019 and are hancement and cial governments of the Minerals Sector dur- scheduled to be com- sustenance of revenue Sindh and Balochistan ing financial year 2019- pleted by the end of the flow to the federal and have not yet formulated 20 , as briefly already ongoing financial year provincial governments, their policies. mentioned also, Acquisi- with entire throw for- creation of an invest- Punjab Mineral Policy tion of Four Drilling ward amount of Rs ment friendly climate to 2018 covers regulatory Rigs with Accessories for 433.853 million provided enhance international and institutional frame- the Geological Survey of in the PSDP 2019-20 for competitiveness, opti- work, provision of ade- Pakistan, Appraisal of ensuring their timely mization of exploration, quate incentives for Newly Discovered Re- completion in all re- development and ex- retaining talent, attract- sources of Badin Coal spects. ploitation of minerals ing both local and for- Field and its adjoining Both the first two de- and value-addition of eign investment. areas of Southern Sindh velopment projects were minerals. Various con- As far Khyber (2013-19), Exploration considered and approved cessions like tax reduc- Pukhtoonkhwakh Min- and Evaluation of Metal- by the Central Develop- tion, royalty fee, eral Policy 2014 is con- lic Minerals in Uthal and ment Working Party workers’ welfare fund cerned, it seeks to ensure Bela Areas, district Las- (CDWP) about 10 years etc have also been an- that the mineral sector bela, Balochistan and in November 2009 and nounced under this Pol- development takes ad- Exploration and Evalua- are still under imple- icy from time to time. vantage of initiatives tion of Coal in Bahlol mentation in a some- In accordance with the and collaboration at re- Areas, Balochistan what delayed manner for obligations and require- gional, national and in- (2017-19). varying reasons. 41

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Govt to waive Rs208b dues of industrialists Since the last week of August, mitted in the Supreme Court a rumours have been circulat- few years ago. Depending on the ing in the market that the settlement date, the amount may govt is set to bail out big indus- exceed Rs208 billion. trial defaulters by waiving 50% off Only half a dozen fertiliser com- their outstanding bills. If the ru- panies will be given a benefit of mours are true it would mean Rs69 billion, which they have re- that the govt covered from would grand the poor Rs208 billion farmers but in favour of a have refused handful of in- to deposit in dustrialists. the national Director kitty. The General gas total out- in a meeting standing of the sub- amount committee of against them Public Ac- was Rs138 counts Com- billion as of mittee (PAC) the end of De- has revealed cember. Fer- that he gov- tiliser firms ernment is in are still re- the process of covering the promulgating a presidential ordi- GIDC from the farmers. nance for the tax waiver. The There is a lot of hue and cry amount that the PTI government about this unjust treatment is going to waive in favour of the which, to put it this way, means industrialists, mainly Karachi- that the law abiding companies based, is close to the total loans who have already discharged written off from 1971 to 2009. their legal obligation by comply- Commercial banks wrote off ing and submitting the charge Rs256 billion between 1971 and will be the ones at a disadvantage 2009, according to the details sub- here. 42

ENGINEERING POST September-2019 Work underway on Sialkot industrial heritage museum Sialkot Industrial Heritage through its exports. Museum is being established Sialkot is the only export ori- at Sialkot Business and ented city of Pakistan where 99 Commerce Centre (SBCC). The ob- percent industrial production is jective of setting up the museum is meant for exports. The products to promote ‘Made in Sialkot’ prod- include Sports Goods, Surgical In- ucts and the export potential of struments, Leather Products, Tex- Sialkot-based small and medium tile Items, Martial Arts Uniforms enterprises. and Accessories, Musical Instru- The rare manufacturing tools ments, Knives and Cutlery items will be displayed in the museum and Military Uniform badges etc. with active cooperation of local They are produced in Sialkot and trade bodies for the interest of do- exported to all parts of the world. mestic and foreign visitors. Most Sialkot made footballs, filed importantly, surgical instruments hockey sticks, cricket gears and and sports goods are centuries-old sports wears are used in Olympics, industries of Sialkot and earning $ World Cups, Asian Games and 2.5 billion dollars per annum other international events. 43

Govt to fast track the release of development funds Prime Minister's economic team led by his the process of release of development funds needs ment contractors disclosed that this unfair delay Adviser on Finance and Revenue Abdul to be streamlined. The meeting was attended by has pushed them to downsize causing huge un- Hafeez Shaikh decided in a meeting that ministers and advisers of the planning, economic employment. affairs, commerce and industry ministries in ad- dition to the heads of board of investment, the Federal Board of Revenue, Planning Commission and finance, food security and planning secre- taries. The meeting expressed displeasure over slow disbursements of funds for development schemes, particularly on Special Economic Zones (SEZs) under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and unanimously decided to fast track the process of release of funds to ensure sustainable growth. Economic affairs division minister told the meeting that sufficient funds were available from development partners for projects of social and infrastructure sectors of the federal and provincial governments. Delay in release of development funds over the last one year has become a nightmare for many contractors and suppliers working with govern- ment organizations. Industry experts are of the opinion that the main hindrance in the growth and sustainability of industries now a days is the extra ordinary delay in passing funds to the con- tractors and suppliers. Talking to Engineering Post, many govern-

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