ESTABLISH 101 Do you have questions about God and the Bible? Have you heard bits and pieces of biblical truth throughout your life but do not have a cohesive understanding of how the entire Bible fits together? You’re not alone; this is true for many people. And so we offer you, through Establish, an opportunity to walk with us through the main storyline of the Bible. Our desire is that this journey through God’s Word will help you to grow in your understanding of who God is, of who we are, and of His great desire for every person to be wholly engaged in a deep and meaningful relationship with Him.
ESTABLISH 101 Disciple’s Notes VERSION 2.0 This book was written and published by Ethnos Canada. This is part of the first level in the ESTABLISH Disciple-Making Series. Please do not copy or reproduce in part or in whole without written consent. © 2014 Ethnos Canada 2021 ISBN 978-1-7779083-7-9 Ethnos Canada Box 707 Durham ON N0G 1R0 Canada The Bible pictures are provided by The Tetelestai Project: Cover design, graphics, and layout by Barefoot Creative Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission.
ESTABLISH 101 - DISCIPLE’S NOTES CREATION 1 – Intro and Timeline 5 9 CREATION 2 – God's Word - 36 lessons divided into 13 CREATION 3 – God, In the Beginning 4 sections walk disciples 19 from Genesis 1 through 25 CREATION 4 – Creation of the Angels the end of the gospels: 31 37 CREATION 5 – GCroedatiinoCnroefatAiodnam •• CCaretaastitornophe •• CChovreisntant 43 CREATION 6 – 49 55 CREATION 7 – Adam, Eve, and the Two Trees 61 67 CATASTROPHE 1 – Lucifer's Rebellion 73 79 CATASTROPHE 2 – Satan Deceives 85 91 CATASTROPHE 3 – Enemies of God 97 103 CATASTROPHE 4 – The Deliverer 109 115 CATASTROPHE 5 – ALL Sin Is Catastrophic 121 127 CATASTROPHE 6 – Cain and Abel 133 139 CATASTROPHE 7 – Adam to Noah 145 151 CATASTROPHE 8 – The Flood CATASTROPHE 9 – Babel COVENANT 1 – Abram, Lot, and Sodom COVENANT 2 – Abraham and Isaac COVENANT 3 – Esau, Jacob, and Joseph COVENANT 4 – Moses, Egypt, and the Plagues COVENANT 5 – Passover to Sinai COVENANT 6 – 10 Commandments – 1 COVENANT 7 – 10 Commandments – 2 COVENANT 8 – The Tabernacle and Canaan’s Border COVENANT 9 – Wandering and Canaan COVENANT 10 – Prophecies of the Deliverer Table of Contents 3
CHRIST 1 – The Deliverer Arrives 159 CHRIST 2 – Jesus, the Promised Deliverer 167 CHRIST 3 – Jesus, the Rescuer 173 CHRIST 4 – New Birth 179 CHRIST 5 – Storms, Demons, and Death 185 CHRIST 6 – Rich Man – Poor Man 191 CHRIST 7 – Jerusalem and the Passover 197 CHRIST 8 – Jesus’ Arrest and Trial 203 CHRIST 9 – Christ Crucified 209 CHRIST 10 – Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension 217 TEST YOUR FOUNDATIONS 225 KEY CHARTS 229 SELF-CHECK ANSWERS 241 4 Table of Contents
- Cardstock dividers help disciples quickly find what they are looking for. Creation Lessons
- Title pages identify each lesson’s section, number, and title. CREATION 3 - Each lesson’s main objective is clearly God, In the Beginning stated upfront so disciples know, in advance, where they are heading. EXPECTED LESSON OUTCOMES You will begin to understand who God is, as revealed in His Word. You will see that the Bible is God’s Story and so we must view it through God’s eyes. God is the Theme of Scripture. - QR code and URL give access to PowerPoint slides for each lesson.
Review: The Bible is a credible, authoritative book: - Each lesson opens with a short review of ➥ It is a reliable collection of historical documents. the previous lesson and ➥ It records supernatural fulfillments of prophecy. its foundational truths. ➥ It claims to be divine. God has preserved His Word for our blessing. Please watch the Bible Project video for Genesis 1-11 from the PowerPoint slide. Knowing God: Our greatest treasure - Supplementary video links add another 7 Read Jeremiah 9:23-24. dimension to the • God is the One speaking to us as our Authority. who learning process and • The highest pursuit of life is to know God and to understand He is —help to reinforce lesson His lovingkindness, His justice, and His righteousness. material. 1. GOD REVEALS HIMSELF IN HIS WORD: ➥ As eternal. In th-deiBsbcluiepeegshiintgonhqliiungihcgkt:slyGheolpd “In the beginning God 7 ReamiddaeGninetinftyersueitsah1cah:1nl-de2s.istosn’s created the heavens GThoednaHlsoeunbce-reetraxuitsetthdesde. vinertyhtehibneggeinlsnein. g, before anything else. and the earth.” God: From everlasting to everlasting – Genesis 1:1 7 Read Psalm 90:2. - Thumbnails of selected PowerPoint slides God IS eternal — from everlasting to some key • NNNeoovbfeaertghbienornrnoin,rgnmoaonttdchreneroa;teseindmd, pwlyillenxeisvtesrodpdtfhioiHeesicinmlitepsssleseaolsfnnvd.ishuealpllytoindtroaw • • 14 Creation 3: God, In the Beginning
In the beginning: No angels/spirits or humans 7 Read Colossians 1:16. - Bible icons prompt • SGiondcecrGeoadtecdreaalltethdinagllsh—uminadanHinssedcaainvprdeeeansadlatlonfaodlnorgionetkhlEseua/msprptshier,livtvseis,sitbhleeyahnaddinavbiseibglienn— nothing. • 2. G➥OD AsRpreaaElsleVlsv-aapEgnAoetwsLS.SecrrHifpuItMluraSenEdLSFeIlNf-eHxIiSstWenOt.RD: God is Self-existing, meaning that He needs nothing to sustain His existence: not food, not air, not light — nothing! 7 Read Acts 17:25 and Colossians 1:16. • God created the angels/spirits, so they exist FOR Him. • They are also fully dependent on God since He created everything they need for survival. • God is all-powerful, needing no one and nothing. • Mankind is created by God and is dependent on Him for life, breath, and all things. • Angels are dependent on God because they were created by God and for God. 3. GOD REVEALS HIMSELF IN HIS WORD: ➥ As Supreme Spirit and everywhere present. • In Genesis 1:1-2 we see God as the Spirit who is “hovering over the waters”. • He is outside of His creation, separate from it, Self-sufficient, not needing anything. God: Everywhere present at all times 7 Read Jeremiah 23:23-24. • God fills the universe. He is always present, everywhere. Mankind: Limited - Bullets help to organize thoughts, • By time, space, and gravity make for easy reading, • By our need for light and shelter and encourage review. • In physical strength and intelligence • By disease, by death, and in our ability to heal • To being in only one place at one time Spirits: Limited • Created, and therefore unlike God • Only in one place at a time • Limited in strength and knowledge God: Supreme Spirit • Unlimited by time and space; always everywhere present • Never confined by physical restrictions • Never limited by darkness or distance Creation 3: God, In the Beginning 15
4. GOD REVEALS HIMSELF IN HIS WORD: ➥ As One, yet a Trinity. • The term ‘Trinity’ is never used in the Bible. • Yet the truth of the Trinity is revealed throughout Scripture. • The Hebrew word ELOHIM refers to God. • Genesis 1:1-2 speaks of only one God. In verse 2 He is called “the Spirit of God”. God: Three Persons in one Being — Father, Son, and Spirit • ‘Elohim’ = more than one Person within one Supreme Being. • The God of the Bible is One, but He exists, or is bound up, with Others. Elohim: • ‘Eloha’ (God, god) in Hebrew is singular. • ‘-im’ is plural. • So Genesis 1:1-2 is referring to more than one Person within one Supreme Being: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. » Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God [Elohim]…” » Genesis 1:2, “The Spirit of God [Elohim]...” God the Son 7 Read Hebrews 1:1-3a. God the Son is one with the Father and the Spirit: • The universe was created through the Son. • The Son is the radiance of God’s glory. • The Son is the exact representation of God’s being. • The Son’s powerful word sustains all things. The Son could not have these characteristics unless He Himself is fully God. God is One 7 Read Deuteronomy 6:4. • God the Father is not greater than God the Son, nor greater than God the Holy Spirit. • They are co-eternal, co-equal, unable to be divided — one Being. • The Three are One in power, in understanding, in character, in existence, etc. • One did not create the other Two. They are One, without beginning or end. - Each lesson’s main CONCLUSION/APPLICATION truth and sub-truths are repeated and TRUTH: GOD REVEALS HIMSELF IN HIS WORD: clearly identified. ➥ As eternal. ➥ As all-powerful and Self-existent. ➥ As Supreme Spirit and everywhere present. ➥ As One, yet a Trinity. 16 Creation 3: God, In the Beginning
Contrary beliefs a What beliefs are contrary to a God who is eternal, all-powerful, and Self-existent? (Example: We are god.) ________________________________________________________________________________ - Each discipe is encouraged to identify and a How do people try to manipulate or bribe God? (Example: If I pwrraiyte, Iocuatnadnyempearnsdonhaelalyling for myself and others.) held beliefs or cultural ______________________________________________________b_e_l_ie_fs__th_a_t_a_r_e_c_o_n_t_r_ar_y________ ______________________________________________________t_o_t_h_e_b_ib_l_ic_a_l_t_r_u_th_s_t_h_e_y_______ ______________________________________________________h_a_v_e_j_u_s_t _le_a_r_n_e_d_. ____________ a What beliefs are contrary to God being Supreme Spirit, everywhere present, and a Trinity? (Example: I can hide from God.) ________________________________________________________________________________ - They are also asked oIfuwr ethinosuigsthtosnahnodldbienlgieofsnthoavtheegsreeabteelrieafus,thwoeriatryethsaayninGgotdh’as towwen kWntoooonwrewdrbbaiitebbetlotidecuoart lwtHhntiarmunasttGehlloeft.adha;stt has stood out to them, Our response which they are ‘taking with them’. a What truth(s) are you taking with you from this lesson? ________________________________________________________________________________ ___H_o_w__d_o_e_s_k_n_o__w_in__g_t_h_is__tr_u_t_h_i_m_p_a_c_t_y_o_u__o_r_c_a_u_s_e_y_o_u__t_o_t_h_in_k__d_if_f_e_re_n_t_l_y_?-e_n‘_cS_oe_ul_fr-_ac_gh_ee_cr_ke_vq_iu_ewe_s_ta_ionnds’ help disciples to articulate, in writing, what they are learning. Self-check questions 1. What is the highest goal we can pursue in life? 2. Why does it matter that God is eternal, all-powerful, and Self-existent? 3. Why does it matter that God is Supreme Spirit and present everywhere? 4. What is the Trinity? 5. Is it possible to understand everything about God? What if we could understand everything about Him? See answers on page 241. Creation 3: God, In the Beginning 17
- These supplements go hand in hand with the 101 lesson material and are referenced within the lessons. TEST YOUR FOUNDATIONS KEY CHARTS SELF-CHECK ANSWERS
TEST YOUR FOUNDATIONS Please answer the following questions to determine your understanding of the foundational truths of the Bible. Feel free to answer as an individual, as a couple, or as a family. No one will be checking your work, but please ask for help if needed. Bible - ‘Test Your Foundations’ reveals to both disciples 1. What is the Bible, and how did it come into existence? and their disciplers where disciples are in their 2. What is the main theme of the Bible? foundational biblical understanding — showing what they know and what they still need to learn. 3. Why can you trust every word of the Bible? God 4. Was God created, did He create Himself at some point, or has He always existed? 5. Why is God your owner? What does that mean? 6. What are God’s thoughts about all sin? Why? 7. Why should I desire to be in fellowship with God? Test Your Foundations 225
Creation 8. How did everything in Heaven and on Earth come to be? 9. How does the theory of evolution go against the very nature of God and His Word? 10. In what ways was mankind created differently than the animals? What does that mean to you? 11. Why did God create everything? Spirits 12. How did Satan and his spirits come to be, and what is their goal today? 13. Where does the spirit live today of a person who has died? 14. What are the differences between Satan’s spirits (demons) and God’s spirits (angels)? Sin 15. How did sin come about, and what is it? 16. Why did God put the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden? 17. What were the results of Adam’s sin? 226 Test Your Foundations
The Saviour 18. Why is it important that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and not by a human father? 19. Why was it necessary for Jesus to die to pay for your sin, rescue you from Satan’s control, and put an end to God’s wrath? 20. Why is it also important that Jesus rose from the dead? Results of Jesus’ death and resurrection 21. If you died today and stood before God, what would you say to Him as to why He should let you into Heaven? 22. Is everyone on Earth a child of God, and are we all going to Heaven? Why or why not? 23. What is the similarity between how those in the Old Testament dealt with their sin and how we deal with our sin today? 24. Is it possible to know for sure, right now, that your sins are forgiven? Why or why not? Establish 101 will answer these questions and more. If you miss any lessons, please watch them online at Test Your Foundations 227
GOSPELS END TIMES FFoouuEsnntabddlisaahettdiiooinnnChaarisllt D–DEiimsspccowiipperlleeed --toMMDisaacipkkleiinngg their implications. for disciples to review a quick reference tool- ‘Key Charts’ provide CHURCH LEADERSHIP foundational truths and 228 UNITY IN CHRIST 108. 1 THESSALONIANS & REVELATION – End Times – spend time considering PAST & PRESENT GRACE Incentive to live today in light of God’s eternal plan for His POSITION IN CHRIST Church and the world GOSPELS – What is a Disciple? – Christ’s THE CHURCH 107. 1 TIMOTHY & TITUS – Church Leadership – definition of a disciple, and how to IDENTITY IN CHRIST Instructions for the Church, focusing on the characteristics personally engage with Him through the GOSPEL FOUNDATIONS and responsibilities of its leaders study of the Bible 106. 1 CORINTHIANS – Unity in Christ – Learning to live as the body of Christ, in unity, in purity, and separate Key Chart 1 from the world 105. EPHESIANS – Past & Present Grace – Our union with Christ, our position in Him, and His provision for us in all of life 104. ROMANS – Position in Christ – Our justification through Christ alone and His ongoing work of sanctification in our lives 103. ACTS – The Church – God's design for His Church, instruction on the work of the Holy Spirit, and a study of the leaders in the early Church 102. GENESIS TO JOHN – Identity in Christ – Believers’ identity in the finished work of Christ, and the work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament 101. GENESIS TO JOHN – Gospel Foundations – Who God is, man’s sinful position before God, and God’s rescue plan by repentance and faith through the finished work of Christ
Key Chart 2 GOD Humanity Angels Eternal – has always existed Had a beginning Had a beginning – without beginning or end Limited: we need God Have a body and are limited Limited: they need God All-powerful and Self-existent – needs nothing Spirit, but unlike God – created with glory Supreme Spirit – inherent glory Everywhere present at all times One place at a time One place at a time One, yet a Trinity: Father, Son, Spirit 227 Creation ?? One person/being – three Persons in one Being One person/being tLhimroituegdhkwnaotAwchnleigndeggelGs,ogdaiantewd ork All-knowing: puenGrdfOeecrDsttkannodwinlgedge, wisdom, and tLhimroituegdhkenHxopuwemrleiedangnceei,tgyained Unlike God Exist by God’s design, for His Absolutely holy: perfectly Unlike God purposes and His glory righteous, pure, and just – fall short of His perfection Unlike God Exist by God’s design, for His Creator, absolute Owner, purposes and His glory perfect Ruler and Judge over all Unlike God Orderly, consistent, and purposeful in all He does Source and Sustainer of ALL life Have life because of God alone Have life because of God alone Provider who wants us to thrive Dependent on God for227 Creation?? Dependent on God for everything everything Always loves in perfect wisdom Fail in our love Unlike God Sovereign/supreme – will not share – inherently selfish His glory with any other Under the absolute authority Under the absolute authority of God of God Merciful and gracious Pursues relationship 229
Key Chart 3 Key Chart 4 230
Key Chart 5A Key Chart 5B Key Chart 5C 231
Key Chart 6B Key Chart 6A Key Chart 6C 232
Key Chart 7A Key Chart 7B 233
Key Chart 7C Key Chart 7D 234
2315Key Chart 8 235
Key Chart 9 236
Key Chart 10 237
Key Chart 11 238
Key Chart 12 239
SELF-CHECK ANSWERS The following answers go along with the Self-check questions at the end of each lesson. Creation 1 - Answers to all self- 1. Most people only know bits and pieces of the Biblceh’sectekaqcuheinsgtiso,nasndartehey are not taught it in the order that God revealed it. supplied to help disciples 2. We need to start at the beginning and allow God troevpiuewt taongedthtoesrtHreisnsgttohreynfor us, one piece at a time. their understanding of 3. God is the central theme of the Bible; it tells us ‘Htish-estloersys’ofnrommaHteirsiapel.rspective. 4. We should allow the Bible to speak for itself by comparing one passage to another (Scripture to Scripture). By doing this, the Bible will define its own words and will make clear its interpretations. 5. God is the only reliable witness to tell us what things were like in the beginning because He was the only one in existence “in the beginning”. Creation 2 1. God directed these men in their writing, and all of their writings agree perfectly. 2. There is only ½ % variation in the thousands of copies of New Testament manuscripts, and the differences are all minor. Archeology finds also back up facts that we read in the Bible. 3. The Bible gives hundreds of detailed prophecies that have all proven true. The odds of one man fulfilling only eight prophecies is 1 in 1017, yet Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies. 4. God is the Author of the Bible because He — God the Holy Spirit — is the One who directed men precisely in what they were to write. 5. The Bible is the truth that comes from God — absolute truth. This means that is is objective (true no matter what), constant and unchanging, and universal for all people of all times. Creation 3 1. The highest thing we can pursue in life is to know and understand God — His love, justice, and righteousness. 2. God has all power to keep His Word. He doesn’t depend on us, and no one can stop His plans from happening. His truth and promises will have no end. 3. God sees all things and knows all things; there is no power anywhere that can outsmart Him or out-do Him. 4. The Trinity refers to Elohim, God as Three-in-One: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, all co-eternal and co-equal. They are One in power, in understanding, in character, and in existence. They each have different roles, but all for the same goal and purposes. 5. No, we cannot fully understand God. If we could, it would mean that we were equal to Him, meaning that He would not be a true God at all. We are limited; He is unlimited, supreme over all. 240 Self-Check Answers
Interested in becoming a disciple-maker using the Establish Series resources? We’d love to help equip you! Reach out to [email protected] to explore available options for your church, small group, or individual ministry. 241
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