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Home Explore P-TECH Seminar

P-TECH Seminar

Published by katemaloney, 2019-06-06 09:39:22

Description: P-TECH Seminar


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July 17, 2019 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 2634 Goff Road, Corning

AGENDA 8:30 – 9:00 Registration 9:00 – 9:45 Opening Remarks Rob Sherburne, Principal, STEM Academy 9:50 – 10:35 Session 1 (choose 1) • Motivating Learners through Gamification • Creating College & Career Ready Students • Student Driven Learning Environment** 10:45 – 11:30 Session 2 (choose 1) • Motivating Learners through Gamification • Personalized Learning in the Math Classroom • Student Driven Learning Environment** **If you attend one of these sessions, you must attend Session 3 11:30 – 12:30 Lunch (on your own) 12:30 – 1:15 Session 3 (choose 1) • Standards-Based Report Cards • Creating College & Career Ready Students • Student Driven Learning Environment** 1:25 – 2:15 Session 4 (choose 1) • Standards-Based Report Cards • Personalized Learning in the Math Classroom • Cross-Curriculum Connections 2:15 – 3:00 Closing Reflection

SESSION DESCRIPTIONS Motivating Learners through Gamification Instructor: This session will incorporate strategies for motivating Melissa Houck students through gamifying aspects of the classroom. Several modes of gamification strategies will be Session 1 or 2 explored such as: Kahoot, Classcraft, and Breakout EDU. Participants will be actively engaged in games during this session. Creating College & Career Ready Students Professional Skills Rubric, Workplace Learning, Ownership and Growth Mindset Instructors: Participants will have a unique opportunity to learn from Meaghan Krazinski & the STEM Academy's research and experiences in Melissa Woodward readying students for early college and supporting them in becoming career-ready. Gain valuable insights into Session 1 or 3 what skills local employers are looking for, and how to facilitate opportunities for students to grow in their professional skills. Topics addressed will include, workplace learning, promoting student ownership of academics, growth mindset, and helping students foster self-awareness. Participants will leave with a Professional Skills rubric that they can take back to their class. Student Driven Learning Environment Inquiry Instructor: This session will include examples of and strategies for Emily Mehlenbacher using inquiry based instruction in a secondary classroom. Participants will leave with a better understanding of the Session 1or 2 inquiry based learning model observing it in action - includes a student within a live classroom. Participants will also have piece with US access to multiple inquiry-based resources for multiple History and content areas. Government Class Session 3 - Must attend in US History Gov. Lab

SESSION DESCRIPTIONS Cross-Curriculum Connections Instructor: This session focuses on the importance of continually Emily Mehlenbacher making cross curricular connections between all content areas, the importance of co planning and co Session 4 grading, and the value of a campus wide cohesive approach to literacy instruction. In addition, participants will discuss strategies to improve cross- curricular connections. Standards-Based Report Cards Learning Targets, Learning Goals Instructor: In this session, participants will see the benefits of Melissa Houck standards-based grading in the secondary classroom. We will discover how to focus the classroom around Session 3 or 4 standards and goals rather than just the product of a grade. Participants are welcome to ask questions about standards based grading to the instructor who has been implementing it in the secondary classroom. Personalized Learning in the Math Classroom Flipped Classroom, Others Supports Instructors: Participants will learn how to personalize learning in Meaghan Krazinski & the high school mathematics classroom. Topics will Cindy Jenkins include: the journey to implementing a flipped classroom, embedding independent mathematical Session 2 or 4 modeling and study skills in classroom routines, using flexible grouping and peer supports to create a more equitable classroom, and using technology to foster self-paced learning. Register today through PD Tracker or contact Nannette Hatch at (607) 739-3581, ext. 2323 or